tv The Five FOX News December 16, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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of destabilizing chinese behavior including bullying its neighbors and militarizing the south china sea. he said we must deter and defeat aggression. get ready. good night. hello, everyone. we're having a little conversation right before the show started. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." new developments on russia's alleged hacking into the election. fox news confirming that james comey and the director of national intelligence james clapper do agree with the cia's assessment that russia intervened in the election to help trump win. this as new reports say president obama was aware of it months ago but kept the information quiet because he thought hillary clinton was going to win. this afternoon, the president weighed in. >> i felt that the most
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effective way to ensure that that didn't happen was to talk to him directly. tell him to cut it out. there were going to be serious consequences if he didn't. in fact, we did not see further tampering of the election process. i'm finding it a little curious that everybody is acting surprised that this looked like it was disadvantaging hillary clinton because you guys wrote about it every day. this was an obsession that dominated the news coverage. my principal goal leading up to the election was making sure that the election itself went off without a hitch and we accomplished that. >> when it comes to dealing with russia, president obama says the united states needs to be cautious with how we react. >> we went out there and made big announcements and thumped our chests about a bunch of
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stuff that somehow that would potentially spook the russians. the relationship between us and russia has deteriorated. so how we approach an appropriate response that increases costs for them for behavior like this in the future but does not create problems for us, there are times where the message will go -- will be directly received by the russians and not publicized. >> i gotta man up here and said yesterday i said the fbi didn't agree with the cia and clapper. juan was accurate. he said they did. here is my question. everyone knows russia is hacking. everyone knows china is hacking. is there any indication that it actually did influence the election? >> president obama said there was no evidence of actual voter fraud in terms of tampering with any of the systems in the united states in terms of how people cast their vote. then it remains to be seen for
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those that are wildly spec ta e i speculative as to whether any of the information released did influence the way that the voters decided to choose for president. i ask you this. president obama, this is his house, this is the house he has been in for eight years, had ample opportunity to make sure that state department stimeyste were safe and intact and adequately protected from cyberattack. if there was evidence and warnings that this was occurring, he should have actually done something to stop it. instead of going like this. russia, are you scared now? thumping the chest. at what point? >> you were right. i stand corrected from yesterday. this is new information. let me ask you this. why don't we get the evidence? they say, we agree. how about the american people see some of the evidence? >> i think the evidence is forthcoming. the question -- it may not satisfy you when the report is
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released. the question is, is it concrete? is it something you can say, you know, here is the smoking gun, we see where russia actually did it? as the president said today, sometimes these folks have shadow actors or blind people, and then you troy trace it back and all that. i thought it was compelling when he said, you know, there's no question -- you don't see the russians doing something without vladimir putin being in charge of it. that he is in control of that entire government. what interested me and where i was wrong yesterday was i was pretty angry yesterday at president obama because it looked to me like he had just sat on his hands while this was going on and he had the opportunity to save -- to say the russians are trying to influence. today he said, i'm trying to play it straight. if he had said the russians are doing this, it would have seemed
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that he was just being partisan and in his words it would have been part of the political scrum. he says he thinks they handled it right. i still am not convinced of that. >> if they did know way back when before the election, why did they do nothing? why now president obama today says, i told putin, cut it out or else. >> i'm not sure about any of this. the timing of it. i don't understand exactly what they're trying to accomplish by talking about it now. it's for the sake of transparency? okay. or prevent it from happening in the future, i get that. clarity, that would be good. or is it to delegitimatize and play down the win of donald trump in the election? the other thing is if the cia memo that brought this to light leaked -- when those memos go out to staff, they know it's going to leak. it seep seems there might be political appointees who are leaving the agencies who are going to be transitioning out
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who wanted to get this information out there in some way. i understand also president obama saying he didn't want to escalate a cyber war. but it seems like if this was happening, then -- i don't know what the further escalation is. you can shut down their electricity grid in moscow. it seep seems to me that it ha happened to the republicans, the republicans would be mad. interestingly on the front page of the wall street journal today is the story that says the rnc was able to thwart the hacking attack. maybe they were trying to hack the republicans as well. >> one of the most concerning things that very long press con -- it was more than an hour and a half. at one point president obama said, we're not that sophisticated. it's easy to hack us. well, yeah, except for everyone wants to hack us. what's the answer? do we need to spend a ton of money on cyber security? >> they did hack our military was it august 2015? they tried to seize the e-mails
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of our joint chief of staff. >> and white house in 2014. >> it's a forever game for the russians. right now they are high fiving. we can't think it's going to end here. they're going to do the democrats, republicans, everybody. there's a theme that he hit on that kind of bugged me. he kept talking about the polarization and division, which is there, there's no question it's there. it culminated during his reign. the division deepened while he was president. so it's like him complaining about polarization is like a refinery complaining about pollution. he created a lot of it. the thing is, that doesn't bother me about the whole idea about people favoring putin over hillary and whatnot. it's assuage. it breaks my hearts to see conservatives trusting assuage over our intelligence agency. asausuage is one of the most anti-american person on the planet. he leaked named of afghans who
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were cooperating. he claimed wikileaks uncovered american atrocities. he compared gitmo to auschwitz. he praises hezbollah. he leaked a memo of an army device that jammed ieds. we're calling him a hero? when president obama said, reagan is rolling -- >> let's do this. stay right there. you accurately point out divisions that are being pushed, pedalled. you talk about assuage being praised by conservatives. president obama widening the divide. skip this one. listen to this. >> there was a survey some of you saw where -- this is just one poll but credible source. 37% of the republican voters approve of putin. over a third of republican voter
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s approve of vladimir putin, the former head of the kgb. ronald reagan would roll over in his grave. >> greg, now, liberals are saying, assuage was ours and republicans are saying, wait a minute, reagan is ours. it is flipped. >> it's flipped. he is right. i think president reagan would g go, i can't believe this is happening. now we're embracing the former head of the kgb. replace russia with mexico. replace trump with hillary. mexico tampered to get hillary in. we would be flipping out. he has a point. >> build a wall on canada. >> exactly. >> your thoughts on president obama invoking ronald reagan suggesting that i guess the he party ofe party or reagan? >> the one thing i thought of was -- everybody tries to use reagan. he has done this before. all the presidential candidates on the republican side invoke
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reagan at some point. everybody tries to use his legacy. it started out in obama's administration that he wanted warmer relations with russia. actually go back to 2001, george w. bush wanted warmer relations. it's a fool'ser ra efool'se err. >> is it okay to have warmer relations with putin? >> if there's a payoff. there was the potential for them to join with a new kind of alignment in europe at one point. to spread western europe towards the east. putin is not a player. he is a player, but he's not a fair player. he is not interested in any kind of an alliance. he is not interested in peace. he is just interested in making it clear that the former soviet union is still a power in this world and they shouldn't be looked down upon. >> final thought there.
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>> that's for sure. that's his objective. that's his goal and focus. then we have ours. that's why it's so crucially important to make sure you have the right people in place that know how to handle them, that are going to be strong and follow through so there's that level of fear and respect at the same time that he knows that if we say enough is enough that there will be consequences. that's going to be the job, we will see, of the future secretary of state that's been nominated, rex tillerson, among others to negotiate and talk to him. at least he has some past history and dealings. he knows who will be across the table from him. he will be nobody's fool. the importance of that pick. >> very good. we turn our focus to the humanitarian crisis in syria. many say this will be the biggest stain on president obama's legacy. his response to that next. later, facebook friday. post your questions for us on our facebook page. we will be right back.
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new developments on the crisis in syria. the evacuation of refugees desperate to get out of aleppo has been suspended. this comes after government forces allegedly opened fire on a humanitarian convoy. there are thousands trapped inside the city, including women and young children. the obama administration is back on the defense over its syria policy in the wake of the humanitarian crisis in aleppo. at his final press conference, president obama addressed the uni united states' role. >> this blood and these atrocities are on their hands. the united states continues to be the world's largest donor of humanitarian to the syrian people. there needs to be a broader cease-fire that can serve as the basis for a political rather than a military solution. that's what the united states is going to continue to push for,
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both with our partners and through multilateral institutions like the u.n. you may achieve tactical victories over the long-term, the assad regime cannot slaughter its way to legitimacy. >> while he stands firm, charles krauthammer argues it will be one of the greatest downfalls of his presidency. >> he imagines the obama deal is his legacy. it is not. aleppo is his legacy. history will remember this as kind of a symbolism of the whole policy of retreat and the unhe have table outcome. the only thing that could have stopped this ultimately would have been some kind of deterrent from the united states, a warning to keep the russians out. we didn't. and now we have what we have. >> greg, in regards to that evacuation, apparently the russians -- maybe there was confusion on the ground, fog of war. but they put out notices today
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that the evacuation was complete. then people who were returning to their homes because they had no way to get out. >> yeah. this rips with pit show. what can you do? there's nothing you can do or say. aleppo -- this whom thing was allowed to unravel because of president obama's desire for a legacy through an iran treaty. he was busy watering the plant while the house next store was on fire. he could have hosed it down. we talked about diplomacy. what's the common link in all of i guess this administration's embarrassments? a guy named kerry. i return to that james taylor moment where he brought a folk singer to an attack. there is naivete. there's a misunderstanding of how to deal with the sober realities of the world. if you talk it out with them, everything will be fine.
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sometimes they just don't understand talk. they understand action. >> president obama said he takes responsibility for what's happening in syria. >> and he should. i completely agree with his policy. that's the weird thing is i think we need to have political solutions rather than military solutions in the middle east. specifically in syria. add humanitarian aid. i'm against a military action there. it's his fault because he was the one who drew the chemical red line, allowed it to be breached and did nothing. again, i'm all for you. if you want to go, go. if you don't want to go, i'm behind you as well. whau whatever you decide to do, make syria know you mean what you say. i agree with greg on john kerry. he is the most incompetent secretary of state in our lifetime if not longer. i disagree you hosing down the next door neighbor's house when it's on fire. you put americans at risk. i'm against doing that. when you put that house out, the
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house next door will be on fire and the next door. eventually -- >> the whole idea of combating fires is you put out that fire so it doesn't spread. the problem is, president obama has this feckless foreign policy. he drew a line he had no intention of enforcing. then what we see now, the result is the fall of aleppo and syria and assad has no ability with its military sources to hold and control that sit city, which is. this is a big problem because he didn't act. now we have a situation where you cannot rule out military action because it is that far gone. he created this situation. charles krauthammer is right. now it's a mess. unless we do something to help there, if you don't control and deal with it there, then they want to come here. that's not going to solve any problems either. in terms of the refugees and everybody being displaced.
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unfortunately, president-elect trump is inheriting the mess of this disastrous legacy of president obama. the world is suffering. >> juan, when you think about the next 40 days, this evacuation is happening as we speak and the administration is wrapping things up and a new one is coming in, can we wait to do more? >> it seep seems it's a done d. assad has won. that's probably to me the most tragic aspect of this all. if you recall the russians came in when we saw the rebels having some success and then assad and the russians respond. the united states does not act at that moment. the way i think about this is, what could the u.s. have reasonably done? if you remember, hillary clinton had the idea of no-fly zones to try to keep the russians out, also to stop that kind of not only attack on civilians but attacks that were against the rebels who were opposing assad. president obama decided no. then if you impose that, then you are potentially in conflict
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with the russians. the question,how are you going to resolve that? i suppose that's the way he is thinking. today at the press conference, what he says is, we cared. he has -- he was very -- he kno children are suffering, dieing who don't deserve it. how much do you put the united states at risk in order to resolve those issues? this is eric's point. a degre i agree. i understand. i think at some point in this one, i just can't stomach assad winning after all the destruction, the murder. i think -- the ongoing situation with the evacuation, what is that but a slaughter? >> the only other -- when you say you can't stomach assad's victory, imagine if it were isis. that's the only -- if there's a silver lining somewhere in this horrible mess. >> remember, there was a rebel group that the united states tried to -- if we had -- i don't -- >> i agree.
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>> they weren't properly supported. >> some of those ended up going to isis. >> hezbollah, iran elite guard, russia with military. all of that and the leadership factor. >> we will talk about this. how does president-elect trump plan to handle the situation he is inheriting in syria? we have details next. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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as aleppo lies in ruins thanks to the obama administration's failed strategy, president-elect trump offers his plan to help end the nightmare in syria. >> i will build safe zones in syria. when i look at what's going on in syria, it's so sad. it's so sad. and we have to help people. we have the gulf states. they have nothing but money. we don't have money. we owe $20 trillion. i will get the gulf states to give us lots of money, and we
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will build and help build safe zones in syria have a chance. >> obviously, the president-elect sympathetic to the humanitarian crisis occurring in aleppo, wants do something about it. he wants other people to partner. he is mentioning the gulf states that could be helpful in creating safe zones there. >> one of the things i like about donald trump is his non-interventionist strategies. he was out there saying -- i was against the iraq war, i was against getting involved in the conflicts. i hope he stays with that. you need to provide aid. we are the richest country in the world. we can afford this. we can afford the help. we need to do -- we have to have politics get involved. we need a good secretary of state. if it gets bad and there's continued humanitarian atrocities, slap sanctions on anyone trading with syria.
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guess who trades with syria. iran and russia. play that game. we already have sanctions with iran and with russia. kick them up a notch. we can do that. >> what is the framework for a solution here in aleppo? >> it's really complicated. there's an idea to partition it into four -- there's not a shred of trust left by the people who were fighting against assad. if he is going to remain in power, then there probably has to be a separation. how do you enforce that? will he let them go? i think what this shows is there are consequences for actions. but there are also consequences for inaction. i think the best thing to do is listen to the military and state department and say, what's possible and what do you think would matter and try to push forward on that. the other thing is the iran deal. it does seem clear that all the decisions we have been making have been to not ruffle the feathers of iran.
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if that's our highest concern that they are going to create a nuclear weapon and we want prevent that, then let's be really honest about what it means in terms of the consequences for other people in the region. >> let's be really honest about the fact that they have the capacity to do so. we just helped fund it by giving them money we shouldn't have done a deal with them. greg, what do you think we should do here? >> the problem is nobody can keep the players straight. i think that's what -- there's no clearcut side. if you kill x, you help y. if you kill y, then you help x. you don't want to help either of them. who do you kill? it's not about who to help. it's about who to kill. let's be honest. the reason why america is the most powerful country in the world is that we kill better than anybody else. we have to face the ugly fact that like that house on fire, failed countries often create migration chaos and general chaos. it ends up hitting us. at some point it's not just diplomacy, it's the stick.
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the good news is maybe -- this is -- i'm speculating. you are sending an oil man to deal with an oil man. i don't think there's going to be any folk singing between rex and vlad. maybe by not having the typical liberal naive type going there but you have a guy that's like, look, we know this is about oil. so let's talk about the oil. i swear to god, i won't send james taylor. >> that's why it's a smart move. you don't send somebody who is an international knee owe fight into an area to face the former head of the kgb. you send a pro and someone who knows who their opponent is. you handle it that way. >> you mean we shouldn't send trump? we have to send trump. he doesn't know anything about foreign policy. >> i'm referring to rex tillerson. >> i was teasing you. i think trump's idea is this, safe zones. that's his big idea. two, bring in the russians that
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work with the russians, collaborate with the russians and we can get this solved. with safe zones, you have to enforce it. it's like the no-fly zone. this is a safe zone, we're going to protect it. if that's the case, then you are back to eric's point, are you willing to put troops on the ground? when it comes to working with the russians, i don't know why we gotta work with the russians? why would we trust the russians that they would do anything -- >> you just contradicted yourself. you said we should work with the russians to come up with a solution. >> no. i think collaboration -- >> you know how you work with iranians? cut off the money supply. that's the strongest weapon. >> the president made the point, we have lots of sanctions on the russians. >> we can step up sanctions. right now we have sanctions on a handful of some of putin's closest advisors. you can make it bigger. widen the sanctions. by the way, what's the one thing that russia and iran need?
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a high oil price. this is brilliant strategy by president-elect trump. if we don't need russia or iran for their oil, they are not depending on us and we're not depending on them. you lean on them. >> energy independence. >> i don't think you can trust the russians. that's the key to what trump is proposing. i'm not saying work with the russi russians. i'm saying, i don't see why trump wants to put so much trust in the russians. >> i think he's putting someone who knows how to deal with them, that's dealt with them before, who has the expertise and he is saying energy independence is part of the equation to having this strength through diplomacy, you have to have leverage. >> making profits is different than achieving peace and a solution that's appealing, protects people and the international order in the middle east. >> up next, the media's meltdown over president-elect trump continues. you won't believe to whom they are comparing our next commander in chief. as a control enthusiast,
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five weeks after winning the election, some in the mainstream media still upset over donald trump's victory. are they crossing the line now? new reports in "the new york times" tieing mr. trump's win to amazon's nazi series "the man in the high castle." the chief political correspondent for slate compares him to dylann roof who was convicted in the murder of nine black church members in charleston. here i'm quoting. question, roof will face justice. the ideas that radicalized him will thrive as an active presence in american politics. they will thrive in the west wing. they will thrive from the oval office. they will thrive in rebuke to barack obama himself.
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i would imagine that you are agitated over this. >> i'm agitated because you forced me to read something in slate. i try -- life is too short to read stuff like that. by the way, if hitler didn't exist, the far left would invent him to find something to compare republicans to. they have been always up front. both sides right and left, we all have our creeps. the difference is the left has been demonizing the opposition much longer, since the 1960s, i think since the radical left came out. they are in the olympic level of demonizing people. they should branch out. not just hitler. why not stalin? they killed more people than hitler. >> good point. good point. let's take this seriously for a second. >> i was. >> let's just say -- i know that, for example, i think what a lot of these people who are -- i agree with greg.
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i think it's too extreme to talk about -- like the country has become a nazi regime. is it fair to say that trump stirred up white nationalists' anxieties in the society and therefore when people draw this analogy, they're trying to say, this is worrisome, we shouldn't be going in this direction? >> i think if you stopped at the -- at your reasonable lead-in to that question, yes. possibly that could be said. this is obviously taking it way too far. i think what the left is doing, they're making themselves so irrelevant. they're pushing people who wouldn't necessarily have been for trump to think, you are pushing me into his corner. you are pushing me into defending him because you are being so ridiculous. >> my first thought was since when is it okay to compare the president-elect to hitler? and have that kind of heightened rhetoric. then i realized, it's been going on for the last year and a half on both sides. somehow i realize that this will
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end up probably playing in president donald trump's favor. the more outrageous you get with him, he wins. he cops back and points out -- by the way, if he doesn't, you know who will? this guy will end up on tucker's show. tucker will eat him alive. >> i live in d.c. there was a story about a white nationalist group had a party. they were giving the nazi salute. my point is -- i would disavow that. i am saying to you, there's some real toy this. >> no. there isn't. i think it's ridiculous. if anybody is dividing the country and demonizing, it's the left. it's hillary clinton by calling hard working men and women that felt they were left behind deplorable, a basket of deplorables. she's the one that started this.
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and finishing it off from president obama and his administration and the justice department and inciting these racial divides throughout this country. we saw it in riots. basically, a war against the police department and the military. it's enough already. it's so sad. all you can do is cite some crazed lunatic as prove this is what's happening in the country? >> it's bigger than that. even the holocaust museum said clearly they condemn this national policy institute. people like that who have been stirred up. i don't think there's any question they have been stirred up. the issue -- >> who is stirring the pot? >> who are the white nationalists? i don't know. >> that's not what i'm talking about. >> again the absurdity of bringing this up. >> don't you remember tela tequila? >> we are never going to
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remember her at this point. don't go away. facebook friday coming at you for the christmas season. being detected was not an option. if i was recognized the whole operation was blown. the element of surprise was imperative. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself. and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards it's gonna be a killer honeymoon. woo! maui!! boom open to the armed forces, the dod and their families. navy federal credit union. this holiday, the real gift isn't what's inside the box... it's what's inside the person who opens it. give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from -by revealing their ethnic mix.
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facebook friday, we're answering your questions. this is a great one. everybody is uncomfortable about that. i will start -- should i start with you? >> why not torture me more? >> if you could see someone's e-mails, who would you like to peak at and why? >> you, little weirdo. because you are so worried about it. you talk about it all the time. >> that is true. >> i probably would recognize half of them from your 2:00 a.m. e-mails to all of us and to me. it wouldn't be that interesting or revealing. >> there would be no secrets because i don't keep any. i talk about everything. >> you do it on this reply chain to everybody. >> i let everybody know about my intestinal conflicts. >> really? >> i have a conflict of interest right now. >> remember from our christmas party? >> i blamed the snacks. >> on his situation. >> yes, juan. >> i don't know how to answer
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this question. there's so many people -- the reporter in me loves to snoop. i would love it. this week i was reading about sumner redstone. what kind of e-mails are these women sending him? what's he respond to them? >> it's probably in all caps. he is 90. >> it was going to be my son. i really don't want to know what he is up to. >> you already see on instagram. >> i think it would probably be morning joe. >> you are so obsessed with them. >> that's hilarious. what did you mean by that? what do you mean what did i mean? you know what i mean. i you want talking about you. why did you say that before the break? >> oh, my gosh. >> i don't think i can do it. >> making friends everywhere. >> i don't snoop at all. >> it would feel weird. it's a weird feeling.
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>> did anybody here have a party line phone when they were little? >> no. >> in wyoming there was a party line phone. it connected -- everybody had a different ring. it was like a real big no no to pick up the phone and listen to somebody else's conversation. i was taught that at an early age. i don't know. it makes me uncomfortable. >> the only time i read other p.m.'s e-mails is when they sent an e-mail to me that was meant for somebody else about me. >> that happens with dana a lot. >> somebody has greg on his mind and is talking to juan, but sends it to me. look at him wearing his sunglasses indoors. who does he think he is? >> why? >> exactly. >> yes. >> i would like to read mailer demon's e-mails. >> look at juan's face. >> tell me. >> don't worry about it.
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>> what is that? >> it comes back -- >> again -- >> you say tomato, i say -- >> chicken little over here is so innocent. >> i didn't know. >> anyway, from john h., i will start with you. if president-elect trump asked you to be an ambassador, which country would you want it to be in order to accept? that's a good one. >> i think it would be spain. i love the culture. i love the latin culture. i speak not fluent but spanish. >> there's fun places there. >> spain is not latin. >> it's spanish. >> sorry. hispanic. >> you could have -- >> what about you, juan? >> i don't know. i knew a guy who was the ambassador to the european union. >> not anymore. that job is breaking up.
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>> that's cheating. >> what about can you go to the caribbean? >> i think so. you can go to the caribbean. >> you can walk around like the dude. >> what about you? >> what am i going to say? what? uk, no. johnson has that. i would say ireland. >> very good. >> yes. >> you don't have to call him johnson, you know. >> well, i would say ireland. since i lived there ever summer since i was 5. i went to trinity college in dublin, ireland, and studied law there. >> interesting. >> i vacation in puerto rico. my other side. >> got that covered. >> what about you? >> i would like tanzania. >> interesting choice. >> beautiful. >> beautiful place. it has promise. democratic promise.
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fascinating. you could do good work. >> that's good. i would pick -- >> go on safari. >> that would be fun. i would pick australia. i have a thing for wallibiliabe >> it's illegal. >> they're a good cuddle. >> same size. >> one more thing up next. i'ts your tv, take it with you. with directv and at&t, stream live tv anywhere data-free. join directv today starting at $35/month. no extra monthly fees. ♪
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time for one more thing. dana. >> annual tradition, it came today. i thought i would bring it. your annual jasper wine. this is from one of the pictures. it's a nice cabernet for to you have over the weekend. or sell it on ebay. >> i like your picture. >> that's the american gothic picture. >> it goes great with dog. >> i like your outfit. >> merry christmas. >> i keep this next to my behind the shed red. >> happy ugly christmas sweater day. that's right. this started five years ago. celebrated the third friday of december. and a viewer sent these gifts for all of us. one for you. >> it's a gift day. >> is mine an extra small? >> this one, gregory. you gotta do it.
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a big, big one for -- >> my gosh. i love mine. >> i'm going to show you, it's pretty ridiculous. if it works. >> this better be a unicorn. i think it is. >> i think the lights flash. >> oh, my god. >> move that wine bottle. >> why does this say -- >> greg, i light up, too. >> you are blocking my shot. you are the worst person in the world. >> it has lights. >> mine says -- what is this? it's a little -- it's a size large. >> that's really good. >> look at this. >> i would find that -- >> notice how masculine -- >> it looks like something out
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of a "playgirl" from wild kingdom. >> is yours a large, too? >> i hope our viewers have one, too. >> tonight 8:00, check out o'reilly factor. we will go after the thank you tour in florida. we will pick up the rest of the show from there. last night i told you, on twitter, did hillary -- who lost the election for hillary? was it her or the russians? you came back with, hillary had it won until she opened hers. i lived through the clinton years. i know what kind of snake she is. >> i have a lot of things going on here. i want do a shoutout to my boys, the team guys out there in georgia that are watching right now. there you go. merry christmas. we can say that these days. we met at the convention. also, it's time now for kimberly's -- i'm getting so good at this. right? i wish we could get a sponsor.
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maybe it should be mcdonald's. >> exactly. >> guess what. they're going to deliver -- this is so exciting. in select cities you will get k mcdonald's. i have a large fries and big mac. have the food delivered. it's pretty exciting, orlando, tampa, miami in late january. 200 places. >> all right. thank you. tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m., the greg gutfeld show. watch it. >> do you have to yet? >> i hate these people. when you are on an escalator, you don't hold hands. people are in a hurry. you are standing there and i'm trying to get to the subway and you are holding hands. get out of my way! get behind the person! you don't hold hands when you are on an escalator!
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>> you are so angry. >> he hates some people. >> that's it for us. we will see you back here monday. "special report" coming up right now. president obama insists russia interfered with the u.s. election and promises retaliation. in his final news conference of the year. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. president obama says not much happens in russia without vladimir putin knowing about it. that is as close as he would come without saying that his russian counterpart was directly behind the hackings that democrats insist contributes to hillary clinton's defeat. it was the topic in the president's end of the year news conference before leaving for vacation in hawaii.
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