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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 15, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PST

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bill: i don't expect a comet overnight so i will see you more than afternoon inference ♪ ♪ ♪ jenna: major controversy onnation's capitol after canceling briefing on assessments that russia interfered in presidential election because of intelligent agencies didn't take part. >> nice to be with you at home. i'm leland in for jon scott.
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appropriate lawmakers will be briefed once a review on foreign efforts to influence the election ordered by president obama is finally completed. jenna: peter ducey is live in washington with the very latest, peter. peter: the president elect doesn't think the white house will be making such a big deal about russian interference if he would have lost. a single tweet to pose a pair of questions, quote, if russia or some other entity was hacking, why did the white house wait so long to act, why did they only complain after hillary lost? so the president elect isn't sure what to make of report that is russian hackers tried to help him beat hillary clinton and neither are lawmakers on capitol hill, but they're having a hard time deciding what to make of the same reports that civilians are seeing because they can't get the cia to send anybody up to the hill to explain to democrats an republicans behind closed doors. california republican david
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núñez now says this, the legislative is obligate today comply with our requests. the committee is looking into or reports into cyber-attacks and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the cia has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. a majority of voters, 59%, don't think russian attempts to interfere with american election doesn't changed. many americans making up their minds already, jenna. jenna: i will be looking at facts when they become available. a story that we are going to be covering quite a lot on happening now. on the trump transition trump,
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president tapped zinke. two cabinet positions including veterans affairs and agriculture. an article in the hill titled trump's unoar -- unorthadox team. personal choices will be drawn from establishment but seems to have found a middle ground of sorts. let's talk with charlie, fox news contributor and political correspondent. good to have you both. >> you can make the case that this will be the most conservative cabinet in history. some say it's the most conservative out there, how do you see it?
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>> certainly unorthdox. it's hard to put people regular conservative-liberal spectrum. there's a lot that's conservative about them. donald trump is a radical agent. the people that he has picked are all government skeptics, people that questioned every single one of the departments that they have been pick today lead -- picked to lead and that's carrying out the mandate that donald trump has. people want the federal government to be seriously evaluated and in some cases torn down to its basic structure and made, you know, made so that it actually works again. jenna: reed, what's your take on it? >> there are a number of conferences around the country every year, conservative political conference where fox
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covered in the past and it brings together people young conservatives, people who care about the movement and it strikes me that the people that donald trump is nominating are the people that attendees want nominated, scott pruitt, attorney general of oklahoma who is going to be the next epa administrator. you know, that's sort of a dream candidate. they are talking about john bolton as deputy secretary of state. that's a conservative dream's candidate as charlie said to shake up a lot of the agencies that have played a larger and larger roles in americans' lives. jenna: there seems to be irony as you know appearing on fox news that there's a lot of conservatives before donald trump was elected, yeah, he's a democrat. [laughter] jenna: right. >> absolutely, jenna. that is part of donald trump's success is that he really -- he ran against both -- before he
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ran against the republican party he ran against the democrat party. real conservatives are very frustrated with decades of government that is growing out of control. it grows under republicans an grows under democrats and you have a new shock to the system where you have a guy who is not scared of taking on anything and if you look at the picks that he's put forward, he's actually willing to go in there to make radical changes, a lot of conservatives will be very happy. jenna: i can see it on a t-shirt. >> who really defines conservatives? who is the real deal and who is maybe not so conservative?
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do do you see net positive for the american people? >> that's not for me to say. it's the new president's opportunity to pick and craft his cabinet. you know, charlie mentioned this earlier, donald trump in the primaries is not necessarily -- he didn't come off as a coon serve tiff. i don't think he pitched himself as conservative, he pitched himself as a donald trump. jenna: do you think it's a positive for the american public? >> i think it's very positive. i think that it could end up being real positive for wherever you stand on the political spectrum because when the federal government simply doesn't work. the va department can you not work. things don't work. that doesn't help anybody. jenna: sure. >> if he's able to come in here and remake the departments so that they whooshing better, i
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would like to see him get rid of them. jenna: that may be why you're not in the position, charlie. >> exactly. jenna: i want to take this conversation in a different direction. before donald trump won the election, we were speaking to a historian who said there was another person like donald trump that was president at one time, his name was andrew jackson. president jackson did something interesting because he brought in a lot of businessman to washed. i was checking out cabinet read and what i learned is that his cabinet became a little dysfunctional. so his critics referred to something called his kitchen cabinet which was a set of unofficial advisers that supposedly according to critics are running the government. i'm curious about that part of the story and we have questions on who those unofficial advisers may still be. what about that side to the story? >> a lot of people are talking about that and that's one of the
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things that people have concerns with about president-elect trump, how much of a reel is his family going to play. during the campaign his daughters and sons and son-in-law kushner got him to the white house in the first place and are they going to be playing a big role in american government while simultaneously running the trump organization or sort of what reels are they going to play. trump was supposed to have a press conference about that this week and -- today, in fact, and he has delayed it since. there's still a lot of questions to answer about the kitchen cabinet, the role that it plays, formal or innormal in the federal government and something that the entire media is going to be watching very closely for the next four years, comparing trump to andrew jackson is a little tricky because there are 180 years in between there. jenna: right. >> the american continent has grown and the american nation
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has grown and the government has grown by leaps and bounds. jenna: they both have really good -- if you looked at andrew jackson's picture. >> certainly unique. jenna: exactly. kitchen cabinet, do you think that's a term we are going to start hearing more of, charlie? >> i think as reed said, people are very interesting in how much his family is going to be involved. i would also -- obviously the media has to, you know, really look at this very closely and, you know, i think it's great reporting all out and everything, it is important to remember that this isn't a surprise. these people were very involved with the campaign as reed said and the election occurred after everybody knew how involved the family was. so the voters have spoken on this issue so far. jenna: that's true. two open positions left to fill and then we have the team, we
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have the cabinet and we will go from there. charlie, reed, great to have you both. >> great conversation, after years of war, a fragile syrian cease fire is the best hope for thousands trapped. dozens of balances an buses have been leaving the city, but activists say the convoy has come under fire from progovernment sources. conner powell with the very latest. high, conner. >> at this moment from latest reports from aleppo and syria that the cease fire is holding enough so buses and convoys of buses and balances are able too leave eastern aleppo. we understand that at least 20 buses have left and several balances have left as well and so the cease fire which has been a fragile undertaking not only
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in aleppo but across all of syria is holding enough. now, what it also means, though, that eastern aleppo is a essentially in the hands of the assad regime after weeks of extremely brutal and fierce fighting between government forces an opposition forces. there remains territory that the opposition is still under control and that's mainly where the civilians are from and some of the rebels are, in fact, evacuating if not surrounding this area, but the fighting is still expected to go on after the temporary truce is over and the civilians are allowed to leave. rebels aren't sort of surrendering officially, they still according to some of them are willing to fight and so we are expected to see more fighting going on, but all intents and purposes, the eastern aleppo and the overall city of aleppo is now in the hands of the assad regime. where these rebels go from here is not really clear.
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the u.s. has said it will continue to help with aid and that in some places it is helping to support rebel who is are fighting isis and other groups, the gulf arab states in turkey who have backed rebels from the very beginning are still promising to back and support rebel fighters and fight assad regime. what happens next in the larger battle for syria, leland is still very unclear with the loss of alep'. >> you combine the russians and the americans on this one as well. conor powell in the middle east. jenna: the largest hack of users account in history. a mass i have security breach three years ago just disclosed by the tech giant what it means for you, we will talk a little bit about it. also could dalia face a third trial in the murder for hire case. >> the girl tried to get me put
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in jail, she stole money, she poisoned me with antifreeze, she hired the buck wild gang to kill me, i can't even remember all the nonsense
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>> hackers were probably saying yahoo. the executives at yahoo might have a slightly different view of it. massive security breach happened three years ago and hackers got names, telephone numbers and dates of birth. half a billion users were hacked. hi, jonathan. >> hey, leland. this is very bad news for yahoo. very bad news for almost anyone with a yahoo account. one billion accounts targeted a vast amount of information stolen. as you mentioned, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, birth
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dates, security questions and answers and in many cases passwords too. yahoo claims no financial or banking information was hacked by the hackers. the information that they did get can potentially provide doorway of many sites because so many use so many passwords for so much and the experts warn this is just the beginning. >> i think that this is the tip of the spear of what we are going to see and in 2017, more cloud data is aggregated, they'll be just as many, maybe not user accounts but just as large in percentage of their business of the cloud providers getting hit. they'll be a lot more problems with security by these cloud providers aggregating hundreds and millions of users of accounts.
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>> for yahoo it's a major blow with potentially deal with verizon. experts say that deal could fall through or the at the very least verizon may want to renegotiate the price. verizon itself issued a statement which said, we will evaluate the situation as yahoo continue its investigation. we will review the impact of this new development before reaching any final conclusion. the message for the one billion account holders and all of, in fact, leland is don't use the same passwords for multiple online accounts and however you use passwords, change them frequently, perhaps the message should be why you're living in 2005 and having a yahoo account, that's another story. >> raises more questions about you, jonathan, whether he leave it there.
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jenna: judgment call on that. aol maybe, but yahoo. well, a mistrial in the murder for hire case of dalia dippolito. her attorney joins us live. also this holiday travel season is on track to break records. we have the numbers next. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed.
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>> about that time of year for you to pack for your christmas vacation and you better pack
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your patience, triple a estimates, get this, 103 million people will travel sometime between christmas and new years setting a new record. it would mark the eighth straight travel year of holiday travel growth, aaa, lower gas prices and higher consumer confidence are fueling all of those folks. >> all she had to do is divorce me. what was i going to do, cry. i mean, she already stole money from me. if she filed for divorce, he would fight for half of what i had and in the end nobody would have gotten in trouble and she wouldn't be doing, this is endless, this is seven -- i want to say eight years but i think it's seven years now and we are still do i think this. this is crazy. jenna: ex-husband of dalia dippolito. second trial in the murder for hire trial case ended yesterday in a mistrial after the jury of six could not reach a verdict.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, you must find dalia dippolito not guilty in this case. there's mountains of reasonable doubt in this case. allow her, give her that freedom back to go home to her husband and her infant son. >> joining me now the lawyer that made that appeal, a face that you know well at happening now. bryan, it's great to know that you're a practicing attorney. we knew it all along. we see you in big cases. congratulations with this because it was a truly fascinating case to watch, play out, we watch it every day. you know, we need to take a step back. it's only been about 24 hours. why do you think the jury cowlgd -- could not reach a verdict in this case? >> jenna, thanks for having me,
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by the way. the country is divided right now about law enforcement. believe it or not in this case, the jury voted 3 to convict and 3 not guilty. it was 3 to 3. that is exactly how our country feels about law enforcement. we are in a divided country and the argument we made in this case resinated and that is the case was about one thing, an abuse of power. police officers in a police department that were predatory and use my client dalia as a pond to generate good tv and that is not acceptable in our country. jenna: okay, let's go further on that. we heard the tape. just so our viewers know, there was an operation essentially set up to catch dalia in the act, one of her -- she was married. one of her boyfriend went to
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police and said she we wanted to kill her husband. that's what started all of this. >> right. jenna: she's heard on one of the tapes that she's 5,000% sure that she wants husband dead. with that sort of damming evidence, how were you able to overcome that? >> great question. the reason -- there are a couple of game-changers in this trial, jenna, the first one is that i argued to the jury that those tapes, those damaging tapes that they saw three times in this case and then the audio of the phone calls between the confidential informant and dalia were contaminated. if they were fruit of the poisonous tree. they were a result of the police department that lied and cheated and destroyed evidence to lure dalia dippolito into the cars to create video tape.
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i had to confront the videos, jenna, which i did. i also at the same time said you can't rely on this, it's not credible reliable evidence and i really believe that argument resinated. we had three jurors in our camp. that proves our point. jenna: but the police department could say, listen, we were trying to get someone dangerous off the street, that's why we were doing all of this work. that's what the prosecution was saying, this is something that was dangerous and we were trying to make sure that we knew what she was going to do. >> you're asking all the right questions because this was a daunting task. we were in a half yard trying to get to a touchdown and now 50 end zone. the reason we were able to make the argument and diffuse the video tapes was one reason, that was the initial phone call made by the confidential informant,
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mohamed, first phone call indicated a domestic abuse situation that dalia dippolito was beaten by her husband, she said, quote, this is a quote that either she wanted to be dead or he might be dead. that's poornt. the police department never investigated the domestic abuse aspect. instead they put a 72-hour window, that was an important argument for the jury. 72 hours they had to get the case investigated, why because they had a 72-hour window to get this on the fill k -- filming with the cop's tv show that was there. jenna: you're making a good case to be one. your argument is very clear and very interesting case about the tension between civil rights and civil liberties and the choices that law enforcement make as well. i want to ask you, finally, looks like it's going to a third
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trial. you can file a motion to prevent that from happening. are you going to let it go to a third trial. judge, listen, there's been two cases. why go forward? >> we had a jury introduction in the case that said reasonable doubt can be proven with a lack of evidence. so i argued in the case that we were missing so many recordings of phone cools an important encounter. >> jenna: missing tape in all of this? >> what we did, jenna, we told a story. we started from day one with the emails to cop's tv show to the end. we provided a context for the tapes. we were able to argue, where are the audio tapes and i asked the jury to make an adverse inference that it might have been -- that obviously worked. jenna: sure. >> getting back to your question, we don't know what we
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are going to do right now. i don't think anybody is going to grant that motion if we filed it. what we are doing is we are gearing up for round three and we intend of bolstering one of the arguments in the case and we are looking forward in getting in the end zone and getting a not guilty in the case. jenna: i'm not sure that this is going to go our direction, so -- >> i wanted to -- yeah. i do want to share with you -- okay, no problem. we will see you soon. i wanted to tell you a trade secret from the trial. jenna: do i have 30 seconds? quickly, go ahead. tell us the secret. >> we were deeply concerned after they put on all the audio tapes, dalia and i whispered to each other, do you think the jury is going to hear our argument, we are going to know in 45 minutes after i cross cross-examine the informant. jenna: they were taking notes.
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>> dramatic. they were taking notes and we had a ray of hope. jenna: sounds like it. thank you very much. look forward to talk to you more about the case as it has been ongoing seven years. we will be back with more happening now in a moment
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: constipated?
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. jenna: one of the big headlines of the week is rick perry may get a new gig. former texas governor tapped to run department of energy, vowed to abolish when he ran for
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president a few years ago. joining me the current governor of texas, greg abbott. great to have you on the program. we heard the news about governor perry, you hear two things, you see the "dancing with the stars" video played and forgetting the department of energy during a debate. we got that point. you worked with governor perry closely. why do you think he's a good pick? >> to set the stage, i was attorney general for 12 years while rick perry was governor of texas. i spent countless hours in his office. i know the man, how he works, what he thinks. we saw what he did to create so many jobs in the state of texas to promote the energy industry. he'll effectively execute the president-elect's vision to create energy independence in the united states. what rick perry did and what he will do as secretary of energy is unleash millions of new jobs, but also protecting air and water quality in the united states. jenna: that's antithetical to
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what the critics say, they say he wants to abolish the department altogether. you don't think he will do that? >> he will use, in helping the president-elect, i believe he will do exactly for the united states what he's done in the state of texas. and that is use the energy industry to make the united states far more independent but also use it strategically to create so many jobs. one thing he will do, however, that goes along the lines of abolishing the energy department, he will not do that. he will, however, abolish the barriers erected by the energy department. he will abolish the rules and regulations written in ways that either trample the constitution or trample the rule of law, but he'll be focused on increasing energy production while looking at all of the above approach, which is his language. he will look at all of the above energy ways of producing more energy in the united states of america. jenna: okay, we'll see where it goes in the nomination process, see the hearing, and we'll see if governor perry gets the job as he's expected to.
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i was hoping to bring our viewers more new information on a big topic on the campaign trail that continues to be a big topic for president-elect trump, that is the wall along the border. we heard again from president-elect trump he's going to build that wall and obviously texas has a border. what conversations have transpired in the last several weeks? what can you tell viewers about whether or not that is going to happen, where the process is when you look at the partnership between the federal government and the state of texas. >> we have received assurances like what you have seen publicly that the trump administration is committed to building the wall, is committed to securing the border. we see that the necessity of this greater today than ever before, as we continue to see people coming across the border illegally. jenna: what about what you said publicly as well, you see parts of texas where you don't think a wall should go, including the national park, for example? >> well, what i think the president-elect is committed to and effectively done is we have
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demonstrated in the state of texas is there are multiple strategies to secure the border. sometimes it's wall, fencing, sometimes high technology, sometimes it is adding more border patrol agents. there's a region in the state of texas that has a beautiful national park or state park that would be a great visual where it can still be secured in that particular region, maybe where a wall may not be necessary but other strategies will be necessariment the bottom line is what we have to do is secure our border to keep our sovereignty protected and citizens safe. >> speaking of visuals, might be some voters listening to donald trump that are visualizing the wall being built, step by step, block by block, and curious if you have a timeline on that. when do you think construction of any part of what you talked about will get started? >> remember, this donald trump is a builder by trade. he knows how to build things fast, and i think they will execute it quickly. the person he put in charge of
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homeland security was a general of southern command which involved this region, he knows what to do, how to get it done. marshall the forces needed to get this wall built as quickly as possible. jenna: i want to ask you about obamacare as well. reading interesting article in a fort worth newspaper about a gentleman who owns frankie's sports bar, and he was talking about having to shut down his business. he says it doesn't have to do with obamacare, that was the straw that broke the camel's back, he simply could not pay the penalty fee. he ended up closing down business and laying off 50 people. i'm curious from the governor's perspective, there are the ideas about the solution to obamacare but don't know the time line for that. in the meantime, governor, what do you do for businesses like frankie's sports bar in your state that can't stay open because of the health care law or in part because of the health care law? >> the reason for this is the
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reason why donald trump won the election, and that is because middle-class americans were so frustrated, bureaucrats in washington, d.c. regulating their lives in ways that are incomprehensible, layer upon layer of regulations that force small businesses out of business, what we collectively need to do is peel back the heavy-handed nonsensical regulations to allow businesses to grow and flourish. jenna: are there ways you can help? >> we are working with washington, d.c., and businesses in our state to remove the regulations as quickly as possible so they would be able to stay in business and grow the business. jenna: big ideas, again, the time line is what we're curious about for all this. governor, thank you so much. >> thank you, jenna. >> president-elect trump pushing back on claims russia is meddling in the u.s. election, latest comments on twitter and why our next guests say the hacking should be investigated no matter who's responsible.
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. >> right now, back to how russian hackers might have tried to influence the u.s. election. president-elect donald trump weighed in this morning on twitter. if russia or some other entity was hacking, why did the white house wait so long to act? why did they only complain after hillary lost? let's bring in miriam weaver on the left, amy joe clark on the right. collectively known as chicks on the right of indianapolis fame. ladies, good to see you. >> thank you for having us. >> put aside the moment whether or not this would have made difference in the election or not. the fact is there was hacking that went on during the election. is it worth figuring out who's responsible? is this something your listeners in indianapolis care about or ready to move on as the president-elect would like to do? >> i think people are ready to move on.
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>> we're ready to move on! >> we're ready to move on, yeah. >> if there's been a hacking, surely, and, of course, it should be investigated, whether it's russia or china or like two losers in their mom's basement, it should be investigated. the way that the democrats are harping on this as if it's going to change anything is they need to get over it. >> yeah, it makes them look like sore losers. we're a month past the election, and it totally makes them look like sore losers. >> you make that point sort of the same point the president-elect was making in his tweet. we just heard from lindsey graham, esteemed senator, foreign policy expert. take a listen to what he had to say. >> this is not a republican/democratic issue. i want to punish them for interfering in our elections trying to destabilize the entire world, democratic movements throughout the world, and if you don't, the chinese and the iranians are going to see this as weakness and
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they'll come after us when we take them on. >> miriam, so much of the president-elect's campaign was how we're going to make america win again. does a winning america allow elections to be hacked by anybody? >> well, i don't think the election was hacked. i think what happened is that there was information that was leaked that made democrats look really bad and perhaps that wayed people's opinions, but until all of the intelligence agencies can actually agree on what exactly happened and who committed the leaks or who turned in that information, we need to stop acting as though we have all the answers already. >> it would be different if it was like the russians came in and interfered with our voting machines. that's not what happened here. >> point well taken, amy jo, a report from nbc news about the citing sources from inside the intelligence community, say they think this is putin/russian tactics 101, sew distrust within an election.
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we saw it in the ukraine, the country the georgia, and some level of opinion, it seems there is distrust in influence, if you will network the u.s. election. does that bother you at all? is putin getting what he wants here now? >> i don't see evidence of that. >> is it the russians or somebody else? >> i think the reason trump won the election is for things like people have been called sexist and misogynist and racist and homophobs. there are so many other reasons trump won the election other than this russia thing. there's a whole plethora of reasons he was elected beside this. >> people are grasping onto this as if it's going to make a difference in the outcome. >> you are hearing from other leaders as well? >> democrats are so unhappy with the outcome of the election, it is so obvious. >> ladies, ladies, i wish we
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had more time to talk. great to see you as always. >> you, too, thank you. >> jenna? jenna: she claims she was the victim of a hate crime apparently at the hands of donald trump supporters. why are police charging her with the crime? ort and protectin that's why pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness so all they feel is love pampers swaddlers ♪
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. >> that time of the day when we check in with the ladies of "outnumbered". sandra harris, good to see you as always. >> it is golden time. a revealing look how americans feel about the president-elect now as opposed to just a few weeks ago. we'll have the numbers for you. >> and a stunning new report why mr. trump may not have given the secretary of state job to governor romney? and it's all over an apology. >> plus our very own megyn
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kelly. we call her ours. is with us on the couch and as always, don't miss a hot second. >> she's laughing at us now. >> we will not. lots of smiles, ladies, looking forward to it. >> see you soon. >> a muslim woman here in new york who said she was attacked on the subway by men yelling donald trump and calling her a terrorist is accused of making the whole thing up. police investigated the incident as an anti-muslim hate crime but have charged the 18-year-old student with filing a false police report. let's bring in our legal panel of bonnie williams, attorney and fox news contributor and monique presley, criminal defense attorney. monique, to you first. as the young woman, she did it because she was out late drinking with friends and didn't want to tell her parents who run a strict household. wow!
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>> yes, wow, but it looks like further digging as the facts come forward that this woman may have been being intimidated in her own home. it appears her parents were strict and shaved her head even because of whatever behavior she conducted when she was out with friends or involved with a male, and that is serious. if there is any form of domestic violence or abuse or intimidation going on in the home, he's barely 18 years old. that may be used as extenuating circumstances for what was obviously a lapse in judgment with the false are about. >> eboni, this brings up guess terms of what do we believe when people say what do people do when they are victim of a hate crime. this has implications all across america? >> certainly, it's just an allegation, but go under the premise it's true and, in fact,
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this was a false report, of course, that undermines to your suggestions, real victims. but i want to encourage people to understand, much lies false claims of rape, should be prosecuted, it's a gross waste of resources from law enforcement while they could be pursuing other crimes. >> we know the police in new york went to grand central station, there were a lot of man hours trying to find the four alleged people who yelled donald trump at her? >> indeed, if it's true, she should be prosecuted. again, we know that does not mean real anti-muslim crimes exist. attorney general loretta lynch said there is a 67% rise just in the past year around. that i want to make sure that people are aware in this instance, this might have been a case of a false report, should be prosecuted, it's not okay, but let's not connect the dots too broadly and say that all anti-muslim hate crimes are. >> it gives fodder to people who say all of a sudden
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something could be a potentially false report. monique, interestingly enough, touching on the family she comes from. we don't have the video. when she was led into court, she had a shaved head and was not wearing the scarf, typically muslim women wear, and her parents shaved her head out of shame. seems as though that raises other questions as well? >> yes, this is an american citizen and that's why it's very important to me. she's barely an adult. 18 years old. she was stripped of her hijab. her head was shaved. this is a woman crying out in some way, shape, or form for help. she committed a crime doing so, eboni is write, that terribly wastes resources, but there may be something else going on here, and in the united states, we protect our citizens and they all have rights. so she needs council to represent her. >> certainly, there will be a lot of lawyers involved from the police, the prosecutor and hopefully she gets help as
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well. appreciate you guys being here. thanks again. >> thank you. >> we'll follow that story and a few more when we come back.
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. jenna: we'll see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert -- a brand-new twist in the russian election hack, stunning reports that u.s. intel officials believe russian president vladimir putin became personally inv campaign to interfere in the u.s. presidential race. this as the white house strongly suggesting that president-elect donald trump knew about russia's meddling, this is "outnumbered". i'm sandra smith. here today harris faulkner, meghan mccain, and look who's back, the anchor of the kelly file, megyn kelly is here. glad to have here, her book, a "new york times," and amazon best seller and today's hashtag one lucky guy former


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