tv Hannity FOX News January 14, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST
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#kingforaday. we will see you monday at nine, martha maccallum is starting. >> sean: welcome to "hannity" ." we will be joined in just a few minutes, but first, the alt let media is gushing over obama over his final days in the white house while viciously attacking president-elect donald trump as he prepares to take the oath of office and that is tonight's opening monologue. it's no secret that the alt radical left media has utter disdain for the president-elect. but we are seeing play out here, obama heads for the exits is a disgusting, despicable double standard. take a look at how the press
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fawned over president obama's farewell speech, which was pretty awful. take a look. >> he was played off stage tonight by the bruce springsteen song land of hope and dreams. and that nicely summarized a large part of his theme tonight. >> it gave me chills, physicall physically. it was soaring, it was as good a speech as this. it was before, this is after. it's much harder to do it after. >> there's never been anything like this. this was a rock and roll concer concert. >> that message about no american being more american than the other is an important one. >> sean: seriously, chris matthews, more thrills and chills up your leg? eating up every single word and that's how it's been for eight solid years. let's compare and contrast to how the media reacted to president-elect donald trump's press conference or earlier this week. it doesn't get more hypocritica
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hypocritical. it's all on tape for you to see for yourself. >> >> his behavior throughout hs first press conference raises some serious questions, indications for american democracy. how our institutions will deal with him. >> we have a job, figuring out what is true and not. as far as that is being blurred, as far as trump is trying to equate fake news with good journalism that might've made a mistake, he's trying to create a post truth environment. >> the environment right now is so far from normal. we are so far from the norms of respect when it comes to the president or president-elect at least saying the right things about respecting the first amendment. >> i think the mood in that room was generally stunned. this was more than sparring. this was heated, very confrontational. whether this will be the new norm? i think this has a chilling effect. >> sean: what a glaring double standard. you should be too surprised by any of this.
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the media can just not stand president-elect trump especially after they all openly mocked the idea that donald trump one day may become president. you may be remember this. >> donald trump says he may run for president as a republican. i remember him running as a jok joke. >> i will personally write to you a campaign check now on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run. >> he may be the leading republican ticket. [laughter] >> which republican candidate has the best chance for republican election? >> undeclared ones, right now? donald trump. [laughter] >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president
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in the history of the united states. @realdonaldtrump. well, at least i will go down as president. >> sean: take a look at jimmy fallon falling over the first lady. our member the first time in my life, i'm proud of my country. that michelle obama. >> oh, gosh. that's another thing. >> i lost it. i lost it at home. i was crying on my wife's shoulder. he's just the best man in the whole wide world. thank you, mrs. obama, for being a strong, smart, independent woman. and activists, a style icon, and a great dancer.
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>> my michelle, you are the only one that we adore. for us, our hearts beat four. you will be the first lady in our lives. >> sean: it gets even more nauseating. the cohost of the view, they rolled out the red carpet for crazy uncle joe. vice president joe biden and his wife jill. take a look. >> the country is so divided right now. i still don't know anyone who doesn't have a soft spot for this man. he is just one of the realist people you will ever, ever meet in your lifetime. >> you are a rock star, you know that? >> sean: at this point, the media is not even trying to hide this baez. what he did at his muse conference earlier this week, is the single greatest beat down of this abusively biased media.
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trump put the press on notice. put it on notice. he is not going to stand there and take this anymore. watch this exchange with jim acosta from cnn. >> since you are attacking us, can you give us a question? mr. president-elect. mr. president-elect. can you give us a chance? >> no, no. go ahead. quiet. quiet. she is asking a question, don't be rude. don't be rude. don't be rude. i'm not going to give you a question. you are fake news. >> sean: wow. the media deserved every single bit of what donald trump gave them. predictably, they are now trying to paint these president-elect as the enemy of the first amendment, which is so hypocritical. because they did nothing when
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president obama repeatedly attacked fox news over the last eight years. in fact, the president has personally gone after me. so many times. and now cnn learned from what i went through. take a look. >> in record numbers. the next day, even sean hannity changed his mind and decided immigration reform is a good idea. rudy juliana said put in is what you call a leader. mike huckabee and sean hannity keep talking about his bare test. with respect to sean hannity, i didn't know he invited me for a beer. his opinion of me does not seem to be very high. but i am always good for a beer. i will put mr. burgess up against sean hannity. he'll tear him up. >> sean: i still offer that beer, and i will pay for it.
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in celebration. you were eight years are over. nobody came to my defense, not that i would ever need or want them to defend me. if anything, they are probably cheering him on for what he did. attacking me and fox news and talk radio and rush limbaugh. so here's what it all comes down to. the media wants to be fair in their coverage of president-elect trump, then fine. but if they are not, they can expect plenty more of what the press the elect gave them earlier this week. joining us now, host of the series, michelle malkin investigates. michelle malkin, a part of me wants to laugh but then a part of me realizes that the rest of the country, this is journalism. journalism is dead. we have an informational crisis. what is your reaction? >> yes, yes. you seem to have occupied rent free space in president obama's head for many years now, sean. i love it.
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>> sean: it yet. >> yeah, i think that you deserve a golden globe for all of these incredible clipper clis that you put together. i think it's a public service. these people need to have it in their faces and be reminded of their behavior and their media malpractice over the last eight years. good riddance to eight years of obama to rule bucket media. these fan girls and fan boys who literally google not just at president obama but when he was a candidate, as you pointed out and highlighting with jimmy fallon, they are fawning over at michelle obama. and of course, those of us, you and i, and so many other critics and opponents and questioners and dissidents in conservative media were attacked for doing what those people in the mainstream media should have been doing. do your job. subject to be as political
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candidate, the same amount of scrutiny that you are now trying to compensate for with the incoming trump administration. only after obama had done so much damage, sean, to these people finally admit that yes, yeah, we should have asked more questions. there is a vein very famous viral clip of tom brokaw and charlie rose on tbs which we pay for in which they tackled that they didn't vet obama properly enough. there admissions from "the new york times" that they allowed the obama administration to cook "let the obama administration rubber-stamp and oversee the statements that were printed in "the new york times" "the new york times"." it is the same shameful. he knew that he was lying about the stimulus and he didn't say nothing about it until two years later. now these people realize that they need a proper watchdog for the press? please. >> sean: there are lessons here and what we saw this week,
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the hyperventilating, the breathlessness, the wow, we got him. they thought they had him this week. the trump campaign should understand that they don't like him, they will never like, and their goal until bordering on paranoia, they want to destroy him. they are waiting for the moment to jump. whether it is small and insignificant, it doesn't matter. they will turn something into something bigger than it really is. >> yeah, it is going to be a long four years, sean. i think over the course of the campaign, and this goes for all of the people on the right. whatever they thought about any particular policy position or personnel choice that trump made. i have been vocal about when i liked or didn't like certain things he said or choices he made, the difference of course is over the course of the next four years, sean, i know that you just as we did during the bush administration will be very
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vocal when we are happy and we will be very vocal when we are not. the same thing could not -- >> sean: the debt over ten years? balanced budgets. >> the republican party and the establishment have squandered the opportunities they've had before when they had control of two or three branches of government and we will be on them like white on rice. i'm sure there are leftist socialists saying i just committed a micro-aggression right there it. but we live in a different era now. thank god for that. >> sean: michelle malkin, congrats on the tv series. coming up, one week from today, the long nightmare that is barack obama. it's over. it's done. donald trump will be your president. up next, we will speak with kellyanne conway and then later tonight. >> donald trump is someone who is very insecure in his victory and i understand why, every day
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there are new developments, new shoes dropping so to peacefully. they they're calling to questioe legitimacy of his win. >> sean: campaign spokesperson questioning the legitimacy of his presidency. why are so many democrats determined to try to undermine the president before he even takes office? i will ask joe manchin of west virginia that and more on this busy friday newsnight, straight ahead.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." just in one week, one week from today, seven days, president-elect trump will be sworn in to be the 45th president of the united states. for the first time in ten years, republicans will control the house, the senate, and the white house. kellyanne conway, when i go out and meet people, the most asked about besides president-elect trump is kellyanne conway. she is nice as she seems? i say, nicer. >> tell them i love them back and this is a victory and a future shared by all. we're just getting started. >> sean: the only thing to me that matters is that the agenda gets fulfilled. walk us through these 100 days, the first 100 days of the
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president-elect. tell us what we can expect. >> yes. sean, that is exactly why donald trump ran for president. i would submit to why it is why he won the presidency. he promises his plan. because if he doesn't, he's just another typical politician doing things they don't intend. he is these very specific plans, repealing and replacing obamacare. a pull out just today said that 65% of americans want the aca obamacare repealed in part or i. we know that premiums are risin rising, their choices are fewer, their access is less, and their frustrations are high. repealing and replacing obamacare is important. the president-elect end of the vice president-elect head meeting found this week. this week, the senate already took action toward repealing obamacare. the president-elect is committed in so doing that those who have
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coverage will not be without coverage. that will get rid of the penalty, basically that you are forced to buy health care via tax penalty. there will be health savings accounts for people and the ability to buy health insurance across state lines. start building that wall, with the intention of mexico building paying for it now or later. if they can speed up the process by paying for it, we will see energy, infrastructure, and he of course will get more serious about defeating islamic radicalism terrorism. >> sean: vetting refugees, 15% corporate tax, repatriating corporate administration, obamacare gone, replaced with what you said, energy independence, that's going to be done? >> energy independence.
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education too. she is, betsy devos, she looks at conventional, alternative schools. school choice and certainly respecting homeschoolers. at the same time, respecting our back to basic curriculum and letting parents and local governments have more of a say of where children go to school and what is taught there. you mentioned something very important. if you talked the extreme vetting, energy investments. these are very specific solution plans that president-elect trump ran on. i think the fact that he got specific was very important. because that's what businessmen do. they are accountable for results, deliverables, they can't fudge the numbers. or kick the can down the road. they have to report in a monthly, weekly way. if you can tell me right now, i will start the jeopardy clock.
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what hillary clinton's methods was in the selection, his message was specific. >> sean: what you're saying is going to keep all these promises which i think is the key to political success but i also think it is the change of the country needs. this is not a simple agenda. i do believe there'll be resistance along the way, especially with the supreme court and building the wall and vetting refuges. what would he be able to do in the first hours as president? >> president donald j. trump can sit down and basically resend these executive orders, those that donald put in very late in the game, with respect to the environment, mining, there are other regulations. it's really the regulatory system that has a choke hold on them. they can't retain talent, american workers, they can't keep their factories here, and
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you see the trump effect already now during the transition. the trump effect began today here in trump tower buried the ceo, of lockheed martin, she went and announced they will in fact reduce the price. the trump effect is to keep jobs here. factories are staying here. and when he sits down, he can actually resend a number of these executive orders that have really hort people. i remember barack obama as president, he is very fond of the executive order. it's just the stroke of a pen that allows president trump to go in line with what americans expect. energy is one. i am for all of the above energy. what's at the heck does that mean? great sound bite. nothing is made in america anymore. i will tell you that we have energy beneath our feet and off our shores. americans want us to develop
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that, and also to sinew jobs at home, he's for coal, clean coal. he is for. relying more on americans and american energy for our economic stimulation and growth. >> sean: kellyanne, it is a bold agenda. if he follows up on all these items that we talked about in the campaign and you are talking about now that he has been elected will shift the trajectory of the country. i'm going to love watching it. i will be here fighting on tv. it will be a fight. i hope i will see you often. >> you will see me often. it's really up to the american congress as well. and where they are. there's no more excuses to divide. state legislatures, this is really the time to harness that. >> sean: by the way, we don't need their $10 trillion debt increase. thanks a lot, they can keep that. kellyanne, we will see you at the inauguration.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." one week from today, donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. the many democrats are still trying desperately to delegitimize trump's big win back in november. this includes ryan fallon, he had this to say earlier today. take a look. >> he is someone who's very insecure in his victory and i understand why. every day there are new developments. new she was dropping so to speak. they called the question the legitimacy of his win. it was with russian interference and now with respect to the fbi, we see that jim comey's actions are sufficiently questionable,
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the internal watchdog at dlj is doing an independent review. >> sean: fallon is not the only democrat try to make excuses for trump's win. we have a handful of congressional democrats that are now boycotting the inauguration. that includes barbara lee, she released a statement that reads, donald trump has proven that his administration will normalize the most extreme fringes of the republican party. on inauguration day, i will not be celebrating, i will be organizing and preparing for resistance. also today, in a pre-recorded interview, set the air on "meet the press" this weekend, john lewis of georgia says, he doesn't see donald trump as a legitimate president. so why are some democrats trying so hard to smear the presidency of donald trump who hasn't even taken office? joining us now, a democrat, a senator from west virginia, joe manchin is with us. thanks for being with us. >> always good to be with you. >> sean: you've had
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conversations with donald trump, haven't you? >> they've gone great. it's refreshing, he's reached out which is what you would think a president-elect coming in, reaching across the aisle to my wanting to get things done, seeing if we can find people that a work together. move things forward. but the country first. put the campaign behind us. but the election behind us. but the democrats and republicans behind us and bring america to the forefront. i really believe that is what he is trying to do. he has reached out to me and we've had good conversation. >> sean: we still have 95 million americans out of the labor force, 43 million americans on food stamps, 50 million in poverty and the lowest home ownership rate of 51 years. those are real problems. i seem especially because you are from west virginia on energy, that you want to see these regulations, executive orders go away. you want coal mining to my fracking i assume, drilling, energy independence. is that a good guess?
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>> yes, and i spoke to president-elect trump about that. we want the balance between the economy and environment. we don't want dirty water, dirty air, he doesn't want dirty air, dirty water. what we've looked at, the things that west virginians are upset about is that with the laws that we have to protect our environment, have doubled down extra. it's basically a redundancy. a nuisance i would think that just basically breaks the will of people who want to be in business. that's not one energy policy should be. >> sean: senator, you are an anomaly. i just read what hillary clinton spokesperson said. what barbara lee is doing, i've known john lewis from my time broadcasting in atlanta. i like him a lot, respect him a lot. i think what he doing is harmful. my question is. what do you agree on? do you agree that the promises of obamacare were never kept? to keep our doctors plans, save money, costs have gone up
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$5400 in eight years? >> i am willing to repair the problems. i said i am willing to work and to sit down and work through in a professional manner, in a grown-up manner to basically find the fixes that we need. i'm not voting for repealing it. until i see a replacement and we can repair it. i think that is a reasonable approach. >> sean: you are the only senate democrat that will vote to confirm senator sessions, a colleague, as the new attorney general. i see this every four years and it's my biggest complaint. your party, the democratic part party, every four years without fail and i've chronicled it on this program, will played the race card. even though he has an incredible record on his part. when you see that happen, how do you feel about your party?
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>> when i see politics dives to that degree, and you know, whether it's on my side of the aisle, the democratic side, i try to make it very clear. i'm a west virginia democrat. we are a little bit different than when you look at the national democrats. maybe virginia republicans are too. the bottom line is, jeff sessions is someone's i've known for six years. we had many conversations on many things, i have never detected 1 ounce of racism in jeff. or bigotry. i've never seen that. for that to come out of the woodwork, i can only judge a person on how i know him. if you want to say you're against jeff sessions because he is extremely conservative or too conservative for you, that's
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fine. but don't make something up that maybe isn't there. i listened and watched his testimony, the people that came and testified on his behalf. those against him, but those in favor of him. i just don't believe that and i think jeff is a good man. i think he will do a good job. >> sean: all right, senator. always good to have you. thanks for being with us. coming up next on this busy friday newsnight, here on "hannity" ." >> it will be repeal and replac replace. it will be essentially simultaneously. >> sean: you heard him say it, obamacare will be repealed and replaced under the new administration. today, the house took a very important step to make all this happen. i will speak with marsha blackburn, louie gohmert, and jim jordan. >> mexico in some way will reimburse us. they will reimburse us for the
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>> obamacare is a complete and total disaster. it'll be repeal and replace, it will be essentially simultaneously. it will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week but probably the same day. could be the same hour. we are going up health care that is far less expensive and far better. >> sean: that was president-elect donald trump promising that obamacare will be repealed and replaced under his administration, this morning the president-elect took to twitter to reinforce that promise. he tweeted out...
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they passed a budget resolution that is a critical step towards repealing obamacare. here now is reaction, marsha blackburn, ohio commerce and jim jordan, louie gohmert. congresswoman, we will start with you. a lot of americans will say, why haven't republicans rallied around one planned by this point? i know there are nine out there, i know they are similar, but why hasn't the plan been written yet and paul ryan about a week and half go said, well, we will do it sometime this year. he has since adjusted that. >> what we have, sean, you can go back to 2010 to the blair house health care summit. we pretty much laid out our plan then. across stateline health care insurance, and yes indeed there, many different plans, but we want to make sure we pull everything off we can, and
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reconciliation and then follow it with legislation that is going to open up the health insurance market life and is going to simplify delivery of health care and do it in a more cost effective manner i think once we get secretary price at hhs, and we are able to begin and unravel we want to do it right. we're going to do it in a thoughtful manner. >> sean: with the freedom caucus, jim jordan, and i see you are here, i guess the head of your freedom caucus. he actually said this is likely to fail in the senate. he don't think this is going to pass in the senate? >> the repeal will pass but some of the replacement mechanisms and policies, they are going to require to get those through. that's a little harder. the most important thing, sean, is we actually repeal it. that is step one.
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the president-elect is exactly right. it will be better and cost less when we get rid of obamacare. we have to make sure we keep promise to the american people. let's do it all. every mandate, every regulation, everything a packed has to go. then we'll have a chance to make the market work and that is part of the replacement. getting rid of obamacare with repeal, so you can have a market work and bring down costs and provide affordable health care to the families across this country. >> sean: louie gohmert, a lot of conservatives are writing and tweeting out their concern about three things. trillion dollar infrastructure, without a plan to pay for it. they are concerned about increasing the debt over the next ten years, $9.7 trillion. there concerned that some remarks paul ryan made, any illegal immigrant that he wouldn't allow immigration officials to deport here. otherwise, not following the law. that's a current law of the lamb. what is your reaction to that?
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>> yes, the number one thing we do first is repeal obamacare. we can multitask. i know there are democrats that are having trouble with that. we can repeal obamacare, we can let a wall start being built and i do think that mexico is ultimately going to realize that once we cut off the flow of drugs back and forth and the people that are paying the drug cartels, then mexico quits being such a corrupt country with all the drug cartels. they are going to want to pay us. they will zoom up to be not 62nd in the economics. >> sean: are any of you three concerned about the issues i have raised? repatriation money, energy money, savings obamacare, all of that can add to it. but should be of a plan to pay?
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the $9.7 trillion in the debt increase over ten years, and thirdly, paul ryan saying last night, this woman is not going to leave even though that is a law of the land. any of you three hearing about this? >> i've got insurances that look, this is a vehicle, this $9.7 trillion in this budget. this is a vehicle. they promised me it will not end up beating us. no, you already agreed to these numbers. the freedom caucus. >> sean: it real quick, . >> we want you to look at broadband expansion, that is the primary infrastructure issue. there are ways for us to address that. i think we will do that. it will not having a negative impact. we have to get the debt and the deficit, the annual deficit dealt with.
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>> sean: all right, guys. good to see you all. i will see you guys when i am in washington next week and the week after. coming up next, right here on "hannity." >> x go in some form and there are many different forms, will reimburse us and they will reimburse us for the cost of this wall. that will happen. >> sean: president-elect donald trump keeping his promise that mexico will pay for the border wall. up next, i go one-on-one with our own geraldo rivera.
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>> sean: >> mexico, in some ford there are many forms will reimburse us and they will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. that will happen. whether it's a tax or a payment, probably less likely that it's a payment. but it will happen. >> sean: president-elect trump says mexico will pay for the wall. but henrique pena nieto will not be paying for it. >> sean: but he is trying to meet with donald trump. why? because they lost carrier,
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chrysler, ford and probably a lot of other money and the peso is taking. joining me, senior advisor for fox -- you went to trump tower today. >> i just loved him. i came in second, he was my former boss on the apprentice. we actually joked about, imagine if i had beaten lisa gibbons in the current climate. it was great seeing him and melania was so great. there with mr. and mrs. blunt. they were leaving senator blunt reminded donald of something he knew, that even when he was down and out, president-elect trump, i only said he has it chance. a fighting chance. >> sean: he always liked him. >> melania remembered erica's name. they invited us to the
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white house. it was that kind of visit. very friendly. what you say to the all the snowflakes out there, on your side of the aisle some times that are freaking out at everything he does? >> i'm just going to reject what side of the aisle i'm on. i am a rockefeller republican. >> sean: a liberal republican. >> i think one of the reasons i wanted very publicly to embrace the president-elect is that he is the 45th president of the united states. he will be everybody's presiden president. we wish him a great presidency. for all of our sakes. it distresses me when i see how low his poll numbers are going, going into the inauguration next week. come on ladies and gentlemen, you're not going to have to go countries are. we have one country, you want the president to succeed. his success is all of our success. specifically, i did the one -- it wasn't even nearly, the one
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thing i said, you and i, mr. president-elect, have differed on the issue of immigration. you start with the wall, a very divisive issue. >> sean: you don't care about the wall. >> i understand the emotion and the passion that has led to the wall. here is my bigger fear, sean, i think that you really will understand where i'm coming from. he talked about carrier, general motors, ford, all correct. he has harnessed or grabbed back businesses that have fled or were attempting to flee the united states. but now you are going to build a wall. but what happens to all of those mexicans now, that would've worked for general motors, ford, or carrier. we need mexico to be successful country. >> sean: 50 million people on poverty. america first.
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you can't help others before we fix our own. >> i've no problem with that either. but if you are really a capitalist, free trader. we need to figure a way, what's best for the goose is best for the gander. >> sean: but you are the guy that lost the job. if you are the guy that lost the job to the illegal immigrant, who is willing to work for low amount of money, and of the competition. 8 million illegals we know work in this country now. those 8 million jobs would otherwise go to americans. because everything you see is true. can you imagine the disorder when all those borders, what is a 30-year-old mexican guy who is going to work in the general motors plant and is just over the line in juarez, what is he going to do now? >> sean: there might be some neutrally beneficial deals. >> the idea of the north american free trade agreement is mexico counted, they are all in the
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same. united states was getting shortchanged. also the president-elect with very strong on, i just got the f35. they offered me $600 million gift account. i even more than that. >> sean: we know him well. everything with him is a negotiation. can we do an interview? can we just toot two segments? good to see you, geraldo. coming up, a very important question of the [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette and her new mobile wedding business. at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and ta-da, paid twice as fast! see how at quickbooks-dot-com.
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♪ >> sean: time for our question of the day. so why do you think the media loves, loves, loves, loves, worships, adores president obama and is so hostile to president trump? go to, @seanhannity on twitter. quick programming note, starting on monday, don't miss the brand-new show, "the first 100 days." all the time we have for today. thank you for being with us, have a great weekend, we'll see you on monday, we'll be in d.c. for the rest of the week.
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[national anthem] ♪ >> good morning, happy saturday, everyone. it is january 14th. i'm abby huntsman. less than a week before our next president takes office. democrats are questioning whether he is even fit to serve. >> i don't see president-elect as a legitimate president. >> the list of democrats boycotting the inauguration growing by the day. >> goody. meanwhile are democrats finally ready to forgive the fbi? >> we can't tell you anything. all i can tell you is the fbi director has no credibility. that's it. pete: that's it. and if you thought maxine watters was upset. wait until you hear what debbie
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