tv Hannity FOX News December 30, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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recommending to everyone i know. it is a great book. don't miss out and be sure to pick up your copy of "settle for more" today. happy new year and be safe and have fun. go to"the kelly file." thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. ♪ welcome to "hannity." russian president vladimir putin is responding to the obama administration imposing sanctions on his country. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for sean. putin released a statement earlier today that reads in part, quote, although we have the right to retaliate we will not resort to irresponsible kitchen diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore vu russian/u.s. relations based on trump's policy. trump tweeted, quote, great move on the part of putin. i always knew he was very smart.
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joining us now fox news contributor, former ambassador to the u.n. john bolton. thanks for joining us this evening. lots of developments since yesterday when we spoke on the show. let's get your thoughts. >> i think the putin decision not to expel american diplomats has several aspects to it. number one, it shows utter contempt for barack obama. it is saying to him, you're going to be history in three weeks and i will reserve judgment on what i'm going to do until you're gone. now, note that he hasn't said he's not going to expel american diplomats. he said he's putting it off. but let's also be clear. this was staged. remember, this is the land of the patemkin village. russian sergei lavrov goes public with a recommendation to expel american diplomats. every news station in moscow reports they will be expel. vladimir putin steps in and
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says, no, no, we won't expel american diplomats. what is more i'm inviting the children of american diplomats in moscow to an eastern orthodox christmas party. what a sweetheart. look, he is trying to maneuver to russia's advantage. no surprise there. but he's also playing on a mistake -- i think we talked about it last night -- that obama made in pushing together both the cyberattack issue on the one hand and the harassment of american personnel in moscow on the other. he is trying to build the two of them together to get what i think he really wants, the most important concession he wants, is no retaliation for the cyberattack. the sanctions are meaningless. the expulsion of diplomatic personnel is a temporary problem. what he really worries about is america going on cyber offense in retaliation for what he apparently did during the election campaign. so this is -- this is still very much in play. >> it certainly is. you bring up such an important
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point because he definitely doesn't want the focus to be on those cyberattacks. this is a way of side stepping it. this is a man who is obviously, yes, very bright, kgb. he knows exactly what his mission objectives are. he is very focused on the target and he will do whatever it takes to achieve it. even if that means cultivating this relationship with president-elect donald trump he is going to do that. and as you said, it is very much showing disrespect for president obama and his current administration in their last three weeks to say, that was a joke, you thought you were going to poke the cage of russia, moscow, and it just didn't work. >> right. and i think it shows that they have thought through what's going on here in these last couple of months. they saw what obama did to israel in the security council resolution. they understand that obama's in this period of opportunity really for him between the election and the transition. you know, i'm not entirely sure that this is obama just trying
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to vent his spleen on the incoming trump administration. i have a feeling part of this is that, you know, a lot of the steps you can't take in the middle of an election campaign, and our election campaigns now take almost a whole year. >> true. >> he thought hillary was going to win. >> yeah, i think you're right. >> so a lot of this stuff was planned because he could do it, he could take the credit, he could take the heat. hillary was not going to reverse any of it when she took office, so he could get his legacy in place and she would defend it. now he finds himself faced with donald trump being his successor and all of his plans are thrown awry. >> you're wright. i think he made his decision, to wait on this and not anything because it was predicated on a certain outcome of the election that they thought they had guaranteed, that these grossly underestimated the movement by president-elect donald trump and the people that came out in droves to support him. i wonder also does it put president-elect donald trump in a bad position come january 20th? what is your advice, ambassador,
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in terms of what he should in terms of what he should do and how to handle russia? >> i don't think it puts him in a bad position. if barack obama thinks he can box the new trump administration in, he is sadly mistaken. >> correct. >> president-elect trump is going to meet next week with intelligence officials to talk about what the facts are on the allegations of russian efforts to meddle in the election, and he'll make up his mind accordingly. i just think this is a graceless way for obama to leave the white house and virtually everything he did with the exception of the security council resolution or other things he may try to do internationally can be reversed with the stroke of a pen or the action of congress. so he may be active in the next three weeks, but it is really ultimately not going to have much impact. >> all right. ambassador bolton, always a pleasure. thanks for being with us. >> thank you, kimberly. >> here with more reaction is the author of "defeating jihad, the winnable war," dr. sebastian gorka. further developments since we
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last spoke, unbelievable. what do you make of this latest play by putin and by russia? have they outmaneuvered obama again? >> look, i don't like to praise a former kgb colonel on the most popular cable channel in america, but it was a master stroke. i mean really. he played the game as the ambassador said very, very smoothly, with lavrov, and then with tweets coming out of the russian embassy in london with photographs of a duckling as a lame duck obama and then this, oh, we'll invite you to an orthodox christmas celebration. he has basically said to the world, president obama, you are completely irrelevant. and the truth is he is. this is a new age after november the 8th. the idea that he plays golf for eight years and now he decides to do something about russia, it is incredible. it is truly incredible. why now?
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after the invasion of the ukraine, this is when he waits to do something? because of an alleged hack of the dnc? he has made a laughing stock out of the white house. >> all right. let's talk about what president-elect donald trump should do now in the aftermath of this when he assumes office on the 20th, because still some decisions will have to be made, sanctions and further sanctions aren't off the table. that is something certainly that he could impose because we don't want russia making a fool of the united states or trying to interfere in our u.s. presidential elections. >> correct, absolutely. but we have to be very cautious. i think the approach president-elect trump has taken is the correct one, let me see all of the evidence, and once i am actually installed as the manned commander in chief i can take actions. i have read the unclassified fbi -- there's a joint fbi/dhs report on the attack,
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cyberattack, which is called gristly step. i read it today. it is incredibly specific in terms there were two cyber hackers that in spring of 2015 and summer of 2016 went into the dnc computer network. it is very specific. but apart from that, what they did and what information was taken out is not revealed. so let's wait and see. we have 21 days left, then there will be some kind of measured response once the information is made available to the new president. >> yeah, i couldn't agree more. as a former prosecutor you have to put the case together with all of the facts, not speculation or hyperbole or innuendo and make these choices based on a fact pattern that you feel confident about its veracity, and then you leave all options on the table in terms of how you will deal with it going forward. a lot of complexity in terms of what happened over the last, you know, few weeks, in terms of our international position, also as you know as it relates to
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israel, another problematic area. >> absolutely. absolutely. and i think -- i have been trying to find the explanation for why he's doing these incredibly impettous and dangerous things in the last three weeks, and i have to say i give the awards to ambassador bolton. i think he's got it, the answers correct. the left thought they were going to win. they thought hillary was going to be the next president. they now realize that their whole agenda, the next eight years of continuing to socially engineer america and undermine or reputation around the world, that's not going to happen. there's going to be a new sheriff in town called donald trump, and as a result they've got three weeks left to cram it all in, whether it is attacking israel, whether it is anything else, and that's why we have to be very, very vigilant. what else can we expect from the white house in the next 21 day cincinnati. >> absolutely. dr. gorka, always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> thanks. also tonight, a republican congressman is making headlines for his comments about russian
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hacking. take a look. >> i'm all for doing what's necessary to protect the election here, but there's no suggestion that russia hacked into our voting systems or anything like that. they, if anything, whatever they might have done was to try to use information in a way that may have affected something that they believed was in their best interests. but the bottom line, if they succeeded, if russia succeeded in giving the american people information that was accurate, then they merely did what the media should have done. >> joining us now is a lawmaker you just saw, arizona congressman trent frank. thank you so much for joining us, congressman. so people consider -- >> thank you, kimberly. >> -- that to be pretty much a provocative comment, some accusing you of siding with russia. you tell us what you meant. >> well, i mean obviously if you can see the whole interview that would be somewhat helpful, but i would just suggest to you that i
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made it clear in that interview that anything that russia did to compromise any of our systems should be met with the appropriate response. i even called mr. putin a kgb thug in the interview. >> but they didn't show that in all of the clips, right, exactly. >> didn't show that. that's all right. that happens a lot. but i appreciate the opportunity to come here. unfortunately, you leave me with little to add from john bolton, who i consider to be one of the greatest foreign policy experts in the world for america. >> i agree. >> i think he should have been secretary of state. and sebastian gorka, i have to say something nice about him because he could sue me for -- successfully for plagiarism any time he wants to. i think he is one of the most assiduous voices in the world on this subject of jihad. having said that, this situation is pretty straightforward. this president when he came in had the famous reset with russia. i think he thought the entire
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cold war was just a giant misunderstanding, and he stood by and let russia, as sebastian gorka mentioned, invade ukraine, even though we had an agreement with ukraine to protect their territorial sovereignty. he stood by and let, even in spite of his red line in syria, and let the russians barrel bomb aleppo and killing thousands of innocent women and children, and then all of a sudden he finds his tongue. >> right. >> and does something he should have done early in his presidency and making it clear where we stand as a country, that we will not stand by and let russian expansionism take over the world. but in the meantime, vladimir putin has mocked up the world of barack obama, and it terms out he is not quite finished it seems. >> i understand your point. you're saying mainstream media, reporters, should have done their job and properly covered this election, properly covered the stories about hillary clinton, about her e-mails,
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about her deleting e-mails, about her server, all of the above. that is certainly true. and as it relates to president obama we find ourselves in this position because of his failed foreign policy as relates to russia. there's no relationship of respect whatsoever there between vladimir putin and barack obama, and now we find three weeks before we have a new president in office this attempt to certainly try to box president-elect donald trump in, but it seems that vladimir putin did not fall for the bait that president obama wished he did. >> well, again, i don't know how you could say it any better than you just said. this administration has weakened america across the eight years of the administration's existence, and we're going to be decades trying to clean up the mess. i hope that mr. trump is up to it. i believe he is. i believe that we have a new day in america, and i just hope so desperately we return to some of the great foundations that made our country the super power of
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the world and the greatest country in the history of humanity. if we do that, then there's still time to make a better world. >> that's so true because the united states should not take a knee and be ashamed of being a super power. russia certainly isn't, and there's far reaching implications as you know as relates to the middle east as well and syria and the complexities there and russia's relationship with iran, but in is all going to fall squarely with president-elect donald trump. what advice would you give him going forward for january 20th about dealing with russia? >> well, i think that he should do exactly what i believe he will do. he will look at the evidence and he will say simply to russia, listen, we as the united states of america are not out to dominate or hurt anyone in this world, but we will always deal from a position of strength, we will act in our best interests, our national security will be sure, our arsenal of freedom will prevail in any circumstance, so it is best to be our friend because to be our enemy is not a healthy position
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to be in. >> absolutely. united states, best friend, worst enemy. i can relate to that. >> yes, ma'am. >> thank you so much, congressman. >> thank you. and coming up, president obama's last minute moves before he leaves office appear to be putting president-elect trump in a tough spot. my co-host on "the five" eric bolling will be here next. president-elect trump will have to deal with once he takes office. lieutenant colonel ralph peter will way in. that and much more straight ahead on "hannity." ntures look , ntures look , in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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call. he has been identified as landon weaver who joined the state police a year ago. a 32-year-old man is being sought in connection with the shooting. police say he is armed and should be considered dangerous. a powerful nor eastern slams northern new england with heavy snow and strong winds knocking out power. some areas getting as much as two weeks of snow. "star wars" and carrie fisher fans gathering to pay tribute to her. the group's logo features the head of chewbaca. i'm patricia stark. back to "hannity." for all of your headlines log on to l be inaugurated in just 21 days. and a new report on the hill is claiming, quote, nearing exit obama seek to tie trump's hands. joining me now with reaction is my cohost of the five eric
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bolling. a lot of diplomatic relations in question here, our relationship with russia, with just mere weeks until president-elect donald trump takes office. what is going on here with president obama and his administration. >> three weeks from today president-elect donald trump will raise his right hand and become president donald trump. and how many more initiatives will barack obama decide to throw out there. like you said earlier on "the five." he's done more in the last two or three weeks than he's done in the last eight years. backing off of the u.n. resolution, sticking it to israel and donald trump. the russian sanctions that you talked about right here. republicans jumped on board which means he's going to make it harder for donald trump to make the decision to pull the sanctions or if he goes guard wit he'll do it because there's evidence. and the domestic policy of the oil and gas, permanent ban of
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oil and gas drilling in a alaska. it's insane what het's trying t do. the only thing that president obama should do for president-elect donald trump now for the next three weeks is make sure that the transition is smooth. >> what is this about? it seems like sour grapes. is president obama trying to capitulate to his constituency to appease people, the people who are upset that says he didn't do enough to deliver the oval to hillary clinton. if he had an idea that the russians were trying to interfere in the united states presidential election and he knew about it before, why didn't he do anything about it then. seems like some in his party and the clintons are upset with him so now he's trying to flex to russia. >> president obama came out saying if vote -- >> and so was was his wife.
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>> michelle was her most important surroge.e. a vote for hillary clinton is a vote for my legacy. he's looking to blame anyone, blame the voting booths, blame the russians, blame the russians again and now think of what he gets to do with the u.n. resolution, he gets to take a shot at netanyahu and donald trump. and this one, blame vladimir putin, and also taking a shot at donald trump. another two birds with one stone. killing four birds with two stones. >> and the problem is like you talked about and kellyanne conway said this last night, is this a situation where they're trying to box in, and she was referencing the "the new york times" article saying this might be a little bit of political shenanigans on part of the president obama, like you mentioned, to try to force a play and some kind of showdown between putin and donald trump, making it very difficult for him
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to make his own independent autonomous decision when he takes off. >> willed mere putin said i'm not biting on this. nice try, barack obama. we'll wait until you're gone. then donald trump says smart move. i knew you were smart. they'll work it out. if russia did tamper, they will be reprimanded and sanctioned severely but by donald trump, not by outgoing president barack obama. this is all politics. the three initiatives that we just talked about, none of them have any teeth. the sanction don't have any teeth, the u.n. resolution is just the u.n. resolution at the end of the day and the third one being the oil and gas initiative, the regulation that he put out. donald trump day one can repeal all three of those things immediately if he wanted to. so what barack obama is doing is he's throwing a bunch of stuff out there in the last few weeks. >> it looks like to me that impotent rage but it's not really something that is in fact accomplishing anything but it's more kind of the bravado.
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and we both agree that in fact for sure russia should not be interfering in any way in u.s. presidential elections or any of our government affairs. that being said, there is no direct evidence of hacking at the polls or in terms of the voting machines and no russians voted illegally in the election. >> but for some reason liberals think wait and see, let donald trump make the decision, you're somehow on board with the russians. not at all. >> a lot of developments coming here at the end of the year. but it looks like vladimir putin is not taking the bait and he's going to deal directly with the new president-elect and it looks like he's done dealing with the current administration. you and i are not done dealing because we're going to be together again new year's eve. >> we are right here on times square. we had a great time last year. did very very well. we loved it.
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we're on the roof top of the nicker bocker and we walk around the crowd, had so much energy. we said, why don't we do the show from the middle the crowd and we're setting up shop right in the middle of the crowd. you've got to watch it. we're going to have a blast. >> we'll be able to take the viewers right there. almost like a virtual reality. we'll bring it down to the streets. new year's eve in the center of times square to see the ball drop. we'll be down there with kennedy and jesse. >> something is going on in florida and you hope everything works out. it's always watchable. we have people spread out around the country but the real energy is going to be when we're walking around talking to people in the country. you'll have some escorts, the nypd. they're fantastic. they care of kg when she's down
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there. >> it will be good. find someone for you to get cozy with at home, get sko cozy withc bolling and i, our all american new year's eve coverage. live in sometimes square, kennedy and jesse watters get the party started at 8:00 p.m. eastern. coming up next on "hannity." president obama sanctioning russia as the to foreign policy decisions president-elect trump will have to deal with. lieutenant colonel ralph peters is here next with reaction. stay with us.
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welcome back to "hannity." some are second-guessing the timing of president obama's decision to punish russia with sanctions. but this isn't the only foreign policy decision that's happened other the last eight near. the white house has also freed terrorists from gitmo, struck a nuclear deal with iran and failed to act with bashar al assad crossed president obama's red line in syria. joining me now for reaction,
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lieutenant colonel ralph peters. thank you for joining us. unbelievable when you look back at the failed foreign policy of this administration certainly putting america in a week weaker national security position. >> well, kimberly without the least exaggeration, we can say that president obama has been the worst foreign policy president in our entire history, whether you look at the middle east, north africa, the south china sea, north korea, venezuela, history oomph in c-- triumph in cuba. we'll be paying for it for a long time. >> it's problematic because we have president-elect donald trump going to be in a position on january 20th where he's got to deal with russia. president obama appears to have tried to and failed to box him into a one on one with vladimir putin. we have a mess that he's made
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that i think really is his he built it legacy in syria, one of the worst humanitarian crisis that we've seen in our lifetime. unbelievable inability to even react and make good decision and then has done everything but pretty much destroy our relationship with the key ally, a key democratic ally that we need to israel. >> well, indeed. and i think the litany of failures that you just went through goes back to a flaw in obama's character that's always been there. he can't make up his mind. we saw it in syria. he couldn't make up his mind in that first year when a small initiative on the part of the u.s. would have left us with a much better world. we wouldn't have half a million dead. you saw it with so many other initiatives and now you saw it
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with his lame utterly ineffective sanctions on russia. i disagree with those who say that on the new sanctions he was trying to box in president trump. if he had been trying to box in president trump he would have done more, hitting the russian economy which is putin's weak point. but instead what he did do, what he always do. he goes for rhetorical flourishes and cosmetic gestures. these sanctions were minor tactical factors with no strategy whatsoever. on his way out the door obama is the 9 -pound weakli8. pound weakling. >> let's talk about how putin
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responded, he said that's all you got and made a mockery, made it look like an irrelevant attempt on behalf of president barack obama. >> indeed. ambassador bolton and we were talking about this in the green room. we both agree that the west underestimates vladimir putin and time and time again, since 1999 we've been underestimating putin. the guy is ruthless, vindictive, hates america, he's extremely capable. he'll do anything to get his way. he has a long term strategic vision. and what i worry about is that mr. trump is going to be so much on his plate that if he goes for a hasty deal with vladimir putin, it could turn into easily the equivalent of obama's iran deal. putin wants everything and he wants to give nothing. and putin is the ultimate master of the haart of the deal. the president-elect when he's inaugurated, he needs to be very very very very careful with
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vladimir putin. we saw today, putin dangled a little bait with how he handle the sanctions issue and president-elect fell for it. tweeting again how great put,in is. he's our enemy because he hates us and everything we stand for and he wants revenge for the collapse of the salve yoviet un >> this is a problem. nobody should underestimate russia or vladimir putin. when you think about him, kgb, that's it. he does have strategic long term vision. he does want to kiss you on the mouth and knife you in the back. make no mistake about it. but i do believe that president-elect trump will deal with him in a very different way that president barack obama. this is going to be a completely different situation than what we've been seeing for the past eight years. and certainly no one wants
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russia interfering in u.s. elections, presidential elections or any of that. but today we saw the reaction. president-elect trump said i know he's a smart guy. i don't think anybody is in dispute that vladimir putin is smart. >> when you deal with vladimir putin you must deal from a position of strength. if he wants something, we got to get something and he's got to pay first cash on the barrel head. otherwise he'll eat us alive. i want plump to be a great president because i want him to succeed because i want america to succeed. but i've been watching vladimir putin since the beginning and vladimir putin eats people. he's them alive. he's them before breakfast. he humiliated two u.s. presidents in a row, george w. bush and barack obama who thought they could deal with him. be very very careful. don't rush into a comprehensive new deal with russia, a fresh start. we don't need a fresh start with
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russia. russia needs us. it needs a fresh start with us. putin wants us to look away from what he did in ukraine, the massacre in syria, his attacks on our election and they were -- all of this intelligence agencies agree they did it. and so he wants us to wipe that slate clean >> certainly, right. >> and all he's going to give us is a fresh start? no way. >> if you're keeping both eyes on russia, that's not good enough. i agree with you 100%. thank you for being with us tonight. >> happy new year. >> to you as well. and coming up, bill clinton suggested quote angry white men helped elect trump in november but fox news contributor roy murdoch is shooting down those claims. he's here next with doug schoen. and later -- >> we will build a great wall and we'll stop illegal
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immigration for once and for call. . >> president-elect trump vowing to build a wall, this as the "the new york times" discovered that some department of homeland security employees and contract workers accepted millions of dollars in bribes to allow drugs and illegal immigrants to cross into the country. dr. sebastian gorka will be back with reaction. that and much more as "hannity" continues. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that...
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my message today is for all americans from all parties, all beliefs, all races, all walks of life, whether you're african-american, hispanic american, asian american, we're all american and we're all united by one shared destiny. >> and that was president-elect donald trump on his thank you tour promising to unite the country and serve all americans. but while the president-elect was touting a positive message, former president bill clinton was spewing the same old tied divisive rhetoric of the past telling a local newspaper that trump, quote, doesn't know much. one thing he does know is how to get angry white men to vote for him. well one of my next guest just challenged those comments from the former president in a
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brilliant op ed titled beyond angry white men. trump won appealing to all races, genders and education levels. and he joins us now along with reverend darrell scott and fox news contributor doug schoen. this is what i call an a-team lineup. thanks for being here with me tonight. this is really unbelievable. the juxtaposition of the messaging of president-elect donald trump and now the reaction and the pettiness it seems of president bill clinton. >> absolutely. and i think the whole idea here is to delegitimize trump's victory, to paint it as the result of a white supremacist campaign and therefore let's shut down his agenda. he won 62% of white male votes. if those were the only people voting you could say it was a
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white male victory. he did this by winning one out of three hispanic men, 8% of the black vote, 52% of white women. there were a lot more people involved in this trump victory than just white men which is what people like bill clinton would like for you to believe. >> reverend scott, what do you make of this. why is it this pigeon holing trying to paint this rhetoric and put this on president-elect donald trump? >> americans were angry but it wasn't just white americans. white, black, latino, asian, all americans were angry and that anger showed up at the polls because we were dissatisfied with the prior administration. i mean the executive vice president special council to donald trump, michael coin and i
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formed a narnl diversity coalition and we have every ethic group that's a part of the coalition that are passionate in their support of donald trump. we all came together as americans. you know, other campaign is trying to once again divide us. but we came together as americans united with a common cause. let's get this candidate elected so we can make america great again. >> for all of the communities, rebuilding, infrastructure has been suffering under liberal reign, when you lock at places like chicago, et cetera, it was a compelling message when president-elect trump went out there saying what do you have to lose? and it seems that the communities did in fact respond. doug, great to see you. what are we going do about the clintons? when are they ever going to accept responsibility? >> look, i clearly -- kimberly, this was a mistake by president clinton.
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and it's ironic. i was involved in 1986 and the sole purpose of the campaign were the angry white men that bill clinton saud were the core of donald trump's constituency. e bill and secretary clinton are recovering from a painful loss. i do join with the reverend to say we've got to unify this country. what donald trump said is right. he's got relatively low approval ratings now because of a divisive campaign. we've got to be together to be able to do what colonel peters said, which is to take on the russians and to fight the fight for america as a unified nation. >> you know, doug, what would you advice be to president-elect donald trump about how he can go about doing this and accomplishing this task of unifying the country? >> well, first he's got to continue to talk the way he is.
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second, we need legislation like the initiative, the infrastructure which can bring in democratic votes. we need bipartisan tax reform, bipartisan regulation reduction. we need an inclusive president who helps the inner city, helping african-americans and hispanics. and if donald trump follows the good advice of the reverend, he'll be a long way to promoting a trudy verse constituency. >> coming up next right here on "hannity." we will build a great wall and we will stop illegal immigration for once and for all. >> president-elect trump is promising to strengthen our southern border. this as a stunning "the new york times" report reveals that some department of homeland security employees have taken millions of dollars in bribes to allow drugs and people to pour into this
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country. dr. sebastian gorka is next. stay with us. ba my name is pam. i'm 51 years old. when i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. this is your tax return. ok. now, there are many right ways to fill out this tax return. and the irs will accept them all. one of them gets you the most money back.
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once. and for all. >> according to a bomb shell report the security of america's borders are being compromised by a serious threat from within. according to the report, quote, over 10 years, almost two hup employees have taken nearly $15 million in bribes being paid to enforce. and if trump cancelled an order from president barack obama that let them stay in the u.s.
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joining us is doctor sebastian gorka. this is a very important issue and as a former prosecutor in a sanctuary city, boy, do i get it. borders are wide open. we have a huge problem and it seems like some of the corruption is coming from within. the fact we should expect this. national security was not the priority of this administration in power and the demoralation of our gustom -- customs shouldn't surprise anyone. this is why donald trump won the election. we do not have sovereignty of our own terror. and our borders are open and
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there are people exploiting that possibility. this is going to change. why? because donald trump built his campaign on the wall and hau and order and will have to show serious advancement. this is something most americans can rest assured will be built with. there will be visible signs of it improving. >> and sheriff, i mean you're on the front lines of this immigration challenge of the open borders and what it does to the cities in the communities and united states. what is your opinion on that? >> it's music to my ears that
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we're going to put america first. our community first. this is alarming. there has been officials in 10 years but i want to remind people that the overwhelming majority of the men and women are good, decent patriots. we have members actually of the cartel that infiltrated the ranks so we have to do a better job of vetting, and also, be proactive with internal investigati investigations and so 1 to 2
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million are serious criminals, 74% of which have felony convictions. donald trump said they're going to be targeted and getting out of america for good. >> and what you're talking about is true. nobody is talking about breaking families. and it's got to stop. >> simply, kimberly, ask anybody. do you lock the door to your home or apartment when you go to sleep at night? right. >> who says come in, everybody. who leaves the front door open? saying come in, take my money
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out of my pocketbook. that is outrageous. which country says that is a good idea? no country says that. because you don't have a country left if you allow that to happen long enough. if kept in the system, the country will crumble. >> you've been local on this issue. >> yes. >> president obama releasing tens and thousands of convicted criminals who aren't american citizens not back to their country of origin but into our
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kennedy and jesse watters kings things off and eric bolling and i will be live in times square to kick offht from washington. "tucker carlson tonight" with guest host ed henry starts now. ♪ >> good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i'm ed henry in again for tucker. the white house keeps saying there is only one president at a time. the question tonight is who is that president? since world leaders from moscow to london are now saying for the first time they are already looking past president obama. so where is that one president? hawaii or florida? after all, it certainly seems like american diplomacy is being conducted at least in part from palm beach where a short time ago president-elect donald trump used twitter to congratulate vladimir putin for dismissing those u.s. sanctions imposed by mr. obama. the russian president said he is not really going it bother to respond until he sees how mr. trump handles all of this.
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