tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News December 15, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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he he we want to hear from you. we hope you'll set your dvr so you nef miss an episode. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. get my memoir for $4. merry christmas. enjoy it. all the best. tonight -- >> our founding fathers built the electoral college to safeguard the american people -- >> desperate hollywood celebrities are refusing to accept the election results. >> it's almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out information campaign against the president-elect of the united states. peter king of new york questions if america's intelligence agencies are trying to damage president-elect trump. laura ingraham weighs in. >> our source is not the russian government. >> and julian asaj react to the
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hacking hysteria. all of that plus judge jeanine pirro and more. "hannity" starts right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight i have a message for cry baby sore loser left and that is donald trump won. stop whining. accept it already. and that's tonight ea's opening monologue. finally enough is enough. it's time for the coddled left to stop trying to undermine president-elect donald trump. admit the fact he won fair and square. since election night the left had been plotting to try to prevent him from actually occupying the oval office. the recount attempts was a complete disaster. donald trump ended up getting more votes in wisconsin. now the russian hacking story the democrats are pushing is a total failure because it's not based on concrete evidence or new information or fact. but the democrats can't let it go. here's what white house press
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secretary josh earnest said today. >> mr. trump obviously knew that russia was engaged in ma lish cyber activity helping him and hurting secretary clinton's campaign. and again, these are all facts that are not in dispute. >> all right. let's break this down. josh earnest would obviously not making that claim without the approval of his boss, president obama. and by the way, the democrats, well, they weren't caring about the constitution for the past eight years as obama was stomping on it. you have the outgoing president of the united states now actively trying to delegitimize his successor. the democrats are plotting basically what amounts to a politic political coupe. their corrupt candidate lost and you didn't vote for her. now on monday members of the
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electoral college will meet to officially cost their ball lots for president and vice president. the left is doing everything they can do try to convince the electors not to do their job and not vote for donald trump. hollywood liberals are throwing their support behind this radical idea to create a contusistitutional crisis. watch this. >> republican necmembers of the electoral college this message is for you. to safeguard the american people and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is and eminent degree endowed with the reck sit qualifications. >> an eminent degree, someone who is highly qualified for the job. >> the electoral college was created specifically to prevent an unfit candidate from becoming president. >> there are 538 members of the electoral college, you.
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>> you can make a difference. >> by voting your conscious on december 19th. >> now it even gets worse. we're learning tonight that president obama and hillary clinton are directly tied to this plan. the daily caller is reporting that a public relations firm that represents some of these quote faithless electors was cofounded by former white house adviser van jones. he now works at the clinton news network, cnn. the company is filled with board members who have worked were president obama and clinton's campaign in the past. and that's not all. the left is also using extreme tactics to try and influence these electors, including threats of violence. look at what's been happening to a michigan electoral college voter in that state. >> i've been inundated with hundreds of letter to my house, facebook messages and some of the messages were death threats. i've had people threatening to put a bullet in the back of my
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house, throw myself in front of a bus. >> and crazy lefters like the washed up keith 0 berman, they're coming out of the woodwork. >> all of our politicians will do is promise reviews and committees who words will be too measured and too late. the voters have guaranteed themselves, slavery, defeat, economic disaster and the need to save this nation and restore freedom by extra daicatining ous by a trump regime. >> imagine if i said the same thing back in 2008 after barack obama had won the election. now democrats, they're being total hypocrites. ever since clinton lost, president obama has been floating the idea that russia could have influenced the election. but back in october he was mocking donald trump for raising concerns. take a look. >> the larger point that i want
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to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even, you could even rig america's elections. and so ieds advise mr. trump to stop whining and try to make his case to get votes. >> maybe you and hillary, maybe it's time for you to stop whining. and then there's hillary clinton. remember how she was attacking donald trump after he said he would wait until after the lx befo election before accepting the results? take a look at this. >> that's horrifying. you know every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is rigged against him. now make no mistake by doing that he is threatening our democracy. i got to tell you, as your secretary of state, i went to 112 countries and i went to
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countries where people were jailed for being political opponen opponents, where they were exiled, where they were killed. i take this really seriously. and for me the peaceful transfer of power is one of the things that makes our country great. >> i guess not. so why won't the democrats listen to their own advice and criticism on this issue? here's a fact. it's because they don't care about you, the people they think are irredeemable, the basket of deplorables. the left only care about people who live apparently in new york, los angeles, san francisco and of course where the sewer is so corrupt in washington, d.c. middle america, well they might as well not even exist. the sore loser left, they need to take a long look at this electoral map from 2016. you see all of that red there? that means donald trump won and he did it by listening to the american people. he actually went there to all of those states and campaigned on
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issues. now if the left is so tolerant and accepting as they claim to be, well then maybe it's time to act like it. and once and for all recognize donald trump is going to be our next president. but let's be honest. president obama he's not going to do that. he will be attacking donald trump at every turn which is the exact opposite of what president george w. bush did to him. here with reaction, syndicated columnist, host of the series michelle malkin investigates, our friend michelle malkin. good to see you. >> good. i'm very good, sean. apparently our friends on the left are still suffering from post-election trauma. >> or trump derangement syndrome. >> we need to call 911 and call the whambulance. >> they need to be taken somewhere somewhere they can cover in private and not in
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public. i was mad about it at first but now i really pity these people. i'm in colorado, back home after being on tour for the crtv series. this is the state that gave us the electors who fashioned themselves some constitutional heroes, naming themselves after hamilton. these are not heroes. they're zeroes. these are fekless electors. traitors, sab tors and this is their last stand of self indulgence. of course they're trying to hype drama before monday. but once again it's the same kind of hype that we saw before the election. these people are way out of touch with reality and what's going to happen on monday. >> first it was the recount, now we have the putin conspiracy and now it's a little more dark because they're talking about and they are involved in the intimidation of some of the electors. it's really all one big effort though, isn't it? i remember. i was there the night newt
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gingrich was elected. and by christmas, after the november election in '94, he was the gingrich that stole christmas and broke tiny tim's crutch. aye got to believe this is about one thing, delegitimizing trump before he get there. does that mean at the end of the day their goal is to destroy him, to make sure he fails, to create an impression that he's not legitimately elected? >> these progressives live by the life and political message by any method necessary. the new york post reported on this, the intimidation, the slew of death threats, phone calls an relentless e-mails they're getting. they accused us of a climate of fear and intimidation and bullying. look in the mirror. >> tell us a little bit, what is the new investigative report series going to be about? >> thank you so much for asking.
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it's, michelle malkin investigates. i'm digging deep with four episodes that are available right now to subscribers. something i've always wanted to do in my 25-year career of journalism. we've got jaw dropping investigations available for viewing right now. >> appreciate it. >> you bet. thank you. president-elect donald trump is back on his thank you tour. tonight in pennsylvania. we'll play highlights from his rally. and also tonight -- >> it's almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out this information campaign against the president-elect of the united states pipt's disgrateful. >> congressman king accusing them of playing politics. laura ingraham is with us. coming up later -- >> our source is not the russian government. >> in other words, let me be clear, russia did not give you the podesta documents or anything from the dprksnc?
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>> that's true. >> he spoke out about russian hacking and the reports. we've got highlights from that interview. kimberly guilfoyle and eric bolling as this the holidays should bring joy. so why are you still putting up with complicated cash back cards? some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose... then they change those places every few months. quicksilver keeps it simple. with quicksilver you always earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. 'tis the season for simple. what's in your wallet?
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live from america's news headquarters in new york, the list of charges was long but the verdict was swift on a defendant that massacred parishioners in a south carolina church last year, it took jurors less than six hours to convict dylann roof. the panel will reconvene to decide roof's fate. he can get life or the death penalty. roof, an admitted white
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supremacist says he intends to represent himself during the penalty phase. >> parts of the nation under a tight grip of an arctic weather system. the big chill covers most of the mid west and large portions of the northeast. in new england, wind chills are expected to dip to minus 35 tomorrow and residents are advised to stay home. now back owe "hannity". ons for after the cease-fire. back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." to president-elect trump he continues his thank you tour and speaking to supporters. here are more highlights. >> i'm here today for one main reason, to say thank you to the incredible people of pennsylvania. thank you. thank you. your drive, your dedication and your love for your country
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pushed us across the finish line. and boy did we get across that line, right? the patriots in this arena tonight stood up for themselves and for their families and showed the whole world that the american people still one run o country. we're not respected now and believe me, it's going to turn. and we're going to have this great incredible powerful milita military. but you know what? i don't think we're ever going to have to use it and that would be very very nice. america first. be very very nice. my administration will focus squarely on the vital national security interest of the united states. and that means crushing isis and defeating radical islamic
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terrorism. we're going to defeat it quickly. but to be a strong nation, we must also be a wealthy or a rich nation. some people say, mr. trump, now they say mr. president-elect, can you believe it? can you believe this? just call me donald, folks. just call me donald. but they say mr. president-elect, it doesn't sound good when you say rich nation. i say we have to be a rich nation if we're going to rebuild our military. if we're going to build the wall we have to be a rich nation, if we're going to repeal and replace obamacare, we have to know what we're doing. and we have to be a wealthy nation again. we want the next generation of innovation and production to happen right here, right here in
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america and right here in the great state of pennsylvania. >> all right. also tonight, president-elect trump he's responding to the hacking hysteria from the left. now he tweeted earlier to today, in russia or some other entity was hacking, why did the white house act to long to react. congressman pete king thinks some in the intelligence community may be trying to undermine president-elect trump. all we've heard from the intelligence community over the last several months is they could not say there was any attempt to undermine hillary clinton to help donald trump. there was nothing at all ever told to us -- in fact they said they couldn't prove it, that there was an attempt to favor one candidate over the other. director clapper said that publicly on november 17th. it's almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out an information campaign against the president-elect of the united
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states. it's disgraceful. and if they're not doing it, then it must be someone in the house or the senate who's leaking false information. and there should be a full investigation of this. >> here with us now, fox news contributor, laura ingraham. there was nothing new here, laura. we know that. we know that the director of national intelligence, fbi disagree and on top of that we know that the cia has played politics in the past. benghazi, great example. they never talked to the people on the ground. they went ahead and supported hillary's lie. >> it's almost like the intelligence community wants everyone to forget its black spots over the last several years, the things that they missed about chinese space military zags, the threat at the border, benghazi is a big one and many more. it's almost like the shiny object of trump is over here so no one will focus on the
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deficiencies that obviously exist. there are great men and women in the intelligence agent sigs. but this smacks of bitterness and sour grapes. the fact of the matter is there is absolutely no proof that this changed the outcome of the election. i know the fox news poll showed it's 59% of the responders don't think it had any impact. the idea that the voters were obsessed with russia getting into dnc e-mails. the question is the importance of what was in hillary's e-mail. why did she delete e-mails, why did he scrub and bleach her e-mails. it's almost like we forgot the main part of this, which is her letting all of this information be vulnerable to hacking. instead it's a completely made up deal of this is affecting the integrity of the election. the election is done. trump is going to be president.
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this is just an effort to under mine a mandate he has. >> what do you make of these electors we're talking about? >> i think it's abominable. i had one on my show today, a guy from colorado who's going to vote for hillary. he's grasping on to the rurk sha thing. it's russia, russia, russia. they tried all of the other things, they tried comey, well we got to get rid of the electoral college, they tried to recount with jill stein. now it's all about russia stole the election for trump. we have to vote in john kasich. that's this guy said to me today. we're going to make sure that the house votes for john kasich or john mccain. it's crazy stuff. >> that's what the hollywood people are trying to say now with a ridiculous campaign. you don't have to like hillary, you don't have to vote hillary. constitution that barack obama ignored and shredded the past
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eight years. you got to listen to the constitution. they're trying to appeal to it. it's obviously not going to work. but there's a certain depth of, you know, wanting almost a coup over all of this. it's severe, the reaction. >> especially since they were so hot on trump saying he would accept the election outcome. you played that clip last night. they beat on trump for weeks on the legitimacy of any election outcome. and he wins and they spend the next six weeks or whatever it's been trying to figure out a way to say no, he didn't really win. it's so transparent. and instead of actually fixing the problems they have in their own party that even something like joe manchin admitted today. they have problems with the middle class white voters. instead of that they 0 go to
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conspiracy theories. it makes trump look stronger and makes them look silly. >> is this a preview of coming attractio attractions. in the end isn't this going to be an ongoing effort -- >> assault. >> where they keep ratcheting it up to the point where they really want to destroy trump. they want to render his presidency impotent. isn't that what the real goal is? >> yes. this is going to be warfare every day. i think bannon is ready for that. kellyanne understands that. they're ready for it. if the economy starts getting better, which i think it will, it will begin to look for irreleva irrelevant. but it's not going to stop them. john podesta's organization, they have a 501 c 4 they started that is going to be a war room against trump. david brock has his organization that's going to be devoted to going after trump morning, noon and night.
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but this is what they do. this is their life blood. trump is the big trophy. they want to try to take him down. everybody who supports trump and his agenda have to be aware of that and have to be really smart in how they stay on the offensive and don't start back pedaling with every criticism or allegation. >> it comes down to a simple formula. you made a lot of promises, very specific. keep your promises. check them off the list. keep your promises. all right. great to see you. thanks for being with us. up next on this busy news night tonight on "hannity." our source is not the russian government. >> in other words russia did not give you the podesta documents or anything from the dnc? >> that's correct. >> earlier today i spoke with wikileaks founder julian asage. we've got the highlights. we'll get reaction from kimberly guilfoyle and eric bolling.
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welcome back to "hannity." democratic cry babies all across the country are having a hard time accepting the crushing defeat to president-elect donald trump and they're now trying to blame their loss on russian interference. earlier today on my radio show i interviewed wikileaks founder julian assange and asked him about this and more. >> our source is not the russian government. >> in other words, let me be clear, russia did not give you the podesta documents or anything from the dnc. >> that's correct. >> can you confirm whether or not you have information involving hacked info from the rnc? >> we received about three pages
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of information to do with the rnc and trump. but it was already public somewhere else. >> without revealing your sources, would it be fair to say that the information as it relates to wikileaks and john pa december that's e-mails came from the united states to you? >> we know where it came from originally of course, it's john podesta, from the dnc, et cetera. no claim that has been held up, not even maintained anymore that any of the information has been modified or fake. >> so you can't confirm or deny if in information came from within the united states? >> we're unhappy that we felt that we needed to even say that it wasn't a state party. normally we say nothing at all. but we have a conflict of interest. we have an excellent reputation, a strong interest in protecting
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our sources so we're never saying anything about them, never rule anyone in or out. we have another interest which is maximizing the impact of our publications. >> let me ask you this. >> in order to prevent a distraction attack against our publications, we've had to come out and say it's not a state party, stop trying to distract in that way. pay attention to the content of the publication? wh . >> when you say state party, it wasn't russia or some other country. >> correct. >> how secure is america's agencies, america's government, america's secrets? >> everything is almost completely insecure now. the computer systems have become so complex that it is not possible to understand all of the pashtsrts, let alone secure them. it's impossible. >> that goes for individuals as well as the government? >> it goes for all of us. >> let me ask you about craig
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murray, former british ambassador, an associate of yours. he was quoted in the daily mail that he flew to washington, d.c. for the e-mail. he claimed he had a clandestine handoff in a wooded area with one of the e-mail sources and the leaker's motivation was discussed at the corruption of the clinton foundation and the tilting of the primary election playingfield against bernie sanders. saying that the source has information. >> craig murray is a fomrmer uk ambassador, a friend of mine. he is not authorized to speak on behalf of wikileaks. >> are you angry that he gave this interview? >> i don't want to go anywhere near that. >> is it much more likely that would have happened versus the russians? >> i don't want to be drawn on this. we have to protect our sources.
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>> here now for reaction, eric bolling, kimberly guilfoyle. they ignored the collusion between the media and the clinton camp. the racism, massageny, sexism, anti-semitism from the dnc. if it hurts donald trump, let's make it up even though he denies it and there's no evidence that disproves it. >> hillary clinton didn't want to come out and concede the election that night. allegedly reports say she got very violent with john podesta. then it became voter fraud. we had to go through the song and dance of recounts. that didn't work out. then it bam the russian's fault. it's none of the above. they had a flawed candidate. hillary clinton is the worst candidate, not necessarily the worst human being but the worst candidate to run for president in my lifetime. the russians didn't make her say
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deplorables. >> julian assange was very clear it wasn't the russians and no state whatsoever. there was a report earlier today, daily about craig murray, wikileaks, former ambassad ambassador, claiming he had a clandestine hand off with the source and that the source was within the clinton campaign and they discussed the corruption at the clinton foundation and that this source had legal access to the e-mails. >> pretty compelling factual narrative to say what the genesis of this was. that doesn't comport with what they want to tell the american people is the story. they want to be able to try to undermine the presidency to come of donald trump, the movement that put him in and to discount the flawed nature of their candidat regard for the law of the american people
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and concealed and destroyed evidence and caused lives to be lost in benghazi nap's the real story. >> we know the cia did politicize what happened in benghazi because they had the false nair tiff of the sp spontaneous demonstrations. are either of you worried at all about the electors that are being intimidated? >> i'm concerned that the cia -- they're supposed to be a house intel committee meeting tomorrow behind closed doors, on the record in private and the cia wouldn't put an intel evidence -- >> maybe they think the evidence is flimsy and weak. >> since then they've come up with more evidence proving that maybe they didn't or they were wrong in the first place. at the very least, show up and let the house intel committee find out. >> my sources in the cia that i spoke to about this told me
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there's a divide within the cia, many of the old guard, the op y operativ operatives, the people doing the hard work are basically in conflict with some of the younger analysts types who are more politically leaned forward hillary clinton and that's what has gone on here. it shouldn't be that way. you're not hearing specific evidence, credible evidence to say that the russians had anything to do with hacking or in fact affecting any voter fraud in the outcome of the united states presidential election. >> thanks for sticking around. we appreciate you always being here. democrat senator joe manchin will join us next. and also tonight -- crowds have been chanting "lock her up" at these trump thank you rallies. will hillary clinton ever be prosecut prosecuted.
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does trump have a say in it legally? we'll talk about it with judge jeanine pirro straight ahead. esurance does auto insurance a smarter way. like their photo claims tool. it helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call.
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welcome back to "hannity." according to reports, two moderate democrat senators, joe manchin from west virginia and heidi highcamp have been under consideration for positions in president-elect's cabinet. sources are telling fox news that senate democrats are launching a full court press to prevent the senators from moving to the white house and leaving vacant seats in the u.s. senate. senator manchin says he plans to stay in the senate. here to discuss that and more, democratic senator from the great state of west virginia, jart manchin. how are you?
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>> great to see you. >> maybe after this interview, if it goes well for you can tell your democratic colleagues that i'm not lucifer, i'm not satan, i'm a nice person. they don't like to come on the show which is their loss. before i get to the trump meeting, i want to ask you this. i thought about the people of west virginia when hillary clinton said she's going to put coal miners out of work and coal companies out of business. really? if i'm a coal miner and i have a coal company, that's my entire life career and savings. what did you think in. >> it went through me like a knife. you know, i had talked to hillary before that and i've known president bill clinton and hillary for quite some time. they've always been good to our state and been a good friend to me. i've always had a good rup. we talked about that earlier. i said a lot of our miners have
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lost their jobs, it's horrible what's going on, the coal companies are closing down declaring bankruptcy. she told me we're not going to believe anybody behind. i said we can't. there's no plan. there's no sympathy or empathy whatsoever from the obama administration or president obama, what they have done or the perception or what they have done to my state. so we went back and forth and talked about all of that. when it came out it rocked me pretty bad. i went to her and talked, said this is horrible. she said i made a mistake. i'm sorry. she would not have won west virginia no matter what . but that took it down further than what she would have been. >> after the meeting with donald trump, you said you had a productive informative meeting with the president-elect. you were honored and humble to be considered for secretary of energy which you took yourself out of consideration. tell us about the meeting.
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how did it go? what did you talk about? what were you impressions as a democrat dealing with the republican president-elect? >> you've known me well enough and followed me. i don't like after the identification of being a d or an r. we're all americans. we have a little bit of a different approach on how we want to make sure that the county stays strong open free and the american dream alive. i went into it excited and encouraged to be able to sit and talk to our president-elect. he's my president. i'm going to fight like the dicken to make him the best i can. people have said to me, what will you do in donald trump wins? i'm going to do my job. my job is to represent the people of west virginia and help our president be the best person he can be. and if we're going to disagree -- >> it will be respectful. i wish it were that way.
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i think moderate conservative democrats don't exist. let's do yes or no. will you support -- is there any one of his choices for his cabinet so far that you think you would be against or do you like his choices? >> first of all, i'm not saying that i would be opposed to anybody because i believe there should be difference to the executive selection of putting his team together. i was an executive. i asked the senate to give me the chance to put my people together. give us a chance. i have said this. i know pretty much a lot of the people he's announced who he wants to be. i know jeff sessions. jeff is a friend of mine. i will support jeff. the things they're saying about jeff, i've never seen that. >> i'm running out of time. >> there's going to be a vetting process. >> there will be. and there's going to be politics played and the issue of the nuclear option. i'll stay away from that. >> rex tillerson. rex and i have worked on the boy scout camp in west virginia.
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one of the greatest boy scout camps in the country. he's a tremendous person. they said are you worried about rex because he might have a relationship with putin. i said i hope somebody does because we haven't been talking to the russians and i'm concerned that we don't have a rapport with them whatsoever. what you should be asking is making sure he can divest himselves from his financial holdings so it's not tied to the performance of exxonmobil when he leaves. if that can be separated, we can move on. >> i hope we can continue these discussions with little more time in the future. thank you. appreciate it. coming up next on this busy news night on "hannity." lock her up. president-elect supporters still want to see hillary clinton prosecuted. the daily caller reporting that officials at the new york fbi field office have been instructed to keep looking into practices at the clinton foundati
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. it's clear, lock her up, president donald trump's supporters want the attorney general to look into possible charges against the attorney general. 56% want to keep investigating clinton and aides. and officials, quote, instructed its new york field office to continue its corruption investigation into the clinton foundation following the election of republican candidate donald trump. here with reaction the host of "justice", jeanine pirro. it isn't donald trump's call, is it? >> no. it isn't. you've got an independent department of justice and independent fbi. if anything, jim comey showed us that during the election. what donald trump said is that
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he wanted to go forward. he didn't take it off the table. >> he said i'm not i'm not out to hurt her. >> just recently, we have had democratic congress people, one indicted and one convicted, both african american, far less money laundering and corruption. so are we saying african americans are subject to the charges but not the clintons? what we've got is an incredible amount of money toward the clinton foundation. the reason for the server is to cover up. >> the mishandling of classified information. >> this is about the foundation. >> this is about money. >> this is about -- no.
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they're going after money laundering, conspiracy, corruption. >> should donald trump weigh in in any way or should he stay out of it? i argue he should stay out of it. obama said oh, she didn't do anything wrong. >> what donald trump said is that i'm not saying he should or shouldn't. i'm not saying he hasn't said anything like barack obama said. >> do you have any doubt she committed crimes? >> do i any doubts? i haven't seen all of the evidence. based on what i've seen, this needs to be in a grand jury. you've got a money laundering investigation out of l.a. we heard talking about the clinton foundation. >> if they don't apply the law equally, what does that tell every american?
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>> it tells everyone is that there is no such thing as equal justice in the united states under the law. and that if you're african american, you may be going to jail but not if you're a clinton. >> here is a new fox news poll. should obama pardon hillary? no. 68%. do you think he will? >> i don't know. >> for crimes may have been committed. >> do you know what? obama has been antilaw enforcement this whole term. >> you know what? we'll have the question of the day, judge, thank you. we'll continue. picking up for k. here you go. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve.
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he he we want to hear from you. we hope you'll set your dvr so you nef miss an episode. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. o'reilly's hour tonight. we'll be back tomorrow at 7:00 and every night. see you tomorrow. breaking tonight, president obama now vowing to quote take action against russia for interfere in the united states election allegedly. a threat that comes just hours after reports that he was well aware of russia's role months ago but kept the information quiet because he thought hillary clinton was going to win. welcome to "the kelly file." i'm megyn kelly. it's believed that the white house had knowledge of russia's cyber militias dating back to the summer of 2015. and tonight the reports suggest that the obama administration did not say anything because folks thought that hillary clinton would win the elect
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