tv Watters World FOX News December 18, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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watters' world starts nowment after hillary clinton's crushing defeat, the left blames a top democrat and i debate. >> every agency tries to mess with each other's country. it is par for the course. sounds like sour grapes. >> i did not say sour grapes. >> and "watters' world" goes to canada to see if we can track down celebrities who promised to move there after trump's election. >> she said she is moving to canada if trump was elected. >> you are more than welcome. >> also, i go to the front lines
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in the war on christmas. and tucker carlson and herman cain are here to discuss kanye west. >> just got a whole lot hotter. >> "watters' world" begins right now. >> i don't think that people want a new direction. our values unify us and our values are about supporting america's working families. that is one that everyone is in agreement on. what we want is a better connection of our message to working families in our country. >> welcome to "watters' world." that was congress woman nancy pelosi last week claiming the country does not want change. nancy is starting to remind me of baghdad bob. >> don't believe them. >> not everybody in the democratic party agrees with pelosi's view point. democratic congressman tim ryan represented many working class
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challenged her for the position of minority leader. he lost in the secret ballot. congressman ryan joins me now from ohio. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> have you hired a food tester yet? ms. pelosi cannot be happy with your challenge. >> i have not. i think we are going to be okay. we are allowed to have our internal squabbles. i think ms. pelosi is okay and we are moving forward. >> ms. pelosi basically admitted saying she has fundamentally lost touch with millions of american voters that the democratic party is supposed to be representing. with that said, do you have faith in pelosi's leadership? >> well, clearly i thought we needed to move in another direction or i wouldn't have run. and i do think democratic party moves forward we need to acknowledge what happened on
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election day a few weeks back and recognize that the american people want to send us in another direction. i'm not 100% confident that donald trump is going to be able to provide the direction that they want to go in but clearly they had been fed up with both political parties and it would be very helpful for us to remember that, to acknowledge that and to operate from that premise. >> the direction the democratic party has been going in recently is transgendered bathrooms and black lives matter and gun control. you seem to have gotten away from the kitchen table issues that the democratic party stood for wages, jobs and health care. what happened with that transition in the democratic party? how did it get so crazy? >> i'm not backing up on any of our progressive values, any of our issues of protecting equality for every single american and issues of public safety and public health and all the rest. i'm not backing down from them.
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what i'm saying is the thing that unifies all of us is basic economics, jobs, wages, a secure pension. we can't slice the electorate up to say you are white, black, brown, gay, straight, catholic, protestant, you a man and you are a woman and just talk to people like they are one-10th of who they are or half of who they are, whatever the number may be. we need to talk to people about what is on their mind. what is on most people's mind is how to increase my wage to support my family. let's focus on getting people back to work. >> i think you and donald trump and republican leadership can agree and come together. i don't know if you will be the party of no which you accuse house republicans of being or if you will work together with donald trump's pro growth agenda. let me ask you this because this is what hillary clinton said at the debate when donald trump wasn't really going to go along with the results of the
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election. >> every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is rigged against him. we have been around for 240 years. we have had free and fair elections and accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. >> a moungt after she said that the leaders of your party have said russia quote/unquote hacked the election. you don't believe that russia tipped the scales to elect donald trump? >> i'm not sure. >> come on, congressman. >> i'm not sure. i doent hug we should jump to conclusions. vladimir putin has interfered in elections in other parts of the world. he is a stone cold killer. this guy is a force to be reckoned with and he is not working in the americans' interest. if we have some evidence. he tipped the scales one way or the other but
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if we have evident that he has got himself involved in our elections in a serious way then we need to have i believe a select committee that doesn't have any other business to attend to to focus on what may have happened. >> every intelligence agency tries to mess with each other's countries. it is par for the course. we all know what is going on here. sounds like a bunch of sour grapes. thank you for joining "watters' world." >> hold on. i'm not saying sour grapes. >> the leadership of your party has been complaining about russia hacking the election. >> you are saying that if there is enough evidence for us to understand that they tried to, whether or not they influenced it one way or the other, but they tried to we should look the other way? >> let's look into it. the democratic party under president obama's leadership
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looked the other way when -- and didn't do anything when the russians were going after our allies in syria. now you want to stand up to putin? it doesn't add up. thank you very much. we got to run. >> not everybody was in agreement with those decisions. >> i thank you for standing up for what you believe. i appreciate it, congressman. >> thank you. many divisions stem from the fact that traditional blue collar workers felt ignored. donald trump lavished attention on the americans in the rust belt and it paid off. "watters' world" visited one of the same manufacturing plants that donald trump did. there i spoke to workers about the election. tell me how you have seen this
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area change over the course of several years. >> my family was at an industry and the steel millers are no longer here. >> economy is down. not a lot of work. businesses are closing. it's paet bad. i know people that love this community like myself. i would do anything for it. other people are giving up. they are leaving. i have three children. it is scary for the future. >> this facility does what? >> we take trash and turn it into cash. >> what do we have right here? >> this is a type of -- you run this stuff through to try to size it and extract any steel, dirt, anything that is not aluminum. >> every soda can you drink out of is made out of aluminum. it takes a lot less energy to make something from recycled product than to start over again. >> do you think i would survive
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in this industry? >> by the way you look, no. >> want to go for a ride? let's go. tell me about the culture inside this company. >> as far as myself and my co workers all down to earth, hard working blue collar guys. i come from a blue collar family. my family worked in steel mills. we don't know what is going to happen sometimes. we just kind of show up. >> do you think washington cares about people in america that work with their hands? >> it certainly doesn't feel that way. a lot of guys in the plant will come from democratic party voters, long time union members, et cetera. i do believe they were taken advantage of. >> hillary clinton's party wrote us off and didn't really count on that. >> we need to take steps
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forward. seems like for the last eight years we have just been going backwards. we need something positive to uplift everybody, give everybody some hope. >> when trump came here, how did it make you feel? >> it felt good. it felt good to know that he cares, to know that he knows that we're here and we're struggling and we need a change. >> we are going to put american steel and aluminum back into the back bone of the country. >> press says donald trump speaks behind a wall of garbage. how did that make you feel? >> that didn't go over well. we take a lot of pride in what we do. what we felt like was we had guys from the press, you guys live in a different world. instead of judging us based on
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what we do they kind of looked at us like we are dirt under their heel. we work hard and what we do is important. >> what was trump's message when he was here at the facility? >> i think he just wants to bring the working man back to work. >> he wants to help you provide for your families and bring the jobs back and give you some type of safety when you are at home with your family. >> your expectations in the next four years are what? >> i understand he can't fix everything in four years. i'm a realist. he takes initiative to try and keep pushing forward. he is a human being. he can only do so much. i hope he comes through on a lot of stuff. >> any message you want to say to mr. trump? >> make america great again. bring us back up top. take us forward. we need a change.
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we need to feel safe again. right now we just don't feel that way. >> coming up, tucker carlson makes his "watters' world" debut. do not miss this one. later i confront an alleged devil worshipper. >> we want to know why you put up that satanic symbol. why are you trying to attack christmas? you trying to attack ♪ i want a hippopotamus for christmas ♪ ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too.
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> i hope somebody asks for a recount because i love winning. >> donald trump continuing his thank you tour and driving liberals crazy. exhibit a, joy bahar. >> isn't it time for him to step down? he has to step down before the inauguration. >> step down already. celebrities begging the electoral college people to deny president-elect trump victory. >> what is evident is that donald trump lacks more than qualifications to be president. >> he lacks the necessary stability. >> and clearly the respect for the constitution of our great nation. you have the authority and opportunity to go down in the books as an american hero. >> who changed the course of
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history. >> i use celebrity term loosely. martin o'malley throwing around the "f" word. >> i do not believe the party of abraham lincoln and ronald reagan is totally dead. it has been hijacked by the fascist campaign of donald trump. >> and here is one of news week's senior writers claiming trump check into a looney bin. >> tucker, if you don't want me to answer the question -- i you have made an accusation. let me answer it. >> i read your tweet. >> in 1990 i was told that there was essentially a break down. i'm giving reporting process here. clearly, i didn't print it. i also thought trump was a private individual and that it didn't matter. this on top of ridiculous claims
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that russia rigged the election for trump. here to discuss is co host of "fox & friends" and strategist. your party has gone nuts. >> this makes me look really insane for what i'm about to say right now. >> that crazy video of all the celebrities i thought was a paro parody. martin sheen is pretty big. with that being said they don't want to take responsibility for low turnout, a bad candidate. russia did medal. did they change the outcome of the election? i don't know. did hillary not going to wisconsin change it? >> you guys are totally off the wall. the fact that you are now the sane one scares me. rigging the election, impeachment talk, he needs to
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step down before he takes the inauguration. what the heck is going on? >> when we see each other in the hall what diz she think. >> i forgot she was still on. i will look at the positive side. i have seen the show lately. i'm the one. there are two things. joe biden, two democrats that make total sense. we lost the working class. >> did you say joe biden makes sense? >> he does. >> i want everybody to hear that right now. >> you know who is just as off his game and really pulling strings is president obama. president obama on the daily show is doing it. talking about how the republicans have to come to grips with the russian investigation that he knew about since 2015 but didn't do anything about it. >> if there was a huge russian intrusion for the last year and a half why has president obama
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not declared cyber war on russia? >> i'm not saying russia didn't meddle. they did. >> define meddle? >> wiki leaks, the primary process. if russia was looking at the electoral system they would have done it with the republican party and their primary, as well. >> john podesta, someone sent him an e-mail and said what is your password and he goes here is my password. >> i think the guys fell for phishing. >> i don't think putin said bernie was a doof s. they are about the same political philosophy, both communists. thank you for coming around and coming to your senses. up next, herman cain on the brains behind this ad teaming up
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with donald trump. and "watters' world" searches for celebrities in canada. >> have you seen her recently? >> like in person? no. >> she said she was moving to canada if trump was elected. >> ideal in every way. if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. ♪imagine no possessions ♪i wonder if you can ♪no need for greed or hunger
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never do that again. no dancing on the set. president-elect donald trump makes major cabinet selections this week including some unconventional picks. former republican candidate and ceo herman cain joined me earlier with his thoughts. donald trump nominates this guy andy puzner for labor secretary and he is responsible for this ad. roll the tape. >> with pepper jack cheese and spicy santa fe sauce. >> any guy that produces an ad like that is a brilliant man. i think this guy gets it. he knows what is going on. what do you think about this guy? tell me a little bit about him. >> well, he is the ceo of a restaurant company.
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i know something about that. he understands service and he understands labor because the ceo of a restaurant company has a very delicate balancing act. so i have a lot of respect for him going into the role as secretary of labor. >> the knock on him, they are saying he was mean to his workers. i don't know what that means. maybe he didn't like give them many days off around the holidays. is that a legit criticism? >> no it's not. it's easy to find one disgruntled employee to say something nasty about you. that is not a valid criticism. >> that's true. i can find a few disgruntled employees on my own staff. that's not very hard. the next guy we have rex tillerson. looks like a smooth operator. going to be the secretary of state, the exxon mobil guy. got great looking hair. looks like he gets everything he wants in life. and he kind of looks like the
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kind of guy that likes his steak rare, if you know what i mean. they are worried about this guy because he is friends with vladimir putin. is that a problem for you? >> i see that as a good thing. the fact that he is, quote, friends with putin says he has a positive starting point for when he needs to discuss and talk about other issues. i think that this is just a desperate attempt on the part of the democrats and the liberals to try to discredit this guy and raise all of these red flags before he goes through confirmation. >> it's a great point because you have president obama who cozies up to castro and warms relationships with the iranians and then you have a guy who wants to have a warm relationship with russians and it is we can't be doing that. then we have donald trump nominating our friend rick perry from texas to a department which he famously forgot the name of in a debate.
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>> the third agency of government i would do away with the education, the -- commerce and let's see -- the third one i can't. oops. >> you were right there on stage sitting next to him when he had that moment. what was going through your head? >> i felt bad for him because that can happen to anybody. >> happens to me all the time. >> that's not new. i was probably -- i felt bad for him because it can happen to anybody. i was one of the few people on the stage that did not find that funny. i believe that his approach is going to be first get rid of the redundancy between the states and federal government. and i think what he was saying was that there are a lot of things at the federal level that the federal government doesn't need to be concerned about. allow the states to do their
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jobs. so he may learn something. he may not go in and just eliminate the whole department right away but he will look at how we make it more efficient by allowing the states to do what they do best. >> i think it is a great pick and he will be great for energy jobs. real quick, last one. donald trump nominates our friend ben carson for hud secretary. this is what donald trump said about old ben. >> he said in his book that he suffers from pathological disease. i said i'm not going to say it so i'm not saying it. i'm not saying that he went after his mother and wanted to hit her over the head with a hammer. who does this? who does this? >> he is bringing in guys that he is going after and bringing in guys that have gone after him. >> it demonstrates one of the great qualities that a leader
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must possess and that is to be able to get over harsh words both ways and to be able to listen and recognize talent and try to get that talent on your team. you know that old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. i believe he truly wants to have some of the best people in this country in these critical roles. i happen to think the world doctor ben carson. he used to live in the inner city. he used to live in the projects. so he grew up in that environment that he is now going to try and help. i think that is a tremendous quality to bring to the job. >> i do, too. i think he is going to fundamentally transform the connection between the republican party and the inner city. thank you very much. i got to run. i really appreciate it. thanks for taking the time.
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>> happy to be with you. shots fired in the war on christmas. "watters' world" tracks down scrooge. and tucker carlson on kanye west and donald trump. carlsson on west and donald trump. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car.
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the united nations security council will vote on a compromise resolution tomorrow to put 100 u.n. personnel on the ground in aleppo to monitor evacuations. a human rights group says the first bus group arrived safely in the country side. rebel fighters and civilians were on the buses. evacuations had been halted after a cease fire agreement collapsed. a standoff continues in jordan at an old crusader castle following a series of shootings today. ten people were killed. shots were still being heard sunday night. security forces are reportedly using tear gas to try. now back to "watters' world." now, back to watters' world. ♪ >> ♪ when i started 18 months ago
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i told my first crowd in wisconsin that we are going to come back here someday and we are going to say merry christmas again. merry christmas. merry christmas. happy new year. merry christmas. >> it's okay to say merry christmas again. but an alleged devil worshipper erratic a satinic symbol right next to the nativity scene. "watters' world" headed to florida to get the scoop. >> for 27 years we have not had incident then this guy puts up the offensive display. >> it's like a big like --
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>> i don't think it was cool it was done this way. >> christmas is a season of peace and love and that symbol represents hate and despair. >> some people i have talked to are not happy with it. >> is it ruining christmas for you guys? >> not for me it's not. i'm jewish. it's hanukkah. >> do you breve christianity is being attacked. >> it is something -- satan is not -- satan is completely evil. >> satan represents evil and an antagonism and threat to all that is good and loving and just and merciful. >> do you believe the guy's mission is to remove christmas from this community? >> absolutely. i have seen him in articles saying he wants to make this a tradition. >> as a city councilman can't you crack down on this?
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>> i think we have to recognize that we have constitutional guarantees. it's not hate speech per se. >> even when you put it next to a christian symbol on purpose? >> i don't believe they are trying to insight action. >> it could have been a fest vs pole. he put offensive display out there so that he is getting conversation about what he wanted us to discuss which was in his eyes freedom from religion. >> is satanism even a religion? >> i don't think so but it is there to insight violence and hatred and that is not something we stand for. >> if you are into insighting violence and hatred can't the city do anything about it? >> not according to the constitution. we have had city attorney and it is a first amendment. we either allow it or don't allow it. in january we will revisit our
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policy. >> we just wanted to know why you put up that satanic symbol on the public sphere? why are you trying to attack christmas? what do you have against christmas? >> joining me to discuss co host of the five, co-house of outnumbered megyn mccain. and democratic strategist. every year fox news gets made fun of for war on christmas stories. every year you have things like this happening whether they are banning red and green candy canes, santa is offensive. what do you say about this? >> the war on it is real. too bad for them. christmas is back. santa is laughing nice belly laugh. the elves are happy.
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you can say merry christmas as much as we want. i think this is fantastic. it's what the country needs. putting something like that, a symbol of hate and pure evil next to a beautiful nativity display speaks volumes about that individual. >> do you think the city has any grounds to crack down on this? because it does insight offensive reactions. it does insight violence. people are protesting. >> the potential is there. you can try to make the case. it is some kind of public nuisance or issue with it. it is tough nowadays. you have to bring it to the court and it cost money to do these things. someone like this can get away with making the message and putting it out there. by the time you get through this christmas has gone past. >> now you, how does this make you feel having this satanic symbol? >> the city should have the
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courage to stand up and crack down and say this is a christian holiday on christmas. we will have a christmas display. i think some vigilante will take care of it anyway. >> this is real. i was in a diner where trump spoke that morning for "fox & friends." i said merry christmas and she said can you say that? she said that. can we say that? people have been stifled by the weight of this perception tat they are not tolerant if they use merry christmas. what trump is doing is fantastic. >> do you say merry christmas or happy holidays? >> i always say merry christmas. >> what if that person is not christian? >> i never offended anybody to my knowledge. that guy is such a pansy not to talk to you. if he is going to do something like that and something that would make children upset in a public display he should have
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the courage to talk to a fox news journalist. i'm open to hearing the other side. he should have talked to you. >> it is a cry for attention. when we gave him attention he ran away and hid his face. >> these are your people. you know who i'm talking about. >> can you guys just stop? >> donald trump is not in office, christmas is back. >> only thing you will give him? >> possibly. we'll see. i'll give him like a week of letting people exercise freedom of speech. i don't agree with him but you do have freedom of speech even when it is a holiday. i think there are plenty of demographics, people who practice different faiths.
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just to play the devil's advocate here literally splmpt dw if there was a muslim or islamic symbol and an offensive thing put next to it there would be a big problem. tucker carlson on "watters' world." did he remember moves from "dancing with the stars"? we will find out. p that out. that'll cause a lot of problems. hmm. totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. we'll be totally behind schedule, right? (laughschedules. schedules. great, okay. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. i have a big meeting when we land,
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but i'm so stuffed up, i can't rest. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka-seltzer plus night liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms. plus, unstuffs your nose. oh, what a relief it is. for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay...
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tucker carlson has a new show 7:00 p.m. week nights. tucker made time to make a splash in "watters' world." i don't know if anybody knows this but you and i both graduated in hartford, connecticut. do you think hartford are ashamed that you and i both graduated from there and now are on fox news? what is your best guess? >> we haven't been asked back for commencement addresses. >> i'm waiting for the call. >> knowledge is good has not
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called me unfortunately. >> i don't think you will be getting a call. a lot of people remember you from "dancing with the stars." i believe you might have been the first one kicked out, the second one kicked out. do you remember any of those moves? >> i don't remember what you are talking about. i was never on "dancing with the stars." that is false. it is one of those fake news. >> more propaganda from the kremlin designed to discredit me. >> they are very effective because i don't think a lot of people remember either. you don't wear a bow tie anymore. that was your signature look. why have you dropped the bow tie? >> because i am fully a member of mainstream now. when you wear a bow tie it is like having a -- it is hard to walk through pen station without being challenged to a fist fight. i thought i have a busy life, i give up. >> you don't want to be in pen
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station but you definitely do not want to wear a bow tie in pen station. let me talk about the trump transition. they have thrown everything at this guy. first it's the taiwan call and then ditches the press. now he has this controversial family office and then he is best friends with vladimir putin. this is the same play book that these people have used the last couple decades against republicans. is it ever going to change? are they going to get serious? >> the problem is two fold. politically it doesn't work because if you bum bard people with silly attacks they seem to not believe. the press decided trump was a threat to them. and so they decided they had a moral obligation to try to knock him out of the race. they were so unfair to him that people just turned off. i think those news organizations
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basically are doomed because of that. they discredited themselves. >> it is like the boy that cried wolf if you keep saying it over and over again no one will believe you. the democrats, too, after the election. they have rioting. you have the death threats. you have recounting. they want recounts now. now they are saying the thing was rigged by the russians. if the republicans had behaved this way, if donald trump had lost, can you imagine the hysteria and the vitriol for all of this ridiculous behavior? >> if the republicans had lost and they claimed hillary was in touch with foreign powers -- if they had evidence to support that, then fine convince me. to make allegations like that which are grave allegations that any evidence at all is totally reckless and crazy. i would say so. i'm not here to fight for the
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republican party. there are a lot of things going on. basically, they are in denial but missing a really valuable opportunity to assess -- >> they lost to donald trump who never been elected room mother and now is president. they haven't asked themselves that question. that is their loss. >> they have not looked inward and i don't expect them to. >> another funny moment. donald trump hanging out with kanye west. as i recall when president obama was palling around with kanye it was because obama was so cool. now when donald trump pals around with kanye it is because he wants to distract attention from bad news coming out of the transition and all of the controversial appointments. does it get more blatant than that? >> i think kanye is a buffoon.
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i remember from 2005 when he accused president obama of racism. i wish trump hadn't met with him. i wish there was one single standard for behavior. i know o'reilly is thrilled with your numbers. i want to say congratulations on the new show. >> i will see you at commencement at trinity. >> i'm sure we will. take care. up next, "watters' world" goes to canada in search of celebrities who promised to move there after trump's victory. p move there after trump's victory. don and i met because i'm a volunteer for meals on wheels. we had an instant connection. what was that?
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i said, "delivering to you is always a special treat." oh. company, companionship, food... we all need those things. when we get in that spot in life, it's kind of nice to have 'em there. (avo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped deliver over one point four million meals to those in need. get a new subaru, and we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. ♪put a little love in your heart.♪
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spotted hollywood's elite. donald trump elected president. as a canadian, how do you react to that? >> we are scared. disgusted. >> i think it is a shame but they made their bed so now america has to lie in it. >> plush beautiful gold bed. >> whether you like him or not trump has a lot of flivver and that appeals. >> are canadians nervous about trump as president? >> i think the world is so nervous. >> because we are going to be so great? if donald trump going to help make montreal great again? >> no, no, no, no. >> as a canadian are you upset that we focus attention on mexico? >> no. i love mexico. >> trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. what do you think about a wall along the northern border? >> it depends. will he make us pay for it?
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>> definitely. >> your country is deeply divided on almost every important issue. >> your cops are called bounties. >> have you seen here? >> who is this? >> your new -- are you happy to see her? >> no. >> have you seen her aroundb recently? >> miley? >> no. >> funny because she said she was moving to canada if trump was elected. >> i hope not. >> you know who this is? this is al sharpton. he says he is moving to canada because trump was elected. you want him here? >> what does he do? >> not much. have you seen her? >> like in person? no. >> she says she is moving to canada if trump is elected. >> ideal in every way. >> you can have her.
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>> she is your new neighbor. she says she is moving to canada if trump was elected. >> you are more than welcome. >> what is your most famous escort? justin bieber? >> pretty much. >> bieber is from cantu. do you feel guilty? >> not as guilty as i feel for celine dion. ♪ that's the way it is >> you play hockey? >> i do. >> do you skate? >> no. >> how do i say aye? >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> about. >> it's about. what we're talking about. >> you play hockey? >> no, i don't. >> you like maple syrup? >> i don't. >> what else are you famous for?
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>> not much. >> as a canadian i resent your imperialism. >> we haven't taken over your country. >> we tried and we burned down your white house. >> do you know who i am? >> no. >> i'm watters and this is my world. you just snorted. >> kimberly, megan and joining us to talk. so they never moved. >> they didn't. the celebrities, they maybe have the luxury of saying they are going to move. my favorite is lay people saying they were going to move and people were like you can't move out of your mother's basement. you cannot afford to move to canada. >> one of your co hosts said all say they move to canada and why aren't they moving to mexico? that is racist. >> what about mexico.
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they don't want to have to pay for the wall. >> a lot of pesos. >> have you ever been to canada? >> i have. >> i am from minnesota. sort of southern canada. >> i wouldn't brag about that. >> are you offended by the ri c ridiculous celebrities who say they want to move. >> i think they should talk about how much they love castro and hate america. that one girl should say that stuff in person. if she were around me that is the kind of thing -- >> what year was the war of 1812? >> might have been the most educated participant on "watters' world." >> i found her not in america. i found her in canada. >> talking about burning our
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white house down. >> no fly list. thank you very much. i appreciate it. merry christmas. you are allowed to say that again. thank you to donald trump. show is over. before we go i wanted to make sure you will be joining kimberly and i this new year's eve live from times square ringing in 2017. plus also ahead in 2017 the spin stops here tour. see the website below for dates and tickets. as always be sure to follow me on facebook, twitter and instagram. many people clean their dentures
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underestimated it. >> that is it for us from washington. >> fox news sunday >> i'm chris wallace. with the electoral college set to meet tomorrow, democrats say they need to know more about russian hacking before the electors cast their votes. there is ample evidence that was known long before the election about the trump campaign in russia. >> and it is remarkable. that is breathtaking. he's auditioning to be a political pundit. >> today the war of words over russia and the election. we talk with the incoming white house chief of staff reince priebus, it is a fox news sunday exclusive. then, what are the chances trump electors will vote against him? we'll speak with democratic e congressman don beyer who is callin
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