tv Hannity FOX News December 26, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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watching, for bearing with us,d. we appreciate your attention and open mindedness this year as you listen to us walk you through what we're looking at next. all the best. take care. welcome to the special edition of "hannity." >> so during the 2016 campaign, president-elect donald trump chris koszed the country explaining what he would do for elected. tonight for the full hour we'll examine some of donald trump's promises like these. let's take a look. >> we will build a great wall and stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth. every day, the law known as obamacare is destabilizing our health care.
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that is why we'll repeal and replace obamacare. we have no choice. time to shake the rust off of america's foreign policy. time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold. we will reestablish the rule of law and appoint justice to the supreme court of the united states who will uphold and defend our constitution. >> we're going to train the swamp of corruption in washington, d.c. we are going to make america great again. greater than ever before. >> now let's start with one of the major topics that got american's fired up on the campaign trail, immigration. president-elect trump promised he would build a wall, deport criminal illegal immigrants and more. take a look. >> let's start with our signature immigration issue, you're going to build a wall.
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>> 100%. >> who is going to pay for the wal wall? here's my question -- >> what has been interesting, i've been watching over the last week or so and they've been saying, maybe he won't build the wall. >> jeb bush said you'll never build the wall. >> he said that a long time ago. i think people now realize we're building the wall, it's going to happen, it's 100%. it's simple. i tell the story all of the time, the great wall of china 13,000 miles long. this is a thousand miles and we have caterpillar tractors to build. this is 1,000 miles, it's 2,000 but we need 1,000. and it's so easy to do and it gets higher and higher every time somebody says i'm not going to do it. >> i think if you get elected president of the united states
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of america, how -- according to the crowd, when. >> when. >> but here's my question. how long, how long would it take you to build that wall start to finish? you're a builder. >> i'm very good at it. almost immediately. if you believe it, you know, they were going to build the wall a while ago. not so long ago, like in '06, and they couldn't get environmental impacts standards. can you believe it? okay. we got lucky. it was such a little wall, such a nothing wall, they couldn't get their environment. probably a snake was in the way or a toad. >> a turtle. could have been a turtle. >> something but in the way. and you think of china, the south china sea, they're building a massive military fortress and they're digging in the water and they said let's do it on sunday and on monday morning they started.
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in our case, look, that wall is going to start very quickly. as you know, we have a lot of the border patrol -- we have a lot of the border patrol agents here tonight, we have 16,500 border patrol agents. they know the border better than anybody. their job is much easier without trump. all they have to do is let everyone keep coming by. these are unbelievable people. they see what's happening, they see what's coming in and they want it stopped. they want people to come in but they want the people to be vetted. so here's the story. so they endorsed me. first time in the history of the border patrol agents. one other thing we have to say -- and mexico will pay for the wall. they're going to pay for the wall. >> let me ask you about that. by the way, the current president of mexico said he would meet with you. will you meet with him? >> yeah, sure, i'd meet with him. >> you would? >> absolutely, i'd meet with him. >> they're not going to write
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you a check. how do you get them to pay for the wall? >> on trade they're killing us. they're killing us at the border, killing us on trade. we have a trade deficit with mexico close to $60 billion a year. right there you can build the wall. the wall is a fraction of that. right there. we lose a fortune on trade and that doesn't include the drugs that are pouring across the border which is probably double or triple or something. >> i have covered the border now for years on this program. i've been from the rio grand to san diego and everywhere in between 12 times. i've seen drug warehouses, i've seen tunnels. we'll show some of the pictures. my next question is -- this is where, you seem to in the last week, be revisiting the issue of sending everybody back that is here illegally. tell us where you stand on that. >> we want to follow the laws. we have very strong laws in this
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country. and i don't know if you know but bush and even obama sends people back. now we can be more aggressive in that. but we want to follow the laws. if you start going around trying to make new laws in this country, it's a process that's brutal. we want to follow the laws of the country. and if we follow the laws, we can do what we have to do. we've got some great people in this country. they shouldn't be here. they're still great people. but we've got some really, really bad gang members and some horrible people. >> start with them. >> those people are going out day one. they're going to be the first. they're going out day one. >> i know this question has come up a lot. what about people that work hard, have been here a long time, they own homes, they have their property and this is a question everyone is going to want answered. what about them? do they have to go back or would
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you reconsider? >> we're going to follow the laws of the country. >> that means they go back? >> we're going to follow the laws. we're going to see who people are and how they've done. when people come in, do you believe in the merit system? one of the things that's unfair about leaving people is you have years and years of people waiting in line, they've gone through a process and they've filed -- >> legally. >> legally they filed, and they're great people in some cases. i guess in some cases maybe not. but you have really great people so proudly wanting to come into the country and now what you're doing is you take people away from the line. >> is there any part of the law that you might be able to change that would accommodate those people who contribute to society, have been law abiding, have kids here. would there be any room in your mind -- i know you had a meeting with week, hispanic leaders. >> i did. and there certainly can be a softening. we're not looking to hurt people.
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we have some great people in this country. we have great great people in this country. but we're going to follow the laws of this country. what people don't realize, we have very very strong laws. >> but obama doesn't follow them. >> they don't follow them, but we're going to follow them. >> we have 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the country now. you said immeidately last night all criminal aliens out day one, correct? >> by the way, that one is so simple. there are some things where you sort of feel bad. this one -- we have these killers in this country. >> right. >> they're heading up gangs. you go out exactly -- >> they lost children right here behind you. >> those guys, if we ever find them, if i'm president, oh. trouble. trouble. such trouble.
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and you know, the other thing is the trust is our immigration system is worse than anybody ever realized. but the facts aren't known because the media won't report on them. the politicians won't talk about them. and the special interest spend a lot of money trying to cover them up because they are making an absolute fortune. that's the way it is. today on a very complicated and very difficult subject you will get the truth. the fundamental problem with the immigration system in our country is that it serves the
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needs of wealthy donors, political activists and powerful powerful politicians. it's all you can do. thank you. thank you. let me tell you who it does not serve. it does not serve you, the american people. doesn't serve you. when politicians talk about immigration reform, they usually mean the following. amnesty, open borders, lower wages. immigration reform should mean something else entirely. it should mean improvements to our laws and policies to make life better for american citizens. we will terminate the obama administration's deadly, and it is deadly, nonenforcement p
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policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam or streets, walk around, do whatever they do, crime all over the place. that's over. that's over, folks. that's over. since 2013 alone, the obama administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back in to united states communities. these are individuals encountered or identified by i.c.e. but who were not detained or processed for deportation because it wouldn't have been politically correct. my plan also includes cooperating closely with local
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jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens immediate ly. we will restore the highly successful secure communities program. good program. we will expand and revitalize the popular 287 g partnerships which will help to identify hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens in local jails that we don't even know about. both of these programs have been recklessly gutted by this administration. and those were programs that worked. this is yet one more area where we are headed in a totally opposite direction. there's no common sense, there's no brain power in our administration bring our leader or our leaders. none.
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none. none. on my first day in office i am also going to ask congress to pass kate's law, named for kate steinle to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry receive strong mandatory minimum sentences. strong. and then we get them out. another reform i'm proposing is the passage of legislation named for detective michael davis and deputy sheriff danny oliver, two law enforcement officers recently killed by a previously deported illegal immigrant. the davis-oliver bill will enhance cooperation with state and local authorities to ensure that criminal immigrants and
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terrorists are swiftly, really swiftly identified and removed. and they will go fast, believe me. they're going to go fast. we are going to triple the number of i.c.e. deportation offices. within i.c.e. i am going to create a new special deportation task force focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in america who have evaded justice, just like hillary clinton has evaded justice. okay? our immigration, that is my policy on immigration is so simple. we will restore the civil rights of african-americans, hispanic americans and all americans by
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ending illegal immigration. and yes, we will build a wall. we will build a wall. and we're going to stop the inflow, the massive inflow of drugs coming into your community, more than any community, but coming into your community and poisoning our youth and poisoning many other people. but poisoning our youth. i will reform visa rules terica jobs and i will suspend reckless refugee admissions from terrorist prone regions that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. and coming up next on this special edition of "hannity.." >> if we don't the damage will be irreversible. we're going to act. that is why we're going to
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repeal and replace obamacare. we have no choice. we have no choice. we have absolutely no choice. >> now recently news broke that obamacare premiums will rise dramatically next year by double digits. now president-elect trump promised americans he will repeal and replace this law. that's coming up next as this special edition of "hannity" continues. tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift. especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren.
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if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible.
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apologize for japan december 7th, 1941 attack on pearl harbor. earlier today abe laid flowers a the a cemetery for japanese immigrants in honolulu. his visit to hawaii comes six months after mr. obama became the first sitting president to visit has ro shee ma. typhoon has killed six people, more than 380,000 people were forced to celebrate christmas in emergency shelters. i'm kelly wright, back now to "hannity." welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." during the campaign within president-elect vowed he would repeal and replace 0 bam mayce . how will he get that done.
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here's what he said yosaid. you're making a promise to badge the budget, making a promise to build the wall, you made a promise you're going to repeal obamacare. >> 100%. >> and replace it with? >> there's no choice. you don't have to repeal it. in '17 it's going to implode. and in fact on november 1st new numbers are coming out right before the election. they're trying to change the date. they want to make it after the election and it's going to show the increase necessary to sustain obamacare. it's going to be massive. don't let anybody change that date. >> and you want to replace it with health savings accounts? >> there's so many other things. once we get competition going, where insurance companies have to compete instead of having states as a monopoly, you get rid of the borders and the lines where they can't go out. once we get rid of that -- they almost had it this time.
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there will be health care plans that you never even heard about that haven't been thought about right now, there will be such competition, it will be a beautiful thing. the numbers will go way down. first of all, obamacare is no good. the premiums are through the roof but have you looked at the deductibles lately? unless you're dead or in the process of death, you can't use them. >> with the release of the names, that's a big promise, building a wall a big promise, repeal og bama care is a big promise, i understand you're giving a big speech next week on energy and independence. that's a big promise. ending common core. so my question is on those agenda items that you've told me about in our interviews, how rock solid are those promises for the people that may be on the fence that want to know you're going to do those things in. >> i want to get it all done. >> you want to get it all done.
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>> our military, i saw a show the other day that our fighter planes are so old they go to junk yards to get the parts, airplane graveyards to get parts off of old planes that haven't been flown in 25 years. they're taking parts off of the planes and trying to put them on our fighter jets. we are really in trouble. >> let's talk about obamacare. you've talked about eliminating it, it, talked about portability and health care savings accounts. do you believe that health care savings accounts is the antid e antidote? >> it's one of them. it's a great alternative. they work. they're fabulous. you can move, do whatever you want to do. you'll save money. much better plans. look at what's going on with obama care, rates going through the roof. you won't get the use it unless you a real big long lasting problem. no no. it's a certainly one method and there are many, by the way,
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sean. i know you mention that. but there are many methods. they will all be better. you don't have to be limited to one or two. we can use other methods but people will be paying a lot less money. they'll be paying a lot less money for a lot better care. i will ask congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace. and it will be such an honor for me, you and everybody in this country because obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it and we will do it very very quickly. it is a catastrophe. the president said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. if yo you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor which may go down as one of the great political lies of the century. even the skeptical democrats believed him and approved the legislation.
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there were democrats very much against it but they believed him and they approved it. no one ever head or certainly very few people, the 2,700-page bill. to this day nobody understands it. the obama administration has just announced massive double digit and triple digit obamacare premium hikes everywhere all throughout the country. here in pennsylvania premiums are going to increase more than 60%, and that's nothing compared to what will happen in the future. of course in the future, if i'm president, there won't be obamacare so you won't have to worry about it. that means parents won't have enough money to pay their bills or get medicine for their kids. >> in the great state of arizona, premiums will go up even higher than 116 parse.
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other states are going up 60, 70, 80, 90%. deducts can go to 12,000, 13,000, $14,000, even $15,000. in other words your health care won't even be usable. you're paying all of this money, you won't even get to use it. people all across the country are devastated. in many instances their health care costs are more than their mortgage costs or their rent which by the way is a first in american history. this is particularly unfair to millennials and younger americans generally who will be totally crushed by these massive health care costs before they even get started on their journey through life. one-third of the counties in pennsylvania will have only a
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single insurance company left, if you have that. that includes philadelphia, where i went to school. the associated press found that some of the 440,000 pennsylvania consumers who buy insurance through will face some of the highest premium increases in the nation. people of philadelphia. insurers are leaving, premiums are soaring, doctors are quitting, deductibles go through the roof. hiring is frozen, totally frozen and wages are being slashed. obama care means higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality. our replacement plan includes health savings accounts, a nationwide insurance market where you can purchase across
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state lines and letting states manage medicaid dollars so much better. we will create quality, reliable affordable health care in a free market where parents can make the health care decisions that they really want to make for their families. it will be a much better health care at a much less expensive cost. i've led a great life and i truly love our country. so now i want to give back to the country that's been so good to me. that's why i'm doing this. all i see everywhere i travel in this nation, and i've been everywhere, is untapped potential waiting to be realized. the people are amazing. the people are amazing. if we unlock the potential of this country and its incredible people, no dream is outside of
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our reach. if we stop believing in our failed politicians and start believing in ourselves, then anything, anything is possible. i'm asking you to dream big, to push for bold change and to believe in a movement powered by our love for each other and our love for our country. that is how we will truly make america great again. and up next right here on this special edition of "hannity" -- >> my number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with iran. i know deal making and this deal is catastrophic for america, for
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israel and for the whole of the middle east. >> donald trump he did not mince words on the campaign trail about some of president obama's foreign policy failures. so what will donald trump do once he's inaugurated in january in that and more on this special edition of "hannity," trump's promises, continues. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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welcome back to "hannity." so during the campaign president-elect trump talked often about president obama's foreign policy failures and what he would do differently if he was the commander in chief. now here's what trump promised you the american voter that he would do. >> i'd like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country, one that replaces
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randomness with purpose, iand chaos with peace. it's time the shake the rust off of america's foreign policy. it's time to invite new voices and new vision into the fold. something we have to do. the direction i will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. my foreign policy will always put the interests of the american people and american security above all this has to be first. has to be. that will be the foundation of every single decision that i will make. america first will be the major and overriding theme of my administration but to chart our path forward we must first briefly take a look back. we have a lot to be proud of.
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in the 1940s we changed the world. the greatest generation beat back the nazis and japanese imperilists. then we saved the world again, this time from to ta, the cold lasted for decades and we won, won big. democrats and republicans working together got mr. go gorbachev to heed the words of our great president, president reagan when he said tear coudow this wall. history will not for very special special man and president. unfortunately after the cold war our foreign policy veered badly off course. we failed to develop a new vision for a new time. in fact as time went on, our foreign policy began to make
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less and less sense. logic was replaced with f foolishness and arrogance which led to one foreign policy disaster after another. they just kept coming and coming. we went from mistakes in iraq to egypt to libya to president obama's line in the sand in syria. each of these actions have helped to throw the region into chaos and gave isis the space it needs to grow and prosper. very bad. it all began with the dangerous idea that we could make western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a western democracy. we tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we unleashed. civil war, religion fanaticism, thousands of americans just killed, lives lives lives
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wasted. horribly wasted. many trillions of dollars were lost as a result. the vacuum was created that isis would fill. iran, 20too would rush in and fl the void. they have benefitted so much. so sadly for us. our foreign policy is a complete and total disaster. the situation is likely worse than the public has any idea. a new congressional report reveals that the administration has downplayed the growth of isis with 40% of analysts saying they're experienced efforts to manipulate their findings. they're trying to make it look much better than it is. it's bad. at the same time, isis is trying to infiltrate refugee flows into europe and the united states.
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iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism is now flush with $150 billion in cash released by the united states, plus, if you remember from two weeks ago, another $400 million in actual cash that was obviously used for ransom. worst of all, the nuclear deal puts iran, the number one state sponsor of radical terrorists, on a path to nuclear weapons. in short the obama-clinton foreign policy unleashed isis, destabilized the middle east and put the nation of iran which chants "death to america" if a dominant position of regional power and in fact aspiring to be a dominant world power. this is my pledge to the american people.
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as your president, i will be your single greatest champion. i will fight to ensure that every american is treated equally, protected equally and honored equally. we will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all of its many ugly forms and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one american people. only this way will we make america great again and safe again for everyone. thank you very much. god bless you. thank you. up next right here on "hannity." >> and appoint justices of the united states supreme court who will uphold and defend the
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constitution of. niets the united states. >> president-elect president trump trompromised he would app originalists to the supreme court court. something we spoke about a lot. that's coming up next on "hannity, trump's promises." a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think? switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. excellent point. case dismissed. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective.
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live in maerk's news heard quarters. i'm kelly wright. good evening. blowing and drifting snow closing roads for a second stra straight day in north dakota. state highway officials warn dangerous driving conditions exist with near zero visz ability on slippery roads. icy road conditions also in south dakota. the storm also causing wide spread power outages in the dakotas, nebraska. a national day of mourning
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in russia. the victims included a renown russian army choir. floral tributes are everywhere, like this one outside the choir's office. meantime the search continues for more victims. i'm kelly wright. back to "hannity." welcome back to the special edition of "hannity," trump's promises. during the dam pain trump said he would appoint originalists to the supreme court, people like antonin scalia and clarence thomas. now the president-elect even released a list of people he would choose from. so here's what he said. >> it was a very big day. you have a list of names. >> i do. >> and you had talked to me for a while now about releasing
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these names. your judicial philosophy. you said you wanted original li ists. tell us about this list of names. >> i've had a lot of feedback from a lot of people and had tremendous endorsements and i'm a conservative. i think i'm extremely conser conservative as an example on trade. a conservative would say i'm not because i don't believe only in free trade. i believe in good deal for the united states. >> fair trade. >> it's a simple view. you can call it whatever you want. so with the judges they were saying what happens if he appoints the wrong judges. and what we did, i just have -- we just took a list of judges and i thought what i would do is put this forward and this would be the list that i would either choose from or pick people very close in terms of the spirit and
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the meaning of what they represent. and of course justice scalia is mentioned in here right up front as being just one of our great judges and one of our great justices. >> this is your judicial philosophy. you know one of the things i think people have questioned -- i interviewed you a lot during this process and you gave me very specific things. and one of the top things i would ask you often is your judicial philosophy and you mentioned scalia and thomas. they are originalists, constitutionalists. >> correct. >> you are a constitutionalists. >> correct. i want high intellect, great intellect. these people are of very high intellect. pro-life. that's my list. we're going to choose from, most likely from this list. but at a minimum we will keep people within this general realm. and again, i have a lot of people that are conservative that really like me, love
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everything i stand for but they really would like to know my view. because perhaps outside of the defense of our country, perhaps the single most important thing the next president is going to have to do is pick the supreme court. >> this will have an impact for generation to come. >> for generations. and if hillary clinton, who is doing very poorly in this whole rigged system that sanders happens to be in, but if hillary clinton for some reason wins, your country will never wibe th same because she's going to put disasters on the supreme court. these are, these are the names. >> this is interesting. i think there might have been some people -- i've talked to people on the video show and some people said, well donald trump is a recent convert to conservati conservatism. and i asked you specific questions, for example, do you want a balanced budget. you told me it's immoral to steal from your kids. >> i want a balanced budget. can can do it a lot quicker.
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people are saying they'll balance the budget within 20 years. 20 years? what are you talking about? you have to understand. i was born in new york, i started in my business -- i was in brooklyn and queens with my father and i moved to manhattan and started doing really well on manhattan. if you look at the statistics on manhattan, whether you like them or don't like them, it's very liberal and democrat. i think that a lot of people feel that because i come from essentially manhattan i would be that way. and i wanted to put this list out because i wanted to quell any fears that people may have. i got this list from people i respect. >> you vetted each one? you almost did it like an job interview. >> ivetted but to a much greater extent the federal society vetted and has tremendous respect, heritage has looked at it who i have great respect for
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and i know senator sessions has brought the names around to different people in the senate and people have seen the list. up next right here on the special edition of "hannity" -- >> ethics we form will be a crucial part of our 100-day plan as well. we're going to drain the swamp in washington, d.c. you will see. >> president-elect trump, he promised voters he would drain the swamp in washington. how will he do it? that's next as this special edition of "hannity, trump's promises" continues. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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. welcome back to "hannity". so in his contract with the american voter, trump promised he would propose an amendment putting term limits on member of congress and reduce the influence of special interests. here is what he said about the topic. >> sean, nobody can imagine this could happen in the united states. but we're going to win the election and clean out the swamp. we're going to drain the swamp. it is a swamp of corruption it's absolutely corrupt. we're going to drain it but we're going to win. you saw what -- i just left this rally two minutes ago. sitting in ahat is like
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200 degrees like a steam room. and no. it's just wonderful. but i'll tell you what. at least you are at the site of exposing this stuff. the press doesn't want to do it. it's incredible. >> ethics are reform will be a crucial part of our 100 day plan as well. we're going to drain the swamp of corruption in washington, d.c. drain the swamp. >> thank you. i will oppose a five-year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for foreign
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governments. change is not going to be easy. i'm going to need you to fight as hard for these proposals as you fought for the great campaign of ours. we're going to need our government and this movement to be more engaged and more vij rent than before to help us accomplish the reforms and overcome decades of gridlock. we're going to get it done, folks. now that you put me in this position, if you don't help me one bit, i'm going to get it done. believe me. don't worry. we're all going to have open arms. we're going to invite everyone from all political persuasions to join our movement to help us achieve our goals for this
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country. great schools. a thriving economy and a government that answers only to the people. our people. we're going to have to dig deep. i know you and i and all of the people working with us are up to the task. there are a lot of people working with us. every single day, you will be the agents of change. change for our country, but good change. great change. americans must ignore the pessimists and embrace the optimism that has been the central ingredient of the american character. we won two world wars, that dug out the panama canal, that put a man on the moon and satellites
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all over space. but somewhere along the way, we started thinking small. i'm asking you to dream big begin and daring things will happen for your country once again. i'm asking you to join me in this next chapter as we work toward prosperity at home, peace abroad, a new frontier in science, technology, and space. i am asking you to -- is that right? yes. i am asking. i just love this guy. he's a believer. you're a believer, right? we have many challenges but this is an exciting time to be alive.
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have a great night. >> special edition of the royale factor is on. tonight: >> jesse watters and the folks talk politics. >> did you too party animals vote? >> no, i did not. >> i just wasn't registered. [ laughter ] >> what? >> why? how do every day americans feel about president-elect donald trump? >> i'm very excited for all the great things is he going to do. >> like a cartoon character winning. if yosemite sam became president. >> all of you skunks clear out of here. >> what do people think is truly great about america? >> we're the home of the free people. we have more ingenuity. we are the smartest people. >> it's a factor event the "watters world" political edition and it starts right now. >> i'm watters. >> what? >> and this is
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