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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 29, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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it's where i am on the fox business network for the intelligence report. i'm going to be back here again for neil tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. will see you then. "the five" is next. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is "the five." the obama administration retaliates against russia after determining the country interfered with our election. president obama announced actions today and says the response won't stop there. more now from fox's rich edson at the state department. >> reporter: good afternoon. in a widespread response from the obama administration, especially on the sanctions front, they have sanctioned the top russian intelligence services, gru and the fsb along
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with top russian officials, individuals, and companies. on top of that, the u.s. is kicking out 35 russian diplomats based in the united states. in a statement the state department says -- republican senators mccain and graham say -- the two senators say they will also push increased russian sanctions in next year's senate sessions. also the obama administration says it's closing down two russian pieces of property that the administration charges the russians uses for intelligence gathering. russian officials say they will retaliate. back to you. >> thanks, rich. we haven't today from president-elect trump. but yesterday he said this about
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the hacking controversy. >> that response yesterday from president-elect trump. no word yet from the president to be. definitely, an international situation. >> they're telling me vladimir putin is weighing in. ez saying, ha, ha, ha. that's all you got? honestly, they're expelling 35 russian diplomats. get them out of here. the two we will call them cells. one in maryland, one on the west coast, they will close them down. they were spying machines. you should have done that a long time ago. as far as sanctions, these are toothless. there's no economic sanctions, no oil embargo sanctions.
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what president obama has done though, he effectively painted donald trump in the corner. president donald trump in the corner. trump yesterday you heard the comment saying, let's move on with our lives. meaning, let's go forward. take the step forward and increase the relationship or embrace the relationship with russia. president obama has said, listen, donald trump, if you want to remove the sanctions, you are going against our fbi, cia, dni and eliminating their opinion from what president obama did. i think that's a very difficult thing he's going to have to tightrope probably with the help of the russians. as far as sanctions go, there was nothing there. there's no there there. >> what about this? the timing of it with less than three weeks until there's a new administration really putting us in a corner here with russia. and saying, these operatives are out. president obama knew about this to begin with. why didn't he do something then? >> i think president obama's
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move to at least look like we're doing something about russian interference is important. i think we should take a step back and take politics out of this. i don't think democrats or republicans should be cheering about benefitting or being hurt by what the russians may have done. but that being said, a degree with eric. this seems like a very weak response by president obama which means two things. it's deeply political, which is obvious. the second thing is that, president obama has to walk a tightrope here. if we r full on cyberattack, the russians will respond to us, which could put us into a full-blown cyber war. based on our infrastructure and what they have been saying over the past ten years, the united states isn't ready for that. so based on the timing, it's political. but based on the long-term prospect of this, russian interference in our national security and foreign policy no matter what it is, whether
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election or whether it's something else, we should all be condemning that, which -- >> shouldn't be tolerated. >> shouldn't be tolerated, regardless who it benefits. >> nor from anyone else. >> what do you think about the president's move? >> i think the president was in a tough situation. if he acted before the election, folks like eric would have been, he is trying to put his hands on the scale of the election, rah, rah, rah. what the president says is -- >> i say rah like that? >> yeah. just like that. the president is waited for the information. he waited for election to be over. he responded. people in russia could be without power right now. we don't know. >> putin would never tell us. >> what about this response? what do you make of it? >> can we go back to the cold war and do things in secret? we're announcing everything. we announce what we're doing. >> we didn't announce all of it. >> there might be some more. we announced we could do more. but we don't want to because we -- they said, we can't deal with what would happen if we
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engaged in a full-on cyber war with them. if this were wrestling, i'm going to hit you back, but i'm going to hit you not as hard as you hit me. that doesn't work. >> i'm coming from over here. >> i want to talk about putin's reaction. >> here is part of the problem we have here is, we're looking -- a lot of conservatives are saying, there's nothing much teeth to those sanctions. where are the real sanctions? maybe because there's not enough evidence. we're still waiting to seat evidence. i heard 17 agencies said there's evidence. >> what more evidence do you want? >> they did it today. >> there was a 17 page report by the fbi and department of home land security that said russia engaged in our election. john mccain and lindsey graham said -- >> they didn't say how. we need to know that. >> take the wheel. >> we need to reiterate that when we say that russia was
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influential in the election it would have no baring on the outcome. donald trump would have won regardless. >> i agree with that. >> regardless of the interference. they make the statement that there was this interference and it implies they were involved in hacking voting machines. that's absolutely not true. >> there's no evidence of that whatsoever. >> absolutely. think it's important to remember mind people that regardless of the interference here, which we should take seriously moving forward and donald trump should take seriously at the cyber warfare situation, this would have had no change in the election. therefore, people like obama should put his ego aside and realize they lost. >> at one point on this, i agree. we didn't have a conversation with working class americans. i agree. i don't think -- >> or a good candidate. >> fair. the e-mails did or did not play into it. i don't really know. but i think what has to be said is the fact they did engage, if it happened to the rnc, it doesn't matter if you are black, white, republican, democrat, nazi party, everybody should have the -- they should have -- free and fair election. >> were they hacked? >> yeah.
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>> were they leaked? >> the podesta e-mails -- >> they were hack -- >> we don't know that. >> show the proof. show the evidence they were hacked. not an insider leak. >> i don't know -- >> i understand russians giving it to wikileaks. how were they hacked? frankly, the bigger issue is china hacking into everything we're doing. including all our businesses. >> on a daily basis. >> intellectual property. >> for donald trump to counter balance china, he will need russia. the more the president acts -- the trumentp administration is painted into a box. they will are to counter balance china. >> i give you that. >> why are we using the phrase interfering with the election? you used it. we're using it on every news show. why don't we stop using that phrase? why don't we say what they did. they hacked into the dnc computers. it's a judgement call saying they interfered with the election. it's so -- it's part of the national conversation. obama says it. we repeat it. why do we repeat it?
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>> because the russians want you to repeat it. >> i don't know, tom. call my out on the show. >> hillary clinton needs a scapegoat. she needs people to think there's a reason she lost other than as kimberly points out, she was a terrible candidate. it's either the voting booths, russi russians, the alt right, voting booth. bottom line is she lost because -- >> there's something to be said that you have a foreign entity hacking e maime-mails. that's problematic. >> show me the proof they were hacked and not leaked. >> we don't know for sure is what he is saying. you had assuage and hannity said it was given to them, that they did not hack. that's a leak. that could be from your own camp. >> the department of homeland security and the fbi and a 17-page report -- i read most of it. there was a lot of coding i didn't understand. but it talks about the fact that the russians received this information and then they gave
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it to asaunsuageassuage. when putin gets access to a party's e-mails and says, i'm going to leak this because i want to interfere in or try to put my finger on the scale of our elections, that's problematic. >> you still haven't proven they were hacked and not leaked. the other part that says the 17 agencies ended that report with, hey, trust us. >> we agree on the following. this looks like impotent rage. that's what i call it. they get kicked out. not very effective sanctions. really not going to upset, offend or keep vladimir putin up at night. doing it at the -- in the ninth inning, eric, instead of when he said he found out about it, president obama, which was the first inning. he could have done something about it then if he was concerned about interference with the u.s. election. maybe they didn't want to bring it up because they thought hillary clinton was going to win and now it's spoiled apples, grapes, oranges. fruit of that sort. >> the whole fruit store is
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spoiled. >> exactly. a top lawmaker in john kerry's party is slamming the secretary of state for going after israel and forgetting the history in the middle east. what impact will this have on the united states? we will talk about that with our guest dr. sebastian gorka next. what's the best way to get
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it was hard to watch john kerry's combative speech yesterday. many lawmakers were outraged by
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it including chuck schumer. in a statement the senatored aminutished kerry for forgetting the settlements where israel had settlers respond and palestinianepalestinia palestinians responded. schumer fears secretary kerry has emboldened extremists on both sides. more now with our special guest dr. sebastian gorka, professor of irregular warfare and aunlau of defeating jihad. you said the administration is the most anti-israel administration. here is my question. have they been that way all along or are they just now admitting to it and showing the world how really anti-israel they are? >> i think from the get go. i think if you look at the last eight years, what is the track record of u.s. foreign policy? let's just look at what the legacy is. the legacy is that whoever you are, if you love america, if you
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want to be our friend, this administration will abandon you and will weaken you. remember, the people who helped get president obama elected were sent by this administration to israel to try and defeat the real re-elect of prime minister netanyahu. that tells you everything. if are a terrorist sponsoring state like iran, if you are an individual or nation, a leader that rejects everything the founding fathers fought for, then you will be molly coddled. you will be assisted. you will be empowered. that's the alice in wonderland world of u.s. foreign policy in the last eight years. i don't know about you, but i just can't wait for january 20th. because we're going to do a 180 with this nation. we will treat our friends as friends and our enemies will be
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on notice. >> we're going to bring it around. i want to point out something. when you do what john kerry and the obama administration did yesterday, you offer currency, you provide currency to the palestinians. they're at the negotiating table. they gave them a plot of political currency. >> hi, dr. gorka. you couldn't agree more with what you said more and last night. it just really seems that he is going out of his way, president obama, to undermine our one democratic ally in this region that's already on fire. to what end do you think he is doing this? is it part of the reason to create a problem for president-elect donald trump going in on the 20th? >> i think they just simply can't help themselves. they can't resist. they're so driven by their partisan ideology. i asked a friend of mine, who is a senior state department official, last night i said, so -- he was really for this. he said, this is -- we really showed them this time.
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i said, does it change anything? is it going to bring us a solution? he said, no, not at all. then what are you talking about? why did you do this? totally unnecessary. in medicine, there's something called the hippocratic oath. it says, whatever you are going to do as a doctor, your first rule is do no harm. this administration, it's the opposite. whatever we do, turn over the table, slow gasoline on the fire, throw the firecrackers into the room. it simply is the opposite of common sense. it has to be ideological. >> you are right. it's operating as an accelerant in the region that is highly compromised. three weeks left. they seem to still be wanting to create problems. >> richard asking a question. >> here is my question. you talked about this idea that the president has sort of made this big enemy in netanyahu. it was a couple months ago, president obama gave the israelis a $38 billion -- the
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biggest ever aid package in american history. is that not supporting our allies? >> it is. but it just is another piece of how skichizophrenic this administration is. this was the administration that -- we're going to lead from behind. that's our bumper sticker. what did the obama administration do in the first nine months of the obama administration, the first nine months? this anti-war president killed more people with drone strikes than president bush did in four years. this is the lack of consistency. it's the dangerous mix of when you add ignorance to arrogance. when you add those two together, this is what you get. >> i hear that. i think if you were to ask folks in the -- i'm not saying i agree with drones. droves are problematic. the idea behind drones, we put drone out there so we don't are to put our men and women in harm's way. they can operate them effectively outside of that. either way, i think the main point for me is if you ask any
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city struggling in america, people in flint for a $38 billion aid package, i'm sure they would take it. >> it's katie. aid packages are passed by congress. >> and signed by the president. >> second, my question is, we have a new president who is coming into office now. the israelis are clearly hoping and i think believe that he will be a better president for israel than president obama has been. my question is on two fronts. how does president trump mitigate the damage from this u.n. resolution? the second question is, how does he navigate what we have now in the middle east with syria, with iraq, with egypt, with north africa? how does he now try and put that fire out? because as you have said and kimberly said, it's on fire. >> how long have i got, 40 seconds to fix the middle east? >> i know. sorry. >> number one, the resolutions of the security council raise to the level of international law. there's nothing we can do about that unilaterally. however, as the highest donor to
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the u.n., the most important powerful nation in the world, we have a lot of leverage. the people who supported this, the ten nations that supported this, will be punished whether it's economically, whether diplomatically or rhetorically, they will be frozen out for a period of time. that's clear from just the statements made already by president-elect trump. what can we do in the middle east? the first thing that has to be done -- i have been stating this again and again and again. i've told general flynn, other people on the transition team, look, the first thing we have to do is we have to win back our friends. there are people bleeding right now, muslims bleeding for us and for our values in the middle east. remember the jordanian fire pilot burnt alive. the nations of the middle east like jordan, egypt, have been neglected and abandoned sometimes by this administration. the first thing the new commander in chief has to do is to build back the relationships, because they have to trust us if we are going to stabilize the
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middle east. that's what i expect donald trump to do. >> tom? >> dr. gorka, i want to know why now? why do you think the administration is changing now? if they really meant it, why didn't they approach israel in this way earlier in their administration? is it because it's a parting shot and he doesn't mean it? >> i can't talk for them. the best answer is i think you have it. i think it's sheer bloody mindedness. they're doing it because they can do it. and they want to send a message to all those people who are with them, who think that israel is the evil force in the middle east and despite bei surrounded by millions and millions of people who wish to do it harm, that somehow they are the dark force of the region. it's really -- for somebody that lives in the real world that
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understands who our true friends are, i have no explanation for you. please knock on the door of the white house. >> before we let you go, so the thought is, what was the intent of this? was this to settle the score with netanyahu? at the expense of the israeli people. or was it to further complicate donald trump's foreign policy as he takes the office? >> great question. i don't believe in conspiracy theories. i find them entertaining. but they're called theories for a reason, because they're not fact. having watched the last eight years, i don't see machiavellian strategists in the white house. i see a person with an ma in fictional writing called ben rhodes as the deputy national security adviser. these guys aren't kissinger, these guys aren't big brains. they don't have a master plan. it's sheer willful bloody mindedness and done out of spite. if i had to put money on it, it was done to say, we can do this and we're going to do it to you. happy christmas, happy hanukkah.
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>> kill two birds with one stone i guess also. we will have to leave it there. >> ignorance and arrogance. it's so true. >> thank you very much, doctor. gorka. after a late night call between the two, will there be a truce? next on "the five."
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president obama boldly stated this week he would have beaten president-elect trump if he ran for a third term. even though americans soundly rejected his policies. even someo on his side are stating the obvious. here is an editor at the far left huffington post. >> look at the destruction of the democratic party under barack obama's leadership. you have to wonder, you know,
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what was the political -- what were the electorate benefits that he gave to the party? he leaves them in a much worse position. the states are decimated. they have lost control of the house and the senate. the governorships are decimated. so yeah maybe he is obviously a gifted candidate. he did win election twice. by a substantial margin. but his legacy as a politician is a bit muddied by all that. >> richard, my first question goes to you. is winning the white house twice with president obama worth losing 1,000 seats across the country and putting people in charge of governor mansions? we need answers. >> i think every party goes through its times in transition. the republican party was sort of designated when we won in 2008. we're going to have to rebuild. i think that's a far fact to say this president hasn't done a lot to move this country forward.
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according to gallop, the president has a 56% approval rating, which is one of the highest we have seen in recent history. when george bush left the white house, he had a 31% approval rating. the only person that beats bema is ronald reagan. he can't run for a third term. that's obvious. i do believe that you cannot blame hillary's loss on the president. hillary didn't do a good enough job of selling her message. >> we agree with that. >> how do you explain president obama who was probably hillary's greatest advocate, surrogate on the campaign trail, maybe his wife michelle was the greatest one, how do you -- what happens when he says, vote for hillary is a vote for my legacy and then -- >> i don't people believed him. look at those people who said i voted for obama twice and i voted for donald trump. >> is the current core democratic ideology, platform, still intact? do you want to push this forward the next four, eight years? >> absolutely. >> do you have to do an autopsy which the republicans did eight years ago?
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>> i think the reason why we lost this election is because we didn't have a convincing narrative for working class americans. i think we have to go back to those roots -- >> you were sure of it until november 8. >> the candidates who ran on that message won their re-election. >> kimberly -- >> i tell you this, he said he wanted to be a transformative figure in american politics. he certainly was. he wanted to be transformative like reagan. other than reagan, nobody did more to put conservatives and republicans in office and back in the white house than president obama. that's the result. he might have been able to move his own numbers and ticket up in terms of favorability. but the democratic party is left in complete ruin because it was more about this president than it was about the party. >> tom, they have a lot of rebuilding to do over at the dnc. they have their own civil war. how are they going to move forward since they have devastated their bench? not in d.c. necessarily but across the country. >> one thing they have to realize -- i'm glad richard made
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that point -- is that approval rating is meaningless. it doesn't mean anything. president obama, his approval rating will continue to be high. it's going to go sky high after he is out of office. i predict -- let's go into the future. president trump will be rehe d re-elected with the lowest approval rating in history. people think, president obama, he is a great guy. but they don't agree with his policies. that's why democrats lose. >> one thing be saw from the clinton administration, bill clinton did very well is he sold small things as big things. when he gave out free lunch, which is a small thing in the grand scheme of things, he sold it as a big thing. this president did small things and was not good enough at selling it. for example, folks -- >> no. >> i'm being real. the one bill i turn to is the credit card bill of rights. it comes on the same day every month because. before that didn't happen. >> we are getting in the wooeee on this topic. >> that's an everyday topic.
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>> no. >> it is. >> obamacare. money to pay the bills. >> money. >> pay the bills. >> we have been fighting you on wages. >> wages have been stagnant for a decade. >> under george bush and president beobama wages haven't budged. >> let's move on with the transition. president obama's term is over. trump is coming in in a couple weeks here. right now, it's a hard to tell if mr. obama and president-elect trump are getting along. yesterday, mr. trump put out a tweet saying he is doing his best to disregard the many inflammatory statements and roadblocks from the president. he thought it was going to be a smooth transition and then wrote not. later in the day, he appeared outside his home in florida and said the transition was going smoothly. the president phoned him and had a very nice conversation. kimberly, we see these two poking each other's egos a little bit. as we heard, the transition level at the staff is actually
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going pretty well. >> the transition process is going very well. he's ahead of the game by all accounts in terms of past presidents and putting people in important positions. i think that's going very well. they're looking forward to these next three weeks happening and going by very quickly. it seems that unfortunately, president obama is having a hard time letting go. he is still trying to control, make moves, do a lot of things right before he goes out. you see president trump, who people are saying i wonder if he can be presidential. he is showing that he can be presidential, because he is not responding back or doing anything today or making any kind of comments, given the developments of what's happening with russia. he is biding his time. >> richard, why would obama say something like, i would have beat trump in a third term? >> i think it was tongue in cheek. it can happen. with that being said, it was tongue in cheek. but it can't happen. he can't return. >> why would he take that shot? >> i think there's something to
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be said about the donald trump twitter account, which will be -- we will talk about for four years. you can't say consumer confidence is up, thanks donald. that's not presidential. >> you want to talk tongue in cheek, that's -- >> the highest it's been in 15 years. >> thanks, obama. he kept throwing out there. >> the reason consumer confidence is high is because for eight years the president has been working on fixing the economy. >> we're going to move on. >> we created 72 consecutive months of job growth. >> one second. there are fewer americans working today than when president obama took over. period. >> there was a 10% unemployment rate when president obama took over. higher than that. now it's at 4%. >> 91 million people left the work force. >> that -- what do you say about obama being the legacy behind the new economic bump we're seeing? >> i don't care what day my credit card statement comes. i want more money to pay it. >> a lot of people care. >> especially after buying christmas presents.
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>> we will give him that amazing accomplishment. >> your credit card bill comes on the same day. >> more people are defaulting on them than ever before. at least we get the bill on the right day. >> there's terror happening in san bernardino when your credit card bill comes. >> ahead, it's going to be a speech for the history books. president-elect trump has told friends he is drawing inspiration from two former presidents. find out which ones next. >> i know.
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in three weeks, president-elect trump will deliver the biggest speech of his life, his inaugural address. steven miller is helping him write it. but he is crafting the first draft himself and is looking to these two predecessors for inspiration. >> every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,
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support any friend, oppose any photo assure the survival and the success of liberty. and so my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. >> in this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. now so there will be no misunderstanding, it's not my intention to do away with government. it is rather to make it work. work with us, not over us. to stand by our side, not ride on our back. >> according to the washington post, the president-elect told visitors that reagan's style and kennedy's articulations will be central to how he thinks in his own speech. kimberly, you were rapt.
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>> katie and i were remarking to one another, he sounded like a republican, jfk did. i know that's something that president-elect trump admires. when bill gates was there, he said that he reminded him of jfk. i think these are two really important speeches and two important presidencies to draw inspiration from. these are people that he admires and they are similar to the message he was echoing throughout his campaign. make government work for you, efficient, effective, lean it out if you need to. and the idea, too, that the united states will not cower in fear. we will stand. we will stand alone in times adversity. and we will stand with our allies and beware our enemies. >> yes. eric, steven miller, he does not mince words. he wrote the famous speech at the convention that everyone called dark. what are you expecting? >> these speeches, they should last 15 to 25 minutes.
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i'm hoping it's not a real long one. here is what i want to hear. we heard donald trump, bring it, bring the fire, bring the flame, get the crowd going throughout the campaign, the primary, general election. when he is standing there with the capitol behind him, i want to hear donald trump from the heart. when he talks from the heart, he is influential. as evidenced by people who don't like donald trump will spend 15 or 20 minutes with him. they will go to trump tower and come out going, he is a good guy. he means well. he wants to win and the best for the country. i think if he does that for $15 minute on the steps, he will win not only republican hearts, anti-trump hearts but democrat hearts. >> what's the one thing he has to say to charm you? >> my heart is for sale now? >> everybody, baby. [ speaking spanish ]
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>> in all seriousness, what i want to hear from this president is how to rebuild america. he talks about -- can't talk about policy. but framing up what this -- how do we rebuild america, make america great again if that's a thing. >> it's a thing. >> i want to -- the question i ask is, when -- what does make american great again? >> there were a couple instances where you could say it was -- >> give me one. >> end of jimmy carter. >> 2009 and 2010 america was -- >> make it great again. >> i look forward to donald trump in his inauguration address discussing what makes americans proud to be americans. i think he will do a very good job of that. i like he is pulling from ronald reagan who was a very big advocate for small government. federal government according to almost everyone is far too big, far too expansive, far too regulatory. has the boot of -- on the necks of individuals and small businesses.
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he can talk about i think what makes everyone proud to be an american rather than what makes us different and why we're divided. i think it will be good based on his speech writer and based on who he is drawing inspiration from. >> i look forward to it. >> he is starting a draft himself. steve miller is talented. they echo the same voice and theme. they work well together. apparently the rest of the team members are working on it as well. next, it was one of the most popular gifts this christmas. is amazon echo more creepy than cool? the device could help solve a murder case in one state. details ahead.
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you may have heard about
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this story in the news. amazon echo is now at the center of a murder investigation. police in arkansas are trying to get amazon to share data collected from an echo the night of a crime. it may contain evidence that could solve who killed a man in a hot tub. the device is selling like hot cakes this christmas season. amazon echo is a hands free speaker you control with your voice. echo connects to the a voice service to provide information, news, sports scores, weather and more. echo can hear what you say and how you say it any time of the day. is that cool or is it creepy? you have within. >> i have one. i asked before i left -- i got one for my son. he researched it and loved it a lot. i asked it, give me news articles about you being -- for a murder investigation. she started playing me updates for npr. my son said, mom, she's not telling you. i said, that's correct. amazon is saying they won't release the information.
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i find this fascinating as a former prosecutor. use any tool you can to be able to get information. that's why you want cell phones and phone records. eric doesn't like this. i get it. it's creepy. but this is the problem. i get it. it's a violation potentially, your started -- >> they go inside the house. look, i'm all -- >> amazon is not giving it over. >> not yet. we think verizon was giving over our phone records and they were. i'm all for technology. i like this. i'm the guy who puts the tape over the camera on the tv. >> me too. >> i'm afraid of hackers. and everything going on in my house. >> i think our phones are listening to us. have you tried to google something and -- you said it and then you put in one letter the whole thing comes up? i think our phones are spying on us. >> that's why i didn't get it. i'm not comfortable with this. i bought speakers this
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christmas. i wanted ones that weren't listening to me. >> everything is listening to you. >> i'm not going to murder anyone. but maybe some miner crimes. >> oh, my gosh. >> there's things -- >> play this back. >> misdemeanors. >> this is why i don't -- >> it's in my son's room. >> you could actually -- could you access and find out what your son is saying? >> he stores stuff on there. add this to my list. it's his list of thingins he was or things he is mad about. >> it can store so much information. it's only 60 minutes? >> it's recording you. >> that's enough. >> unless this thing can do my laundry, i don't want one. i don't have one. i don't want one. >> i didn't get the amazon -- >> tell me a joke. they gives you one joke after the next. >> here is a little twist in the story. amazon has all this information
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on you. that's a lot of data. what you order. what you like. now they can go ahead and -- who knows what they will do with it. use it for themselves, sell it. there are a lot of privacy issues. when you sign up for these things, you sign away privacy rights. >> absolutely. >> it can do your laundry. it can start your appliances. >> why are you telling me this? this is tempting now. >> it does everything. >> do the laundry. >> weather update. it wakes you up in the morning. >> didn't they make a movie about this, the movie "her"? he fell in love with the computer? >> there's a disorder like that. >> the voice, i fell in love with the voice. >> cell phone or -- >> i'm not going to worry about it. i don't want one. one more thing is up next.
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it's time for one more thing. do you need comfort? are you stressed out when you travel? do you wish the tsa would do a better job? don't worry. hug a pig. yeah, literally. an airport therapy pig. how cute? what a cutie. she's a small spotted pig in case you were wondering. helps calm travellers. she's the first non-dog member of the airport's wag brigade. where could this be happening? san francisco. my old hometown. the wag brigade walks through the airport. they soothe everyone's anxiety. they are like xanax. hopes of making it more enjoyab enjoyable. when you lose your bag or your flight gets canceled, you get detained in an awkward strip search, this will make you feel better. it's very cute. let me ask you something, everybody. you want to -- we have bolling
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on o'reilly. we have me on hannity. i have an all star list of guests. kellyanne conway is going to be on. anthony scarimuchi, dr. thomas sullo who is retiring of having an incredible column. that's a nice comfort to have. very bright man. dr. sebastian gorka. that was the tease you got earlier. join us at 10:00. >> at 8:00, this full screen, 8:00 o'reilly factor. we have reince priebus. he will weigh in on the recent -- the russian sanctions the white house -- that were the white house sanctions and whether or not president-elect trump will respond. that will be a big interview. and harvey levon. he is a producer and founder of tmz. they broke the story on carri ficarrie
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fisher and debbie reynolds. also, don't forget, new year's eve, kimberly. we will do all american new year, check it out, it's 10:00 to 1:00 a.m., unless they cut us. i'm not sure. >> they told us we have to be here early. >> i'm sure it's 10:00 to 1:00. >> i like the picture of us. we look like we're on vacation. >> too bad it will be cold. >> thanks, debby downer. >> it's not going to be that cold, 35 degreedegrees. >> the jacket that everyone needs to see. it's fabulous. >> a little sparkle. >> eric is going shirtless. >> potentially. >> kathy griffin said she would take off her top. i said we will see. >> let's not see that. >> we're right next to anderson and kathie. >> it's not going to be that crazy. tune in. it's pg. >> it's all american. >> yes, all american. >> okay. it's the end of the year.
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we're almost to 2017. i'm here to do greg's job and to talk about the most annoying words of 2016 according to a new marris poll. >> those are the four -- top five, actually. >> i like those. >> christmas dinner. they were ready to sit down and someone ate the turkey. who ate the turkey? they went into the hallway. mystery solved. take a look at this. >> oh, my god. >> he ate the whole thing? >> he ate the whole turkey. >> oh, my gosh. >> he left one nibble. >> not the bones, right? >> i would take the pig over this dog any day of the week.
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>> the dog looks like a pig now. did you notice the body shape? >> is it okay? at the vet now? >> the poor dog. when you eat the turkey, it makes you -- take a nap. >> exactly.e feels better. richard, what do you have? >> will end with cheer. for seven years sarah clark was a waitress in arizona. you order humus. good place to go. she's now nine months pregnant. her baby is due the day before my birthday. her husband doesn't have a job. she's trying to make all the extra tips she can. she got a special tip from a special customer. after a $61.30 bill, she got a $900 tip. the inskripgs reads, this is the money god gave to us, so we are giving it to you. >> how nice is that? >> that's a nice story. a colleague of our tips amazing. once in a while he will do that. >> sean hannity. >> he will throw a tip down that makes your mind spin.
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>> the most generous man in the world. i challenge anybody to tell me somebody more generous. >> the most generous man in the p pita jungle. >> that's it for us. "special report" is next. will see you later. this is a fox news alert. the obama administration takes aim at russia. announcing economic sanctions and more over interference in the u.s. election. good evening. welcome to washington. as promised the white house didn't hold back naming names and slapping several individuals with punishment. it's a bold step and not unlike some other big foreign policy moves we have seen from this administration in the waning days of the obama presidency. we have team coverage. rich edson with the continued fallout from the surprise move not to back israel at the u.n. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg


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