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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 26, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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"special report." >> good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i'm ed henry in for tucker tonight and all week. tonight, president obama is claiming he would have beaten donald trump if he had run for another term. really? you can bet we will chew over that in a moment. but, first, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu can't wait to get mr. obama out the door. mr. netanyahu says he has ironclad info that helped u.n. resolution. despite white house efforts to down play all of this. netanyahu today unleashed his fury declaring it was the administration that initiated, stood behind and coordinated the wording of that resolution. here is what the prime minister told his cabinet.
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>> over decades american administrations and israeli governments have disagreed about settlements. but we agreed that the security council was not the place to resolve this issue. we knew that going there would make negotiations harder and drive peace further away. and as i told john kerry on thursday, friends don't take friends to the security council. i look forward to working with those friends and with the new administration when it takes office next month. >> so why did the president in the estimation of even liberal publications like the new york daily news betrayal israel? here are blistering comments from a usually liberal democrat. dershowitz sat down with me today on i "fox & friends" and revealed intense conversation he had with president obama. >> he called me into the oval office and said to me allen, i want your support. i have to tell you i will always have israel's back. i didn't realize what he
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meant we would have the back to stab them in the back. he just stabbed them in the back. this will make peace much more difficult to achieve. >> let's bring in john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations. good evening, ambassador, merry christmas. i wonder do you believe this was president obama stabbing presidenbenjamin netanyahu and e israel in the back. >> no i think it was in the front. >> doing much more to affect the issue of israeli settlements. i think when you read the text of the resolution carefully, it's an implicit repeal of the iconic resolution 242 adopted by the security council after the 1967 war. and constitutes an abandonment of the entire concept of land for peace because it is an effort to establish israel's boundaries. and for consequences to flow from that that could be very, very damaging for israel. >> ambassador, let's get into those stakes so our
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viewers can understand. we hear all these allegations flying around. what practical impact do you think this resolution will actually have that will make israeli-palestinian peace even harder than it was a few days ago? >> look, the issue in all of the conflicts that have arisen in 1958 wham to do with the league of nation's palestine mandate. 242 the resolution passed in 1967 basically said israel can take the land that it got then and n addition to the 1973 war and give it back to arab countries in exchange for peace. that's what land for peace means, but if you don't have the land legitimately, you can't give it back. so this resolution in effect is saying forget the war, forget all efforts to destroy israel, its borders are the 67 lines, except where there is mutual agreement, which is a triviality, that's the same thing united states and
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canada would do over an incidental border dispute. so really by setting the border, you are saying anything israel does outside that border that satisfies somebody can be the paves for economic sanctions against israel. the whole boycott sanctions disinvestment movement potentially subject to war crimes prosecution at the war crimes criminal court. israel has some protection under trump administration that can veto any resolution to expand this new resolution or to implement it. but there are countless u.n. bodies that can proceed on their own and the real fear i have right now is national sanctions or european union sanctions leveled against israel based on the expressed language of friday's resolution. >> i want to press you on that point though. because those sanctions sound ominous potentially for israel. on the other hand, you and other conservatives tend to say that the u.n. is a toothless tiger. that what they say ends up
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meaning very little in the long run. so, will this really have practical impact? will the world pay attention to what the u.n. really does here? >> because of the operative language that says calls on all states in their dealings are israel to distinguish between the territory of the state of israel on the one hand and the occupied palestinian territories on the other, that is the crux of the matter as to which economic sanctions will be leveled against israel. you can imagine how it would go. no company shall do business with any israeli company that does anything in the occupied territories. so, the reach of this could be very, very significant. i think the incoming trump administration has got to make it clear as daniel patrick moynahan said when he rejected the zionism racism resolution we are never going to accept. this we are going to seek to repeal it. and if we can't repeal it which is unfortunately the most likely outcome there will be consequences for the 14 countries that voted the
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wrong way, and for the united nations system itself. and for the two state solution, which i think has now reached a well-deserved end point. >> wow, and ambassador last night there was a menorah lighting ceremony by the white house. normally this is a very peaceful kind of coming together kind of event. there was a rabbi interest who had tough talk for the administration. watch. >> i know that some of us are so sad at what happened there with regard to israel. we must remember that the way to counter any darkness, any disappointment is not with harsh rhetoric, not with anger. but by creating light. >> you can hear there that even at this ceremony they were saying the administration, this tough rhetoric, this tough stance against israel and what was encouraged by other nations there could end up back firing and i wonder what you think about that. >> well, i think the consequence of the resolution is going to cause a lot of people in the united states in particular to wake up to the political
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rhetoric we hear so often in this country we've got israel's back. strongest relationship in the world. you know, unless you're prepared to do something about it, i think that's exposed as hollow rhetoric. i think the two state solution is now exposed for the failure that it is. i think the overwhelming majority of americans believe the u.n. had no place in this affair. that as we have said on a bipartisan basis for decades, the parties themselves have to reach agreement. so i think the consequences are going to go well beyond this effort to harm israel. >> big story tonight, ambassador, we will see whether republicans in congress follow through on some of these threats to fake money away from the u.n. they have threatened that before we will see if they follow through with it? >> they have followed through in some cases so we will see. >> thanks, ambassador, we appreciate it? >> thank you. >> the president-elect is still working out of his southern transition headquarters mansion in palm beach, florida, that's where
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we find fox news correspondent peter doocy. some staff intrigue to say the least, peter. >> a lot going on here in palm beach. [lost audio] >> okay it looks like he had a little difficulty down there in florida, obviously we will try to get back to peter in just a moment. it's now less than a month until ne inauguration day. some wonder whether president obama will actually leave. this is what he told axelrod the ax files. >> the majority does buy into the notion of a one america that is tolerant and diverse and open. i'm confident that if i -- if i had run again and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized a majority of the american people to rally behind it. >> he thinks he could have
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won. democratic strategist jessica erhlick joins us tonight from florida. it almost sounds trumpian, if i ran again, you would get tired of all this winning. i'm barack obama and i would keep on winning. i think the president has been saying that last eight months. did he have as president. i think he has been very confident and expressed this over and over as we have seen in the last year that if he could, you know, run again and be doing it on his own, then things would be very different than they are right now. i mean, that being said,. >> is that confidence or is that air -- arrogance? >> i think it's a little bit of both. certainly he is allowed that he has had eight years of being president with definitely setting records. he was the first
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african-american elected as president of the united states. he has done things that, you know, no one else has done, whether you like them or not. and has really been able to achieve quite a bit during his time. and i think, you know, he has a moment now where he can sort of look back on the last 8 years. i think also now we will see him moving towards what his legacy will be and how he wants to structure that going forward. what that looks like. he is still relatively a young man. there is a lot ahead of him. what that looks like will be interesting to see. certainly i think he is going to spend a lot of time sort of protecting his legacy. >> i listened to you a moment ago if he had been on his own he could have won. it seems like you are suggesting as he and other democrats have that hillary clinton was a bad candidate and if only barack obama didn't have that tether, if he ran directly against donald trump, you think he might have won? >> well, i think it's a possibility. i don't think that, you know, hillary clinton was a bad candidate, i think it
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was a very difficult time. i think there was a lot of baggage and things where she took a lot of hits for it there were a lot of issues that went into her campaign and why she lost. certainly this was an election unlike anything that we have seen. certainly in the last, you know, century. whether obama would have been able to beat donald trump, there is a good possibility. but who can say how he could handle the slings and arrows there is a lot of animosity between the two men. they have put that aside. even trump has said during this transition that obama has been nothing but gracious. michelle obama has been gracious. i think now he is just sort of enjoying the glow of his presidency being over. maybe no more gray hairs in the future. >> it's interesting because you mentioned that positive transition. donald trump has had a lot of good things to say about both barack and michelle obama and then you look at what happened in the u.n. look at president obama and
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david axelrod saying look i probably could have beaten trump. it's no wonder donald trump went on twitter a short time ago president trumpresident obae could have won against me i say no way. isis o care as in obama care, et cetera. i also find it intriguing. you know, listen, barack obama is now trying to say look, i wasn't on the ballot. this was about hillary clinton. not me. what he said during the campaign we checked. >> i may not be on the ballot this time, but everything we've done has been on the ballot. >> so, he said then to voters i'm not on the ballot. my agenda son the ballot. he said that both in the 2014 mid terms and lost and and he said it in 2016 and democrats lost, jessica. >> there is a lot of issues that we have had as a party certainly with trickle down if you will effect from -- we have had obama running top of the ticket and we have seen this ever since
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2010. we have steadily lost house seats and lose senate seats and lose state majorities whether they be in the state houses, senate seats and governorships. and it's a real concern for people. there is this sort of lack of translation of, you know, he as a man, as an individual was really so galvanized people. i think trump heal is the same way. and can safely say that he won basically on that sort of cultive personality if you will whether that effects or helps other republicans down the ticket is yet to be seen. the party itself. both political parties are really in a position of change. how these men poet effect them going forward. will he be as engaged in the democratic party and how our party looks like. i haven't indications he is going to be that active going forward. >> jessica erhlick, we appreciate you joining us tonight. we have to leave it there. that is a looming question saying i could have beaten trump. is he really going to leave
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the stage barack obama or i suspect we might be hearing from him in days ahead. thanks for joining us, a appreciate it? >> thanks. >> as we said president-elect trump is working. man on the scene we worked out the gremlins we bring you him live. good to see you, peter. >> good to see you, too, ed. over the last couple days we have seen president obama say he thinks he could win a third term if he had been allowed to run. we heard ben rhodes with a message seemingly at the president-elect where he says there is only one president at a time. the president-elect pays attention to stuff like that and we know that because he tweeted just a little while ago to say president obama says he thinks he would have won against me should say that but i say no way. jobs leaving, isis, o care, et cetera. endorsed by the obama white house a lot of israel experts say it was basically just a move to make a mess for mr. owe bomb maps
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successor and so trump has another tweet. he says. this the united nations had such great potential but right now it's just a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time. so sad. there was also a surprising staff announcement over the weekend. communications director for the campaign and the transition who had just been named at the end of last week to the same important title in the next white house says he doesn't want the job. jason miller put out a statement that he wants to put his family first, explaining that, quote: this is not the right time to start a new job as demanding as white house communications director. my wife and i are also excited about the arrival of our second daughter in january and i need to put them ahead of my career. the first activity we saw mar-a-lago when the trumps went to church and got am standing ovation from palm beach parishioners at midnight mass. president-elect and future first lady went to the same church they went more than a decade ago, things are expected to start picking up
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soon. staff meetings tomorrow and on wednesday mr. trump is going to have a full schedule in florida as he tries to fill out the rest of his cabinet still needs agriculture and va secretary. >> peter does wh doocy is our mn who is working hard. see you tomorrow night, peter. ♪ ♪ >> and now, yes, it's time for twitter storm. our nightly forecast of social media's most powerful weather patterns. the republican national committee is in the eye of tonight's storm over, of all things, its statement about christmas. yes, christmas. which read, in part, quote over two millennia ago a new hope was born into the world, a savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. just as the three wise men did on that night, this christmas harolds a time to celebrate the good news of a new king.
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obvious reference of course to the king, right? >> yearly a reference to jesus christ. hark the herald angel sing. no biggie bro. but, of course, the twitter verse lost it john weaver, advisor to john kasich we should note. a never trumper quoted dear rnc we didn't have a new king. what the hell is wrong with you people? come on, john. they're not playing hark the herald angel sing about you this year? apparently not. simmer said quote the rnc must have christmas and april fools confused because they just compared trump to genius and said he was our new corps of engineers, john spicer later qualifies the new king was reference to jesus not.
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anyone criticizing reince priebus new king comment knows nothing about christianity or christmas. mary stowell said it's clear to me that the new king is jesus. not trump. what is the matter with you people. jay am inner twotsed the left wines 365 days a year,ner to take a break. not eaten on christmas. finally daniel sharp says i think we are going to call our next president donald jesus trump merry christmas. it's worth noting hark the herald angel sing about peace on earth and mercy mild. i checked it sometimes we forget that on social media that's tonight's twitter storm. ♪ >> more on the campaign, democrats charge all kinds of nefarious things about donald trump's foundation. he denied that. but this week said okay, fine, let's dissolve it to
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avoid conflict. what does he think about the jobs available in the u.s. job market. mike rowe's recent talk with tucker coming up next. ♪ see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive.
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president-elect donald trump announcing plans this weekend to shut down his charitable foundation to avoid conflicts of interest. some democrats still not satisfied. new york's attorney general, a democrat says the trump foundation is under investigation and can't officially be shut down until that probe is over. and the democratic national committee is calling the trump foundation announcement, quote, a
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wilted fig leaf to cover up his remaining conflicts of interest and his pitiful record of charitable giving. joining us now guy benson town political editor and emily shire political editor at the bustle. good to see you both. merry christmas. emily is this a situation no matter what donald trump does will not be satisfied? >> no. i think it's very simple what he needs to do. he needs to divest and put his assets in a blind trust. until he does that i think democrats will keep hammering him. >> that's the business side of this, right? let's chart wit with the charitable. >> it's not clear how business and charitable work. he has admitted to self-dealing on irs forms. "the washington post reported two clear incidences where he used the trump foundation to pay off and settle lawsuits. >> for business. >> for his personal businesses. it's not so simple to tease those out. >> guy, what did he say? >> i think that some of the "the washington post" reporting was very good journalism and did raise some serious guess about some of the ethics involved where that money was coming from and where it was going
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from the trump foundation. i think given all of that murkiness it's the right thing for trump to shut this thing down which he is attempting to do. what the attorney general, a democrat here in new york is saying well, not so fast. as long as the investigation is open, the foundation has to remain open. if that's the case then trump can basically shutter the place. shut the activity and say technically keep it in existence for all intents and purposes it's closed. >> that's when i want to keep to the narrow point. talk about the business why not let him shut down the foundation. it doesn't mean is he closing all the files. if the attorney general wants to investigate another month or year he has the power to do that. why not let him say look i'm pulling the plug on the foundation. >> the attorney general is doing his job and needs to act as everything regarding the foundation. it seems pretty clear the donald trump foundation has not actually done much in the way of charitable giving. what donald trump means by shutting it down is also not totally clear it when it seems pretty evident that he
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himself has not made personal contributions and that the foundation has not done much in the way of charity work. >> if it hasn't done much, why are democrats so exercised about it? that's the heart of what i don't understand. >> i think they are exercised about it because they need to make sure they have everything available to continue their investigation. the investigation started in october. they are also exercised about it because you have the wilted fig leaf problem. this is just one tiny detail in the mountain of conflict of interest concerns. frankly it's a distraction. if donald trump wants to offer a small bone when there are so many other deep conflict concerns about his hotel. >> i'm going to get buy in here. again you are not answering my question. donald trump has this one issue of the foundation he says all right. let me shut that down and focus on the business. news conference in a new year. he shouldn't do that pause. >> shut it down until the attorney general has kept his investigation into it not because donald trump's foundation is doing as is.
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what he means shutting it down what will that intel? >> donald trump does one thing here and another thing here. that's a part of politics. to be fair to emily, he has business issues he has to deal with and has not dealt with yet. as a republican, does that concern you? >> well, sure. yeah. i mean, because we were saying all along conservatives were saying and in the case against hillary clinton you can't have a state department for profit and all this double dealing and you can't have a presidency for profit either. so i understand the little statement, the cute statement the dnc put out about the wiltded fig leaf. as far as the foundation goes, this is the appropriate move from the trump people. the a.g. here can do whatever they want. although they turned a blind-to the democratic stuff because is he a democrat. that being said, the next step is what happen with the businesses and how can he disentang gel himself. those should not be partisan questions. bewere supposed to here
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details this month. hear what the trump people come up with. i hope it's something like a blind trust that is appropriate. >> you think a blind trust will answer that. as one on the left, do you think that a blind trust will solved this for trump or will be a goal post that keeps moving? ask a blind trust good enough. >> no i think it would take care of many problems. donald trump has not put it he would put in a blind trust or that he know what is a blind trust entails. >> emily, guy, thank you for coming in. >> tweets about everything even nuclear arms. that has liberals up in arms. are the tweets really that radioactive. we will debate it fair and balanced next.
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>> we may be getting used to see president-elect donald trump making announcements and pro-nunsments on twitter. some warning announcements could be dangerous especially those about nuclear arms. newt gingrich had this to say yesterday on "fox news sunday" why might as well get used to it. this is how he is. how he operates. whether it's brilliant or stupid. he beat 16 rivals and then he beat hillary clinton and then he beat the elite media he ain't giving it up. >> do you think it's brilliant or stupid. >> i think it's brilliant. >> so arm control experts are issuing dire warnings
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that it could help unleash a nuclear catastrophe is that a giant overreaction. jeffrey nonproliferation expert joins us. we appreciate you coming in especially on a holiday week. good to see you. >> finance fun to be here. dr. lewis. i gather. part of your case rests on the idea that president-elect trump is rash and jumps to conclusions. >> well, i mean, i don't think he picks his very carefully it may be there are careful thinking behind some of the things that he says. i will tell you i think people are often just as rash as in interpreting them as he is in issuing them but, yeah, i don't think he is all that careful with language and that's new territory for a president. >> that is new territory. i want to ask you about that. you say he is not careful with language. you were quoted in the "the washington post" saying, quote. if he recklessly tweets,
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people could read these things in the worst possible light you the north koreas have a plan to use nuclear weapons very early in a conflict. they are the not going to wait around. if they think we are going they are going to use nuclear weapons against north korea and japan. aren't you jumping to conclusions there are all kinds of studies saying that might be what north korea does. you are saying he could tweet and the world could explode. >> well, lock. in peace time it's fine. i mean, he can make a joke about killing kim john u.n. and i don't think anything is going to happen because it's peace time. all right? the scenario that i worry about or at least one of them is that when there is a crisis, all right? and that there is already a situation in place where things are very touch and go. and, you know, trump has joked about having kim jong un killed. my experience with the north koreans is they don't find that at all funny. and if we are in a situation where north koreans are looking for a sign that an
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attack is going to come, they might read that into it. so, you know, i'm not so crazy about the tweets. >> they could read that on the other hand, there are others who think that we overread kim john u.n. and that is he just a tubby tyrant and yes he has nukes and we need to be careful. but his bark is bigger than his bite. >> so i think that may also be true but ultimately that still bothers me. because, you know, we're sitting here having this discussion about whether we read them correctly, whether they read us correctly. whether we're overinterpreting trump's tweets. whether we're under interpreting them. what that really illustrates to me is that human beings are fallible and in a crisis, if you are not incredibly careful with language, you run the risk of somebody making a mistake. it is kind of like it doesn't matter who is right or wrong it doesn't matter if people are not really hearing what trump says. i think they don't really hear what he says. i think often people misinterpret the tweets. at the end of the day, you
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cause a nuclear war, you can't blame the media for that. >> so maybe you just in the "the washington post" you and others were talking about hypotheticals because i mentioned, i listened to your podcast to do my homework november 22nd, you said, among other things, quote, we are probably not all going to die in a nuclear war. that you kind of thought some of this was exaggerated. so i guess my question is, are the critics of donald trump exaggerating the threat somewhat because you're much more of an expert than i am on all of this. i listened to your podcast on november 22nd. and you suggested some of this may just be hype. >> well, look, we live in an incredibly polarized society. so i have no doubt that. so people reacting are definitely exaggerating things. on the other hand, for those of us who work in the nuclear business, language is a really important thing because people are constantly signaling. and so, you know, for those of us who work in this business to hear politicians discussing nuclear weapons, it's always pretty
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terrifying and then to see someone making what i think are careless word choices is pretty off putting. i actually agree with newt gingrich he is who he is. i just wish maybe we could convince him to not tweet about nuclear weapons. >> last question, what do you make then of donald trump what he said throughout the campaign and he said it now during the transition that he sees it as a strength that he is unpredictable that you might find it dangerous, others might find it dangerous and it may be. i'm not discounting you are an expert on this. i'm not discounting that. but on the other hand unpredictability he says could be an asset against a dictator like kim jong un. >> yeah. that's a giant debate in the strategic community that we're probably not going to settle on television. i would just say from moo perspective, nuclear weapons are the worst possible threat we could face and so while there is some advantage to unpredictability, i like nice plain old poring stability. >> well, one thing we are not getting from donald trump, you and i can agree
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is plain and boring. and i agree with you that nuclear business is serious business and we appreciate you treating this subject seriously tonight and coming on. >> great. it was fun to do it. >> good to see you, dr. lewis. ♪ >> and here's something new. vladimir putin may be on a quest to live forever. i'm not making that up. the russian president toured a pharmaceutical plant in saint petersburg, yesterday, not florida, russia, with his counterpart. biocad is working on anti-aging pills that scientists say could increase life expectancy to 130 years. within the next 20 to 30 years or. so biocat scientists told the leaders they are expecting the first results of youth pill lab tests within a year. frankly, that can mean only one thing. bare chested pics of vlad for decades and decades to come. i apologize for ruining your
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holiday with those photos. jobs was one of the big issues on election day. the host of dirty jobs, mike rowe talks to tucker about why he thinks the race for the white house turned out the way it did next. ♪
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you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car.
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>> tv show host mike rowe travels around the country. before he cleans himself up he does a lot of work. a short while ago he sat down to talk with tucker. >> tell me how microworks, your foundation, what's the point of it? >> well, it kind of evolved like most good things in my life have by accident. it was 2008, dirty jobs was like the number one show on cable and the economy went upside down. and i wanted to try to do something to help the industry that had allow my show to prosper. and for me like the moment was every headline i saw in
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every national newspaper every day talked about record high unemployment. and everywhere i went on the show, i saw help wanted signs. and so it struck me that there was this other narrative going on in the country. and at the time, 2009, there were 2.3 million available jobs that nobody seemed to want. so i thought it would be a decent legacy for the show to focus on jobs that actually existed that for whatever reason people weren't excited about pursuing try tone courage training for those jobs and reward work ethic where and when i could find it with a scholarship program that dealt in work ethic scholarships. >> interesting. so what kind of jobs are these? >> well, it's the typical technical trade construction jobs. right now welding has got to be near the top of the list. the need for welders is shocking. we can't train them fast
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enough. and the success stories that come back as a result are almost mind bending. hvac is big. plumb something big. electrical is big. so, you've got maybe half a dozen traditional trades. but right now it's the traditional business of learning a trade. combined with the traditional notion of free-lancing and being a jobber. i think that's really for sale. and people don't quite realize it yet but the traditional model is fading away and the security blanket that we all grew up assuming was going to be there is fading away. the real opportunities today and the ones people never talk about it's the path that a trade can lead you to vis-a-vis a small business and an entrepreneur. >> so, back to welding. give us a sense, the economics of welding. if you are a it 25-year-old american who learns how to
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weld. different kinds of welding, what you can expect to make? do you have a pretty secure job path ahead of you? >> yeah. look. it's hard to be glib and just tell you. i mean, i can tell you what the statistics say but the truth is, you know, there is a geographical component, you know, a welder in newport news is going to do very different than a weldner san diego and a welder up in north dakota right now basically write his or her own ticket. it depends on where you are willing to go but my foundation has trained kids to weld who have gone through maybe an 18 month certification program. i heard from one of them not long ago in north dakota. his family is in kansas. so he does the commuting thing. and it's not ideal and it's not forever but they just paid off their house. they are having a second kid. and he is making 140 grand a year. working when he wants. >> yeah. >> that kid should be on a poster. that guy, you know, in fact, there was an article in the
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journal about a year and a half ago called the $100,000 welder where they profiled people all over the place. and so much of the problem, tucker, honestly is getting the facts out there. people don't know the opportunities exist. the next step is to encourage them as best we can. and then make them heroic, which frankly i think they already are. >> and that may be part of it. maybe one of the pairiers is that people guiding them at schools in the secondary level are all liberal arts poetry majors nothing wrong with that they don't see the dignity in welding maybe. is that part of the problem? >> it is part of the problem would also spoiled in that wonderful way any advanced society is flick the switch don't pause holy crap the lights come on again. flush the toilet and it goes away. we're not properly god
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smacked by the reality of the civilization that we live in consequently the people who are on the front lines of those jobs are by and large transparent we certainly saw that on dirty jobs. we paid inordinate attention to people who had been categorically ignored for a long time. that's why that show worked and also in some degree why i think the election turned out the way it did. >> i agree with that. >> when you pay attention to big chunks of people who typically are ignored, interesting things happen. >> yeah, in a non-patronizing non-kind of margaret some mow a way tell me what you do way. thanks for joining us. it's always a deeper conversation than you expect when you are talking about hvac. thank you. >> do me a favor. invite me to your studio next time. every time we talk i'm in a bar. it's getting weird. >> that may say more about your life than mine.
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come to legitimate side, man. >> why don't you come out to a bar next time and we will do this in person and i will get you some sweet ice tea. it's nice. >> i spent some years in bars i couldn't handle it. thank you. thanks for doing that man. that was great. >> good deal. >> see you. >> yep, see you. >> finally figured out where tucker is this week. anyway, my colleague in washington rich edson is on deck. did you know he likes to do impersonations? he is pretty good. is he on tonight's segment we call friend zone. ♪ me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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>> king in the castle.king in t. i have a chair. i have a chair. >> it's time few for the friend zone because kings
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one of the kings d.c. castle rich edson is here. is there anything in common you have with borat? >> i'm in your chair right now. so i'm king of the castle right here. you know, it's not every day we get inside jokes on the air in an entire seeing. >> that's what i love the whole thing because you have this, which you and i pass each other in the hall in washington king of the castle. it's one of our fun movie clips. but the other time we had a christmas party a couple years ago can eric cantor the house majority leader. he was very powerful. i thought it was funny that you do these great impersonations of all kinds of people including eric cantor. weighs 10 feet away didn't hear you impersonating him. i turned to him and said mr. leader did you know rich does a great. i didn't know you would be upset. you got a little upset with me. >> oh, no. you had just gotten to d.c. and, you know, we talked to each other a little bit. but this is the big introduction now hey, mr. majority leader edson does a great impersonation.
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people usually love when you do impersonations of them. the best part of that whole thing did i the impersonation and he was very gracious and laughed about it the whole capitol hill press corps starts piling on the guy, no, no. no you do this. this is what do you. no, you no. you have got to do it like this. >> we have a clip not of you but eric cantor play it quick how he speaks. >> look, obviously we came up short. look, obviously we came up short. >> look, obviously we came up short. >> now, i played that in a loop because we were trying to find a time where he said look. so he had that draw from richmond. so i'm going to ask you to show our viewers how did you come up with the eric cantor impersonation? >> that's the word. you have to know look. look. we look. and that's and then, you know, you take it from there. >> it's like the trigger, almost. >> right. >> and then you launch into it from there i was a
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reporter in savanna for a couple of years. >> yeah. >> so you are just immersed in the southern accent and you just kind of adjust it for there for richmond the farther north. >> i thought it would be really fun. it turned out to be fun. i think you were concerned you covered the man. is he very powerful and people as you kind of said tongue in cheek they don't always like impersonations because you are kind of sort of making fun of them. >> right. i was worried i wouldn't be invited to next year's holiday party. >> were you. >> i don't remember whether i was or not. i don't know. i think i might have been. he was, you know, cool with it the whole time. >> so, rich, at the time you were at the fox business network. you have now come over to fox news channel. you know, we're all one big happy family. what do you se sees a the biggest difference? what's it been like transitioning? >> the biggest difference is the type of stories that you cover, right? i mean, you look for a business angle on everything you do when you are covering politics in washington. you cover spending. you cover taxes. we still do that here on the news channel.
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i find myself covering myself riots in ferguson and interviewing the secretary of state or doing presidential trips. wider of a net when you are general assignment at the news channel. >> it certainly is and do you a great job. i wonder how do you think borat would approach an interview with the secretary of state? you can give us 10 seconds of that. >> i think he would sit down and let the secretary of state know king of the castle. >> rich. >> are we doing this on air? >> this is live right now, rich. we love your impersonations. we wish you a merry christmas and this is why you are one of my friends. >> you, too buddy. >> i only have a couple but you are one of them. >> thanks, buddy. >> rich edson, thanks for entering the friend zone. we will close things out with what our viewers found media bias news abuse is next. ♪ ♪
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so, mr. harris, we have your fingerprints on the safe. a photo of you opening the safe. a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think? switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. excellent point. case dismissed. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer.
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♪"my friends know me so well. they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. it's all about eyelove, my friends. >> and now it's time again for news abuse.
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we asked to you send us the most egregious examples of media bias and simple dumbness you've seen. first up, this "new york times" headline sent in by that conservative on twitter: the stolen supreme court seat a reference to president obama's nomine nomineemaker garland but stolen? tom c emailed us this were toronto star headline in trump land it can only get worse. really? rob s. emailed us this headline from the verge. trump tech summit exposed the rotten heart of silicon valley. wow. not too subtle there. tomorrow night mean tweets are back. send your cruelest to tucker oh no to me ed henry on twitter or emails us at "tucker carlson tonight" at tune in to the show that the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. don't forget to dvr the
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show. "the o'reilly factor" is up next. good night. see you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> special edition of the royale factor is on. tonight: >> jesse watters and the folks talk politics. >> did you too party animals vote? >> no, i did not. >> i just wasn't registered. [ laughter ] >> what? >> why? how do every day americans feel about president-elect donald trump? >> i'm very excited for all the great things is he going to do. >> like a cartoon character winning. if yosemite sam became president. >> all of you skunks clear out of here. >> what do people think is truly great about america? >> we're the home of the free people. we have more ingenuity. we are the smartest people. >> it's a factor event the "watters world" political edition and it starts right now. >> i'm watters. >> what?


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