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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 15, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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settle this debate, and that's with a staring contest. go. ♪ ♪ >> booyah! i knew you couldn't handle it. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ eric: the clock is ticking down to donald trump's inauguration as our 45th president. mr. trump will take the reins of power on friday as questions continue to be raised about his possible relationship with russia. hello and welcome to a brand new hour of america's news headquarters, i'm eric shawn. arthel: and i'm arthel neville. vice president-elect mike pence is defending the administration's position toward russia, saying there were no contacts with moscow during the campaign. meanwhile, there is a growing war of words on capitol hill after one leading member of congress says mr. trump's presidency is, quote, not
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legitimate because russia helped him win the election. eric: peter doocy has been covering this throughout the day and the controversy and is live tonight at trump tower on fifth avenue here in new york city. hi, peter. >> reporter: hi, eric. the president-elect has acknowledged at different points during the transition he knows some people in this country are still upset about the results of the election, but with his inaugural address fast approaching, he has now tweeted this: for many years our country has been divided, angry and untrusting. many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep. it will change. that comment comes after a weekend that the trump team had to spend defending mr. trump's right to take the oath of office, and that's because democratic georgia congressman john lewis suggested that he thinks russian hackers had so much to do with mr. trump's win over secretary clinton, he doesn't regard trump as a legitimate office holder. the trump team is explaining that they see the biggest problem with that comment by
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lewis, who is a well known civil rights leader, is this -- >> everyone agrees that congressman lewis is a civil rights and voting rights leader, and he deserves our praise for that. but it is disappointing to hear somebody who has such an important voice and platform to say what he said about the president -- which, by the way, is just false. he is a legitimate president. >> reporter: the president-elect also making a lot of news on the wires tonight, billed newspaper in germany is claiming trump is threatening an auto company with a big tax if they try to build in mexico and sell to the united states, and he plans to put his son-in-law, jared kushner, in charge of brokering a peace deal, and he also says it's even time to trust vladimir putin, maybe even time for a nuclear arms reduction pact with the
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russians although he does make a point to say russian intervention in syria recently has been terrible. eric. eric: peter, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: meanwhile, the outgoing cia director offering words of advice to the new administration on dealing with russia. john brennan telling fox news sunday this morning he doesn't think the president-elect fully understands what russia is capable of. this as the senate intelligence committee decides to dig deeper into moscow's election meddling by examining russia's ties to mr. trump's campaign team. kristin fisher is live from our d.c. bureau with more. kristin, hi. >> reporter: arthel, today the director of the cia was asked point-blank if his agency had uncovered any information that the trump campaign had been in contact with the kremlin. he wouldn't confirm or deny it, all he would say is if they did have that kind of information, it would be handed over to the fbi, but vice president-elect mike pence gave a much more
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direct response when asked if anyone from the campaign had been communicating with russia. >> of course not. why would there be any contacts between the campaign? chris, this is all a distraction, and it's all a part of a narrative to de-legitimize the election and question the legitimacy of this president. the american people see right through it. >> reporter: a senate panel is now set to investigate. either way, brennan says he believes the president-elect lacks a full understanding of the threat that russia poses to the united states. he says mr. trump should stop talking and tweeting and start listening to the experts in the intelligence community. he also criticized him for comparing the u.s. intelligence community to nazi germany after the leak of that unsubstantiated dossier. >> if he doesn't have confidence in the intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies as well as our adversaries? so i think mr. trump has to be very disciplined in terms of whoo it is he says publicly. he is going to be, in a few
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days' time, the most powerful person in the world in terms of sitting on top of the united states government, and he has to recognize that his words do have impact. >> reporter: well, no surprise, mr. trump is already firing back on twitter in regards to that dossier. he says, quote: those intelligence chiefs made a mistake here, and when people make mistakes, they should apologize. media should also apologize. so we're seeing some extraordinary levels of friction between the incoming president and the intelligence agencies that he will command in just five days. arthel? arthel: okay. kristin fisher, we'll keep an eye on it, thank you. eric: and there are, of course, five days to go until the inauguration. there was a rehearsal today on capitol hill, making sure that everyone is, you know, really ready for the big day. large crowds expected to pack our nation's capital for the main event this coming friday. caroline shively was taking a look at the preparations. she has this report from washington. >> reporter: hey there. more than 700,000 people will be
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showing up to this thing, very lucky few will have a front row seat. check it out. this is part of the practice. they've had stand-ins working all morning long pretending to be mr. trump and mr. pence and other dignitaries. the people are still practicing throughout there. they're also doing a bit of decorating. take a look at the gorgeous view on the left front of the capitol, they're putting up flags, they're adding the finishing touches. now, security wise police will have 3,000 extra officers and 5,000 national guard troops here. secret service agents have been prepping at a training facility in maryland that includes a mock-up of the parade route. agents worked through 40 incidents from armed attacks, everything from mr. and mrs. trump -- [inaudible] to a mortar attack or something even worse, perhaps a drone above letting off some chemicals. so the practice going very smoothly throughout the day. friday night the fun will continue, of course. there are three official balls including one that honors the military and first responders. there are also some unofficial
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balls including one called the deplore-ball, a takeoff on hillary clinton calling mr. trump's supporters deplorable. eric: caroline, thanks. arthel: some lawmakers joining thousands of demonstrators across the nation to protest potential be changes under -- potential changes under a trump presidency. many democrats staging day of action rallies, calling on president-elect trump to protect immigration, voting rights as well as health care. rob schmidt is here now with more. >> reporter: hey. senator bernie sanders and democrats in congress calling their supporters to action today to rally, make their voices heard. the goal is to show the president-elect that millions of people are worried that there could be entitlement reform under president-elect trump, and mr. trump's plans to repeal and replace obamacare which democrats say will leave millions of people uninsured. rallies are happening throughout the country. senator sanders said there are 70 different ea vents today, some attended by high ranking politicians. senator chuck schumer was with
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senator sanders at this rally outside detroit this afternoon. it attracted thousands of supporters who came to see the high profile duo speak. congresswoman nancy pelosi attended an event in northern california today. other rallies like this one in pennsylvania were hosted by members of congress who drew some smaller crowds, just a couple hundred at that one. at that rally in michigan that we talked about, mr. sanders said democrats will not allow republicans to lay a finger on entitlement programs like medicare, medicaid or social security, but his stance did soften a bit on obamacare. essentially, he admitted that the affordable care act does need work, but democrats will not allow it to be repealed without a viable replacement. senator schumer also there talking tough. >> donald trump, he said when he campaigned to try and win your votes he would never cut medicare, medicaid, social security. and then the minute he gets the
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nomination -- he gets to be president-elect he appoints cabinet, he nominates cabinet people whose whole life has been to cut medicare, medicaid and social security. >> reporter: well, president-elect trump has said he wants to repeal and replace obamacare with a better plan almost simultaneously. mr. trump campaigned on promises to not overhaul medicare and social security, though many in his own party say it's necessary to save those programs from bankruptcy. democrats say today is all about making sure that mr. trump keeps his promises. arthel? arthel: okay, rob, thank you. eric: well, now to a fox news exclusive. just as iran's deputy foreign minister says his country will not renegotiate the controversial iranian nuclear deal, sources tell fox news that the president-elect has received a hand-delivered letter signed by a bipartisan group of 23 former top u.s. officials that urges the new administration to
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start to work and consult with the iranian opposition. the letter asked the president-elect to engage with the resistance efforts opposing the tehran regime, something previous administrations have apparently not done, at least not publicly. republicans and democrats signed the letter such as rudy giuliani, former senator joe lieberman, former attorney general michael mukasey and the former chairman of the joint chiefs of st clinton, general hugh shelton among others. quote: president obama expressed the hope that nuclear negotiations would induce iran's leaders to act with greater consideration of american interests. it is now clear that iran's leaders have shown no interest in reciprocating. iran's rulers have directly targeted u.s. strategic interests, policies and principles, and those of our allies and friends in the middle east. to restore american influence and credibility in the world, the united states needs a revised policy. the officials in the letter are calling on mr. trump to reach out to the main opposition group, the national council of
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resistance of iran, and to its leader, a woman. they are based in paris. the group, the largest opposed to the tehran regime, has been calling for free elections, religious freedoms and an end to what it calls the religious dictatorship in iran. many of the signers of the letter, by the way, have supported the group. so far there is no word from the trump transition team on reaction to the request, but the president will-elect, as you kn, has been on record strongly criticizing the government in tehran. arthel? arthel: and, eric, when we come back, we're going to talk weather, in fact, icy weather for those in the center of the u.s., adding to an icy mess that began caking the region friday. how long is this going to last? also, senator rand paul making an important announcement about a bill to replace obamacare. the chairman of the house freedom caucus joins us live with his reaction. ♪
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eric: man, oh, man, what a weekend it's been.
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you know, a third wave of snow, sleet and freezing rain has been rolling into the central part of the country today. roads covered in sheets of ice as the region is slammed with even more storms making for very hazardous travel conditions on the roads. slippery roads likely contributed to several deadly accidents in the midwest and the plains, and icy conditions are expected to remain through the dr. martin luther king holiday tomorrow. meteorologist adam clarke is live in the fox extreme weather center. adam, man, it really has been pretty extreme. >> reporter: and it's just not moving a whole lot, and that's when you begin to see things get a lot worse. this system lingering in the center of the country, and the places that are getting ice, as a result they're getting a lot of ice. a little bit of a tale of two cities here, if you will. we have rain farther to the south, so portions of texas, but if you get running north into kansas, farther north into nebraska, those are areas where the ice continuing to pile up, and it's going to do so throughout the overnight hours tonight where the temperatures are still low, yes, running into
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your martin luther king holiday. so these are winter storm warnings and really everything in this deep purple, this is an area we're concerned for ice, and it is stretching up into portions of illinois, possible that chicago sees ice by early tomorrow morning. we'll time this out through the evening hours. big, slow-moving system. how long will it last? well, there's your time stamp up in the corner taking you through the evening hours, continuing to see ice fall especially in portions of nebraska, this is going to continue to lift its way up into portions of wisconsin and getting closer to the chicago area. that's getting into early tomorrow. as we continue a little farther down the road, good news is even though ice is moving through the area the next couple of days, it should be able to melt a bit because warmer temperatures are moving back in. but here's your ice path be, again, stretching all the way from kansas up into portionses of wisconsin. we're going to be talking about driving conditions being an issue and maybe bringing down some trees and power lines, so this is a big one that's going to last at least the next 24 hours.
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eric: all right, adam, people really have to be care canful. man, has it been a cold winter so far down south. thank you. arthel? arthel: a new quinnipiac poll shows an overwhelming majority of americans don't think obamacare should be repealed entirely, just 18% of voters want obamacare to be completely scrapped. 47% want parts of it to be tweaked, and 31% of the voters say the law should stay as is. now, this as senator rand paul says he has finished drafting a republican bill to replace obamacare and that he will reveal the details this coming week. now, he's also echoing the president-elect in saying that he thinks the replacement should happen simultaneously with the repeal. >> i believe that it's incredibly important that we do replacement on the same day as we do repeal. we've had six years to complain, and we have complained. i've been one of those complaining about obamacare. replacement should be the same day. the replacement bill that we put
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together, our goal is to insure the most amount of people get access at the least amount of cost. and i think this is where obamacare failed. arthel: republican congressman mark meadows, chairman of the house freedom caucus, says that could be difficult, telling the the hill, quote: getting 60 votes on a replacement plan from senate democrats will be problematic. they, meaning democrats, have said they have no desire to help in that context. a replacement vote in the senate is likely to fail. and congressman meadows of north carolina joins us now. good to have you here, sir. >> arthel, great to be with you. thanks so much. arthel: absolutely. well, tell us why you're concerned about repealing and replacing obamacare simultaneously. >> well, i mean, i agree with dr. rand paul that we need to do it simultaneously. i think the reality of that is, is that we need to give the american people a replace bement plan, an alternative to the affordable care act so we don't disagree on. that i think what the reality of
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it is, is if the democrats are not willing to come along and help, you have a 60-vote threshold on some aspects of a replacement plan in the senate. that's what i was referring to. but i will say that parts of what dr. rand paul has put forth or will be putting forth -- and he's uniquely qualified as a physician to really weigh in on this -- i believe that we can get that during the repeal vote. and so he's talking about an insurance mandate that he was talking about there, repealing. i think that we can get that all at one time. we're certainly work around the clock to make sure that we give that security to the american people. arthel: and you mentioned that you like portions of senator paul's draft. is there another policy that's on the table that you prefer as well, any other points that you are liking at this moment? >> well, arthel, i can tell you when everybody says, well, there's not a replacement plan there, dr. paul points out, i've pointed out a number of times there's probably 40 or 50 different types of replacement
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plans. i personally have worked very closely and looked at dr. phil roe's plan, but whether it's dr. rand paul's or something that's a combination, i can tell you that we're committed to making sure that more americans are covered with more affordable health care than ever before. you know, a lot of people, you were mentioning that poll about not being able to, i guess, wanting to tweak it. well, i can tell you the affordable care act is not tweakable. it's failing, it's flawed, and really it's on a death spiral. so what we need to do is replace it with something that does work and actually brings the cost of health care down. we're committed to do that, and i know that there are a number of great plans out there i think that we'll see in the next couple of weeks. arthel: yeah. and if you're committed, congressman, president-elect trump also wants action, he wants movement on this in the first 100 days. do you think that president trump might stand to face some
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criticism, the same criticism as president obama did for making big changes to the health care system a priority right out the gate, you know, especially since, you know, you just mentioned that poll again, 47% is the number you're looking for of the people surveyed in the quinnipiac poll only wanting to tweak obamacare. >> well, certainly, he's up for criticism on a variety of things, but i can tell you that in my conversations not only with him, but with the trump transition team, they're committing to making bold moves to make sure that we have affordable health care. and part of the reason why we're looking at repeal and replacement at the same time is president-elect trump says that we must do that. and i agree with him on that. and so anytime that you do anything, you're opening yourself to criticism. but i can tell you that the plans that i've seen as they're being worked through will be better suited to make sure that moms and dads on main street and at the dining room table don't have to make a choice between a
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mortgage payment and health insurance as they're doing now. arthel: and, of course, congressman, right now we're talking about plans. as you are as well the experts on this, and i'm sure once you and your former lawmakers start to unveil those plans, it's going to be plain speak so we can all -- those moms and pops that you mentioned -- will understand exactly what's in there. >> well, without a doubt. i think what happens is, is we get so much in the weeds, arthel, that, you know, we talk about this mandate, that mandate. really what the american people want is a mandate of affordable health care. and so we need to drill that down and make sure that when people want to keep their doctor, they can. when they go to their doctor, they can actually afford to pay for it. and we need to have that safety net for those who can't. and so all of those will be in whatever replacement plan we decide to put forth in the coming days. arthel: congressman mark meadows, thank you very much for your time. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, arthel,
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thank you. arthel: thank you. eric: the greatest show on earth coming to a close. ringling brothers says it will shut down the big tent after almost a century and a half of shows. ♪ ♪ in different countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i'm from all nations. it puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more.
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♪ ♪ arthel: secretary of state john kerry attending a meeting in paris for israeli and palestinian peace talks and calling it a, quote, positive event. dignitaries from more than 70 countries showing up at today's conference, hoping to persuade . this as some world leaders say they're worried about the effects of an incoming trump administration on this very situation. conor powell has more from our mideast bureau. >> reporter: arthel, today's paris conference is clearly a warning to both israelis and palestinians, and it comes amid rising tensions between the two
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after last month's u.n. resolution that condemned israeli settlements. centicountrys, including ones from key european and arab nations, reaffirmed their positions that the only way to bring about peace in the holy land was a negotiated, two-state solution. the paris conference was led by french president francois hollande who said that the two-state solution is under serious threat. [speaking french] >> translator: it's threatened, he said, in the field by increasing israeli settlements and threatened politically because of the progressive weakening of those who are in favor of peace. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the conference, quote, useless. and it comes as many world leaders fear that president-elect donald trump's policies will exacerbate the conflict. trump is an avid supporter of israel's building settlements on palestinian land, and he has vowed to shift the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, a move that would
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undermine any hopes of a negotiated two-state agreement. israeli officials are overwhelmingly excited for a trump administration, but his policies have the potential to fracture european support for israel which it desperately needs. arthel? arthel: okay, conor, thank you. eric? eric: back here at home an era officially coming to an end. ringling brothers barnum and bailey circus announcing the greatest show on earth is pulling down the big top after a 146-year run. executives are citing low ticket sales, high operating costs and a constant battle, they say, with animal rights groups for the decision to shut down. but the famed touring circus still has some shows left before they take their final bow. will carr joins us now with more from los angeles on the final folding of the tent. hi, will. >> reporter: hey there, eric. and when it comes to the ringling brothers, emotions really run high with both supporters and critics. now, the circus has entertained
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generations of families, it popped the big top for the first time back in 1871, and they've been wowing audiences with high-flying stunts and exotic animals ever since. but the beginning of the end came in may when, under extreme criticism from animal rights groups, the circus retired all elephants. while it continues to showcase other exotic animals, profits dropped so to the point where they decided they could not go on leaving fans to buy one last ticket before the show shuts down for good. >> as soon as we found out the circus was closing, we immediately went out and got tickets. we've been coming to the circus for a little over ten years for my wife's birthday and anniversary, and this is a tradition gone for our family forever. we're all very upset. >> reporter: in a statement the ceo of the humane society say that is the ringling brothers has changed a great deal over a century and a half but not fast enough.
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he goes on to say it's just not acceptable any longer to cart wild animals from city to city and have them perform silly, yet coercive stunts. >> for more than 30 years, the activist community has been telling the public about what really goes on behind the scenes, and for more than. >> decades, ringling -- 14 decades, ringling brothers has been abusing and killing their animal performers. >> reporter: peta tweeting today it is asking all over animal circuses to follow suit as this is a sign of the changing times. eric, the last show will be held in may right there in new york. eric: all right. thanks so much. and be still there are dozens of other circuses traveling, but nothing like the original, almost the original, ringling brothers barnum and bailey. arthel? arthel: the department of justice finding evidence of excessive force among the ranks of chicago's finest as a new survey shows more police officers fear for their own safety on the job. a former homicide detective gives his thoughts coming up
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next. eric: and there's a new warning from the feds. why they say, get ready for this, people who use pacemakers, well, they think they could actually be vulnerable to hackers. we'll fill you in straight ahead. ♪ ♪ it's the phillips' lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health.
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site today where he foughting almost 50 years ago -- fought almost 50 years ago. america's top diplomat speaking with a former enemy who took part in an ambush on kerry's swift boat. the two warmly shaking hands today. the battle led to secretary kerry's silver star award for bravery as a young navy lieutenant. eric: well, chicago officials are pledging to revamp the city's police department following that scathing report from the u.s. department of justice. you know, the 13-month investigation found a, quote, pattern of excessive force used by officers particularly in encounters with black or hispanic citizens. the report cited poor training as part of the problem. attorney general loretta lynch says that presents a danger to citizens as well as officers. >> all of these issues are compounded by poor supervision and oversight leading to low officer morale and an erosion in officer accountability. the systems and policies that fail ordinary citizens also fail
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the vast majority of chicago police department officers who risk their lives every day to serve and protect the people of chicago. eric: and the report comes as a poll surveying police officers found 86% feel that those high profile incidents such as the once captured on camera that have gone viral, that they have made the law enforcement job a lot harder. rod wheeler, former washington, d.c. homicide detective, fox news contributor, who has a lot of experience on the street joins us now from washington. rob, first of all, the report comes as they're really calling it a war on the streets of chicago. it's a city under siege. 4,000 almost killed, shot. that's nearly 5,000 people shot. 714 killed. will this report to any good? >> well, the report is a little bit too late. it's a little too little and a little too late. and the reason i say that, eric, i mean, this report just came out this past friday, and the things -- when you really look
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at this 164-page report, everything that's in that report we've known for the past three to four years. and if the department of justice did not know that what went into this report existed three to four years ago, then something was inherently wrong within the obama administration. now, i don't want to make it seem like i'm blaming all of this on the obama administration, but let's face it, who was the president of the united states during this time? also who was the mayor of that city? that was rahm emanuel. they have to take responsibility for this horrific report that they produced, and it took them over a year to produce information, again, eric, that we knew about three to four years ago. eric: is it really fair to blame the president of the united states when you're dealing with gun violence on the streets of the windy city? >> yes, it is fair. and i'll tell you why it's fair in this case. i know some of the viewers are wondering why do i say that. here's why. because the police departments all across this country in urban areas have been literally begging for more resources, more financial resources, more personnel.
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we have not been given that by the obama administration. now, i know they talk a good game, so to speak, to keep people all excited and everything. but at the end of the day, eric, wee look at this -- we look at this report, and somebody has to take accountability for it. and i submit to you that it's rahm emanuel and the obama administration for most of the accountability as to why we see what's happening. eric: you're talking about the mayor of the city of chicago, the great columnist of "the chicago tribune", john cass, let me read a bit of what he just wrote in a column. quote: it wasn't the chicago cops to who shaped the police culture, the political corruption and cynicism over decades in a one-party democratic machine town. by the way, that's not what he said. if we can, let's get what he said, because it's so important, i think, to see this. he says what isn't said is often the most important part of the story. the release of the department of justice critique of the chicago police department made an impact
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on political types and journalists. it was a tv show, he says, a way for emanuel to begin his re-election campaign. i mean, his point is -- and he started this amazing column, i'd urge our viewers to go to it -- with an interview with the young woman whose killing, shooting happened right at her front door. these people are in terror, they're under siege. it's been, it seems, uncontrollable. is there a way in the wake of this report to try and finally stop it? you've got young kids, boys and girls, teenagers, younger than that getting cut down by stray bullets from members of gangs. >> well, you're exactly right. and, yes, there is something that can be done about that. but here's the bottom line though, eric. this isn't something new. this has been going on in the city of chicago for the past five to six years. not only the city of chicago, other cities around the country. now, we in law enforcement, the leadership know that we do have some bad apples that need to go, and we're working hard to get rid of those bad apples. but at the same time, how do we move forward?
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here's how i believe we move forward real quickly. i think with the trump administration, president trump -- knowing him like i think i know him now -- he's going to accept this report and say we're going to deal with it, we're going to fix these problems. i don't think he's going to go back and forth with loretta lynch and the justice department. his new people will be in office in about five days, and i think we're going to see a difference, i really do. eric: what can they do? look, in new york city the crime rate -- and it started at the end of major david dinkins' term, you know, thank goodness freefall be lowered the murder rate in this town. how can the same lessons be applied to chicago? what should they do? >> yeah, excellent question. it's a different day and time. the issues in chicago, the issues in a lot of these urban areas across the united states is the result of a lack of jobs and individuals just don't have any reason to get up every day and go to work. they can't find a job. president trump has already acknowledged this months ago, and he said he believes there is
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a nexus between the economy and crime. and he's 100% correct. so if we start or working on the economy, if we get people jobs, if we get people the education that they need, then i think we're going to see crime reduced. i really believe that at the end of the day. you know, it's not about politics anymore, and that's what we have with this justice department report. i find it abhorrent that they're going to release this report one week prior to president trump taking office. that's fine. we'll take the report, we'll deal with it. people will get back to work. eric: well, certainly it seems to be, has seemed to be pretty much out of control in chicago. hopefully, federal and local officials can finally get to do something about it. rod wheeler, as always, thank you for your insight tonight. >> sure. thank you, eric. eric: of course. arthel: well, a heart-stopping cyber threat. how safe are implantable devices used to control the heart functions of patients? what the feds are warning about potential cybersecurity vulnerabilitiesings.
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commands -- modify programming commands. this could lead to potential battery depletion and inappropriate pacing or shocks. joining me now, tyler cohen wood, author of the book "catching the catfishers," also former defense intelligence agency cyber deputy chief and cybersecurity or adviser for inspired e-learning. tyler, thanks for being here. and if you would start for me telling us how vulnerable are our medical systems is and devices, and are some of them more susceptible than others? >> well, some of them are definitely more susceptible than others. now, all internet of things devices, the more connected we become, the more dangerous it can potentially be. but when you're talking about medical devices, now you're talking about something that can potentially be deadly. and some of these devices are at great risk if they're not updated, if they're not maintained properly, and there's
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various points in which hackers can find vulnerabilities in the system and do exactly what you said. they can cause a pacemaker's battery to drain, or they could do something else that could cause grave harm to a person. arthel: and i want to get back to that, tyler, but i want to go here for a moment. if this is potentially a national cybersecurity issue, does the federal government need to implement regulations for companies that develop and maintain medical machines and devices used in and operated in this country? >> well, i think the industry needs to start regulating itself which it's starting to, but i do think there should be some government oversight, policies that go into the security of these devices and how these devices are updated and where the points of vulnerability are. also letting people know who actually use these devices what they need to do to keep their devices secure.
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arthel: very important. i'll get to that in a moment too, but i want to ask about employee training. i mean, you know, what about having these companies teaching the employees who put so much of this sensestive patient information -- sensitive patient information into the digital medical systems, you know? so they learn how to look out for phishing. >> that is one of the most important things that we can do to protect people who utilize these devices and to protect everybody in general, is education. because hackers have gotten very sophisticated, and all it takes is for one hacker to to send a phishing e-mail and get into the medical device systems network, and then they have access to all of the devices if that user has the ability to see all those dices which in a lot of -- devices which in a lot of times
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they do. arthel: so what is the immediate fix? i mean, to ease the minds of patients walking around with pacemakers, heart monitors and the like installed inside their bodies? >> well, there's a few things that are happening. the, there are patches that are being put out to update your devices for security. also if you use a monitor that wirelessly watches your device and allows your doctor to know if there's a problem, you want to make sure that you're updating that too and taking precautions to make sure hackers aren't infiltrating those devices and sending commands. you also want to make sure that you're regularly updating the device, you're monitoring the device. but also even though there is a threat here and a very, very scary threat, this is really a low probability issue. the chances of someone trying to
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assassinate someone else by using this technology, i think, is lower. butst also potential -- but it's also potentially a very high impact issue. arthel: but in the meantime, i don't know, do these devices come with passwords? >> well, some of them do, and some of them have passwords that are integrated into the firm wear. so standards are starting to come out, like i said, within industry and, you know, potentially government will come in and put in standards too where passwords will be changeable, they will be difficult, there may be even something utilized called multifactor authentication, and that's where you use a password, but you also maybe use a code that changes once in a while too to enter into the device for the physician monitoring it and for the user, the patient. arthel: right. okay. tyler cohen wood, thank you for joining us with your expertise
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on this very important story. >> well, thank you for having me. arthel: you've got it. eric: that's pretty alarming. at least as she said, it's low probability. arthel: i like that she said that, yeah. eric: well, the fourth of july has come early with a parade through the street of one town. it's to honor a remarkable man and his favorite holiday, a veteran who is now fighting for his life. we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today.
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the ingredients found in peppers are responsible for that. particularly those that make the chilies hot, the substance that breaks bad cholesterol clogged up in the arteries while leaving behind the good cholesterol. not only have fun eating spicy food, it's good for you. >> we close with this. the calendar might say january, it is the 4th of july in one pennsylvania community. they support a veteran and firefighter battling brain cancer. the fire department in riverton, pennsylvania, threw a parade xls with fire engines, vintage cars and american flags, the works. >> they call it the july for jay, parade in honor for jason warrick and his favorite holiday. it was short and moving passing in front of jason's childhood home where he sat on the front porch to take it all in. jason served in iraq before volunteers with the fire department. what a wonderful tribute and
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honor for him and very best wishes go out to jay and all those who participated in the wonderful event. >> absolutely, very, very special day. that does it for us. >> back here next week. >> see you then. "fox report" up next. harris: this is the week the inauguration of donald trump as the 45th of the united states, what will a president trump have? we have the answer from an interview made public, watch. president-elect donald trump detailed the first executive orders he will sign once in the white house. he told the times of london they'll focus on strengthening our nation's borders and could include what he calls extreme vetting for those entering america for parts of the world known for islamist terrorism. >> people don't want to have other people coming in and destroying their country. and


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