tv Hannity FOX News December 14, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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stephanie demming wrote, i confess, i picked up megyn kelly's's book, settle for more, curious about the peculiar donald trump and when i put the book down, i walk aid way thinking she was far more interesti interesting character than i thought before. >> my administration will focus on three important words. jobs, jobs, jobs. president-elect donald trump means business when it comes to fixing america's economy. newt gingrich is here with reaction. >> i'm here to help you folks do well. >> then the president-elect meets with the tech industry leaders to talk jobs and innovation. anthony caskafr movie and austi ghouls by weigh in. >> we will cut your taxes, have strong borders and have the
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wall. >> donald trump makes promises to you the american people, so how does he plan on keeping them in trump's new senior adviser, steven miller, is here. all of that plus actor kevin sorebo and his wife, sam, talking about a brand-new movie that i am the executive pro duters of. we will announce it tonight. >> we can literally cover each country, each section of the world. and get that message out. >> that's awesome. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> "hannity" starts here right now. >> welcome to "hannity"." donald trump is working hard to fix the economy and that is tonight's opening monologue. so president-elect trump won't take the oath of office until january 20th but that is not stopping him from trying to clean up the economic mess that president obama is leaving behind. earlier today president-elect met with tech industry leaders to discuss job creation and innovation.
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before the roundtable diskug the ceo of ibm who attended the meeting announced that her company is now going to create 25,000 new jobs right here in america and they will invest over $1 billion over the next four years. now president-elect trump also promised you the american people that he is going focus on job growth and that's what he is trying to do right now. last week trump announce need japan's soft bank will invest $50 billion into america's economy. that will create 50,000 new jobs. and remember last month trump cut a deal with the manufacturer carrier to save over 1,000 johns that company was planning to ship to mexico. all of this, no doubt, a positive, a great start. but the truth is this. the president-elect has a lot of work it cut out for him. president obama's policies i've been telling you a complete and utter disaster. here's where donald trump is starting. the lowest labor participation rates since 19770s, 95 million
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of your fellow americans out of the labor force. worst recovery since the '40s. lowest homeownership rate in 51 years. 13 million more americans on food stamps in the last eight years. 43 million americans living in poverty. 8 will million more than eight years ago. 1 in 5 american families without one person in the labor force. 1 in 6 american men, 18 to 34, either in jail incarcerated or living in mommy and daddy's basement because they don't have a job. and by the time he leaves office, the president will have aexhu accumulated more debt than 43 other presidents before him combined. there are very clear reasons why president obama failed. what did he do? he tried to use big government statism to create jobs which has never worked. now remember the failed stimulus plan. would he create quote shovel-ready jobs. and joked they weren't so shovel
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db ready. those didn't materialize and it cost nearly $800 billion. here is why it failed and we need to learn these lessons. all those billions of dollars were filtered through that big bloated government bureaucracy in washington and remember, then it went to their friend and companies like salendra that was destined to fail from day one. all we have to show for it is doubling the national debt and stealing from our kids. obama's plan didn't work. kwet we have to ask before donald trump becomes president, what will work? how do we create success for what i call this election the forgotten man wrb forgotten woman election? president-elect trump's plan is a stark contrast to obama's. he will take the opposite approach. he will implement policies that historically have worked. here is the president-elect economic plan. he with a want to create jobs.
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how? reform the tax code, 7 brackets to 3. 15% corporate tax pate. 10% repatriation rate, for a that multinational banks. and cut in a huge way government regulation. wants to renegotiate trade deals, energy independence, so important for national security and job. replacing obama care should end up like a tax cut for most americans and goal of 4% gdp growth. obama did not have one year of 3% gdp growth, only president in history never to have one year of 3% gdp. if president-elect trump follows through it could create one of the biggest economic booms i argue the country has ever seen and history i think proves. it'll be very similar to what president's kennedy and reagan did. they understood that in order to have real economic growth you need to unleash the potential of the free market. free market capitalism.
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go back to jfk. he set in motion a plan to cut the top marginal tax rate from 91%, he dropped it to 77. and during his short time as president 3.8 million jobs were created while seeing an average of 4.4% gdp growth. reagan took over for carter. remember a bad economy then. he took the concept further. he shredded the top mark nal rate, lowering it over the course of his presidency from 70% to 28%. as a result, reagan in eight years created 20 million new jobs after the '82 recession ended. gdp growth averaging 3.5%. government revenues spiking by 65%. we saw at the end of his presidency the longest period of piece time economic growth. these lessons are so important. president-elect trump has one major add vannage over jfk and reagan. we know we could become energy
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independent. we have massive natural gas shale oil reserves and not only will tapping into those resources create millions of jobs here at home, but it will also create a whole new foreign policy dynamic in the middle east. we won't be dependent on countries that hate our guts. if we export some resources to western europe they won't be dependent on putin and russia for their energy needs. only part of the president-elect's agenda that i worry about is the infrastructure plan. he is talking about $1 trillion in spending. everybody believes we have to fix our crumbling roads and bridges. but how do we pay for it? how do we plan? do we pay as we go. and the money cannot be spent. somehow we have to get it out of the hands of congressmen and senators 5 senators, 535 greedy bureaucrats that will misappropriate that money. there has to be an outside commission.
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some entity somewhere that oversees how this $1 trillion is spent. there need to be accountability. joining us with reaction, treason, he has a new e-book out about the election of donald trump. he gave a speech on trump. administration today. great to have you. the reason i'm laying this out, jfk worked. reagan worked. and the reason i want you here is what you balanced the budget. nobody thought it was possible at the time. >> well we created tremendous economic growth. biggest capital gains tax cut in history. had the biggest improvement in children living in poverty in history. because if you really get economy moving, it really helps across the board. i'm very optimistic because i'm watching president-elect trump assemble cap net that's amazing. these are all winners. these are all successful people.
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i think it may have the fewest lawyers of any cabinet in history. >> and most generales. >> most generals and most successful business people that goes back to sort of eisenhower's cabinet in the 50s. and the reason i like that is when this team arrives in washington, and they collide with the realities of washington, this is going to be a meeting of winners. and the team of rivals was the story about lincoln. this is a team of winners. and you're right, do have you a four-star general jim mattis going back to the defense department. four star general john kelly going to head up homeland security. john flen at national security. but really successful business people and have you the longest serving governor in the history of texas who will take on the energy challenge you just -- >> he picked the perfect person in rick perry. >> rick will be, he will drive energy in america and that's one of the ways we pay for
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infrastructure. >> the post says you bash the idiots in propaganda media. she described the selections as a much of ignore aimouses, billions and a few generales. is there something like becoming a successful billionaire like bill gates? is there anything wrong with that? >> if you're on the left, there is. on the left you want a cabinet of losers. so you feel story for them. the whole concept of a super bowl where you have the winning team with the whole season -- >> not everybody gets a trophy. >> if the left had their way, everybody would get a ring. did you suit up? did you care? >> yeah, did you care. we have to mail her crayons and coloring books and play-doh. >> i can never remember her name. >> jennifer ruben. >> yeah, generali jennifer rube. i was reading the article on intellectual yet idiots, which
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is, the audience with google it, intellectual idiot. and his term fits her. she is the perfect example of what he is writing about. which is a person who can write well and sound like they know something but doesn't know anything. >> i call them overeducated idiots. >> yeah. >> they really are. think about the notion. this woman sits at the most. >> they have their share of them. >> they do. and that's because they sit around and they render judgment. i first learn bed this from a guy from black hawk down who wrote a book on the philadelphia eagles. but because he wasn't a sportswriter they all accepted him and talked to him because she were intrigued. he said when a learn said if you are a pro football player and have you a 50 yooed g-year-old can't run 20 yards and he is giving his assessment of your touchdown pass, you get angry at the idea of, who do he think he is. >> i am picking on her directly
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because he is the -- >> you can add bill crystal, any of these guys. >> she would describe a cabinet which includes a world class pediatric neuro surgeon. it includes a remarkable secretary of the treasury. it includes a rema remarkable successful. i mean, rick perry -- >> exxon ceo. >> now has, i think, the head of the largest corporation in the world. but thing about the left ha standpoint, he negotiated successfully. in the spirit of clinton and kerry, how do you have someone successful? >> well i want you to describe trumpism. are you confident that everything i outlined in my opening monologue will happen? will he get that done? >> i think he will and i think the crisis will come 90 days from now when they realize, when it hits them a washington is
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that hostile, that difficult, that entrenched and the swamp ain't going to go away easily. that moment i'm hoping he brings that team of winners together and theyively decide we will win again and then it'll start rolling. >> and things will move. all right. we will take a break. what is trumpism? newt gingrich defines it. yesterday he gave a speech. >> my administration will be focused on three very important words. jobs, jobs, jobs. >> donald trump promised you, the american people, he will create jobs. especially foes of ythose of yo stamps. and my big announcement, i amount executive producer of a movie to come out early next year. straight ahead.
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good evening and live from america's news headquarters, syrian rebels say a cease-fire dealing allowing for the evacuation of fighters and civilianes from eastern aleppo is back on hours after it collapsed. the evacuations were supposed to happen early wednesday but air strikes and shellings started up again. according to u.n. estimates there were about 1500 rebel fighters and 50,000 civilians in eastern aleppo on tuesday. closing arguments scheduled for tomorrow in the death penalty case of the suspected charlston church shooter, the lawyers for dillon roof resting their case after a judge ruled they could not present evidence about his mental health. now roof is accused of killing nine black parishioners at a south carolina church in 2014.
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if found guilty co-fa, he could the death penalty or life in prison. now back to "hannity." >> a bold and profoundly different way of thinking. codi. the relentless hostility of the left will the very survival of trumpism. trumpism is much more than motion. more than being active. trumpism is, at its heart, an appeal to the american people. >> former speaker of the house, that's him there, delivering a peech at the her kaj foundation about a movement he is calling trumpism. why don't i just ask you, what is trumpism. >> trumpism is the set of values and attitudeets and practices. that donald trump has brought it american government and politics. can you get pieces of it by
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reading two his books, "the art of the deal" and "the art of the come back." you can get it by looking at his speeches. i will give you one example and i tell people this is water shed moment if we make it work. we have a trump rally on the stock market. now turn it into a trump reality in the real economy. one example which we talked about earlier the skating rink, central park, it doesn't produce ice. very embarrassing. >> this went on for years. >> six years. city of new york bureaucracy tries to fix the skating rink. trump gets so irritated because can see it from his apartment that he publicly taunts the mayor and the may eer says all right smart guy, i will give you the skating rink. you have $3 million and six months. >> how much had they already wasted? >> $13 million for six years. the thing i love about it is in
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the art of the the deal he said, now that i was in charge, i realized i didn't know anything about a skating rifrn. this rink. this is very trump. so i asked myself, who knows about fixing skating rinks? and i thought, canadians. >> he's right. >> so i found the best canadian skating rink company. first of all, this is what leads him to jim mat pitis. this is what leads him to rick perry. this is the right token. >> identity politics. >> so they come in. six years, there are 13 million failure, 2 1/2 months, $3 million success. here is my point. >> underbudget, actually. >> under budget and three months ahead of schedule. here is why we have to abolish the congressional budget office. if you went to the congressional budget office and said we want you to score fixing the skating
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rink, there is no possibility they would score it at a trumpian level. what does it take it build a wall? the bureaucracy or donald j. trump? what does it take to get man book on the moon? bureaucracy or donald j. trump? what trumpism is, eliminating red tape, being frugal and practical. >> you can answer the question i raised monologue, you got a trillion dollar infrastructure project. you and i both know if you run that plu washington, d.c., you lose 50 september on tcents on . >> like the stimulus. but there are two parts. don't think of a trillion dollar bill. think of a trillion dollar effect. >> help me out. >> okay. we set public-private partnership and a bunch of folks run in and say i will put up half of the money. we say to the canadians, let's do some cross-border deals together. they put up half the money.
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we say, let's cut through the red tape, and i researched this for years. if you go out and you talk to governor levin and what he did in utah for the winter olympics, you go and you talk to pete wilson what he did after the northridge earthquake, you talk to arnold schwarzenegger what he did after the oakland bridge blowing up. when he got cash and built bridges outside of federal regs and talk to john casic who found extra money. and he did the same thing. five governors, all of women who gets stuff at 40% of the cost ahead of schedule. now you take those rules, i just did a thing today with phillip henry, who is -- who is probably the best thinker on regulatory reform in the country. if we took federal state and local regs, put them into one office, and did them
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concurrently, you probably save two thirds of the time that it currently takes it build something. >> look, this is going to be your role. you do have a role in this administration. that's what you're going db -- >> i have a role as a citizen in the country. >> that's what i mean. >> 4177 state lejsors. 44 governors. >> but you will be that special adviser that hopefully brings those ideas in. >> i hope so. that's why i come on your show. most efficient method to bring advice is to come on your show. >> okay, i take that as a compliment. mr. speaker, thank you. by the way, your new book is on >> it is called "electing trump." >> when we come back, busy night, this is next. >> my administration will be focused on three very important words. jobs, jobs, jobs. >> president-elect donald trump
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vowing he will get americans back to work. reaction it trump's meeting with the tech leaders earlier today. anthony, austin, and also later tonight -- >> we will work on taxes. we're going to work on obama care. work on things, and he's going to lead the way. so thank you. oh, we're going to work on the wall, paul. >> during his thank you to a rally in wisconsin, president-elect said he was looking forward to working with the speaker of the house. paul ryan, to fulfill campaign promises. ryan got booed a little bit. later we will speak with the senior adviser for policy. steve miller. and we will tell but movie on the executive producer, a real movie, straight ahead. want longer lasting heartburn relief? try...duo fusion duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. tums only lasts up to 3.
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producing steel, or curing disease, we want the next generation of innovation and production to happen right here in america and right here in wisconsin. right? >> all right. that's president-elect donald trump at last night's thank you rally in wisconsin promising to focus on and help save american jobs. so our business leaders willing to invest more in their companies and their workers because of donald trump's victory. joining us now with reaction, trump transition team executive committeemember anthony, former obama economic adviser and failure austin goulsby is here. kidding, austin. dia comparison at the beginning of the show of what kennedy did and reagan did worked. what obama did, the opposite, didn't work. so anthony, if he does what he plans on doing, corporate tax rate 15%, 10% repatriation rate.
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seven brackets to three. energy independence repeal obama care. how many jobs are we talking about? >> and roll back in regulations. >> that's energy independence. >> that's a big component of it. you could triple the obama jobs numbers. but more important than that have you seen it reflected in the stock market. have you already got the move. today we had a tech summit up there. and they were talking about infrastructure spending. not only if technology but to help in cybersecurity and also how do we block isis from using the internet as an instrument? all of that stuff is going to lead to economic growth as well. here have you one of the most prak tig al -- >> about a trillion dollar bo e boondoggle infrastructure spending. >> wait for the plan. could you have a repatriation treaty. have the money come back into the united states and be the back stop collateral for the bonds so it never hits the balance sheet of the united states. now the bond -- >> so it is paying for it by
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itself? >> exactly. >> as we go -- >> what about in the hand of 35 gree greedy ambitious congressman senators. >> it is not requisition from the congress. we are just bringing it back into the united states. could you put an infrastructure czar or create a special person to do these projects and now you've got a shovel-ready position. you don't have to go through the port and -- >> you said shovel-ready, sean. >> that is something you never heard of, austin. >> oh, sean can i feel sean's hair sticking pup. he is not going to be happy right now. >> i wanted to give you an early christmas gift, austin. >> even you, austin. as liberal as you are, we have -- energy is the life blood of our economy. we have moring in than we could ever possibly use in 200 years when you conclude shale oil and natural gas and clean coal. and yet we still import a
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million barrels of oil from saudi arabia a day. so my question is, obama supported the bureaucracy, regulation it prevent energy independence. why wouldn't you be against that? wouldn't that create millions of jobs? wouldn't that help the economy if we move toward energy independents, yes or no? >> yes. if we protect the drinking water. >> a lot of dirty air and dirty water because i'm a conservative? >> you've said that many times. but the thing with oil, with shale, when the price is low, people do not develop the resources. so the main thing that's happening with the low utilization has been that the price of oil has been extremely low. >> because the saudis and opec and that cartel have vitried to push american fracking companies out of business. true or false, anthony? >> i think there's some truth to that, yes. i think austin would have to
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adree with me, only agree on that one thing. >> has to be old friends, we agree on many things. >> i can't believe it. anthony is really smart. >> we agree on a lot of stuff, particularly infrastructure stuff. his partner, wolf, has a good plan. provided we take it right to the people and get a return on capital and run it, sean, the way would you run a business. >> is it a mistake for obama it allow congress to put their hand in the till and they agreed? i'll support your project, you support mine, whether it was good for their -- >> austin will disagree but you didn't see the impact in the gdp so we agree that was the case. >> what does it mean when set first president that used -- you were part of the economic council -- first president in the history of the country, accumulated more debt than 33 other people. never reached 3% gdp in the year. first president ever. >> mean we have low inflag and
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low population growth. >> poor grab. 43 other presidents have a better track record than him and it's not his fault? >> they do not have a better track record. since 2010 -- >> better gdp. >> we have added 15 million jobs. do you think donald trump will beat that number? >> i do, yes. >> actually , i do. >> why do you split off the years? >> because by were in massive recession in 200 t9. >> obama years were 2008 to 2016. >> no, listen to you. >> desperately want to put that stinking mess after financial crisis that happened before he ever got there. you want it put that on his ledger. and you know you can't do that. >> oh, okay so start when things were a little bit better, only count good years and just so let's just say -- >> what about the last two years? ask austin about the last two years. >> you ask him. >> okay almost 5 million jobs. >> first president in history without 3% gdp print in any
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quarter of his presidency. so forgot about 2008 will to 2011. what about the last five years? >> here is the problem. you factor in jobs and give out phony numbers austin that mislead -- >> that's not a phony number. >> you don't add the number of people that are out of the labor force that are looking for work that can't find bork in twork i long-term. why do you forget them? >> i don't forget them. i have said that's the weakest part of the labor force. that has improved in the last two years. >> austin, merry christmas and you owe me dinner. >> i do owe you dinner. >> and by the way, i will order the most expensive thing on the menu. it is going to be delicious. >> baked potato, that's all the money we have left. >> i want to come and take pictures. i won't even need to eat, just take pictures. >> up next here on "hannity." >> he is like a fine wine. everyday goes by i get to appreciate his genius more and
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more. >> president-elect trump praising speaker paul ryan last night. vowing to work with him to make america great again. how can they fulfill trump's campaign promise hes. steve miller, coming up next. my big prob projects, movie producing debut, kevin samsorbo and here to talk about our new faith-based film we are working on called "let there be light", coming up next on "hannity." bon appe-cheese! okay... nuit's earned in every wash... earned overnight. ... and re-earned every day. tide. america's number one detergent.
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when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me,
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the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. speaker paul ryan, i've really come -- oh, no, i've come to appreciate him. speaker paul ryan. where is the speaker? where is he? he has been -- i tell you, he's been terrific. and honestly, he's like a fine wine. everyday goes by i get to appreciate his genius more and more. if he ever goes against me, i'm not going to say that, okay?
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he's a great guy and we have some amazing things in store. and we're going to work on taxes. we're going to work on obama care. we're going to work on things and he is going to lead the way. so thank you. oh, we're going to work on the wall, paul. >> all right, president-elect trump last night in wisconsin. praising the speaker of the house paul ryan who got a few boos there explaining how they will put america first. joining us now is the assistant to the president-elect, senior adviser to president-elect for policy, which is a really important position. you and the speechwriter throughout most of the campaign, steve miller, right? >> yes speech write earn policy for president-elect. >> how many days on the road did you barely get the speech on the prompter? >> mr. trump is probably the most hand-on speaker that you'll ever work with. he is man who has written i guess a dozen best selling books. so an amazing process to work with him. he cares so much about what
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every single word says. >> and which i know is difficult at times. congratulations on your position. i don't have a lot of advice for the president-elect, nor does he really need my advice or my help, but what i care about is the country. i believe this is the forgotten man, forgotten women election. what is important i think and one of the reasons people are to upset with washington is these guys make promises and don't keep them. to me if you're going to be the head of policy, i want it ask specifically, are we getting originalness of the court some. >> that's one of the first things that will happen. we are going through the cabinet but next is the supreme court. he has a list of 20 judges. >> he is down to four he told me. >> yes and the names are names that people will love who believe the constitution should be interpreted as it was intended. >> if the democrats try to filibuster which has never happened on supreme court they always allowed an up and down vote, would mitch mcconnell, would you subject he use the
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nuclear option that harry reid used? >> we don't think that will happen. we don't even want to talk about that right now. we just want to focus on getting him confirmed. or her. >> on the economy which we have been spending time on tonight, seven brakes to the three, 15% corporate tax rate, 10% repatriation rate for corporations bringing money back. is that your policy? >> yeah. our tax plan right now is 7 to 3 and it has those rates you mentioned. but in the course of negotiation with the house and senate. most important thing -- >> they want 20 -- >> right. true. most important thing is we get a massively competitive business tax rate to bring in companies from overseas and we believe that rate is 15. massive tax relief for middle class and very importantly that we repatriate profits overseas. we think we can get hundreds of billions of dollars right back into america and use that to build infrastructure. >> can you target that money to
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detroit, cleefland, philly -- >> yeah. >> milwaukee. >> what we think we can do sean is we say, say it's $300 billion. bring back $300 billion and we can earmark it and direct it towards -- >> in other words those people that have been hurt the most, the rust belt, that got trump elected. >> exactly. >> can that money be targeted to those projects first? >> on an infrastructure bill you have to have it for geographic regions, not one in particular. but for placers that hurt, economically depressed, they will be places we will be directing -- >> you know what i'm worried about, 535 greedy money grubbing politicians senators and congressmen that all want their piece of the pie and we will waste 50 cents on the dollar. can that be earmarked as anthony scaramucci was saying and get it away from them? ? you identify projects of great
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national interest. projects that help people, last a long time, stand the test of time, and help our country. >> quickly, the wall gets built. >> and for the middle class workers of this country, we will secure the border, protect their jobs, fix our trade deals, lower taxes, restore the role of law and get rid of the illegal obama executive orders. >> vet refugee webs get rid of obama care, savings accounts replace it? >> yes. >> push for school choice. and we have a great education secretary who will do that. work with ben carson at hud. to help urban renewal. >> energy independence. how important is that to economic growth situation? >> it is huge, sean. think about this. three wonderful gifts to our economy. regulatory reform. repatriation of overseas profits and energy revolution. >> last question, how many hours will trump spend on day one repealing executive orders? >> a stack of illegal and unconstitutional executives actions or just executive akes from actions from obama that
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hurt the economy or workers. >> how many? 2,000? >> it is a long list. but the important thing is that america will be safer, more prosperous and the workers in the rust belt states will see more jobs come back to their area. >> you don't need to go through senate, do you? >> i don't think so. >> thank you. >> i am an executive producer of a movie out next thanksgiving. but we will give you a little preview tonight. the movie is called "let there be light." we will tell you more about it next.
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welcome back to "hannity." so hercules actor and his wife, sam, they are teaming up for a brand-new faith-based movie called "let there be light" which includes a special guest appearance and executive producing by me. i'm the executive producer of this film. it is my first foyer into film. it won't come out until next thanksgiving but we want to give you a sneak peek. >> we just want to give everyone the opportunity to speak to somebody about the love of christ. they can make their own decisions and unlike isis, this is not a convert or die proposition. >> here's my question, do you have a media partner? is there anybody out there, christmas eve, that's going to show this band of light going around the entire globe?
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is anybody covering this? >> well, so far, no one's covering it. not even a little bit. >> well, that's going to change right now. i can do it on my network airing on every christmas eve, we can do a three-hour special to show this band of light through the different time zones. >> we had to run a clip that doesn't give the story away. you're a horrible person in this movie. just so everybody knows. >> thank you. >> you're horrible. >> that is a compliment. >> and you helped write the movie. i don't know how it broke today, i am happy it broke. and i said if you ever get a pro jeblth, that is something that will touch people, call me. you come to new york. you tell the story. i was sold like that.
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>> so i came up with the idea three weeks before and i said i have an idea for a movie, would you consider writing a movie with me? he said no. >> the head writer on "highway to heaven" with michael land on. very good writer. >> yes. >> he said let's have lunch. then, i told him the idea. he said i'm in. let's do this. two weeks later he gets a call from you and i say to him "is that my movie". it was funny. it didn't take me long to do this. there are many twists and turns. i do radio and tchl v but music and movies, nobody cries watching my tv shows. except liberals. some of them cry. >> i had eight tough years here, too. cut me some slack.
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there is something about -- i showed the first cut of the movie to a number of people. everyone of them laughed and everyone of them cried. this takes you through an emotional rollercoaster. i don't know if you designed it that way. >> politics is downstream from the culture. >> right. >> the culture then creates the politics. politicians are just in a play written by the audience. so if you want to affect the culture, you need to get into entertainment, basically. >> certainly done on purpose. >> how are you good at being so horrible? >> i have three older brothers. >> is that what it was? >> they tormented me. i take it out on my little brother. >> my reason is that i want to go to a movie and have it move me, inspire me and i like seeing
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reaction of people. you kill me in this movie and i'm not going to tell why. you don't really kill me. people think "hannity" is going to die. >> you'll get more viewers. >> exactly. hannity gets killed. but there is such a flow to this thing. you start out as a evil, hardcore atheist and with the crowd cheering like a hollywood liberal. >> i ro love that you saw a ver rough cut. for you to react this way is amazing. once bells and whistles are put in. >> i'm not in a lot of scenes. >> we have a great sound track. >> this won't come in until thanksgiving next year? >> yes.
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>> it's a christmas movie. we need christmas movies. we're having christmas movies like "bad santa". there is a place for that. but i think america, i think we're seeing a trend we want something that is more wholesome, meaningful. >> meaningful. >> and i appreciate you approaching me. we came here. >> it was an honor to do this. we'll have you back when we get release time. >> thank you. >> when we come back, we need your help. a very important question of the day is straight ahead.
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