tv Fox and Friends First FOX News December 23, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PST
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>> this breaking news comes amid a new isis holiday kill list. the target is said to be churches and churches right here in america. >> patricia stark is here with the breaking details on both of these big stories. >> good morning connell and heather. a security source with the worldwide manhunt accusing the terrorist of mowing down people is over. anise an anis amari was killed a routine traffic stop. he allegedly pulled out a gun from his backpack and opened fire shooting at officers. police fired back. one officer was hit but is expected to be okay. this comes as we are seeing new stunning video of the deadly attack in berlin. you can see a truck barreling through the entrance of a
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christmas market sending people running for their lives. brand new worldwide terror fears this morning amid a new isis kill list including turning u.s. churches into a bloody horror movie. the terror group releasing a list of names and addresses of thousands of churches in the u.s., canada, france and the netherlands. the cold blooded terrorists encouraging sleeper cells and lone wolves to make this holiday season a bloody one. two massive international terror plots targeting busy areas packed with people were stopped overnight. in australia 7 wannabe islamic extremists including this man now behind bars. police say the group was planning a series of christmas day bombings. in germany two brothers also locked up at this hour accused of planning a deadly attack at a shopping center. the new esther or fears hitting a fever pitch at home expect beefed up security in major
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cities including new york, boston and chicago. we are expecting a press conference soon. the italian interior minister will confirm that man has been shot. we will stand by and bring that to you as soon as we can. >> mawe will get more details o the circumstances. >> we will continue to follow that. in the wake of growing terror threats president elect trump calling for the u.s. to beef up the nuclear arsenal and huge news overnight. mr. trump giving the administration it's official voice. >> good morning to you. this president elect certainly made headlines yesterday calling for a nuclear upgrade on twitter. tweeting the united states must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. he didn't expand on the specific
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of what steps he would like the u.s. to take or on what prompted him to speak out on the issue but the time something notable. it comies one day after nationa security and a few hours after vladimir putin hit the arsenal as well. the president elect is not waiting until he takes office to get involved in u.s. policy. yesterday planned u.s. security council vote which would have controversial building in west bank and jerusalem. he released a statement urging the u.s. to veto that resolution. egypt's president announced his country was postponing the vote which they had proposed. back here at home the trump administration has also announced its communications team naming shawn spicer as white house press secretary. last night on the kelly file, spicer said mr. trump plans to
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continue to hold the media accountable. >> there is a difference between calling people out and free society. they have a right to go out and write stories and communicate things. what donald trump has proven as candidate and president elect is when people are wrong he is going to hold them accountable and he is going to correct the record. >> the transition team has a couple of meetings scheduled next week for presidential candidates to fill the final spots. elsa morana considered boor secretary of agriculture. no rest over the holidays. >> time for look who's talking. charles krauthammer doing plenty of talking saying president elect is carving out his path and letting the world know he is not afraid to buck what is long
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standing foreign policy in place. >> what he is saying to the world and our own foreign policy establishment is we are not going to adhere to all of the beliefs of the last 50 years. we are not going to be pursuing nuclear reduction agreements with the russians in the hungry way obama did and end up with little and perhaps making us more soft. the president elect trump planning to do away from the program requiring immigrant men to register with the government. the program was formed after the 9-11 terror attacks but has not been in force since 2011. if he wants to go ahead with his plan he will have to start from scratch. >> boeing ceo says he will make
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a cheaper air force one. now trying to create some competition. setting sights on rival lockheed martin in the 35 fighter jets. here's a tweet from mr. trump based on the tremendous costs it cost to over run i have asked boeing to price out a comparable f18 super hornet. the f35 program is the biggest weapons initiative in the history of the pentagon. >> the u.s. is in for an extreme 1, 2 punch. one slamming the west as another creeps toward the east. >> rain slick roads making for treacherous travel in san diego. more than 200 crashes in less than 48-hours. >> snow, rain, storms all that move across the country. delays, cancellations piling up
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at airports. >> on top of it all and looking festive. good morning, janice. >> it is the one time of year i get to wear this sweater and tell everyone i am mrs. clause. >> 39 in indianapolis, 39 in new york. we warmer air here but as you mentioned a couple of storm systems are going to cause big travel delays. along the west coast in towards the central u.s. and we are going to continue to monitor this as we have breaking news right now. >> i apologize for cutting you off. we could tell the news conference was starting. the suspect in the berlin christmas market attack shot and killed in italy. >> live to the press conference with the interior minute strist italy. >> the police officers responded and the person that attacked our patrol were killed.
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the control was (indiscernible). >> the person killed after a number of inquiries were made under the circumstances without any shadow of a doubt is anis amari presumed suspect of the terrorist attack in berlin. i was able to personally speak to the general and i wished him seasons greetings, and he's a very motivated young person. he's an extraordinary young
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person. i thanked him for the professionalism he demonstrated and for the professionalism that he and his colleagues demonstrated. we are talking about an operation that took place at 3 in the morning in an important center in our country, and it took place in complete safety in that the only problem was for police officers. i transmitted the gratitude -- i expressed my personal gratitude, the gratitude of the home office, the head of the police that also spoke to him
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personally, and i wished him a speedy recovery. in the next few days i personally am going to go and hug him. i also wished him a happy christmas telling him also the thanks the people such as him the italians will be able to have an even happier christmas, and in the end allow me to also thank all of the security team in our country, and italy must be really proud of them. >> live news conference from italy this morning. the interior ministry of the country talking about the aterrorist in berlin was shot
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and killed. the headline from what we heard the english translation is without a shadow of a doubt this was indeed the berlin attacker they shot. >> you are looking at the picture 24-year-old anis amyre. an officer involved in the shooting was also injured in the incident. we are told italian authorities were tipped off he was in the area. he was asked to remove his back tack to sh-- backpack to show se papers and that's when the shooting happened. the 24-year-old had used multiple different identities. had lived in italy for a while, had been involved in different arrests. he left tunisia in 2011 following the arab springs. $105,000 reward had been offered for him. this morning the good news is as you have said, without a shadow of a doubt he is now dead. >> they got their guy.
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they say they got him. >> good news for the folks who were concerned a terrorist was on the lose. >> oo ivanka trump attacked on a plane. the tables are being turned. >> is it a bad idea to do it in front of everyone? oo we will have that plus the cross on this tree forced to take it down. there's an update on the story it could be considered a christmas miracle.
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>> anis amari was killed in what started as a routine traffic stop at a train station. the police were there asking for id. he pulled out a gun from a backpack we are told shooting at officers. all of this taking place in the middle of the night. italian time about 3:00 a.m. one officer was hit expected to be okay. ari is believed to have spent several years in italy before moving to germany. might have called him the world's most wanted man but this morning he was shot dead. >> he is 24 years old he used circumstances different names three different nationalities. a good thing he has been shot and killed. >> we have another fox news alert for you right now. ivanka trump was berated on an airplane in front of her children yesterday.
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>> the unruly passenger wanted to know why the president elect daughter was flying coach on his flight. >> the headlines on xm115 radio. >> this is horrible. it is being turned against him as well. >> shocking to say the least. the incident happening at new york jfk airport yesterday morning. brooklyn lawyer dan goldstein spotting him on his jetblue fight screaming your mothfather ruining the country while holding his own child. why is she on our flight? she should be flying pirate. he was even jeering at ivanka's children while she tried to distract them with crayons. jetblue employees talking goldstein's family off the flight. an hour before his husband matthew laugh ner tweeting ivanka and jared at jfk flying
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commercial my husband chasing them down to harass them. #vanity of evil. the booted couple was booked on the next flight to san francisco. when he had a chance to share his frustration to tmz they both froze up. >> was it a bad idea to do it in front of everyone? >> they had plenty to say on twitter. laugh ner tweeting ivanka and jared on a flight my husband expressed displeasure in a calm tone. >> they over heard and kicked us off a plane. jetblue worried the situation ko escalated in the air. ivanka and her family whisked away by secret service for a private jet bound for hawaii. that flight was already planned and was not in response to the incident. up coming trump press secretary sean spicer reacting to it all. >> that is inappropriate no
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matter what your thoughts are. to do that on a plane with children i don't care what your political background is that's not the way we americans need to act. >> coming up at 7:20 comedian breaks down why the liberals can't accept the outcome of the election. >> breaking news we continue to follow for you at this hour. the per lynn christmas -- berlin christmas massacre anis amari is dead. >> the travel for this man in between a number of different countries crossing borders being able to cross back and forth and get in and get out andnd up in italy after the shootings in berlin. >> a lot of people questioning angela merkel and admitted herself back in september it is
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now a problem there. he used six different names and he was jailed for setting fire at a refugee camp. >> we will be back over seas and have more breaking details. >> over the river and through the woods to grandma's house you might not go. a travel nightmare shaping up ahead of christmas weekend. we are live with that up next. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun!
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street. he was shot and killed in a shoot out with the police in the milan area. we have brand new video from the scene. >> amari was killed in what we are being told was a routine traffic stop. police fired back, one officer we were told in a news conference was hit. but he's expected to be okay. that's good news. >> this guy was believed to have spent a number of years in italy. he moved around and went to germany and now when the shooting took place the shoot out with the police he was back in italyable to cross the borders. some blanks need to be filled here. >> he was from tunisia. we didn't mention that. he moved to italy following the arab spring back in 2011.
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as we said he had multiple id's about six different names that he used, three different nationalities, had been in trouble before in italy but they apparently had no evidence that he had been radicalized authorities say about 3 and a half years ago he was arrested for setting fire in a refugee camp. in germany we are told possibly the way to track him down, we don't know how he was able to escape after he rammed that truck through the christmas market in berlin. they were able to track some of the papers. also a cell phone they were able to track as well and see his route around the christmas market where he circled a couple different times before ramming the truck. >> you make the point it does bring it up again how difficult these people can be to track if you don't have a trail to go on. in other words, if there's no terrorist watch list that someone is appearing on that u nothing else in their past that
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points to something like this that may have happened there's not a long record and sometimes there's arrests and the like. there's something here to go on but not as much in retrospect everything looks obvious. it is difficult for authorities to track these guys. >> bringing the refugees in and the open border policy there in germany was angela merkel being called into question. she herself admitted back in september it was a problem and they were losing control. >> good police work in the end to be able to after having some difficulty identifying who is responsible for this to track him across the borders, it is difficult for them because their hands are tied to some extent to local authorities. they are not making the laws in the situation, but they have to track somebody across international borders and be able to come back into italy and in the middle of the night what started as a routine traffic stop they say this is the guy, he pulls out the gun and the rest is history and the
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terrorist is killed this morning. >> allowing refugees, allowing immigrants into the different countries. that of course is one of the big points that president elect trump campaigned on. he had said that he questioned bringing folks into this country who were from what i believe he referred to as countries where there were known terrorists coming into and out of different countries. >> this time of year to bring the story back to the united states. the fbi and other authorities put out the alert. other areas will be gathering for christmas celebrations and new year's celebrations. that always happens. there seems to be what patricia has been focusing on because of what is happening in berlin on christmas markets or anything, churches. >> it was released overnight that involves u.s. churches.
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time for people to be concerned but still try to celebrate the holidays and christmas with our families and loved ones. >> more coming up. 28 past the hour as we continue here. we will go overseas and have more on the berlin attacker who was killed in the milan area. >> plus caught on camera they confronted a potential terrorist in florida and the chaos that comes next. >> a family stuck in the middle of a house fire nail biting moments step by step.
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why do some cash back cards make earning bonus cash back so complicated? they limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places... ...and those places keep changing every few months. the quicksilver card from capital one doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet? anis amri >> december 23rdrd. it is a fox news alert. breaking news this morning the berlin terrorist has been taken down in milan. it all comes as isis overnight releases a holiday hit list and the target is said to be churches inside the united states. the breaking details on all of this just ahead. >> i have van kau trump attacked
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on a plane by a man angry about the election. new video of the tables being turned. >> bad idea to do it in front of everyone's children? >> janice dean tracking the weather. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> suspected terrorist wanted in the berlin market massacre was shot and killed early this morning in italy. >> this comes amid brand new isis holiday kill list will be
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released. >> patricia stark is here with the breaking details on both of those big stories. >> connell and heather the worldwide manhunt for the terrorist accused of mowing down innocent people is over. overnight anis amri was shot and killed in a police shootout in milan, italy. he was wanted for the bloodbath in berlin which left 12 dead. he was killed at a train station. police asked for his id and that's bh he pulled out a gun from a backpack and opened fire shooting at officers. police fired back. one officer was hit but is expected to be okay. it comes as we are seeing new stunning video of the deadly attack in berlin. you can see the truck barreling through the entrance of a christmas market sending terrified shoppers running for their lives. brand new worldwide terror fears this morning. amid a new isis kill list including turning u.s. churches into a bloody horror movie. the terror group releasing a list with names and addresses of
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thousands of churches in the u.s., canada, france and the netherlands. the cold blooded terrorists encouraging sleeper cells and lone wolves to make this holiday season a bloody one. two terror plots targeting busy areas packed with people were just stopped overnight. search wannabe islamic extremists now behind bars. the group was planning a series of christmas day bombings. in germany two brothers locked up at this hour accused of planning a deadly attack at a shopping center. the fears hitting a fever pitch here at home. beefed up security in major cities including new york, boston and chicago. back to you guys. >> we have new information on a suspect in italy. one officer has been shot, now getting information two officers
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was shot in the incident. one of the officers was able to fire back and kill the suspect. both engineers will be okay. >> he pulls out a gun and starts shooting and the other officer shoots back. >> we will continue to follow it for you. we are getting tense moments between police and a potential terror suspect here at home. in florida deputies investigating a strange smell coming from a new port richey home confronting the suspect when he suddenly attacked the officers grabbing for one of their guns. police were able to restrain the suspect before he could cause any serious harm. officials are now investigating any ties he might have to terrorism. >> terror threats president elect trump now calling for the u.s. to beef up the nuclear
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arsenal and huge news overnight. mr. trump giving his administration the official voice. fox news garrett tenney is in washington with the latest. >> heather and connell good morning to you. if there is a question twitter will be the platform for president elect trump's policy announcements. he called for a nuclear upgrade tweeting the united states must greatly strengthen and expand the nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. mr. trump didn't elaborate on what specific steps he would like the u.s. to take or on what prompted him to speak out on the issue but the timing is notable. it comes one day after mr. trump met with national security advisor michael flynn and a few hours after russian president vladmir putin to update its nuclear arsenal as well. the president elect is not waning until he takes office to get involved in u.s. policy. yesterday just hours before a
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plane of u.s. security council vote which would have condemned the controversial building of settlements in the west bank and jerusalem he released a statement urging the u.s. to veto the resolution. after a phone conversation with mr. trump yesterday egypt's president announced his country was postponing the vote which they had proposed. back at home the trump administration has also announced its communications team naming sean spicer as white house press secretary. last night on the kelly file spires said even with his communications team in place mr. trump has no plans to step away from twitter. >> we have a direct pipeline to the american people to talk to them in a way no one has done before. ng it is fascinating. it is absolutely fascinating and it makes every day, every hour just unbelievable. you know you are having that conversation with the american people and they can have it back with him and he is not having to put everything through the filter of the mainstream media.
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>> the transition team has meetings of potential candidates to round out the final two spots including one for secretary of agriculture elsa morano. >> almost filling the team. garrett tenney live for us. the 1, 2 punch as two monster storms hit right before christmas one claiming the west another creeping toward the east. >> we have rain slicked road making for treacherous travel in sand i didn't go go. police there reporting more than 200 crashes in less than 24-hours. >> holiday travelers feeling the effects of snow and rain. delays, cancellations now piling up at the airport. >> njanice? >> let's take a look at it. a couple of storm systems one moving across the northwest with snow and ice and rain.
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this one will push off the east coast. the next big system is the west. as we get into saturday all of the mess will go across the east coast. the big weather maker that will bring snow and ice and possibly tornadoes is across the west as we get into the midwest. that could be accumulating ice fall and along the trailing cold front severe storms, hail, damaging winds and even tornadoes. a lot of snow for the skiers up towards the upper midwest. mainly rain over the ohio and mississippi river valley. for today east coast looks good. midwest we will see delays typically here and across the west coast as this next storm system moves in. east looks pretty good today. this is friday heading into saturday not so great for the east coast. as we get into chicago and minneapolis as well as kwan sass city and san francisco you want to call ahead or check online there will be delays and they are going to cause a ripple effect across the country. heather and connell back to you. >> flying out to charlotte. >> i will keep you posted,
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sister. >> personal wlo repoeather repo. >> top of the hour. >> ivanka trump. we are going to tell you about this. she was attacked ohhen a plane confronted by a man angry about the election. this morning new video of the tables being turned. >> coming up what did he have to say for himself? and crest complete has a sugar shield to protect teeth from sugar found in everyday foods. crest complete. shield your teeth from sugar. so sugar may visit, but it's not sticking around my hygienist told me to try... ...a mouthwash. so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with... ...crest pro-health mouthwash. checkup? nailed it.
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from his backpack and opened fire shooting at officers police firing back. >> the suspect amri moved to germany originally from tunisia. the world's most wanted man is dead this morning. to another fox news alert for you. a disturbing attack on ivanka trump as she is berated on an airplane in front of her children. >> this unruly passenger dema demanding to know where the president elect daughter was flying coach on his flight. >> lots of people disagree with that. carley shimkus from sirius xm115 with what happened. >> the shocking incident happened at jfk airport yesterday morning. brooklyn lawyer dan goldstein spotting ivanka on his jetblue flight and went off. he started screaming your father is ruining the country while holding his own child. he went on to say why is he on
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our flight, she should be flying private. passengers say he was jeering at ivanka's children while she tried to distract them with crayons. jetblue employees coming in. this wasn't a heated moment of passion for the lawyer. an hour before his flight his husband tweeting ivanka and jared at jfk flying commercial. my husband chasing them down to harass them. #vanity of evil. the booted couple was booked on the next flight to san francisco. when he had a chance to share their frustration with tmz, they froze up. >> do you regret it? was it a bad idea to do it in front of everyone's kids? >> once landing in california ivanka and her family were whisked away by secret service to a private yet in hawaii. that was already planned and was not in response to the incident.
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connell and heather? >> brian kilmeade now with what's coming up on "fox & friends." >> you get to hang out with somebody pretty cool i understand. >> besides steve and ainsley. i had a chance to talk to cardinal dolan. for the last few years he has been talking about doing some type of celebrity school around new york city. probably the most respected man in new york city cardinal dolan himself. he entertained the pope here. i talked to him about the christmas season, everything else and his message. you will see the feature shortly but here's a clip. >> at the darkest time of the year, at the time when we are discouraged we are reminded ultimately (indiscernible). that's a powerful christmas message. we need a little christmas.
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>> i will have that story. also why sadly we need a swat team inside st. patrick's on christmas day because of the terrorist threats that are out there. that's coming up. we have a huge three-hour show. i have no idea what stooe aeve ainsley have planned or even what they are wearing. >> it is christmasy, red or green. >> we will be back in just a moment. >> thanks, brian. we will be right back.
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right now. let us know. >> merry christmas to you guys. i'm excited to be on. this is an amazing, amazing year for cinema. i think i've seen well over 1 hub movies. these are the five best movies. the first one definitely rogue one, a star wars story. this is so satisfying for star wars fans. there's a sequence at the end that i would watch on a loop for 20 hours. it's so awesome. i was geeking out beyond belief. the action fantastic. i had a problem with the middle section but overall, it's worthy of seeing if you're a fan. next up, a movie not available in theatersi it's available on netflix streaming. sing street. it's one of the best films i've seen in years. it's about -- it's an irish film about a young teen ij boy who starts a band to impress a girl.
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you're going to have a big smile on your face and all of songs drive it like you stole it. every single song, you'll be singing it and listening to the soundtrack over and over again. it's called sing street from the director of the movie, once. moana, the animated disney film starring the rock. this is not as great as utopia or other disney films earlier in the year but it works from a musical standpoint. the music is fantastic and the cg for the animation is animation is fantastic as well. it's a beautiful looking movie. great message. i recommend it for the family. see it in 2d. save yourself the extra $3 per ticket for a 3d ticket. next up is arrival. oif seen this film twice now. i cannot tell you that my brain has still been dissecting this ending over a month and a half later. it is a phenomenal movie by the
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director who also did zaccario as well as prisoners. it's a film that will blow your mind beyond belief. amy adams and jeremy renner are phenomenal. the ending will stay with you and you won't dissect it until a week or two later. it will blow your mind. it will be a 5 out of 5. finally, the best movie out to see in theaters is la-la land. this film is incredible from every standpoint. filmmaking, music, singing dancing. emma stone is fantastic. wonderful director. i guarantee you right now, it will win best picture at the oscars this year. >> you know, that's a great list. one thing stood out for me. not a big star wars fan for better or worse. the second one you talked about. the netflix one, you don't have to leave the house. sing street he says is a great movie. i'm there. >> i want to hear the song, drive it like you stole it.
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>> yes. that song is amazing. when this segment is over, go listen to it. it's phenomenal. i'm telling you right now, that movie put the biggest smile on your face. sing street. >> netflix, we're all over it. thanks, kevin. >> merry christmas. >> you too. fox news alert. reports of a hijacking that is happening right now. another breaking story from overseas. we are going to come back with all the details on what we know about this story. it's just breaking. >> a very big story there. lots of breaking news. also breaking this moment. a man who bloud plowed a truck through a berlin christmas market shot dead. the latest breaking details next. i thought i married an italian.
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my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
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2:58 am
and grease in just a minute on dirt and grime mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans 'em all mr. clean! we're back with a fox news alert. another one. two hijackers reportedly taking control of a flight and they're threatening to blow it up. this is happening on malta. >> we've been learning about this in the last few minutes. the prime minister said a flight from libya was diverted to the country, mal tarks located off the coast of italy. as far as we know right now, everybody is on stand by. the hijackers' demands are not yet known to us. >> it was an internal libyan flight. it was an a-320 and 118 people on board that flight. we'll bring you the latest details on that as they come in.
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another story. >> two of the other huge stories breaking overnight. the suspected terrorist wanted in the berlin massacre has been shot and killed in italy. he was wanted for killing 12 innocent people, injuring many others earlier this week. >> right. united airlines plane is also grounded, fears someone was hiding in the cargo hold. after the breaking story from overseas. people on board complaining about strange noises an hour into that flight. so it forced the pilot of the plane to turn around, go back to houston. no one was found, by the way. united later called the noises a maintenance issue. >> yeah. >> man, it's one of those mornings you wake up, hey, is anything going on? >> continue to follow that. on top of all that, a news conference going on by president putin in russia with new information. once again, the big news. the suspect involved in the
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berlin christmas market attack has been shot and killed in milan, italy. he is dead without a doubt. the interior minister saying there. >> that's how he phrased it in the news conference. "fox and friends" starts right now. >> have a merry christmas everybody. >> that's right. it is 6:00 here in new york city. we start with some breaking news. there are reports an airplane, a jetliner, a libyan flight on the way to tripoli was possibly hijacked. that's what it sounds like. has been diverted to malta. it has landed there safely. emergency crews are standing by. >> here's what we know. it's an airbus, a-320 with 118 people on board that plane. the two hijackers on the flight threatened to blow up the plane. >> all right. their demands not known yet. we're keeping a close eye on this. it's the wild west in libya we know. we'll keep you posted as we get more information. this is how i thought we were going t
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