tv The Five FOX News January 2, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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>> hello, everyone. happy new year. >> oh, my god. that's terrible. >> it's 5:00 in new york city. we hope you had a wonderful holiday. 2017. that was a little bit of a flop. >> the obamacare of new year's eve party favors. >> anyway, a new year in america. we will have a new president for the first time in eight years. big changes in store for the country, good changes. president-elect donald trump has a massive agenda to tackle. he has promised to deliver. we want to take a look at some
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of his biggest campaign pledges, starting with a complete overhaul of obamacare. >> we have to repeal it and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive and something that works where your plan can be tailored. we have to get rid of the lines around the state, artificial lines, where we stop insurance companies from coming in and competing. >> all rights. >> oh, my goodness. i am telling you this wills -- this is like excitement. >> obamacare. obamacare premiums sword. a lot of people said that was a lot of reasons why president-elect trump is going to be president trump. >> yes, very soon. here's the deal. obamacare is going to fail and die and fall on its own sword. on its own mandate, which is the center centerpiece, keeping it going with the funding.
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there's not enough to keep it going. unless the president-elect goes ahead and repeals, it's going to slide die a slow death. this is something that has to be done in very quick order to make sure people are covered with quality choices and quality care for their families. >> how quickly can he start on dismantling? >> a couple notes. i was thinking, he can start right away. there's a push by some people who would say repeal it on day one. while from the capital as he is sworn in, as he passes by, hand the baton to paul ryan and say work on obamacare and get that done. i think there is resistance some republicans who say now this is a little more complicated than that, especially when you take something away from peopl harder than giving something new to them. i and i think the big question will be what do the democrats do? they have a choice to make. they can sit on their hands and
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say were not going to help you. you want to dismantle it? fine. and i don't think that will be possible for them to do for very long because the constituents are going to demand something better. they are not going to be in a better situation in terms of fixing obamacare. there are so many red state democrats who are up for election in 2018 that i think eventually after some hemming and hawing, they will come to the table and try to work on improving their version of obamacare. i do think the democrats eventually come to the table, but it will be ugly. >> would it be wise for the democrats to come to the table? obamacare is so widely unpopular. do they want to be seen as the ones who want to keep it? >> is widely unpopular with republicans specifically but even less so of recent vintage were you see the numbers going up in terms of popularity and they turn out just this past year in terms of people signing up, even during the election, was breaking records. there is still a demand.
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there's a market for it. the question is about the political promise. i think it's loud and clear on the republican side. repeal obamacare. but i don't think this is going to happen anytime soon. danna points out that the democrats -- republicans will need 60 votes. they need democratic cooperatio cooperation. donald trump has already set on "60 minutes" there are elements he wants to keep. it's going to be a fight. >> imagine christmas day, and you give some little brat a present and it's a bicycle. she didn't want a bicycle. she wanted a pony. try to take that bicycle away from her. even though she didn't want the bike, she wants the bike. you give a social program or a government program to america, even though they claim that they hate it, you don't want to be the anti-santa claus who says i'm taking it back unless you've got something better to offer
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and if he comes out with the plan. he's going to need it. the no-obamacare. going from obamacare to know-obamacare. you can keep your doctors. there's competition across state lines. all of a sudden, it's like this is better than the bicycle. it's a flying bicycle. >> or a pony. >> the way your mind works. >> another item on the president-elect's agenda, immigration. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for the wall. on day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. >> big and beautiful. >> sounds attractive. going back two administrations, the idea was to try to do
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immigration reform and the copper has a that you get everything done because he wouldn't get enough people to come to the table for let's say h1b visas. i think one of the ways donald trump could advance his agenda on immigration is to dispel with that thinking and do it piecemeal. do border security first. i do think that would actually pass and then try to do some of the other stuff in terms of visas. >> your analogy on the obamacare applies to republicans. >> imagine christmas morning, and for weeks you've been promising little billy a giant wall. and he can't sleep at all. he wakes up in the morning and opens it up and it's a fence. but i wanted a wall! it's just like a wall but it's a fence. no, it's not. i can tear it apart. he's got to come up with something. this is his unique selling point. when you get donald, you get the wall. that's what you expect.
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i don't know how he's going to get around not giving the wall. >> i still contend he will build a physical barrier, a wall. >> i think he has to. >> with the vast majority of the southern border being separated by a wall. >> the wall excites me. i like when he talks about the wall. it sounds like a sight to behold. like the eighth wonder of the world. here -- >> an even better wall. >> here's the thing. i think it's going to be more complex than that. quick response teams, surveillance. it will have drones. it will have all of these different things so that you have kind of all of the elements to be able to put it together, not just a physical barrier. he also said they would be a door. >> a big, beautiful door. >> i hope it's like the door in trinity college in dublin ireland. they have this giant door. you had to knock on h. >> you can get in.
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you can fly right over. this is the point where everything starts to collapse. gregory's analogy is the kid goes wild, starts screaming. use a calm down. it's okay. we've got fencing. we already have drones. we already have increased border security because we have more border agents. then the republicans say we are going to give you more border agents but there is no wall. they say we can't do a wall, doesn't make sense. it never did make sense. newt gingrich says it was just something to get him elected. paul ryan says it's a waste of money. miss mcconnell says it's not -- mitch mcconnell says it's not on our agenda. >> you imagine how many people you can employ. >> an alien invasion. there is a point. it's an infrastructure. you could take the undocumented workers and hire them. this is how you get mexico to
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pay for it. >> president-elect donald trump saved 1,000 jobs or so by negotiating with carrier to keep its plant in indiana. he's not stopping there. mr. trump says jobs will be the focus of his administration. >> we have to stop our jobs from being stolen from us. we have to stop our companies from leaving the united states and with it, firing all of their people. companies will come. it may world build, expand. new companies will start and i look very, very much forward to doing it. >> surely, juan, that's pretty cool. keeping jobs in america. >> i'm all for it. how is he going to do it? his plan seems to me, at best, i want to give donald trump a chance. tax cuts and do some kind of regulatory relief. i think that's a chance on capitol hill. tax cuts, regulatory relief.
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there's a lot of it in place, especially with tax cuts. it's a minor expense for big business. not comparable to payroll. if you compare the payroll of mexico versus the payroll in texas, indiana. figure if i'm saving a dollar on taxes versus having to spend an extra dollar on payroll, it's the same dollar. >> no, but i said payroll. let's say you pay a mexican worker $3.69 an hour and you pay $30 an hour to the guy in missouri. as you are a businessman, it's pretty clearly, i'm moving to mexico. donald trump can't stop that. what he can do, eric, he can try to impose some tariffs. that is going to start all kinds of trade wars and problems. >> your thoughts on the program donald trump is putting togethe together. reducing tax burdens on corporations and even the punitive damages. >> in the obama administration
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there was actually nearly an agreement on the rate for corporate taxes. donald trump would go lower and i think that's fine. the republicans and democrats were hovering between 25 and 27.5%. you can probably work a deal somewhere. and i'm all for that. regulations, obviously that's hampering business. that's another thing you could do. the other piece i think that is missing from this idea is the education and job training. one of the things ibm said was we will keep some jobs, we will invest more but we want federal money for job training and retraining for workers whose jobs have been automated. that would be my third point. ceos, and he wants to be the ceo of america, they think ten, 15, 20 years ahead for their businesses. thinking that far ahead for america and also the world is that these jobs, just from an efficiency standpoint, will go away as technology improves. so how do you retrain those workers in order to keep jobs in america not from going overseas
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but from going to robots. >> let me jump in. on coal, which is his big point, i'm going to bring back coal jobs. just no way. talk about the grinch. >> you are hung up on that. why are you throwing so much shade on coal? >> do you understand how much of our electricity usage is fired by coal? 40%. >> let me use an analogy. it's christmas, right? billy says he wants to a bicycle but he demands that the bicycle he made in america. billy's parents going get the bicycle and it's made in america by robots. the fact is increasing productivity is happening with fewer workers, even carrier took the incentive from the deal and invested it in automation, not in jobs. the biggest -- you can't tax progress. that's immoral.
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>> and impossible. >> that's going to happen with or without lower corporate taxes. >> there's other things to do. >> that's where the line of these jobs, were going to keep according to donald trump in america versus going to areas. where labor is far cheaper. >> we have to create incentive-based programs. how about lowering taxes, tax cuts for corporations, reduction in regulatory costs, lower energy costs from increased production in general. we talked about infrastructure jobs. the focus and mantra is going to be america first. higher in america, produce and manufacture in america and make us enticing for other countries to purchase our goods instead of importing. we want to have friendly trade relations but it's got to be both ways. okay, we are going to buy some stuff from china. they have to buy some stuff here. we should be holding onto the
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american companies. there is something wrong if american companies are feeling squeezed and boxed in and have no other egress but to go out and take their companies and take those jobs out of the country. >> we are going to leave it there. up next, how president-elect trump is likely to reshape the supreme court and later our predictions for this coming year. our resolutions and more. stay tuned. does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms.
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>> welcome back. we are taking a look tonight at some of president-elect trump's campaign pledges. there is still a vacancy on the supreme court that needs to be filled following the passing of justice scalia. here is how he is pledging to put a stamp on the high court. >> we are going to appoint justices of the united states supreme court who will uphold our laws and our constitution. the replacement of our beloved justice scalia will be a person of similar views, principles,
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and judicial philosophies. this will be one of the most important issues decided by this election. >> you made a prediction. >> we are going to talk predictions later. one of the things i said -- >> are you predicting? i predicted he would say that. >> do you have a list? >> he asked. >> i predicted you would say that. >> supreme court vacancies. that was my prediction. i did not know who it would be. sadly it was antonin scalia. now you have a situation where the democrats are going to be in a box. i have to say i think most valuable player awards on the supreme court issue goes to senator mitch mcconnell who early on under norma's pressure and terrible press coverage was the first to say we will not hold a vote for merrick garland, president obama supreme court choice. we will not do it. he was right to hold because now
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that will go away and donald trump will have a chance, probably before inauguration, who that replacement will be. it will take a while for that to get done. >> are you calling on yourself? >> i think -- we talked about how this company needs countrys to be unified. nominate president obama to the supreme court. he's a lawyer. he would probably look good in a robe. it would unify the country if president trump nominated barack obama to the supreme court. people would go, that's genius. he would be seen as a wonderful person. >> if you have a little brat and you want obama on the supreme court but you get ted cruz on the supreme court, -- >> you wish you got the bicycle? >> you realize the wisdom later on. >> look, however donald trump
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put out a list of 11 candidates i think were going to be pleasantly surprised with whoever he picks. i think ted cruz would make a great supreme court justice. >> i think the worry on the republican side is if you don't get someone like a justice sute suter, they want another justice scalia. democrats have a say. that's why it's not the choice, it's not the person donald trump nominates. it's the process. it's the confirmation. first and foremost, mitch mcconnell, i think he's my winter on capitol hill because in part he was obstructing merrick garland. now that has energized the democrats to say why would we treat a republican any differently. they are going to try to slow things down unless mitch mcconnell goes ahead and employs a nuclear option on a
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supreme court nomination and says we don't need 60 votes. it's just going to be a majority. that will blow up. >> who push the nuclear option through? who was that? >> where is harry reid going to be? okay. >> that's the rules. it will take 60 votes. democrats are going to stop it. >> little billy. another campaign pledge of mr. trump, make america safe again. one way to prevent new attacks at home, keep terrorists out and stop taking in refugees from muslim countries who can't possibly be properly vetted. >> we should only admit in this country those who share our values and respect our people. the time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. i collect extreme vetting.
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i call it extreme, extreme vetting. >> it has a ring to it? extreme vetting. are you all in? >> how extreme can you be when you don't know where the vast majority of refugees, not where they are coming from, what their lives were about when they were there. syria, afghanistan, iraq. coming over with no history, no work histories, no school histories, no criminal record histories. these countries aren't very willing to turn them over to us. yeah, you can try to figure out what they are about. >> unless you can verify and trust the verify. >> better than what we have now. we are still very vulnerable. let anyone in that you don't know. you are vulnerable anyway. >> what do you do? public safety and try to prevent terror attacks. there is a sense we have to do your due diligence. after properly vetted people. have a responsibility and
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obligation. >> all true. i would agree with all that. depends on how they decide to do it. he has answered differently depending on the interview, and i think he recognizes that there are innocent people like the children. he knows they are not criminals. but the parents? he doesn't know that. i would flip the question and say that the united states should have a different policy, posture going forward. our goal will be to not -- help prevent refugee crises from happening the first place. that's a different posture for the united states in terms of the last eight years which would probably cost some heartburn across capitol hill. it would solve the problem at its source and you don't have the refugee problem. >> interesting you bring that up. it's very true. get ahead of the game. he has also said you should create safe places and havens for them in their own country and make sure that they can be properly taken care of and assisted. put dollars towards that so that
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there isn't a migration that is very problematic, fraught with problems in terms of verification. the two can go hand-in-hand. >> greg. >> whenever you talk about any kind of vetting, people immediately bring up the idea of profiling. oh, my god. you are being bigoted. it's not really about clothing. it's about shared values. it's not about that appearance of how people look but being -- fearful of appearances that you might appear to be a bigot. you might appear to be racist. i think what we are going to see in the future hopefully is more manpower in dealing with this problem and less pc-controlled rules of engagement dealing with vetting that you know what. maybe you've got to take a risk and appeared to be, i don't know, discriminating when in fact what you are doing is trying to save people's lives. >> i think it's much more about keeping with who we are as an american people and our values
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and the statue of liberty and welcoming people. we have a great history of welcoming political refugees. the cuban refugees fleeing castro. if you get to this country, we will take you in. we have to be very careful. >> but he used it against them. >> where i disagree with erica's we do so much already. it takes years for people to come through the current vetting process, and i think a lot of this is really a euphemistic language employed by trump who initially wanted to ban all muslims. now we have to ban people who are coming from territories or states where we know there is terrorist activity. >> they should have heightened scrutiny from those areas. >> i agree. but so much of it already exists. >> to her point, there are homegrown terrorists. what do you do about that? we are talking about the origin, doctrine, the kernel of idea that leads to this. >> let's go.
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>> here at fox news headquarters in new york. the sentencing phase begins tomorrow for a man who killed nine people in 2015. dylann roof representing himself. he said he will not call any witnesses or present any evidence. you break it, you own it. that from nancy pelosi on republican plans to repeal and replace obamacare. president obama meeting this week with house and senate democrats to talk about his signature health care law. president-elect trump said he might keep parts of it. mariah carey's team tried to explain her performance new year's eve. she stopped singing, blaming technical issues.
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production company says the sabotage is absurd. stay with fox news channel, america's most trusted source for news. >> 2016 was fear that many democrats, including me, would like to forget about. we lost the white house, failed to retake control of the senate after big losses on election night. the party changed its message moving forward? democrats seem mixed on how to regain the trust of the white middle-class and specific. >> you have to talk to them, engage with them and let them know you understand their anxieties. >> our members from the coastal areas recognize that we are not a national party right now. we can't claim to be. >> i don't think people want a new direction.
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our values unify us and our values are about supporting america's working family. what we want is a better connection to working families in our country. >> dana, how do you hear that? >> it's like if you were to clean out your closet and you find that dress that you looked great in 20 years ago. and you think i haven't won this in 15 years. should i get rid of it? no. you know why. could come back in style. it just feels like it's the same thing over and over again. they don't get it. chuck schumer, the new leader of the senate democrats, fire the entire digital video team of the senate. many have worked there for years, as if they are the problem, as if the message is the problem. when i hear joe biden, i think it's fine to talk differently but it's the results that matter. if the results were good, they wouldn't have had a problem. the results are bad in those
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areas and that's why they said they want to change. >> it's kind of a recipe for disaster. it keeps going back to the same cookie recipe. just doesn't matter. what you saw in this election, the president-elect donald trump and his team were sophisticated in terms of their use of social media and other outlets to be able to drive the messaging and also the rallies. you look the numbers compared. 1.2 billion compared to trump's 560 million. able to monetize those dollars and those resources for maximum outcome. they should take an honest look at it and say the game has changed. we could have and should have done better than we did with those dollars. they didn't put them to work in the right way. >> one of the interesting arguments coming out of democrats in washington is donald trump is a phenomenon. he's a one-time deal. if they change their message, they think it's not going to do anything if you run into a trump
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but there is no other trump coming. >> blown away at the speed of which four years ago, after the romney loss, the g.o.p. came out with our autopsy. everyone said what is going on? is the republican party on its heels? have we just gone liberal in the country? and one election cycle, the 2016 cycle, it's gone from that to now the democrats have to perform an autopsy. the last ten years or maybe longer, have they become an outdated entity? i think they have. it's ten years of flat wages, ten years of minorities who are the supposed to represent and embrace. africans americans and hispanic. his line, what have you got to lose, that resonated. i think everyone will be pleasantly surprised. >> greg, i think it comes down to maybe people. people whose names you might recognize. bernie sanders, elizabeth
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warren, cory booker. are they the future of the democrats? >> no, the future is oprah. eve got to match star power with star power. liberals have a lot of famous people that are of that caliber. oprah is number one. the overarching answer in terms of message, they have to jettison all the identity buckets and see what happens. try it for a month. do it for lent. 40 days of divisive-free rhetoric. when you think about it, identity politics, like all ideologies, are addictive. they provide an answer for everything. you can say anything and all you have to say is, that's because you're white. or it's white privilege. you can have -- that's why it's so easy to do. just try it for 40 days. it can't hurt. maybe your life will get better. maybe you'll have more friends.
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>> welcome back. it's time for our annual predictions for the new year. if you're wondering how things turned out from last year, take a look. >> i think the power game is going to be vice presidential selection. i would guess julian castro is part of the ticket for the democrats in 2016. >> you know it. just a matter of hours, it's going to be the most amazing new year's eve show ever. >> i'm excited. >> i will jump on it.
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>> i think they will be a vacancy on the supreme court before the election in 2016. >> my prediction and who will fill that vacancy, elizabeth hassle back. >> oh. >> my prediction, elizabeth hassle back has left "fox & friends." who will replace her? donald trump. >> let's start with you. what's your prediction? >> i have a fairly serious one. i noticed a rise in nonbinary pronouns. not he, or she. for people who reject identities. we are seeing people who identify as animals and plants. my prediction is in identity specific adaptation where people are going to identify as other people. like what can stop me from saying i am oprah winfrey. if i feel that i'm oprah winfrey, why can't i say i am oprah winfrey if that is my identity?
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if i can choose to be a plant or a kangaroo or a male or female or transgender flying buttress, why not? >> purple penguin. identity specific adaptation. >> i predicted it was going to be an amazing new year's eve. wasn't it? wow. let's do it again. oh, we just did. perfect. here's the deal. i'm visualizing, instead of candy canes and treats and salami, i'm visualizing a robust 2017, jobs for people for the working men and women who were left behind. happy families around the dinner table with money in their wallets. >> you are next. >> i think the confirmation fights early in the year are going to be spectacular blowups. my guess is that one of donald trump's cabinet picks is
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not going to make it through the confirmation process. i would look at tillerson, sessions, carson, as the leading candidates to fall by the wayside. >> there's always one. eric. >> nationalism and populism, brexit and trump will continue to spread in 2017. trade deals will be renegotiate renegotiated. security deals may be renegotiated. nafta and maybe some nato deals. >> i feel like my colleagues played it really safe. they didn't want to go out on a limb. i'm going to do that. i have three. i believe number one, kate middleton will and the announced she is pregnant with her third child. >> i believe angela merkel will resign before the german election.
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>> strong predictions. >> the third one, i believe al franken will start to position himself to be the challenger to donald trump's reelection in 2020. >> are you kidding? >> i believe it. >> this will be a "saturday night live" election prediction. >> i take this segment very seriously. >> our resolutions for the new year and a follow-up on how are the resolutions for 2016? did we stick to them? afoot and d i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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>> time to reveal our resolutions. dana, what's your resolution? >> i'm going to go full robot on you. what i really want to do is utilize all the new technology that's available that will make life easier for me. earlier this year, last year, kimberly taught me about the ap app. i learned how to download the app so that when i go on the train to go to the airport i don't have to get a ticket. it's all right here.
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i want to know all that. i don't want to be the old lady who doesn't know how to use anything. you have tips on how my life can be easier with technology. i would love to hear it. >> van ♪ ♪ app. >> it's an app for your apps. there's an app for that called the app cubed. >> what's your resolution going to be? hit me up on twitter and facebook. tell me what my resolution should be. i will take it. the critical if you want. how can i be better? >> do you want me to make one? >> not more tan. you've got that perfect. >> that's going to be fun. >> i'm going to open up some accounts. >> this time of year, i start
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with the spiritual. i think being more christian. i think i would like to be able to love more people. open my heart to more people. >> okay. >> you know that. >> physically my problem, i love sugar. i'm a sugar guy. put a candy bar, cake, cookies. i've got to stop eating sugar. >> you like sugar? >> sugar will kill you, brother. [laughter] >> both kinds of sugar. >> i am going to be resolution buddies with dana perino. we're going to keep each other strong and the new year. being strong means make life easy. >> say no and mean it. >> say no. and then what happens is, you can simplify your life.
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>> you don't fill up that time with more work. >> i'm the worst offender of this. i know this. >> make a resolution. >> kimberly, i think there are a lot of men in america who don't want to hear you say no. >> oh, boy. >> on that... [laughter] >> my resolution, i was thinking about how did i do last year. this was my resolution from last year. this year i'm going to try to be less sexy. a lot of my sexiness got me in trouble. i've got to cut back. >> you are kidding right? >> no. my sexiness is out of control. i'm not going to bathe as much. i'm going to wear dirty, soiled clothing. just trying to cut back. the update is i failed. i became sexier. i'm going to try again to be even less sexier than last year.
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>> all right, time for one more thing. 320 million americans are kept safe every day. we want to say thank you to the 1.3 million active members of our military. serving around the world and here. also 900,000 law enforcement officers who are sworn in and keeping us safe every day. those are a few from cleveland. >> the pictures. very nice. >> juan, you are up. >> 2017, i'm looking forward to the great eclipse. the great american total solar eclipse of 2017. for the first time in nearly 100 years, a solar eclipse will sweep across the entire
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continental usa. nasa says it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. mark your calendars. august 21st, 2017. there's a whole web site called eclipse2017. .com. even special traditions to take advantage of the moment. ask somebody to marry you. go online and check it out. >> it's time for... ♪ i get so, you know enraptured. some chocolate news. okay everybody. america is still gobbling up a tremendous amount of chocolate. according to market research, greg, 2016 sales of chocolate expected to reach $18.8 billion. with a b period of 18% since
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2011. even more chocolate here. >> dark chocolate is good for you. >> on a related note. greg's nutrition tips. go to the movies. what do you do? order popcorn. don't order popcorn. it's externally expensive and also fattening. this critter here eats popcorn all the time. it raises a very important question. why does somebody have a monkey in their house? >> i ask you that. is it good for their digestive system? >> those kernals are rough. >> popcorn is healthy. >> you guys thought i forgot. calendar for everybody. thank you.
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>> thanks to cheryl. >> oh, my god. look at the ice skating. oh, my gosh. >> the intel community. the obama administration takes action but the incoming administration wants more evidence. this is "special report" ." good evening. welcome to washington. happy new year. i'm bret baier. the intelligence community wants you to know in their view of russia was definitely behind the hack of u.s. political figures leading up to the election. fox news has learned intelligent officials -- intelligence officials are weighing what to reveal without giving away sources and methods. critics are saying not so fast.
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