tv Hannity FOX News December 13, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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look inward, can i be more. richard from louisiana, should be required reading for all high school students and on it goes. thank you all for reading it. we'll see you tomorrow at 9:00. good night. tonight -- >> russia is trying to influence our elections dates back to the so yet union. >> sore liberals are pushing the narrative that russia helped donald trump win the election. president-elect trump officially taps exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson to be secretary of state. lou dobbs is here to way in. and president obama plays up racial division while donald trump meets with african-american leaders, the reverend darrell scott and jim brown met with the president-elect today. all of that and ainsley earhardt
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on the question of whether ivanka will join her dad's administration. tonight, president-elect trump continues his thank you tour. we'll have highlights for you later in the show. but first, sore loser democrats continue to push the idea that russia helped the republicans win the election. that's tonight's open monologue. liberals keep playing up the narrative that russia has hacked and helped donald trump with his electoral victory over hillary clinton despite conflicting views on the issue of intelligence from the cia and the fbi. now the left wing is running wild with reports saying that the cia without concrete or new evidence, they think now that russian hackers influenced the election all in favor of donald trump. that's a conspiracy. now democrats and the abusively biassed alt-left mainstream media is pushing the cia's
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assessment as an undeniable fact. you need to know the truth. it is not. the fbi has reached a much different conclusion than the cia because they have not found conclusive evidence that russia was trying to assist donald trump in any way. reuters is reporting that america's top spy agency, the office of the director of the national intelligence is not embracing the cia's conclusions either. why? there's a lack of evidence. instead of accepting the facts on all of this and telling you the american people the truth, the left, led by president obama, continue to repeat false hoods. motive? to delegitimize president-elect donald trump. now for president obama he's does a flip-flop on the potential of the election in america being interfered with. you may remember back in october, this is president obama mocking donald trump for raising concerns about fairness in an election. watch this. >> the larger point that i want
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to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even -- you could even rig america's elections. and so i'd advise mr. trump to stop whining and go make a case to get votes. >> who's whining now. so only after donald trump won, well now president obama saying that yes, outside forces could have influenced the election. take a look at the hypocrisy from the president. this was on "the daily show" last night. >> russia trying to influence or elections dates back to the soviet union. what they did here, hacking some e-mails and releasing them is not a particularly fancy brand of espionage or propaganda. we were, frankly, more concerned
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in the run-up to the election to the possibility of vote tampering which we did not see evidence of and were confident that we could guard against. >> remember last week i said they were not your friends. obama is not donald trump's friend. in the same entire view president obama took the it further by alleging that president-elect trump has direct ties to russia. let's take a look. you had what was very clear relationships between members of the president-elect's campaign team and russians. and a professed shared view on a bunch of issues. >> now when it comes to working with the russians, president obama clearly has a pretty short
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memory. you may remember when he was caught on a hot mike saying this to the prime minister dimitri med da va back in 2012. >> after my election i have -- [ inaudible ] >> as long as we're talking about the issue of interfering in elections, the obama administration know a lot about that too. remember the congressional investigation they found back in 2014 an israeli political group used$300,000 obama grant to try to defeat benjamin netanyahu. president obama pretends to be outraged over the hacking and outrage, he's done next to nothing on cybersecurity in the entire eight years he's been president. since 2012 hackers have attacked
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nasa, the department of energy, the fec commission networks, the u.s. postal service, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, they've hacked the white house, the state department, the department of defense, the irs and the office of personal management. now the whole election cycle was all about hillary clinton's e-mails, wikileaks. so where was the hacking outrage before she lost? now on this show we have been warning that something needs to be done, which is why i've been saying and criticized often when saying that we need to learn from julian asage and wikileaks and actually try to fix the problem. he hacked into nasa and the department of defense before he was 16 years old. here's the truth that you've got to remember. the president doesn't care about hacking. all he cares about after eight years of doing nothing is to undermine' delegitimize donald
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trump's presidency. if they cared about hacking, we've known this has been going on. they don't care about hacking. this is about politics. do you agree or disagree? >> totally agree. if hillary had won the election, we would never hear anything about this again. they would move on to the cause of the moment of the day. remember when we learned that the chinese has hacked into 50 million u.s. personnel files, including mine -- and i know that because i got a notice from the u.s. government saying that they would give me, i think, a year of some type of identity theft protection service because they had my background check -- >> probably yours too. >> they had a copy of my background check for when i was a white house employee or supreme court clerk. one of the two. i don't remember president obama
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taking china to task. they have all of our siblings, all of the places where we ever lived of 50 million government employees n employees. that's china. so you're exactly right. you're right on the money on this. this is all about sour grapes and trying to delegitimize the trump victory and also i think try to subtract from any mandate that he believes he has to reform the government. they never change their ideas about policies. they just move their lines of attack, which is what they're doing right now. >> it's funny because obama did go on "60 minutes" and exonerate hillary clinton other the e-mails scandal. it's no dbig deal. now we've learned that five agencies were able to get top secret information. so he was wrong there. nor did he seem to care. so i've got to believe that all of this is politics.
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here's my next question. first they tried the recount. that didn't work out for them. now they're trying the hacking. but behind the scenes it seems that obama and clinton surrogates have their fingerprints all over the electoral college effort to try to get them to switch their votes. to you take that as real? >> i don't think we'll know until the vote is cast. the push to get all of the trump electors to watch the -- or to get some type of intelligence briefing, that's really rich. why shouldn't the clinton electors get a briefing as to all of the things that you described in your monologue, the breaches in the system, the lack of transparency, the misrepresentation. they should get that briefing. if the trump people are going to get another type of briefing, let's make it fair. is this going to change the
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outcome? i doubt it. a lot is about feeding the beast of the activist groups that are ancy and angry on the left. they feel like they put it all on the line for clinton. they were suspicious of mrs. clinton for her ties. and now they're mad. they need something to believe in. they need something to hold on to. i think this is much about getting e-mail addresses and raises money for the next electoral push as it is about anything else. >> let me ask you this. every bit of information that we're hearing we all knew before the election. there's nothing new here. now the director of national intelligence clapper, the fbi director and the fbi itself, they've come to very different conclusions about this. there's nothing new here so then that raises questions, why is the media and why is hillary clinton who warned that donald trump can't do this, this has never happened, you can't
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challenge an election like this, that's not how our system works, how does she justify being a part of all of these efforts? >> i think it's rich for hillary clinton to tell us that's not how the system works when that's the way she ran the state department, the use of consultants who are also on the government payroll. all of that shouldn't have been done. so whether donald trump decides, i guess, not to pursue an investigation into the clinton foundation or not, we now what's happening. >> that's not his call. wouldn't that be the attorney general and justice department's call? >> i think it would be. but whatever signal trump gives is going to have some influence. if you're going to run across the board to all people regardless of what their last name was or where they came from. and if there was real potential for criminality, probable cause
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for criminality, you have to take this seriously. >> the obama has a history of manipulating for gain. but didn't the cia write or rewrite the talking points as it all related to benghazi for having never spoken to anybody on the ground, they manufactured it? and i'm not criticizing our intelligence agency but there are some political agents there that would have us believe this was a spontaneous attack where people had rpgs and mortars in their back pocket and spontaneously pulled them out and attacked the agency, which never happened. >> there was politicized intelligence put out to the american public for a variety of reasons. there are such noble heroic efforts on the part of our intelligence agencies. so many good men and women
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putting their lives on the line. we don't want to cast aspersions on them. but some anonymous source leaks it out of the cia, i think that's ridiculous. >> we're going to take a break. more with laura after this quick break. coming up, president-elect trump holds another thank you rally in the state of wisconsin. donald trump announced this morning that he's selecting exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson to be his secretary of state. we'll get reaction from lou dobbs. later tonight, darrell scott and jim brown met with the president-elect at trump tower. spoke about issues impacting the black community. they'll join us in the studio later tonight. later tonight. straight ahead. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. syrian rebels surrendering after a bloody siege in eastern aleppo. all military action has stopped and the syrian government has assumed control. there are unconfirmed reports of maz atrocities, killing dozens of civilians. the civil war has killed more than 250,000 people. alan thicke has died. thicke died after suffering a heart attack while playing hockey with his son in southern california. in addition to star in the 80s sitcom "growing pains, wts he wrote tv theme songs. alan thicke was 69 years old. i'm patricia stark. now back to "hannity." for all of your headlines, log on to welcome back to hasn't.
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so president-elect donald trump continues reaching out to his supporters on his thank you tour. here are some of the highlights. >> thank you, everybody. so when i started 18 months ago, i told my first crowd in wisconsin that we're going to come back here some day and we are going to say merry christmas again. merry christmas. somerry christmas. happy new year. but merry christmas. speaker paul ryan, where's the speaker. where is he. he has been -- i tell you, he has been terrific. and you know, honestly, he's like a fine wine. every day goes by i get to appreciate his genius more and more. now if he ever goes against me i'm not going to say that, okay? he's a great guy and we have some amazing things in store.
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and we're going to work on taxes, we're going to work on obamacare and he's going to lead the way. so thank you. we're going to work on the wall, paul. you think we're playing games. somebody said the other day, well now that trump won he's really not going to build the wall. we're going to build the wall, okay? believe me. we're going to build the wall. have to. have to stop the drugs from coming in. wall is going to be a big big factor. today i announced my plans to nominate rex tillerson, right. the chief executive officer and chairman of exxonmobil to be the next secretary of state. rex is one of the greatest and most zild global business leaders of our time.
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made some of the greatest deals ever made in the oil industry or any industry. a great diplomat, a strong man, a tough man, a man who's already earned an avalanche of endorsements and growing praise from our nation's top leaders. >> and we continue with laura ingraham with more on this. i love the idea, if you ask people to do something and they do it, i love the idea of saying thank you. but more importantly i firmly believe that what we see happening now is only the start. and i do believe everything will be done to politically troy him by the left. this is nothing compared to what's coming, in my opinion. and for him to bypass the media and go directly to people and make this a signature of his presidency would be very wise for him to continue. >> he's his own press secretary. he's doing in such a, i think, a really smart, a brilliant strategy. going right to the people and
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going around the stereotype that the left has tried to paint him now with over a year half, which is he's just a billionaire, he's just saying these things, he doesn't mean them. he's all about celebrity. no. he's with the people. and what he's reminding folks of is how politics and identity politics, sean, what you've talked about for years, the politically correct nonsense that's invaded us, he wants to wipe that away and do things that actually make the lives of everyday americans, people that we grew up, like we grew up, their lives better. and that will drive the left crazy, sean, because he goes into their territory and he tells people, normally democrats, it doesn't have to be this way. just try it with us for awhile. see what we do for you life to make it better and we want you to be part of this new american
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experime experime experiment. >> i'm beginning to see the opposition build with the republicans. not the fbi, not the director of intelligence. that's troublesome but it's almost like they want to be liked by the establishment but they have in many ways the establishment. will that be a problem dealing with mcconnell, dealing with ryan. will they pass the more controversial aspects of the promises that he ran on? >> i think you're exactly right to raise this issue early on. donald trump has a very short window to get a lot done. and i think not only with the establishment entrenched interest on the left be at his throat, but you're right about mcconnell and ryan. not that they won't work with him on a lot of things. i think they will. but on issues on trade -- sean, keep your eye on who the pick is for the u.s. trade representative. that's the individual who will actually litigate cases for us and run the strategy in the
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international tribunal and actually negotiate trade deals. we haven't seen that pick yet. that's going to be important. dan a da me ko who is fabulous, bob light heiser, deputy in the reagan administration, incredibly brilliant. two really smart picks. there are others out there who raise eyebrows among us who believe we could have a more economic pob lows approach. i think ryan and mcconnell are going to be pushing the more globalist agenda. >> laura ingraham, thank you very much. when we come back, president-elect donald trump picks exxonmobil rex tillerson to be his secretary of state. later tonight, reverend scott and jim brown met with president-elect trump. they'll be in the studio. also tonight, ainsley
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are powering imaginations everywhere. welcome back to "hannity." after weeks of rumors, reports and speculation, president-elect donald trump made a decision on secretary of state by officially nominating exxonmobil chairman ceo rex tillerson to be america's next top diplomat. the president-elect took to twitter writing, quote, i have chosen one of the great business leaders of the world, rex tillerson to be the secretary of state. somebody who knows everybody in business so well, our good friend lou dobbs. how are you? >> great to be with you. >> what can you tell us about him? the only comment negative that i saw was from tony perkins. it was about social issues and he's not going to be involved in social issues. >> that's not his responsibility. and i know a lot of people have
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got some negatives. they talk about the fact that he supported tpp. you can go against a list of things. but you've said the important thing, he is to be the secretary of state. he's not responsible for social issues. he's not going to have a box of wedge issues that he's going to retreat to. i think -- and i don't know this, but i assume that the president-elect chose him because he has handled massive deals, he works with governments, other large corporations. and donald trump said it absolutely correctly. he is a world class businessman who is carried off -- he's carried off some deals that are incredible, working with russia, working anywhere in the world. >> apparently working successfully with russia, negotiating deals with them in the minds of people in washington right now is a negative. but it's exxonmobil's responsibility to make a profit. >> right. >> and to bring their products and service to market. and he did a great job? good job?
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>> a great job. and furthermore, the secretary of state's job, no matter what john kerry may pretend, the secretary of state's job is to lead the diplomatic efforts. leave it to the defense department if wae tonight go to war with someone. leave it to the president, the commander in chief. he'll make those decisions. the secretary of state should never be a negative that he or she in that position would want to have positive affirmative relationships with other nations. that should be their goal. >> explain how big for people that don't follow business as closely as you do, people like me to be perfectly frank. his economy or his business, the amount of money that he would handle is bigger than a great percentage of world countries. >> sure. and the company itself is massive. and it works on plans that reach out ten years in terms of development. by the way, rex tillerson came
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up through the development side of the business before merging with mobile. this is a guy who has expertise that the president says -- and let's say that it was negligible expertise. he's say he had a negligible background. he is the president-elect's choice. that should be enough for most people. >> from the economic side, if donald trump is able to repatriate the trillions from multinational korngss at 10%, if he drops seven bracket to three, if he gets a 15% corporate tax rate, if he eliminates obamacare, that may end up being like a tax refund for americans, and if he adds a component of energy independence which he seems he wants to because we have more energy than all of the middle east combined when you add national gas and shale. >> you want to go for the whole mount rushmore portfolio? >> yeah. >> he secures the border and
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rationalizes our immigration system and makes it absolutely clear that this country is not going to get involved -- >> you reported on the economy for all of these decades that you have been in the media, somebody i've watched for years. is this the formula to get us at what percent gdp growth, obama being the only president in history that never had one year at 3% gdp. >> as quickly as he can rationalize the so-called trade agreements. donald trump in no way has exaggerated about the problem -- >> you're a free trader. >> i'm absolutely a free trader. >> fair trader. >> i want to be fair. i want the same policy as europe or china. they have free trade as a goal except for one thing. they make sure they're getting surpluses, not deficits. >> if an american car company
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wants to sell a car in china, what do we pay? >> not going to happen. >> why? >> there are huge barriers, cultural barriers, social barriers and ultimately there are tariffs. don't tell anybody. >> lou dobbs, every night 7:00 p.m. on the fox business network. up next tonight right here on "hannity." >> we have by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and jim crow and colonialism and racism. >> obama saying america has not overcome the legacies of slavery. up next speaking with reverend darrell scott and jim brown. they met with president-elect donald trump today and they're talking about issues that will impact. president-elect trump says he would like ivanka to join the administration. what role might she have. we'll take with ainsley earhardt
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next, straight ahead. y'll only y three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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at your local mercedes-benz dealer. welcome back to "hannity." last night during an interview on "the daily show" president obama reflected on a wide range of issues and said this about race in america today. take a look. >> race continues to be this powerful factor in so many elements of our lives. but that it is not the only factor in so many aspects of our lives that we have by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and jim crow and colonialism and racism. but that the progress we've made has been real and extraordinary. >> now president obama reflects on race in america. today president-elect trump met with african-american leaders in new york city to talk about issues that impact their community. joining us now to discuss those
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meeting are two men who attended it. an executive committee member on trump's transition team, the reverend darrell scott from cleveland and a hall of fame nfl legend, jim brown. last night receiving the muhammad ali award. i've got gloves in any office that ma huhammad ali signed and sent to me. look at his right hand. pan in on his right hand. that's the left one. the right one. show them the pinkie. is that all from football? >> yes. >> did you bust them like 20 times each? >> hey, look, i was busting something else, too. >> you know, pastor, you and i have become friends over the campaign. we hung out last night talking
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about politics and having a good time but we spent a long time talking about the black community. and one of the things i suggest -- i know donald trump has talked about it because i've talked to him about it. take some $2 trillion from corporations, why don't we lower it to 5 or 6 and tell those companies to invest in your city of cleveland, milwaukee and detroit, philadelphia, if you add to that education sent back to the communities and choice and competition for those dollars because top down education isn't working and uner city schools have been impacted negatively the worse. wouldn't that help go a long way to showing government can help the black community? >> absolutely. we've felt disconnected by the government, we've felt disconnected by whatever presidential administration. we're a forgotten people, forgotten race. >> every four years they come calling for votes. >> and right now especially
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during this last election, we presented a picture of op know, we even referred to whites as the po pre oppre oppressor. that puts a mentality that needs to be dealt with before we can make a positive change. >> what do you think of when obama says those who favor welfare cuts are racist. what is he talking about? this country elected him in massive numbers. >> once again, that speak to the mine set. welfare should never be a goal. welfare was meant to be assistance until you were able to make a positive change in your life. it doesn't supposed to be a lifestyle. we shouldn't have second, third, fourth, fifth generation welfare recipients in america. of any nationality. >> if donald trump follows up and bring economic development specifically into inner city
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america that needs it the most, if he gist parents whose kids have been suffering in inferior schools the choice to send them to more competitive schools, would that go a long way from getting i way from i guess the 9 0% of america that always votes democrat? >> that's very tricky. >> that's not a tricky question. that's an easy question. >> naturally -- let me put it this way. the president-elect has already said that he's in. we made a presentation to him about economic development in the black community, about families, about the state of our black communities in this country. and he realizes that with the education and the attack on the violence that takes place that we can then get on the right track with our economic development. >> did you walk out of that meeting confident today that
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he's going to follow up? >> absolutely. he's not a phony. >> he's not. >> so he agreed that we can work together. >> can i ask you -- >> we're coming to bring him something. and through this young gentleman, the pastor here, we've been able to come and be on your show tonight as a unified threesome. >> if you look at polls along racial lines, america has never been more divided. obama leaves after eight years saying we haven't overcome slafry, jim crow and racism. really? every four years as a conservative i resent the democratic party playing the race card. i look at a president that saw during his presidency, 4,000 dead people in his home city, 3,000 shot this year. and he didn't lift a finger, pastor. not a finger. >> well one of the reasons we had our meeting with the
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president-elect today is there's a program that's been effective over the years that can address this situation. now, mr. trump made promise to the african-american community. what do you have to lose? give me a chance. rather than we sit down and try to rely on statistics to try to adjust the affairs or the problems of the african-american community, jim brown already has a model, a vehicle, that's very very effective in 99% of that which we need to address. so my thing is, let's get it to the table, get the administration and the country behind it, put some gas in it and we can ride this thing into the promised land. >> if he's able to incentivize companies to build in detroit, milwaukee, philadelphia, let's have some ribbon cuttings, get people hired, let's fix the schools and i say a lot of your problems go away. do you agree? >> absolutely.
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>> so i should be president. >> here's the deal. >> what? >> you're talking about it. it's your jb to talk. we have to go out and implement it. >> i'm not just talking. >> okay then, you're part of it. but this is the beginning of a different attitude. >> all right. >> because this young man has positioned the president in a position that he will be able to utilize so many of our great athletes and entertainers. >> to help. >> right, to help. >> but the best part is he's talking to you after he won. >> of course. >> that to me is a good sign. do you still want me to preach? >> january 15th. he's preaching right now. >> you have your own idea about it which is good. >> here's what i believe. i believe that every child is a child of god. this is my message. education means to bring forth from within and we have destroyed so much talent of
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young people because we have not fed and given them the water and the light that they need to grow into what they could be, what god created them to be. >> why do you think we're sitting here? >> i know. >> to help. >> that's why i invited you. >> thank you. >> january 15th. up next tonight on "hannity." >> if you look at ivanka, she's so strong as you know, and to the women's issue, childcare, nobody could do better than her. >> president-elect trump says he wants his daughter ivanka to be involved in the administration. fox and friends cohost ansry earhart interviewed her many times during the campaign. what could ivanka's role look like. we'll ask her coming up straight ahead. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road.
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welcome back to "hannity." during his interview on "fox news sunday" president-elect trump spoke about ivanka and his son-in-law jarod kushner moving to washington with them and if they would have roles in his administration. let's watch this. >> i would love to be able to have them involved. if you look at ivanka, she's so strong as you know to the women's issue and childcare, nobody could do better than her. i have to see whether or not we can do that. and she would like to do that. and i'd love to have jarod helping us with deals on other nations and see if we can do peace in the middle east and other things. >> fox and friends cohost sever about her interest in child care, let's take a look. >> we need to create a more robust marketplace for child care solutions. the one size fits all
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institutional model doesn't work for everyone. if you live in rural communities you won't have ta type of child care. so reducing regulations to bring down the cost of child care. >> joining us now, the number one "new york times" bestseller "take heart my child", ainsley earhardt. congrats, the book is killing it. you're traveling around all over the country. >> doing what you've done all of these years. >> everybody asks about you. they love you. >> thank you. i watched you interview ivanka one time in particular and you guys get along very well. >> i like her a lot. she's very put together, very smart, she has an amazing business. she's a mother of three children. and she is just extremely successful. they were raised in a billion dollar environment and they are
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hard workers and they didn't, they say this, they didn't go out playing football in the backyard with their dad, they went to construction sites, meeting individuals. she said when her dad keeps her children, they'll walk down the streets and donald trump will say that is a pot hole. that needs to be fixed to the daughter. so ivanka says she's walking down the streets with new york and her daughter will say mommy, grandfather would not like that. there is a crack in the road. >> that is pretty funny. >> so cute. >> what role might she take? do you know? >> so they're telling me, they're saying they're waiting to untangle all of this. they say this is a sign of his excellent leadership skills. he doesn't want to rush into something and doesn't want to do something too quickly. they have a lot of attorneys involved. they're meeting with attorneys tomorrow and in days still to come trying to figure out the best way to do this. there are many different laws that prevent maybe the kids perfect working with him or working with the business and
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the neptism laws. they're going to do the right thing, they said. >> on the business side he's going to hand everything over to don junior and eric but they're not going to expand the business. they're just going to maintain. >> i thought it was unfair to ivanka. she was on 60 minutes and happened to have on a bracelet somebody her company tweeted out oh, that is the bracelet she was wearing on "60 minutes". i'm like, really? >> it didn't hurt them. >> seemed like the media, they're just looking for any little thing to hurt her and the family. >> i encouraged women to champion women. she's doing so well. her business is amazing. her price points are really good. i like shoes. >> i have three pairs of shoes. >> i know with holes in the bottom. right? >> so you see maybe she's going to take that role?
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>> she's close to her dad. we saw what she did with the hotel down there. the staff did say she has really young kids. it's easier for her to move down there because the kids are little. they're not enrolled in schools yet like baron is. they said donald trump is in meetings 10-15 hours per day trying to figure out his cabinet so he doesn't have time to focus on this right now. >> thank you. great christmas gift and some proce proceeds go to -- >> coming up, we need your help. a very important question of the day, straight ahead. holidays sh. so why are you still putting up with complicated cash back cards? some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose... then they change those places every few months. quicksilver keeps it simple. with quicksilver you always earn unlimited
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but that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. you all for reading it. we'll see you tomorrow at 9:00. good night. tonight -- >> russia is trying to influence our elections dates back to the so yet union. >> sore liberals are pushing the narrative that russia helped donald trump win the election. president-elect trump officially taps exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson to be secretary of state. lou dobbs is here to way in. and president obama plays up racial division while donald trump meets with african-american leaders, the reverend darrell scott and jim brown met with the president-elect
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