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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  December 20, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

9:00 pm and if you wish to apply. again, thanks for watching, i'm bill o'reilly, the spin stops here, we're definitely looking out breaking tonight, the apparent terror attack in germany causing zurt concerns around the globe. including right here at home. welcome to the kelly file, i'm shannon bream in for megyn kelly. this is a live look at berlin, germany where an active man hunt is under way at this hour. a terror group isis claims one of it's quote, soldiers, was behind the attack there last night. the only person taken into custody so far has since been released and officials say whoever did this is likely armed, dangerous, and preparing to act out again. the attack involved a person driving a truck into a crowded market killing a dozen people, wounding many, many more. almost repeating the style of attack we saw in nice, france,
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this summer. what we don't know exactly who is behind this, the evidence of terrorism seems to be growing by the minute. officials in cities like new york and around the globe are taking extra precautions as the holiday season gets into full swing. in moments, former extremist, along with former cia officer, buck sexton then former assistant defense secretary, and about suggestions that germany immigration policies played a direct role. first trace gallagher live with the latest developments in the manhunt, trace. >> shannon, isis released a statement through it's mock news agency describing the driver as a quote soldier who answered the call to wage attacks against countries fighting the terror group. those the statement did not offer details about if the driver interacted with isis or was just inspired by it, and german authorities have now released the primary suspect because there was no evidence linking him to the truck.
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no eyewitness accounts, and no dna found inside the cab. which means there is now a countrywide manhunt in germany for a mass murderer who authorities say was intent on killing as many people as possible. investigators say the driver turned off the headlights, drove on to the sidewalk, and sped the 25-ton truck directly at tables and wooden stands filled with shoppers. the driver fled the scene and a passenger, identified as a polish man was found dead inside the cab with gunshot and stab wounds. the man who owns the truck claims it was carjacked a few hours before the massacre and it was his cousin who was shot and killed. germany has seen a series of small attacks in recent months, but this now puts the country among the ranks of belgium and france that have both seen large scale attacks. and the country's right wing politicians are wasting no time in blaming the attack on jeremy chancellor angela merkel and her
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decision to open german borders to nearly a million migrants. today the german leader said this, watch. >> translator: there is much we still do not know with uncertainty, we must stand now, assume it was a terrorist attack. i know it would be especially hard for all of us to bear who would confirm that the person who committed this act was someone who sought protection and asylum in germany. >> for now in germany, the death toll stands at 12, but of the 50 hurt, doctors say 18 of them have life-threatening injuries. and while germany mourns and searches, marriage cities around the world including here in the u.s. are stepping up security. for example, even though there are no specific or credible threats in new york, the nypd is moving heavily armed, critical response officers toward christmas markets and public gathering places. and investigators are doubling back with truck rental companies looking for any suspicious
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activity. other big cities are following suit and will apparently remain on high alert throughout the holidays. shannon. >> all right trace, thank you so much. joining us now with more, a former islamic extremist turn crusader and buck sexton, now on the blaze, good to see you both. >> pleasure. >> where do we go from here, buck, as far as trying to track down this individual. need until a hay stack or do you think the authorities have enough information? >> if they have it, they're not share it. i think there are a lot of people that would expect that at this stage they would have some details throughout. right now there's essentially nothing. it's been said that the individual driving the vehicle was masked. we know that the islamic state has claimed that this is one of theirs. and they use similar language. they're three vehicular attacks that the islamic state has through channels said this was us. ohio state, nice, and now the berlin attack. this is an instance where somebody who is still on the run which is a difference from what
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we usually see. usually it's a martyrdom operation or somebody that doesn't have to worry about being caught. the authorities are working not just, of course, to track this person down and bring him to justy, but to prevent what is likely here, the attempt at another mass casualty attack. not that hard to get this individual's hands on another vehicle and try to mow down a big crowd of people. so they have a big challenge ahead of them and they seem like they have very few leads right now. >> cars and trucks are everywhere. grab one. there was a person found deaded in truck, so we don't know if this was a carjacking, that person had anything to do or an end in bystanders. there are plots all over throughout germany. a 12-year-old planting a nail and shrapnel bomb. how do we again to combat this? >> unfortunately we've seen all warning signs for decades, but in particular over the last few years. the terrorist organization before al qaeda have been instructing people to use every day instruments and turn them
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into weapons. to weaponize in that sense. and it makes it almost impossible to predict. what i can predict at this stage is that if this man isn't caught, all the bearings of how he's behave willed tell us that what he's planning to do is another attack. he clearly shot the guy that was -- looks like he shot the guy in the truck. so he is armed. and probably doesn't intend to get caught until he can conduct another attack. and everything we see from these attack looks like a typical isis kind of attack as it was in nice. now isis can claim responsibility for it, and that almost becomes irrelevant. any form of attack, any jihadist attack will have the same effect on german society. merkel is up for reelection, and one thing that isis is very clear on because they told us is that they want to polarize european society further and actually as that comes forward next year, we'll probably see unfortunately more such attacks. >> and does it matter that the
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point whether this person is formerly connected or he's just an inspired lone wolf? the end result is the same. and people are there. >> this is a terrible legacy of the islamic state. fugt of more for it's massive operational training abroad, like 9/11 and other attacks that bring down embassies, bring down planes, the islamic state explicitly and for months, and some were thwarted in germany. people that tried to pull off something similar to this. the islamic state was saying use knives, vehicles, whatever you have at hand, as he said, weaponizing every day life around you. creating a state of total and constant war for civilians in europe and here in america as well. these are the explicit instructions that are in the jihadist material in the magazine, in the propaganda. anybody that decides to act on this is inherently a part of the sort of isis virtual caliphate if you will. and they encourage this. doesn't have to be a formal
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affiliation. isis can see we incited this and we want more of this. >> by the way, today, lucas tomlinson confirmed with two defense officials that 22 gitmo detainees are set to be released. the president is trying to get them released before inauguration day for the new president in 2017. we've been told all along it is a propaganda tool against the u.s. is this a gesture of good will to let the people go? do they come out even more hardened and ready to go back? >> well the rates of recidivism for people inside those sorts of detention centers, especially in saudi arabia where they attempted that form of detention are quite high, but frankly one thing we have to understand with jihadist terrorist organizations, they will exploit any form of grievance. and even if those grievances are entirely concocted. let's take the example of syria. isis, the very organization we're talking about now, before the west intervened to stop them engaged in a genocide against
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the y zi i did population. when they did attempt to stop a genocide. look at the western imperatives coming here in an attempt to invied our countries. they will twist and turn any kind of world event to justify grievance when really they're interested in ideological prioritization. >> and leveraging whatever opportunity they have. >> great to see you both. >> pleasure. yesterday's attack in berlin energizing critics of european immigration policies. specifically the influx of refugees from nations like syria and concerns back in 2015 that isis could infiltrate the population. this is what we're hearing from german chance lar angela merkel.
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>> "new york times" best selling author and act for america, larry ra corbin, and former assistant defense sec toir, great to see you both. >> great. >> thank you. >> bridget, it sounds like the chancellor has had a chance of heart over the last few months. we all know the praise she got for welcoming so many displaced people while people on the other side sounding an alarm that there needed to be caution built-in. now she is toughening on that and say i'm not having a repeat of that influx again. >> well, she obviously is reaping the results of what she has done. and she can no longer hide behind or cover what they did in new year's eve where they tried to underplay that it wasn't refugees because they did not
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want to alienate the german public. today with the internet and table television, the german government cannot hide that that is driven by islamic refugees that they have imported into the country. and right now the german know for a fact that their government that put them in danger, and actually threw some of them out of their homes in order put refugees in their homes. so, angela merkel knows, she is in trouble and she needs to turn around really fast if she wants to be reelected. >> larry, is it fair those are coming forward to say thooir calling these quote merkel's dead. people who lost their lives. is it fair to say to say that? overstating it? >> well, i think it is. we don't know who did it. we don't know if this person was a refugee or whether he or she was born in the country. it's just like the shooting in orlando. that was a native american. we have terrorism all the time. the young man who was just convicted of going into an african american church and
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killing people. terrorism is a tactic -- >> but isis doesn't come forward and claim responsibility for things like the horrific tragic charleston shooting, but they do encourage these kinds of vehicular attacks in their own magazine in 2016, that's what they called for, and now they've taken credit for this. >> there's no doubt about that feeds into the narrative. and what they're doing is because we're beating them, we've killed something like 50,000 of them in the middle east, they're going into these other areas to show they're still relevant and to attract more recruits, but remember, this was a lone wolf? was this somebody reading the magazine or did they train them? you have people get inspired by all kinds of things to do these things. something merkel said that you didn't show, she said, we can't give into the fear because if we do, they win. and they have information about these christmas markets. they were warned something might happen.
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why they didn't do it, i don't know. >> well bridget, we know that there are cities all over the world including new york city who have seen a heavy presence on the streets here. they do what they can, but short of shutting down our western way of life, you know, how do we avoid innocent people getting caught up in attacks like this? when does it stop? >> well, at this time, the radicals are feeling empowered. they are not stopping. now they are carrying their own jihads basically saying in front of the internet learning thousand put a bomb under your mother's kitchen or how to use a machete to kill people or drive a truck into agency markets. as a matter of fact, the markets in germany, they have barricaded the streets, he went around in order to kill people. it is becoming a very challenging to detect these things. this is where the american public and public in general plays a major role in being vigilant and keeping their eyes open on someone acting suspiciously. somebody fidgeting. somebody who's about to carry something. you can tell the signs when
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somebody's looking around, because they're afraid. or they are worried they're about to do something. if somebody is taking pictures around buildings, places where tourists usually don't take pictures. ese are just some tips -- particularly the american people here in america watching us can do to keep their dwries open. on our website, we have a program called open eyes save lives. learn more tips and how to protect themselves if somebody happens and if in fact it happens this christmas. >> the state department warned americans against traveling in certain areas. those alerts have not gone away and they're heightened this holiday season more than ever. thank you both. >> don't forget, they did it -- >> okay, larry, thank you. president-elect donald trump hit a dramatic goal yesterday. we're going to show his response with a live report. plus in the face of terror, critics are still hitting mr. trump about how he is handling
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intel briefings. and mtv is facing a growing backlash over a video that one of our favorite media critics is describing as racist and sexist. we'll show you that and let you decide just ahead. >> first off, try to recognize that america was never great for anyone who wasn't a white guy. >> can we just all agree that black lives matter isn't the opposite of all lives matter. black lives just matter. hey, have you done your taxes yet? ugh. can i do an interpretive dance to show you how i feel about filing taxes? uh... ♪ okay you're using a website to fill out your taxes. you're going to get a refund! oh no. your refund just plunged because you got charged to file. claire? yeah? you know you can file your taxes for free with credit karma, right? what? i must dance. file your taxes for free with credit karma tax.
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breaking tonight, a live look in berlin, germany, 24 hours after terror attack that claimed at least a dozen lives. and president-elect donald trump responds to the attack with a powerful statement about a eradicating terror from the face of the earth. from more on that, peter doocy
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who was at the resort tonight, hi peter. >> reporter: hi shannon, the next president was very quick to use a couple of words that the current white house has been hesitant to utter after similar attacks for the last eight years, those words are, islamic terrorism. in a paper statement about the truck attack in germany, the president-elect said in part, this, isis and other islamist terrorists continue, continuingly slaughter christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad. these terrorists must be eradicated from the face of the earth. and this morning, a senior official from the transition team said that using strong and specific language like that to describe the people planning or carrying out attacks is one way the next administration plans to address terror. >> we've got to be able to call it what it is and root it out by the bottom. we cannot be politically
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correct. we've got to understand the threat that we face. and attack it straight on. >> reporter: the president-elect also tweeted, he thinks the civilized world must change it's thinking to counterattacks like the one in germany in the future. and we're told, we were told on a conference call this morning that yesterday as events were unfolding at that market in germany, the president-elect was briefed here at mar-a-lago and in contact with his national security team up in washington, shannon. >> all right, peter doocy live in florida, thank you. as peter just mentioned, the president-elect has been briefed on the situation in germany. bringing the briefings back into the sfot light. it was raised when mr. trump says he receives them as-needed. fronting strong criticism from president obama. watch. >> i think the president-elect may say one thing and do another once he's here. it doesn't matter how smart you
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have. you have to have the best information possible to make the best decisions possible. if you're not getting their perspective, their detailed perspective, then you are flying blind. >> joining me now, american enterprise fellow and fox news contributor, and democratic strategist, great to see you both. >> good to see you. >> good evening. >> mark, we can't ignore that you have done a lot of reporting on presidential briefings and criticized president obama over his own record. there have been critics that comes after you who question some of your reporting, but clearly this is different for everyone. >> no, absolutely. and what president obama said in that briefing -- in that interview is 100% correct. this is the most important meeting that the president of the united states has every day. sitting down with his intelligence advisors, going through the daily threat matrix, going through all the intel that's come in overnight about threats to the country.
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the problem is is that president obama, during his presidency, has skipped that meeting, over -- almost 60% of the time from 2009 until 2014, he has missed six, almost six out of ten of the meetings. his defenders say he reads the daily brief, that's just as good as having an in-person meeting. it's not. if you're reading it on a piece of paper, you can't -- or ipad as he does, you can't ask questions, probe for information. you can't challenge assumptions or ask for more information. i need more about that or less about this. this is a really important meeting when donald trump is president, he needs to go to it every single day. it's really super important, but barack obama is sort of giving him a do as i say, not as i do piece of advice here. >> jessica, i want to read from you what donald trump told our chris wallace just to clarify what he has said about the briefings. first of all, these are good people giving me the briefings. if something should change from
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this point immediately call me, i'm available on one minute's notice. he went on to say, i don't need to hear the same thing over and over if there isn't a change to the situation, but call me 24/7 if there is. he talked about his generals and now vice president, elect mike pence being briefed all the time. is that good enough for you? >> well, i think there's a twofold concern in terms of president-elect trump not getting these daily briefings. one is he's already expressed and even through his twitter a lot of doubt and mistrust of our national security officers. and the intel that they're delivering. and i think, you know, partly to mark's point. that needs to be built up, there need to be a relationship established between the president and agents who are out around the world, you know, representing the united states gathering intel and their ability to deliver that to him. so that he can make the best decision possible that is the job of the president. the second is, you know, donald trump, i understand the idea of him coming in and, you know,
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wanting to run the presidency more like a ceo or a business, however, there is a lot of sort of, you know, absurdity in the sense that donald trump's business has been construction. he's the ceo of a major corporation that is very proud about bragging about his father trained him in that business. he's trained his children in that business. he's spent longer than i've been alive in that business. he admittedly had no foreign affairs experience -- >> he does have properties around the world. it's not like he's a stranger to international relations. >> well, he's traveled, he's done international business deals, that's a very different thing than dealing with the intel that someone needs as we know very intense security levels. the intel that you and have i even from being, you know, tourists or dealing in business even if you do international law is completely different than what the president is receiving and a lot of these security committee that are a top secret whether it's in the senate or in the house. a and president-elect trump needs to get up to speed.
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he needs to know what's going on and then he can delegate the people that he works with that he trusts, but until he is there, it's a huge drn. >> mark, quick final word to you. is it okay with you as we've outlined with trump saying, i want to be briefed, everyone around many se being briefed, until something changes, i don't need to be bothered, but then call me 24/7, good enough? >> no. i mean, look, first of all donald trump has more international experience than barack obama did when he came into the white house, and probably more international interference than a governor has. he's been doing business deals around the world, his relationships with world leaders. i think he feels comfortable. he's put together a fantastic national security team, but the presidential daily brief is a unique animal. it is designed specifically for his needs. he said in that interview with chris, i don't need to hear the same thing every day. if he meets with briefers every day, he's not going to hear the same thing. they're going to listen and tailor the brief to his needs,
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desires, what he needs. they need to hear from smoim they can provide the right kind of intelligence to make decisions. it's important to go to the meetings. >> everybody's got a different style. and we'll see how this comes together and as jersz ka said, good to build up between the intel community and the next commander in chief. great to see you both, thanks for coming on the kelly file. >> thank you. after campaigning against guns for years, president obama today gave get out of jail cards to several dozen felons convicted at least in part on gun charges. next on what's going on here. plus, democrats in the mainstream media in an uproar over president-elect trump's final vote. up next, what they are now trying to do to our election system. taking a holiday in britain, are ya doll? well, the only place you need go... london's got the best of everything. cornwall's got the best of everything.
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breaking tonight, mexican presidential enrique nieto after an explosion at a fireworks market near mexico city claimed more than two dozen lives and injured dozens more. this incredible deadly blast was caught on camera. watch this. [ explosion ] >> witnesses say fire quickly ripped through that market, crowded with shoppers who were there buying fireworks for the holiday mps in mexico traditionally celebrate christmas and new year's by setting off noisy fire crackers and rockets. we're also tracking new fallout after president obama broke a record for the most acts of clemency granted in a single day. on monday, president granted 231 pardons and communations
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including 49 for firearms offenses among their other charges. an interesting move for president who campaigned against firearms for years. in moments we'll be joined by two others, but first, kevin cork in hawaii where the president is vacationing. >> reporter: hello and good evening from honolulu. you and the viewers at home should expect to hear many more stories in the few remaining weeks in offense for the president as he tries his hand at unilateral criminal justice reform. yesterday's records say, 78 pardons along with 153 communations most in a day, that brings to 148 the number of pardons and over 1,100 come ewations so far. >> what he has done in recent years is bolster resources to make sure they are at maximum capacity to have all the bandwidth they need. that process continues in earnest. i expect that process to
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continue for the rest of the time the president's in office. >> reporter: but what of the fate of controversial figures that may be looking for a pardon? for example, bergdahl and what about nas leaker edward snowden? there's no indication that the president will pardon either man, and he has previous my said in the case of snowden, he hasn't availed himself to that option because he has yet to be formerly charged. and shannon it could be long odds for snowden because on capitol hill, 22 lawmakers in a bipartisan committee have actually written to the president asking him not to offer snowden a pardon. as you well know, he remains holed up in russia. we'll see how that all works out under the new trump administration. for now back to you. >> indeed we will, kevin, thank you. here now with more, dana, dana on the blaze tv and the filter on sirius xm. good to see you both. >> good evening. >> thanks for having us. >> mickey, i've been through the list, officially released by the
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department of justice, and these are not angels. we are talking about, and most firearms case, guns that were being used in connection to drug trafficking crime. does that not speak of any hypocrisy to you? >> i think on the surface, and you're a lawyer, you know this, these cases are complicated. a lot of these cases -- let's not forget with this is a result of the crime laws in the early '90s and late '80s when we were tough on crime. now we know better. we've be h bipartisan effort on the right and the left to examine our criminal justice system and see how we are targeting individuals. while some were convicted legitimately for trafficking arms and drugs, majority of people commuted. and let's be clear, it does not mean they're released. they don't have a record. they won't have rights when they get out of jail. and it's shortened come ewation versus a longer. and these people were targeted. one in three black men were targeted versus one out of 17 black men who vote --
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>> when you read these through, when you read these convictions, i have no idea the race of the people on these laiss, dana, they did some bad stuff. >> shannon, you're right. they do did some bad things. and i think at this point, it's somewhere around 170 so of these repeat offenders, these felons wlo have been released back into the streets or had their sentences shortened. and in some cases, those very pardoned. they're back out there full and free. look, here's the problem. we have a huge problem with the judicial system. we have judges who give lenience sentencing. a lot of times minimize sentencing. one only one out of every 100 firearms cases, and these are legit cases, this isn't baby stuff. we're talking about felony firearms charges. only one out of 100 of those cases were prosecuted. cook county alone, in fact all of the cities where you have the mayors against illegal gun mayors, they rankled the last on cities that actually go after and prosecute gun crime. this is the problem.
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there's no deterrent anymore. a criminal knows that if he goes out and illegally possesses a firearm or engages in gun trafficking or makes a straw purchase, there's not a stiff penalty because he's going to get lucky and get a bad judge. which is why i can't wait for jeff sessions to become attorney general to help clean this up. >> and there are so many calls every time something tragic happens, we need more gun laws, control, stricter. and what dana is saying, a lot of laws on the books are not being actually enforced. and that is the case in many of these federal firearms, felony issues. if no one is going to prosecute those cases. then how can we be complaining about the need for tougher gun restriction. and we have the president giving them a pass. >> i see what dana's doing here. she's taking an anecdote -- >> it's data. real data. >> it's an anecdote from the d data -- >> i'm not going to brush this
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off with your lack of education on the top pick. >> real data. we spend $4 billion a year, oh, there's $4 billion a year on private pri industries -- >> this president is a felon friend. he allows these people back on the street and blames law-abiding gun owners. you support it. >> okay. dana, you can make accusations, you can start to push out your agenda here -- >> it's not an agenda. it's facts. >> majority of these people -- >> richard reid was no a nonviolent offender -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> we have a prison over population -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> okay. we can't hear either one of you if you're both taking. a little bit of response from you. >> sure. >> many of these folks who have been commuted have not had access to proper defense attorneys. you know, we don't have a prosecution problem in this country because you are able to find two anecdotes in cook
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county does not represent the criminal justice problem that we have. >> no. i'm sorry. but i cannot let this woman continue to misrepresent the facts -- >> let me let me wrap up -- >> you're not a lawyer. >> i am looking -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> now have idea what you're talking. texas, we have been right on criminal. nibble criminal justice reform. >> you believe in sentencing. [ overlapping speakers ] >> ladies, ladies -- >> i will railroad you all day long if you brush my facts off. these are the facts of the matter. >> just take it over there. and we'll look for dw it with a #kelly file. coming up, a controversial new video from mtv news, is that still a this i think? it's getting blowback for it's message about quote, white guys. the new fallout, just ahead. one day after the electoral college makes the trump election
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they loved in the last two elections is suddenly broken, unfair, and outdated. james rosen has the story from d.c., james. >> reporter: shannon, good evening. the "new york times" began it's electoral college coverage two weeks before the voting commenced with an op-ed by a texas elector planning to defect from donald trump. the next day the paper explored how would the electoral college dump donald trump and published a letter and vote your consci s conscious. on december 15th, why gop electoral college members can vote against trump. with more faithless electors avoiding hillary clinton, electoral college settles donald trump's victory, but little else. >> this was a non-story from the very beginning. and yet the news media did everything in their power to try to make it a news story. at the end of the day, there was absolutely nothing there.
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>> reporter: it was much the same with jill stein whose recount effort drew 12 times coverage as her candidacy did. >> if the recount could change the outcome of the election, then hillary clinton would become president. >> razor thin margins, and could change things. >> reporter: ultimately the recounts boosted donald trump's margin of victory in wisconsin and uncovered voter fraud in the democratic stronghold of detroit. >> i think there's a lot of pressure on the democratic party right now to react against the trump administration. and the election of donald trump and so, there's liberal interests, pressure groups activity that fueled the recount, enabled jill stein to raise a lot of money. and then also led to this breathless c we knew would be an unsurprising electoral college count that trump would prevail in. >> reporter: the next critical juncture, the path to the oval office could be obstructed. will be the joint session of
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congress that will convene in january to certify the tally of the electoral college that vice president biden presided. >> james rosen in washington, thank you. joining us now, katrina pearson, the spokesperson for electric trump, jackson is a democratic strategist of the american working family. good to see you both tonight. >> good evening. >> all right. bud, yesterday, mr. trump did lose two electors, but hillary clinton lost five. not a good day for her. >> well, not a good day for the electoral college. i mean -- >> what do you mean, it wasn't a good day, this is how it was planned to work. >> no, actually it's not how it was planned to work. in fact if alexander hamilton who drafted this were alive today, he'd be knocking on his coffin -- >> i would argue with you like that. he was able to look at states like new york and massive populations and realize the founders were brilliant in many respects, and realizing that just as they did with the house and senate, know shag some would be completely overpop lated.
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you take california out of mix, and this is a different popular vote election. are we going to let california decide every presidential vote? >> but the electoral college is irrelevant -- >> it's constitutional. >> let me finish my sentence and maybe i'll teach you a little bit about it, how's that? it is set up by hamilton so electors would make a decision for themselves -- >> they did. >> that's not the way it is now. most statesman date that their electors follow the popular vote in that particular state. >> several didn't yesterday. they were able to make their own decisions, katrina, some were not good for the president-elect and not good for mr. clinton. >> to bud's point, he's right, washington state, they can fine them up to $1,000, and guess what, they defected against hillary anyway. but the bigger point here, this wouldn't even be a story if hillary had won. there would be no discussion about the electoral college. this is just another attempt, by the mainstream media, to
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continue to target president-elect trump and tarnish his massive victory. they have spent so much time, so much air time in hillary clinton's favor, they just cannot accept that donald trump was able to bypass them, go straight to the american public, and win a historic election and that's all this is about. >> no, the real reason -- >> is it unfair -- the last two elections, democrats, there are headlines everywhere. you've just seen that. we could easily pull them up. praising the electoral college for being a bull work of art, republic, important part of our constitutional process, and now when it doesn't benefit them, you could understand there'd be skeptics who think, why are you complaining now when it's trump who won? >> the characterization is not true -- >> the headlines are there -- >> let me finish my answer. let me answer your question. >> okay. >> this is not the first time dick durbin has brought this issue up. >> true. >> the reason why it's been getting attention is because
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hillary clinton got nearly 3,000 more votes than donald trump did and on top of that, donald trump has been acting bizarrely, temper has been very odd. he has questionable foreign ties. he has don flikts of interest, won't release his tax returns. that's why people began to look at the electors to ask them to help, even though they really couldn't help because the electoral college has failed, and the only way to take on donald trump right now is going to be through the courts, maybe through an impeachment if he really screws up badly -- >> that's also constitutional, and that is an option, but do you honestly think that if hillary clinton had won in her critics who say that they believe that there were questionable activities with the clinton foundation, personal e-mail server, allegations of criminal activity, do you think that celebrities and other people would be making videos and making those same arguments trying to get hillary electors to not cast their ballots for her? >> i think it would be worse. >> breitbart and steve bannon
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piling on. the fact is that she got almost three million more votes than donald trump db. >> again, katrina, i want to give you the final quick word in here. again, if you do the math and take california out, it changes everything. >> it does change everything. and of course this wouldn't be the case if hillary clinton -- >> sure, why don't you just alienate an entire state. that's silly. >> there were several headlines making fun of donald trump for saying that he would wait to see what the election results were before making a decision on whether or not to accept them. if this was trump people, they would be calling us unpatriotic, they would be saying this is insulting, and they would be calling us all kinds of names by this point. >> we have to leave it there -- >> and probably well deserved. >> okay. bud and katrina, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. mtv is dealing with a fierce backlash over a new video that molly hemming way calls racist
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when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay...
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mtv, remember them? they just released a new video called 2017 resolutions for white guys. causing a little controversy. watch this. >> first off, try to recognize that america was never great for anyone who wasn't a white guy. >> can we just all agree that black lives matter isn't the opposite of all lives matter? black lives just matter. there's no need to overcomplicate it. >> blue lives matter isn't a thing. >> learn what man explaining is and then stop doing it. >> if jour a judge, don't prioritize the athlete over the woman he assaulted. >> we all love beyonce, and yes she's black, of course she cares about black issues. i'm talking to you fox news. >> uh-huh. how'd that white guy get in there by the way?
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good to see you both. molly, you've used tough language on this. you've called it sexist and racist, why? >> yeah, there's really no way to sugar coat this. it's not about privilege, it's not particularly funny. it's not sbrersing. it doesn't even make any sense. it's just straight up sexist and racism. it's just a way to make fun of people or comment against people based on nothing more than their sex and their race. and that's not okay. that is not something that we permit based on who the targeted group is. i mean, it's permissible to do it, it's not good to do it and we should not allow it if a certain group is targeted, but allow it if it's another group. it's just not a good way to be bigoted, prejudicial toward a group of people. >> i've got to say, i'm not sure if it's satire, i don't know if they're trying to be serious. but do you worry that maybe if they are trying to reach people, the people they're trying to reach are actually going to be
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offended rather than educated or brought into the fold in some way? >> not at all. let's be real here. this is mtv. and there's a particular demographic they're going after. they want to be young and hip and edgy. they're trying to say, hey white guys, don't do this stuff in 2017. it's a comedy bit. mtv has never done educational programming, asterisk, don't tell me about the aids specials in the '90s, those were great. this was designed to be funny and comedy. if you don't think it's funny, that's great. if you do think it's funny, that's great. but to say motive behind it they're bigoted and hate white dudes and they want to be mean and racist and sexist, no, they got a whole bunch of people in a room and were like -- however in front of a screen and said, yeah, we should, we should punch up for once instead of doing comedy against o pressed groups
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or marginalized group, let's talk about what white dudes do. >> molly, funny, maybe that was the point. >> if it was funny, it would have been forgivable. it doesn't make sense. and it's ascribing views people based on nothing than sex and race. and that's just not something that's good. it's particularly not good for people like mtv we're in an environment where a big theme is how political correctiveness is erosive. like electing donald trump. we look at things like this and we point and say oh this is how trump won. well pretty soon, the more we see, the less responding by continuing to do this type of thing, this is why trump is going to win again next time and in a landslide. >> literally ten seconds, all yours. >> my friends, get over it. what's good for the zboos good for the gander. if you can laugh at everybody else, you can laugh at white guys too. guys too. there was no
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autobiography. every american should read this book, hope to buy 50, already bought five. there's 45 to go. this is the kelly file. welcome to "hannity." germany is treating the attack on a berlin christian's market on an act of terror. i'm eric bowling in for sean. rudy giuliani, laura ingram, and mike huckabee all join us. german chons lar angela merkel is now saying the terrorism is likely the motive and isis is claiming responsibility for the truck attack. also tonight, russian president vladimir putin is vowing revenge after the country's ambassador to turkey was gunned down yesterday. president-elect donald trump


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