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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  December 17, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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right . right now on "justice." >> i felt that the most effective way was to talk to him directly and tell him to cut it out. >> president obama is talking tough but was anybody buying it? >> he's weak, he's been weak for years. >> the former speaker is here to talk obama, trump and the hypocrisy behind the trump's blame game with russia. plus we'll talk about the trump white house and rumors he may be in it. then -- >> don't take till i get off this 18 -- how many wheels do you have on this truck?
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>> it's been one of my favorite parts of the show all year. tonight we look back on some of the best moments of street justice. >> what about the fact saying that mentally illinois people shouldn't get a gun? >> i totally agree. >> so get a gun. >> i got a hammer. >> he has the hammer but i got the gavel. "justice" starts now. >> hello and welcome to justise. i'm judge jeanine. thanks for being with us. shawn spicer from the rnc is standing by. he's the senior communications advisory to president-elect trump's transition team and ambassador john bolton will join me live as well. later on i'll speak to scott
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mayma baio. first, my opening statement. the left has been telling you for years what you can eat, what you should say and now how you should feel. take a listen to michelle obama. >> yes. i do. because we feel the difference now. >> yeah. >> see, now we're feeling what not having hope feels like, you know. hope is necessary. it's a necessary concept. what else do you have if you don't have hope? >> really? this from a woman who in 2008 at 44 years old said for the first time in her life she was proud of her country when her husband was running for president. and now eight years later, you're out of hope, michelle?
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you've lived a life few can even imagine. if the citadel is power and prestige in the world, you and your husband, blessed by god, and the american people with a unique and historic opportunity to not only lead america from that shining place on a hill bus impact americans and give them hope that virtually no others can. and now that you're leaving, hope is gone? singles when does hope rise and fall with you and barack in the white house? but it doesn't end there. when asked if your husband's administration achieved his promise of hope to americans, your answer, a resounding yes. "especially in times of crisis and turmoil." are i kidding? did your husband give hope to
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the parents of james foley of steven satloff who was in custody for a year while his family was told they could not negotiate because they'd be prosecuted before their sons' heads were chopped off to try to convince america that once you and barack exit the white house, hope is removed for america is an outrage. and i'll tell you what else is an outrage. an outrage is when your husband struts up to the microphone at a national prayer breakfast and tells christians to get off their high horses because the cristians are afraid of muslim terrorists cutting their heads off. and i'd say that that was a crisis. but no hope there. isis today only looms larger, and by the way, mitchell, have you heard of san bernardino,
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orlando, or that workplace violence that happened at fort hood in texas? in times of crisis and turmoil? like the 13 hours those heroes were on a rooftop in gwen benghazi? your all-powerful husband never bothered to explain to us where he was and what he was doing that night. all we know is the only power that he was ready to unleash was air force one to fly to las vegas for a fundraiser the next morning so that you guys could live the life another four years in the white house. but i get it. for you, hope is gone. you and your family and friends won't be able to fly to another 46 countries with security and hair and makeup in towe.
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i don't know if you realize but americans rejected you and everything you stand for. they know what hope is. hope is when people, 30,000 at a time, stand in line in the cold with their children hoping to get the glimpse of a man that they think can change the course of their lives from the downward spiral that will you and mr. hope and change have put them on. i'll tell you what hope and change is. hope and change is when people show up 20,000 strong after an election, desperate to see the man who actually brought back jobs, almost a thousand, when your husband said it was impossible to bring them back at carrier. by the way, if you want to know what it really feels like to not have hope, just walk out of the white house.
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as ordinary americans, you'll see real fast. welcome to the america you created. the one with the racial divide, a disrespect of law enforcement and the military. illegals cruising our borders, draining our schools and social services, isis and refugees on the rise. no hope? mitchell, i'm surprised at you. what happened to when they go low, we go high"? and that's my opening statement. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter, b #judgejanine. joining us, sean spicer, also reportedly the leading candidate
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to become president trump's public relgss guy. >> anything you want to say? >> no. >> merry christmas. you look like you could be a press second secretary. >> as i've said, i'd do anything i can to help this president advance his cause in washington. he's going to bring change to the american people. when you look at what he's done already, it's unbelievable. and you know him and i think that you know that on20th, it'sa bang. >> oh. >> he's going to get things done right off the bat. >> you know, sean, what's so amazing is that the man hasn't stopped since he won election night. i don't think americans have ever seen anything like this. he's going tostate to state to thank people and americans will responding. i want to get to many smochtd
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fascinating stuff that has happens the last 48 hours. you heard my opening. mitchell obama, talk about class or lack thereof. isn't that a sloap at the incoming president? >> i think what i would phrase it as: change is coming. business as usual is over. i think for a lot of folks in the political class and the punditing class, he is going to bring real change to this city. he's going to bring a record of success that is going to just shock the system throughout its core what i mean by that is he doesn't take no for an answer. he picks up the phone, he gets things done. he doesn't take no for an answer. he figures out how do i get to yes, how do i get to success and who do i surround myself to get
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there with? the people he's choosing for his cabinet are of unbelievable caliber, position by position, department by department, the people taking these jobs -- you look at rex tillerson. ration to riches -- >> sean, there's going to be a lot of trouble there. talk about push back but not only pushback against tiller son but you've got whoid and whiefl moore saying trump shouldn't be admitted to the white house. they're take out ads saying, everybody, we've got to stop trump from coming into the white house. who are these people? >> the interesting thing about this, judge, is that they don't understand what's going on in this country. it was the same people who predicted a coronation for hillary clinton. they don't get it. the american people are tired of business as usual and donald
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trump's bringing change like they've never seen before. the problem with hollywood is they don't get it. they don't understand the frustrations and concerns that average americans are living with now, they're living paycheck to paycheck. donald trump gets it in a way nobody's gotten before. i think it scares them. that's what the problem is is that they've been used to coming in, republican or democrat, cozying up to the elites and being able to go to their cocktail parties. that's not what donald trump wants. he wants to come in and make this country better. he wants everyone to have a better life. that scares the people who is used to living off washington doing business as usual. >> the new york elites and east coast elites, i should say, take out these public service spots and the campaign supposedly caused how much to try to stop
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donald trump and get these electoral college people to change their vote, which isn't going to happen. why are they spending so much money now? >> well, they spent a lot in the campaign and it didn't have an effect. >> it's not going to have an effect now. >> no, ice not. the bigger issue -- and i know a lot of times conservatives get hit with constantly bashing the media. but where are the stories about asking these electorals to flip? 306 votes, they're spending almost a million dollars right now trying to influence electors to switch. >> yeah. >> that is just -- it's unbelievable. no one in the mainstream media is calling outrage on this. it's unbelievable. >> i think for the first time the american people get it and they do because of drump.
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>> you're absolutely right. >> thanks for being with us. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. john bolton named as candidate for deputy secretary of state. thanks for being here. i could ask you about whether or not you are or have been offered the position of second and i understand that when you're asked that, you go dead slye silent is that true? >> no. i never go sigh leapt. i just don't answer the question. >> so it won't matter how i ask or whether or not you take it or whether or not you've been offered it? >> right. no matter how persistent. >> all right. let's talk about russia. russia right now is being accused of all kinds of things. the president yesterday said i went to china to the g 20 in september and i handled it face to face and i told putin to cut it out. you think putin was shaking in
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his kgb boots? >> undoubtedly he was thinking of the red line in syria and bondering what kind of red line this is. president obama has become a parody of himself. i think we're seeing the consequences, russia, china, iran or korea, they think they can get away with most anythingaged i think that are pretty close from being right. this could be a dangerous period for the united states. >> what's so incredible, ambassador, sthoon the one hand the president is saying that he didn't want to ostensibly get involved but no one ever says that what was release mtd the form of the dnc e-mails and podesta and hilly was untruthful or tampered with. the president, you would think if he's concerned about an
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election would say donna braz e brazile, cnn, somebody getting questions before the debate, this is cheating democracy. >> undoubtedly, behind the classification wall there is evidence of who the hacker was. people that i respect who have seen this evidence think it was russia. it could be. it could be somebody else. i think there are two questions. one, whatever happened one has to ask did it have an impact on the election itself. to that, i don't think there's any evidence of any influence at all. podesta may think he's an important person but actually i don't think anybody cared what was in his e-mail. the preliminary question is did russia or some other foreign intelligence service try to influence the election to break trust and confidence in the government? if that's right, this is very serious. despite the fact it may not have had an impact on the election, we cannot accept that.
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>> but ambassador, there is no claim that will voting machines or ballots or anything like that. the claim that the mainstream media doesn't seem to make clear is that oh, my goodness, they released e-mails that -- of the dnc people talking to each other. correct? >> i don't expect an authoritarian society to do that. to me, it's far less relevant whether they had an impact and whether they tried. think back to december 7, 1941. if japan had attacked pearl harbor but all the their bombs and torpedoes missed, we would be thajs. about that but we would be concerned about the fact of the attack itself. >> right. but are you suggesting that they tried to do more than just release e-mails? because julian assange at
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wikileaks said they had nothing to do with it. although, should we believe him? >> of course, i don't believe anything julian assange says. even given that, he said russian government didn't. i think that depends on what the definition of russian government is to julian assange. one reason i believe that to protect the integrity of our system against these wild accusations, i think we ought to have a congressional investigation. i look for mike pompeo when he becomes director of the cia to investigate it. >> persist enlt. i admire you. i'll give you my name, rank, and serial number. that's about it. >> thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> scott bale said he was assaulted at his child's school
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for supporting donald trump. he's here to talk about it. and newt gingrich has some tough words for the outgoing president. throughout the hour we're going to look back at some of my favorite segments like i visited a biker for trump rally. buckle up. we're rolling on. >> can you say why you're here tonight? to see donald. he's not answering. you want to tell us why ub here? >> i am here to support donald trump and do what we can to give him support. >> what are you packing? >> .45. i never travel without it. my family tree, i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more
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about my african roots. ancestry really helped me fill in a lot of details.
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. squierks another big week for president-elect trump. the countdown to the swaerk in is on. i spoke to former speaker of the house newt gingrich about a few things, including president obama's blame game against the russians after the democrats lost the election. >> mr. speaker, thanks so much for being with us tonight. >> i'm delighted to be with you. it's an exciting time. >> certainly is. president obama yelled held his last press conference of 2016 and he said some interesting things. i want to start with his discussion of this washington interference with the -- russian skbrrchs with the 2016 election.
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in september of 2016 when he said he saw putin in china in early september and he told him to cut it out -- that's a quote -- and yet a month after the election, december, october -- he is demanding that there be an investigation as to whether or not the russians interfered with the election. what is going on? >> they lost. that's what's going on. you know, poor john podesta's had this article about the fact that all these things are happening and it's all the fbi's fault. you realize this guy ran a campaign that raised a billion dollars, $1 billion. h had the president of the united states on his side, the elite news media on his side and his candidate lost. he could either say, you know, i
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failed. or he could say the russians did it. and i think he's decided he has a better future claiming the russians did it. >> amazing -- >> and it's absurd. >> the amazing part of it is, i don't believe, mr. speaker, he has denied anything that was hacked and julian assange said the russians have nothing to do it whether you believe that or not. they don't deny that what was in those e-mails wasn't accurate. >> well, notice what the core of their argument is. that by hacking into the e-mails, they let the american people know things that were true. i mean, the russians didn't write the e-mails. hillary clinton did. john podesta did. everything that's embarrassing and damaging came to bill clinton, hillary clinton or john podesta, their campaign manager. it's not their fault it became
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public, and therefore it's the russians fault for making public what bad they were doing. i'm not a lawyer. it strikes me. i wouldn't want to take their case into court and try to defend their logic. >> be dismissed fwrve other side had the opportunity to present theirs. what's so fascinating. when i was listening for the excuse the president might use, he said, well 17 intelligence agencies said that russia was involved in interfering. and he says he wanted the american people to decide. it takes him five weeks or a month later to say we're going to have the intelligence agencies investigate it again. now the pressure is on donald trump to further the investigation. but isn't this nothing more than attempt to delegitimatize the victory of donald trump? >> look. i don't think anything done by
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outsiders changed the ultimate outcome. the fact is when it mattered, key voters in wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania said i don't want hillary clinton. and they voted for donald j. trump, period. that's the fact. i will say this and i said this in 2014 when the north crakorea were hacking into sony, i think it would be healthy and important and if this particular story is part of that, that's fine. but to narrow it down to something which frankly even the intelligence agencies don't agree on. i mean, the big a in the intelligence community over whether this even happened. >> i thought it was fascinating and consistent with president obama's whole personality during the press conference he said well, you know, my message to
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russia is "we can do stuff to you." i don't know how you took that, mr. speaker, but i thought it was rather weak. do you want to comment on that? >> well, i'll just say two things about barack obama. one, of course it was weak because he's weak. he's been weak for years. lot of what drives us crazy about putin is in reaction to the weakness of john kerry and barack obama and hillary clinton. it will change dramatically, i think, when you get to the brand through team of donald trump, rex tillerson and jim maddox. i think you'll see a new relationship with putin almost instantly. imagine the yeesh barack obama. imagine you were confident all year long your legacy was going to be intact. imagine all day on election day you were going to make sure a
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liberal won so the supreme court would could shape the future. and then he's faced with the reality, he has 70 or 80% of his legislation is going to be appealed on the inaugural day with executive orders by tlump or within the following 60 or 90 days. i suspect you have a guy there who's in turmoil. >> i suspect. so it sounded last week. anyway, mr. speaker, thanks for being with us. >> always great to be with you. >> thank you. >> the political panel is on deck, and thorn attack for supporting donald trump? scott bello is here to talk about what he says happened to him. at his daughter's school. and we look backs on my favorite
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street juflt moments. we'll be right back. election s. we'll be right back. i'm at modell sporting >> i'm at modells sportings goods. >> do you think either of the candidates are in good shape? >> no. >> why do you say that? doctors say they're in good physical shape. >> they're old. >> here i am with the neoprene weight and somehow i think our president had these. it's not normally what i would work out with. ♪"all you need is love" plays my eyelove is making something unexpected. my eyelove is girls' night out. my eyelove is the september issue.
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a pre-winter storm is to blame for six deaths on icy roads. there were hundreds of accidents from the eechk to the nation's mid-section. one accident involved a gasoline truck that skidded off the freeway and burst into flames. there was a pile yup. more than 100,000 people in corpus christi texas are forced to use bottled water because of a suspected water contamination. an anonymous donor has provided 27,000 cases of bottled water. back to justice now with judge jeanine. judge jeanine. president-elect trump w >> president-elect trump wraps his thank you tour today holding
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his final rally in alabama. this as his incoming administration plans to take over in a little over a month. let's get to all the news with my political panel tonight. david avella and kneel sorocco. good evening, gentlemen. a lot of talk about russia and i don't want to spend a lot of time on it but i'm going to ask you this. the president sewed that he was aware of this during the election but chose not to do anything other than tell puchblt -- putin to knock it off. then he comes back and says we've got to do this, we've got to get this thing investigated completely. if he does wrap this up, this investigation, what exactly can he do to russia? >> well, judge, one correction here. he actually did more than just tell putin to knock it off. he talked to mitch mcconnell and
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speaker ryan and asked them to do a joint statement in october and mitch mcconnell shut him down because he knew it wasn't going to help donald trump to let the world know putin was trying to help make him. . i think we needed to figure out some back channel operations we can do. >> this president executive orders all the time. he doesn't usually need the other side. >> you wouldn't be calling it partisan politics if he did that himself. now we're going to have a putin puppet in the white house. >> why did he wait until a month after the election to call for an investigation. and why did clapper say they couldn't connect it to russia. >> the fbi agrees with them. all the intelligence agencies agree with the assessment. at the end of the day is why don't you care that a foreign government very well was trying
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to intrude in this election and really do a 9/11 style assault on america. >> can you tell us how they were trying to do it? >> this is a classic russia operation where they're leaking embarrassing information to get folks like us talking about it on television and distracting voters from the real issues. >> all right. your turn. >> finally, the democrats are finally talking able to could be a national security issue, though their main talk point is that russia tried to influence our elections, which first it was jim thome, then it was the electoral college, now it's russia. next week, judge, it's going to be the mercury retro grade of december that caused hillary clinton to lose the election. >> come on. >> it's their therapy to get
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through. they should do that. >> is russia potentially hacking the united states a national security threat? >> yeah, of course. >> should we be looking into it? yes. is at this time reason hillary clinton lost? no. >> there are a lot of reasons that hillary clinton didn't win. at the end of the day -- >> well, you know what -- >> accept the fact that had hillary clinton not written those e-mails, had podesta not written the e-mails, had she not had a private server, had she not been a terrible candidate, that's why she would have lost. >> i would -- if the other side had leaked that kind of e-mails. if the other -- if the republican e-mails would have been aroundout there i would love to see what the republican turnout would be. everyone knew what a fraud donald trump was from the very start. >> a fraud? >> those e-mails were delicious
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to read. >> really? the clinton foundation, as i understand it, are still under active investigation. i wouldn't throw that word around freely. what do you think is going to happen with rex tillerson? >> this goes back to the e-mails. this is a guy close to putin, god's gift to russia to have rex tillerson in there. he's close to putin. we'd expect him to be the similar -- do the same sort of appeasement that donald trump has done. >> david? >> it was my understanding that our top diplomat was supposed to be able to make allies with foreign nation action, was supposed to be able to represent america's view to nations and get the best deal possible, all the things rex tillerson has done. so suggest he doesn't understand as a ceo who ultimately the boss
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is, which is the president of the united states and it is the president's agenda who he will be representing to foreign nation ss somewhat laughable and it's why at the end of the day rex tillerson will ultimately be approved, including getting democrat votes. >> rex tillerson has made a career of glabd handing tyrants -- >> glad handing -- >> we'll see how he comports himself. if he'll stand up for human rights when he's looked over it. that's the -- >> i don't -- >> it's laughable for -- >> thank you, skbre. good night. >> with when it's -- >> good night, guys. scott baio is next plus the best of street justice. remember the time i tried to
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play the role of a hillary clinton aide. take a look. justice moves on next. >> i'm looking for a hammer that is strong enough to get rid of a blackberry. do you have anything like that? >> american made or import. >> up like american made. >> i want a hillary clinton face destroying the evidence. you know what it takes to destroy a black ber jiy! i'm going to tell you. look at my arms. i have strong arms, ok? what does it take for them to destroy the evidence? a lot. i'm going to use both harnds. i'm getting better at this, jimmy. so for them to destroy the blackberry with a hammer took a lot of work, a lot of intense. jim comey, if this ain't
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. so michael moore says donald trump has no right to enter the white house. martin sheen leads a pack of washed-up celebrities trying to sway electors against the president-elect. and prominent trump supporter scott baio allegedly was attacked at his daughter's school. what's going on? >> scott baio, you came out on this show supporting donald trump. you actually speak at the convention, and you come on after the election and you think it's over, but this week you party at school hter's holiday
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bandly, your daughter's nine years old. you come out, you're minding your own business and all of a sudden somebody attacks you, allegedly, this hot chili pepper's wife comes at you because you're a trump supporter. what happened? >> i don't want to talk about what happened, judge. it's a pending investigation. quite honestly, i don't need to be here tonight, nor do i want to be. it's nothing to do with you. i love you. but i've got a lot going on. my mom died ten days ago, three days before this event happened. >> i'm sorry. oh, scott. >> i've got a young boy family member, 6 years old, aggressive lieu a keep ya. i don't need this. but i felt like i should come on because this has got to stop. i should not be put in a
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position where i'm afraid for my life and the life of my 9-year-old daughter because of my political beliefs. right? we won the election. and i didn't say boo in 2008 or 2012. but we won the election. and to quote the great president barack obama, elections have consequences. >> consequences. >> we won. you lost. grow the blank up. move on with your life. he's the president-elect and he'll be president on january 20th. grow -- grow up, be a man, be a woman. it's over. and stop this madness with all of your antics of russia and all the silly goof ball things you come up with. >> you were clear you don't want
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to talk about the facts and i understand that. but you and i agree, it isn't necessarily about this and the, you know, l.a. is seriously considering charging this woman. based on the fact that -- that are already out, that are already published that your daughter actually had to cover her ears because of the language that was being used by the wife of this chili peppers drummer, allegedly. this is symptomatic of a bigger issue. and finally, what we've got to try to figure out is, what is it about the left that makes them think that they have the right to control america? >> i think -- i think that the core belief of liberals in this country is some sense of entitlement. that they're entitled to power. i don't know what they base it on. i think maybe because they all
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watch their own news and it becomes sort of a very vicious cycle where they believe their own press. i just -- here's the one positive thing about this, in my opinion. i think now for the first time, the american people are getting to see what these people are really like. they are dispickble human beings, a lot of them are. not all of them. my agent is a dear friend of mine and i love him like a brother. he's a hard-core liberal. i play golf with him. i love him. i hang out with him. we go to dinner. we talk politics. but for a lot of these people, there's a sense of entitlement and i don't know where it comes from, but the american people are now seeing what's going on. you look at that poor man that voted for trump that was pulled out of his car and beaten up. >> yeah. beaten. >> i hope when trump gets in
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there that he shuts all this down by allowing the police to do their job. >> i think that's going to happen. scott baio, thank you so much for coming on. i know you didn't want to do it. it's important that it be done. bayley, i hope is ok. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas! >> don't move! (my hero zero by lemonheads)
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all night long, i've been showing you the best moments from 2016 in "street justice." what a year and what an election season it was. here now are some more of our favorites. enjoy! >> you don't know that person? >> who is it? >> hillary? >> clinton? >> she's likable. >> she's likable? what has she done for you? >> nothing. >> you want her to be the
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president? >> why not? sure. i'm sorry. i'm not really a cameraman. >> why, you got a warrant outstanding somewhere? ted cruz -- >> what's the -- >> probably did arrest him. >> do you know of any country that's been a socialist country? >> no. i wasn't great in history class. >> uh, well, it's happening now. >> why isn't the white house ready for a woman? >> i guess because i'm a male chauvinist. >> you know, there's a lot of tough women out there. >> and you're one of them. >> he's concerned about the second amendment, but he doesn't have a gun. >> well, we can't bring guns in here. >> i don't mean, do you have a gun here, but do you own a gun? >> absolutely. >> why does that not surprise me. why do you have a gun? >> because it's all right and they're fun. >> what do you do? >> i'm a hairdresser. >> who are you voting for? >> who am i voting for? clinton! i think she would be better than trump. trump talk a lot of mess.
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>> but trump signs a lot of checks. >> that's what she thinks of the presidential candidates. >> yeah, miserable. >> yeah, i'm the judge. yeah, i'm the one. now, listen -- >> i watch you all day long. >> you do? why, are you outside my window? >> i'm canadian, i wouldn't help you. >> what do you think of what's going on in this country with this election? >> you have a tough decision to make. you know, i'm looking at both your candidates and -- >> you think trudeau is such a walk in the park? >> i think he's a little more sophisticated than the couple of candidates that you have. >> are you worried about the open borders, united states citizens coming into canada? if you were to gamble on this election, who would you gamble on. >> hillary, for sure. >> is it a woman thing? >> no, it's a not -- not voting for an idiot thing. >> yeah, what's she done for me? >> what has she done for me? >> therein lies the problem!
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and what about the fact that bill clinton had to pay women money because of what he did to them? >> well, bill clinton not running for president. >> what about the fact that the women say that hillary clinton came after them? >> i would have probably gone after them, too. >> where are we going with this interview? >> what interview? this is a war committed by women and you are having a new woman president. >> no! >> yes. >> no! >> she is doing well. >> no! >> yes, again. >> let's see who wins. >> so here i am in lafayette park in front of the white house, where a new family is going to be moving in, in january. how do you feel about them moving in? >> well, i think they're a good change for the country, even though a lot of people don't want to give them a chance. trump, we need some more jobs. >> bernie sanders is going to be the person we need for jobs because of his youth initiative. >> no, we need trump. we need trump to give us more jobs. >> say something nice.
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>> let's make america great again together. >> together. >> together! what do you think of trump's administration is going to offer? i don't care what your answer is, so say whatever you want. >> i'm deeply worried about what it's going to offer. >> oh, my god, we're back. america's back. we're going to take control of the government and really clean up house, drain the swamp. >> barack obama's term is over. >> over! >> the people have spoken. accept your loss and be a crybaby. >> be a man! put on your big boy pants and deal with it, you cry babies! let's just say merry christmas. together, one, two, three. >> fine. >> m m m m m ♪ this holiday, the real gift isn't what's inside the box... it's what's inside the person who opens it. give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from
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-by revealing their ethnic mix. . order now at
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that's it for us tonight. i want to wish each and every one of you at home a merry christmas. and you've got one week until christmas, okay? so you need to buy my book. what's the name of it? what's the name of my book?
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"he killed them all: robert durst and my quest for justice." i'll sign it! if you buy it, send it here and i'll sign it. and your money back if you don't like it, if you can find me. the nation and all of our freedoms hang by a thread. and the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to scum, who are beholden to scum, russian scum! >> someone got into the medicine cabinet again. keith, if you're going to partake, at least share. yes! the showdown over russia's meddling in our country's elections worsens. to appease our new rulers, we


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