tv The Five FOX News December 22, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." the manhunt for europe's most wanted man is continuing tonight. finger prints were found inside the truck used to kill 12 people in berlin monday. dozens were injured. we learned today two of the inju injured were americans. suspect is from tunisia. it has renewed concerns about immigration here at home. president-elect trump says it proves the need to restrict some muslim immigrants from coming to america.
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dr. james mitchell agreed. he was assigned to question mohammed more than a year ago. they warned back then about the attacks we're seeing today. he predicts islamists would try to take over the world through immigration. >> this is exactly the sort of thing that he predicted. he and i were talking about what he saw as upcoming trends in terrorç attacks. the easiest way to win the long battle to take over the world was actually through immigration and by out breeding non-muss lip . they would come to the united states. then they would rise up and attack. >> isis promised it fewer years ago. it's happening. >> yeah. it has people talking. it has us talking. it doesn't have enough people talking about this.
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if the world were a jewelry store, america is the hope diamond. you don't have just a velvet rope around it in a glass box. think about how you keep that thing secure. our problem with america is everything is team sport politics. you have to be pro security or pro tolerance when they compliment each other if you want the most diverse country in the history of the world. it has to be safe. why are people running from terrible places around the planet? because this place is safe. it's less dangerous. there's less rape and assault and murder. they come here to continue that relationship. we have to make sure it is safeç pro security, pro tolerance together. >> you don't want to change the nature of the country by saying that we are going to build a wall around the entire united states. not that -- >> i would build a dome. i would build a dome. >> i would not. >> and a moat. >> we are blessed by two oceans. but i think we are blessed by
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the idea that we -- i see ourselves as a refuge for people fleeing the -- >> you are doing the team sport thing. you went to the pro tolerance part. you can have both. >> the way you bring them together requires that there be rigid kind of security that eliminates a certain class of people. >> why should the borders be completely open? >> they're not. >> your point -- you are saying we shouldn't restrict this group. should we restrict any group? should we have no border? >> of course not. we have limits on immigration. >> where do you draw the line? who makes that decision? >> i think we as an american people make that decision. that's why we have limits on immigration. we treat all people -- we don't even treat all people the same. i will say that up front. our immigration laws initially clearly favored people from western europe.óp c1 only since 1965 have we opened to the rest of the world. we vet all people. we make sure that they are not coming here to threaten us. >> don't tell that to people
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from eastern europe and china who came over to build the railroads and eventually the highways. it wasn't just 1965. we definitely have a sketchy past as to who we have invited into this country. here is who we shouldn't let into the country. we shouldn't let people in who want to kill us and people who hate freedom. >> and justin bieber. >> mohammed had a great dissertation. the poisonous toxicity of justin bieber. people who want to impose sha ree ya law abhor freedom. no more than we have a way of changing their hearts and minds. >> therefore -- >> therefore, you gotta figure out a better process of keeping bad people out. instead of keeping everyone out. that give u.s you a false sense
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security. >> maybe it's okay to keep a group coming from this area where there'sç terror -- >> there's terror in western europe like belgium and the uk. do you keep those people from coming in as well? >> you picked -- i think the president is going to what he wants to do. pick the terror hot spots and say, until we find a better vetting system, maybe we hold off. do you like or dislike that idea? >> it's not foolproof. it could help a little bit. if you are constantly narrowing down the chances, i think that's helpful. the point about -- that mitchell was making is very interesting is mohammed was saying this is not something that they think is going to be done by the end of 2017. this is a life long generational war. we are talking as if -- if we do this, we will do this and move on and everybody will have a great holiday and everything will be fine. it will last our lifetime. generation x, millennials, baby boomers all working together,
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generationally together, as you were saying. the other thing is that even mohammed could not have imagined the parade of horribles that would exist after the syrian refugee crisis. what he was talking about in terms of using immigration to try to spread theç terrorism throughout the world, it was basically because we didn't act to protect the situation as it was, we put accelerant on the fire and now europe has a gigantic problem. the united states more protected because of our policies, because of the ocean. europe is basically -- i was going -- >> use it. come on. >> we have a bleep button. >> it's a mean word. >> in that case, yeah. >> i will say it at commercial break. >> we have this information -- call it information, what you want, opinion, but we have it because --
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>> yeah. >> we didn't drone him. >> we didn't take him down to the -- a peaceful meadow and have cheese and crackers. there was water involved. it wasn't in a meadow. it was in a small room. it was very quiet. it's a new world. the battlefield is earth. we have to remember the key word -- >> that was a horrible movie. >> it was. but the key word for isis is technology. the controlled cars and bombs and drones and mines. there's a leaked memo from isis. they have leaked memos.ç there's 19 new machines that they have created to unleash some kind of modern terror. they are almost all remote controlled. they tie in with technology. these are the things we're going to have to deal with. >> my point about this is there's always going to be a work around. we can find systems, have vetting processes and we should have those. you can't just let everyone in. i don't think any rational person and even libertarians
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would say that. however, there's always going to be a way, because now they realize it's too expensive to put forth a plan like they had on 9/11. they are relying on people who are are mentally unstable and morally bankrupt to do horrible things. what is the next thing they're going to do? >> the common denominator between the people who will perpetrate this, they are re. they are likely -- they weren't likely born here. the issue is, are they coming to the country and how are they getting here? if we have open borders and no vetting or minimal vetting, there are 110,000 refugees who are going to be settling in the united states this year alone. 110,000. does anyone know that number? we heard 10,000 or 15,000. 110,000, i mean,ç that's a massive number. >> 20,000 more than we usually get. >> 99.9% effective, you have somewhere around 110 terrorists of that want to -- >> hold on. are you suggesting we are
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idiots, that we don't vet people? you are insulting us when you suggest we don't take measures. international bodies -- >> i didn't say we don't vet. i never said that. >> we're not letting everybody in. >> it's unfair to say -- >> i thought you said we let anybody in. we do not do that. >> i said through the border. the border is wide open. >> the borders are not open. >> the other thing is that we know mohammed was a liar as well. that was one of the reasons people like james mitchell were asked do difficult things in interrogations. we ask our intel community to do tough things. he is there. they know he lies. basically, they trap him. that's why giving him information -- that's when mohammed realizes that we have captured other al qaeda leaders. then he starts to talk. what he did was use psychological terror to plant seeds for us. i don't know all the things -- all the things he said were true or not true. we don't know. one of theç things we risk is
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that the psychological terror continues to push us in a direction that we risk not protecting innocent muslims who would help us in this war on terror. that's where the balance is going to have to come. it's a more complex problem than just banning or not banning or vetting or not vetting. it's just really complex. >> but you raise a really good point. that is if you have people who are coming into this country or they're going to belgium or germany or switzerland or turkey and doing horrible things, there has to be an uprising within the muslim community that squashes this. people in this country who tend to have traditional american values aren't going to change the hearts and minds. if you have muslims in other countries who don't want to be categorized as bad people, who are kept from traveling to the western world, then they are the ones who have to work within their communities to change minds and also to stand up and say, we're not all like this. you don't hear that. they would be much more
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effective at what ultimately has to happen, which is keeping people from being drawn to this murderous lifestyle. >> that's why it's about targeting the radicalization. it's a long-term very complexç generational -- we have to put resources into to recruit some of the best american minds and to work with our all lies. we worked with the vietnamese to protect ourselves. then there was an influx of immigration. that was a good thing for our country. i'm not saying that's going to happen here. we know we need their help. we have to figure out a way to do both. >> i think we need this on several levels, in terms of people in the muslim community and in terms of muslim states in the global war. i wanted to make a mention. i went to broadway plays this week. i've been walking around the neighborhood, if you will. the new york city police have out now people with automatic
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weapons, bullet proof vests and the like, added security, added count ee eerterrorism on the gr. in particular, protecting against the possibility of that kind of drive-by or -- >> how about -- >> they would use guns. my goodness, juan. i thought yesterday you were telling me guns wereç responsie for more horrible -- >> they are. >> thank god we have them. >> no, no. i like law and order. i have no problem with that. >> what about when law enforcement isn't there? what about a responsible citizen armed who can protect -- >> like the one here in times square. >> absolutely right. >> what about what you all just pointed out, where are the moderate muslims? >> we have -- >> we do it every day. >> i know but why isn't it? now we have more terror, we have
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more death, destruction. we have more nice and berlins and brussels and turkey. it keeps happening. you don't hear -- you don't hear that group saying, we push against this, we're not part of this. >> i understand. >> first of all, i agree you need to hear more of this voice. where i disagree is i think there are lots of people cooperating with american law enforcement in the muslim community in mosques to combat this. you know where i heard sort of a sad cry this week was from refugees in germany who said, suddenly we are being blamed -- >>ç vilified -- >> with the bad guy. >> there's a longer-term question about this. let's say we kill every single person who is involved in isis. just kill them all and there's some other new thing that happened. what about the reality of assimilation in a culture like this? do you action september those
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whose values undermine the balance of freedom and security, who see islamism as an ideology that is greater than our republican? because that's a first for us. that's a first. we have assimilated all sorts of cultures. none that says we are a superior ideological framework that we wish to -- >> religious or legal? >> both. >> what he is talking about, they are intertwined. that's when it becomes so problematic. you also look at young men. it happens to be people who are kind of bored. they don't have a lot to do. maybe they have an anti-authority streak. those are the most fertile ones that crazy moms reach out to and change and radicalize. >> that was a very interesting block there. the liberal media falls for another islam phobic hoax. by a prankster. details on that next.
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it was big news. a muslim man kicked off a delta flight for speaking arabic on the phone to his mother. freaking out passengers and the evil airline. this outraged celebrities, even olivia wilde vowed to boycott delta.ç cnn's brian steltzer retweeted. stop indulging your assumptions and you will find this victim is a hoaxster who fakes events.
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there are titles like arabs on a plane. i sense a trend. he staged a fake video with a new york city cop had a raising men in muslim dress. it was fake. he faked the story about boarding a plane in a suitcase. fake. there's the time he claimed the boston bombers were framed. also a 9/11 truther. still celebrities buy this. he says even though he cried wolf many times before, this time it's real and he is consulting a lawyer. so should delta. sue this alienating a-hole. we must declare war on hoaxsters. soç many swallow this, smearina company and the innocent people that it employs. who is worse? hard to say. in the meantime, until further
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notice, let's make all of them walk. delta released a statement saying based on the information collected, it appears the customers who were removed sought to disrupt the cabin with provocative behavior. this is not welcome on any delta flight. then they go on to say that it became clear these guys are pranksters. he is claiming it's sincere. if he has been doing the pranks in the past, hasn't he lost the right for anyone to believe him? >> i think so, yes. the thing is, what you might find on the left is people like olivia wilde who jumped on it, you know that thing if there's a hate crime turns out to be a hoax, then the left says, it's a valuable lesson because hate crimes do exist. i think you will probably find it here. do you think muslims aren't discriminated against on airplanes? that's the response you will get. >> eric, aren't the victims here delta and their employees and the passengers? >> the victims are everyone.
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it's the pc culture thatç enabs this as you point out. the enablers in the media and white house. remember clock boy? okay. well, a hoax -- if you make a clock this big. president obama invites him to the white house. we find out there's stuff going on in his past. it feels like the same thing. fake news is a real problem. it's really, really difficult to figure out what's real and what's fake. now that they're going to video, it used to be a story -- is this real or not? let me see the source. it looks real. you find out it's not. now videos. what's real, what's not? delta did say they have passengers who claimed he was talking really, really loud. >> he was looking at people say, delta. he had it all set up. he tweeted his website -- clock boy literally did create 15 minutes of fame for himself. >> he can count it down with his own briefcase.
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isn't that wonderful? i think someone like this wants to be harmed. if you get on a plane post 9/11 -- we have learned this and we have very low tolerance on . who has the lowest tolerance? richard marx. he subdued a man who was assaulting female flight attendants. the attendants were standing there with tasers ready to taser him. they didn't because they weren't properly trained. they couldn't figure out how to use them. luckily, he was right there waiting for them. over a four-hour period. >> first time that term has been uttered. luckily, richard marx was there. sorry, richard. >> as in don't taser me, bro. >> you could be seriously injured screwing around on a plane like this. >> this guy i read also was revealed to be a jerk and
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antagonist on a flight. he said that he jumped into a suitcase to fly from melbourne to sidney. the australians said, never happened. i don't see how he can reach out to anybody, even if you have a legitimate concern. believe me, i know, because i got big trouble for saying that when i see people dressed in muslim garb on an airplane, i get nervous. but i gotta tell you something. there's a reality, i'm sure some people like me get çnervous. okay. when this guy does this kind of stuff, it undermines any legitimacy to the complaint. he damages people who think that they are coming together and standing for their rights and liberties as americans. i think you undermine the cause. you are hurting your own side. >> i don't think he cares. i think he is in it for himself. he likes to be known as a successful youtube prankster, which is a long way of saying loser. >> hold on. no. youtube pranksters, youtube
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stars are wildly paid well. >> upwards of 2 million a year for the best ones. >> tons of money for that stuff. >> on my book tour, you probably saw the same, either right before me or right after me, the stores were preparing for the big youtube star. what does he do? he talks. then he is in a book. he has a deal. it's because of youtube. >> i meant him being the loser. >> he is a loser. >> does he get money for this? >> he would get ads. sg >> the latest balloon boy. >> another inflated story. >> why do you think clock boy was a fraud? >> it was a hoax. he was trying to look like he was -- >> iç don't know that -- >> he was setting up an environment as a victim. >> you don't think this was a kid who had a science experiment -- >> no. >> it was an experiment. >> i also think it was a legitimate -- >> his father claimed to be the president-elect of afghanistan.
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>> believe me, we have a lot of crazy people. i don't know -- i don't know it was a hoax. >> there were other hoaxes that were exposed. there was a church down south that -- whoever scrawled kkk on the church is linked to trump, turns out it was a black member of the church. there was a -- >> the racial -- >> these are -- >> there was the young woman who claimed a man forced her to take off her hijab. he said he was going to light her on fire. >> university of michigan. that came out. turns out, totally made up. they can't find anything. >> nothing is true. >> what i'm saying this day and age, hold off retweeting for a bit. look it up. >> i think so. twitter is -- >> cnn has google. they have computers. if you have a computer, you can go to google. it's really simple. type in somebody's name and press search. >> what benefit does any ne of us get by being first?
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>> it only matters when i'm drinking. >> did he add commentary? >> wow. this is catching on. it was his way -- >> big if true. >> i'm not saying it's real. >> i'm sorry. isn't he hosting the show that exposes media calamities like this? isn't that what -- >> he lectured all of us. >> the front line of the vetting police? i'm sorry. the one good thing about this is it ushers in a new age of skepticism. if you think everything is fake, you will do more work trying to find what is real and what you can trust. >> i don't know though. i'm pretty lazy. i'm skeptical of that. everything you said i don't believe. the president-elect cements another deal before taking office by lowering the cost of the new air force one. details ahead. as a control enthusiast, i'm all-business when i travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade
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tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. earlier this month, president-elect trump threatened to cancel boeing's deal to build a new air force one over the price tag estimated at $4 billion. after meeting with mr. trump yesterday, boeing's ceo said he would build the jet for well under that price tag. >> i was able to give the president-elect my personal commrment on behalf of the boeing company. this say business that's important to us. we work on air force one because it's important to our country. we're going to make sure he gets the best capability and that
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it's done affordably. >> here is what the president-elect had to say following that. >> the conversation with boeing did produce positive results? >> i think so. we had the ceo. i think they're looking to cut a tremendous amount of money off the price. >> this is so interesting to me. we talk about this billion dollar price tag. apparently, is there no deal. it's like there was 170 million, not billion. then there's a question of what's on the jet. the way it's presented is that president-elect trump is getting a better deal. is this actually what's going on? is this politics? >> i think at this point it's okay for the president-elect to look at these deals when they relate to the office of the presidency. it's vastly different than the carrier deal which you could argue was more of a campaign tactic. here if we're spending $4 billion on air force one, i think he has every right to sit the person down and say, hey,
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man, what am i getting for this before he even has a chance to kick the tires. >>ç in fact, you got lockheed martin working on marine one, the helicopter. these folks have defense contracts and boeing has immense competition coming from air bbu in europe. is everything piece by piece for donald trump? >> i don't know. i think maybe he's time do this. he has more time than most people because he never sleeps. i mean, it's something that he likes to do. you are right, if there's a litter problem in our nation's parks, you know, our president shouldn't fly to every park. you have to reform the system. you have to create laws, regulations and penalties so the parks are clean. in that sense, maybe he should focus on reforming the system so he doesn't have to go and twist arms every time. >> maybe he should privatize the parks. >> exactly right. my favorite kennedy. >> now, as i understand it, the
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big revisions in the costs according to boeing has to do with shields that would protect air force one in the case of a nuclear blast. >> here is the thing. the best thing for us to do is not talk about the capabilities of the plane. that's one of the things about it. it has toç be beyond any of ou wildest imagination. >> it has a keurig. >> cwith k cups in. >> you might be able to say everybody wins. taxpayers win if the cost comes in under. the president, whoever it might be in the future, because the planes won't be ready for a while will win because they will be protected and have the latest technology. boeing wins in terms of being able to keep a contract that air force one -- they don't make a profit on it. i think this idea of how do you restructure defense acquisitions? how do you make sure that we are doing contracts that make sense? one of the things that general mattis could do , i will not
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accept any cost overrun. now it's on you to make sure it doesn't happen. >> i love that point. this may be a message to the defense industry, big in washington -- >> any contractor. >> the defense industry typically -- everybody says if you are patriotic, give the military what they want. here is donald trump saying, hey, wait a second. >> they're going to get what they want. they're getting air force one and two. the deal is that we have $170 million deal with boeing currently. but for the air force one and two, the estimate was going to be --ç boeing says, $4 billionn the normal way to do business in d.c. okay $4 billion, here you go. donald trump says hold on. no. no. this can come in lower. this can come in under budget and on time. boeing, they have a big meeting. the ceo says we're going to come in under budget and on time. now donald trump says, boeing did it. every one of you defense -- every other contractor -- >> on notice. >> it's not picking up every piece of trash. it's saying, we want -- see how
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we cleaned up this park? >> stop building systems and weapons that the military doesn't need. it happens all the time. >> you are going to get us in trouble. >> no. give the military what they need, not what congressional districts want as favors. >> that's the way -- eric is saying -- that's the way the system works. some congressman says it's my district. >> let's build tanks. tanks for the memories. >> tanks for nothing. >> exactly right. >> we'll be right back. ahead, breaking trump transition news. president-elect giving his former campaign manager kellyanne conway a key role in his administration. a lot of other big announcements today from trump. stay tuned.
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if you haven't caught tuckeç carlson's new show, i advise you to record it nightly. he engaged in a discussion with a guest. this time about affirmative action. the debate was over a lawsuit filed that alleged harvard university sets a higher bar for asians than other students to limit their enrollment. the guest, an asian harvard grad argued they aren't engaging in discrimination. he supports the school's affirmative action policy. tucker took him on. >> if you are against racism and racial discrimination, why are you supporting explicitly
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supporting a system that penalizes people for the color of their skin? >> the students who apply are not being penalized because of their race. the application process is entirely -- affirmative action benefits asian american students. it recognizes the asian american experience is not all the same. >> but that's all gobbledygook. >> they don't have a quota system. >> is it racial discrimination to not let somebody into college based on his race? >> they are not admitting students based solely on race. there are other factors involved. içlegacy and whether you went to a private school. >> you are diverting from the question. if racial discrimination is wrong -- i believe it is -- then it's just wrong. >> that was your favorite part. >> you are a harvard grad. so i listened to that.
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i was trying to figure out who is this person that would try to defend this. the bottom line is, tucker is right. it is a discrimination, whether you like it or not. this gentleman couched it in, there are other factors. legacy, meaning if you have a family member that attended harvard, you bump up. the reality of the raw numbers is if you are asian american and you apply to harvard, you need a higher whether s.a.t. or a.c.t. to get in. >> i want doed to -- >> i think kau casie -- >> i think the students have a legitimate complaint. i'm curious what you think. >> to me, i like tucker's attack. i think it's a direct line. if you believe that racial discrimination is wrong, then don't buy into this game.ç the counter argument -- this is why you wanted to do the story earlier. this is a really important
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argument. i mean, even this week in the newspapers there has been stories about how the big colleges, especially ivy leagues are giving more preference to international students because they want to claim that they are preparing the global leaders of the future. >> they want full out of state tuition. >> yeah. when it comes to race, because there is a history of discrimination specific against blacks and hispanics, then people say if you don't have that history, should you be entitled to preference? you come to asians and the discrimination against asians might not be the same -- it becomes too much of a game. at this point, i'm not sure -- i'm not even sure it's achieving the goals when you look at the numbers in higher education in america. i would say, you know what we need do is focus on the entirety -- i think this is becoming more the case. now there's a disinclination to focus solely on standardized testing. look at the whole of the person. that becomes a different ball of wax. that's going to change the way
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people look at getting into the best schools. >> what's the libertarian point of view on this? >> you should have the best people --ç >> what about -- >> in this day and age, it's grades, it's extracurricular activity. >> that's the whole person. >> it's hard work. >> did you get -- is it 1600? >> something impossible. >> they bumped it up to 24. >> if you are a good test taker and that happens to be the metric schools use to allow people entrance, then the good test takers are going to get in. at least that some valid k criteria you can compete against. there are ways of changing your grades. there are ways of adding more academic and extracurricular activities to your resume. you can't change your r therefore, it's unfair if a certain number of people who have these qualities are kept out of school.
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>> can we get greg in here? greg, i was curious about your take on the specific issue. yesterday on fox news you po s posted -- >> he's an awful person. it's never a good end of an evening if you are a guest on tucker carlson and you haven't done your$çresearch. after that, just go to an empty bar, don't go where people might recognize you. it's not going to end. you are going to sit -- >> twitter. >> the tucker interview is something you go over in your head, i could have said that. why did i say this? he got me on that. tucker's face, it's like he is watching two antelopes mating. he is like this. >> but slightly demoused. >> but this is interesting. i don't have to do much. let this person bury himself in his silly words. it's highly entertaining. this is an interesting topic. you are veering towards an
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unspeakable truth about racial differences. asians, why do they require no affirmative action despite having the disadvantage of being outsiders coming from somewhere else, not being native speakers? their language is vastly different. they come from vastly different cultures. and they come from countries that we were once at war with. they come here and do fine. >> not just fine. maybe there's cultural importance placed on doing really well in school. to the credit of the families, they areç fighting for school choice which benefits everyone. >> we have to go. ahead, a bunch of new announcements from the trump transition team. we had a visit from one of them just a moment ago. we will show you the pictures. stay tuned. terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it.
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we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die. i'm 51 years old.m. when i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it.
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fantastic. she was the first female campaign manager to help propel a presidential nominee to victory. there's been a lot ofç speculation about what role kellyanne conway might play in the upcoming trump administration. today, we got the answer. conway will serve as counselor to the president. she appeared on fox and friends this morning. >> it's an honor but it's humbling, the gravity and responsibility of serving at a senior level for the president of the united states. it's difficult to pass that up. i know i have his ear and trust. those are the two main criteric. i respect the senior team you have seen in action. >> i have the other ear in my freezer. there were other major announcements today.
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of course, i'm going to you first, dana. >> i love these announcements. >> communications team. >> if i can mention something about kellyanne conway which is an asset. she mentioned having his confidence and the ear. she speaks well for him. she's a good trump explainer. she explains it and the other thing she does, because of her background, she has a law degree, she has been a pollster. one thing that will happen is they will want to achieve big things. say it's a big legislative thing, maybeç immigration refo or obamacare repeal and replace. if she's the kind of person who can look at the goal and then balance up and figure out communications-wise what do you need to do at certain points in order to make it to that goal. you are not going to win every day's battle. she has an ability to have a longer-term view and look -- see around corners. i think she will be very good. >> i'm not sure what that was. >> the tree fell out of anticipation for the holiday season. >> about the communications
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team, you have hope hicks and others -- >> i'm happy that they were announced right before christmas. they can go have a great holiday with their families. then they will be working really hard. >> eric, you have been a vocal supporter of this administration. you have also had many meetings at trump tower. perhaps you have been privy to information and conversations that -- >> none whatsoever. i will tell you the extent. i was having dinner with my lovely wife. right next to us was kellyanne conway and her beautiful family. i talked to the husband. i'm so thrilled that we're going to have kellyanne close to the president moving to d.c. originally, she wasn't going to go. >> was sheç holding out? >> yeah -- no, no. she's going to -- she will be on hanni han hannity with me tonight. check it out tonight, it's going
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to be great. here is the thing, she will be the senior most female in the white house. i gotta tell you, every woman, my wife included, just think the world of kellyanne conway. >> she did polling on women. i think she's going to help trump with the key constituency. what did you say? >> i called you a name dropper. >> i was saying this because when i was on maria's show they asked me about conway. she has four kids. she said this to me. then i was immediately lambas lambasted. you are sayin a womg a woman wir kids -- why is kellyanne conway not showing up for women? >> she's showing she can do it. when is the last time you saw sean spicer? >> it's been a long time. he is quite small. >> lookç at the photograph we have. >> do we have a picture? >> he stopped by the five moments ago.
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>> he is tiny. tiny little man. tiny little people become huge spokespersons. dana was a small person. kellyanne will be a counselor? >> she's going to have a whistle and clipboard. >> a guidance counselor? they wear the wrong shorts. >> didn't you see "meatballs"? >> yeah. i hear you. they're telling me to move. they're saying we gotta go. i want to talk about dan -- >> one more thing is up next.
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liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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santa claus? >> of course, he is white. it's a call back. >> your klan meeting? >> we will fill you in on a commercial break. he is north polish. >> i like mine better. >> what did one snowman say to the other? >> why are you white? why are we all white? why aren't there any black snowmen? >> it's actually, do you smell carrots. >> that's cute. >> what does santa say at the start of a race. >> white people up front. >> oh, man. >> it's a trend now. >> ready, set, ho, çho, ho. >> you are up. >> i think -- >> all right. i hate these people.
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again, i gotta go back to the gym. somebody is on a stair climber or bike and you decide, i'm going to -- i want to watch something on tv and there's 12. you should turn around and you should say, are you watching this. maybe look around at the other tvs and see the one you are going to change it to without asking is already on. we don't need three sets on the kardashians. we don't need three sets on plastic surgery mishaps. i don't want to see that that early in the morning. i don't want to see real estate shows. so, some people are saying that you are a racist. we'll have to leave it there. we'll have to -- that's all she says. we'll have to leave it there. >> juan is up. >> anyway, bill o'reilly is off delivering gifts to orphans. i will sit in. along with dana. she's there to hold my hand. >> you are in good hands. >> i wanted to find out what was the hottest gift this christmas
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season. the first one -- the first one fascinates metkpit's hatchimals. this creature hatches. it's very hard to get. one dad had to go to spain in order to get it. >> they are young. move quickly. kellyanne conway and we will talk about the jetblue incident. tmz broke that story. last night adrian went to an amazing group. it's santa's response team. they raise presents for kids, terminally ill kids and military families. >> wow. amazing. >> my good friend coming up right here. there he is on the right. good people. kenne kennedy. >> the durant fire department, six of the dad s sired children. they used all the new babies born between february and june. six of them future firefighters.
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>> look at the cheeks. >> so cute. the brotherhood and family are the most important thing to them. >> we will leave it right there. juan williams at 8:00. stick around. "special report" next. donald trumpç gets his communications team in place and says he wants his finger to be on a more powerful nuclear button. this is "special report." welcome to washington. donald trump announced his communications team hours after he made headlines again via twitter. one of hillary clinton's major lines of attack against donald trump during the campaign was that he lacked the temperament to have his finger on the nuclear button. today the president-elect treated it's time for a major nuclear
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