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tv   Fox Report Sunday  FOX News  December 11, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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anyway, thanks for watching. we'll see you next week. same time, same place, it'll be me.tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt >> check him out. ridiculous, that's what president-elect donald trump has to say about the cia findings that russia interfered in the presidential election. as we enter a new week, this is the issue that appears to be heating up. here's what we do know. 17 u.s. intelligence agencies have concluded russia's hacking of political organizations including the democratic national committee was an attempt to undermine the electoral process and with officials going further saying russia's goal was to help donald trump, mr. trump is pushing back hard. in an exclusive interview with chris wallace he called it ridiculous. >> you say you don't know why.
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do you think the cia is trying to overturn the results of the election to weaken you in office. >> if you look at the story and you look at what they said, there's great confusion. nobody really knows. hacking is very interesting. once they hack if you don't catch them in the act you're not gonna catch them. they don't know if it's russia or china or somebody sitting in a bed someplace. they have no idea. >> kristen who does mr. trump think was behind the hacking? >> reporter: mr. trump says that he doesn't know and neither does the intelligence community. >> you read the stories, the various stories, they're disputing and certain groups don't necessarily agree. personally it could be russia. i don't really think it is, but who knows? i don't know either. they don't know and i don't know. >> reporter: adding to the confusion is the washington post report that says the cia and fbi
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are not on the same page in terms of their assessment of russia's motives. the cia believes that russia was actively trying to help trump win and the fbi so far has not been ready to make that leap. one thing they're in agreement though is that russia was likely behind it, something the president elect continues to question. >> president obama and democrats had called for a full investigation but now some republicans are getting in on that too. do we know why? >> reporter: we do. it was two prominent republicans, senator john mccain and lindsay graham. they issued a statement that reads in part our democratic institutions have been targeted. recent reports of russian interference in our election should alarm for every american. they are calling for an investigation into russia's role in this election. here is senator cain.
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>> it's clear the russians interfered. whether they intended to the degree they were trying to elect a certain candidate that's subject to investigation. >> the goal is to find out how sentenextensive it and come up conclusions how to stop it. >> reporter: mr. trump's incoming chief of staff says the president elect will support this investigation but he wants to look at all the possible culprits like china and not just russia. >> thank you. the president elect is also talking about his cabinet, specifically his secretary of state choice. he did so during that fox news sunday exclusive. even with the widely reported choice this weekend of a businessman for the job, we don't know the final choice yet. the transition team is not showing its cards. >> have you settled on a secretary of state? >> i'm getting very close. i'm getting very very close.
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>> do you know who it's going to be? >> i just have -- i have someone in mind that i think would be really fabulous. i think we're going to have one of the greatest cabinets ever put together. >> reporter: brian is outside trump tower right now. the president elect kept his options open, but senators are expressing concerns about mr. tillerson from exxonmobil. >> reporter: there are two points of contention with tillerson becoming secretary of state. one is his close ties with russia and the russian president vladimir putin and his lack of formal diplomatic experience. mr. trump and his team claim that tillerson would make a great secretary of state precisely because of his close ties with foreign nations. as ceo of exxonmobil for many years they have close
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relationships with world leaders and this is a skill set mr. trump believes he could put to use as the nation's top diplomat. >> it's been a company that's been unbelievably managed and to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players. he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. he does massive deals for the company. i have tremendous respect for him. >> reporter: despite tillerson being widely seen as a front-runner, mr. trump added to the suspense tweeting today whether i choose him or not he is a world class player and deal maker. stay tuned. mr. tillerson could have a tough road to senate confirmation. republicans have expressed concerns over tillerson and his ties to russian president vladimir putin. tillerson was given the order of friendship award by puttin in
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2013 and he has brokered million dollar deals with russian companies. being a friend of vladimir is not an atry butte i'm hoping for from secretary of state and today john mccain expressed concern. >> it's a matter of concern that he had a close personal relationship with vladimir putin and obviously they've done enormous deals together that that would color his approach to vladimir putin and the russian threat, but that is a matter of concern. we will give him his chance. >> reporter: trump's team says we can expect an announcement as early as this week. >> i know president elect spoke for the first time about receiving his presidential daily briefings. what did you learn? >> reporter: well, president elect trump telling chris wallace for the first time he's admitted that he doesn't read the presidential daily briefings every day because he feels like
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he doesn't need to and they do contain highly classified information. we'll listen to what he said to chris wallace. >> first of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings and if something should change from this point immediately call me. i'm available on one minute's notice. i don't have to be told -- i'm a smart person. i don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day for the next eight years. >> reporter: mr. trump says he trusts that his generals and vice president elect mike pence will alert him if necessary because they receive these reports daily as well. >> thank you. one man whose had a lot to say about these developments is on the president elect's list for secretary of state position or maybe as we're hearing deputy secretary. former embassador to the united nations john bolton is here with
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me in studio. you had an off-camera response to the daily briefings that donald trump says, well, you know i can be there in a moment's notice but he's not going to get them every day. >> i was accused when i was under secretary of state of consuming too much intelligence, that i like to look at the actual summeries of intercepts and people worried i was doing the job of the intelligence analysts not simply accepting their conclusions to which i plead guilty. there's always a trade off between time and the amount you know, but to the extent there are extra hours in the day i'd say pile it on. >> so you think the president should look at those? >> i think he's going to do whatever he's going to do. i know what i would do which is you can't give me too much. >> i want to go now to what we started this hour with and that's the president pushing back on the notion -- not notion, the findings of 17
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different looks at, researches if you will by the cia that the russians played a role in trying to tinker with our electoral process. the president elect says that absolutely didn't happen. you raised an issue that's making news on this sunday, one of the reasons i wanted to bring you in, you called it a false flag which means that somebody in our own government would have done the tinkering to make it look like the russians did it. what did you mean? that's a huge accusation. >> false flag in the sense that the conclusion that the russians did it is arrived at too easily. it's when somebody goes in and does something clan destined and leaves evidence behind to point to somebody else. let's take the comparison to hillary's server and whether foreign intelligence got access to that and the dnc, rnc hacks on the other. james comey says we have no
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evidence that foreign intelligence got into hillary's sever, but we didn't expect to find it. >> they don't get county. >> right. over on the dnc and rnc hacks they do leave behind finger prints. answer this question. russians run their smart intelligence services against hillary's sever and run their dumb intelligence severs to leave clues on the rnc and dnc. >> the fact that there are 17 different conclusions, these different reports, that doesn't sway you? >> the fact is anybody who is outside the circle of knowledge about this can't really address it definitely which is why an investigation makes sense. when you are trying to judge is it a false flag versus a real operation, it's not just where
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the electr rons are inside the computer. the russians are trying to influence the election. why would they allow clues to be left that the target they're trying to defeat to use it against the person they're trying to undermine. i don't get the logic of why they failed to understand that in moscow. >> you have president elect on one side and cia on the other, how rare is that? >> i don't think it's rare at all. presidents and agencies can disagree quite a bit. i think the responsibility will fall to mike pom ppeoompeo. >> let's move on to the secretary of state pick now, the list that you've been on for a while now and it was down to four and it's up to ten or
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whatever, but this weekend we saw -- we saw a lot of chatter and it looked like maybe an announcement would come, it had to do with exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson. i want to talk with you about what the job demands because the criticism has been twofold. one, his qualifications don't match the job and, two, his ties to russia are oppositional to what we should be seeking in a secretary of state. take each of those if you would. >> i've tried not to get into the discussion of who's qualified and who's not qualified and who's better qualified than somebody else. i think that trying to do that really amounts to campaigning in public and i'm old school enough to think that that shouldn't happen. so at the risk of sending all of our viewers to the golf channel -- >> you're not going to comment on that part. what about the second part though with russia? >> i think everybody's got ties
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to different parts of the world with different leaders. i think the question is do you have a strategic understanding of where america's interests lie, vis-a-vis russia and i think our strategic interests are in conflict in many parts of the world and i think russia's conduct this possible interference in the election is a good example. if, and i underline the word if, russia in fact knowingly tried to interfere in the american election that is a direct assault on our constitution and it's not merely unacceptable, it requires retaliation. retaliation painful enough to russia that not only they never try it again, but nobody else thinks about it either. >> all right. deputy secretary of state, if it comes up, would you take that job? >> i'm just not going to comment on any of this. >> we've known each other for years. i should have known you would say that. good to see you. thanks for coming on. >> good to see you, even if
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largely silent. >> you talk all the time. don't miss chris wallace's interview on fox news sunday. it airs again tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here. thanks again embassador. >> thank you. we're following a situation in florida, a report that staff at a veteran's affairs hospital is accused of having left the body of a veteran in the shower for nine hours. the tampa bay times is reporting what an internal investigation has now found. we'll get into it minutes from now. live on capitol hill right now, things are changing inside that capital building. the balance of power just tilted further to the right in one chamber with a victory by republicans. you're watching the "fox
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i was becoming my father. [ clears throat ] it's...been an adjustment, but we're making it work. you know, makes it easy for us to get the right home insurance. [ snoring ] progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto. [ chuckles ] all right. republicans just extended their hold on the u.s. senate. john kennedy from louisiana won
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the nation's final open seat in a run-off election this weekend. republicans now hold a 52-48 edge over democrats when the new term begins next year. garrett reports from washington on the changes on the balance of power from capitol hill. >> reporter: there are a lot of folks at home who have been waiting for the 2016 elections to be over with and this was one of the final chapters we've been waiting on. in louisiana this was the year of the outsider. john kennedy was a heavy favorite, the one time democrat ran on his reputation of an anti-establishment candidate. last night at his victory rally he told supporters he's going to washington to fight for them. >> there are no state issues in the world we live in today and there are no state and federal issues. there's just issues. if any single louisianan has a problem, whether it's at the state level or the local level or the federal level, it's my
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problem. >> reporter: the democratic candidate former state senator campbell tried to paint kennedy as a flip-flopper for switching parties but voters were more focussed on the presidential election. kennedy was an supporter of donald trump. president elect trump won the state by 20 points and he returned to the state on friday to campaign for kennedy. that's partly why democrats viewed this race as a long shot and left their candidate on his own. with a win republicans are now celebrating one final victory for this election season and an important one that expands the gop majority in the senate giving them a 52-48 edge over democrats. tragedy at a church, some 160 worshippers died when the roof caved in. the hospitals are said to be overflowing with victims. worshippers say the construction of the building and roof had been rushed to get it down.
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niger nigeria's government says it will investigate. a va hospital is reeling from a bombshell report. a findings that staffers mishandled the remains of a veteran, left him in a shower for nine hours. how the facility is responding and this. we are touring the windy city. >> heavy snowfall hitting a chunk of the country. we'll cover the massive storm
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now to the situation at a veteran affairs hospital in florida. an investigation has found the body of a veteran was left in a shower for nine hours and the staff tried to cover it up. we don't know his name. we do know he died in hospice
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care in february. according to the report, the request to remove the remains to the morgue were not handled correctly so it didn't happen. once the staff figured out the problem, they allegedly lied about what happened. the hospital says it is retraining the staff, but is not saying whether anyone will be fired. because of confidentiality rules we might not learn more at this point and all this comes as problems continue to plague our va facilities across america and lawmakers and officials work to clean up mismanagement within the department. extreme weather alert now. the winter storm that dumped a foot of snow in minnesota are hitting indiana, illinois. so far 1,400 flights out of chicago have been cancelled. it's still snowing there, but officials are confident they can get the streets cleared quickly. >> we will be out all night long ensuring whatever falls this afternoon is gone and again it
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will be a normal school start, normal start to the work week. >> robert gray is following this from our west coast newsroom. robert. >> reporter: thanks. one big snow blanket across the great lakes region and extending into the northeast. there's a winter storm warning in effect in chicago. you mentioned the air travel it's getting snarled and starting to spread. in chicago more than about 1,500 flights have been cancelled at the airports and many more delays, snowy streets the scene of nearly 100 accidents and when the snow leaves the midwest and other areas can look forward to temperatures as much as 30 degrees below average. >> it's cold outside too. i actually have more on usually than i'm wearing right now, but it's still very very cold. >> reporter: meanwhile the massive snowstorm is effecting a number of nfl games today and
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the fantasy football playoffs. look at the fans here tailgating in the snow. the nfl green bay packers beating the seattle seahawks. snowy games in cleveland and buffalo. both those home teams lost. in detroit they are still getting hit. the brunt of the snow in michigan, they're expected to get eight inches. the lions play indoors but they have trouble there as well. the start of another season with winter just around the corner. >> the snow is nice for about a month and then after that, not so much. i'll take like some cali weather. >> reporter: we're going to dip down below 60 degrees tonight. >> i'm going to imagine the decision to put you outside on a sunny day while covering a winter storm was ironic. we'll move on. thank you.
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terror erupting in egypt as a bomb went off outside a church killing multiple people. now officials saying who they believe is responsible for what happened there. much of aleppo syria is already in ruins, but the fighting there may only get worse. i talked with the u.n. special envoy to syria about what needs to happen to put an end to the massive life destruction and bloodshed there. he has a lot to say to president-elect donald trump and the incoming trump administration. >> this is aleppo. look at the red spots. >> fighting. >> red spots, this is by satellite. the red spots are what has been totally destroyed in the city which is
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this was breaking news last night. violent attacks in egypt and turkey this weekend and now we know they've left more than 60 people dead. in egypt a bombing at a church in ciaro, most of the victims were women and children and turkey declaring a national day of mourning after two explosions yesterday, 50 people were killed there. security forces near a stadium were the actual target. >> reporter: the turmoil that
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has plagued the region for decades, claiming more lives this weekend. the church is home to egypt's small community. at least 25 people were killed. egypt has seen a wave of violence since the coup that removed the former president. the current military regime blames the ousted brotherhood for the attack but it runs deeper and the president is facing criticism for his handling of the economy and the security situation. violence also striking in turkey. on saturday night attacks were carried out on a police station outside a soccer stadium in an upscale area and 38 people were killed and more than 150 were wounded. the bombings are just the latest in a string of violence that has hit turkey in the last 18 months. turkey marking a day of mourning
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today and turkish president vowing he will defeat terrorism. trump's team is expecting to meet tomorrow. video from aleppo, slayria has been heart breaking now. the civil war in its fifth year and 400,000 people dead and 4 million refugees and the current obama administration has been taking criticism for its handling of that war but special envoy there is optimistic ahead of talking face to face with members of the incoming administration. i met him at the u.n. here is that interview. >> this will be a challenge for president elect trump that's why i hope forgive me for using this word he may want to use the trump card of actually wanting to realize that it's not fighting daesh but also together with president puttin, together with everyone else, findings a solution for syria which goes
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beyond just winning isis today while we are talking we are desperately trying to make sure there is a deal, a deal in which people who don't want to stay in this fighting, the civilians, can move out and there are many, and the fighters to actually leave and therefore avoid the end of the battle. >> are you confident that we can reach a deal like that with russia under the current administration? >> about aleppo? yes. because that's what's been discussed while we're talk not guilty geneva between the teams sent there and we are part of it and i think there's a common interest certainly by russia to avoid we have a catastrophic end. >> it seems like every scenario that you lay out leaves syria's president bashar assad in power. why? >> many people have been supporting him in syria, no doubt.
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otherwise he would have had the army like it happened in libya. secondly because they don't want many people in syria ending up with isil and they've been watching what has been happening in iraq or particularly in libya. last, because he has been strongly effectively militarily supported by russia and by iran. i hope you don't dream at night even the possibility after five, six years of war like this one, 400,000 people killed, 4 million refugees, 10 million displaced, you think we can go back and say it was a bad period. you need, if you want to think that the future of syria includes you as you have the right to think because many syrians are supporting you, to look for a comprehensive, inclusive new type of government where others will be included.
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>> where has the current administration made mistakes? >> you think can i be frank with you? >> i hope you will be. >> i will. we all have made terrible mistakes. when i say we all, including the u.n. security council, which didn't get together, the international community which could have intervened much earlier. there were moments when the issue could have been resolved, but there is still an opportunity now while we're talking to look at what can be avoided still. forgive for using a medical example, the best time for avoiding a tragedy is preventing the disease and the best second time is to catch the disease very early, five years ago, not now. now it's being metastasized and now we have to save the patients and reduce the pain. >> so you heard the special envoy say daesh. that's for the islamic state savages and they hate that name
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so he uses it all the time. he says we should to. he told me that the time to act is nearly up. he says syria needs a solution before christmas in his estimation. his prediction is without that urgent timing 500,000 will die and he cannot wait to talk with members of the trump team, that's scheduled for tomorrow. we'll cover as that happens. stay tuned for after this hour of fox report for a special episode of exploring the overlooked contribution of african-american soldiers who fought in the revolutionary war. we'll get a special preview from bill o'reilly. bill is coming on in minutes. the country losing a true american hero this week with the passing of legendary astronaut and senator john glenn. how his hometown is honoring him right now tonight. stay close.
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john glenn's hometown church in new concord, ohio is remembering him with a candlelight vigil right now. he was a lifetime member of that church. it's one of the many ways he is being honored right now. his body will lie in the building on friday. a service will be held the following day. john glenn an all-american hero died last thursday at the age of 95 and there is a new movie
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called the "hidden figures" and his story of becoming an astrosnaut a astronaut and going to the moon and in particular the black women who stood behind him. you should see it. fascinating. the president elect is sp k speaking with chris wallace. you can catch that tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. when i ran everybody knew i was a big owner of real estate all over the world. i'm not going to have anything to do with the management of company. when you say real estate, that's not like selling stock. i am going to have nothing to do with it. i don't care about it anymore. >> and i understand he just tweeted about that. he'll be watching at 10:00 p.m. we're told. one of the business leaders in question is hitting too close to home. washington's newest luxury hotel is located on pennsylvania avenue right now mr. trump's
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future residence. the white house and henry, more now on mr. trump's business ties. >> reporter: it's not just vice president elect mike pence using the new trump international hotel as a back drop for major events. >> we truly do believe that our president elect has secured a mandate for leadership. >> reporter: while there's no mandate to stay at mr. trump's washington hotel many are doing so anyway. on wednesday it was the government of bahrain holding their reception here amid reports that delegations from various foreign countries are snapping up pricey rooms less than a mile from the white house. one asian diplomat telling "the washington post" why wouldn't i stay at the hotel so i can tell the president i love your hotel. isn't it rude to come to your city and saying i'm staying at your competitor.
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>> they are saying we're going to see the president and when we see him we want to say you have a wonderful hotel there. he is profiting from this and it creates conflicts of interest. >> reporter: at issue is a clause of the constitution which bars u.s. government officials from accepting gifts from foreign powers without congressional approval. in addition from the government of bahrain pouring money into the coffers, mr. trump declared he distanced himself from the business and made sure his children take on a bigger role in the trump organization as he and his daughter ivanka said it paled in comparison to government. >> this is so much more important and more serious and so that's the focus. >> i think what ivanka is trying to say, who cares. who cares. this is big league stuff.
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this is -- this is our country. our country is going bad. we're going to save our country. i don't care about hotel occupancy. it's peanuts compared to what we're doing. >> reporter: with the president elect promising a december 15th news conference where he'll officially turn over the business to his children and government dprougroups are suggg that's not enough and the family should get out of the business. >> this is a dangerous area and hopefully he'll see it. >> reporter: while ivanka trump and her father said she and he r siblings would take on a bigger role, there are no reports that ivanka and her husband jared are moving to washington raising questions about how this will work. in washington, fox news. in washington, fox news.
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when this war is over, i'm gonna be a free man. and you will be back in chains. >> all men are created equal. even them that we're fighting for. >> that is actually a look at tonight's special episode of ledge ends and lives. it's coming up after the fox report. here to talk to us about it is bill o'reilly. bill, are you with us? >> yes. >> i understand you used your research combined with the knowledge of leading experts. what exactly were you looking for and what did you find? >> well, this is a special three arch part of the demise, three episodes. we were successful last summer with the series on the patriots and the american revolution.
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now we have our freedom. one of the things that you know i'm a historian and write history books i was fascinated war which has really not been reported upon very much. so our research shows that the colonies were about 50/50. 50 wanted to stay with britain and 50 wanted to break away. but in the african-american community, it was heavily break away. the free blacks and escaped slaves signed up with washington's army and were very effective, and that is tonight's episode. >> is there anything that you can share with us that really surprised you as you were doing your research? >> what surprised us was that you would feel that blacks taken from africa and transported to the united states -- it wasn't
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the united states then. it was the united colonies. in a very brutal way i wouldn't want to have anything to do with either side. after thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence, many blacks rallied around that and said if we can get independence here, eventually we'll be free. and that's exactly what happened. so that was the rallying cry for the blacks to support george washington and the colonial army. >> talk to me a little bit about that story arc that you mentioned because this is in three parts. does it build? is it episodic? how does it work? >> it's three separate. the christmas eve one is the great victory that washington had at trenton crossing the delaware and surprising the british troops in trenton. tremendous story. then the valley forge one, again, an amazing -- people don't understand the suffering of the washington army, what they had to go through to defeat
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the most powerful army in the world, the british. and so these last three concentrate on the heroism and the real intense fight that led to our freedom. >> you know, it's interesting, i saw this movie last night called "hidden figures" and it looks at the early time period for jonathan glen who just passed away, john glenn, the astronaut. we're losing some of our heros now. so, bill, to look back at our history and gain more of a sense of who our heros have been and to add to that pool is a really great thing. >> well that's an excellent point and i like your phrase, add to that pool. many minorities feel alienated from america and they don't feel that this country was created for them, and that's not true. we have a system that isn't perfect, and certainly the civil war was the apex of that, but minorities should know that
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we're all in this together. and we want to put on episodes like "legends and lies" and show the heroism of blacks and how they contributed to our freedom because people don't know it. they're not taught any of this in school. they're not taught anything about history anymore. it's a shame. that's why "legends and lies" has been so successful. >> was executive producer of the series, you do so much already, you're writing books, you're on the air. your numbers are huge on cable television and beyond. people love to have you on as a guest and broadcast. i'm going to love on you a little bit. you didn't have to do this so you must have seen a need for this. >> there is a tremendous need, particularly on younger americans to understand the country. it hurts me when i see a colin kaepernick kneel down during the national anthem because i don't think mr. kaepernick has a clue about america and what it has
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accomplished over the years, freeing billions of people with a "b," worldwide. and yes, we're not a perfect country, but we're the best that there is. that's why "legends and lies" is produced. we have the civil war coming up in late spring. that's why i write the book. that's why i do the factor. it all ties into we are a noble nation. >> we'll be learning as we watch along with you. i watch your twitter feed so i look for your anecdotes. bill, always good to talk to you. >> thank you for having me. >> again "legends and lies" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern in about five and a half minutes right here on fnc. a deputy to the rescue. >> i'd rather approach a gang of bank robbers, to be honest with you, than have to do cpr again. i was probably more scared than the mother was. >> so what do you do when you
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save a life? you get talked about a lot, especially when it's caught on camera. stay with us.
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♪ this artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. come on artoo! ♪ artoo! welcome to the rebellion. ♪ this is for you. duracell and children's miracle network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. run away! [ grunts ] leave him! leave him! [ music continues ]
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brick and mortar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. that's what you get for bundling home and auto! jamie! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we're gonna live forever! it's the holidays. a grouchy customer turned into a full-on grinch. the person left a note at a florida restaurant claiming the christmas music this ewere playing was too religious. the manager begged to differ. >> it's about celebration of family, gathering with friends and people. it's a tradition. it's not about a religion or anything else. i am a christian but i don't push that as my agenda. i think that christmas is christmas. >> other restaurant goers say they don't have an issue with the tune. the customer's note has gone
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viral, generating hundreds of comments online. i read a few. he should have used an eraser. i'm sure he's feeling it now. in florida a community is honoring a deputy after a fill-in shift at a tax collector's office turned into a life or death situation. a frantic mom put her baby in his arms. the child had stopped breathing. he jumped into action performing cpr on that baby, no doubt saving his life. >> the overwhelming responsibility of this job is never understood until you have a baby like corey in your arms and he's not breathing. >> i'll just say thank you because i really didn't know that he had the training. so thank you. and he's saying thank you as well. >> they are so resilient. look at that little one, amazing. that's how fox reports on this sunday december 11, 2016. i'm harris faulkner. thank you for watching. it's been a busy hour. i'll be back with you at
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noneastern for "out numbered." in a second "legends and lies" now.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d. >> even the leaders, too. >> that's right. >> "fox news sunday" is next. i'm chris wallace. today, the trump way. we go on the road with president-elect trump for his first sunday show interview since winning the election. >> the cia has concluded that russia intervened in the election to help you win the presidency. >> we'll take you behind the scenes for an all-access look at a day in the life of the trump transition. >> now let's go to election night. you were prepared to lose. >> and as he makes his unofficial debut as commander in chief at the army/navy game. >> we sit down at trump tower to discuss the big decisions he's


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