tv Americas News HQ FOX News January 4, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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>> three years ago he wrote 17 mile and he was not able to surpass that time around. this time around falling to three miles short. and inspired. >> depend for him. >> "america's news headquarters" starts right now. >> melissa: we begin with a fox news alert. we are waiting remarks from vice-president elect mime pence. hello, everyone. i am melissa francis. vice-president elect mike pence on the hill leading law makers on dismantling obama care. this as president obama discusses how to save his signature achievement. mike is on capitol hill. what is vice-president mike pence's message to the republican maw law makers?
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>> reporter: his message is 16 days changing the way washington does business. vice-president elect mike pence is making the rounds on the first business be day of the one 15th congress. he said the american people have spoke sxent president-elect and his team will untend to deliver. >> they want to see us repeal and replace obama care and my message to members of congress, we are in the promise- keeping business and the first order is to repeal obama care and replace it with with the kind of health care reform to lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government. >> reporter: i should note that the vice-president elect is at a policy lunchion with senators. we expect him and the senate gop leadership about their
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discussion. >> melissa: we'll get back with you. but does it feel like democrats are demoralized? >> reporter: democrats are mocking the republican ares saying they talked about repealing obama care and have nothing to put in its place. and top democrats are saying the republican colleagues and they are trying to sound upbeat. >> the president's message was confidence in the affordable care act and confidence in the humility that we have to listen to other ideas in their place, and something that works. >> reporter: with all of the repeal talk here on capitol these day and the idea that it will happen soon, you get a sense that and we have an opportunity.
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>> melissa: we'll come back to you when we see mike pence. he was assuring that the obama care repeal was the first order of business. and we will bring in our advisor to alabama jeff sessionings and carly fiorina and a rn, spokes person. and we have a fox news contributor, sarah, thank you. we'll start wu. we hear the democrats saying that the republicans have no plan and idea what they are going to do, do you believe that? >> let's start with what the american people think. cbs poll said only ten percent of the americans think that the law should be kept in place. so yes, republicans have a plan to replace obama care can.
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there is actually several of them. we need tom price hss secretary and led the charge on the hill to look at those plans and come up with the best one to be moving forward. after all of the lies and out and out lies that the administration told us about what the law will do, it cannot stay there the way it is. >> melissa: democratic chuck schumer didn't have a lot of confidence either. >> the republican plan to cut health care are wouldn't make america great again, it would make america sick again and lead to chaos instead of affordable care. republican ares would create chaos in the health care system because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. they have no idea what to put in place of the affordable care act. >> melissa: everybody likes the
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snarky phrase make america sick again. is this the right strategy? >> a couple of things. the point on the polls and the latest poll regarding the affordable care act. >> let me stop you right. there>> melissa: hang on, leslie, ignore the polls, we learned that the polls are not telling us the news. what about the slogan make america sick again. >> it is more are than a sound bite. there are realities here. you have 20 million people who are covered through the exchange and the medicaid expansion. you have seniors afshthed not only with premiums. and you have people free screenings for colonskopy and cholesteral. will some people be sick again? that is a fair statement because we haven't seen a replacement.
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what i hear that republicans want to do keep a lot of the affordable care act and that is not a replacement, that is a change and improvement. >> let's address leslie's first point. once you give away free stuff, it is hard to yank it away with. republicans must know that and how do they manage that. >> that may be true, but 8.6 million americans are seeing premiums increase and they can't afford are this. they didn't want to it be. remember the like your doctor keep you're doctor. >> melissa: you are talking about the people who are on medicaid or medicare expanded. all of the ways they are getting insurance. address that group. >> they want to keep what they have, right? >> they will not be able to keep it. insurers are pulling out and
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premiums are sky rocketing and deductibles are 6000 for lower level plan and regardless if you are currently cover canned by obama about care, people realize that is unsustainable and they are not able to afford the plans next year and no insurer to choose from. and so there is no option to keep it in place. >> melissa: what is your response to that? >> look, this should not p be a political issue. i own part of a medical center and my husband is a physician and i am a parent of two children, one of whom has health issues. what is in the best interest of the american people? what are the premiums proir to the the affordable care act. the premiums went up with no regulation or over sight and they went up higher percentage and faster rate. speaking of those. blue cross, blue shield, other
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high level insurance companies have written a letter to congress, both democrat and republicans to please not to replace this, and not take it away without having an actual plan in place because of the millions that would be left without coverage. we need to care about the health of the people. that's why it came for people to have preventative care and clog up our emergency room. >> melissa: stay where you are. we are waiting for vice-president elect pence to come out. in the meantime president-elect trump planning on executive orders to unravel obama care first day if office. peter doocey is live in trump tower here in new york. why is the president pressures the republicans again in congress? >> reporter: because they prepare to do something, repeal obama care. he wants to make sure are that
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it doesn't blow up and that would be bad. first, republicans must be careful and that the dems own the failed obama care disaster with with the poor coverage and massive premium increase. deductibles are so high it is useless. don't let the schumer clowns out of this web. massive increases of premiums on obama will happen. it will fall of its own weight. be careful. that's another example of the president-elect doing something on twitter. he used social media to basically get people ready for him to take over. it is not just twitter next week. the president-elect is ready to it take questions from reporters in a formal setting. they have announced a press
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conference next tuesday or thursday. it is different than the one that was cancelled last month. that was about business interest and how he will separate himself. >> melissa: in the midst of the prepping, he watched fox news channel and julian assange and shaun hanity. >> he liked the interview and he's not sold on russian interference. again on twitter he said this. julian assange said a 14-year-old could have hacked podesta. why is the dnc so care little and the rush arian it is didn't give him into. we learned that the heads of the cian and fbi will be here in new york to brief the president-elect on friday. and cia john brener said he hopes he will listen to them and
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not assange who can't be trusted. >> he's not a bastion of truth and integrity and i wouldn't ascribe to these individuals who are making comments. >> reporter: a little while ago, our fox crew saw kelly ann conway head nothing the west wing with a meeting with valerie jarret. jarret, one of president obama's serving aides has been gracious so far in the transition. >> melissa: let's listen in to vice-president elect mike pence. >> then the opportunity to speak to senate republicans today. it is 2017, we are back to work. and just 16 days away from making america great again. the opportunity to be here with the leadership with the house and senate and talk about p the
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priorities of the president-elect and see the collaboration and the spirit that the leadership team has brought to moving the president's agenda forward is inspiring. the president-elect said on the campaign trail he had a three- part agenda, jobs, jobs, jobs and our foc beus after getting our team in place through the confirmation process is going to be on supporting economic growth repealingonerous regulations that are striefling the american economy and working with the house and senate and roll back the avalanche of red tape that came out of this administration. we'll be looking for opportunity and before we get to the spring, pass tax relief that the president advocated for small families and family farms and
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focus on infrainstruct and you are focus on border security and immigration, and focus on military spending and rebuilding our military and of course, the president-elect will name his choice for the supreme court of the united states. but as i said today to the members of senate, first order of business is to repeal and replace obama care. obamacare has failed and the america people sent a message to washington d.c. that they want obamacare repealed and replaced with with a health care reform. we are working closely with the senate leadership on a budget leadership that will begin the process of repealing obamacare and create a framework for replacement going forward. we're also working on a series of executive orders that the
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president-elect will put into affect to insure that there is an orderly transition during the period after we repeal obama care to a market- based health care economy in america. look, obamacare has failed and the promises of obamacare have all been proven to be false. i was here in a different capacity in the the march 2010, when we were told if you like your doctor, you can keep it. not true. if you like your health insurance, can you keep it? not true. we were told that the cost of health insurance would go down if obamacare was involved, not true. the american people have increases of prem yumss and the bronze policy is $12,000. and the american family has seen
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an increase in premiums of $5,000. and the the average premium increase on families is 25 percent or over 100 percent in some american's place. that comes to an end when we set to repeal obamacare. president-elect donald trump is a man of his word. he campaigned on a broad range of policies to make america great again and have america prospering again and honoring the principles. and for the first order are of business for the president-elect and i am grateful for the leaders of the house and senate to keep our word to the american people to repeal and replace obamacare and with health care reforms that will focus on lowering the cost of insurance without lowering the cost of government. policies will be developed in the months ahead had. the president-elect strongly
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afforded efforts and advanced in congress of health saving's accounts and allows americans to purchase health insurance across state lines and the architecture of the replacement of obamacare will come together as it should through the legislative process in the week and months ahead. but the american people voted for change in november and the president-elect and i working with with the leaders of the house and senate are determined to keep our promise to the the american people and that all begins with repealing and replacing the failed policy of obamacare. [inaudible] republicans will own it. >> i am sorry, i didn't hear your first part. [inaudible] republicans will own it. are you prepareed to own it?
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>> i think the most important thing for the president-elect and for the leaders here in congress is that we keep our word to the american people. obamacare has failed. all of the promises of obamacare have been shown to be false and brokening promises and the american people want us to start over and repeal obamacare and replace it with the kind of reforms that will give the american people more choices when it comes to health insurance. and replacing the free market is the pathway toward expanding accesses and affordability of health care across the country and the american people know it. but the simple fact is that the american people know who owns obamacare. it is the first half of the title. obama and the party of obama. and with president-elect trump and i and leader ares should congress is determined to
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the faith of the american people who voted in the presidential election and in elections here in the congress of the united states, to give us the majority and to give us control of the white house to make good on that promise. >> the president-elect [inaudible] no one with obama care will go without it. >> let me just say we have on the floor of the senate the obamacare appeal resolution. and the prioritieses between now and january 20th are hearings on cabinet member and we hope the minority will treat president-elect trump's cabinet selections and in the same way we treated the president obama
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we confirmed a number be on inauguration day itself. we hope to be in a position to do that once again. we are also going to process the waiver for secretary of defense designe mattis. those are the priorities between now and january 20th. let me also point out. i noticed my counterpart senator schumer that their goal is apparently never to fill the supreme court vacancy. that is an expansion of the biden rule. you recall the biden rule in 1992, the senate would not confirm a supreme court in the middle of the presidential year which was my view last year. senator schumer said in the second bush administration that they would not confirm a supreme
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court nominee in the last 18 months. apparently there is a new standard now, which is to not confirm a supreme court nominee at all. i think that's something that the american people simply will not tolerate and we'll look forward to receiving a supreme court nomination and moving forward on it. [inaudible] are you comfortable with the senate majority confirmation [inaudible] >>y yeah, i believe that all of the president-elect's cab be net appointmentes will be confirmed. >> are there concerned that president-elect -- [inaudible] his nominees are not confirmed on or after unaugusteration day? >> i continuing would be great if the democrats would
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understand that particularly with regard to the national security team, secretary of defense, cia, homeland security, it would make a lot of sense to have those folks in place on day one. and i hope we get to the point where that will be possible. >> thank you. >> thank you. [inaudible] >> yeah, we are going to move forward with the obamacare resolution first and we'll take the second step a little later. >> how much later? >> i will call on my colleagues here as well. >> i think the vice-president elect did a good job of laying out the failed promises of obamacare. in a prior life i was attorney general of the state of texas
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and under these circumstances, i would say this is a largest case of consumer fraud perpetrated in the united states. obamacare was sold under false pretense and the american people have paid the price. premiums sky rocket and deductibles unaffordable and choices diminished we'll keep that promise. i am frankly disappointed that the democratic leader has taken the position of obstruction when it comes to reforming a health care program that they know is flawed. less than half of the democratic caucus who voted for obamacare is still in the united states senate. president obama will be gone and many of the democratic senators identified pieces of obamacare they would like to change and reform. former president bill clinton called it a crazy program and
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caused premiums to sky rocket and the like. the point is, i hope the democratic colleagues get past the denial of november 8th and get over the anger and various stages of grief of the election they will decide it is in their best interest and the american people's interest to work together to replace obamacare to replace with a price that people can afford. >> melissa: okay, we are listening to vice-president elect mike pence and senator mcconnell after a lunchen session. the idea of repeal and replace is a top priority. and mitch mcconnell. repeal first and replace later and also saying that one of the main focuses that they have on the nomination hearing and get a cabinet in place by
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january 20th. interesting little nuggets there. and that is advisor to alabama senator jeff sessions. and sarah, go with you. your reaction to what you just heard. >> the vice-president elect laid out the case. there was a series of promises that the the president made pitching obamacare and they turned out to be false. and chuck schumer the guy said in 2014 said it was a mistake to pass it in the first place. it was interesting what senator mcconnell had to say about the supreme court nomination. he repeated what chuck schumer said they didn't want nominees in 18 month and now not at all. >> melissa: people are
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responding to twitter and say republicans, rip it off and repeal it and we'll worry about it, is that scary strategy to you? >> that is a scary strategy if you look at people with preexisting condition and all of the people who come in to signing up for the affordable care act that don't have a gun against their heads and looking at accusations of the right regarding this legislation and what it would do to our economy, that did not turn out to be true. unemployment is lower. >> melissa: hang on, hang on. what everyone predicted about the price of premiums going higher and higher is what happened as opposed to what president obama said that they would drop 150 per year and that did not happen either. sarah and go aed head leslie. respond. >> but here is the problem
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melissa, prior to the affordable care act, it was not solely political in the beginning. it has become very political and that is terrible for the american people. people turned away and people who didn't have an option for affordable insurance would have have that. no premiums rising make its unaffordable. and those without the insurance and option in the range of affordablity. what will stop the insurance companies from increasing from this rate or higher. >> melissa: there is a new gauntlet. >> donald trump has to come forward. through maybe a tweet, one of his tweets and say clearly that donald trump will veto any legislation that cuts medicare, that cuts medicaid or cuts social security. you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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to give him the death sentence. johnathon, this morning juror arors heard directly from dylanroof? >> reporter: there was a lot of anticipation. some people feared he would use the forum to discuss his race arist views. he made no mention of the 2015 crime in which he shot and killed nine neme the emmanuel ame church and no mention of the motives and instead explained why he decided to act as his own attorney. he did it to block the defense team from entering evidence of his mental state. saying there is nothing wrong with me psychologically. dylan roof remained calm and today exhibited that same calm
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demeanor and appeared more animated and engaged and answering the judge's question and asking the judge questions when he didn't understand. this is based on the case of him acting as his own lawyer. and today we know why. >> melissa: that's not what people anticipated before he got up there. and now what is the prosecution's strategy? >> reporter: yes, the prosecution called on family member was those lost in the shooting. right now on the witness stand, jennifer pinkney, wife of state senator who perished in the shooting. she is giving emotional testimony of how she was hiding in another room with her daughter trying to keep her daughter quiet. and her daughter asking her mom, is daddy going to die and after
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the shooting having to it explain to her daughter that her husband had been lost, melissa. >> melissa: thank you for that report. julian assange giving information on how easy it would be to get in to the e-mail jon podesta's e-mail account. listen to this. >> we published podesta p e-mails that shows podesta responding to a phishing e-mail. how did he respond? podesta gave out his password was the word password. his own staff said this e-mail that you received, this is totally legitimate. >> melissa: are you kidding me? joining me is michigan congresswoman debbie dingle and
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chairman of a l gore. and we have our reare tired navy seal. that is astounding, his password was password. it could have been a 10-year-old. >> we are told not to have simple pass words. i have it people tell me it is okay and it wasn't with. i agree with president-elect trump that no one can trust their e-mails. but having said that, i believe our intelligence agencies and there is evidence that russians have been hacking in different accounts. i think both people are true and it is we need to get to the fact and which is why republican and democrats called for an independent investigation. >> melissa: president-elect
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trump is suspicious of what he's hear hadding out of the intelligence community and chuck schumer responded with with something that i found was startling. >> you take on the intelligence community and they have six ways of sunday. he's being for a business beman dumb to do this. >> that sounds like a threat. six ways to sunday to get back to you. is that what our intelligence officers do? >> 99.9 percent of the intelligence officers are doing their job to keep us safe. i think what the senator said undermines the national security. and it is startling he would say that. it is important for the president-elect to trust the top of the agency and if he needs to make changes to make sure he has a relationship that goes the both ways of trust is important
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not only for them and their relationship but the american people as well. >> melissa: in the meantime, we'll tell you all about obamacare. democrats saying that the gop is stoppingslogan make america sick again. congresswoman, is this the way to go to it make up snarky comments and is that the right strategy? >> right now, i am worried about the 20 million people who had insurance and didn't have it five years ago, and i do what i find reassuring is that republicans want to insure that people with preexisting conditions will not be denied and young people can stay on their parent's insurance plan and they are figuring out how to keep all of those things. they don't want to repeal but improve. and that's what i am focused on, how to make sure every american
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has quality affordable health care. >> melissa: people love the free stuff in this plan, but they don't like where the prices have gone up and premiums have gone up and deductibles have gone up. people don't want to it pay for things and how do you keep the good stuff and not have have people pay for it? >> nothing is free out there and what is very interesting and baffleds the mind that democrats are defending a disaster. and i guarantee you, the average family with a bronze plan in obamacare is not able to pay that and furthermore premiums that are rising 25 percent a year, clearly there is a big, big issue here and i believe there is a mandate and the public wants us to repeal and replace it but i will say that it is important that republican ares once they repeal and
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replace obamacare which the democrats own, we will own next. and it is important for people to keep plan and families are cover canned. >> melissa: hot on the heels of a campaign, congresswoman dingle, bernie sanders got to the podium and he said this. let's listen. >> donald trump said he will not cut social security. he will not cut medicare. he will not cut medicaid. either donald trump simply lied to the elderly and working people of the country. donald trump has to come forward and say clearly that donald trump will veto any legislation that cuts medicare, that cuts medicaid or cuts social security. >> melissa: congresswoman dingle, what do you think? >> i was glad to hear are bernie say that.
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too many people don't understand that medicare is the rock that so many seniors are depending on. we can't talk about repealing them willy-nilly and president-elect trump was responsible in trying to reassure seniors that the programs will not be hurt. i trust he will keep his word on that. >> melissa: thank you very much. we'll get an idea of who is attending president trump's inaugz. his former rival hillary clinton will be there and former president bill clinton upon and former president george bush and his wife laura will be there and pleased to witness the peaceful transition of tower in swearing in president trump and vice-president pence. we have the director of communication, thank you for coming on the show. and i read that list of
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attendees, i don't know who was more surprised to be there. was there arm twisting involved. the bushes was not fans of this day coming? >> not at all. i think the day of peaceful transition of power and roll out of history and the continuation of the hallmark of american democracy is everyone celebrate and all americans do. and president bush and former first lady laura bush and former president bill clinton. >> melissa: was it a struggle? >> you would have to ask the clinton camp. president clinton and secretary clinton. >> melissa: you are in charge of the inauguration. >> it is up to it the presidents to decide if they want to come. and we are honored to have
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former president bush and first lady bush and former president clinton and first lady clinton there. >> melissa: the dc canabis coalition will be handing out free joints. this is legal. i was surpriseed to read because of initiative 71 that was passed in the district. they don't want any money exchanged. it is a gift to people coming out and that make its legal. they can grow and give away marijuana if it is less than two ounces. how is this going to go over? >> i will leave it to dc metro and joint task force to make sure all law and applications are in place. we are concentrating on the great american people to be united. we have a great schedule of events starting with a wreath laying in the cemetery and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of america and go through the celebration
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of make america great again and then president-elect trump will be president and mike pence vice-president. >> joint task force. >> no pun intended. you are the best. >> melissa: thanks for coming on. a school officer caught on camera, slamming a girl to the ground. what the student is now saying about how it all went down. and gop efforts to repeal and reare place obamacare. kentucky senator rand paul joins us with with his take.
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words of wikileaks leader julian assange to question the u.s. intelligence officials. we'll see you then. >> melissa: democrats are gearing up for the first new fight of the congress as republicans move to replace obamacare. they want to keep revisions with regard to preexisting conditions. they want to keep the young people on their parent's policies until they are 26 years old. but at the same time, you don't have a decent replacement. >> melissa: kentucky senator rand paul on the homeland security committees. he said and you outline ideas for replacement. try freedom to choose inexpensive insurance and unlimited amounts of health
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savings accounts and join together in voluntarily association. and shorten it up up a bit for you there. you didn't mention the mandate. should we be free from a man date as well? >> here's the interesting thing about obamacare. they wanted to provide insurance for everybody. even if you are sick, but only pay for it if they forced all of the healthy people to buy insurance in a man date. what is happening, not enough healthy people are buying insurance and the rates for individual insurance went through the roof and yet insurance companies are failing and threatening bankruptcy. >> melissa: so what do we do? >> here is the problem. if you repeal the man date that force young people to buy insurance. the system will spiral quicker. i am for repealing obamacare, but you have to replace it. if you don't replace it, within
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months of repealing it, you will lead to further bankruptcies in the insurance industry. >> melissa: how do you keep folks happy? it is hard to give away stuff and then take it back? >> one of the biggest impediments to being covered is that the insurance costs too much. you need less expensive insurance. under obamacare, it was illegal to buy inexpensive insurance. if i want to buy insurance that is inexpensive, obama said i am not smart enough to do that and he made it illegal. that is a problem and prevents people from getting insurance. if i am part of a insurance pool and like a independent plumbar. it is expensive. it is a insurance pool of one. we need to make it easy to pool with with all of the plumbars in
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the united states so 10000 can buy insurance together and have leverage to reduce the costs and if one plumbar gets sick or his wife gets breast cancer they are part of a pool of people. >> melissa: i don't see how that helps. you you have an expensive person who needs care and selling them insurance and making the pool bigger, the healthy people are paying for the sick people on a bigger scare? >> yes, and no. the way it works now. if i was a doctor and had four employees and one of my patients get leukemia, they jack my rates based on four of us. but if i was part of 4001 person gets leukemia the costs only goes up one fourth a thousand and a big pool lessens my cost
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and make its more are affordable for those with major illnesses. and so if i am in a pool of one. >> melissa: i want to ask you quick. we have to go. if you are in a people peel of 4000 people you include more sick people. one in four and not one in four people get leukemia. odds are one in 10000 or 1 in a hundred thousand. and so what's happened we have linked insurance to employment. we have artificial small pools and assessing too much of a burden when we charge them for getting breast cancer or leukemia. but if you are part of a large pool, there is a better chance of hanging on on to insurance when you are a part of a pool. >> melissa: i hate to say we have to go. we have breaking news at the top. >> we'll talk again.
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>> melissa: a north carolina school officer on administrative leave after this was caught on video. the whole incident started out as a fight in the school cafeteria. trace has more on this. trace? >> reporter: hey, melissa, the girl thrown to the ground was darwin. she got involved by trying to break it up. there are two separate sxroos one running eight seconds and
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showing the 15-year-old slammed to the ground by the school resource officer and that video caused the uproar as it went viral. the second video shows the fight and the officer having a tough time gaining control and then him throwing the feign-year-old to the ground and listen to how jasmine darwin describes what happened. >> people are pulling me off and you guys need to get off of my, i am trying to help my sister and officer santos picked me up and slammed me on the ground and i was out for a bit. >> reporter: her mom said she is fine now but suffered a concussion and pulled out of the high school. the school pins pal called the video disturbing and saying that the school district works with dedicated officers that protect
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our student and it is vital that the children have relationships with the law enforcement individuals. and they are built on mutual respect. the officer has been be placed on leave and the police adopt has opened an investigation and includes the north carolina bureau of investigations. >> melissa: trace, thank you. what if you are trying to scoot a commercial and the talent will not do what you want? 's disea, the same never quit attitude. that's why i asked his doctor about once-a-day namzaric. (avo) namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions
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here you go.picking up for kyle. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve. >> the ice proving to be a challenge for a mascot in a commercial shoot. the outtakes going viral showing one mascot moving around quite well on ice skates. the white bear having a very hard time slipping on the ice multiple times. poor guys. some of the falls like painful. the blooper reel topping two million views on facebook.
12:00 pm
whoops! has to be tough dancing around on ice skates in that bear suit. how clever. they got all the publicity they wanted. i'm melissa francis. here's shep on the news deck. >> it's noon on the west coast. 3:00 in new york city where the president-elect is whipping up questions about american intelligence. questioning whether our top agencies have their stories straight on the hacking. and now the head of the c.i.a. is responding. donald trump also tweeting about obama care's problems and republicans meeting with the v.p.-elect mike pence to talk about taking obama care apart. the current president is not giving up without a fight. he's sitting down with democrats to come up with a plan to save his namesake healthcare laws. and hillary clinton's allies gathering to take on trump. their new strategy to fight the president-elect'
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