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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 14, 2017 9:00am-11:01am PST

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states of america is sworn in. may god bless his administration, may god bless the united states of america and my god bless all of you who have been here for the entire ride. have a great weekend, everybody. everybody. >> . >> i ronald reagan do solemnly swear. >> i george h.w. bush do swear. >> i bill clinton solemnly swear. >> i george bush do solemnly swear. >> i barack obama do solemnly swear. >> and we're days away from the history books, being known forever as 45. we're steps away from where it will go down on friday. >> a few blocks down pennsylvania avenue, president obama and mrs. obama will be welcoming president-elect and mrs. trump just as president bush did eight years ago, they'll rise together to the
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capitol and show the world that america's peaceful and grateful transfer of power. you can see the walkway and the president-elect at the viewing stand. it's been built for this edition of america's news headquarte headquarters >> good saturday to you and yours, nice being with you, i'm leland vittert at a white house in transition as the president still tries to protect his legacy. >> i'm elizabeth prann at the senate office building on capitol hill. here is what's making news, president-elect trump striking back off don lewis calls his election into question. we're going to go live to trump tower. >> plus, president-elect trump's national security team grilled before the senate this week in multiple confirmation hearings, including from many
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senators from mr. trump's own party. we'll break down what it means. >> and live right now at the tidal basin, thousands of civil rights marchers are remembering dr. martin luther king at his memorial and sending a message to newly elected leaders in washington. and a fox news alert on this martin luther king weekend. the war of words between president-elect donald trump and civil rights legend turned democratic congressman john lewis is heating up. the congressman says he doesn't think mr. trump will be a legitimate president. mr. trump responded, as you might guess on twitter. peter doocy has the latest from trump tower where the president-elect is this weekend. hi, peter. >> hi, leland. the president-elect is urging the dean of the georgia congressional delegation to worry less about swirling accusations that russians influenced the election and to
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worry more about his congressional district that covers most of atlanta. writes this, congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape, and falling apart, not to mention crime infested, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk, talk, talk, no action or results. sad. earlier this week, congressman lewis, who is well-known for his participation in the civil rights movement, testified against senator jeff sessions who trump picked to be the next attorney general. but the thing that has the president-elect upset and tweeting today is a new lewis comment that he thinks russians helped mr. trump win so he doesn't think the election was won fair and square. >> very difficult, i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. >> the president-elect closed his week here at trump tower, meeting with family feud host steve harvey who says both the
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obama and trump team coordinated that sit-down to improve lives in the same neighborhoods that mr. trump appears to be tweeting about today. this included a speaker phone call with dr. ben carson, the housing and urban development secretary nominee. >> we're going to team up and see if we can bring about some positive change in the inner cities, which i felt was my only agenda, and he agreed and he wants to do something. >> and if it doesn't feel like the inauguration is coming soon, it will, a few days from right now, because top advisor to the transition team and soon to be counsellor to the president kelly anne conway says the president-elect will be down in washington d.c. on monday for at least part of the day. leland. >> we will look forward to your coverage off that visit. peter doocy at trump tower. more on the john lewis fallout with the panel. in the meantime, back to liz and the capitol. >> here at the capitol, the
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house ended the work week with a vote on repeal of obamacare, and earlier in the week. house speaker paul ryan calling it a critical first step for relief of americans, but it's not clear how or when the republicans will replace the law. kristen fisher reports live from washington. >> hey, liz, republicans are calling this move critical for repealing and replacing obamacare. what they've done, they've essentially made any future legislation about the affordable care act immune to a democratic filibuster in the senate. that's crucial, because republicans only have 52 seats in the senate. when the house voted it was a near party line vote. only 9 house republicans voted against the republican measures and no democrats voted for it. since the senate voted earlier, it's to an eventual
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vote to repeal obamacare once the president-elect takes office. >> every mandate, every regulation, every single tax has to go, then we'll have a chance to have the market work and that's part of the replacement is simple getting rid of the repeal-- or getting rid of obamacare with repeal and bring down costs and provide affordable health care to families acros c. >> and yesterday's vote put pressure on republicans to what they're going to replace the affordable care act with. and insurance company under that law and premiums have shot up in recent months, democrats argue that something is better than nothing and that republicans are still a ways away from finding consensus on a replacement. >> more than six years we've been waiting for credible republican health care plan and none has been forth coming. all you have is smoke and mirrors and the american people are getting ready to get screwed. >> house republicans argue
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that the american people have voted and that they voted to get rid of obamacare. congress now on track to do just that less than a week before president obama leaves office. liz. >> all right, kristen fisher reporting. thank you. >> senators grilled president-elect donald trump's national security team this week. the nominees for secretary of state, cia director, and secretary of defense all faced tough questions about their boss' view on russians. >> should we ignore the lessons of history in our relationship with vladimir putin, what should we be done. >> the most important thing is to recognize the reality of what we deal with with mr mr. putinment and he's trying to break the economic alliance. and the steps, alliance steps working with our allies to defend ourselves where we
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must. >> for more insight, we bring in shane harris, center writer at wall street journal covering intelligence, national and cyber security. shane, you've been busy lately. appreciate you being with us. >> pleasure to be here. >> thanks. >> when you listen to the confirmation hearing, you listen to mattis talk about n.a.t.o. and tillerson about china and specifically the south china sea and mike pompeo, the cia director talking about russia, you get a feeling that the national security team may be more hawkish than their boss. >> that's right, they staked out positions that are very much looking at russia as an adversary, as a country that we need to deal with, but on very smart and strategic terms, they were not openly embracing vladimir putin by any means, they were reinforcing the idea that n.a.t.o. as a trans atlantic alliance has been critical. and different terms than what president-elect trump said and all agree that russia was responsible for the hacks during the election campaign
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and found that the intelligence on that score persuasive and sound. >> your reporting, some of our reporting is showing some amount of fear in terms of the intelligence community, on president-elect's view on putin, especially during the election. how much did these confirmation hearings go to assuage those fears, if you will? >> i think it probably did put people a bit more at ease. you're right, there's been sort of this lingering anxiety and suspicion, what is the relationship between trump and president putin, but to hear mike pompeo, the cia director, if confirmed, that russia is adversary and talking about the hacks. and talking about that, seems to have brought the tension down a bit. the question is to what extent
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will those people running the agencies be shaping the policy or policy out of the white house and they will be expected to fall in line. they made clear they will be their own thinkers, but we don't know how the white house will run on that score. >> to that point, you have general mike flynn who shall we say has been controversial on some of his crews, whether his relationship with russia or views toward obamacare or other things. he doesn't have to face a confirmation hearing and some ways, senators, even republicans are going after these nominees, telegraphing to the world this is how we think about mike flynn? >> i think that's a fair point. if you talk to people in the intelligence community, there is an assumption that mike flynn is likely to be the gatekeeper both because that's what the national security job is, sort of the funnel through which the views come to the white house. he has a close relationship
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with trump and the one that trump has known the longest and many people in the intelligence community see whether flynn will have the ear of president trump. if that's the case, how strong can the agencies be when you're dealing with someone who has the president's ear. >> and based on what mr. trump has been saying, that the general has the president's ear. one thing that struck us is the rex tillerson comments when it comes to china, it was tough language and tougher language by the chinese. how unusual is it for you to have an incoming secretary of state nominee talk essentially about an act of war against another country? >> oh, i think it's quite unusual and these are obviously underscoring the extent to which really big and tough geopolitical and strategic issues are going to land on the plate of these nominees from day one. i mean, this is a very dynamic
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national security situation. >> we can see things that are going on right now. lightning round real quick, confirmed or not, mike pompeo. >> definitely confirmedments definitely confirmed cia. general mattis for defense secretary. >> no question. >> rex tillerson for secretary of state? >> probably, but only question mark i would say. >> you heard it here first, shane. appreciate your time here. >> thanks for having me. >> liz has more. >> let's continue our conversation because there are several more confirmation hearings scheduled this week, including for secretary of education, epa administrator and u.n. ambassador. so, for what to expect, let's bring in carrie picket with the daily collar, thank you for joining us. >> i want to get your reaction to the week, so often we saw some questioning we felt the questioning was directed at the president-elect and not the nominee. what was your reaction when you listened to some of those hearings? >> first of all, going into it, you thought that the democrats were just going to be shooting everything possible and just blowing
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their entire wad over at all of these nomineesings, but in fact, it seemed like much weaker than i think a lot of people thought, with jeff sessions, for example, we thought there would be a total showdown perhaps with cory booker when in fact it didn't seem like it went as bad as people really thought. jeff sessions sort of sailed through that even with the arrows shot at him. and ben carson, you had a number of people and thought, man, does this guy have enough experience and so on, so forth and he really sort of made sure that people knew his personal story and impressed a lot of individuals and saw that he really came out there. >> some people were surprised how personal he did get, how the situation, when he grew up and what his life style was like and why he's so passionate about changing lives for so many people going forwardment i want to look forward, there are a number of hearings, first of all, betsy devos nomination for secretary
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of education. her hearing was delayed a week. do you feel it's a contentious hearing? if not, how do you feel next week will be contentious? >> certainly, betsy devos will be contentious, even with barbara bush coming out in support of her nomination. and you have those pitting at all sides. she's a sport -- supporter of school of choice and you have the unions. and there will be at least one nominee to withdraw, keep in mind you had judge gregg who was a nominee for barack obama, he ended up withdrawing because he didn't have really views that were lined up the obama administration, you had the clinton administration and bush administration have nominees pull out. they want at least one scalp. >> and we have congressman ryan zinke and there's talk of
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wilbur ross as exercise secretary. what do you think that hearing is going to be like? there's a lot of unknowns there. >> one of the things they're looking at as far as the democrats are concerned, they want to find out the conflicts of interest, they want to find out the financials of these guys saying they didn't put forth up enough documents. and as far as rex tillerson even though he did a pretty good job, they want to know his background of exxon-mobile and conflicts of interest. >> one you think will sail through, nikki haley and scott pruett, rick perry, tom price. tom price is a very important role especially going forward with talking about appeal of obamacare. >> rick perry pulled himself off the dakota pipeline
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situation, that's contentious and i'm sure they'll ask him about that and find out what his interests are, as well as you have mnuchin and he's going to be an issue with the democrats. i'm not sure whether or not donald trump will be able to get all of his nominees through, but it looks pretty clear that he could get at least a majority through. >> all things considered, although there were some very tough questioning, but like you said, we heard the president-elect say that list nominees did fairly well and we have a whole other week ahead and beyond that. so no shortage of topics, we'll have you back, kerry. appreciate it. be sure to tune into media buzz some and interview with tom spicer. ab we will talk about buzz feed. and with chris wallace and mike pence before taking the
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oath of office. check your listings for time and channel. >> they tell you to slow down when on ice and snow. you can see the snowplow, there it goes careening off a mountain road, turns out it was struck by another driver in the middle of blizzard conditions. tell you what happened next to the driver of the snowplow, plus, much more on our special inauguration preview, top stories, joining us with some of the most media moments in presidential history, including why ronald reagan had to do his second swearing in inside. that happened in 1985 and we'll tell you why. and as the nation honors civil rights history this martin luther king, jr. weekend, al sharpton live on the stage in washington. thousands of marchers have made their way to the king statue in the tidal basin. our own caroline shively on the rain with them. hi, caroline. >> hi.
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thousands of folks here today have r a message to president-elect trump. i'll have that story straight ahead. wait a minute... hey... hold on, i can explain. you better have a good answer... switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your car insurance. why didn't you say so in the first place? i thought you's was wearing a wire. haha, what? why would i wear a wire? geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. the search for relief often leads here.s, today there's drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy.
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forebearers through seneca falls and selma and stonewall and guided all of those men and women sung and unsung who left footprints awe long this great mall to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone. to hear a king proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably found by every. >> that's president obama paying tribute to martin luther king, jr. in his second inaugural address. it will be on monday. but there's a warning to president-elect trump and congress. hi, caroline. >> high to you, elizabeth. they were hoping for 25,000 today, but they are battling 35 degree temperatures and serious rain so it looks like the attendees are more in the hundreds than the thousands.
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the march is called "we shall not be moved", put together by al sharpton national action network. they're putting the president on notice that they want to protect the legacy of president obama. the issues they're focusing on today according to the website, police brutality, voting rights, health care, protecting roe vs wade, lbgt issues and here is why some of the marchers told us they're here. >> we're the now generation. and for the black lives matter movement, it made a national wave and so it's important that my generation we continue to have the tools to make sure that these initiatives and these causes go forth. >> we need to be able to still show the world that we coming together regardless of who whoever is in office. we're not going to stand by and let you do anything to us without us standing up for our
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rights. >> reverend al sharpton addressing the crowd at this hour. it's one hearty crowd because it's raining hard, elizabeth and very cold. back to you. elizabeth: stay warm out there, caroline, we appreciate it. leland: you just watched this video for a second. it's dash cam video spanish fork, utah. a snowplow driver there in the blizzard, boom, right 0 of the highway. the driver is in the hospital after this crash. dash cam footage, if we loop it, shows a semi trailclipping then sending it across the highway and down an embankment. the snowplow driver was taken to the hospital with what you could imagine is serious injuries. they believe that the semi driver couldn't see the plow in the white-out conditions. as you might imagine, officials are urging individuals to slow down and avoid crowding snowplows on
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the road. you realize how much worse it could have been. especially in washington they talked about how bad it would be today and possibly for inauguration week. we've seen blizzards during the inauguration before and frankly, it's not that bad out and it could be down right balmy come friday. >> we talked to some, i think it was janice dean said, in fact, we may see temperatures as high as 40 and to us, that is nice in january. so we appreciate mother nature if she cooperates with us. >> no kidding. elizabeth: after the break, in less than a week, president-elect donald trump will deliver his inaugural address to the nation. will he deliver a message of unity after a divisive election? a former bush speech writer will look at how administrations past have used their words to bring the country together. . >> in this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.
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>> sometimes our differences run so deep it seems we share a continent, but not a country. we do not accept this and we will not allow it. our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens and every generation, and this is my solemn pledge, i will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. elizabeth: a message of unity from president george w. bush in his first inaugural address which came after a hotly contested election that divided the country. now, president-elect donald trump is preparing his inaugural address after a supercharged race and transition.
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what can we learn from the lessons of the white house, strategist and former speech writer to president bush and first lady laura bush, thank you for being here. >> i want to focus on what we're going to be hearing that day and that's obviously the inaugural speech by president-elect donald trump. i want to play a quick sound bite for you, and this is from a speech writer, steven miller. take a listen to president-elect at the rnc convention. >> our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation, the attacks on our police, and the terrorism of our cities, threaten our very way of life. elizabeth: okay, i want to get your reaction to the tone that we're hearing in that particular speech from a speech writer, such as yourself. >> well, of course, the tone during the campaign will vary quite differently from the tone of the inauguration.
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i think it's important to draw the contrasts and state the truth about what's going on in the country as they see it and how they differ from the other candidates. so i think what you will see during the inaugural address will be quite a bit different in tone and tenor. elizabeth: how does it change that? because we know that president bush at that time lost the popular vote and won the electoral vote. and he was facing a divided election as well. how does president-elect donald trump make that shift. he didn't have a long speech, he has to stay on message. the whole world will be watching and he has to take a lot of things into consideration and how will he pivot? >> there won't be a whole lot of content. that's later when the state of the union address is presented. i think during the inaugural address, this is the benchmark address for his presidency. this is, sets the tone in broad terms and broad strokes. i think what you're going to see here is not the denial of some of the darker sides.
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in fact, i can it's important to acknowledge the elephant in the room and there's a big part of this nation who feels that sense of darkness. they had purpose and direction under the past president who has now left so they feel that sense of loss and that darkness. so i think it's important to acknowledge that. i think it's also important to acknowledge the realities of where we are as a nation, but i think you can tap into that darkness in a very positive way and acknowledge that, acknowledge the fact that there are people in this country who feel that sense of loss and feel that sense of despair and wonder what's going to come next. so to acknowledge that, but also to talk about ways that we can harness that and continue that energy. how do we work, instead of destructive argumentative ways, how can we pull what's best of our country and common ideals and purposes and work together to continue the legacy of this great experiment, and again, what's interesting is, you know,
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america's constantly been referred to as the great experiment throughout history by many presidents and observers of the nation and here we have another chapter of this experiment unfolding with a president who is a citizen president. elizabeth: right. >> so being a part of that is sort of inspiring, i think, and he can tap into that in a more positive way, too. elizabeth: from what i'm understanding, you're saying it sort of needs to have a structured tone to that and here we're looking at a president-elect who was voted into office because he speaks off the cuff, he's very authentic, sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter, gets a lot of energy from the crowd. we will see millions of people who are going to be watching him. how does he stay focused and adhere to what i'm gathering a sort of rules and traditions on this very special day? >> well, i think there are a lot of commonalties in all inaugural speeches and that is to keep them brief. again, the time for the heavier content and the more detailed information will come later. this is going to be a very brief speech, i would imagine
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no longer than 15 minutes, which will keep him on task. it will be important to stick to a script and important to stick to common themes about where we are as a nation, our common causes, our goals of economy, education, security at home and abroad and i think he can touch on those in very broad strokes. i think when we talk about some of the loftier ideals and referring to higher powers and prayers and passages from the bible that might reach out to people of all faiths and creeds, you know, you think about something like b beattitudes, blessed are those who are weary or tapping into those who are feeling down and elevate it to that level and in very broad strokes though. elizabeth: charlie, we appreciate you coming on with your expertise and we look forward to having you back and the speech on friday. >> great to be here. thanks, elizabeth. elizabeth: after the break, he made history in 2008.
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now, as the president leaves office, how will barack obama's legacy be remembered? we'll talk about it. in less than a week, president-elect donald trump will be trying to bring a divided nation together. we'll take a look how past presidents used their inaugural address to reassure the nation in times of trouble. >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. what are you doing? getting your quarter back.
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president obama as he took office eight years ago. this is, of course, his last weekend in the white house, from foreign policy to environmental issues, the president is making a number of controversial last minute moves that could be very difficult for president-elect trump to undo if he so chooses. richard benedetto has studied presidents up close as a reporter and columnist. a pending column titled "how can we miss a president that won't go away", and the next crop of journalists will be covering the white house. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you. leland: you think about the last couple of weeks of this administration, major change when it comes to u.s. policy towards israel, the naming of a number of federal monuments that even the governors and senators from those states don't want. the change this we can in the wet foot-dry foot policy as relates to cuba. a number of these things will be difficult to undo.
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have we ever seen a president in the last few weeks of office go forward in this way and try to make things difficult, if you will, for the guy coming in next. >> not in recent memory that we can think back probably to president eisenhower at least that things like that didn't happen. we see that -- we see that this president doesn't want to seem to leave the stage and wants to have impact even after his presidency and these are examples of him trying to maintain that. leland: we heard from the president, just to your point, in his going away address earlier this week on tuesday when he said i'm going to still be a part of the conversation, i'm going to still argue passionately for the things i believe in, a different goodbye from george bush who went to texas and started painting. and the great political scientist said the power of the presidency is the power of persuasion.
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does president obama keep that power of persuasion once he leaves office? >> i think so. the fact that the fact that he's staying here in washington, one, will make him in player in all the debates from health care to foreign policy. the democratic party is kind of rudderless and doesn't have a visible leader, a strong visible leader. they will look to him because he's staying in washington to take that position and be kind ever the defacto led of the democratic party and carry that message for them. leland: it's interesting though, you think about that from the democrats' perspective. he was the man making the case, really, for hillary clinton, and he made the case for his view of the liberal order as he saw it and a continuation of his presidency this election. he really made this election about a referendum on his presidency and he lost. do you think that resonates with him at all or is he simply going to ignore that and for that matter the democrats ignore that, too? >> i don't think that
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president obama or most of the democrats in this city really think that they lost this election yet. they're really kind of fighting the results. leland: i've got news for them on friday. >> i know that, but they still want to-- they still want to believe that we really didn't lose therefore we have a message to sell, we have principles to sell and we're going to continue to try to sell them and they still-- they don't believe that even though democrats have not fared well in the election booth under president obama, they don't believe that he's the cause of that problem and so, as long as they don't believe the cause of that, he's the cause of that problem, they're going to want to have him continue to be their sports person. leland: is there, as you look back in history, from your time covering the presidency, it doesn't seem as though there's ever been a precedent for a president to stay in washington or for that matter to make an attempt to become part of the conversation again? >> no, there doesn't. one of the traditions, all the way back to george washington, to really wanted to leave
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town, while he didn't leave very far from washington, he went back to mt. vernon. he was not looking over the shoulder of john adams who took over after him at all. the tradition was the presidents really kind of fade away and don't participate. now, over the years, presidents have relied on ex-presidents to give them advice privately. and i can recall president h.w. bush coming to washington and defending bill clinton on his policy toward iraq and therefore, there has been this kind of supportive relationship between the old president and the new president, which i don't see unfolding at this point. leland: that would be unusual for that to happen a change in views and you have to think back, probably also to eisenhower and kennedy and the advice that eisenhower was able to give to kennedy during bay of pigs.
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professor, may that come true, may these two gentlemen get along as the president leaves office. that would be great for the country. >> that would be great for the country. leland: liz. elizabeth: well, we just learned a few moments ago, singer jennifer holiday will not perform at president-elect's inauguration ceremony. in an open letter holiday provided to the wrap, holiday said she would not perform in any inaugurations writing in part, my only choice must now be to stand with the lbgt community and to state unequivocally i will not perform for the welcome concerts or for any of the inauguration festivities. of course, fox news has reached out to the trump transition team for comment. >> you know what we hear, as mr. trump comes to the white house, a big part of his policy is public-private partnerships. we'll see how that works as it relates to space. spacex, one of the private rocket ships that's been going off, had a little bit of an explosion problem the last
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time around. that's going to blast off here in about five or ten minutes, we think. we'll let you know how that goes or if it suffers the same fate as the last launch, and president-elect trump is not the only newcomer to washington. we're going to hear from two freshmen congressmen about adjusting to their life right now on capitol hill. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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>> all right. you are looking at the rotunda on capitol hill in the senate building. one of the beautiful and historic rooms in the maze that is capitol hill for so many lawmakers that are just in the 115th session of congress and it was a very busy first two weeks. that would be an understatement. confirmation hearings took place in the senate, key rule votes the possibility of rolling back obamacare in both chambers. for more than 50 members, it's all about settling into a new city, a new digs and the house itself has 52 freshmen members this term. i had a chance to talk with two of them. republican congresswoman claudia tenney and another and
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i asked them what it's like to be the new kid on the hill. >> it's working with a legislature and now you're flying back and forth to your district. how has it been the past two weeks. >> organizationally we've brought a lot of our staff and hired some folks with experience here in d.c. on the legislative said it's been exciting. you know, we had a big rule vote on first amendment issues, on the first day. elizabeth: i want to ask you, congress woman, the fact that there is so much ahead of you, in this particular session. did you feel overwhelmed? do you hear that from her freshmen coming in, it seems as if-- i know you're republican and i understand that you have the majority, but it's still very overwhelming to get things done? >> yeah, actually i'm looking forward to the opportunity to actually find some positive results for my constituents. i come from an extreme minority in the new york state assembly and being in the majority in congress and actually take the lead on really important issues in my
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district in upstate new york, things that affected our district. i'm excited about it and happy and honored to be able to serve on the financial services committee, which is, you know, an unusual position for most freshmen to could many in. elizabeth: you're from two different districts and either side of the aisle. what did you hear from voters to get done? >> it's all about higher paying jocks. >> we in the metro orlando area, we have a lot of jobs, but a lot in the service industry. we'll look increasing our high-tech sector, biotech, and space flight on the coast. we have centers of manufacturing and we do a lot of training for the military. this will be a big part, but a big ag industry and our citrus industry needs help. those are two big areas, yeah, high quality access to education and health care on the list and protecting our environment. elizabeth: if i'm not mistaken, high congresswoman, you have a high population of bosnia refugees.
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>> in utica. our number one industry is ag and we have a huge small business community, i like to call us the rust belt of new york and the trump agenda was something that was very appealing to a lot of my constituents from all across, democrats, independents, alike, everybody was very on board with trump's message because we've lost so many manufacturing. i actually own a manufacturing facility in new york 22nd. i know what it's like to compete in new york. i feel the pain of many of our small businesses, many of whom had to close because of obamacare and the failing health care echanges in new york. so for me, this is an exciting opportunity for us to finally lift regulation, finally help our small business community, including our family farms which have been hit by all of these regulations and taxes, for me, it's an exciting challenge. elizabeth: i'm hearing you say you want the same goal, but obviously you have different constituents. and my-- as any voter at home, how are you going to get that done, how are you going to work together? i'll start with you. >> i think there are certain times when there is an
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opportunity to work together. we had a bill called the halo bill the other day that loosened regulations on being able to pitch for these high-tech companies, venture capital, much like shark tank and some of those shows out there, and that was one where many of us, i'm a member of the new demes caucus, we tend to be very pro growth part of the democratic party so we crossed the aisle on that. >> a lot of people are concerned about immigration and i want to know what you both see as a vision going forward? >> well, while there is a need to secure the border, i think the key is, when need to make sure we're taking care of the dreamers and take care of those folks broken apart with being struck down. in my area we care about keeping families together and have rules that families can rely on. elizabeth: you've seen those family come. >> we have a unique situation, the large bosnian in our area, we have a huge refugee population and welcomed in
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refugees from across the world and welcome them. people who want to live the american dream and live under our rules. so, i think we have to look at them first, people who came here legally. elizabeth: i appreciate you both coming on both sides of the aisle from your districts. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. leland: the live pictures as a spacex nine falcon rocket as just blasted off north of santa barbara. you can see there, it's headed up about six miles down range right now. this one went a little better than the last one. they had a rocket blow up on the launch pad a couple of months ago. and we wish this rocket and its communication satellite god speed. we'll be backfore another hour in just a minute. a heart attack can happen without warning. a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin.
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joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. congratulations. >> so me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. ♪ >> congratulations, mr. president. kristin: donald john trump six days away from taking this solemn oath, kicking off a brand new era here in wash. we're live on capitol hill where chief justice john roberts will administer the oath to the 45th president of the united states this friday. leland: just a few blocks down pennsylvania avenue, the new president will join america's
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new first lady to good-bye to the president and mrs. obama to take off in history. they're not leaving washington. preparations are underway as we get ready for special edition of "america's news headquarters." ♪ leland: good saturday to you, i'm leland vittert, what is rainy and cold white house that is certainly in transition, elizabeth. >> i'm not far from you. elizabeth prann from capitol hill. getting closer to repeal of the republican controlled congress, makes headway for repealing obama care. what will replace it? joining us today democratic congressman who is fighting to keep obamacare in place, and republican congresswoman, marcia blackburn who is fighting to repeal and replace.
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leland: plus, maybe you saw this on twitter this morning, our political panel take as fair and balance look at the war of words between president-elect trump and democratic congressman john lou is. >> 18 years after a little baby goes missing she is found alive. we have her amazing story. leland: president-elect trump moves here in less than a week now. one of the first major pieces of legislation he is likely to sign will be a repeal of obamacare. he campaigned on this. at the capitol they have already laid the groundwork for the key house vote this week that makes it a whole lot easier. kristin fisher live from near capitol hill with more on this. kristin, you have these two issues here, you've got repeal and replace. we'll deal with repeal first. where are republicans on the votes? reporter: what this means is, that democrat will not be able to use a senate filibuster to derail any future bill that would repeal and replace obamacare.
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republican house majority whip explained it like this. >> democrats historically blocked bills to repeal obamacare. so with this one unique opportunity through budget reconciliation we can move the bill through the house and senate to president trump's desk that impots obamacare. reporter: president-elect trump weighed in on twitter by saying the unaffordable care act will soon be history. republicans see yesterday's vote as a critical first step to repeal be and replacing obamacare. the budgetary measure passed almost along party lines, 227-198 one day after it passed the senate. it puts tremendous pressure on republicans to figure out what they will replace the affordable care act with. 20 million americans gain insurance under the law. premiums shot up while democrats argue something is better than nothing. >> there is no replacement. 64 times they voted to repeal
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affordable care act. they still do not have a replacement. do not repeal the affordable care act. and show us the beef, show us the alternative. reporter: that is the big challenge for republicans going forward. now that they're in control. now that the stage is set to finally repeal the affordable care act, what are they going to replace it with? leland? leland: details you might say, but pesky details, strong words from steny hoyer. we heard the very same message from president obama this week saying look, come up with a way to insure all the people and do it cheaper, i'm all for it. where are republicans are on that? reporter: this week house speaker paul ryan said he and mr. trump are on the same page. they would like the repeal and replace to be simultaneous. they would like for it to happen within the first 100 days. details of that replacement still need to be hashed out. many republicans are still very divided what the replacement
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should look like. past gop proapprovals cut much of existing law's federal spending, easing requirements and tax benefits and letting states make their own decisions. a lot of ideas came from or were supported by representative tom price. that is the president-elect's pick for secretary ever health and human services. he will work very closely with republicans on capitol hill in coming weeks to build a framework for replacement whatever it may be. mr. trump wants it done during his first 100 days in office. leland. leland: kristin fisher live near capitol hill. liz has more. liz: democrats are planning to hold health care rallies across the country one in michigan where congressman dan kidy will attend and lon with senator chuck schumer. congressman joins me now. thank you for joining us.
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senate and house approving rules going forward to prevent the filibuster. play sound bite by house speaker paul ryan and get your reaction. take a listen. >> new premium increases announced just this year, people were promised, if you like your plan you can keep it. well, guess what? that was rated the lie of the year that year. liz: want to get your response, sir if i'm not mistaken you staunchly defend the law in its entirety, is that correct? >> i defend it because we need obviously focus to how we improve it. when you say i defend it in its entirety, what i defend not repealing without any idea what it will be replaced with. i'm one of those democrats is always been willing, since i arrived in congress four years ago to find ways to improve the affordable care act. liz: how do you improve the
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actual health care law? it is thousands of pages long. 2500 pages long. how do you improve it without starting the repeal process? >> well that is sort of a nonsequitor. you don't have to repeal it in order to improve it. that doesn't make any sense at all. for example, one of the things you might do is look at market structure, where we have a lack of competition in some areas in some states, that has been one of the drivers of those premium increases. looking at alternatives, there has been suggestions made by democrats and republicans to provide another alternative in the exchanges so there would be more competition. that is fundamentally how you drive, but the other point, why not negotiate to redawes drug prices? here's the point. i guess the real question is, for republicans if you say you want to improve it, tell us what you're going to do. liz: there is number of proposals we talked about them. you talked about obviously looking at just the sticker shock.
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we see the sticker shock in your state of michigan this year alone will go up 16%. not taking into account other states such as arizona will see 115% increase. what are your proposals going forward if you want to take a piecemeal approach, what do you and lawmakers on the democratic aisle, what are they saying? >> well as i said we were willing to look at changes in the market structure. for example, having a, another alternative, being able to have plans available across state lines. actually be able to negotiate with drug manufacturers for lower prices on prescription drugs. it is not as if there are no solutions. in fact many of those solutions are solutions that have been offered from republicans, as a part of sort of the concepts that they are suggesting for whatever their plan might be. the point is this. we can fix this, but the idea that for political purposes we have to first throw it all away
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without the decency of being able to say to the american people, here is what our plan will be, because keeping in mind, there were premium increases taking place long before the affordable care act, and in fact that was one of the problems that drove the need to adopt this legislation in the first place. liz: what i'm hearing that you want to make the lawless complicated. if you look at a piece of the law, talk about deductibles, i want to bring up some point in the state of michigan as well. from 2006 to 2015 deductibles any client went up almost twofold. it was $571 in 2006 and $1400 in 2015. that is a piece of the problem. what i'm trying to understand, if i'm someone at home enrolled in health care and prices and deductibles i don't see end in sight and prices getting lower and i don't know what to do
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decides voting for someone to repeal the and replace health care law. you say republicans don't have solutions, we see attempts across the aisle to replace and repeal. >> still it is illogical to say there is no way to improve. the problems that you point out are problems that we'll have to deal with whether through the affordable care act or some other mechanism yet to be named. but one thing i can say for sure, dealing with increased costs or dealing with the lack of a competition in the marketplace is not solved, simply by saying, you can be canceled if you get sick, which is what repeal will do. it won't be solved by simply saying, if you are a diabetic, you can't get coverage. now that may drive down the costs of health care for some, but it will kick 20 million people off health insurance. liz: right. >> if that is the solution, if that is the solution republicans are offering they need to say so. one point i need to make sure
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i'm clear on, i'm open to changes to the affordable care act. i'm even open to a different vehicle. if provides the kind of assurance that every american gets affordable health care and no one can lose their coverage because they get cancer or some other disease. no one can be denied because they have preexisting condition. liz: okay. >> if they're willing to come up with that, just tell us what it is we're all ears. liz: congressman kildee, thanks for coming on the record. we'll get viewpoint from the other side of the aisle. thank you so much. >> thank you. leland: all right. other side of the aisle, let's bring in congresswoman marcia blackburn from the great state of tennessee. nice to see you, ma'am. >> good to see you, thank you. leland: thank you. when i was a little boy you would go into a store with your mom and be a little sign you would always point out to me, can't imagine why, say you break it you buy it. she would point that out to me. are the republicans at a point here you break it, you buy it when it comes to obamacare?
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>> not at all because obamacare is what broke the health insurance marketplace. and all you need to do to look at that, go back to the time they're passing the bill. they had to pass it to read it, to find out what was in it. it was disruption as they spent four years trying to put it in place. now, if you return to 2010, tech 2010, and blair house health care summit, what you saw republicans lay out a patient-centered private sector approach for health care reform broadening the marketplace. leland: congresswoman, i get what was laid out in 2010 but, at least from what i can tell, there is not been any concrete plans laid out by the republicans for what you're going to do to replace it. what are they? >> oh absolutely there have been. we laid them out even back in 2010. they said, here's our government plan. we said here's our private sector plan. leland: are those the same
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plans, are those the same plans? >> absolutely. absolutely. across state line purchase of health insurance. association health plans, expanded health savings accounts. now all that is there on health insurance side. leland: will there be individual mandate, yes or no? >> there will not being an individual mandate. leland: okay. >> but on the replace side, some of the things that we have already done, 21st century cures, is the precision medicine bill already signed into law. president obama signed that in decent. that is a big step towards reforming delivery systems and payments. leland: are the democrats all wet in their argument they don't really know what the republicans are going to put forth? do you feel you have a really grand idea that we just all haven't read? what is it? i'm trying to figure out where this is coming from? >> there are plenty of bills. there are several bills that these ideas have been brought together in total. you have the american health
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care reform act. you have dr. price, has for several years had hr 3200. and so, yes, you have those dealing with an array of issues on the insurance, delivery and the reimbursement side. and those ideas, those concepts, those bills, those pieces of legislation, they're all there. as i said, precision medicine, 21st century cures, focuses us on getting after this. we already passed that. we did it last year. it was signed in december. leland: i understand all that, but why does it seem so difficult though to get a realistic bill, if you will? the huge complaint about obamacare was the great line from nancy pelosi, we've got to pass it so we can read it and figure out what is in there. you have the president-elect and your house speaker saying we have to do this first 100 days. we're going to do it first 100
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days. don't we run the very same risks? >> not at all because our legislation has been out there now for about seven years and people have read it, but you know, democrats like great big come hedges sieve, 2500 page -- comprehensive, 2500 page bills. we say, here is problem that needs our attention. maybe it take as two or three page piece of legislation to fix it. leland: congresswoman, that begs the question, if can be done in two or three pages why haven't we seen the two or three pages? >> you have. we've got them filed. go to -- leland: if we've seen them, congresswoman, if we've seen the pages, why isn't paul ryan up there saying this is what we're going to do, here is the two or three pages? there is no replacement idea yet on the table. >> yes there is. go to our better way plan we have -- leland: better way -- >> conference with.
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leland: better way going to be presented? is that is what is going to happen? >> you're going to have, yes, it is in different bills. those are the provisions. absolutely. read it and look what we're going to do with making certain that the everyone has access to affordable health care. that patients, not the federal government are making decisions. that individuals, and moms and dads and families are in charge of their health care. that we are making certain that insurance is affordable. and pay attention to the fact that what we're going to do is focusing on access by making certain these networks that have gotten so narrow -- congresswoman, i appreciate all the talking points. i am looking forward to seeing the bill when y'all have it and have you back to talk about. thank you, ma'am. >> go to my website. it is all right there. thank you. leland: thank you. liz? liz: more politics. president-elect donald trump
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taking to twitter to morning to address comments by leading democratic lawmaker john lewis about russian interference with the presidential election. peter doocy joins us outside live from trump tower in new york. peter, thanks for joining us. did congressman john lewis get called out by the president-elect today? did we see any response perhaps on twitter? reporter: there is back and forth going on now, twitter, because congressman lewis said in an interview he thinks it was russians and not americans that got donald trump elected president. >> very difficult, i don't see this president-elect has a legitimate president. reporter: the trump response to that looks like this, on twitter, quote, congressman john lewis should spend more time fixing and helping his district in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime-infested rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk, talk, talk, no action
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or results. sad. lewis district covers most of atlanta in a state that mr. trump did win in november. he is the dean of the georgia congressional delegation and he is well-known for his role in the civil rights movement and calling mr. trump's win illegitimate is the second thing lewis has done this week to challenge the soon to be sworn in president. lewis testified against senator jeff sessions at his confirmation hearings to become the next attorney general of the united states. elizabeth. liz: a little more about those confirmation hearings. we talked a lot about them this week. have we heard any reaction from the president-elect? how does he feel the confirmation hearings went? reporter: we have. he thinks they have been going well. there are questions about that because some of the nominees he put forth for cabinet-level positions are expresses positions little different than trump has had particularly with russia, where many of his nominees had much harsher words
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for putin regime and russia than mr. trump has had, he said, mr. trump, yesterday, when he sends these nominees before congressional committees they go with just one uninstruction. >> i told them be yourselves, say what you want to say. don't worry about me. i will do the right thing, whatever it is. i may be right and they may be right but i said be yourselves. what do you say, let them do it, i could have do this, say that, i don't want that. i want them all to be themselves. reporter: the president-elect also told reporters yesterday in the lobby at trump tower that he thinks repeal and replace process for obamacare has been going great, and he is less than a week now aweek away from being sworn in as the 45th president. he is not just looking forward to the pomp and circumstance. he is doing work up there at trump tower. keep in mind he still has one cabinet secretary position to fill. that is at the agriculture department. elizabeth?
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liz: peter doocy covering all things donald trump. peter, thank you so much. leland: well it is almost time for the changing of the guard here at the white house. moving vans aren't here yet but they will be soon. protesters are already planning demonstrations. more on the build-up to inauguration day, straight ahead. then this story, they lost their baby but they never lost hope with good reason. we'll tell you how a dna test unlock ad 18-year-old mystery for one very happy florida family. >> i tell everybody. this is good day for us. ♪ it's about moving forward not back. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition. it's intelligent nutrition.
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18-year-old alexis manigo suspected something was up. south carolina police opened an investigation. manigo learn her real name is can maya mobley. and the williams posed as a nurse 18 years ago and kidnapped her from a jacksonville, florida, hospital eight hours after she was born. this is a sketch of mobley as a child. no baby photos were taken at the time. all indications that 18-year-old kamiyah mobley was loved by her accused kidnapper. at her bond hearing this week, she is charged with kidnapping and interference with custody but teenager is so everywell manied by all of this news, her real family involved in this is elated. they can't wait to be reunited.
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>> i'm just glad that she is back. i can't wait to see her. i'm just happy. every day you get up there is always hope. i wake up, i believe she is waking up too. there was always hope she was so glad. she told her mama looked like her daddy. she sounds so intelligent and so respectful. she says she will be here to see us. >> really like something out of a movie. in walter borrow, south carolina, three hours straight from i-95 from the hospital where she is accused kidnapping mobley. word got around fast where kidnapper gloria williams not only appeared to be a good mom to her stolen daughter, a hard worker a part-time volunteer a churchgoer. yesterday the jacksonville's sheriff's office shared sketches of mobilely as a babe but you already saw and alleged kidnapper. a massive search ensued, that turned up nothing for 18 years
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until this week. we still have not heard from mobley's real mother, shanira mobley. she told a local paper, every year on daughter's birthday, wraps up a birthday cake puts in the freezer hoping some day she will find her daughter. leland: so many twist and turns for story to come, rob schmitt, thank you very much. we go back to politics. this is strong words you might say between president-elect donald trump and democratic congressman john lewis over mr. trump's win in november. fair and balanced political panel on back and forth. what it means for the country. hundreds right now were taking part in a honor civil rights leader dr. martin luther king, jr. caroline shively on the ground in the rain for the rally. hi caroline. reporter: hi to you, leland. march is wrapping up with the beautiful sound of the howard
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university chorus. we'll have more from them straight after the break. ♪ mmm
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♪ >> we're on the path of history. you may have the grace to look up and out and into your sister's eyes and into your brother's face. your country and say simply, very simply, with hope good morning. elizabeth: poetry of the late maya angelou from bill clinton's first inaugural address back in 1993. the peaceful transfer of power occurs every four or eight years and hallmark of democracy, but for some protests they are planning to protest that donald trump's swearing-in ceremony on friday.
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right now civil rights activists are making their voices heard after observed martin luther king, jr., holiday. caroline shively is here. hi, caroline. reporter: hi, elizabeth. folks are battling near freezing temperatures and brutal drizzle gone on throughout the day, keeping attendance numbers well below the 25,000 they hoped for. we're down to a few hundred folks out here on the mall today. the march is called, we shall not be moved, put together by reverend al sharpton's national organization, the national action network. they're putting president trump on notice and want to protect the legacy of president obama. there are four non-negotiable issues they're talking about, voting rights, national. they have a message for the president-elect and also congress. >> we come to say to the democrats in the senate and in
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the house, and to the moderate republicans, get some backbone, get some guts. we didn't send you down here to be weak-kneed and get in the room and try to make friends. if you can't do the job, then we'll come here and bring you back home. reporter: reverend sharpton also urged the crowd to visit their members of congress and weigh in on president-elect's trump's nominees. elizabeth, back to you. >> caroline shively, reporting. caroline, thank you so much. leland: civil rights leader and long-time democratic congressman john lou sis says he will not attend next week's inauguration but it is far from a silent protest. >> this president-elect is not a legitimate president. >> you do not consider him a legitimate president. why is that? >> i think the russians
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participated in helping this man get elected, and they have destroyed the candidacy of hillary clinton. i think there was a conspiracy on the part of russians and others to help him get elected. that's not right. that's not fair. that's not -- the open democratic process. leland: predictably donald trump responded on twitter. quote, congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime-ridden, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk, talk, talk, no actions or results. sad. bring in a panel. brian hookses advisor to mitt romney during the 2012 elections. al mater served on clinton campaign's national finance team gentlemen, nice to see you, especially al, where it is a
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little bit warmer. >> great to be here. leland: al, not a legitimate president, you will defend this i'm guessing. >> i will, i will, leland. first of all john lewis is patriot and man with a conscience and we should take what he says seriously. he does not act lightly this was a man arrested 45 times fighting for civil rights. a man who faced death. a man who stood up for civil rights and human rights for a half sentty. leland: does that mean everything he says is right? i'm waiting for the defense of what he said, not who he is as a man? >> so you and i don't really know all the facts that he has heard. he participated in a briefing, intelligence briefing the other day, in which, they were shared information that is classified, and he has concluded post that briefing that the election perhaps was fixed in part by the russians and so, i'll give deference to his conclusion. he is no one, when he says things you can not take it lightly. i take what he says quite seriously. leland: ryan, are we to believe of all the people who received
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this intelligence briefing, it is mr. lewis is the unknit terri arbiter that this was not a fair election even though entire intelligence community say not one vote was changed by a foreign power. >> i agree with. that i take different view what al said. in october and november, they thought they were going to win they were pressuring donald trump to promise to accept the outcome. we had a result. accept the outcome. and it is not productive or helpful for anybody to be delegitimatizing the outcome of the election. i think we ought to be focusing on the peaceful transfer of you power. and i think all members of congress should be attending the inauguration really regardless of party. leland: al, at some level this is playing what russians want to do? they try to sow discontent and doubt about america's democracy.
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seems as though congressman lewis, by extension you, are doing exactly they say what intended goals are? >> even, leland if we walk down that path, we have to walk where the facts take us. there is a reason the senate intelligence committee opened a bipartisan inquiry whether or not some folks in the campaigns were inappropriately talking to the russians during the election. there is a reason they have opened an inquiry with subpoena power and said that they are going to talk to people in the incoming administration. not about delegitimatizing the election. donald trump is the president. he is legitimate president. going to be a peaceful transition of power. leland: brian, give you one second. i want to ask al one more question. give you the last word. al, i'm guessing if the positions had been reversed and hillary clinton had won and there were republican congressman saying this was not a legitimate election and saying that she was not going to be a legitimate president you would probably be having a very different tone than oh, gee,
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they may know something that we don't? >> it depends on the facts, leland. there are republicans calling for these investigations. not democrats. senator brrr!, senator graham -- leland: none of these people are calling for these investigations have suggested that it would change the outcome of the election, none of them. >> that's true, because what they're trying to do is not worry about that but focus on whether or not we had some sort of conspiracy or collusion between campaigns and a foreign government bent on as you say business rapts our democratic processes f that happened, that is a problem and we need to get to the bottom of it. leland: brian, assume everything al is saying is true for a moment, whether or not it is up for debate in some cases, if everything he is saying is true, does that make congressman lewis's comments appropriate or do you still say, hey look, you have to back off and get behind the president, at least no shooting inside of the tent if you will? >> his comments are inappropriate. it is perfectly fine to be
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concerned about foreign interference, russian interference in an election but there is a distinction between interfering and stealing an election. and lewis's comments saying that trump was not legitimately elected suggests that the russians elected trump. trump won the electoral college by a wide margin and relit gating this over and over again doesn't advance the cause for anybody. we do need to get to the bottom of this. obama should never have left russia interfere with our elections. we need to get to the bottom of it. russia needs to be punished for any actions it took but we have got to make distinctions between interference and stealing. leland: brian, al, got to run. appreciate it. al, enjoy the rest of your vacation, sir. >> thank you. leland: all right. hopefully we get some of that florida weather up here as our nation's capitol prepares to pass the baton from one president to the next. we'll show you what's happening behind the scenes. more on the inaugural preparations when we come back.
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>> i just, happened so fast. every single car coming to hit me and i tried my best to relax. >> we panicked, they hit their brakes hard and they sideswiped me and i start spinning. leland: as you might be able to tell if you're traveling in the midwest watch out for that black ice. it is deadly. adam watching the weather for us. adam, great to see you. >> great to be here. beginning to see some ice we're talking about across portions of the country. this will get a whole lot worse. details coming up after the break. ♪ rtnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today.
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elizabeth: freezing rain and ice-covered roads are to blame for a 20-car pileup in downtown wichita, kansas. just one of many areas around the country dealing with hazardous winter weather. meteorologist adam klass at fox
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weather center. thanks for joining us welcome to the fox family. >> very excited to be here. in that system you're talking about, we're in early stages. it will be a nasty one, just getting this thing started. stretching across the center of the country. so far a little bit of rain but beginning to see that freezing ice causing black ice, causing accidents. this is something we're dealing with entire weekend. as a result we have winter storm watches and warnings, everything here in the purple, that is the big one, that is talking about ice. ice on the roadways, as much as a half an inch, an inch of ice enough to bring down power lines. we could be talking about pretty nasty conditions by the end of this weekend. here is the future radar and how it plays out the rest of the weekend. good portions of the country really seeing some of this rain. it is right on this border. getting in the panhandle, stretching into portions of kansas up to missouri as far perhaps as illinois this is area
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you concerned b those pinks, those are the areas that could really get back. on the back side is snow but the freezing rain is largest concern. rain a little bit farther to the south. this is the big one. ice accumulation. this is the most important number, anywhere from half an inch to an inch. that will be enough to do a lot of damage as we head into monday morning. that's what we're looking at, certainly a lot to pay attention for the rest of the weekend. elizabeth: they could see serious delays heading into monday morning. thankthank you for joining the x family. appreciate working with you in future. thanks again. >> thanks, guys. leland: how the weather guy gets to stay inside? still ahead we continue our preview of friday's inauguration ceremony with a look back how former presidents brought the nation together after a divisive election. ♪
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♪ >> i franklin delano roosevelt do solemnly swear -- >> i will faithfully execute -- >> the office of the president of the united states. >> and will to the best of my ability -- >> preserve and protect and defend -- >> the constitution of the united states. >> so help me god.
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elizabeth: you just saw a look at the tradition of the oath of office. inauguration day is the literal coming together of the three branches of government, the ultimate show of unity during a peaceful transition of power. author and presidential historian jane hanson cook says it is one of the reasons she loves america. she joins us now from our d.c. bureau. thanks so much for joining us, jane. walk us through, so often when we look at inauguration weekend, we focus solely on the executive branch but how are all three branches coming together this weekend? >> the inauguration is why i love america. because you have the president of the united states, the head of the executive branch, taking the oath of office with the leader of the judicial branch, the chief justice of the supreme court. all of this is taking place in front of the u.s. capitol which houses congress. so in one moment, you have this beautiful picture of our three branches of government, united under the u.s. constitution. and that is really a tribute to who we are as the american people.
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elizabeth: if you love politics hard not to love the events coming up at the end of this weekend into the weekend. i want to ask you, is there any precedent for the fact we're seeing an outsider become the chief executive, the commander-in-chief, as this particular weekend there are a lot of time-honored traditions. how do the two come together, an outsider bridged with these traditions? >> well you know, donald trump is the ultimate presidential outsider because he did not hold elected office, he wasn't in the u.s. military and he wasn't in a cabinet. so he is really unique in that respect. i think you will see him fulfilling those traditions. i think you will see that, he will seem much more presidential having gone through the ceremonial process and parade and ball and all of that. he will embrace all of that. i think that will get his administration off to the start, like, you know, president obama did and all the others before him.
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a little bit to me like franklin roosevelt. you played frank loon roosevelt was a wealthy man and had common man's touch and spoke to the average american. see a little bit of that with donald trump. >> he has a big task, especially made of his address. how does he unify the country, the fact it is so divided and i can set the tone on friday? how can he do that the. >> like john f. kennedy did. he had very divided election, it was very close in 1960. kennedy said today we observe not a victory of father but a celebration of freedom. it is up to the president-elect to use words of unity. doesn't mean everybody will come around and support him but it's a sign of leadership to say, hey, we're the united states of america. we may not agree on everything, but we agree that we are a country led under a constitution. and i think if he sets that tone in his address, that will set
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him up well. elizabeth: i can't let you go without popping up your book on the screen so our viewers can see. we had you on the show. burning of the white house, is being turned into a movie. we're glad that you're on the show, couple weeks ago to talk about. thank you so much for joining us, jane. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. leland: after the break, it is of course the big party after the big ceremony. here is video from 2005, president george bush, first lady laura bush, celebrating at one of the balls. we'll take a look at the festivity going to be happening this week all around the nation.
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liz: just a matter of days it will be here in washington, d.c. the president-elect will take the oath of office. you can see we put together a number of images of you of presidents past on their inaugural weekends. this is all at balls held throughout the district. obviously friday night will be a main event where president-elect turned president will host his wife and the new first lady. at a ball here in the district. this is very exciting time, regardless of politics and certainly a changing of the guard. for all the folks here who are feeling some pretty chilly temperatures, we're hearing the weather may actually agree with us this time. leland, what do you think? leland: certainly would be nice if it did. you could go for about 50 and
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sunny what it is forecast to be. interesting when you sit there and watch the first couples now taking their dances, and think about how different washington is going to be come next saturday when president trump is living in the white house. ♪ uma: growing intrigue and controversy in the nation's capitol just days ahead of president-elect donald trump taking the reins as 45th president of the united states. the senate intelligence committee now launching an investigation into russian hacking during our presidential election. as well as any possible links between the kremlin and allies of mr. trump's political campaign. hello and welcome to "america's news headquarters." i'm uma pemmaraju. the committee's decision comes as some democratic lawmakers call for the fbi to investigate any ties between our pr


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