tv Hannity FOX News December 23, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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get your copy of "settle for more" now. it is a perfect gift for anyone on your list or for yourself. it is a great book to help you unwind over the long holiday break. hopefully you have one. thanks for joining us tonight. merry christmas, happy new year. i'm sandra smith and this is "the kelly file." ♪ welcome to "hannity." president obama stabbing israel in the back on his way of office. i'm eric bolling in for sean tonight. former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton is fired up and will be here with reaction. first in what many are calling the ultimate betrayal in america's alliance with israel, the obama administration earlier today allowed the united nations to pass a resolutioning valleyi settlements in east jerusalem and the west bank as a flagrant violation of international law. valleyi prime minister is
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responding by saying israel reject the shameful resolution at the u.n. adding, quote, the obama not only failed to pro secretary israel against the gang up at the u.n. but colluded with it behind the scenes. the president-elect is responding by tweeting this. quote, as to the u.n., things will be different after january 20th. here now with reaction is former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor john bolton. thank you, ambassador bolton. wow, big day at the u.n. so tell us, do you think that the u.n. security council colluded with the obama administration to bring this vote today? >> i think certainly the sponsors of the resolution, the egyptians, some of the others, some of the five permanent members of the council including great britain obviously had to consult with the obama administration to tell them what was in the resolution so that it was sufficient for obama to order an abstention. the united states could have killed this resolution by voting
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no. it did vote no on a very similar resolution in 2011, but this was -- and you said it exactly right at the top of the show. this was a stab in the back against the vallisraelis. it was predictable. i would say this for the people in the united states that defended obama's middle east policy over the last eight years, you should have seen this coming and this is what you get for supporting barack obama. >> this is a shot, i guess, at israel but also president obama had a pretty con tell tuesdcon tuesday relationship with benjamin netanyahu. >> this violates nearly 50 years of american bipartisan policy on the middle east going back to iconic 242 after the 1967 war which established the principle of land for peace. this resolution says, basically,
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israel's occupation is illegitimate, therefore it has no land to give back in exchange for peace. contrary to what the obama administration has said, this puts a huge thumb on the scale against israel. it does go to final status. it does affect israel's security. it undermines it in profound ways. the consequences of this resolution are going to be felt for many, many years, all negative on israel and substantially negative on the united states itself. >> let's be clear. there was quite a bit of bipartisan pushback to the u.s. abstaining from this veto. in other words they could have vetoed it, killed the resolution, they didn't and on the right, paul ryan, john mccain, the list goes on, even on the left, chuck schumer said the united states should have vetoed this resolution. >> yeah, they should have been -- they should have been, particularly in the democratic party, clearer on this going back for a long, long time. this subject of what barack obama might do with respect to
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israel during the post-election, pre-inauguration period has been the subject of discussions that i've participated in for two years or more. it was entirely foreseeable, and now we see the consequences. >> let's talk a little bit about israel's response. now, will israel change any policy? will they stop building? will they stop developing? will they stop settling? >> not a chance, and nor should they. i tell you, this i do think actually, contrary to what obama says, the del knell of the so-called two-state solution because it shows, once again, it is fundamentally unworkable. i think netanyahu and a nearly unanimous israeli public opinion will support him on that. with respect to the united states, i think it is time to stand up for principle. i have certainly advocated for a long time, which is votes in the united nations should have consequences. we've got two issues here, the 14 countries that voted in favor of this resolution and the
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united nations as a whole. personally, what i would recommend to the president-elect would be once he takes office he should say, this resolution is illegitimate and the united states is going to seek to repeal it. if that fails, and that's the most likely outcome, we should cut our contribution to the united nations. perhaps in to to until this resolution is repeal. >> most interesting concept, ambassador bolton. right now we accomplish somewhere around 20 to 22% of the total budget of the u.n. you are suggesting if the resolution isn't repealed, we go ahead and pull the 20% of their budget? >> yeah. look, my experience with the united nations which goes back a long way is that there are only two aspects of american power that are really respected in the united nations. one is the veto in the security council, which barack obama threw away today, and the other is our money. i've personally engaged in telling specialized agencies in the u.n. and others that if something happens contrary to our wishes we'll cut the money
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off. we have done that. i remember well in 1991 when the security council authorized the use of force against saddam hussein's invasion of kuwait, yemen voted no on that resolution, jim baker, secretary of state in the u.s. chair can at the council, turned to those of us sitting behind him and said, that's the most expensive vote yemen has ever cast, and we substantially eliminated their foreign aid budget. there are a lot of steps we can take here, and i hope the incoming trump administration looks at all of them. >> so i think it was 14-0, a unanimous vote by the council. who would be the most effective -- i guess egypt has -- represents the arab league. who would be the most affected if we do pull back or eliminate foreign aid to these countries? >> well, think that's one option. i'm not necessarily saying we should do it in every case. there are some of these countries where we have no effective leverage now like venezuela. but people have talked about what our relationship with
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russia might be. this shows regardless of personal relationships, russia is always prepared to shaft the middle east and the united states in the middle east. it has been doing it under obama for eight years. this is one more piece of evidence of it. it is just extremely distressing that even great britain didn't abstain on this resolution, and it shows just how much difficulty there is in the united nations to try and carry out a coc -- a coherent -- >> vladimir putin commended and gave him a pat on the bat and barack obama tweeted thank you. tell us about the relationship. is it that bad to have a good relationship with russia? >> it is a question of what our national interests are compared to russia's, and i think the exchange of comments today that's got the most attention has been on the nuclear front, and i think trump was exactly right to say that he's not going to let the u.s. nuclear
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capability be second to anybody else including russia. the obama administration has put us in, i think, an inferior position with their misguided new start treaty which was negotiated and ratified in 2010, ratified i'm sorry to say with the support of a lot of republican members of congress. i think it is time to look again at that entire relationship. i don't think we should be negotiating bilateral strategic arms treaties with the russians anymore. the world is a lot more complicated in nuclear terms than it was during the cold war when it was more sensible. i think it goes to the review that our military needs to conduct of how to rebuild our deterrent capability in both conventional and strategic weapons urgently. >> ambassador i only have a minute or so or a little let. i think it is fantastic. president-elect trump says we are going to be the number one super power in the world, and also, by the world, we get along with number two, it is not going to be a bad, contentious relationship between the united
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states and russia. that sounds like a good deal to me. >> well, if we can sustain it. a lot depends on russia. if it stops military intervention in bordering countries like ukraine, if it refrains from provocations in countries like gastonia latvia and lithuania. if it pulls back from its really harmful intervention in the middle east and some of its other ak tifctivities, we have for constructive discussion. one thing with the russians, if you show toughness to them they respect it. they haven't seen it in eight years. >> i'm going to leave it right there. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> coming up on "hannity." >> i am going to keep radical islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. president-elect donald trump is promising to do everything he can to prevent the kinds of terror attacks we are seeing in europe. jillian turner and walid ferris
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weigh in next. calls out the hollywood liberals for asking for tickets to the inauguration. that and much more as "hannity" continues. tsts hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day. dads don't take sick days. dads take dayquil severe: the... ...non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy... ...head, no sick days medicine. take one.
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other holiday sites. this comes after a recent online posting by the terror group listing a number of churches, and days after a deadly attack at a christmas market in berlin. the fbi is urging everyone to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity. i'm patricia stark, and now back to "hannity." for all of your headlines log on to ♪ to protect our country from terrorism and extremism, we will suspend immigration from regions where it cannot be safely processed or vetted. you know, i've used the expression "extreme vetting." extreme, oh, it is going to be extreme. >> let me just state this as clearly as i can. i am going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out
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of our country. >> well, that was president-elect donald trump talking tough on terror, and earlier tonight he tweeted about the berlin terror attack saying in part, quote, when will the u.s. and all countries fight back. joining us now to discuss this is fox news terrorism and media analyst walid phares, he served as foreign policy adviser to the trump campaign, and former nsc staffer and fox news contributor gillian turner. waug walid, let's start with you. this guy pledges allegiance to al bag diedy, isis releases the video showing him pledging allegiance. when are we as a globe get tough on terror? >> that's the question of the evening, the eve of christmas, is basically everything that we tried under the previous administration simply did not work. let's say 90% of the methods we have used over the past eight years did not work, which means that we have to change direction. we have to change strategies. for example, a couple of
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examples, one, we need to start addressing the issues before these people become political asylum seekers or refugees, at home, therefore what we need to do for syria or libya. second, let's suppose they apply for political asylum, the vetting is not, did you serve with al qaeda, as simple as that, or what is your police record. it is about the ideology, and that will be a challenge for the next few -- >> how do you do that. i'll bring it to gillian. how do you do that when you have someone who may not be affiliated with a terrorist group now but maybe susceptible to be radicalized? >> that's the number one sort of problem or challenge that law enforcement and the intelligence community in this country is having with this. how do you, a, identify and, b, target and try and stop folks who are radicalizing in their parents' basements or in various parts of the country when they're not supposed to be here in the first place? now, i don't want to be all doom
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and gloom because i believe that the united states is in a much stronger position than a country like, say, germany. they have a whole distinct set of problems there that we don't have here, very fortunately. one of those problems being that, quite simply, our intelligence community and law enforcement works together a lot better and more seamlessly than they do over there. so far we're also not -- >> so we're better off. >> we're better off. >> but they only have to be right once, right? >> that's the scary part about all of this, is that you can get it 10,000 times and get it sort of wrong once, and people might die. >> and people might die. >> americans might die. >> walid, let's talk about that. incoming president donald trump will have a policy. he says extreme vetting, i get that, but what is wrong with saying, hey, hold off for now, let's not take people from -- let's not take immigrants from or refugees from countries with ties to terror? >> this could happen. actually, there will be a
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discussion, internal discussion i assume inside the administration, law enforcement agencies, but also with congress and with the allies, and the result of all of that is going to be what has not worked before cannot work now, and, therefore, if a political decision is reached to stop immigration for a while from an area where the jihadists are penetrating is one. but that alone, that alone is not going to solve everything. we need to have a different view of this. we need to have the next doctrine, national security doctrine written differently from the last eight years. >> state right there on that. you're right and i agree with you, and i keep hearing this, we need to attack the ideology of terror rather than the terrorist, but is it a realistic goal, and how do you go about that? start with you, walig. >> first of all you need to determine what it is. if you don't determine what it is, nobody, nsa, cia, fbi, and i've been in the business the last 12 or 14 years, engaging with analysts. second, when you do it,
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everything opens up. you can work with ngos, you can work with ngos from this community and they will be the advance radar on the issue. we have dismantled the whole resistance. second, we need to educate the public. we have seen so many cases where citizens were the first responders to tell the law enforcement what is going on. >> walid, you're 100% right. gillian, moderate muslims can get involved, too. but, again, is it a realistic goal to solve the terrorism problem by attacking the ideology? >> it is realistic but not something that's going to happen in the short term or even the medium term. >> give us a starting point. what do we do? >> it is a starting point, for example, it is about hearts and minds. it is partially some of the argument is financial. this is why you heard the obama administration talking a couple of years ago about jobs for terrorists. you know, they got mocked for it, but i think there's a colonel kernel of something viable in there, which is part of what you have to do is convince these vulnerable populations that terrorism is not the answer,
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joining an organization like isis is not the answer, it is not the way to a better future for you or your family or the people that you love, and that's what is really hard. >> is there a way to do it or is it only going to be until you offer them something more, something -- i don't even know what it is. >> like incentives like job or education. >> or a life or something better. >> that's why it is longer term, right? because you can start to try to implement some of those things, but it is like a decades, a generational problem, as president obama has said. >> walid, i have about 30 seconds. is it an unrealistic goal? >> no, it is not unrealistic. remember that 9/11 was a while ago. two generations have been formed. meanwhile, we need to have a long-trm plan is number one, and then medium plan and short term plan and we need to start somewhere and not go back to the old methods that are not efficient right there. >> coming up next, president-elect trump calls out hollywood liberals for apparently asking for inauguration tickets. we have reaction. and then later --
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>> my administration will be focused on three very important words, jobs, jobs, jobs. >> president-elect donald trump is lane out his agenda, but where should he focus first? newt gingrich is here tonight to weigh in on that and much more. stay with us as "hannity" continues. ♪ stay with us as "hannity" continues. is lane out his agend
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ back to "hannity." president-elect donald trump is calling out hollywood liberals by tweeting, quote, the so-called a-list celebrities are all wanting tickets to the inauguration, but look what they did for hillary. nothing. i want the people. of course, major trump hater model christie teigen is firing back by saying, hi, we are all people, you are our president, too. i don't want you to be but you are. also, we all know you are dying without the approval, dear. all right. christie teigen is making progress though, here by saying trump is in fact our president. other liberals should follow her example. but if you remember back during the campaign, teigen was a huge hillary supporter and mocked donald trump even stooping to calling melania trump ex
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pletives. joining us mercedes schlapp, founder and director of turning point usa charlie kirk and kristin pay. start with you, kristin. chrissy teigen was rough on the trumps and now want inauguration tickets. they should say, no, we're good. >> you know, eric, i haven't been able to stop smiling since november 8th. it is hilarious because these celebrities, they are so entitled, and for the first time we have a leader who will treat these elites with the same contempt that the average working class americans have been treated with by those very elites who say they're better than us and that we are not paying our fair share. for the first time, these beautiful people in hollywood and the liberal media pukes will understand how conservatives have felt for the last eight years. >> oo. >> i love this. donald trump just surprises us every day and this is today's surprise. he just keeps getting better.
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>> all right. mercedes, at one point i offered first class air fair, one way, for all celebrities who promised to leave the country if donald trump was president-elect. i haven't had one offer, one single person yet. >> let me tell you, trump is trying to drain the swamp here in washington. it might be time for him to try to drain the swamp in hollywood. for crying out loud, these hollywood celebrities, they've been snobbish, elitist and, guess what, they're disconnected from reality. they're disconnected from every day americans. this is what i like about donald trump, is the fact that he's making this inauguration the inauguration of the people. this is not the inauguration of the hollywood celebrities and those who think they don't want to participate, like the one rocket that says, oh, my god, i'm embarrassed to go there and be at the inauguration. it is like, come on, give me a break. at tim allen said, these hollywood celebrities that have been anti-trump have been the most bullying of them all. they have bullied donald trump, they've bullied those supporters
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who have been alongside donald trump, and it is time for them to knock it off. this is a time of unity for our nation. this is what we want, a peaceful transition and it is time to move forward for americans. stop being a sore loser. >> one of my adversaries on television promised to move to another planet if donald trump was president, but he can't do that. lena dunham i thought she was going to fall apart, alec brooke baldwin, barbara streisand, it goes on. >> they promised to leave the country and now want inauguration tickets. isn't it nice to have a president that doesn't cater to these hollywood elites, these $50,000 a plate fundraisers. both hillary and obama did these and pandered to them and gave elitists full access to the white house. isn't it nice to have a president that wants blue collar americans represented at his
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inauguration. this shows why he won, because he didn't pander to the very elites middle american felt so disconnected from for so long. with elon musk's progress with getting us to mars in the next 100 years, john stuart better pack his bags. he might have to go soon. >> good point. how about we start with you, we put them in one inaugural ball, one room, pull the plug and trump says, ah, can't make that one. >> i love it. you know, these celebrities are people, like this woman says, but they're deplorable people so they don't deserve to go to -- >> they're deplorable. >> i think if you do the inaugural ball they will need like boxes of kleenex tissues because they will be crying the whole way through. at the end as a nation we need to move forward, we need to come together. i think that the hollywood celebrities have just shown once again that they're not interested in what is every day america, in connecting with these communities. >> right.
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>> they are disconnected from reality. >> wrap it up for me, charlie. >> eric, i think we should have a safe place ball where we have the leftists together who need a safe place area where we have playdoh an cushions and no offensive word at all where they can pretend trump didn't win. >> what else do they get, mercy? two spots. >> that's right. >> leave it right there. coming up next on "hannity." my administration will be focused on three very important words. jobs, jobs, jobs. >> president-elect donald trump laying out part of his agenda. newt gingrich is here to tell us what he thinks the president-elect should do, focus on the first day once he owe firl officially becomes commander in chief. stay with us as "hannity" continues. ♪
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♪ together we will raise incomes and bring jobs and wealth and opportunity to our poorest communities. we will repeal the disaster known as obamacare and create new healthcare, all sorts of reforms that work for you and your family. i am asking congress to support the construction of new roads, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways all across our nation. we're going to do it. my administration will be focused on three very important words, jobs, jobs, jobs. [cheering]. >> that was president-elect donald trump on his thank you tour, laying out part of his agenda. joining us now is the author of the best-selling book "treason," former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt gingrich. mr. gingrich, what would newt gingrich's advice be to
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president-elect donald trump over the next couple of weeks, this break, this holiday break? what should he be looking to do, to get accomplished? >> well, i think, first of all, he needs to finish filling out the key jobs that he's recruiting people for. it is an enormous undertaking, not just the cabinet and the sub cabinet, but about 4,000 jobs all together. that inevitably is going to take part of his time. he needs to think about his inaugural address. it will be one of the most important moments of his entire presidency. it gives people a chance to see who he is and how he thinks and what his values are. so it is a very, very important speech. he needs to keep talking to foreign leaders, keep building, opening up those relationships, because that's a new thing for him. and i think that he has to think, too, how he wants to handle inauguration week. he is going to be very busy. they're going to have an enormous crowd here to see the inaugural, and we are looking forward to it. it will be just great. at the same time that's the time to get things done, to repeal executive orders, to talk with
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the congress about passing some big legislation, to make sure that his various cabinet picks are going to get through the senate. so he'll have a lot to do in the next three or four weeks. >> talk to us a little bit about the inaugural address. what do you expect to hear, what type of tone? what is the message? >> well, i mean first of all who knows. he's the president-elect, he gets to write the address he wants. but i think he made so much of making america great again. it was so central to his campaign, that i have a hunch you're going to see that come back up. i think he's going to talk, if i was guessing -- and i clearly am because i don't know -- i think he'll talk about making america great again. he will talk about the role of americans in making america great again, and he will talk about the idea, i think, that that greatness should not only apply to all-americans but hopefully the world will see in watching us and in participating with us that every human being can be great again and that you don't have to have the kind of organization that cuts off
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people's heads because, you know, you can do it through the pursuit of happiness. you can do it through free enterprise. you can do it because free people are allowed to work. it is the exact opposite of isis and their effort to rule by terror. i hope he's going to give that kind of a visionary, relatively brief speech. i think john f. kennedy's speech, for example, was only 1800 words. the inaugural should be relatively brief, moral, visionary, clear language, and then a couple of weeks later you u go up to the joint session and have a much longer, boring speech. but they're two different kind of commodities. >> got you. one of the most important initiatives, things that donald trump will have to do right away -- and when should he do this? when should he nominate someone for the supreme court? >> oh, i would think within a week or two. i wouldn't be shocked if he did it the first day. he has the list. it is a list that they thought about very carefully before they put it out.
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anyone on that list is going to be an outstanding choice. i know that he is thinking about it, talking to people about it. he is going to make a very good choice, a very solid choice, and think they person will get will be so respected. this was a list of winners, of people with great, great judicial reputations. there's not a single weak person on that list. i think conservatives will be ecstatic when they see we are going to have an opportunity here for justice scalia's seat to be filled by someone that shares justice scalia's sound conservative principles. >> he doesn't have to wait until he's sworn in to at least nominate someone, clearly as he is doing now. so many initiatives he will have to undertake i guess in the first 100 days or so, or not. let's go through them. jobs, obamacare, repeal or replace. immigration and taxes. what should be the priority? >> well, i think first of all for the success of the entire
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administration, as he said in his speech recently, there were three words that characterized the goal of his administration, jobs, jobs, jobs. he got it right. if this economy picks up, if we take the trump rally on the stock market and we turn it into a trump reality in the economy, he's going to do very, very well, and he's going to win a big victory in 2018 in the senate and then win reelection in 2020. if he doesn't do that, if we don't have a real focus on economic opportunity, then i think we'll be in trouble. but everything i'm seeing, the kind of cabinet he's creating, the things they're looking at for deregulation, the approach they're taking with paul ryan and with the ways and means committee, all of those things to me say that he knows he's got to pass a tax bill that's very pro-jobs. he has to eliminate a lot of the regulation that's killing jobs. that's got to be his number one
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focus. number two, i think he has to control immigration. >> all right. >> period. >> on that note -- >> that issue propelled him to the top. >> on that note, give us a date, when does the first shovel go into the ground for building the wall? >> i suspect it probably will go into the ground in april. he will make the proposal certainly by early february. they'll have to get it through the house and senate. there's actually some money they could repurpose. it will be interesting to watch because, remember, donald trump is not a financier. he is not a guy that sat down on wall street and invested money, he is a builder. he is a guy who built big buildings, he worked with crews, he knows how to get down there with blue-collar workers. i suspect he will know how to do it. the other piece, if you're going to have jobs and taxes, then you'll have immigration, the third piece will be to build a new and dramatically better health system to replace obamacare with something which increases choice, which
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increases flexibility, which puts you, the american, in charge of your life working with your doctor instead of some bureaucrat. ip think -- i know because i've been talking to people in the house and senate, tremendous effort under way. dr. tom price is going to be a great secretary of health and human services. they're really leaning forward in that area, and they're going to do good things. >> all right, mr. speaker. thank you very much for joining ut. >> thank you. >> coming up, sean recently sat down with reverend franklin graham. we will have that interview for you next. later, building homes for heroes, a charity sean has been highlighting over the years, is helping out a military family injured last march in the brussels airport terror attack. we will have that story for you and much more as "hannity" continues. ♪ coming up on "look! famous people!"
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we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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the reverend franklin graham recently joined sean to talk about all of the important work his charity samaritan's purse has been doing. take a look. >> joining us now our good friend the reverend franklin graham with samaritan's purse, operation christmas child. how many years have you been doing this? >> 23 years, sean. >> and how many of these -- these are boxes, like you have a box for a little girl, i have one -- i have the boy box. >> yeah. >> and you give out how many of these boxes? >> 134 million so far. this is 12 million this year. >> wow. >> we go to 113 different countries. >> right. >> every box is different because they're packed by individual families. they're like snow flakes. >> right. >> but, sean, every box goes to a child and gives us a chance to let that child know that god loves them, that god hasn't forgotten them, and that they're special to him, because they goes to the poor children. you've been with me in the dominican republic. >> i have. i went with you. here is the thing that shocked me.
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look, i know we're spoiled, we forget how blessed we are. we really are. we are blessed. when you go to this countries, you took me to haiti, to the dominican republic with you. when these kids get this box, wow. >> yeah. >> it is like they got a bicycle -- i want a motorcycle. they got a bicycle, monopoly, everything they wanted and they are so happy. >> they are happy, and it is -- we give them, sean, in every country that we can. we give them usually through the churches, and i want -- because i want the children to know that not only god loves them but the true meaning of christmas, is that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. >> that's why we give christmas gifts. what did you get me this year? >> peanuts. >> that's a great answer, which he sends me every year. now, this is -- look, matchbox, as a kid -- and at certain ages, right? what are the ages, you have one to four, five to nine and 10 to 14? >> that's correct. >> and even better than a shoe box, i know it is big plastic
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ones -- >> those are great. >> those are great because they get more stuff in them. this is for a boy, it has a football, a matchbox car, a puddle, it has crayons. that can be used almost for whiney liberals that are upset donald trump won. it has pencils. i can't help myself, reverend. prayer and fasting for me. it has a sharpener, a toothbrush, it has a bar of soap, a book, a washcloth, all stuff these kids need. >> they need it. and this is for a girl, and every girl -- i haven't seen a girl yet that hasn't wanted a doll. when they get the doll, they pull it out and, of course, the first thing they do, you know, they hug the doll. >> i saw it first handled. it was amazing. you know, i know you've been doing this how many years? >> 23 years. >> okay. when i went, i was surprised. i wasn't surprised at the magnitude of it. i was surprised at the reaction of the kids. >> yeah. >> look, i'm a hard hearted person, not as soft hearted as you, but it makes your heart
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melt. this is so worth while, so great for them. >> sean, of course your family has participated, you have helped us, and, again, sean, it is christmas and it is about god giving his son. and he gave the gift to mankind, that's his son jesus christ. so this is just to go out to the children of the world and to try to touch as many as we can. 12 million children. but, sean, the key to this is i ask people that pack the box to pray. >> over the box? >> to just pray for the child that's going to get that box. i don't know who is going to get it, god does. we know god will hear the prayer of one righteous person. can you imagine 12 million people praying for children, what god may do for the children? >> what is the most boxes sent to you? >> this year will be the most. >> every year is the most. every year you tell me it is better than last year. >> it is. it keeps growing. >> look, i'm lazy. i just send you a check. you can do that, right? >> absolutely. >> and then you can go out and buy boxes and people at
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samaritan's purse put them together. >> and you go to and it is called build a box. they can do it online. fill out a box online. >> you can do the whole thing online? >> yes, you can. >> how is your dad doing? >> pretty good, sean. >> 98 years old. >> he is 98 years old? getting quiet. he doesn't say a lot, but his mind is sharp. >> saw him recently and he said, hey, franklin. >> yes, he did. the nurse had to remind him i was beside him. he said hello, franklin. >> was he following the campaign? i'm interested. >> i think a little bit. when donald trump won, i went down to see him and told him, and he was aware of it. >> well, i know you spend all of your time flying around the world, helping people in these poor countries. i think this is one of the greatest ideas. obviously millions of americans have responded. it is great work. and if people want to contributor help how do they do it? >> go to smar
10:50 pm, to our website. it is not just operation christmas child but all of our projects around the world. we are getting ready to put a hospital in northern iraq right outside of mous mosul. >> and you fly to these dangerous places yourself. >> i go there myself. >> i don't know how you do it but you're amazing. can i keep this football or would it be stealing from a child? >> we can't steal from a child, sean. >> i can't. good to see you, my friend. god bless you. >> god bless you. >> appreciate you being with us. >> coming up, a charity sean has been following several years, building homes for heroes is helping a military family injured last march in the brussels airport terror attack. we will have that story for you next. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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>> during his 26-year military career, air force lieutenant colonel cato martines has seen combat across did globe, but his number one priority has always been his family. now, last august cato and his wife gail celebrated their 21st anniversary as a couple. when his last deployment ended in march, they left their nato command inor a long-awaited trip to disney world. >> we were headed out to disney world after my fourth trip to afghanistan. >> they were passing through the brussels airport when tragedy struck. >> a chaotic scene inside -- >> chaos in belgium. a bomb ripped through the brussels airport. >> suicide bombers detonated the explosive near the american airline check-in desk feet away from the martinez family. gail died shielding her kids
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from the blast. >> we lost -- we lost her. >> everybody was critically injured. the road to recovery was long, made even harder by the fact that gail, the rock of the family, was now gone. >> mama was the main pillar for us. >> the healing process in a sense physically, we'll get there. emotionally will take a long time. that's something we do one day at a time. >> but as they recovered, the charity building homes for heroes got to work building a brand-new mortgage free home for the family. >> we received a call from a very special folk high up in the military and they just said, andy, can you help? i said, that's all you need to say. i will pay for the home myself if i have to, but we're going to build this home and we're going to stick close to this family for many years to come. >> what they do is so important because it gives that initial, hey, here is a home, that you
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don't have to worry about it, just focus on healing, focus on recovery, focus on family. >> when cato and his kids could all finally leave the hospital -- >> we arrived in san antonio, we were given a house. [ cheers and applause ] >> i can't thank you enough. >> everything specially designed for their injuries. >> the two youngest are healing well. >> the oldest daughter is still unable to walk even after 14 surgeries. >> she was probably injured the most in the sense they lost a lot of bone. >> but thanks to the special stair lift, well, she can get to every room of their beautiful, custom home. >> been in combat for a long time. i lost -- i lost friends, but when you lose your wife, you're not prepared for that. when i walked into this home the first time, it was an empty shell. i knew this was my wife's home. >> but the folks at building homes for heroes never consider
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their job done. >> gail was all about christmas and the season. >> she really embodied the spirit of christmas. >> as the martinez family faced their first christmas without their mom, the entire community came together to be there for them and decorate their house. >> the sound of music was family tradition. >> christmas eve we would grab our comforters and go into the living room. >> and we would sing along. >> that's where we got the idea of brown paper packages tied up with string for our presents. >> then came santa claus pulled not by reindeer but a local fire truck. now, santa brought presents for all of the kids. >> hey! >> and one huge surprise. >> you all will be going to disney world, and we will be paying all of the expenses. >> to finish the trip that they had started with their mom back
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in march. >> it is not enjoying each other, enjoying the family. >> they're proud, honorable, their love for each other and their family is beautiful to see. >> here you go. >> there's nothing i could say or do that would capture how much this means, especially during christmas. >> just look around this house. this house is gail, and he brought that to us. how do you quantify that? you just can't. look at the people who have come together to share this holiday with us. thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. i can't say in words how grateful i am. it is never going to be enough, it really isn't. merry christmas. happy holidays. ♪ and you can help more people like the rodriguez family by going to building homes for that's all we have time left for this evening.
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before i go i want to thank sean and his great team of producers for a strong week of shows and a very busy news cycle. we hope you have a very merry christmas. good night, america. ♪ >> good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." as you have doubtless seen on the news everywhere, a member of the tolerant left screamed at ivanka trump and her family, including her young kids on a jetblue flight yesterday. the man who was the lawyer from brooklyn berated her about her father before being kicked off the flight for disorderly conduct. even while the liberals thought his behavior went too far. not all of them thought that some of them thought it was justified and that would include our next guest. she is lauren duca a journalist who tweeted this today. ivanka trump is poised to become the most powerful woman in the world. don't let her off the hook just because she looks like she smells good. lauren duca joins us. thanks for coming on.
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