tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News January 4, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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that is all the time we have left this evening. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. ♪ y. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight... >> thinking about the kids. didn't want to see kids laying on the ground bloodied. >> down at the park, seems like. we don't have no police. they can't be bothered. >> bill: in chicago, murder is out of control. i in san francisco, property crime through the roof. and there are political reasons why. tonight, "talking points" will address it. >> you walk out with those [bleep] on the street? >> bill: in california, minors can sell themselves for sex without punishment. wait until you hear about this.
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>> i've felt disgust before, but never the kind of fear you feel now. is someone competent enough to do this job? >> bill: why is singer bruce springsteen continuing to bash donald trump? martha maccallum on the case. caution. you are about to enter the "no spin zone." "the factor" begins right now. i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. a tale of two cities. that's the subject of this evening's "talking points" memo. as we have been reporting, the city of chicago is the most violent place in america. little is being done about the incredible murder rate in some black neighborhoods. a quick look at the stats. last year, murders in chicago were up 57% from 2015. shooting incidents up 46%. shooting victims up 47%. on new year's day alone, 28 people shot in chicago.
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mayor rahm emanual and the governor bruce rauner will not protect innocent people and solve the problem. so what is the problem? the vast majority of shootings are being done by low-level gang members who are running wild in the streets. an investigation by the "chicago sun-times" shows that even if the cops do find a gang member with a gun, even if they arrest them, that person given a very light sentence, maybe a year for having a gun. so the justice system in cook county, chicago, not punishing the thugs convicted of carrying illegal weapons with any severity at all. that is problem number one. secondly, policing. here in new york city, shooting incidents are at an all-time record low. and this is a tougher town than chicago. the reason shootings are down here is because the nypd target the gangs and arrest them for any and all violations. they hound gang members, truth be told.
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but in chicago, the opposite is true. police do not want any part of engaging violent gang members. why? because the liberal politicians in chicago are making it impossible for street cops to do their jobs. in fact, the aclu is running street crime in the windy city. mayor emanuel is instituting a aclu-suggested policy that mandates a two-page police report every time a cop stops someone for questioning. that means the police are spending hours filling out paperwork if they even ask anyone what they are doing on the street corner at 4:00 a.m. how insane is that? and then there is the racist angle. most of those shot in chicago are poor black people. if the mass murder was happening in chicago's business district, believe me, it would be stopped
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cold. so mayor emanuel and governor rauner can be accused of racism because they allow the madness to continue. they allow it. now let's look at san francisco. there, it's property crime. since 2010, crimes like arson, car theft, larceny are up 64%. why? because san francisco politicians have stopped the police from enforcing quality-of-life crimes. therefore, homeless people are all over the place. urinating and defecating and panhandling and when they need money for booze or drugs, committing crimes. the situation is out of control and a disgrace. that's what happens when incompetent politicians demand the police stop enforcing laws. look, there's a civility factor in every country.
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with nearly 325 million folks living in america, there have to be some standards of public behavior. but in san francisco, there are none. you can do whatever you want f in the street. and therefore, a beautiful city has now become blighted. add to that insane social policies like san francisco's general assistance program. ready? this city gives indigent people, homeless, those roaming around, 300 bucks a month in cash and benefits. and where does that money go? many times to buy drugs and alcohol. so if you are a west coast drug addict, where would you go? san francisco, where the money is free. summing up: terrible laws, cowardly politicians, apathetic voters all lead to violence and chaos. people continue to die in chicago, and san francisco is a mess. but unless voters wise up, nothing will change.
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and that's the memo. for the top story, joining us from washington,as george terwilliger, deputy attorney general under president bush the elder. also ken cuccinelli, former attorney general for the commonwealth of virginia. cuccinelli, begin wiople dying. the local government and state government of illinois, local government in chicago. we can't handle it. we can't stop it. i think this can be stopped.'t do you disagree? >> no, i don't disagree at all.t look at rudy giuliani's tenure as mayor of new york. he was elected in a liberal city for two reasons: the failure of the economic policies before him and the rise in crime that even liberals wanted to get rid of. a lot of people said just what you did, bill. gosh, it just can't be stopped.
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there is no point in doing this. rudy giuliani proved them wrong, and he did it starting with the kind of low-level crime you were talking about in san francisco. that invites more crime. and, of course, when you are paying people to come and do drugs, et cetera, you're goingg to get more people showing up. >> bill: you are the governor of illinois, mr. cuccinelli. what do you do tomorrow? what do you do? >> your only real short-term option is to flood the zone with police. but if your judges are only going to give them slaps on the wrist, even that -- >> bill: that would inhibit -- calling the national guard. that brings us to you, mr. terwilliger. donald trump has said, ife rahm emanuel can't do it, the federal government may have to. i don't know if the federal government has the authority to march in to the south and west sides of chicago and do anything, do they? >> no. they can do a lot with lawhe enforcement but not with the national guard or military troops unless the situation were
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to go into complete civilbu unrest. as bad as it is, it's not that. >> bill: if you were the governor of illinois, what would you do to stop the -- you know, it's mass murder in ghetto neighborhoods. that's what it is. what would you do? >> two things. first, you nailed it when you said at the end of your memo that it's the voters who reallyy have to speak. just as they have spoken and elected donald trump president, they need to start electing people who believe that the law needs to be enforced, that criminals need to be dealt with. and particularly that violent criminals need to be incarcerated so they are incapacitated from committing more violence. >> bill: that means mandatory sentencing. not the judge giving somebody one year, a gang banger one year when they catch them with a glock.
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and that is what's happening in cook county. >> bill, if i could jump in, richmond was, per capita, the murder capital of america 25 years ago. just what you two are talking about was implemented on the partnership between state and federal prosecutors using federal mandatory minimums and relying on the old 80-20 rule. 80% of your crime is committed by 20% of your criminals. you go after those folks using the guns, killing people. put them away. >> bill: would you say ten years if you are convicted of carrying an illegal gun would be an inhibitor for these gang people? >> whether it would inhibit them from doing it in the first place, once you've caught them -- >> bill: you want to do both. punish and inhibit. >> bill, thank you, i have toan thank ken because when i was deputy attorney general, we designed and implemented that program called trigger lock. and it worked. it targeted the most violent. so when you ask a question aboue
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chicago, one of the things that the federal authorities can do in chicago, and i hope will do in the trump administration, is come in there and work with the state and local police to those identify people who needk to be hauled into federal courtt and >> never going to happen under rahm emanuel or bruce rauner. >> they can bypass that at the federal level if they have to. >> bill: thank you, gentlemen. we will get to san franciscoha more in-depth soon. next on the rundown, the state of maine cracking down on food stamp distribution. we will tell you how that's workingne out. later, miller has some new year's resolutions that he will impart up ahead. (man) my dad and i have the same eyes. same nose. same toughness. and since he's had moderate alzheimer's disease, the same never quit attitude. that's why i asked his doctor
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about once-a-day namzaric. (avo) namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness loss of appetite, and bruising. (man) dad and i shared a lot of moments. now we're making the most of each one. (avo) ask about namzaric today.
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>> bill: impact statement. vice president-elect pence scorched obamacare, promising it will be repealed and replaced with a republican health insurance program as yet undefined. we'll get to that in a moment. all of the country, statesst are getting hammered byit giving entitlements. the fall of 2014, more than 13,000 mainers, healthy adults without children, were receiving food stamps. but once the state law was passed that says in order to get free food you had to work, the number dropped to 2,700 in three months. 13,000 to 2,700 with work required. joining us now here in new york city, eric bolling and geraldo rivera. this has to tell you, geraldo, even you. >> [laughs] even me. >> bill: the majority of people on food stamps don't really need it and once required to do some work for the free food, they don't want it. >> i disagree with your characterization that the majority of people on food>> stamps don't need it.
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>> bill: the main thing doesn't prove that to you? >> i think the majority of able-bodied adults between 18 and 50 years old, they don't need it. i am all for work-fare. bill clinton and newt gingrich were on the right track. governor lepage in maine on the right track. i don't think entitlements do any good.d. you can't have more than three months of food stamp assistance in three years. i think that's a good plan. >> bill: in maine. able-bodied adults. not children or anything like that. >> you can't minimize the impact of drug abuse. maine has a terrible heroin epidemic. most of the young adults -- >> bill: then you have to go to rehab. what do you say, bolling? >> i'm going to agree with geraldo. the numbers are staggering. get the numbers on food assistance, the snap program. when president obama took
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office, there were about 30 million, 32 million people on food assistance. it skyrocketed to 47. obama will take the victory lap on the ecomony getting better, unemployment going down, home values going up. the numbers of people coming off food stamps isn't coming down at the same rate. it is blipping down.. 44 million from 47. half the amount of people. >> bill: if you impose it on able-bodied adults, that would come down from 45 million. >> you also have to know that many of the people get those cards, they go to the merchants. they have a $100 card. give me $50 in cash. >> bill: today, big dog and pony show in washington. vice president-elect pence basically scorching obamacare. roll the tape. >> obamacare has failed. the promises of obamacare have all been proven to be false. the first order of business
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today for the president-elect, and i'm grateful for the leaders of the house and senate, is to keep our word to the american people to repeal and replace obamacare with health care reforms that, again, will focus on lowering the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government. >> bill: okay, so we don't have a republican-specific plan yet. we don't know exactly. trump has said on the campaign trail he's going to keep the pre-existing conditions, that you can't deny anybody. and he's going to keep the kids keeping insurance in their mom's home until they are 26 or something. but for you, the biggest failure of obamacare is what? >> every single promise it made failed miserably. >> bill: give me one. >> the cost for the promise that premiums would come down $2500.d >> bill: for mosthe americans, they've gone up.
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>> gone up by the amount they promised it was going to come down. they are playing games, bill. they keep saying look, the rate of increase has slowed.ti in other words, it's still going up but it's going up slower. >> bill: deductibles and the combination. >> they are throwing it into the deductible side of thee equati. if the premiums are still going up but going up at a lower rate, then deductibles are skyrocketing. going from $1,000 to $2,000 per family to $10,000. >> bill: depends on what state you are in. polling says most americans don't want obamacare, they don't like it. and it's because of the cost. it just costs working people too much money. the trade-off was giving free medical care to coming right back to drug addicts, people can't make a living. they get obamacare free. but the working people pay for l it. >> i think in a way, that is as it should be, first of all. >> bill: what is? >> it should be tested. if you are too poor to afford your insurance, then the government should help you.
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i believe -- let me give you my prejudice. i credit bolling. he was the first that i heard on interstate -- that insurance should be sold interstate, not intrastate. i think that is b.s. and a function of state lobbying. so i credit bolling with that. secondly, i am a believer in medicaid for everybody. republicans are squawking about obamacare. they squawked about social they compared it to slavery. they squawked about medicaid or medicare.di giving free beer and free vacations. you got 30 million people now getting insurance that didn't and the republicans -- >> bill: you think that working-class families -- hold it. what it comes down to, when you strip away the b.s., is that you want working-class families making $60,000 to $120,000 to pay for the other people's insurance. >> if you've got aa person impoverished -- there is real poverty out there -- there have to be safety
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president-elect donald trump has said he wants every american to be i trust him when he says that. >> bill: there's a difference between safety nets and the imposition of income redistribution. giving you the last word. >> this is medicaid on steroids. you are 100% right.hi i don't think the number is 30. i think it's around 15 million additional, and the vast majority of them are either getting fully paid for -- >> bill: subsidized. that's why everybody else's payments are going up. gentlemen, thank you for the debate. ahead, a new report about sanctuary cities that may anger you. did you know child prostitution now quasi-legal in california? did you know that? shocking report coming up. w tha? trucking report coming up. [ cough ] shh. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. better take something. dayquil liquid gels doesn't treat a runny nose. it doesn't? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is!
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>> bill: new report on sanctuary cities according to the department of homeland security. in 2015, there were 395 jurisdictions in this country that wouldn't cooperate with the federal government >> bill: new report on sanctuary cities according to the department of homeland security.p in 2015, there were 395 jurisdictions in this country that wouldn't cooperate with the federal government on illegal immigration matters. in 2016, that number droppeded o 279, still a big number. but nearly 2,000 illegal immigrants were shielded by these outlaws sanctuary cities. in fact, 1970 of undocumented people detained were let go. all of them convicted criminals. here in new york city, trish regan and eboni williams. it looks like california is going to fight trump. they have hired eric holder, former attorney general who wouldn't enforce federal law. i love this guy. miller, who is coming up, calls him stedman. he looks like oprah's boyfriend.
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he does. anyway, california has hired him and his law firm to fight the trump administration on sanctuary cities. who do you think is going to win? >> they are getting ready for battle. butge i don't have my crystal ball, but i can tell you that the law is on the side of the trump administration. article eight, u.s. code 1324. it talks explicitly about the fact that you really can't do this. people do it. they hired eric holder because they couldn't be more clear where they are ideologically on the issue.l >> bill: so the taxpayers of california are going to be paying holder. and you know he's going to be charging big bucks. he's a lobbyist now in his law firm. >> to try to make strong arguments. jurisdiction. anything like that. >> bill: what about the social deal, trish? we have covered the steinle family, illegal alien harbored by the county of san francisco, deported seven times.
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comes back and shoots this young woman to death. she's 32 years old. all over the country we see this. we see these criminal aliens defying deportation, coming in and killing americans. more than 1900 last year were allowed to go free by sanctuary cities. they are convicted criminals. >> it doesn't make any sense. common sense would tell you, i don't want someone in my town that has committed these crimes. i'm not going to enable them. >> bill: but they do.m these cities do. >> you know why? because it all comes down to politics. the left is working aggressively to bring as many immigrant voters into the population as they possibly can. this is one way to do it. they don't even know what trump is going to do. >> bill: there's a strict line in homeland security stats between gardeners and maids and law-abiding people who are here with undocumented statuste and the criminals. we are talking about the criminals.
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>> they are trying to feed the narrative that trump is going to be anti-immigrant. so they're trying to scare the gardeners, scare everyone. >> bill: this has been going on long before trump. >> now they have a chance to work it. i think that's what you're saying. >> president-elect trump has ran on the promise that he will be the enforcer. sanctuary cities, i don't like them. i want to be clear about that. i am a person of the law. i feel like the federal law deports criminals for a reason. i've seen them.nt i have represented clients. you've got to go to icece becaue you were convicted. i will say this. if i'm a progressive person, i have these reasons to say it's a broken immigration system and these people shouldn't be victims. but that argument doesn't flush, bill. what we are seeing is an increase of crime, violent crime in these scenarios. that can't happen. >> bill: here's what i don't understand. the obama administration deported a lot of people, a lot
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of undocumented aliens. mostly at the border, mostly a turnaround situation. everyone they turned around was counted as a deportee.un the president can say, don't tell me i'm lax on immigration. i deported this many people. however, they looked the othere way for eight years, and now this should be embarrassing to president obama. his attorney general for six years is now signed on to help sanctuary cities. should be embarrassed. >> it's amazing you see rahm emanuel come out and say, i will do everything in my power to defend these people. california. >> bill: people shot dead in the street in record numbers. >> so no common sense here. there is a political narrative i think they are trying to getet . >> bill: you can never win that argument. >> the final point about eric holder is, i like him in this role because i think he was playing politics at the ag, which i didn't like. i think this is a proper suiting of his temperament. >> but it's still a continuation of politics. >> at least it's better played here.
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>> bill: here's the deal, sessions is going toto be attorney general and he despises stedman. i mean eric holder. [laughter] hates him. this is what makes it interesting. sessions, the alabaman, is going to get in there, and he's going to go up against stedman in california. mano a mano. it's personal, all right? we will follow the story for you guys and how this all works out. trump has got to go in with a hammer on sanctuary cities. >> he's got leverage because it's money. 10% of san francisco's budget's comes from the federal government. >> bill: end of the day, i've got to fine you 25 bucks. we're going to carry that rule over. thank you very much. 2 more ahead. aggressive teenagers confronting police. things are getting very nasty. martha maccallum is investigating. also miller with his new year's
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hey, how's it going? um... who are you? i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see? we're putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that's smart. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya.
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>> bill: unresolved problems. protecting young americans. in california, governor jerry brown signed a law decriminalizing prostitution fov minors, those under 18. i did not know that. that means that california authorities will not arrest teenage prostitutes because the california legislature believes they are victims, not criminals. joining us from sacramento, travis allen, a republicanin california assemblyman. right now on the streets of l.a., san francisco, san diego, kids, 12, 13, can sell themselves to adults, and the cops aren't going to do anything about it. is that correct?
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>> that is absolutely correct, bill. and as a legislator, i saw this on the assembly floor. i voted against it. i thought this is a terrible law. we see all kinds of bad laws in california. >> bill: this is a travesty. this is shocking. this law is shocking. i understand it's because it's the liberal legislature in sacramento says we can't punish these children and give them a criminal record or anything like that because it's not their fault. that's the mentality, right? >> look, the california democrats might have goodfo intentions with legalizing child prostitution, but there is absolutely no way that this will have good consequences. >> bill: you can understand the victimization. i can, anyway. do you understand it? that if you are 12, 13, 14, that
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screwed up, maybe you've been abused yourself by your parents or whoever. now you're out on the street and you don't know what to do. you have to feel sorry for those kids. that's why they have covenant house and these charities. you understand that, right? >> absolutely. look, we want to fix the problem.hy the difficulty is, legalizing child prostitution absolutely can't be the answer. >> bill: it isn't the answer because now it's much easier for the pimps, the people who run these kids, to operate because the way that the pimps were caught was that the children would testify against them. now the kids don't have to testify against anything because they aren't brought in. >> this takes away the ability for them to use a plea bargain to go after the pimps, and now the pimps will say to the minors, if you get approached by a cop, tell them to basically go away. they are violating your constitutional rights, and there is nothing that that cop can do. >> bill: has there been outrage among the people of california? i know it's a progressive state and all of this, but i am stunned here. how about the church groups and civic groups and the child
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protection people? have there been any organized outrage about this? >> when this law passed, not many people noticed. >> bill: i didn't know about it. >> that's it. i was reading an article of the new laws coming in. seeing it in print, i'm -- i'm a californian myself. i thought, wow, this is heinous. i wrote an op-ed and i had to let everybody know across the country, this is what the california democrats are up to. >> bill: did jerry brown, the governor of your state, say anything? has he mentioned this at all in the public arena? >> to the best of my knowledge, they are trying to sweep this under the rug and they are trying to claim that any minor is a victim so we don't want to give them a criminal record. the problem is they are entirely missing the point, which is, by not allowing us to put them in a secure facility away from their pimps off the street, we can't
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get them the rehabilitative services they need. >> right, they have to go voluntarily. if they are being coerced by an adult, pimp, not going to do. who is looking out for these kids? i understand the theory of victimization. you are putting the children in more danger, catastrophic danger. if you are a child prostitute, you're going to get all kinds of disease. you're probably going to get addicted to drugs. you're going to get beaten up. you're going to get debased. by the time you're 16, you are through. it doesn't seem like the liberal politicians of california care one last word. >> it's absolutely heartless. this is an unbelievable law. it's a law that has to be overturned. the california democrats did just legalize child prostitution in california, and the people of california, the people of the united states, you've got to let them know how you feel and we've got to overturn this law. >> bill: all right, we appreciate it, mr. allen.
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let us know how it goes. miller is on deck. he has some resolutions and an email situation that will get your attention. the d-man is next. did you apply? oh, i'll do it later today. your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? credit karma. it's free. that's great! um hm. just whip bam boom, it's done. that apartment is mine! credit karma. give yourself some credit.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. let's get right to the sage of southern california who joins us from santa barbara. miller, lay a few resolutions on us for the new year. >> sorry, i had to check over my shoulder.. i wanted to make sure i didn't have a bridge coming out of my head like the guy in sacramento did. new year's resolutions, billy. let's see. i wrote a few down. number one, and most importantly, i must not accidentally go into the hair
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salon that representative patty murray uses. that's number one. >> bill: a lot of people don't know what patty murray's hair looks like. >> it looks like the owner of the oakland raiders. secondly, when i email my good friend hillary clinton, i am just going to cc putin so i can eliminate the middleman. that's another thing i'm going to do this year. third, and eric bolling remindeg me of this.e i'm going to work on something to replace the phrase, "on steroids."" i am so sick of that. we use it every day. it is getting so mindless. it's like tall people are just short people on steroids. i get it. >> bill: it's like "at the end of the day" and "what do youth make of that?" we are not saying that on "the factor" in 2017. you are smoking. go ahead. >> i'm going to get in shape and
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go on the gerard depardieu diet. you don't lose any weight. you take your shirt off and everybody looks away so you might as well be thin because nobody looks at you. next up, i'm going to lay low, bill, because when you were talking at the beginningi about the tale of two cities, i was watching the news today, and there are two countries. i think you talked about this in that book about the culture war. there really are two countries right now. when i look at the schumer step up with that stupid "make america sick again." by the way, that also can stand for "make a stupid acronym" if you want to do it that way. people were nodding and agreeing with that. when i see us getting guys out of gitmo, seems like the president is in a hurry to get maybe 19 more, i heard katherine harris say, before he leaves and half the country thinks that good and h going, why are we in a rush? we have a tale of two countries.
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as they said in the book, it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. >> bill: no doubt. we will visit both parts, both countries. now, in france -- you like france. you go there once in a while and hang out? >> i do. i just spent the holidays with two of my dearest friends in the world who are from paris.he >> bill: okay. there's a new law that if you have a company in france with more than 50 employees, you have to negotiate with your employees about when you can email them, miller. because the french don't want to be annoyed after work. i like this. what do you say? >> well, i get it, bill. like, in america, i don't think it would play because, you know, there's always -- there's alway a hustler who wants to get ahead and will take the emails after work. but in france, it's not really like that..
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what is the old saying about, they don't live to work? they work to live. >> bill: c'est la vie. i want a croissant, and i don't want to be interrupted. i want that croissant now. >> for them, it makes sense. they get off work and they want to put a bearnaise drip in their arm. >> bill: [laughs] miller and i are on the same page. that's another cliche. on the same page. at the end of the day, we will not use "on steroids" and "what will you make of that?" >> bill, the word "but" is like the word "however" on steroids. >> bill: reminder, and nine days, the demand, jesse watters, and me, "the spin stops here" show. rolling into tulsa, oklahoma. should be a blast. tickets for the shows in omaha and tacoma. american teenagers getting more violent.
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>> bill: did you see that? two incidents of aggressive teenagers. the first in philadelphia. >> take a look at this part of the video which shows the philadelphia police officer and a girl going at it in the middle of the street. the officer on top of the girl, punching her over and over. >> the one thing that is not depicted in the video that the female indicated she did was smack the officer in the face. knocked her glasses off. >> bill: also in>> north carolina, there was this. >> this morning, 15-year-old jasmine darwin, the high school student being slammed to the ground by a school resource officer in this video, is speaking out. >> when i watch the video, i get really angry. like, you did not have to slam me like that.
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you could've pulled me away. >> bill: turned out to explainne further, martha maccallum. there is always more to these things. let's take north carolina first. 15-year-old girl gets slammed to the ground, the video is pretty explicit. what did she do? >> a rough video. she was apparently trying to break up a fight her sister was in at school. she tried to pull the two people apart and the person came in, grabbed her, and slammed her on the ground. >> bill: security guard? >> a police officer on the scene, a guard at the school. both of these cases, the police officer in the video has been put on administrative leave while they continue the investigation. the story of this young girl is apparently an honor student. she wasn't really involved in the fight but things got out of control. and that's what's we see happening in so many situations. >> bill: i want to stay on north carolina. this girl here, it looks like from our investigation and reports, really didn't deserve this kind of treatment. >> apparently not. there was a fight. her sister was involved. she tried to intervene, and in the melee, this is what
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happened. >> bill: we don't want to try. it on tv, but we do have to w report the facts. in philadelphia, it's act different story. >> and the story, the video we just showed you, the young woman admitted in their police report that she slapped the cop. >> bill: a woman cop, right? >> yeah, brawl going on in the street. the police come into straighten things out. the police officer and the young woman get into it. they are punching each other, going at each other. both sides admitted that they punched and slapped the other. the young woman apparently started it, slapped the police officer first. there is absolutely no sort of understanding of authority. when the police officers come in and tell everyone to calm down. >> bill: we don't know what the girl is saying to the officer. if the girl had slapped the officer beforehand, obviously the officer is not going to be real happy about that. what has happened in this case? >> the officer is also on leave, paid leave, while they investigate what happened. there were no charges filed against this young woman even
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though she admitted she reached out and slapped the police officer. >> bill: if she slapped the police officer, they have to charge her. >> they're not. right now they are not. >> bill: the philly d.a. has to charge her. he's got to explain that. >> maybe because he feels the police officer overdid it. >> bill: that doesn't matter. you charge them both. >> maybe it's because they deal with these situations often. out of control. look at what's going on in the malls over christmas. you pull them up and there are 17 others just like it. >> bill: this is all on social media, and this is what is encouraging edge. you are a jersey girl. bruce springsteen, big fan? >> sure, since high school i've been going to bruce springsteen concerts. i think around the bush years, he started to get increasingly political. >> bill: let's listen to hisis latest. >> i felt disgust but never the kind of fear you feel now.
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it's as simple as the fear of, is someone simply competent enough to do this job? forget about where they are ideologically. do they simply have the competence to be put in the position, the responsibility. >> bill: that's not terrible. he doesn't like conservatives. i think he's a very far leftft guy, springsteen. but he is questioning whether the president is going to be able to do the job. >> it's fascinating. he called donald trump a moron, said he was a threat tole democracy. then he concedes. he said, i understand why people would vote for him. they are concerned about jobs and isis. he said, i'm sure there are plenty of good people out there who voted for donald trump. and i find those concessions interesting in light of his other comments. he's obviously acknowledging,us this is a guy who's been championing the working class. >> bill: you say that when bush
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the younger was elected, springsteen started to go left publicly. >> i'm not sure why some of these people feel like their artistic talent gives them license to spout on stage. i don't care what they think about these things. they feel feels like it's obligation to get out there. >> bill: i guess. his concert is, like, eight hours long. >> it's long. >> bill: you have to bring a change of clothes. >> bruce keeps going and going. he's in amazing shape. >> bill: i have never been to a springsteen concert. >> never? >> bill: i believe that will stay that way. martha maccallum, everybody. when we come back, why fox news remains on top. "the tip" moments away. "the tip" moments what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to
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name the names and have a lot of lead discussions. again, thanks for watching us tonight, i am bill o'reilly. the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. >> megyn: breaking tonight, 2016 election the u.s. intelligence community finally ready to review its finding. allegedly detailing the kremlin's f dirty trick. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i am megyn kelly. as early as tomorrow, then it goes to president-elect donald trump. president-elect is calling on the experts to prove the allegations that russia moved with the election results. appearing to side with wikileaks julian assange, who claims that russia did not give him the
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