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tv   Americas Election HQ  FOX News  January 20, 2017 8:00am-2:01pm PST

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individually is to blame for that but it is real and it has real and tangible political consequences. you are looking at one right here. >> what do you think he is going to say? >> i think he will speak to the people who elected him. america's shrinking middle class who felt disempowered economically. our focus is on the cultural stuff and the country's demographic change. the middle of the country has become poorer. living shorter lives. the most basic measurement of all. i have think he will speak to them. he ought to. >> george w. bush and laura bush arriving as we're at the top of the hour. 11:00 eastern time. let's listen in. [applause]
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>> that family concerned about president h.w. bush and barbara bush in the hospital. on the upswing is the last report. >> very good news. this portico on the west side of the white house -- of the capitol building, rather, is a place that george w. bush is extremely familiar with. he has in this moment so many times. his father sworn in twice as vice president, once as president. george w. bush for his on presidential inaugurations. what an extraordinary story, the bush family dynasty has
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been. and the history and the moments that they have all shared as a family on that podium and no doubt as you say, bret, his thoughts. he is an emotional man. we've seen president george w. bush tear up on many occasions and he looked a bit choked up as he walked into the entry way that goes to the area where they sit down and his thoughts are very much with his father who wrote an endearing and charming letter to donald trump. gracious as always. that has been a strong lesson from the bush family and from bush 41 and 43. >> there you see melania trump and michelle obama, the first lady. dana, about the bushes, this election, this campaign there was a much different take. their other son jeb was running. that letter really was indicative of hw saying if you need my help i'm here for you. i can't be there at the inauguration or i'll be six feet under. >> everybody who has received a
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letter from him cherishes it. i do. the last day in 2009 i said to him i'll miss you. we can't wish for something that is not going to happen. we can't stay past 12:00 and excited about the new chapter. i think one of the reasons his popularity numbers have gone up is because how he has conducted himself as a former president, taking the lead from his dad and being very quiet. he said he didn't think that his successor would ever need to hear from him unless he was seeking advice. he was never going to be a critic. i don't know what we'll see in the future. >> that raises an interesting question. barack obama, unlike most past presidents, is going to remain here in washington for good reason. daughter is at school and he would like them to finish. i think that's totally sensible. it remains -- a little unclear whether he will be quiet as the presidents bush both were. >> let's be quiet now and listen in.
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>> good morning. everybody. >> congratulations. >> that's one thing that donald trump is going to have to get used to is seeing all those people with him. he is never going to be alone anymore. >> vice president biden and dr. jill biden, by the way they will leave today, as he often travels, on the train. going back to delaware on that a frequent passenger, as everybody knows, and joe biden has obviously been one of the longest servants in our
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lifetimes, that is for sure, and he is also an emotional guy, and no doubt he is feeling the weight of this moment as the transfer of power is about to take place. there is ivanka trump walking in. the role of the trump family and all of this just cannot be underestimated. at a time when their father is sometimes harsh and raucous in some cases, statements and behavior, this family chose to serve, and stabilize him. there is eric trump and tiffany trump, his daughter and his son. we know donald, jr., and eric will be running the business, there will be lots of questions in the years to come about the division between a business and the government, there is barron trump, the son of melania and donald trump, they are very much a family, despite the fact that they, you know, come from disparate parts of this very modern american family, i guess you could call it. they have hung together throughout the course of this, good times and bad. so ivanka trump interestingly the other day said that she
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feels it's inappropriate when people say that she would be the true first lady. she said that role is very much taken by my husband's wife, melania, who will be gracious in that role. she said she also sought thought it was somewhat sexist to sort of assume that there is only one role for a woman in the white house and it must be first lady, and if that is taken you must be squabbling over. she will have her own role, that is for sure. >> in this campaign, this family that you are looking at, was really one of the biggest calling cards for donald trump. >> that is for sure, i've never seen children advocate more effectively on a parent's behalf than his three older children did, striking. his boys were nonstop on television. so each time they spoke forcefully, eloquently, and incomplete sentences, and with apparent sincerity, and to me that was one of the most striking parts of this campaign paired having grown up reading "the new york post," you would never imagine that donald trump would have a family like this. his children, in my experience,
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were real and impressive, it was not fake, and i was struck by it from day one. >> very powerful, and the one thing that donald, jr., said from day one, and eric said as well, if you tell my father that he can't do something, you should sit back and watch, because he will. and they said he would win this election from day one, not surprising, but it was forceful and quite convincing in the way it was presented. >> chris, as we get ready for the introductions of the family and then the vice president and the vice president-elect, this day, and where this president to be takes this country, is it going to be fast, do you think? >> it is going to be fast, and in his speech he is going to make a very direct call for action, saying that there has been enough talk, not all it's time to act. he has an agenda. i wonder if it's almost too ambitious an agenda, he has so many things he has talked about, whether it's on immigration or
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the economy or trade or infrastructure or taxes. obamacare. i wonder if he's going to overload the circuits on capitol hill. on a lot of it, he can do with a stroke of a pen. obviously in the last four years, barack obama has done a lot by the stroke of a pen with executive action. donald trump will be able to undo a lot of that with a stroke of a pen, and we will not sure how much you will do today, or how much on his first full day of business on monday. but then it's got to do some work with congress, and that's going to be more complicated. one of the issues is going to be whether he overloads the circuit or whether they are going to be able to work with congressional leaders to sequence it in a way that they can get it done, but there is going to be a specific call for action today. >> there seems to be a relationship that has been built between speaker ryan and the president-elect, soon to be president, and the senate majority leader. >> and donald trump's record in business is that he will work with people whom he thinks are
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useful and helpful and if you are president of the united states and your party controls congress you're going to want to have a good relationship with the leaders up there, and he seems to have developed that. paul ryan is not an easy guy to dislike anyway, and the fact that he kept his distance from the president and now president-elect through the campaign seems not to have impeded the development of that relationship in any way. and they've got a lot, as chris is suggesting, they have a lot of business to do together, it isn't going to be easy, because nothing is ever easy on capitol hill. they may get it done, it will take a while, but those relationships count. and i think trump has shown a willingness to pursue them. smart of him. >> we just saw a rex tillerson standing up there on the podium as well, he has not yet been confirmed, there was a lot of discussion about the fact that on this day when president obama took office, seven of his choices for his cabinet were filled. today, two, perhaps on the low side, maybe four come on the
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high side, are the numbers we are hearing or no. your thoughts? >> i think it is unnecessary for chuck schumer to decide to hold these up a little bit, and i understand that later today around 4:00 i believe the intel community on the intel committee on the senate side will be meeting to make sure that they can confirm out of committee mike pompeo, who will be the director of the cia. this is not a time to leave any national security position unfilled. if i could add one other thing on the congressional agenda and overloading their circuits, i would just say, having done and been the spokesperson for two supreme court nominees, do not underestimate how much time and energy that consumes for the white house and on capitol hill. you almost have to run it like a campaign. i have no doubt that donald trump will be successful confirming a nominee, but that will be a fight that the democrats decide that that is where they have to stick a lot of ground, because there are other things where they can compromise and maybe get a deal with him, but the supreme court will be something that they will want to fight on. >> we should point out that the crowds are starting to fill in
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here to the national mall. you can start seeing them pack into those areas and start to fill in. again, security had been a little tough to get through early on. we will see how much of this entire mall, and there is a capital in the distance, where we are, at the bottom of the screen there, and then beyond us, obviously, the washington and lincoln memorial, where we were last night. >> worth noting that we are 12 blots, 12 city blocks from the capitol, and from our angle you see the white spaces, which haven't filled in. it takes a lot of people to fill it up all the way down here to 12 street. >> there will be a lot of people, obviously, how many people read president obama's inauguration, 1.8 million, and there will be all kinds of people who talk about the numbers, but chris, this is a moment for the people who said this was a change election. >> absolutely. and it is a change election. i want to go back to something that tucker said, it is a change
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election around the world. mr. trump is not going to talk about globalism today, but there is a sense that the economic system around the world isn't working for too many people, and that is why you see the briggs it dumb economic brexit vote and other countries doing that, and certainly in this country, which led to the election of donald trump, and i think that is very much going to be a message of this presidency, the idea that the country cannot work for the elite, it cannot work for the banks and the big companies and corporations, and in an odd sense, parts of this meant message, could have been delivered by barack obama and by bernie sanders. it's just that donald trump solution is going to be different, but it's a much more conservative prescription. but very much that this is a change election. saying that people were fed up, they were fed up with politics and politicians as usual, they wanted to change, and they've got it. >> there is something called
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trumpism, and a lot of people have tried to define it, and now he will try to define it through his actions prayed he said he will be an action president. we talked a lot about what will be first on the agenda, immigration is one of the most hot button issues that he has taken on from day one, what shape do you see that taken? >> i expect that their arguments on behalf of a new immigration policy will be basically economic. so when we talk about immigration, again, it's about demographics and it's about the cultural mix of the country, the complexion of the country. i think trump and particularly stephen miller, who is the driving force i think behind a lot of the rhetoric you are hearing behind the trump people on immigration, will frame it as an economic question, and that american wages are being undermined by massive low-wage immigration into the country, et cetera. i think that is a case they want to make, i think the math is on their side, and i think you'll start to hear it. you haven't heard much of it in the last two months, they haven't talked much about immigration, including the wall. but they will. >> news does not stop on
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inauguration day. just just getting news that more than 100 al-qaeda fighters believed to be killed by b-52 bomber and drone strikes on terror training camps in syria conducted by the u.s. this follows 108 bombs being dropped by b-2 bombers in libya just yesterday, two days ago, as the administration outgoing decides to step up the attack on terrorists in libya and in syria. >> >> and sending a notice to te places and the world of the reach of american power. these planes in the earlier raid took off from the united states, it was refueling in the air, they have made this attack and flown home. and if you're sitting in moscow or some other capital, you're looking and thinking, gee whiz, these people, even with some of their older planes, the b-52s have been around forever, can
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reach us and mitchell must reach must of the rest of the world, and fly home, and inflict as much harm as they seem necessary to do. that is a strong signal, and it's interesting that mr. obama authorize this on his final day. >> indeed it is. charles krauthammer's with us as well, charles, we watched dr. joe biden and the dr. jill biden and the first lady take their places, and your thoughts on will be or seen? >> i am thinking about strangely enough, a place in west africa, where sort of making a stark contrast to what is happening here. they had an election, i'm sure you've never heard the word gambia spoken before during a presidential election. they had an election, the president refuses to leave, so the swearing in of his successor occurred in a neighboring country, senegal, whose army has just invaded gambia today to get rid of the previous president. we do not appreciate how utterly unusual it is to have had now
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over 50 transfers of power like this throughout our history. uninterrupted, even through civil war. and that, i think, is the great event, it is the majesty of today's event. and i have to say as a matter of critique for the democrats, if you want to make an expression of displeasure with the outcome of an election, do it at the state of the union address. that is a political event. this is a civic sacrament, and i think there has been the dim munition of that on the part of democrats who are staying away. but you can't help when you look at all these images but understand the power of this notion that we have, and that is so unusual, of the peaceful transfer of power and the acceptance of the legitimacy of the other side. which, of course in the end, is the key. if you don't accept the legitimacy, you don't have a
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resolution. and i think those who've shown up particularly, the sort of courage of the clintons, the class of the clintons, in showing up at an event and you can imagine the disappointment. or the feeling of the bushes, who took a lot of abuse along the way during the campaign. it's quite a moment. >> we are looking at senator durbin and talking to senator cornyn and governor perry, we just saw the shot of senator bernie sanders, and you mention the democrats in the future of the democratic party. there are questions between the bernie sanders, elizabeth warren side, and the, perhaps, senator warner from virginia on the other side of the democratic party. let's listen in as the first lady gets introduced. [applauding]
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>> leading up to this election, but now there are real questions about the future of the democratic party, as mrs. obama talks to secretary clinton. ♪ >> charles? >> i think he wanted to hear exactly what was happening on that platform. he wanted more natural sound. >> i like that to listen in on what the first lady and mrs. clinton, you can imagine what they are thinking being in such proximity to each other. but i think the first lady and the second lady, jill biden, have demonstrated tremendous examples for future first ladies and second ladies in the dignity
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and sort of steadiness of their tenures. and also the example of a set of family life and connection to their spouses. i think this is a real contribution that gets overlooked in the day-tday arguments of our politics, and she will leave with her head up high. i'm convinced she does not want to future in politics, and i don't blame her. but her example i think will persist. >> there you see former president carter, let's listen in for the next introductions here as we get ready to see vice president pence, vice president-elect pence, and vice president biden. >> you see some of the cabinet members who have yet to be sworn in or confirmed.
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i believe that's elaine chao coming in on the left there. the wife of senator mitch mcconnell. and here is melania term, they started their morning with the service at st. john's episcopal right across the street from the white house, and had a service there. the pence's were there, as well, it is a long-standing tradition, i would say two-thirds of the presidents have spent their morning there is a got started for the day. clinton did it, his morning services, add an ame church, president obama was at st. john's in the morning. so they started there, and now this moment that is about to take place, it is 11:20 on the east coast right now, so we are about 40 minutes away from noon, which is always the hour and time that the inaugural oath will take place in the minutes are around noon, as we get ready for all of that to get underway. just one quick thought about senator durbin, who wrote a scathing editorial to these other 69 democrats who chose not to take part in today's
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ceremony, saying that, he even called out somebody specifically by name, basically scolding them for bad behavior, tucker, and saying that he would be standing there today to toast to the new president throughout the course of the inaugural festivities, and he just thought they were flat out wrong. >> good for senator durbin. in the end, the institutions these people represent are more important than any one of them individually, and the election of donald trump was about trump, but not really, it never is about the man, it's about much bigger things that are happening, and to turn your back on this is to, in some ways, turn your back on one of the most important institutions we have. so don't do that. >> you know, megan mcardle, one of our colleagues in this business was a very fine writer for "the atlantic" and other, posted a message on twitter that said obama was my president, but so is trump. but because i am an american, and the person who wins the u.s. presidential election is my president, that should go without saying. but in this atmosphere, what i would say is, good for her for
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saying that. ♪ >> the story of melania trump is a fascinating one as well born in slovenia, probably never imagined that she would be experiencing the moment that she is in right now, an immigrant, she talked a lot about her process, becoming an american citizen, and how much it meant to her to become an american citizen. people all over eastern europe just adore her and find her to
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be such an amazing example for them. >> and she adores that boy. >> absolutely, that is her son, always by her side, they will stay in new york and then move to the white house, and i'm no doubt they will be back and forth on the weekends. >> i think we will let it breathe a little bit here, and just be quiet for a while. ♪
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♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, the honorable barack h obama, and the vice president, joseph r biden, as escorted by -- and house
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democratic leader, nancy pelosi. [applauding] [applauding] ♪
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[crowd chanting "trump"]
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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, the vice president elect, michael richard pence. [applauding]
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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, escorting the president-elect, the staff director for the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies, stacy mcbride. the senate sergeant at arms, frank larkin. the house house sergeant-at-arl irving. of the chairman on the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies, roy blunt. rules ranking member charles schumer, the speaker of the house of representative, paul d ryan, senate majority leader,
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mitch mcconnell, house majority leader, kevin mccarthy, and how's democratic leader, nancy pelosi. [applauding] ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, the president-elect of the united states, donald john trump. [cheering and applauding]
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[cheering and applauding] >> ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of the joint congressional committee for inaugural ceremonies, the honorable roy blount. >> thank you, all, if you have a seat, you can sit down. mr. president, mr. vice president, mr. president-elect, mr. vice president-elect, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the inauguration of the 45th president of the united states of america. [cheering and applauding] today, the legislative, the executive, the judicial branches of our constitutional government
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come together for the 58th inauguration of the president of the united states. millions of people all over the world will watch and will listen to this event. 36 years ago at his first inauguration, it was also the first inauguration on this side of the capital, president ronald reagan said that what we do here is both commonplace and miraculous. commonplace every four years since 1789, when president george washington took this exact same oath. miraculous, because we've done it every four years since 1789, and the example it sets for democracies everywhere. washington believed the inauguration of the second president would be more important than the inauguration of the first. many people had taken control of
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a government up until then, but few people had ever turned that control willingly over to anyone else. and as important as the transfer, the first transfer of power was, many historians believe that the next election was even more important. when in 18 oh one tell del mcdonough, 1801, one group of people are really for the first time ever in history, willingly, if not enthusiastically, gave control of the government to people they believed had a dramatically different view of what the government would, should, and could do. after that election that actually discovered a flaw in the constitution itself, which was remedied by the 12th amendment, thomas jefferson at that inauguration, beyond the chaos of the election that had just passed, said we are all republicans, we are all
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federalists. after four years of civil war, lincoln's second inaugural speech tried to find reason for the continued war when he pointed out that both sides prayed to the same god. he had earlier written about those fervor and prayers at one side must be, and both sides may be, wrong, but in 1865 he looked to the future. a memorable moment in that speech was "with malice toward none and charity for all." in the middle of the depression, the country was told that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. and president kennedy talked about the obligation in democracy to country, the great question that day was "ask what you could do for your country." so we come to this place again, commonplace and miraculous, a national moment of celebration, but not a celebration of victory, a celebration of
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democracy. and as we begin that celebration, i call on his eminence, timothy michael cardinal dolan, reverend dr. samuel rodriguez, and pastor paula white to provide readings and the invocation. [applauding] >> the prayer of king solomon from the book of wisdom. let us pray. god of our ancestors and lord of mercy, you have made all things. and in your providence of charged us to rule the creatures produced by you, to govern the world in holiness and righteousness, and to render judgment with integrity of hear heart. give us wisdom, for we are your
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servants, we can short-lived, lacking in comprehension of judgment and of laws. indeed, the one might be perfect among mortals. if wisdom, which comes from you be lacking, we count for nothing. now, with you is wisdom, who knows your will and was there when you made the world. who understands what is pleasing in your eyes, what is conformable with your commands. send her forth from your holy heavens. from your glorious throne, dispatch her, that she may be with us and work with us, that we may grasp what is pleasing to you. for she knows and understands all things, and will guide us prudently in our affairs and safeguard us by her glory, amen.
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>> from the gospel of matthew, the fifth chapter. god blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him. for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. god blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. god blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the earth. god blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. god blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. he blesses those who are pure at heart, for they will see god. god blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of god. god blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. and god blesses you, when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you, and say all sorts of evil things against you
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because you are my followers. for you are the light of the world, like a city on the hilltop that cannot be hidden. no one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. instead, a lamp is placed on its stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. in the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see. that everyone will praise your heavenly father. respectfully, in jesus name. >> we come to you, heavenly father, in the name of jesus, with grateful hearts, thanking you for this great country that you have decreed to your people. we acknowledge we are a blessed nation with a rich history of faith and fortitude. with a future that is filled with promise and purpose. we recognize that every good and every perfect gift comes from
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you, and the united states of america is your gift. for which we proclaim our gratitude. as a nation we now pray for our president, donald john trump. vice president, michael richard pence, and their families. we ask that you would bestow upon our president the wisdom necessary to lead this great nation, the grace to unify us, and the strength to stand for what is honorable and right in your sight. in proverbs 21: one, you instruct us that our leaders heart is in your hands, gracious god, reveal to our president the ability to know the will, your will, the confidence to lead us in justice and righteousness, and the compassion to yield to our better angels. while we know there are many
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challenges before us, in every generation you have provided the strength and power to become that blessed nation. it guide us in discernment, lord, and give us that strength to persevere and thrive. now bind and heal our wounds and divisions. and join our nation to your purpose, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, the sum is declared, let your favor be upon this one nation under god. let these united states of america be that beacon of hope to all people and nations under your dominion. a true hope for humankind. glory to the father, the son, and the holy spirit. we pray this in the name of jesus christ, amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, the missouri state university chorale.
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>> while the missouri state university chorale practices and performs about two blocks from my home in springfield, missouri, so it was easy to find them and we are pleased they are here. [applauding] it's also a great opportunity for me to introduce my colleague, the senator from new york, chuck schumer. [applauding] >> my fellow americans, we live in a challenging and tumultuous time. a quickly-evolving, ever more interconnected world. a rapidly-changing economy that benefits to fuel, while leaving too many behind. a fractured media, a politics, frequently consumed by rancor.
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we face threats, foreign and domestic. in such times, faith in our government, our institutions, and even our country, can erode. despite these challenges, i stand here today confident in this great country for one reason. you. the american people. [applauding] we americans have always been a forward-looking, problem-solving, optimistic, patriotic, and decent people. whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, whether we are immigrants or native-born, whether we live with disabilities or do not, in wealth, or in poverty, we are all exceptional in our
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commonly-held yet fierce devotion to our country. and in our willingness to sacrifice our time, energy, and even our lives to making it a more perfect union. today we celebrate one of democracy's core attributes. the peaceful transfer of power. and every day we stand up for core democratic principles enshrined in the constitution. the rule of law, equal protection for all under law. the freedom of speech, press, religion. that the things that make america, america. and we can gain strength from reading our history and listening to the voices of average americans. they always save us in times of strife. one such american was major sullivan ballou.
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on july 14th, 1861, when the north and south were lining up for their first battle, a time when our country was bitterly divided and faith in the future of our country was low, major sullivan ballou of the second rhode island volunteers penned a letter to his wife, sarah. it is one of the greatest letters in american history. it shows the strength and courage of the average american. allow me to read some of his words, which echo through the ages. "my very dear, sarah, the indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow. if it is necessary that i should fall on the battlefield for my country, i am ready. i have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in the cause in which i am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter.
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i know how strongly american civilization now leans liens ue triumph of the government and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and sufferings of the revolution. and i am willing, perfectly willing, to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this government, and to pay that debt. sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with the mighty cables that nothing but omnipotence could break. and yet, my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield. sullivan ballou gave his life on the battlefield a week later at the first battle of bull run.
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it is because sullivan ballou and countless others believed in something bigger than themselve themselves, and were willing to sacrifice for it, that we stand today in the full blessings of liberty, in the greatest country on earth. and that spirit lives on in each of us. americans whose families have been here for generations, and those who have just arrived. and i know our best days are you have to come. i urge all americans to read sullivan ballou's full letter. his words give me solace, strength, i hope they will give you the same. now, please stand, while the associate justice of the supreme court, clarence thomas, administers the oath of office to the vice president of the united states.
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[cheering and applauding] >> justice thomas: mr. vice president-elect, would you raise your right hand and repeat after me. i come a michael richard pence, do solemnly swear. >> vice president-elect pence: i, michael richard pants, do solemnly swear. >> justice thomas: that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. >> against all enemies, foreign and domestic. >> against all enemies, foreign and domestic. >> that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. >> that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. >> that i take this obligation
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freely. >> that i take this obligation freely. >> without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. >> without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. >> and, that i will well and faithfully discharge. to >> and, that i will well and faithfully discharge. >> the duties of the office on which i am about to enter. >> vice president-elect pence: the duties of the office on which i am about to enter. >> justice thomas: so help me god. >> vice president-elect pence: so help me god. >> justice thomas: congratulations. [applauding] ♪
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[applauding] >> ladies and gentlemen, the mormon tabernacle choir, accompanied by the president's own, united states marine band. ♪
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♪ o beautiful for spacious skies, ♪ ♪ for amber waves of grain, ♪ for purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! ♪ ♪ america! america! ♪ god shed his grace on thee ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea! ♪ o beautiful for pilgrim feet ♪ whose stern impassioned stress ♪ ♪ a thoroughfare of freedom beat across the wilderness! ♪ ♪ america! america!
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♪ god mend thine every flaw, ♪ confirm thy soul in self-control, ♪ ♪ thy liberty in law! ♪ o beautiful for heroes proved ♪ ♪ in liberating strife. ♪ who more than self their country loved ♪ ♪ and mercy more than life! ♪ america! america! ♪ may god thy gold refine ♪ till all success be nobleness and every gain divine! ♪
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♪ o beautiful for patriot dream ♪ ♪ that sees beyond the years ♪ thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears! ♪ ♪ america! america! ♪ god shed his grace on thee ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea! ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea! ♪ from sea to shining sea!
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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to introduce the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, jr., who will administer the presidential oath of office, everyone, please stand. [cheering and applauding] >> chief justice roberts: please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i, donald john trump, do solemnly swear... >> president-elect trump: i, donald john trump, do solemnly swear... >> chief justice roberts: that i will faithfully execute...
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>> president-elect trump: that i will faithfully execute... >> chief justice roberts: the office of president of the united states... >> president-elect trump: the office of president of the united states... >> chief justice roberts: and will to the best of my ability... >> president-elect trump: and will to the best of my ability... >> chief justice roberts: preserve, protect, and defend... >> president-elect trump: preserve, protect, and defend... >> chief justice roberts: the constitution of the united states. >> president-elect trump: the constitution of the united states. >> chief justice roberts: so me get help me god. >> chief justice roberts: congratulations, mr. president. [applauding] ♪
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♪ [applauding] >> what a great honor to be able to introduce for the first time ever anywhere, the 45th president of the united states of america, donald j. trump. [cheering and applauding]
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>> chief justice roberts, president carter, president clinton, president bush, president obama, fellow americans, and people of the world, thank you. [cheering and applauding] we, the citizens of america, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. together, we will determine the course of america and the world for many, many years to come.
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we will face challenges. we will confront hardships. but we will get the job done. every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power. and we are grateful to president obama and first lady, michelle obama, for their gracious aid throughout this transition. they have been magnificent, thank you. [cheering and applauding] today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning. because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from washington, d.c., and giving it back to you, the people.
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[cheering and applauding] for too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost. washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. politicians prospered, but the jobs left, and the factories closed. the establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. their victories have not been your victories. their triumphs have not been your triumphs. and while they celebrated in our nations capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
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[cheering and applauding] that all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you. [cheering and applauding] it belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across america. this is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the united states of america, is your country. [cheering and applauding] what truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. [applauding]
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january 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. [cheering and applauding] the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. [cheering and applauding] everyone is listening to you no now. you came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. at the center of this movement is a crucial conviction. that a nation exists to serve its citizens. americans want to create schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their
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families, and good jobs for themselves. these are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public. before too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. mothers and children, trapped in poverty in our inner cities. rusted out factories, scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. and an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. and the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. this american carnage stops
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right here, and stops right now. [cheering and applauding] we are one nation, and their pain is our pain. their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. we share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. the oath of office i take today is an oath of allegiance to all americans. [cheering and applauding] for many decades we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of american industry. subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. we've defended other nations
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borders while refusing to defend our own. [cheering and applauding] and spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while america's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. we've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon. one by one, the factories shuddered and left our shores. with not even a thought about the millions and millions of american workers that were left behind. the wealth of our middle-class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.
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but that is the past. and now we are looking only to the future. [applauding] we assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city and every foreign capital and in every hall of power. from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. [cheering and applauding] every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit american workers and
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american families. we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. [cheering and applauding] protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. i will fight for you with every breath in my body, and i will never, ever let you down. [cheering and applauding] america will start winning again. winning like never before. [cheering and applauding] we will bring back our jobs. we will bring back our borders. we will bring back our wealth. and we will bring back our
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dreams. [cheering and applauding] we will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. we will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with american hands and american labor. [applauding] we will follow two simple rules, by buy american and higher american stomach. we will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. we do not seek to impose our way
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of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. we will shine for everyone to follow. [cheering and applauding] we will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. and unite the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. [applauding] at the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the united states of america. and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
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[applauding] the bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity. we must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. when america is united, america is totally unstoppable. [applauding] there should be no fear. we are protected, and we will always be protected. we will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. and most importantly, we will be protected by god.
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[cheering and applauding] finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. in america we understand that a nation's only living as long as it is striving. we will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it. [cheering and applauding] the time for empty talk is over. now arrives the hour of action. [applauding] do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. no challenge can match the heart and fight in spirit of america. we will not fail. our country will thrive and
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prosper again. we stand at the birth of a new millennium. ready to unlock the mysteries of space. to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies, of tomorrow. a new national pride will lift our sites and heal our division divisions. it's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. [cheering and applauding] we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great american flag. [applauding]
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and whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of detroit, or the windswept plains of nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their hearts with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator. [cheering and applauding] so to all americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words. you will never be ignored again. [cheering and applauding] your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our american destiny. and your courage and goodness
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and love will forever guide us along the way. together, we will make america strong again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and yes, together, we will make america great again. thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. thank you. [cheering and applauding] god bless america. [applauding]
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[cheering and applauding] >> at this time, i call on rabbi marvin hier to provide readings and the benediction. >> eternal god, bless president donald j. trump and america, our great nation.
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guide us to remember the words, who may dwell on your holy mountain, one who does what is right and speaks the truth. who knows that when you eat the labor of your hands, you are praiseworthy, that he who sows in tears shall reap in joy, because the freedoms we enjoy are not granted in perpetuity, but must be reclaimed by each generation. as our ancestors have planted for us, so we must plant for others. while it is not for us to complete the task, neither are we free to desist from them. dispense justice to the needy and the orphaned, for they have no one but their fellow citizen
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citizens. and because a nation's wealth is measured by her values, and not -- bless all of our allies around the world who share our beliefs, by the rivers of babylon, we wept, as we remembered zion. if i forget the old jerusalem, may my right hand forget it skill. the doer of all these shall never falter. may the days come soon when justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness will abide in the fertile fields. and the work of righteousness will be peace, quietness, and comfort and forever, amen.
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>>n the bible rain is a sign of god's blessin blessing. and it has started to rain, mr. president, when you came to the platform. and it's my prayer that god will bless you, your family, your administration, and may he bless america. the passage of scripture comes from first timothy, chapter 2. i urge them, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessio intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people. for kings, for all those in authority, that we may live peacefully quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. this is good.
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and it pleases god, our savior. who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. for there is one god and one mediator between god and mankind, the man christ jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible. the only god. the honor and glory, forever and ever, in jesus name, amen. >> we thank you, father, for letting us share this great moment together. let us not take for granted the air we breathe or the life you've given us. we were all created by you with one blood, all nation to dwell upon this land together. we are not enemies but brothers
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and sisters. we are not adversaries, but we are allies. we are not foes, but we're friends. let us be healed by the power of your love and united by the bond in your spirit. today, we pray for our 45th president, the vice president, and their families, and give them the wisdom to guide this great nation to strength much a protected, and the hands to heal it. we bless president donald j. trump. we ask that you give him the wisdom of solomon, the vision of joseph, and the meekness of christ. solomon, who kept peace among many nations, joseph who jumped better for the people, and christ, who accepted us all. oh lord, men mend our hearts, and stitch together the fabric of this great country, in the spirit of the legendary gospel song writer, oh deep in my heart, i do believe, the lord will see us through, i do believe. we are on our way to victory, i
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do believe. we will walk hand-in-hand, i do believe. we shall live in peace, i do believe. oh, deep in my heart, i do believe america, we shall overcome. and may the lord bless and keep america and make his face shine upon us and be gracious unto us and give us peace, in the mighty name of jesus, amen. [applauding] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, jackie event company, accompanied by the president's own united states marine band. please stand for the singing of the national anthem.
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♪ ♪ o say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, ♪
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♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ o say, does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ♪ [cheering and applauding]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing while the president and official party depart the platform. you will be released by sections shortly. >> and that is the peaceful transfer of power. of the 45th president of the united states is now donald j. trump. speaking for 16 minutes in an inaugural address, in which he talked about rebuilding and restoring the country. transforming and transferring power from washington, d.c., to the american people, saying this moment is your moment. it belongs to you. it was a theme he came back to, martha, a number of times in this speech. people taking control from the u.s. government, and essentially, that was the message from this election. people were fed up with washington. it wasn't working in either party, they elected this man, the 45th president of the united states, and he hit that again and again in this address. >> he did, he basically said, i am here to serve you, to give you back your government, he said i will fight for you with every breath in my body, and i
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will never let you down. we heard a lot of the echoes of these same themes that we've heard on all of those speeches, he said you came out in the millions to have your voices be heard, and today is the beginning of a new era for this country, where the government gets back into the hands of the american people, that was the overwhelming message that he wanted to convey today. >> a number of echoes about coming together, let's bring back our panel, brit hume, tucker carlson, chris wallace. what struck you? >> i thought the speech was not poetic, but quite strong. very much trump. the themes we heard throughout the campaign, the agenda items he proclaimed during the campaign were all there to hear, and while i wasn't, it wasn't soaring rhetoric, he had a couple lines that were quite powerful, i thought, especially when he said that we share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny, something that i think all americans can agree with. but i would have to say that i
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think that he painted this dark landscape of circumstance in this country now and then a promise to fix it all, basicall basically. and he wasn't timid about his promises, he didn't generalize him, he didn't shave the edges. he talked about we are going to eradicate islamist terrorism from the face of the earth, that is a very big promise, when he's made before, but there it is now. >> well, this wasn't just a transfer of power, this was donald trump seizing power in the sense that there is a new sheriff in town and he made that very clear. he made it clear that he thinks the country is really on the wrong track. there was one very powerful line, the american carnage must stop right here, right now, that what we have in america with the economic dislocation, with the borders, education, the decay of our inner cities, he called the threats from overseas american
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carnage, and he made it clear that he felt that we had an establishment both political and economic, that was out of whack, that served itself. people celebrate here in washington, but they don't celebrate in the heartland of america. and he said a nation exists to serve its citizens, and that he intends to be the agent of that. this was the speech of an insurgent of the leader of a revolt that has won, has taken control in washington, and he intends to push that agenda. >> you have to wonder what was going through secretary clinton's mind, as she watched that speech. she had hoped to be at that spot delivering that speech. she obviously tapped into the minority vote, tried to use that to win. there you see lynn cheney and dick cheney, and senator dole. he had a line in here, dana, when you open your hearts to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. when america is united, america
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is unstoppable. >> i thought that was the best line of the speech, it was the one i also wrote down. i felt at the speech was very muscular. so there was a theme, it was well-written and well articulated, and he and his style. i believe he was trying to do when he says make america great again, is he is saying if we are all united, then we will be successful. and the way we do that, then we believe in this idea of american exceptionalism, except that he says there is change coming, that we come american values are not better than anyone else. if we want to try to seek to impose those anywhere else, that that kind of change is happenin happening. he obviously spoke to the inner cities directly, and he said education, your personal safety, and jobs, should come back to the inner cities, and then he talked about innocent children, who are born anywhere in america, he said detroit or the windswept plains of nebraska, and that they all had the same hopes and dreams. i thought that was a very unifying moment. at the last thing i mentioned is that he he used the word "eye"
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very little, i think that was very on purpose. that was a speech about the people and you, and he hardly ever refer to install. >> he went after, when you look back at it, he went after the prior administration in several subtle ways, he talked about the establishment, that this is an uprising against people who basically have become too comfortable and too entrenched in this town, and at that time is over. he clearly said to them. he also talked about the inner cities, and basically the belief that the back has been turned on them by this administration. this was the first african-american president of the united states, and yet donald trump got up there and talked about how rough things are in the inner cities right now. he also used the phrase in islamic extremism, which is something we have never heard in the last eight years from that kind of presidential podium. and i thought all of that was very striking. tucker, take it away. >> he referred to the obama's, as magnificent, and like the third line of the speech. his election itself is a
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reputation, a repudiation of obama's presidency to some extent. but i see trumps hostility as focused every bit as much on the republican party and its leadership as the democratic party, and i know that is true of many of the voters. that is the first thing. the second thing is, there is a freshness about the way trump sees the country that i think is really disconcerting to a lot of people, but also really interesting. if you take the train to from washington to new york, and we all do, you drive through a post-industrial wasteland that all of us are inert too, we don't notice it anymore, but it is dead factory after dead factory. trump is horrified by that. you read the people and people are dying in mass because of gang killings, he is mad about that. the third obvious point is this was not a conservative speech. there was nothing in here about paring back government at all. this is populism, and it's never been as purely distilled i thought as it was tonight. or this morning. you saw a republican president for the first time say, on the foreign policy question out loud, we do not seek to impose
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our way of life on anyone. that has never been uttered by an american republican president ever. we are not exporting democracy or civil society, we are taking care of ourselves, that is a massive departure whether you are for it or not. >> they are walking through statuary hall there in the capital, in the capitol, the bidens are going to take a motorcade to union station, and they will get on amtrak and head back to delaware. the obama's are going to board a helicopter and they are heading out west. to california. the president and the first lady, president trump and first lady, melania trump, will head to a luncheon with lawmakers, and we should also say that for all of you following on social media, the transition has occurred. it is no longer real donald trump, it is @potus, which is already transferred on
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twitter. all of the followers will automatically go there. we think he will keep using that common communication too. >> remarkable when he talks about his millions and millions of followers, they will cross over, and this is going to be a remarkable moment as well, as we wait for the former president now, the 44th president of the united states, and mrs. obama, to get on the helicopter. it's always an emotional moment to watch that president lift off and head off into the skies as the new president takes over and we will witness that in a few moments. >> let's get some thoughts quickly from chief white house correspondent, and that is a new title, chief white house correspondent, john roberts. >> good afternoon, i followed donald trump across the country, up and down, backwards and forwards, for nearly 18 months, and what you saw today and that inaugural address was the reason why he won the election. there are so many millions of people in this country who feel that the political system has abandoned them, has ignored their needs, has given them promise after promise and not delivered. and donald trump today said that
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ends. and we saw all those people come into all those rallies and so many cities across country, they all had the same fear and the fear was that their children were not going to have as good of a life as they had, and they were also afraid that they were not going to have as good of a life as their parents did. and that's why they look to donald trump, because he was the one person who is saying, i understand what you are going through, it's wrong, i'm going to do whatever i can to change it as president. he has said the words coming out the task remains to see if he can make good on those words. it's a very difficult process, george bush, who was sitting right behind him, came to washington in 2000 saying, i'm going to change the tone of washington and didn't have a whole lot of luck doing it. so many presidents come to this town thinking that they can change the way that things are done and they don't get it done. but donald trump may be the type of person who has the fortitude and the strength and intent to get this done. so we will see, it is a very, very tall order, he doesn't have
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long to do it, the first 100 days are going to be very telling, his team has said that they have had a strong transition, they are ready to take over, but the transition, that 71 days is key, because if you do it well you can set yourself up for a good 100 days. that sets you up for a good presidency. if you haven't done it well, you're going to have a rocky first 100 days, and in your presidency may not be as successful as you hoped it that it would be. we will see, he gets to work starting this afternoon, signing some executive orders. the real work he says will begin on monday, that's when he will tackle a lot of thorny issues that he campaigned on over these last 18 months. >> we are happy to have you as our point man at the white house through this journey, as the bidens are being escorted off thereby vice president pence. quite something to watch. >> let's bring in our political correspondent, carl cameron, down there on capitol hill. >> hi, martha, donald trump's long road to the white house,
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now the president of the united states, was in many ways guided by signs of american anger. over and over again he talked about his feeling that the economy wasn't fair, that too many people were being left behind, and that american principles and values had been essentially derailed. in the average guy and the average woman weren't being attended to. and today, the president of the united states in his inaugural address said, for too long a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the costs. this day will be remembered as the day the people became rulers of this nation again. that encapsulates what was his campaign. it signals that there will be a lot of heartburn in the capital. not just with democrats, but even with republicans, he has a very, very aggressive agenda and outlined only a portion of it with his speech today. now comes the real work, and while they will be partying and balls tonight all across washington, he will go into the capital and sign some executive orders, just a few today, mostly
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logistics, but he has promised to do a great deal on day one. he acknowledge that today was one of ceremony, and for him the real work begins on monday, and that means executive orders and a new agenda for washington in the country, one that is meant to answer that anger that donald trump tapped into as a candidate and now governs a country as president. >> karl, thank you very much. >> as we are looking at these live pictures, vice president pence escorting the former vice president, joe biden, to the motorcade. we are getting ready for the moment when the obama's will say good-bye. and after eight years in office, obviously no matter what you thought of these past eight years, you have to give credit for the service. it's not easy to live in that white house. it comes with a lot of perks, but it comes with a lot of sacrifice. let's listen in, as the obamas say good-bye.
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>> there you see executive one, no longer called marine one, because it holds the former president, barack obama, and the former first lady, michelle obama, taking off and heading out west. it seems just like the other day that chief justice roberts was delivering the oath in 2009, had to do it again, remember that, in the white house, because he kind of stumbled on it. and now we are eight years later, i've hundred 83 days from a certain billionaire businessman going down an escalator in trump tower, and this is the former president, obama, taking off in this helicopter. >> it certainly is something, and i had a thought when that helicopter lifted off that where are they going to take him, up to his house on belmont road, which is only a short distance from the white house. but as you say, he is going out west, so that allows him to go through this full ceremony and fly out to the joint base andrews and presumably be flown from there to on something other than air force one to where he
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is going. the time seems to have flown, and you have to a great many people in this country, these were a long eight years. and these are the people who put mr. trump in office. and i think it's very fair, as i won't be the first to remark, that if you think about the legacy of this man, whom we see flying off in the helicopter now, it really can be summed up into in two words. donald trump. his presidency gave us this new presidency in a very real way. and you heard it reflected in all of the things that mr. trump said today, when he was outlining the difficulties that he is seeking with his presidency to overcome. >> you know, i know that tucker, conservative commentators, may be sean hannity, even, would really like that image of him getting in that helicopter and going away. but let's just take a moment. looking back at the last eight years, what could you say is a
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good thing for the country? >> well i think the very fact of obama's presidency suggested profound progress. that was a core hope of the presidency, redemption of america's original sin. that was why a lot of people who didn't agree with him voted for him the first time. and part of the sadness, part of the bitterness of it all, is that it is a more divided country and in unhappier country than it was eight years ago. there are certain presidents who are so large, either in their personal personas are in their historical significance, that they obscure their own legacies while they are there. you can't sort of see past them. i think it was very hard to see past obama, and perhaps president trump will be a similar figure. and so it takes a while to assess what we have just seen fred howe is a country different from the country we lived in eight years ago? my sense is that it is very different politically and culturally, but i haven't seen a single person write a summation of how america has changed. i hope someone will. >> we're just watching, because the helicopter is sweeping
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around the entire mall, which of course stretches from the lincoln memorial and passed the washington monument, and then over our heads here and up to the capitol. and it is a moment that they former marine one pilot always gives the former president, now, an opportunity to sort of look at washington as it lies beneath him as he takes that one last lap around and thinks about, no doubt, all that has transpired in the course of the last eight years. perhaps obviously some of the good times, for the obamas, but also the fact that he very much thought he was going to be leaving all of this in the hands of hillary clinton, and today there is a very different legacy that is told. and you also can't underestimate the difference between these two men in so many ways. you think back to the no drama obama label that this president had, and i think about, this morning was thinking about other presidents that might fall into the category of donald trump. people like teddy roosevelt or lyndon johnson come to mind, that kind of brashness, that
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kind of rough around the edges president. he has kind of compared himself to andrew jackson in some ways. so the character of this presidency is just completely different at the get-go. >> the other thing that i was thinking about is something that laura bush wrote in her book, "spoken from the heart" which is that at this moment what president obama is experiencing is, and mrs. obama, the list of responsibility. and how much lighter their load is in one second, and how much heavier the load is for donald trump. because i think the other thing that we could point to in terms of something positive is, i know from working in p.r., you never get the credit for things that don't end up in the paper. i think the presidents also don't get credit for the things that don't happen on their watch. while there have been terrorist attacks on our country, the catastrophic attacks that al-qaeda had promised in the wake of 9/11 have not occurred. and i think that the fight against isis will be further engaged, not only for what president obama did in the last two days, but you have a new
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president here, and the word muscular comes to mind, that that fight will continue. but now when president obama and mrs. obama go to palm springs, they will have a completely different load on their shoulders and they did for the last eight years. >> this is really looking toward the future, and you see these republican lawmakers walking into statuary hall, where this lunch will be this afternoon. that is it durbin, obviously the democrat from illinois, but the republican seem to have a spring in their step because they believe they can get something done and somebody will sign it. >> it's striking, i'm sorry, go ahead, chris. i was just going to say he takes office with the lowest approval ratings we have ever seen from an incoming president, and yet in terms of power in this town, he might not have gotten 50% of the vote, but he got 100% of the presidency. and moreover, with control of congress with his party, he is standing in a point of unique and quite strong leverage at
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this moment as he starts. >> i actually respectfully want to offer a dissenting opinion about barack obama, and this speaks to your issue about the republicans face. because i think his legacy is more complicated than that. he leaves office with a 60% approval rating, which is historically high, much higher than george w. bush when he left in 2001, much higher than, rather 2009, much higher than bill clinton when he left in 2001. in the new fox poll that we put out last night shows that there are a lot of people who aren't thrilled about the idea of repealing obamacare. that put 20 million people on. to speak to the republicans, they are going to find that certain parts of the obama legacy that are going to be very easy to unwind and very popular with the republican base, like the executive orders, and live by the pen, died by the pen, it will be easy for donald trump whether it's today or his first full day of business on monday to unwind those. but certain other things that i
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think repeal and replace of obamacare is a perfect example, there are a lot of parts of obamacare that most americans like. ending the provision on pre-existing conditions. trying to end the idea that young people up to the age of 26 can stay on their parent's policies. or, if you're going to keep it, how are you going to find a way to pay for it? i think there are parts of the obama legacy that are going to endure, and that the republicans are going to find not so easy either in a legislative sense or in a political sense to undo. >> it's interesting, there is a pool of cameras that we are getting the shots from, and we have seen a lot today of bernie sanders. the senator from vermont. let me tell you, before he ran for president you wouldn't see a lot of pool shots of the inauguration of bernie sanders, but he had a movement in the democratic party, and clearly he is one of the leaders now on the progressive side of the party
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who may be leading the party going forward, maybe not. let's bring in our panel, others, charles krauthammer, joe trippi, mercedes, and charles, let me get your thoughts on the speech in the moment. >> i agree with the conclusion that this was probably the most classically populist speech we have ever heard from a president. it was completely nonpartisan, and it was an appeal to a constituency that is utterly mixed, this is to the middle of the country. i think it will be remembered as the forgotten man speech. which is what his constituency was. he spoke directly to it, and he said i will fix things the way he did as his acceptance speech at the convention. what is interesting is that he has appointed a cabinet that is conservative in the classic reagan way, in other words he's got a guy for hhs who wants to abolish obamacare.
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he's got an epa director who essentially wants to dismantle the epa. in other words, he has nominated people who will do things that are classically conservative, that seem, that seek to dismantle the entire obama legacy, and that speak to the idea that obama overshot as a man of the left, and created a huge reaction where the right returns and undoes his work. so there is this interesting split. the president is not conservative in and of himself, he is more the populist, speaking against an establishment that is bipartisan. but he is surrounded by a team and has an agenda, one item after another, that is classically conservative, and is going to undo item by item. how that works out in the end, no one knows, because we have never had that. but i go back to your question, at the first debate, where you
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asked any of the candidates would you support the nominee, in other words, would you run as a third-party candidate? i think that after hearing this speech we can conclude that trump was a third-party candidate who won under the g.o.p. banner. >> watching all of the folks come in, we see ben carson, who is the nominee for cabinet member, as well as tom price, who just walked in, and i think about the moment between bernie sanders and tom price where bernie sanders said that we are not a compassionate nation. and he said, yes we are. and that is part of the fight that we will see undertaken when we get into the obamacare battle, which is ready to ensue, no doubt, in the early days of the presidency. >> there is executive one. >> thank you, i was about to call it marine one, but it's all about the inhabitant on the plate, plane, and in this case it is the former president of the united states, and so executive one has landed at andrews air force base and will
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take the obama's out to california, they will have some time off in palm springs as a family before they come right back here, not too far from the white house and take up residence as their children, their younger daughter, still in high school, finishes school. >> it is worth pointing out that those kids grew up in this white house. a beautiful family, let's go to joe trippi, your thoughts looking backward at these eight years of president obama and what this day represents. >> look, i think it was remarkable. at the trump speech, in particular, i think you talked about bernie sanders getting the attention of the pool cameras. when donald trump said the establishment protected itself and not the citizens of the country, bernie sanders could have spoken those words. and he spoke those words with the entire established establishment sitting there.
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this is a guy who overturned the two dynasties that created and built those establishments, of the bush dynasty, sitting there. the clinton dynasty was sitting there. as he uttered this very populist, antiestablishment message, and now, a lot of that establishment is still sitting in washington and offices on capitol hill. it is striking to me not just how populist it was, but how antiestablishment both parties, how it took on parties. and i think we talk about the peaceful transformation of power, transition of power, what is amazing is that this was even more miraculous in a lot of ways. because it's a transition of power, but it's also the overthrow of two party establishment, and now this president has for years to get
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his policies through. and he is saying it's me and you, him and the american people. i didn't see a lot, enough of reaching out to everybody. he did talk about it, but i would have liked to have seen him try to pull in a little bit more of talking to democrats and others i did not vote for him. >> let's go over to jay and get a historians perspective on today. >> anyway, i thought it was a remarkable moment, and i agree wholeheartedly with what charles said, that this will be remembered as a speech for the forgotten man. you can be sure it didn't have that many echoes of ronald reagan, who talked about government as the problem and not the solution. and it didn't have echoes of fdr, in some ways, fdr said that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. but what he did do was that he reached out a hand to the people who are hurting, to the people who need help, to the people who
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feel like they have not been represented. and this is not a speech written for the elites, not for "the new york times," not for those in washington, d.c. this is a speech written for the common man in middle america. and i think it really has echoef andrew jackson to whom he has compared himself. andrew jackson was brash, bold, irascible, and that is donald trump. frankly, with andrew jackson, carry this example a little bit more, when he was elected president, the great statesman of the day, the great henry clay and john quincy adams thought the world had come to an end. they thought we were seeing the end of freedom as we knew it, but in fact, jackson went on to become a great president, he led a movement that became more than a movement, it became the democratic party. so where donald trump will take the country in the next four years is not certain, but i think it will be summed up in three things he said in his speech. he said, "we will never let you down."
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he also talked about "one heart, one home, one glorious destiny." then interestingly enough as charles said, it doesn't matter which party you come from. therein lies a great message appeared the speech itself stylistically was not brilliant, but i think it is a message that will really resonate and tt whether he can carry out what he has set out. >> some good buys from the obamas as they get ready to board the plane and head out west. mercedes, arguably this transition from donald trump's own words, now president trump's words has gone pretty smoothly. he says nice things about the obamas and how they have treated him and how the conversations have gone between the two leaders. >> you can see the effects of post-campaigning, just the words that were exchanged between president obama and
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president-elect trump during the campaign, it was striking. now all of a sudden, what do we see? we see this ability, this amazing moment in american history where we do have this peaceful transfer of power. but trump was just masterful at saying this power is not my power, it is the power of the people. that is where he is focused on becoming the president of the people. he spoke directly to the coal men in west virginia, families and rust belt states, your pain is our pain is their pain, and i do think there was empathy in his speech, something i do not think donald trump is known for, this empathy, reaching out and saying, i feel your pain. i'm going to do what i can to ensure you are not ignored again. i thought that was a very effective message. i think yes, he directed several strong messages to the establishment and to the president and directly in that
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sense of saying, washington did not protect you. i think that was very much a direct message to both the establishment republicans, democrats, president obama, and he is making it very clear that he is going to undo obama's legacy. >> bret: just to point out, this is the lunch and national hall inside the u.s. capitol, there are a number of dignitaries. the incoming cabinet, many of them still going through the confirmation hearings. they have not been voted on as of yet. there you can see steve squeeze, tom price, hhs secretary to be if he gets through his nomination. we have a band playing behind us here on the national mall. they are pretty good, but pretty loud. there you can see kellyanne conway, campaign manager for donald trump. there will be a lunch and the president and first lady and vice presidents and his wife, mrs. pence will be there. they will have a lunch then the parade starts, martha.
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we will be with you all throughout the day. >> martha: kellyanne conway the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. she will now be a senior advisor in the inner circle to the president for his work that will get underway in the white house shortly. james rosen is right where we are watching all of this action take place in the rotunda just north of the national statuary hall where the luncheon is getting underway. james, your thoughts from inside? >> good afternoon, from the capitol rotunda just below the capitol dome which is looking spectacular after a $60 million renovation over several years, we just saw former president jimmy carter and his wife roslyn filed past us. we've seen a number of lawmakers and of course we are awaiting the entrance of the president and vice president and their wives. we did see just a few minutes ago former president obama strolled past us with president trump, and i think there is some activity behind me now, but as we see, hillary clinton and
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former president bill clinton filing into statuary hall, surely one of the most remarkable aspects of this day, not just the peaceful transfer of power from one president to another, but of course, that witness to that ceremony that is borne by the losing candidate, and here today with some grace by hillary clinton, the former secretary of state and first lady. and her husband, former president of the united states. they are going to be dining, we can tell you based on our look at the menu, maine lobster and shrimp, angus beef and some goodies for dessert. this is a tradition that dates back and some forms 21897, but in its current form to 1953, and after the presentation of flags and after some remarks from senator schumer, senator blunt, speaker ryan will offer a toast to vice president pence, that someday we will not witness because the pool cameras
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will have been escorted out, senator mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, will deliver a toast to president trump. we can only imagine how he really feels about this moment, having witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of the republican primary process, but they are all going to have to work together to accomplish the great goals that president trump outlined in the extraordinary speech. >> bret: james, quickly, there has been so much focus on the 69 lawmakers, democratic congressman who did not show up. not a lot a focus today obviously, there are plenty of democratic lawmakers there. it seems like business as usual going forward on one of these lunches. >> indeed, those democrats who skipped this ceremony today are not even by standards to history, they are not footnotes to history, they precluded themselves from history. i am sure at some point they will all come to regret it. >> bret: thank you. >> martha: they are not there today as donald trump said, more seats for more people because we
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did not have enough seats for all of his friends and people who wanted to be there. that is part of what we are watching this morning. juan williams has joined us on the side, wonderful to have you with us today. you've been watching all of disappeared what do you think, sir? >> wow, i was just struck by the speech because it struck me as a campaign speech. i expected something a little different. we talk about trump transitioning to the presidency, and today it struck me that was donald trump. people talk about donald trump writing his speech, but i think here we saw, i think in part, people like steve bannon who was going to be in the white house and others who have contributed to donald trump, and that kind of pump your fist, -- when he talks about america first, america is going to be winning again, american carnage, those are the lines that stood out to me in the remarks. it was not a conciliatory speech in any way. it was more "i want, this is my
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vision going forward." i think it also speaks to the fact i know that looking out across the mall here toward the capital, it is not as huge a crowd as we saw for the two previous inaugurations under obama, and also that there are protests even now going on in the city. i think it suggests something of how he has overturned the established order that so many people have said both republican and democrat, but i think he has created a great sense of unease among his critics and opponents. >> bret: when he talked about that carnage, it was an interesting moment. >> martha: he talked about the drugs i have ravaged the inner-city and small towns across this country, something he cares very deeply about. did you see any of that as a reflection on president obama's presidency and perhaps leaving behind some of those issues that may be should have more strongly addressed? >> of course peer what struck me is the idea that he said that the establishment had been
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serving itself and not serving the so-called forgotten man mas he described that population. he was not only coming to me, talking to president obama, he was talking to everyone. the establishment that was present there on the stand. what struck me again is that he is not someone we can fit into the political order as we have known in washington exactly. he is an outsider. >> martha: we are going to listen to -- >> bret: former president obama at joint base andrews. >> shelly and i have really been milking this good-bye, haven't we? [laughter] it behooves me to be very brief. [crowd noise] i said before and i will say again that when we started on this journey, we did so with an
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abiding faith in the american people and their ability, our ability to join together and change the country in ways that would make life better for our kids and our grandkids. that change did not happen from the top down, it happened from the bottom up. it was met sometimes with skepticism and doubt. some folks did not think we could pull it off. there were those who felt that the institutions of power and privilege in this country were to deeply entrenched and yet, all of you came together in
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small towns and big cities, a whole bunch of you, really young. and you decided to believe. and you knocked on doors and made phone calls and you talk to your parents who did not know how to pronounce the barack obama. [laughter] you got to know each other, and you went into communities that may be you had never even thought about visiting and met people that on the surface seemed completely different from you, did not look like you or talk like you, watch the same tv programs as you, but yet once you started talking to them, it turned out you had something in common. in a group, and it built. people took notice. throughout, it was infused with a sense of hope.
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like i said in 2004, it was not blind optimism that drove you to do all of this work. it was not naivete, it was not willful ignorance to all of the challenges that america faces. it was hope in the face of difficulty. hope in the face of uncertainty. you proved the power of hope. and throughout this process, michelle and i have just been your front men and women. we have been the face, sometimes the voice out front on the tv screen or in front of the microphone, but this has never been about us. it has always been about you. >> bret: former
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president obama speaking at joint base andrews on the left, on the right is president trump getting ready to sign documents and executive orders. these are essentially things you have to get done at the beginning of taking over the presidency. it is logistics, extending security to your family members. it is the proper transition by that signing. it is happening in the president's room the u.s. capitol. it looks like the boardroom from "the apprentice," but it is the white house. you can see the vice president over his shoulder. the former president said come he started to say we've been milking this good-bye, and he was talking for a while there. >> martha: he said we would be very brief, but i think he may still be going on at this point. as you pointed out, this is really some housekeeping that takes place here, ceremonial signing of the security documents as the president takes office. you can see him surrounded by the family, and those are john junior's children and ivanka's
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children to his right watching grandpa begin to sign documents as he takes over. we will see what we can hear, absolutely. [laughter] >> it is coming, though, right? >> it looks like you added some letters to your name. [cameras clicking] >> beautiful children.
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[cameras clicking] >> another stack coming. >> your stingy with that. [laughter] [cameras clicking]
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>> mr. president, here are some more. [inaudible] >> how about we do nancy first, is that okay? where is nancy? arabella. come on, everybody knows. very nice. [laughter] >> ben carson. [laughter] >> tom price. >> they do not get a vote.
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>> can you get tom price? he is going to be terrific. come here. do you want a leg? >> mr. president, the leader wants it. >> the leader should have it. >> good idea. >> i will take them. >> did very well yesterday, very proud. this was torn. >> better than carson. >> okay, who would like -- good. get them ready for me? tough group of people. they are learning the hard way.
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education, right? >> bret: in case anybody wants to know, these are not the executive orders on immigration or health care, there is a rent of bipartisan lawmakers including nancy pelosi, house speaker ryan. this is the bill he signed the proclamation of the day of patriotism, and these are the formal nominations one by one for his cabinets. i think there was some passing of the pens he was using, nancy pelosi, house minority leader, said i probably should not get one before the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> martha: he is getting used to the protocol and washington and how things are done. this is his first experience probably of handing off the pens as he signs bills, so we passed one to nancy pelosi right off the bat. she was right in his sight line, she was smiling at him, she piped up and said, maybe it should go to the leader. donald trump gets some big knocks nation into the ways of washington and in this little ceremony we are watching and
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unfolding, paul ryan is smiling, the room is crowded with family members. nice to see if some little kids back in the white house. we saw the obamas' children when they came in and it is refreshing, americans left his seat children in the white house. >> bret: i would say this, if i am ten, this is pretty boring. [laughter] >> martha: like barron. >> bret: paul ryan looking over his shoulder, hoping for a lot of that early on it his term. >> absolutely, as we pointed out before, the flip side of what barack obama did in his second term when he said, i've got a pen and a phone, used the pen to sign a lot of executive actions on immigration, climate change, and a variety of other matters that can all be undone with the stroke of a pen. i do not think that is what you are seeing today right now, but you will see some of that starting on monday, the first full day of business in the oval
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office. that will be an easy quick way for donald trump to keep some campaign promises and to chalk up some victories. i think he's going to be able to dismantle some parts of obamacare by executive order as well. a lot of legislation will be much more complicated and time-consuming, but this is a way to begin to pay off his campaign promises to the american people. >> bret: we should point out this is also the mattis waiver bill, the bill that allows general james mattis to become his official defense secretary. the law was you could not be in a civilian cabinet post until after seven years leaving the military. this bill changes that. >> it does. i might add that when he did it gets down to the business up and doing executive orders done by president obama, no one should underestimate the effect of that because some of these regulations were quite sweeping he put into place.
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a lot of businesses and other entities that they were a real drag on their ability to operate. a lot of businessmen i've talked to say it is as important as any tax reform that he does, as important as lowering the tax rates on business and the rest of it, getting some of these executive orders undone will have at least as much of an effect. these are things, as we suggest here, he can do in the early going that will make a difference. >> martha: that is definitely his focus. he is a businessman and business is going to come first for him, regulations, cutting regulations is near and dear to us heart. president obama on his first day wanted to close guantanamo bay, that is one of the first things he talked about, the dream did not come through for him and was still pushing for it out the door. >> he was unable to do that because congress would not go along. the congress that many of the critics of the republican leadership said gave the president everything he wanted, but that was the one big thing
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he never got. as we speak here today, as you suggest, guantanamo remains open, who knows how busy it will become under this new president. >> bret: speaking of new regulations, in the speech today, the inaugural address president trump said "for too long, we have been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry." president trump is committed to eliminating some of those environmental regulations, and to that point, the climate change section of the white house web site has it just been taken down. might be getting a redo something tells me. >> by the way, i might note the new potus twitter account is up, so far, no tweets but nearly 4 million followers. meanwhile, the old one is still up with 20 million followers. we await the first presidential tweet. >> bret: we are told they will transfer over. >> that would be good, all of those followers. >> martha: we will be the first to bring you the first
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presidential tweet. i think there is something to be said about the environmental and conservation policies of this president. you have not heard a lot about that but it gets to the heart of talking about rural america in particular. for example, the obama administration had been very aggressive with one role and particular called waters of the united states, and if you talk to any agricultural group ag states from or alabama up to the southeast, now sonny purdue who would be that usda secretary if he is confirmed, up to dairy country and to the west, this became a huge issue about how these farmers would be able to use their land in order to produce all of the wonderful things that we eat, they experts or people around the world can be fed. i do think that rule which ended up in court as many of obama's environmental regulations did end up in court because the supreme court even saying come you do not have the authority to do that, i believe that is now
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dead. so you will see the rural counties of america breathing a little sigh of relief today. >> bret: let's listen back in, they are wrapping up here. [applauding] >> going this way? >> yes. >> bret: charles, do you want to wait in? >> i wanted to make a point about the speech. a part that we overlooked but i am sure is not being overlooked around the world. there are two audiences obviously for inaugural addresses, the domestic and foreign. i guarantee you that they are quaking in their boots in foreign capitals, particularly of our allies and trading partners. the way that trump spoke about the outside world was the most aggressive, most hyper
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nationalist, innocent ways, most hostile of any inaugural address i think since the second world war. what trump pointed out, what he drew was a picture of a zero-sum world where it what we done for the world, they have been stealing from us. he says for decades we have been building their industry at the expense of our american economy. strengthening others at the expense of our army. we've made others rich while becoming poor. then this scattering sense that the wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed around the world. in other words, the other guys, "the other," including friends. kennedy spoke harshly about the communist world. this is about our allies. they have been stealing from us,
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our corrupt ruling class has taken the money of the middle middle-class and centered centered around the world. that is the exaggerated anti-globalist view. i can understand a lot of the sentiments, but imagine how this has been heard in east asia, europe, other places, and then he ends up with a phrase that may not be as a resident here, he says we are going to have one principle "america first." it is capitalized in the version that you get printed out, and capitalized is the name of the isolationist party from the 1930s that fought to keep us out of any entanglements abroad, i.e. out of the second world war, led by charles lindbergh and others that dismantled a week after pearl harbor. for many people around the world, the british in particular, that is quite a resident phrase, and it says to them, to the free world, since
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harry truman and eisenhower, we constructed a world where we carried a lot if you economically, militarily, et cetera. that game is over, you are on your own. that is an amazing message for inaugural address. we heard it in the campaign, but this is policy now. it is going to have a huge effect around the world. >> bret: interesting to point out, we are looking at justice samuel alito sitting next to possibly the next attorney general, jeff sessions. you see a number of lawmakers, use our rudy giuliani just earlier sitting in the lunch, waiting for president trump and the first lady melania to arrive. >> just what charles was saying, this is the way donald trump negotiates. he throws down a very strong marker out of the gate, and that is what he did today in the message to other countries. we also know he is very much open to negotiation as a businessman in the way he works things, but no doubt he wanted to be very forceful in terms of
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putting out that america first message, other countries get it just like corporations have gotten it in this country where they heard the message, many of them started to given little bits and pieces, 50 jobs here, 100 jobs they are coming back to the united states peer that is how he works and what we saw in this speech. i also want to point out briefly that we got an update on the condition of george h.w. bush. it looks like some good news. they took their breathing tube out this morning, he is breathing well on his own with minimal supplemental oxygen according to this. he is comfortable in watching the inauguration coverage with mrs. bush, their son neil and their daughter-in-law, so he will remain in the icu for observation. mrs. bush also continues to feel better, so very welcome news to know they are out there, watching all of this along with the rest of us. >> bret: we hope they are watching us. if so, best wishes. >> just wanted to pick up on what you said there, martha, it is very wise for this meant as a negotiator. he may be negotiated more than
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he is anything else. when he starts to talk about a subject that he is involved in, he is laying down, as you suggest, a marker, a position, but he is very flexible and things are subject to change. he will always push to get what he wants as he has always done and countless business deals, but this is how he operates. so when you hear him say something, you should to get back to the wisest thing said about him last year, that was by the journalist we know here in washington who said that the people who did not get him taken literally but not seriously, people who did took them seriously but not literally, so when you hear him stick out a position, it is a negotiating position. it is not necessarily something that is a hard and fast situation with him. >> bret: exactly. when he talks about nato, he says the other countries need to pay up, they need to pay their fair share. >> they need to just their mission statement to accommodate new realities. >> bret: terrorism, et cetera.
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he says it in a different way, but eventually, everybody pays attention, and that is what is in negotiating point to bounce off of. >> they are also just facts. the rhetoric makes a lot of sense from his perspective and campaign but i also think every president acts in the national interest as they see fit. some like george w. bush enter into office with a campaign that said, no more nationbuilding, and circumstances have been in the world, then his viewpoint changed that america must be engaged in the world because we cannot keep these threats of terrorism at bay if we are not engaged. all of the countries of nato did participate in the war on terror. if you look at the actual numbers in terms of gdp, some might argue it is actually the united states who should pay. >> bret: i've been on many trips with your former boss, president bush, donald rumsfeld where they made the case they
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were paper armies. >> that is true, but not necessarily paying into nato itself, it is what they do with their own militaries because they are relying on the united states. that may be a very welcome thing across the board. i also think that one of the first things president obama did today is he -- sorry, president trump has held over many people that were political that worked under president obama as they work out the transition. one of them, as i understand it, was encouraged by ivanka trump and mike pence to keep the coordinator at the state department because that type of american generosity that was helping eradicate disease around the world which is something donald trump said in his speech today, i think he will end up finding that there are, i don't know whether it is points of negotiation, but points of more open mindedness and possibility about what previous presidents have done to protect the united states and their viewpoint, populism is new and different, it feels strange to talk about america first, given
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the historical connotations as charles krauthammer was discussing, but maybe it is time for a redefinition under this president. >> bret: to make sure everybody knows what is going on, joint base andrews, the obamas getting ready to board a plane to head out west and then use the national statuary hall and the capitol, house speaker and his wife arriving as well as other lawmakers in the room and trump family. first 100 days, i know it is martha's show -- [laughter] >> martha: you can talk about it, though. >> bret: the actual first 100 days of this administration. >> what strikes me looking at the trump part of our screen, he is engaging in the hall. don't forget that for the first time we have a republican party in the house, senate and president since 2006, first time. so we discussed that first 100 days, we are going to be
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discussing donald trump trying to make an impression or change some of the g.o.p. orthodox positions on issues ranging from free-trade to immigration. >> bret: is this guy going to cooperate, senate minority leader chuck schumer? >> i think he is the face of the opposition right now. he is just coming into that job, you know harry reid has left to go home to nevada, so schumer now has to find a deal to deal with trump. he has said he is willing to negotiate, to go back to what you guys are talking about, it trump the businessman negotiator. he is willing to negotiate and at times use the fact that republicans who have the 52 majority in the senate can use help from democrats, we think of vulnerable democrats, people like joe manchin and west virginia, how do you like him? may be even donnelly indiana. the potential there to put pressure on schumer by putting pressure on a large number of
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democrats who will be up for reelection in the senate in 2018. so there's going to be a lot of negotiation there appeared one final point in terms of a democratic's perspective on this day is the surprise i thought and donald trump's failure to acknowledge hillary clinton. i thought he would have shaken hands with her and former president clinton or spoken of her in some way to signify a willingness to heal and outreach, but that was not what was a pretty dark speech about the state of life in america. >> martha: watched this moment as president obama and -- former president obama and the former first lady waif before stepping onto the plane as they begin some time off. as dana pointed out earlier, the weight is lifted off this family. it is a tremendous weight to be president of the united states and also to be married to the president of the united states. it is something we know from our
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conversations with first ladies that we share in that, so now that weight has been shifted to donald trump, melania trump his wife and by extension to their family as well. this is just one of those moments you look at, chris wallace -- >> bret: here is another moment. let's listen in. >> welcome to the lunch, there he is, walking in right now. very ceremonial line, greeted from members from both sides. ♪
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♪ 's be one who ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, donald jay trump and mrs. melania trump accompanied by chairman willie blunt and mrs. abigail blunt. ♪ ["hail to the chief" playing] [applauding] [applauding]
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[cameras clicking] >> welcome to this lunch, everyone come you can be seated. >> mr. president,
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mr. vice president, honored guests, welcome to this inaugural luncheon. the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies has been pleased to host this lunch at least since 1953 with president eisenhower. in 1981, president reagan's first inauguration, the lunch took its current form and moved to this grand hall, the national statuary hall which served until 1857 as the chamber of the house of representatives. the statues that lined the walls of this room are placed throughout the capital, and they recognize the important figures in our national history. the question and statuary hall does not change very often, but actually, since this lunch was held the last time, it has had several additions. rosa parks is now in statuary hall, and she is, of course, seated rather than standing as she should be. [applauding]
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>> when miss parks died and 2005, one of the few people who had never held any public office or served in the military too late to honor in the capitol rotunda, and several of us were there that day. another addition, norman, the leader of the green revolution, though this green revolution was about his great efforts to feed people, the demands in food production, and he was really a leader in that area, talking to governor perdue last night about what to do as world food demand doubles and 35 or 40 years and a great opportunity we have there. barry goldwater, a real inspiration to a generate delete my generation of conservatives was added to statuary hall over the last few years, and thomas f
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ohio, who discovered more than 0 ways not to make a lightbulb. at least until he discovered the one way to make that lightbulb. the painting in the middle of the room is from a great missouri artist, george, he did three election series, the painting here, three painting series, one was stump speaking, one with the county county elen this one is "verdict of the people." in the 1850s, when this was painted, it was often several days after the election before the results were announced. all kinds of people are in this painting, people from all walks of life, people who are excited, people who are confused, people who wonder what has happened in people who wonder what is going to happen are all there. actually he painted this painting about the same time in this very room some of the least
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successful debates in the history of our country were being held, and of course, we paid the price for not being able to find solutions. one of my favorite statues in the building is in a room i have here in the capitol right now. i had it when i was the width in the house whip in the house, and it is my favorite because nobody knows who it is. i don't mean no one can guess, i mean nobody knows and nobody has known since about 1930. could not have been in the capitol building more than 100 years before people began to wonder who is this person? it is a great reminder that what we do here is a lot more important than who we are. so we have worked in front of us. it is a wonderful opportunity. it is a great day, and i am asking mary black, the chaplain
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of the senate, to come and give our opening prayer. >> let pray. eternal lord god, our refuge and strength, we praise you that we have nothing to fear. we can stand fearlessly during this season of peaceful transition because we know your providence will prevail. lord, we are grateful for this inaugural luncheon, and for your providence that has brought president donald j. trump to this milestone moment. you have admonished us to pray for leaders and governments so
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we pray for our new president. lord crowned his labors with success, leading him to the destination you have chosen. surround him, his family and the members of his cabinet with the shield of your divine protection and favor. may president trump seek your wisdom, justice, and grace, leading with your strength which reaches out to those on life's margins, the lost, lonely, last, leased, and left out. may he remember that those who would leave a legacy of greatness must strive to become
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servants of all. lord, inspire our president to perform his god-appointed duties with such reverence for you that his tenure will be like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning, like a rainbow after a storm, and like the singing of the birds at dawn. bless our food and fellowship, we pray. in your sovereign name, amen. >> lunch will be served. okay. >> bret: that was senator roy
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blunt, chair of the inaugural committee from missouri, had some interesting things about the decor in statuary hall in the capitol, beautiful, beautiful building there and a beautiful room where they have this lunch every inauguration. >> martha: apparently there is a statue where no one knows who it is, no one has, what are you going to do? we will go out to the parade to get a little bit of a taste of what we can expect after lunch. >> bret: there is the take off. as president obama, former president of the united states has said, this has been a long good-bye, but this is officially the good-bye on his way to california at joint base andrews. >> martha: he has said that if he feels it necessary, he will speak up as things arise if there are injustices being done or children who he feels have been endangered by policies, that kind of thing. he says he will chime in, and we know that president bush felt
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very differently about that process. >> bret: what do you think is going to be the role of the former president? >> he is still the leader of the democratic party. they have yet to choose someone to run the democratic national committee. there has been lots of consternation about that contest. for the most part, looks like a competition among people from the far left. we have seen some people now try to offer a middle road, but at the moment, given the polarized state of politics in america, i think you see people on the far left wanting president obama to become a herald for them and wanting to use the power of his potency as former president to challenge donald trump. what we have heard from the president in terms of his remarks and even his final press conference was that he is not in that game, in a boils down to what you guys were talking about a minute ago. if core values, as he defines them, are threatened, -- and here, i think in specific we are
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talking about for example, the children of immigrants who came to this country at a very young age, the so-called "dreamers," he felt that was an important step and he has personally encouraged donald trump not to act a against the dreamers prematurely but to make it a larger part of his consideration about immigration reform. i would suspect also that as president trump goes about looking at what parts of the obamacare act are to be tossed away, at some point, you may come to a juncture where president obama, his main state landmark piece of legislation, he would again raise his voice. >> bret: it's going to be interesting, though, because he will be in town. his two children go to school here. could he be invited over to the white house? who knows? if he pops up, is he going to get tweets or some kind of confrontation by the new president? we will see. right now, they are looking at
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the next 100 days. quickly, we want to take a break before we explain the parade. >> i was going to speak to what juan williams was saying, barack obama leaves office as a very popular political figure but we have learned over and over again when his name is not on the ballot, his popularity does not transfer to other democrats. it may be easy to rely on him for a wild to the degree that he is willing, the leader of the democratic party, but pretty soon, they have to find new leaders. >> martha: that is something he bemoaned time and time again since the election that his personal charisma was not transferable, as he put it, to other candidates during the course of the election. maybe as a post-president, he will try to make that connection more strongly and pass that along in a bigger way that is more successful, but it was not and this last round, that is for sure. >> bret: take a look at pennsylvania avenue, this is the root of the parade, you can see from the capitol all the way down. we will have you covered, reporters up and down the parade
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route, then we will get to 6000 pennsylvania avenue where president donald j. trump and the first lady melania will be staying tonight. we will be back after this. ♪
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>> you are looking live at the white house, 1600 pennsylvania avenue where donald j. trump the new president of the united states will be with his family tonight after a parade this afternoon. >> martha: they have a busy day, the parade will get underway in just a little while, they are having lunch right now in the rotunda. it is a day of tradition and majesty. they wanted the whole exercise to be very elegant and to the point, the speech was to the
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point, it was rather short, about 14 or 15 minutes. we want to bring you some of our other panel members here today, joe trippi and mercedes schlapp have joined us as well as historian jay winik. good to have yo we did witness the exit of the former president of the united states, barack obama and mrs. obama. we were talking about the fact we did not see the girls today. any comment on any of that? >> i was always moved by the president leaving. when barack obama came in, the shots of george bush leaving with the chopper over the memorials, it is always moving to see that, even -- i had fought that president most of his term, and again, i think there is some sadness, obviously, within the democratic party to see him go, but he is leaving on very high approval ratings. we will see how those hold up
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over time and what history says, all the barbs going back and forth. that will keep coming, and he will get blamed for a lot of things as we move forward, but donald trump today did inherit a much better economy than obama does. i think he has a real chance here to build on that, and we will see. it was very moving on both sides to see the majesty of a peaceful transition and the whole event, at the same time the shots of barack obama leaving office. he will be back in washington soon, but on his way to palm palm springs. >> bret: you may have heard juan williams discussed the speech as dark. there are democrats who see that as the case. there are republicans, trump supporters and republicans who
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see this as a hopeful optimism, as a speech that looks toward getting things done, that is practical, that is about breaking the gridlock in washington that has been so straggly here. i am struck, though, by some on the left who called the speech "hitlerian" ," like hitler. your thoughts on this? i'm not talking way out left, i am talking other channels out left. >> first of all, not surprised they would go in that direction, george soros mentioned recently that he believes that trump would behave as a dictator prayer this is a narrative that the democrats have kept pushing forward as part of the fact that saying that trump is not going to be able to work with democrats or republicans and just have his own agenda. i think really in it donald trump's speech, i think he was focusing on "patriotism
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on steroids," i call it. this idea of america first, buy america, haier america, it is about empowering the american people. i did not find anywhere in his speech where it was focused on him. it was truly focused on the people who brought him there, who elected him, and when he said, this is your moment, your day, your celebration, that message was clearly sent to his supporters, many who have been bashed by the left, attacked for being racist, sexist, deplorable. it is a day for the deplorable square victory is sweet and donald trump will be able to bring these people's agenda here to washington. >> martha: look at this speech in reference to other speeches, i want to bring in jay winik. the notion that the idea of putting your country first as president of the united states is the basis for what is being slammed as "hitlerian" in some parts of the media.
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since when is america first as the president who is the commander-in-chief, ceo of this operation of the united states, why is that such a radical idea? >> it is only a radical idea in the sense that charles has talked about before, you hear echoes of charles lindbergh's america first movement that kept us, tried to prevent us from entering world war ii. but the idea that we would put americans first, that we would put people who are starving, hungry or who are hurting first, there is nothing radical about that. if you look at the fdr speeches, you can see where he talks about persistent experimentation, people huddling by railroad tracks, there echoes of that today. so i think it is very unfortunate with the kind of political rhetoric now that would talk such extreme notions as donald trump saying we need to help out the common man, the common woman, the family in trouble. that is not "hitlerian," that is
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in some ways good old-fashioned common sense. one thing he had in his speech today which would address that as well is he says, when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. there is no room for prejudice. that is something that never could have come out of hitler's mouth. >> bret: there were other lines that went down that entire road. >> absolutely. absolutely. even if you talk about when we were talking about foreign policy, he said we will reinforce old alliances, inform new ones. in some ways, what we see in this speech is a rorschach test, almost kennedy asked, he said we won't bear any burden, pay any price, but he also said let's not fear to negotiate. for everything that was muscular and tough, there is something soft and empathetic. it is a very interesting and fascinating speech, and i think historians will debate for some
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time and will debate it according to how things unfold in the next years to come. >> bret: thank you, it is a test depending on where you come from, your situation, what you heard, and how you look at it. i think there are a lot of people in the middle of the country who looked at this election as breaking what was not working in washington. we will see if that speech touches them. >> martha: no doubt you will feel the outrage in some corners of new york city, los angeles, those areas where the population voted overwhelmingly for hillary clinton who will be thrashing about at the notions in this speech that it is horrific to suggest that america should be first, that is some sort of novel, radical idea. it is something we are going to eat debate for the early stages of this new presidency. >> bret: i suggest it sounds a lot like american exceptionalism which was debated in the past two elections prioror to this pn and talked about with
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mitt romney and barack obama. we are alive here in the nation's small you look at the capitol. lunch is ongoing, the parade is about to start, and we have you covered here on fox news channel. parade which is the tradition that we have watched with every turnover of power in the united states of america. the weather has been a little tricky today, it rained a bit during the inauguration. we heard from franklin graham, billy graham's son who said that rain is a blessing when it falls on a presidency, turning what some saw as a gray day into a sign of blessing and good fortune for the 45th. united states. we will watch as this parade takes place. interesting to note that donald trump has sort of always said
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that he would deliver things ahead of time and under budget. can you kind of look at this parade as a bit under budget, smaller than some of the ones we've seen in the past. dwight eisenhower who you know very intimately, from the research on your book. but he had, i think, the biggest inaugural parade of all. >> it was. >> martha: this is going to be smaller than that. >> where a guy on a horse lassos president icen hower, that wouldn't happen with the glass and the protection. but it did m 1953. we have coverage all along the parade route. jenna lee is outside trump international hotel a new landmark in d.c. bill hemmer is down at lafayette park in front of the presidential box. we start with joo than roberts, following president trump along the parade route. we have to get used to "president trump" and away from the "president-elect trump." >> it's always been harder to say president-elect than
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president. it'll probably roll off our tongues. just inside the capitol buildingsving lunch which is a fairly heavy lunch for anybody who normally goes out, we have lobster, shrimp, black angus beef and cherry ice cream with three kinds of wine. you might want a nap as opposed to getting on the parade route. we are on our trusty flatbed truck and just ahead of the president as he makes his way down pennsylvania avenue from the capitol to the white house. march that was talking about saving money. a little while ago, short nature of the parade, i think really interesting figure to look at, is one that we discussed last night, brett, on "special report," that is that trump's transition came in under budget by 20%. and trump officials announced yesterday that they were going to give back to the american people $1.2 million of the $6 million that was budgeted for that transition.
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donald trump already making good on a campaign promise to wherever he can, save the american taxpayers money, brett. >> all right, john, thank you. >> martha: jenna lee is at the trump international hotel, used to be the old post office building. jonld trump said from the very beginning that this would be the place of celebration for the big inauguration. in the initial days some people scoffed at that idea. they're not doing that now. >> they aren't, martha. today is about smoeb and symbolism, what a powerful symbol the building behind me is. it is trump international hotel. but it is the old post office here in washington, d.c. a building that's been around since the late 1800s, to this day has one of those tallest towers in d.c. one thing i want our viewers to know, americans all over the country, anyone who is a taxpayer, you are the owner of the building behind us. remember the trump organization just has the lease to the building. when you see the new leader of the free world, our new
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president, come past this point on pennsylvania avenue, i want you to think about him, not only as new president but as your tenant. something to think about. an interesting side story as we take a look at the next several weeks and months as somehow debated whether or not his role as president comes in conflict with the lease to this building. that's not necessarily the story for today but something we will be watching ahead. right now the crowd is filling in, we have had a smattering of protests but certainly a big security presence around not only this side of the street, where you're able to come in as members of the public but around the hotel. i reached out to representatives of the hotel to find out more, is the hotel full? what about the prices? they offer no comment. something we're watching today as we await the president. we have a family here, 9-year-old and 7-year-old that can't wait to see president trump. martha? >> martha: thank you, jenna lee outside of the trump international hotel. we go to brick jenkins, near the protests that we have been seeing happen today.
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>> i think karl cameron is down there. but let's look at the issues that they've been facing. these are police in riot gear. it has not gone completely without incident. there have been some 90 arrests. there have been some tear gas, we don't know if it's from the protesters or the police. and this is about a couple of blocks away from the mall, currently. there you see the police on the ground. do we have karl cameron? not yet. we'll go down and get an updated check on that when we get the latest. so far 90 arrests. and we have the cross streets of where this is, see if i can find that out here. >> martha: we talked about disrupt j-20, one of the major groups that was going to protest ore the course of today. and howerful they would be. they're really a crowd sourcing internet group that's pulled together to disrupt today. they said they wanted to stop the parade.
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that was their initial goal to prevent the parade from happening. 1 major check points around the city where they were doing security. >> we'll listen in. >> yes, i can hear you. >> griff, can you hear us? >> can i hear you, yes. >> what have you got? >> can you hear me? >> yes. you're on. >> we're here downtown -- coming up here, i want to show the viewers, we're in down up to at 12th and k. and we have a situation where the police are clashing with protesters. it's important to note that the streets have not been like this all day. a few hours ago, about 12 or so protesters were charged with rioting. they were vandalizing some stores. and it has erupted in this small
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area of three or four streets. now what you are seeing is engagement with the police. we have had pepper spray, we have had pressure grenades, some of the protesters throwing rocks. now we seem to be in a standoff, we'll try to get you close to the line. and we're trying to remain as careful as we can. [ explosion ] you see the pressure grenades, we're going to step back to be safe. as you can see, there is an engagement going on. again, this is not all over the streets of washington for our viewers, it is in a small four-block grid. the protesters here, which are a part of an anti-fascist block that sought to disrupt these streets, not just to protest, but to disrupt are doing just that and challenging the police f you look with me, this is the police line in riot gear. they were about 30 mince ago, arresting the people -- 30 minutes ago arresting the people vandalizing businesses. it was under control, then something sparked, an energy in the crowd, rocks got tossed.
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now we are in a situation that we find ourselves in now. >> griff, a couple of questions. you've been in a number of protests, you've seen these things, is this a big crowd, is it a small crowd? and did it happen after the inauguration itself? >> it did happen after the inauguration. the original rioting -- [explosion ] we're going to stay down. >> you don't have to say excuse me. . this, to tell you, the size of crowd, it's not a large crowd. it really, truly, is not. it's about 200 to 300 protesters. but some of them are very committed. [ explosion ] confronting the police. and rocks are being thrown, as you turn around. you can see these pressure grenades. police are using to try and thwart the protesters from throwing the rock. again, at 12th and k, about six
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blocks from the white house. [ continuing explosions ] we see serious engagement, the protesters getting up there, throwing their rocks. then retreating. the police, now, trying to maintain control. just using a little pepper spray. here comes a bomb, look out! okay, we're going to be very careful of this. these are pressure grenades, they're not explosives, it's not what the military uses. no one being hurt. >> how about we get you out of the way. >> they're very proud loud. we want to show you this. because, there was a discussion, and a real intent on behalf of some of the protesters, to simply disrupt the street and challenge law enforcement. that's what you are seeing here today. but, honestly, the police have used some restraint based on what i've seen in ferguson, covering ferguson, covering boston.
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they have not, we've not seen protesters being beaten in the streets. but we have seen about 25 arrests so far. >> okay, grif, stay safe down there. we'll head back if there's any other standoff or arrests. we're hearing from our producers that it's about 90 total arrests so far. and, again, about six blocks from where we are. >> martha: originally, they were trying to assemble tens of thousands of people to block the check points around even getting in this morning. i saw smon none of that on the streets when we were coming in. but obviously griff has found one of the hot spots out there. but that's going to be one of the stories, whether or not the protesters showed up for today and whether or not they were really an element or whether they were successful in blocking anything as they get ready for the parade. that's clearly their goal. >> and tomorrow is the women's march here in d.c.
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that is a protest of sorts. we'll see how many people show up for that. back to the parade route, bill hemmer is standing by on pennsylvania avenue across the white house. bill? >> bill: a much different scene, well inside the security perimeter that stretches rather for 2 or 3 mile radius in washington. we're on pennsylvania avenue, off to my right is a bus bring something of the folks from the capitol over to the parade behind that bus you see the department of treasury. that will be a big job. steve mnuchin, the nominee, hasn't gone through. none of the nominees have gone through yet. okay, phil, he's a volunteer, i'll talk to him in a moment. the viewing stand, brett and martha, is behind us. that would be set up where you see donald trump and his family a bit late e. the day began earlier today and will end here as well. we have seen so many volunteers spread out through the entire district.
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here's one from annapolis, phil, what's your last name? >> kennett. >> how is it going. >> it's been a long way but the rain held off, we're happy about that. >> you don't realize to the folks at home the demanding hours placed on so many thousands of volunteers. phil was up at 2:30 to get his spot, is that right? >> to catch the first train at 4:00a.m. >> bill: and here are you. >> here we still there are. >> bill: why are you here today? >> we're going to build a better america and make america great again. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> you bet. >> bill: we will oh be here all day, okay? nice family from indiana. come on over here, quick, we're live on tv, okay? what is your name? >> deb schneider. >> bill: what is your name? >> silas. >> bill: turn around. and your name? >> reagan. >> bill: were you in the capitol? >> we were. >> bill: and tell us how did it go? >> it was awesome, incredible experience, we're glad to experience history. >> bill: take it in, guys, make
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sure you get a good selfie. thanks for coming by. >> thank you. >> bill: parade about 3:00ish, a little bit after that. brett and martha, back to you. we'll be watching everything as it moves by. who knows, maybe we'll get number 45 to step out on this location along pennsylvania avenue. back to you. >> if anybody can, you can. >> martha: we want to bring charles krauthammer back in, he looks at what we've seen, the speech that is called one of the most radical speeches by some who heard it today. clearly the message was america first. and the establishment better sit up and pay attention, their days are over. your thoughts? >> i'd like to push back a little bit on the america first issue. i think the point is not that trump is trying to stake out a negotiating position. i think what he's doing, he's redefining how we see the post-world war ii world. the assumption of truman,
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eisenhower, kennedy et cetera was that trade was good and would raise all of us. for trump it's a zero sum gain. they win, we lose. more importantly, i think, even more than trade was alliances. what trump said is that we subsidize the armys of others while our army wears down. we didn't subsidize the armys of japan, south korea, germany during the cold war as a matter of altruism. we did it because it's easier and cheaper to defend our interests, cheaper in blood and in treasure. if there are others who are working on our side. the idea of alliances was not magnonity, the idea we have ally is a round the world, we encourage trade around the world, particularly within the free world. it enhances our world.
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now, you can argue that trump is right or wrong. but i think there's no arguing, after this speech today, that he completely wants to radically redesign the national interests far more narrowly than any president has since at least the second world war. that is new. that was proclaimed today. perhaps in practice, trump will be less radical. but he did say from this day forward a new vision will govern our land. and that's what he's talking about. around the world in capitals everywhere, they heard this and they're worried. >> right, charles. but let me just ask you, is there any nuance here, is there any, maybe he's not against trade, he's against bad trade deals. is there anything that you're reading into this speech by how it's phrased and delivered that possibly in governing looks
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differently? >> well, i'm sure he will have to soften in governing. there's no way to undo the structure that the post-second world war presidents have constructed. but this is a new age beginning. we could be at point where the old truths, what are called establishment truths, are going to be worn away. but what trump was doing, he gave a verdict on the last 70 years. when he says the wealth of the middle class has been ripped from their homes and distributed around the world that's a way of saying we've been ripped off and the game ends now. >> charles, it's britt. what do you suppose he meant after having said all these things about nato, when he finally said the other day, nato is very important to me. struck me as strikingly at variance with what he had seemed to be saying before.
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how do you interpret that? >> in the same interview he said nato was be on so deet. >> isn't it clear that what he meant was nato's mission -- this goes with not beings an especially pro size speaker. he's a powerful speaker but not precise speaker. the more he says about nato, more seems what's possible, nato's mission statement needs to be updated, nato isn't necessarily be on to so let but outdated. others within nato who have not maintained their military to the expected level need to do more seems completely sensible. i'm not saying you're wrong but i wonder if it doesn't turn out in the end that's what he's looking for. when he is satisfied on those points, if indeed he is, we will see that nato stands and is, indeed, important to him. >> but, britt, an inaugural address is not off the cuff. it's not an inarticulate man spewing off or contradicting himself.
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this is a very well thought-out, he spent weeks on this speech, he said he wrote most of it himself. when you say we've defended other nation' borders while refusing to defend our own, we have subsidized the armys of other countries that,'s nato, what he's talking about, when he says at the expense of our own. he sees zero sum with our allies stealing our wealth, stealing our treasure, and in the end we spill our blood for them. this is a considered speech. he could have introduced nuance into it. he didn't. >> i don't think, though that, he's casting judgment on what happened in the post world war ii era, i don't think he's saying the marshall plan was a bad idea or nato was a bad idea or the international trade was a bad idea. i think he's saying that it doesn't work any more. that that was the old world order and it may have worked in those times. but it has changed.
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for instance trade that may have benefitted a global world, and not just seeing this in the united states, we're seeing it across europe other parts of the world, that it has ended up working very much to the disadvantage, he believes, of the united states. and obviously in britain they believe to the disadvantage of britain. and similarly with some of the military alliances around the world. not saying he's right or wrong. i think he's saying what may have worked in the '40s and '50s and '60s doesn't work in the 2010s and we need a new order. i have to say, i really strongly disagree with any implication that he's harkening back to charles lind berg and the america first. he's saying that we need to pay attention to this country. things have gotten out of whack. we have got a lot of people living in this country today who feel disadvantaged by how we're focussing our foreign policy on nation building overseas, our trade policy on deals that benefit other countries over us, and we need to get things back
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into a new world order. >> well, charles -- go ahead. >> you guys are great interpreters, i wish he had had you with him when he was writing his speech. he could have just put in half a phrase of what you just said, chris, and that might have clarified it. in the past this might have worked. it's not working any more. >> he didn't talk about 1945, charles. you're putting that in there. >> oh, i'm saying he's redefining what we mean by national interests. and if you sit in kiev today or tokyo, you really are beginning to wonder. >> charles, as always, thank you. we will be digesting this speech for a long time. let's look live, this is 12th and k. they've moved about a block. you can see there is a lot of reporters here. there's a lot of tear gas. griff jenkins, you still down there? okay, let's take -- he's there.
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>> it continues to escalate. a lot of the pressure grenades, what is really present vehicling the riot police, trying to maintain order, are the rocks you see thrown. some protesters continuing. you see the people disrupting, what they're doing, brett -- excuse me. what they're trying to do is box us in. the protesters that is. we seemed to have caught ourselves in the middle trying to show you guys. they're coming from this angle as well as behind us. [ continuing 134r0ee ing -- exp] hold on. look out, look out, look out.
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we're going to step out of the way, we're going to step out of the way. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> move, move, move. >> we're stepping out of the way here. look out. we're media, we're media! >> i got you. i got you. >> media, media! >> back, back. >> brett, i'm not sure if you are can us. we're okay. what looked dramatic, we got ourselves caught, they're trying to rapidly just take this three or four block radius around. when the police move we have to get out of the way. we're trying to stay out of their way but we want you to see this line here. you see they're using pepper spray. they're using force. they're going to try to close in on the protesters.
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we're going to try to get out of their way as best we can. the point i was making, before that happened, is that this is really only about 1,000 protesters. and, you know, they seem to be achieving their goal of causing a little bit of unrest in the streets as you see right now. they started early this morning at the blockades by doing nonviolent action, by kneeling, by sitting in front of the security check points. the police pretty much let them do that, in one case, fourth street where i was, they just simply closed, the secret service closed the checkpoint. what is broken out here, was the work, posted online, they were transparent, this is an anti-fascist block that started this. now it's turned into something bigger than just one small group with a core of 500 to 1,000 protesters really challenging law enforcement here. as you see, we look down the
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line now, these officers are not becoming very patient any more. with these protesters. they're fighting to take the street back at this point. now, we see national guard as well moving through here. we're being ordered by the police to hold our position. we're trying to stay out of their way. they have a job to do. it's important to note, i think, in the previous things that set this off, the vandalism, the pie on thing, it was -- the rioting, two officers went to the hospital in that situation. as we've shown you, countless rocks and other debris being thrown at these officers. i don't know how many may have been injured. but i'm willing to bet a handful of them injured as well. >> martha: thank you. we can see that one of these protesters in the street holding a sign over his head. basically, you know, loosely
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joined collective that has been generated on social media. known as disrupt j-20, for january 20. and they basically fall under a headline of being upset that they believe donald trump is a tyrant, racist, pretty much every name you can imagine thrown into their description of what they're protesting. but we've stheen the police, mostly what see here is media trying to get close to take pictures of this guy. we did see tear gas going off and the police trying to push this group away. one of the things they want to do is disrupt the parade which is about to get under way in a little while from now. that is part of their goal. chris starwalt is watching all of this unfold as well. chris, good to have you with us, as always. your perspective here? >> look, if you want to help donald trump have a good start to his presidency, make sure you go out in the street and throw rocks at police officers. i promise you this, people who
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are on the fence about trump or aren't sure whether or not the president is the right man for the job, when you see stuff like this, middle america, suburb suburbani suburbanites, this causes people to take trump's side. this misconduct and attack on the process will strengthen trump's hand. they don't get it. >> martha: what we're going to hear, we've seen the side by side pictures of the malcolm pairing president obama's inaugural day to today. it was a sparser crowd, although there was, you know, pretty good turnout, i'm sure we'll get the numbers when all is said and done. you see a lot of this protest, video, media over the course of the next day or two. sort of proclaiming that all of this is an outgrowth of a movement in this country that is very much against this president. we've also seen it in the resist movement, the leader of which appears to be charles schumer. do all of these things link together, do they signify something that's significant in
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the battle that lies ahead? >> much like the protests that erupted immediately after tlump's election. -- tlump's election, where they marched down sixth avenue in new york. this serves to discredit the larger effort on the part of democrats to do the normal resistance that you expect in any party. that was the republican's job when barack obama was president. it's the democrat's job when donald trump is president. they're in opposition, that's our system. this action will be discreditable to the legitimate efforts to stand up to trump because much is as in the days afterward, people said what's wrong with these people, why are they out in the street. this will hurt chuck schumer's efforts against trump. >> brett: i want to get your thoughts the protests, some call riot video from 12th and k. we've just been having this
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charles with charles krauthammer, about it being more populist, i've seen it referred the as maybe ross perot would have said in that kind of delivery of a speech. ross perot the independent who ran against bill clinton and george h.w. bush. your thoughts on where it sits in the than pantheon of politics? >> it is a speech unlike any other inaugural address in american history. of all of the speeches that have ever been given. this was one in a row. nothing else like it. it is the signifier of a new era of politics. you saw it today. the bell has been rung. donald trump in front of barack obama, in front of the republican leadership, scrooged them, said that they were wicked that, they had stolen from the people, that they had harmed the country that, they had been self-dealing and self-interested. it was a vicious assault on these institutions and on these
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people as he was stand stlg. nobody has done that before. and this is a new washington right now. >> chris, as always, thank you. want to make one clarification, it was the obama team that changed the climate change section, took it off the website, taking down all of the web site. the new trump website put n we referenced that earlier, talking about environmental recreations. >> brett: that's all being shifted. the social media, the website, all being shifted over to president trump. >> martha: yes. we have talked about donald trump's twitter account, the president of the united states now, basically released parts of the speech on the old account. as the running. it's been kind of viewed as his fire side chat. his ability to talk to people and keep them in the loop. he made it very clear in several interviews leading up to today that he has no intention of abandoning that. why would he, i guess. it's been a useful vehicle for him.
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>> brett: judging by our conversation he needs to do some clarifying in 140 characters or less. and maybe straighten some people out about what he was saying. or meaning, over the next couple of days. as we look live at pennsylvania avenue. 1600 is the end spot for the parade. we have everything covered, as this lunch on capitol hill wraps up. and continuing cover of the inauguration of the 45th president of the united states is on fox news channel.
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>> bret: looking live -- this is
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tape from protests, i believe, just down the street. it is live. looks like doing some burning there. a crowd of about 200 to 300. police are in riot gear. 12th and k, roughly, that's about six, seven blocks from the start of the parade route. which gets under way very soon. >> martha: people adding to the fire there, trying to get things going. we've been watching this throughout the morning and will continue to keep an eye on it. hours earlier as all of this has been unfolding today, now president trump delivered his inaugural address. made it clear that american interests are his top priority. watch. >> we assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
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from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. [ applause ] >> martha: with our mall panel, brit hume, dane in a, ron, welcome back as we wait for the parade to get going. there was the apology tour that president obama gave, that's the way it was phrased, traveled around the world and at times said we've fallen short over the course of recent history. that is not the kind of thing that we're going to hear from this president. he laid down that marker strongly. he will not apologize for the united states and he will put this country first. that appears to be a message that a majority of americans during it lex agreed with. -- the election agreed w. >> in economic terms specifically, americans think there has to be something done in terms of globalism, internationalism. the global economy has not been
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good for blue collar workers. people who are not college educated. you can see this especially for men. you go out into smaller, especially rural areas of the country, they are in economic distress and feel left behind. i think trump spoke to that quite directly. it's another thing to talk about isolating the united states. the counter argument here is that trade, in fact, benefits many american companies. >> bret: what do you think bernie sanders -- >> american products outside the united states. >> bret: what do you think bernie sanders message was, wasn't it america first as well? >> i don't think it was in those terms. it was about speaking to the needs of that economically depressed region. >> bret: including america first. >> no, by putting the workers first. that's the tonal difference. if you talk about putting america first you start to talk about the larger global structures that exist at this moment. if you talk about putting americans first and say i want to look out for those donald trump, president trump today, called people who have been the
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forgotten man and woman in america, are you speaking an empathetic tone about economic crisis in our midst. if you are talking about cutting back on trade deals, about limiting foreign and military alliances, i think it strikes a far deeper and more troubling chord. >> martha: here's a dealmaker, no doubt that he feels that lousy deals have been made. he's been writing about this in editorial pieces since the 1980s. this is a person who has been driven from the very beginning, the seed of his desire to be president of the united states, was that he felt, in his business, that he was getting bad deals. things were not working the way he wanted them to in globalization that, it wasn't necessarily benefitting him as an american businessman. now that is by extension. he wants to extend that to the rest of the country. so, dana, i think he enters into all of this as a fighter, as we've seen him do throughout the course of this. >> sure, and i think one of the things is, the great thing, if
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you live in america, you can listen to that speech and everybody can walk away with a different perspective. i mean, you can also argue that, well, the business community is going to have to make its case if they believe that trade has actually benefitted, they're going to have to get in front of him and make that case. i think that the tax reform that the president has put on the table, and i heard senator ted cruz talking on the radio about the senate rules and how you have to get it done. but they intend on get that done. arguably, that will be something that will benefit america across the board rather than redoing the trade deals right away. >> bret: we talked to charles krauthammer, talking about nato. looking back, defense secretary bob gates, defense secretary for president obama, said in 2011 there's a really possibility of the collective military irrelevant answer of nato. this is bob gates saying that. only 5 of 28 nato countries live up to the expectation of paying
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2% of their gdp on defense. charles isn't here to defend himself. but that goes to the point that you were making in that exchange. >> and with charles not here to defend himself, i have a better chance of winning the argument. >> bret: that's what i mean. i'm serving it up to you. >> thank you, need all the help i can get. [ laughing ] is that the point, we've been hearing this for years, there are too many free riders in nato, too many countries in the alliance that aren't putting up, not just what they contribute to nato but what they contribute in terms of the military, 2% of gdp supposed to go to the military. and that they're not doing that. and the u.s. is paying too much of the weight. i don't think in any way, shape or form there is nothing you could read in trump's speech that was say being want to withdraw from the world. he was simply saying we want a fair deal where everybody pays their own fair share and we enter into alliances in which everybody has kind of an equal skin in the game.
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>> bret: you don't think the nominees for the cabinets, mattis, and tillerson and the pompeo, they're going to weigh in? >> i think they do and i think trump will give them serious attention, or he wouldn't have named them. he talked to them at length. surely the things he has said about nato and trade and the rest came up in the discussions. he knew what he was getting. but it is worth suggesting this, the reason you hear people worried and concerned about what donald trump says about nato is that it is the most successful military alliance in history. and the reason why you hear people worrying about the consensus that it existed for a long time among economists of nearly every stripe, free trade in the end benefits everybody, it is the best system for economic growth everywhere. donald trump is saying not always, not everywhere, and not here recently. so the worry you have is, okay, if he's going to try to do
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better and get better deals does he risk it all devolve having into a lot of trade wars around the world which is a beggar thy neighbor situation, we saw what happened when we imposed heavily problems at the end of world war t it's too early to draw broad conclusions where he will come down on nato and trade agreements. it's too soon. >> martha: and i think he wants countries to be guessing where he's going to land. . that's a negotiator's position. >> martha: he said as much throughout the course of the campaign, i don't want to tell you what my policy is. he was roundly criticized being out of the loop and not understanding or having great depth in the policy prescriptions that he would have for the world. now we're going to see. >> and he's talking, charles said correctly i think, that there's a lot of nervousness in foreign capitals. maybe that's not a bad thing. >> bret: we said something nice about charles, too. >> chris, you're looking at two
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guys who got into a little argument with charles krauthammer. we're allowed to. [ laughing ] >> bret: right. >> one point that charles was making, is that when you have nationalism in place, it then, and clearly donald trump is speaking in national is particular tones, the fear is that it not only tosses anxiety in foreign capitals, it causes anxiety and reactions at home from people who then become harsh consider it chiropractics. and you say, don't take him literally. listen to what he says. understand him as a businessman. protesters in the street, for the 65% of people i think it was democrats i saw in a recent poll say they're stressed-out by today and the election of donald trump, they see this as alarming. >> bret: we are watching the end of the lunch on capitol hill, the protests, riots, whatever you call them, 12th and k of. we'll put up a map that shows you where it is in relag to the
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parade route after we come back. we're watching this amazing day, the inauguration of the 45th president. >> martha: always an extraordinary moment for americans to witness and we do that and we're glad you're with us today. we'll take you through the break, coming up after this break. >> there should be no fear, we are protected and we will always be protected. we will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. and most importantly, we will be protected by god. managing my diabetes has been a struggle. i considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended once-daily toujeo®. now i'm on the path to better blood sugar control. toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®.
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the inauguration of the 45ts. united states, jonld j. trump. he is along with the first lady melania trump at a lunch on capitol hill with lawmakers. we go to our studio there is. our panel steve hayes, style hilton, chris stirewalt. steve hilton, your thoughts on this speech, this day, this moment. >> i just hesitate to weigh in on the nato argument that we have been having when charles isn't here to defend himself. but i want to add a quick point that, i know nor a fact that one of the biggest sorts of hengs between president obama and my old boss david cameron was this point, about the u.k. for a long period of time not meeting that spending commitment on nato. it's not just that it's not that big of a break from history, trump is really just saying publicly what obama said say that's not very diplomatic but it doesn't mean it's wrong. it doesn't mean that it's that
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much of a break. on the speech itself, i found listening to it and watching it, to be really shocking. but i mean that in a good way. it was shocking, because it was so different from the usual blah, blah, blah, the things that we have heard from politicians of all parties for so many years. it was absolutely totally uncompromising. it was total trump. i think from that perspective, it was an authentic speech, one that actually was good because it was so different. for me the most important line was the line near the beginning, where he said that people have become the rulers again. now that is a really big change in how government is structured and organized. this argument about putting power in people's hands, what i feel strongly about, what we try to do in the u.k. when we're in government. actually, pretty much failed to do that. the system is incredibly powful, the bureaucracy, the vested interest.
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it's so powerful. the biggest risk with trump is that he doesn't do enough of that. that he's not radical enough. that he's not revolutionary enough. at the end of this term or second term, even if he wins, again, you look back and say, well actually, the system won. he didn't really do that much to change it. if he succeeds that will be great. that's my fear he won't live up to the words we heard today. >> martha: no doubt that will be the measure of the presidency. steve hilton summed it up well, how radical is it and how far did he get in terms of returning that power to the people. we're watching nancy pelosi as sort of the toast period, in a blackout period during the eating of the lunch but it appears they're past that and we're listening to some of this. do we want to listen for a moment? >> bret: sure. >> under the gaze of cleeo, mr. president, right up there above the door, the muse of history, clio. for almost two centuries, clio
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and the clock have reminded men and women we are part of history. that our words and actions will face the judgment of history. and that we are part of the long and honorable heritage of our democracy. this is clio. 's advice. we come to the sacred inauguration day ee newted in respect for our democracy and determined to make a difference in the lives of hard working americans. i have the privilege of presenting the flag to the vice president of the united states, mike pence. one of the house of representatives' own, right mr. speaker? [ applause ] we know that vice president pence is strengthened by his faith, by his family, and by the foundation of experience he built here in these halls. i told him, mr. president, he knows the territory. he knows the territory. it is now high honor to present one of the flags that flew above
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the capitol today to the vice president of the united states, mike pence. we pray for you, for your bee loved wife, karen, for michael, charlotte and audrey. all of your family. god bless you, mr. vice president. and remembering that this flag that we pledge to every day for liberty and justice for all, is our calling. look forward to working with. it's my honor to present you with this flag. [ applause ] >> well, those of us who served in the house or still serve in the house, think the senate is never as quick as the house. but maybe when it comes to photographs we are. and my good friend chuck schumer is going to come and make that presentation.
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>> well, thank you, roy. first a hand for roy, he did a great job, he and his staff on this inauguration. [ applause ] now, mr. president, earlier this year irism s and i were truly blessed, we watched our older daughter, jessica marry the boy of her dreams. we are so happy. that's when i learned, though, it's nothing official until there's a photo of it. so mr. president, now it's official, i present to you the photograph of your inauguration. [ applause ]
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>> so mr. president and mr. vice president and mrs. trump and mrs. pence, a gift that you're going to have a chance to look at more later and a lot more over the years is something that really a tradition started, now this is the eighth inauguration where the lennox company has made a special presentation of a gift made uniquely for each of you, and uniquely for this event. this year, the company proposed and the committee determined that the bowl they had in mind is something you would value for a long time. the one that the president has, and the first lady has, is an etching of the white house looking across directly across at the jefferson memorial. and the one that the pences will be presented with and have at their home is the capitol
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looking down at the lincoln memorial. the artist who was with us the other day talked about trying to capture the design for the city as well as how this city came together. timothy carter was the designer. the glass master, peter o'roarke made these. they also have a compass in the bottom of them, an edgeled-in compass -- etched-in compass. mr. president, as the vice president knows, the center of washington is not at the white house it's right here in the center of the capitol building. and the city is then laid out northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast from that place. the other unique thing for the first lady and her parents that
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would never have been such an important thing before the glass came from slovenia. [ applause ] the designer thought that the best glass in the world for this particular design which he began to work on last summer was glass from slovenia. maybe he knew something that none of us quite knew for sure at that time. i'd like to have the toast on the vice president and the president. and the speaker and i both served with mike pence, so it was challenge for me to give up this moment. but mike pence, the man of the house, the speaker of the house, will bring that toast. and then majority leader will come and toast to the president. and mr. president if you have anything to say at the end of those remarks. i'd also like to say, so i don't forget to do it, thanks so much
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to the staff that made all this effort happen today. [ applause ] stacey mcbride, the staff director, the rules committee, and the staff director for the joint committee on the inauguration, maria lomeieer came to do in this. her last event was the pope's visit. that just got her ready for your visit, mr. president. the great work of the capitol police. sergeant at arms of the house and senate. the cooperative effort of the d.c. police. our goal today was for this event to be an event where people came and when they left, the event outside, they felt like they had all the freedom that you could possibly have and still have all of the security you needed. i hope people left feeling that way. if they did it was the great work of so many other people. mr. speaker? [ applause ]
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>> thank you, roy. this is a great honor and privilege to toast my dear friend and former colleague, vice president mike pence. [ applause ] i just really enjoy saying that. i think about the times that we've walked back and forth down this hall on the way to a vote. but if memory serves, more often than not we walked that way, we were being hauled into the speaker's office for being admonished for being rabble rouser in the republican study committee. we have had so many great memories here. i know this job makes you an officer of the senate. but you, mike pence, will always be a part of the people's house. [ applause ] we talk about our two bodies quite a bit f i had to use a
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sports analogy i would say we play rugby, they play golf. [ chuckling ] just saying. i'm reminded of something, though, that i think is pretty profound that makes me think of mike pence. reminded of the words of mike's favorite author, mark halpern, as long as you have life and breath, believe. as long as you have life and breath, believe. ladies and gentlemen, there is no one that i have served with who brings more belief to his work than mike pence. no one believes more deeply in our country and her people. no one believes more deeply in our capacity to do great things. he is a happy warrior. the president could not have
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chosen a better partner for this work than mike pence. so, mr. president, mr. vice president, we raise our glasses to you, to karen and to your beautiful family. may you have every blessing and success as the 48th vice president of the united states of america. slante. >> the theme of today's inauguration is uniquely "america." there's some words that come to mind when you hear that phrase. big, bold, energetic,
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enterprising and resilient. always looking to the next horizon. sure sounds like our country and it sure sounds like donald trump. [applause] our president has surmounted formidable challenges. getting to this moment. he's been underestimated often. he never let it stop him from succeeding. we're wishing him similar success as he turns to the charge of governing. to face many challenges, but we've been challenged before and emerged stronger. we live in changing times, yes, but some things endure, and we celebrate one of them today.
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this inauguration is a reminder of our common story as americans. on this most uniquely american of occasions, i ask you to stand and join me in raising a glass. mr. president, may you find every success in the years ahead, may unite our country behind a common vision and renew the promise that makes our country so great. here here!
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>> thank you very much, mitch and paul and our great vice president. i don't think anybody wants to hear me speak anymore today, right? [laughter] we'll cut it short. we have so many of our cabinet members here. i see my generals. generals that will keep us so safe. they're going to have a lot of problems the other side. they're going to look at a couple of them. these are central casting of them during a movie. i pick you, general, general mattis. he's doing well. even chuck likes general mattis and general kelly. we had a very interesting talk. kiddingly, he thinks we're doing great at the cabinet level. we're going to do just fine. we're going to do just fine. you know, i'll tell you, there's something that i wanted to say. i was very honored, very, very honored when i heard that president bill clinton and secretary hillary clinton were coming today.
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i think that's appropriate to say. i'd like you to stand up. i'd like you to stand up. [applause] and honestly, there's nothing more i can say, because i have a lot of respect for those two people. thank you for being here. we're going to have four great years hopefully of peace and prosperity and we'll be working hard. our cabinet is lined up and ready. i know chuck will a brief them, i'm sure. i really believe that. and we're all dealing together. we all want the same thing. we're all good people whether you're a republican or democrat. doesn't make any difference.
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we're going to get along. again, thank you very much. it's an honor. roy, you have done a spectacular job. you and tom. i want to thank you. [applause] thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] >> two quick final things. you can remain standing if you want to. so quickly, two things we need to do as we leave. one just to mention the gifts, the momentos of this event, there's some note cards and a really great box put together by the government printing office. the note cards representing all three branches of government.
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identified with this event this day were done by st. louis artist, a friend of mine, ed fisher. there's a pin and a letter opener in there. a little business and cape gerardo, missouri. john and debby ortman and ortman wood craft did that. >> they're wrapping up the launch there. president trump with little remarks after the lunch, getted toasted by the house speaker and the senate majority leader and the big moment where he asked secretary hillary clinton to stand up with the former president, bill clinton. obviously a moment in which she was recognized for her campaign. >> he said he wants to bring about unity. he said we want the same things in the end. that's what we're here to work towards and a nice moment for hillary and bill clinton. mo, let's go to you. you're thoughts as you saw that
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hillary clinton recognition from donald trump. >> it was gracious of the president to recognize her. it wasy absent in his inaugural address. the last several presidents have all mentioned their opponents in their inaugural addresses. noticeably absent. but i thought that was a nice moment. let's hope he keeps it there when he returns to twitter later today where he's very recently taken a number of shots at her. >> and your thoughts on the speech? >> i think -- this was a very consistent speech. i give the president a lot of credit. this was the message that he delivered for the past 18 months. it was also targeted to the same audience that it's been targeted to the past 18 months. i don't know that this was a speech that was really designed for unity. sounded more to me like a -- like the convention speech he should have given that was meant to get his supporters excited
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about him. i think he gave them a lot of material there. i give him some -- let me say a couple good things about the speech. it really reflected a post idealogical word when a time when the country is feeling post ideological. it was a indictment on progressism as it is conservatism. it was also a speech that will be measured -- he set the bar really low for washington. talked about how little washington is doing. so i think anything he does now will be seen as a success. any sort of action. he sort of set it up so any sort of action would look like a success. what bothered me about it, bothered me about the speech, it was so pessimistic in its
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characterization of america. we're used to inaugural addresses that uplift us. at a time when the country wants change, the incoming president who is elected on a message of change, talks about who we are as a people and where we will be. this one didn't do that. this focused on what is wrong with america and if you weren't with him, i don't know that that brings you in. >> again, mo, you may have missed earlier, this is the rorschach test. a lot of people saw it differently and focused on the uplifting part and the part where he looked to the future and the things that america could do. >> exactly. >> i think those people were the people that were with him from the beginning. the people that weren't with them, i don't know that they heard anything new today. he has historically low approval ratings for a president-elect. there's people that are nervous about him. i don't think he did anything to allay their nervousness. they heard today what they have heard for 18 months. >> let's go to steve hayes.
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we did see the approval numbers, which were very low. the lowest of any incoming president. we know that donald trump said the numbers were rigged, that they overrepresented democrats. but there was some independents that were -- the number shrunk a bit for him. perhaps due to this back and forth of twitter and challenging the intelligence agencies and the like. steve, did he do anything in this speech to smooth any of that over? >> i don't think he did do much. you're right, for trump supporters, it was the kind of speech they've been waiting for years to hear. they wanted to hear somebody stand on the steps and give this combative aggressive speech, taking on the washington establishment in a way that as mo suggested was post idealogical. that was one of the more striking things about this speech. if you look in the speech and reread the transcript, you'll like in vain for any real argument about relimiting
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government. wasn't much discussion about the size and scope of government -- >> to be fair, they have said that they want to cut the size of government $10 trillion the next decade. that they might make cuts in different programs. >> this wasn't a state of the union. >> correct. i'm talking about the speech that donald trump just gave, not what he said in the past. it wasn't reflective. to a certain extent, what you put in your inaugural address is a reflection of what your priorities are. that wasn't a priority of donald trump's in this speech. it may be, but he's said things over the course of this campaign that suggested he will, after inheriting the presidency or winning the presidency from a president who called himself post partisan, donald trump may in fact govern in a post partisan way. i thought that was rather striking, that he didn't sound some of the themes that we've seen in recent republican presidents. if you're a trump supporters, many cases you'll like that. the other thing i thought he
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didn't do that would have been more consistent is talk about themes of freedom and liberty. trump mentioned freedom once and liberty not at all. if you look at george w. bush's second inaugural, "freedom" mention 27 times or liberty 15 times. for ronald reagan, freedom and liberty. but when you're planning, writing your inaugural address as chris wallace said earlier, you put a lot of thought what goes into it. it's a reflection where his priorities are and what he wanted to talk about today. >> steve hilton, really quickly, just a rebuttal here from your point of view. when you hear trump supporters, they say it's about the practical getting things done, getting across if finish line. that takes care of the approval numbers going in. >> i completely agree with that. another real key point for me in
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the speech is when he said we've had enough of politicians that talk and don't get anything done. that's the key test. the question of the role and the size and scope of government to me, maybe i'm hearing what i want to hear, frankly, but that message of people power, of putting power in people's hands and taking it away from the politicians and bureaucrats in washington, that is about limiting the role of the government. he doesn't express it in traditional ways. the message there and the delivery of it if he gets that radical change done should re-assure conservatives that are looking for that kind of direction in terms of policy. >> thank you all. >> thank you all. we're watching as everybody is getting ready to leave here. we just saw donald trump jr. as he was exiting the room. you think about the people. here's hillary clinton.
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there's always been a role for the clintons in washington d.c. at this point there is not >> we don't know what it will be. there's the former president, bill clinton. there's the parade route. it's getting ready to start. it will be interesting. we have you covered on every angle right here on fox news channel for the inauguration of the 45th president of the united states. ♪ is depression more than sadness? ♪
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i don't know if you can swing the camera here. there's the motorcycle entourage that will be escorting us down pennsylvania avenue he makes his
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way to the white house and will go in the white house for the first time as its resident. he has three balls to attend tonight. one for the armed forces, the salute to first responders and he and melania will spend their first night at the white house. just before the luncheon got underway, donald trump signing three orders. one is the legislation that will allow jim mattis to be confirmed. he needed the waiver because he retired in 2013 and the statute stipulateds you have to be out of the military for seven years before you can take on the job as civilian head for the military. a couple cars are going down. we're getting ready to roll here in a second. he signed the official nominations for his cabinet secretaries to be sent to the senate and signed a proclamation of a patriot's day. so already getting underway with some business. most of it. a little process at this point. some documents to sign that extend u.s. secret service
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protection to his family. the meat won't come until monday. that's when trump will sit down in the oval office and a stack of papers that his staff has assembled for him and sign the executive orders that he wants to sign to undo some of what president did during his eight years. things on environmental issues, maybe on climate, if you take a look at the new web site, the environmental section was taken down by the obama administration on the way out. donald trump is repopulating the website. there's no climate change section in there because there wasn't one on donald trump's website. he has said though -- this is reiterating a longstanding campaign pledge -- says he wants to get rid of the climate action plan, which he believes is a burden to energy development in the united states. there might be some executive orders coming down monday on
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strong borders as well as fighting isis and potentially looking at obamacare, which he plans to address first before he takes on taxes. it's a flow-through effect. all of this starting up at a very fast pace, very energetic presidency in the first few days here beginning next monday. bret? >> bret: so you're on the back of a flatbed, right? >> yeah, i forgot about that. i'm not just floating here beside the building. we're on a flatbed truck. we have four flatbed trucks and we're going to lead the president's limousine down pennsylvania avenue. the motorcycle officers will be first followed by other police cars. and then us and the president. so we'll have a really great ground level view of everything as it goes between here and the white house. i did this last year for president obama's second inauguration. there's no better seat in the house.
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the only thing that we're not sure about at this point is how many people hung around for this parade. because it is raining a little as i mentioned. the lunch got out much later than it normally does. so we'll find out very soon. guarantee that. >> thank you. >> martha: these are the hours during which they do the move. the turnover that happens at the white house. i think anybody that moves out of a house would love to have the team that pulls this off. the trumps will spent the night there and have a couple hours to relax before he goes to the balls with the family this afternoon. has to be quite a moment. >> bret: i got some color. remember that moment when we saw nancy pelosi and she had this joking moment with president trump as he signed and signed, as john mention, the proclamation for the patriotism day and the cabinet nominee official forms. she apparently said, well, what
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did my pen sign? her pen signed tom price to be hhs secretary. he said maybe i should have another pen. she turned her pen in. then he gave it to state oh. >> martha: maybe she wants for signing patriotism day and is it a federal holiday. >> bret: i'm curious if she got a pen. >> martha: she might not have liked anything that was signed that she got to take home. she probably has a lot of pens. >> bret: let's bring in brit hume and juan williams. brit? >> he said he hoped and had a sense there would be sunshine. we haven't had any sunshine. the good news is that the rain that we've had has been light. nothing you can't bear. if people didn't want to stay and watch the parade despite the streets look wet, they can reasonably do that. fortunately it's getting close to 50 degrees.
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it's pleasant out. we'll see if people stick around to watch the parade. it goes on for quite a while. almost -- coming up on 3:30. i guess it will go to at least 5:00 or so, right? >> about 90 minutes, 1 1/2 hours in length. it was supposed to start a half an hour ago. they ran a little over in lunch. perhaps some people spoke a little too long. folks love to hear them speak. >> everything on capitol hill takes longer than supposed to. >> martha: we're waiting for it to get underway. we're talking about the move, the swapping of the family possessions and a lot of the furniture stays. in the private quarters, they're making it their home. probably putting pictures out on their cabinets. >> wanting to make sure they have the comforts they want. obviously this is a big deal for the family. i think it would be really fun if we were a fly on the wall to see the grandchildren inside the east wing in terms of the residents. also, at the same time, there's the changeover of the staff.
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so there's no president obama staffers left in the west wing or in the old executive office building. the trump staffers are going to get in there right away and start work. because even though he said that monday would be the official start date, there's so much that has to be done. plus, you want to get your bearings and get before they head home, to doll themselves up to head out to the inaugural balls. >> you're talking about the staff of the administration. the staff in the white house stays the same. >> correct. >> bret: they say good-bye to one family and say hello to another family. at least for four years. that's quite a moment. >> quite a moment. let me tell you something, there's books written about people that served various administrations. there's a certain hype among these people about serving the president no matter what party. their families become part of this white house experience and part of white house history. speaking of history, today is
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one of the shorter parades. as we heard about, 90 minutes. what is spectacular, the business man, donald trump, will be going by the donald trump hotel on pennsylvania avenue, the old post office. i don't know what will happen. dana and -- >> i bet you he walks. >> he probably will get out there or does he get out at all. >> yeah, they'll walk. one of the things he knows is how things look. last night i thought the celebration event at the lincoln memorial was masterfully done. beautifully executed. the pagentry of this is not lost on him. so they'll walk. the only thing i have to say -- melania trump is absolutely beautiful. the new first lady. she has to walk down the stairs and they're wet. i know she can do it. i would -- >> there's a lot of steps involved. >> chris wallace wanted to bring up what melania was wearing.
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>> there's been a huge gap in our coverage. nobody has mentioned what melania is wearing. she's wearing a beautiful suit and cute designed by ralph lauren. there was controversy about this. there were a lot of designers who said that they were refused, weren't going to clothe melania trump. of course, nobody has been asked to clothe melania trump, so it was a rhetorical snubbing of her. ralph lauren has designed her clothes. having looked at the fashion blogs with unnamed members of our group here, martha, we have noticed that some of the blogs are noting that she wore powder blue and reminiscent of what jacqueline kennedy wore in 1961 in a cassini outfit. you kind know that. >> chris is educating me on this. >> really deep. >> this is the kind of thing that -- she had -- wore cassini
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and now we're seeing ralph lauren. it's beautiful. >> some of these designers that snubbed her and said they wouldn't dress her, when they watch her walking today and see how elegant and beautiful she looked, they have to be thinking, gee, i wish she was wearing one of my out fits. >> i want to say one thing about brandon. the question of presidents walking, it's standard that presidents walk for a block or two. back in 1977 after watergate and after the crises, jimmy carter walked the entire route from capitol hill to the white house. i don't think donald trump will do that. i bet dollars to doughnuts that he will walk when he gets past the trump international hotel. that's a picture he wants everywhere. >> it amuses me when you look at that shot. now down pennsylvania avenue. you look at the shot we had before. you can see at the end the capitol building. but in that shot is trump -- the trump international tower. it's now an indelible part of the view in washington d.c. and i guess -- you sort of get
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used to it quickly. it's very odd combination to see the trump emblazoned hotel down the street from the white house. that's the new world. >> the old post office building. we're getting ready to see the president come down from that lunch and review the troops outside the capitol there. there's the trump hotel. the steps to the capitol. there you can see the house majority leader and the house speaker, rather, paul ryan. he will come down, he will review the troops and get in that motorcade of cars. brit? >> i remember i was on the flatbed truck where john roberts is during the bush 41 inaugural. people didn't know if he would get out or wouldn't. he kept doing it and getting back in the car. came to me at one point, what do you think he's going to do now?
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for all i know, he might stop to get a pizza. i thought oh, god, i'm in trouble now. to my ever-lasting relief, i heard david brinkley burst out laughing. i thought i was saved. an interesting story about richard nixon. he apparently was quite concerned because there was a hole in the roof. he and pat nixon stood up but they were worried that pigeons would do their business. so he had a poison put out that killed the pigeons that prevented any problems on the presidential limousine. >> so if you wanted any fun fax, fashion advice. chris wallace on "fox news sunday." let's listen in. the president and the vice president getting ready to review the troops.
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>> bret: so we now know -- all right. we're now in the car known as "the beast", the limo that will take president trump and the first lady in this parade route. i want to get to the bottom of penn-gate. we have new information about nancy pelosi. she apparently got the pen used to nominate elaine chow as transportation secretary. in a gesture, wanted to give that to mitch mcconnell. she eventually got tom price's pen, want to be clear for the reco record. >> martha: so she didn't end up with it. >> bret: yes. >> it's funny. she was instrumental in signing healthcare into law and now tom price is hoping to disassemble it. so there's some irony there to be sure. so joining us now is anita mcbride and mark and katie and john bolton all joining to us
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weigh-in on the coverage of the inauguration today. mark, let's get started with you, your thoughts. >> i thought the speech was a very good speech. a little on the dark side. if i was spreading writing his speech, i would say what does it look like. factories teaming with jobs. is this more optimistic. he went darker talking about the ravages on our borders and the rest. but one thing that i thought that was really interesting that has gotten overlooked, he talked about the forgotten men and women of america and talked about them in two groups. he said mothers and children trapped in poverty and rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the nation. there's a second group of forgotten americans. the people in the inner cities. the people that didn't vote for trump. trump said i'm going to fight for you even though you didn't vote for me today, which is an
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uplifting part of his inaugural that was overlooked. >> bret: anita, talk about the pagentry here and from the perspective of this day having been with first ladies before. >> sure. this is a great american ceremony, of course. you can't help but feel the weight of it, the majesty of it, how important it is, an incredible symbol and also to see the former presidents that were there, too. such an important display of unity. such a unique small club of people that really know what this feels like coming in and going out. but i couldn't help but think about and look at mrs. trump all morning and say what must this feel like? this is a woman who has been an american citizen for only ten years from. a former communist country. now is the wife of the leader of the free world. that's pretty impactful thing, if you think about it. >> the second foreigner to become first lady. >> right.
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>> the first one, do you know? >> of course. louisa katherine adams is the first. >> yes. >> bret: as we look at the motorcade leaving the capitol area. katie, you've seen the coverage of the inaugural address. and you heard it, obviously. your thoughts. >> well, the first thing, i think when you look at what donald trump said today, he's making it very clear that his election is not the end but the beginning of getting to work. republicans who have come in on tea party waves over obama's presidency should be ready for that and know that that's what they're going to have to do. it's clear he's willing to take on big challenges rather than ignore them. infrastructure is something we've heard about. something that hasn't yet been solved. he seems to be taking on that. but in terms of the coverage, bret, it's important to point out two distinct moments today. the first is when the obamas received the trumps at the white
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house and showing that. also, donald trump thanking the clintons at lunch for even being there and saying he respected them. that's an important example to show the rest of the world because i think we take advantage of it here as americans and take it for granted for sure, that peaceful transition of power is possible and america has led the way for more than 200 years to make sure that that is possible. i think it's important to point that out and not to take it for granted as we see other countries around the world not capable of doing that. >> bret: katie, what about this stuff about unity and people didn't hear it or thought it was dark. you push back on that. >> well, i think -- we've heard all day about the coverage and guests that have hearing what you like to hear. i think when he talks about all americans, he talked about forgotten men and women, making america great again. he's not slicing people up by groups. when he talked about that line and gave the line about unity
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and saying that, you know, when you open your heart to patriotism, there's no room for prejudice. he's saying we're all in this together. he reiterated this at lunch. if you're a democrat or republican, makes no difference. so moving forward, based on the people he's been meeting with at trump tower, he's willing to bring new voices in the fold. today it also represented that donald trump is not necessarily a republican or a democrat. he represents a new brand of politics which has been difficult for both parties to wrap their heads and and difficult for the world, too. in terms of the unity including everyone, i'd say when he says we're going to make america great again, he's talking to all of us, especially on inauguration day. >> martha: let's go to john bolton. ambassador, you listened to the speech. you heard some of the feedback and people seeing it as sort of an emoshment to other countries
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and a setting of the tone. what did you think? >> i thought it was a forward-leaning speech in terms of foreign policy. he made it clear, for example that he wants to reinforce old alliances and form new ones. hardly anything that isolationist there. he said he wants to unit the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism, which he says we will eradicate. that is no small task. now, some have focused on what he said about not trying to impose our way of life on anyone else. that is a strain in american thinking that goes right back to the john quincy adams, secretary of state, once said america goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. she's the well-wisher to the freedom of independence of all. but she's the champion and vindicator only of her own. that's what donald trump said. but to do that, to defend our interest in the world, it means a very strong international posture, which is where i think he's going. >> bret: looking live on pennsylvania avenue. that is still at the capitol
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there as they're getting ready to start the parade. it will travel all the way down pennsylvania avenue to the white house. there you can see the route from the capitol building all the way down. these buildings that line the streets, a lot of people have come out to the rooftops to look at the parade. it will make its way down to the reviewing stand, at which point you'll see the first family post-up there. there you can see the trek from the capitol to the white house. people were asking before where the protests are. they're about six, seven blocks away from right here. take a right. it's about six blocks that way. so they're a little pushed back. >> martha: they weren't able to get close at all. one of their goals was to disrupt the parade. this neat little graphic shows what the path will be. they'll sit down and watch this
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parade as it goes by. it's a gloomy day out there. you look at these scenes. it certainly is not the sunshiny moment that you might hope for as you take on this. as i said before, franklin graham said a little rain is a blessing on a new president. that will be what they're hoping to take away from today. about to get underway. pretty far behind schedule right now. about 44 minutes off the mark. >> bret: you can see the people on the top of the roof of that building, a number of buildings where they have rooftop overlooks. that obviously not only a good vantage point but a security concern as well. secret service and the security really stepped up. catherine herridge has talked about that all week on special report. they have gone away and done a lot of planning for this very moment. mark, as you get ready to analyze the trump administration and the first days, what do you
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think goes first? what becomes the push early on? >> clearly -- i'm very hopeful about the early days of the trump administration. what we're going to see when trump is the president who has not come here to tinker, who has not come here to make changes and go big. if he goes big on things that are bad like isolationism or protectionism, that will be a problem. i don't think that is his initial push. his first push is getting a cabinet in. he's appointed the single most conservative cabinet of any president in modern terms. that means you'll have a conservative administration. then he will take on big things. we'll see a golden age of education reform. he promised that children in failing schools will get choices they didn't have before. parents will get choices. we're going to liberate children. we're going to see massive tax reform. he doesn't need the taxes for pass reform. it will be better to do it in a bipartisan way because it's more
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lasting but tax reform will happen whether chuck schumer wants it or not. there's big things that will happen that will be good for the country. >> bret: do you sense there's an optimism about where this is going? >> i certainly do. i'm very optimistic. i think there's a lot of people that want to help him on the republican side to do the right thing. we have a system of checks and balances. if he goes off in the wrong direction or does things that are dangerous, there's a constitution a judiciary, the republicans in congress. i can't see paul ryan passing 45% tariffs on china and mexico. he will have a fight in his own party if he wants to do that. there's a system there that will enable him to do good things, big things. they want to do big things. there's a system to check him if he tries to do things that are bad for the country. >> bret: thank you, mark and katie. >> martha: let's go to bill
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hemmer who is standing by. bill, take us through what we're going to see here. >> hi, martha. good afternoon. we're waiting in a bit of a holding pattern right now based on the schedule. appears they're behind. i'm certain mr. trump, president trump, doesn't like to work from behind when it comes to his daily schedule nonetheless. that's where we find ourselves right now. we're on pennsylvania avenue in lafayette park, across the street from the white house. i'd say in about 15 to 20 minutes, we should see things move toward our direction on pennsylvania avenue. off to my right, past the department of the treasury, we can see some of the color guard moving in here that will be here to greet the president and the haven't and their families. we've watched the bleachers get set up throughout the day. they're starting to fill up. clearly behind, directly behind me. this is a bleacher that extends 15 rows and is empty right now. whether or not that fills up in the coming moments is any one's guess. i think they have to go a long way in order to fill that amount
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of seats. we've seen buses come in here dropping off people, vips and other folks that were at the capitol building. and on my left, past the white house. in front of the white house is where you find the viewing stand. that's where president trump, vice president pence and their families will sit for the next, i'd say, 90 minutes to two hours once they arrive here as the bands and the different military displays come from all over the country down here past 1600 pennsylvania avenue. one thing that is in my fifth inauguration here, i can remember in -- a lot of people talking about the crowds. it's very difficult, if ever to top the 1.8 million who were here eight years against in january of 2009. if you reflect back on george bush's first inauguration. i can remember sitting over in pennsylvania avenue, 20 rows high with all aluminum bleacher
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seating there. i sat there for the better part of six hours with a couple from wisconsin. we were the only three people in the stand the entire day. i just hear a little down here to my right. give a glance and see who is coming our way with the metropolitan police who have staked out their positions here. it was 1.8 million in january of 2009. the number was cut in half by about 50% four years ago. if you look back at inauguration history and the crowds, you can see a clear pattern. second terms, it's cut in half. that first term for democrats and republicans, the numbers seem to come in around 350, maybe 500,000 at the maximum number. we'll see eventually when the park police tell us how many people turned out today for president trump number 45. as we make mention of that, our white house correspondent, john roberts has made his way to the
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flatbed truck, which is a tradition among the media here reporting on the inaugural parades. that's the best seat in the house, john. you'll follow the president as he makes his way down pennsylvania avenue. where are you now, john, and what do you see? >> good afternoon, bill. it's the best seat in the house except i have this big truck in front of me blocking my view of the president. we launched out making our way down constitution avenue and take a soft right up pennsylvania avenue. as brett was talking about earlier, with martha, the big money is riding on where donald trump gets out. it's almost certain that he will get out. don't know how much of the pa route that he will walk. president obama walked about four blocks in 2012. the big money is riding on donald trump getting out in front of the old post office, in front of the new trump international hotel. how could you ever paint a picture like that where you have
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president trump standing in front of a hotel that says "trump international" on it. what we have here is 1.2 miles, i believe between the capitol building and the white house. it's just a nice slow leisurely drive up pennsylvania avenue. here's the capitol where the entrance was restricted. we don't see a lot of people on the side of the road behind the barricades there here to greet the new president. there were a few closer towards the capitol building. as we get down to pennsylvania avenue where the general public is, he's allowed to come in without going to get as much security to get to this area, this is an invitation only area. we expect to see larger crowds. traditionally in years past, the president has gone to the reviewing stand. it has been but a three-hour period of time that the president sits in the reviewing stand. donald trump doesn't like to wait too long to do anything. that's why the parade has been
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cut down to a fairly brisk pace of an hour and 20 minutes. now we're starting to see larger crowds here greeting the president as he's coming down. so we'll be probably doing this for about 40 minutes or so. we'll get back to you when we get some inkling that he will stop and get out of the limousine. bill? >> thank you, john roberts on the flatbed rolling down pennsylvania avenue. the our viewers if you have not been to an inauguration, put it on your bucket list. there's images that you'll take with you for a lifetime. for us as reporters, you cannot erase the memories that you make here. i mentioned 2001. i remember the rain coming down for three days after 37 long fought hard days in tallahassee, florida between george bush and al gore. i remember four years later when george bush made his freedom speech from the west side of the capitol when he talked about democracy and every government
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and every country around the world. i remember four years after that when barack obama was sworn in for the first time. standing next to an african american man that had driven all night from louisiana wearing his purposed and gold lsu jacket with tears, capturing that moment for himself in person. i remember four years ago also, when joe biden, the vice president, got out of the limousine and broke out into a swift small trot here along 1600 pennsylvania avenue before he retreated to the viewing stand and joined president barack obama. john roberts mentioned the trump hotel. you think about the primary battle. you think about the general election campaign. you knew trump was opening this grand hotel along pennsylvania avenue. .5 miles south and east of the white house. you think for a moment during the inaugural parade, if he is the next president, he will be driving by his very own hotel in route to the white house.
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indeed it's happened, and it's happening right now. that's where jenna lee picks up our coverage. she's positioned outside the hotel and talking to supporters and folks coming and going all day. jenna, how are things right now as you get ready for what has turned into a thank you on behalf of the hotel to the president and his family? >> let's talk about that in just a moment, bill. that was the real moment that we weren't expecting from trump international hotel. i just want to give the viewers a sense of where we are right now on pennsylvania avenue. george washington worked with the city planners to design washington d.c. pennsylvania avenue was drawn on purpose to link the capitol where president trump is coming from, to the white house, where he will live and work. part of that city planning was to include an area for a real city to fill in where real people could be as lawmaker goes back and forth between the capitol and the white house.
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we have real people here today. i want to point out a few didn't moments we've seen so far. about an hour ago, trump toe tell, employees, came out of the hotel. we haven't seen anyone come out the front door. they held up a big thank you sign. it looked like their signatures were on it, about 70 or so employees. as that happened, the crowds gathered here burst into applause. it points out an interesting question about a conflict of interest still being explored about a person in elected office having a lease or being tied to a lease through a business at the old post office, which is a historic site. as part of that lease, you're not supposed to hold elected office. so there's some questions about what that will look like moving forward. we have protesters over here, about 100 or so. they have come and gone. they're not very organized. they certainly have a voice. they let that voice be known. they've been going back and forth with supporters as well. one image i want to leave our viewers with as we have
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continued to cover the protests. the folks here did not hear the inauguration address. they couldn't hear it on the loud speakers. one thing we could all hear is the national anthem. when that was sung, you have law enforcement officials that stood at attention and removed their hats. at that moment, everybody was quiet. the protesters, the people, the journalists, many rows turned toward the many flags on the street and saluted. so that was a moment i want to leave our viewers with. it was silent and reverent and the national anthem was taking place. i want to drew our viewers attention. we can see the parade come toward us. we've seen the motorcycle formation come to the hotel. as you mentioned, there was a big question about whether or not donald trump would get out here. i want to point out to the viewers the immense amount of security lining the streets. and the crowd that has been
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waiting for hours and hours for this to take place, many waiting in the rain, without umbrellas, ready for this moment. let's listen. [crowd chanting]. overhead, you can see a presence of law enforcement that includes being on the roofs of buildings. you can see the police from all over, different states. the folks in front of us are from seattle. other folks are from maryland. they have been standing out here since 4:00 a.m. to provide protection to the people that want to come and witness this historic event. there's been a little back and forth between those outside the trump hotel and the protesters as one starts to cheer and the others start to cheer and go back and forth. as fair and balanced as fox news
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is, you get both sides. i looked down the street for a moment. we're about a block or so away from president trump being right in front of the trump international hotel. >> what a moment, jenna. thank you. jenna lee along pennsylvania avenue there. and we have seen and talked to people from all over this great nation today from washington d.c., annapolis, maryland, a lot of folks from indiana, wyoming, los angeles and san diego, california. they have gathered here along pennsylvania avenue. they're about to get their moment. just a few minutes from now, we'll see president trump and vice president pence arrive here in the viewing stand at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. then we embark on the next four years. brett and martha, back to you along the national mall. >> bret: all right, bill. thank you. we're looking now at the motorcade. there you can see they're stopped there along the parade
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route. the people as you just heard are lined up on either side. we'll hear a number of bands play throughout this as you go down towards the reviewing stand. takes the president awhile to get down 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the question is where he gets out or they get out and walk. i think there will be someplace along the way. >> martha: we always see the moment when the president hops out and goes and walks amongst the crowd. we've seen a lot of enthusiasm around town. people with trump flags and buttons and t-shirts for sale as everybody tries to get their piece of this presidency and something to take home with them. you know, it's got to all be sinking in for them as they ride -- the previous ride they took in this vehicle known as "the best" was with president obama as they went over to begin the day. he has flown off and he's on his
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way to california to palm springs for vacation. the obama era is over. the trump era is beginning. seems like a punctuation point on that as he drives by trump international tower. you have secret service flanking "the beast" which is the safest vehicle in the world. >> dana, you've seen a number of these parades. it does take awhile. it is soaking in, the reality of the presidency as you drive from the capitol to your new home. >> i love the slow pace. gives you a soak it in. for all the people that came to stand on the parade route, probably people that volunteered in their counties, maybe they donated to the campaign. they probably attended a rally
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along the way. so now this is their moment. i like it that it goes slow. no need to rush this at all. >> bret: we'll see parade performers from all over the country, 34 local groups invited to perform. ten are from places that -- and states that hillary clinton actually won those states. you know, there's some bands here. had a hard time getting here, but they finally did. there's got to be pride when you're in that parade. >> in fact, one of them is a band from a black college in alabama. they got a lot of criticism for participating in the trump inaugural. an appearance on bill o'reilly, in fact. there was money raised to support them and they are here today and with great enthusiasm. the argument from the staff of
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this college was that this is a tremendous opportunity for them to participate and to see the peaceful transfer of power in person. that's an overwhelmingly positive argument. i don't think you have to get involved with partisanship. >> and think of the pressure on the president of that college, an african american. he just didn't buckle to it. i guess we both saw him on the air when he talked to bill o'reilly. very calm. matter of fact and reasonable about it. in the end he prevailed. >> talladega, right? >> i think it was talladega. >> that's right. >> you know, raises the question about schools across the country. i've been asking mike, you know, did you see it at school? was it shown? when i grew up, when something of historic importance happened, everybody would come into the auditorium, roll in the tv sets, whether it was a nasa moment or a presidential moment, it would -- regardless of your politics, this is a moment that you watch. you can argue about the issues
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that the president brings forward. to miss out on this educational opportunity, which i think -- i'm sorry to say it's probably happening in many schools across the country, i think it's something that we need to seriously rethink. >> it's evidence of the high degree of polarization. >> can you imagine, the objection from the girls scouts participating today. i'm not a trump supporter, but i was just aghast. what an opportunity for them. why wouldn't they be allowed to march? i as a recover have covered inaugural parades but not sitting here in a booth but on the street. the young people who participate, for them it's the opportunity of a lifetime. often they come from small communities. this is their time, not only to come to washington, but sometimes an opportunity once in
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a lifetime to see the president of the united states. >> amazing. >> you can forget how important that is to a person. >> the boy scouts are here, the girl scouts are here. the inauguration will involve more than 13,000 military personnel. 5,000 troops and ceremonial roles. 8,000 national guard members. obviously these local groups as well marching down once the first family makes it to the reviewing stand. you're right. it was talladega. the college president, billy hawkins, received these two petitions before deciding ultimately after the factor went into overdrive and got the viewers to go to the go fund me site. >> very expensive to move the bands around. they were able to raise more money. plus, in my experience, i think you all probably agree, the students and young people that decide to go into the marching band are usually some of the very best. they get early. they hardly get the glory.
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this is the moment to shine. so glad they got to come. >> so we're waiting here to see if this spot is -- it's a little further up when they might get out and walk down. this is a parade that will take some time. look at the top of that building, all those people. >> that's at the museum, right? >> i think that -- yeah. the museum on the left. think right before it is the canadian embassy. i have at times petitioned the canadian embassy to watch the fourth of july fireworks there. it's a spectacular venue. >> it's a nice, diplomatic thing that they let us do that. >> now every time you go someplace, a parade, whatever, every single person is taking pictures on their phone. every single one. everybody has a phone. everybody has a picture. it's all being captured. >> you think about the days when you consider going to something like this without bringing your camera, right? now your camera is with you all the time. no doubt legions of selfies and
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memories being made at this event. as you point out, it is just a special moment for everybody who participates. i was over at the martin luther king jr. statue the other day. there were huge groups of boy scouts doing tours of the city. it's inspiring to me to see all of these groups from across the country coming. so i have to think that, you know, the groups that chose not to participate have to be watching this and just, you know -- i would hope that you think it's a missed opportunity regardless of politics. it's not about that. >> it's not. >> let's listen in.
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>> bret: here we to. looks like this is the time when president trump and the first lady, melania trump, will get out of the car and start to walk. let's listen to this. [cheers & applause] [cheers & applause]
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[cheers & applause] [cheers & applause]
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>> martha: that was the first time out of the limousine. it was cute to see baron trump out there with her parents. there was a discussion that he wasn't at the fireworks celebration. he was front and center there. tried out waving to the crowd to see -- >> bret: a big 10-year-old. >> martha: yeah, he's 10 years old. he's very tall. >> bret: a big boy. >> martha: a big change for him the last 18 months. >> bret: this is no small feat for the secret service just to have that short stint of a walk
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for the new president and first lady in this environment. >> and there were some areas along pennsylvania avenue that are open to protesters. we saw that as they went by. you can see a lot of the anti-trump signs. most has been built up with stands for the parade and they're ticket holders. they waited until they got past the protest area to walk out. anywhere along that route is something that the secret service know and every president will do. there they are going past the trump international hotel. but i'm sure their hearts, their adams apples are in their -- i don't know. what is the phrase? they're nervous. >> butterflies in their stomachs. >> they got out opposite the fbi, not far from the justice department, which limits public access. you can hear the roaring. this is not a typical inaugural parade. there's a contest of wills being
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played out and the response to the president as well as the signs you're talking about, chris. >> when they got out and there was that overwhelming exuberance, you have to be moved and watching the new president and the new first lady be so supported and so loved. obviously donald trump is very comfortable in front of crowds. i feel like melania trump in that moment there as she was walking was like wow, they're here for us and supporting us. i hope she does indeed feel that. >> she's been a somewhat reluctant candidate and president's wife now. i don't think she's enjoyed being out in public. she wasn't on the campaign trail that much. every time she was, she never put a foot wrong. she spoke beautifully. you can see yesterday when they had the event at trump hotel and he said, melania, wouldn't you
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like to say words? that was the last thing she wanted to do. she felt embarrassed. she does it beautifully but it's not naturally to her. >> martha: a lot of grace and poise. everybody that knows her says she's a person that sticks to what she wants to do. she's not going to fake it. she's not going to say that she wants to have this huge outside role. she's comfortable with her husband taking on that role. he's a big celebrity. she's clearly more reserved. >> she's going to live in new york for her son. >> martha: until the end of the school year. >> one of the powerful -- >> it wasn't her mistake. >> the staff. >> somebody. one of the most powerful moments came in pennsylvania toward the end of the campaign where she went in to montgomery county, outside suburban philadelphia and spoke on women's issues to try to get sur -- suburban
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women's voters. >> you can see it in the snippet on the street together. her love and devotion to baron her son, with president trump. there's just a real tenderness there that she clearly feels about him. my guess is she's a pretty first protectress and she's not going to want the press to in any way intervene or invade her son's privacy. >> very protective. >> it will be interested to see the role that she takes. michelle obama was very outward in her role as first lady. we saw her in the garden at the white house and doing her fitness efforts for kids. so we'll see what melania trump talks about. in the course of the campaign, she said she wanted to push back against social media and bullying online. some people said gee, maybe that lesson starts at home given her husband's tweets.
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as a parent of a young almost teenager, she probably feels strong like most parents of that age do. >> it's a huge issue. let's check in with shannon bream. she's at lafayette park. shannon what is happening down there? that's in front of the reviewing stand. >> it is. this is where the first family will arrive and sit in the viewing stands behind me. just behind that is the white house. they will view the parade from there. a number of vips have shown up. it's been very exciting for the crowd. they've seen folks like jeff sessions, dr. ben carson, general mattis. the crowd has gone crazy for them. you can hear the military bands behind me, a lot of pomp and circumstance. it's interesting to note, there didn't used to be a inaugural parade. thomas jefferson was the first to be inaugurated in d.c.
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it was on the front end of the swearing in ceremony. it wasn't until president grant in 1873 that it turned into a post inaugural event. working with the troops and the parade as they came by. it's a big part of the festivities like the swearing in. so people love it. they lined up here. they're cheering, getting excited as they hear the announcements about president trump getting closer and closer. they got rained on earlier, but they seem ready for anything. they're thinking maybe he will get out of the car. he has to as he exits to get in the viewing stands. they hope that he starts earlier and maybe the last block or so. it's the tradition for some. the military bands are here. the v.i.p.'s and the cabinet nominees and now we await the president's arrival. >> it's really packed in there as we get closer and closer to
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the white house. >> house democratic leader, nancy pelosi. united states supreme court justices. chief justice of the united states, john g. roberts. the honorable justice anthony kennedy. the honorable justice thomas. the honoring ruth ginsberg. the honoring justice stephen d. ryder. the honorable justice samuel alito jr.
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the honorable justice sonya sotomayor. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. donald j. trump and first lady, melania trump. the vice president of the united states, michael r. pence and sharon pence.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, coming up 15th street, the joint congressional committee.
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>> bret: so expect another walk here from the president and the first lady as they get ready to get close to the reviewing stand at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. let's bring in our panel from the washington bureau. richard, let's go to you first. haven't heard from you today on your thoughts on his speech.
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what did you think? >> i have mixed reviews. the one line that stood out is about prejudice and if you're patriotic, you have to see past your prejudice. wish he defined what would make america great again is. a lot of times presidents, it's an aspirational message. it's not laid down in politics, this is more of a campaign speech from donald trump. he didn't speak to defining what his montra is, make america great again. we'll have to see if he defines that for the american people. i wish i would have saw it today. >> charlie, we watch the first family get out again. your thoughts on it. >> these ceremonies are dramatic and wonderful to watch. particularly dramatic on a day like today where you have an incoming president who campaigned so passionately, so almost diametrically opposite all of the policies of his predecessor and it does
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underscore that, you know, the importance of the transfer of power. it means that this great system that we have in our country is actually working. i think richard is right. it was very much a campaign speech. it was -- the speech is when he said -- when he talked about the peaceful transfer of power from washington back to the people. you know, it's hard -- it's a tough message. you know, it underscores that he meant what he campaigned on. he's not looking for some false unity on one day. i think he does want to find unity becaused in likes achievements and fixing a lot of the problems in washington. >> let's listen back in as they're out walking and waving.
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>> martha: the rest of the family out and about taking a walk. the grandchildren will never forget this moment. walking around with grandpa that just became president of the united states and taking it in. we saw ivanka trump and jared kushner. donald trump has five grandchildren under the age of 8. they have their hands full. the kids having the time of their lives is fun to watch. >> bret: let's check in with tony. your thoughts on this day, this speech. >> i thought it was a populous
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and patriotic speech. i don't think president trump wants to be measured by oratory. he wants to be measured by his deeds. i read the speech. you get far deep into it, it could have been a speech given from a populous on the left. perhaps a bernie sanders. he talked about washington flourishing, but people not sharing in the wealth. he talked about this day of the people. the rulers of their nation again. their victors meaning the washington and the establishment. i think people need to take pause today. understand that the order of politics in the city have been completely reshuffled. beautiful the analysis is based on the old partisan political formula. this is a presidency that defies a lot of the old rules. >> a lot of people writing in on twitter and facebook. joella writes american people
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heard patriotism, love of country and a president that supports we the people. one of the reactions, katie? >> well, we've heard from the obama administration for quite some time now, eight years. you remember we had all of these recovery speeches over and over that things are better. the five richer counties are just outside the d.c. borders. that's something that people resented. they resented being told things were better when they were not. now you have donald trump giving the speech today. sounded like abraham lincoln when he sounded like the government. by the people, for the people. giving it back to the citizens. that's why he won. he didn't win the partisan fashion. you have to remember that donald trump overturned 100-plus county that barack obama won in 2012 and 2008. so moving forward, it will be interesting to see how he works with republicans and democrats and the reality and the sobering of the office will hit him once
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all of this pomp and circumstance is over. challenges are big. he mentioned them in his speech. he's hopeful for the future. i'm happy to hear that the space program will be back that is something that is part of american history has been part of our exceptionallism and could bring us back to a different competitive level in terms of the world stage. but quickly on another note, seeing his family around him like this, throughout the campaign and today in the parade, i think it's important. they say that the presidency is the loneliest job in the world. but knowing that he's going to have his family to rely on, even when he's making the tough decisions by himself is comforting to him and the country as well. >> martha: we saw some fox new polls, 44% of americans that were polled said that jobs is the most important thing to them. we've heard this president say that his priorities are jobs and national security falling into
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those two main categories to get started here. he will have to produce results that are felt in the counties where he was able to turn the votes. can he do that? >> he absolutely has to produce real results out of all this. i think that you know -- you can take solace knowing one thing. one of the first people to talk about these issues is donald trump himself back before anybody -- before people in either party were talking about it. but another thing that donald trump kind of has that i think is a very good thing for america, probably good for people like -- conservatives, the fact that not only did they send donald trump to the white house against all odds, they sent republicans back to congress in healthy numbers. so donald trump will be negotiating with republicans, and many of them are suspicious of him. it's not a conservative message. in some cases, it's across the
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board. he will be negotiating with republicans and they have to produce that people feel in a comfortable level at home. >> bret: looks like they're at the reviewing stand. john roberts has been down the parade route as they're waving to the crowd. john? >> this is the third time that donald trump and the first lady have gotten out of the limousine. ones around the trump hotel, 12th street and as they made the turn on the flat part of pennsylvania avenue that runs in front of the white house and now saying hi to the folks gathered here, walking town the streets. he's about to enter the reviewing stand. waves to rick perry, the nominee for energy secretary. it's been an extraordinary event this afternoon. all of these people that pinned their hopes on donald trump winning the election back on november 8, their dreams have come true. at the same time, there were a smattering of protesters up and
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down pennsylvania avenue let close to the parade route. donald trump got to see both sides of america. all of the millions of people, thousands of them that supported him and the dissenters that are against him and maybe some people that are sitting on the fence saying let's give this fellow a chance. he's only been in office for a number of hours now. let's see what he does. we can reassess a little bit further down the road. back to you. >> martha: he's said that basically they're not going to get a lot done this afternoon. there's balls to go to and that monday is the start of the workday. it does look like only two of his nominees are going to make it through, bret. there were seven on inaugural day, which would put a spring in my president's step, but he has a ways to go. >> we should point out, there's not only optimism for his supporters but for lawmakers on capitol hill who paul ryan said
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they felt there was a cloud, that they could never move anything or get anything across the finish line. now with a president that will sign the bills they get to his desk, they can get things done. >> so true. >> the question is how much, how fast, what exactly. but what is clear is it's something and it is going to change the way washington works. and maybe washington works. >> martha: that's why we talk about the importance of the 100 days. we all know that that window where congressional elections are right around the corner comes very quickly. and he's going to have to hold republicans together on the things that are meaningful for him. tax reform and all of that. he's going to have to find some consensus within his own party, the way to fix obama care, all of that. how effectively he can bring republicans together to get this accomplished is a real -- one of the real tests to be sure. >> it's been ten years since we had republicans controlling the house, senate and white house. but it's where they agree.
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tlzs will points as we heard in the commentary today, where the republicans have a different world view. but donald trump not only has the power of his victory, but wow, a mastery of media and i think generating public support that could add to pressure on the republican establishment in this town. brit? >> there's a lot only apocalyptic discussions. >> it's remarkable. >> we need to remember here that donald trump is faced with the same checks and balances that every president has been faced with. they're all around him. it's not at all clear to me anyway despite how he phrases things that he means to take the country in a radical new direction. yeah, he needs to -- the country really doesn't go in radical directions. it's one of the strengths of the country. it never does. the pendulum of politics and
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ideology will swing past the center to the right and left but never very far. if he does succeed in swinging it in a direction where we get the economy to grow in a way that the federal reserve can take it off life support, which it never done, if we get the job response that that would entail, wages begin to rise, that he has the money in hand to do the things he wants to do, rebuild the military and the rest of it, he could be headed for a successful presidency. if he can't get his plans through congress because he can't do business, we'll know that soon enough. but it just seems that the watch here needs to be let's give this time and see what it ends up being. all this fear that people are expresses is badly misplaced. >> what is striking is that
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there is this checks and balances. there's this time on capitol hill to push back if there's something that they don't like. chris wallace, is there a since that somehow he's going to by executive order change everything? the one reaction -- the one reaction to president obama, as he leaves office and while he has high approval ratings, his legacy is two words, "donald trump." that's the president that follows him. we'll see how much of president obama's administration holds up. >> this is the guy that wrote the best-selling business book certainly at the time it was in 1987. "the art of the deal." he loves to make deals. the idea that he will do this by executive -- he's gone out of his way. he's had enormous number of meetings. mike pence will be his point man. they're talking about him having
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an office in the senate where he's the president of the senate but also over on the house side where he spents 14 years and working -- there's been tremendous consultation with paul ryan, the speaker of the house and with mitch mcconnell, the senate republican leader. so i would think that donald trump is looking forward to engaging with them and trying to get things done and knows the big things he can't get done by himself. talking about legislation. certainly replacing obama care and a lot of the other tax reform, a lot of that stuff has to happen through congress. so it's going to have to be a cooperative and collaborative effort. but i think for him to come in and not advance a strong agenda and a kind of fierce determination to get it done would be a big mistake. 60% of the country thinks we're on the wrong track. what was he supposed to say.
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cumbaya? >> and on that no, bill is on the booth for the first family. bill? >> hey, martha. we found some lucky friends here outside the white house. how are you doing? >> great. >> you're not all from the same family. you saw the president come by. how was the day? >> it was amazing. it was really cool to see the president pass by. >> something you'll never forget, right? >> yes. >> what did you think? >> i didn't see him. >> you did not? >> no. but you might get another shot in a moment. where are you from? >> i'm from washington d.c. >> enjoy the day. wave in the camera there. rich, don't me a favor. pan to their proud parents. everyone has a smart phone. they're all getting a picture of their kids along pennsylvania avenue. cool stuff. thank you, guys. you did great, ladies. indelible moments for them and the rest of their lives. thanks for coming by. for me, i will tell you, seeing
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the motorcade pull up to the front of the white house earlier today around 9:45 this morning, right around 10:00 a.m., that's when it hit me that this is real. the other image i will carry with me forever is president obama and his wife, michelle, flying over in the helicopter for one last flyby around the white house. those are the kind of things that you capture and you store forever. we saw the 45th president. he came by with his characteristic thumbs up and now we'll wait for the rest of the parade. bret and martha, back to you. >> what have the crowds been like there, down there. it's pretty packed in. >> yeah, it's hard to get here, frankly, bret. the security is super tight. i think the perimeter is about what it was four years ago. you know, we can hear the protests from where we were here. and the helicopters, the local police helicopter flying over.
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some had expressed to me their own kids were concerned about coming out today because of the possibility. it's sad. young people have such a concern about their own safety and well-being. a lot of the v.i.p.s have come here. they came from buses from capitol hill and off loading the past two hours. the crowds have been very well-behaved, i will say and they have waited to see their man and got that moment just a few minutes as, bret. >> thanks, bill. >> martha: want to get some thoughts from our panel here in the studio. we spoke about the fear that is out there, juan, that is reflected in some of the response to the speech. maybe you can pinpoint for us, you know, it's easy to say people are shocked that they're afraid, they're terrified of this new presidency as we have seen protesters say. pinpoint for us given what
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you've seen the fears reflect. >> they reflect his campaign style. donald trump is famously described as a counter puncher. he's not one to quickly offer a hand in peace or to offer language that mullifys his view. what we saw today constitutes a chair, a fist pump than an open hand or a pat on the back to his opponents, to his political critics. so when people express this anxiety and fear, that is high in the polls, i think they worry that he will carry that bully-type style into the white house and exercise political power in a brazen and direct way that might be shocking to his political opponents. >> these are our final thoughts as we get out of the way for the
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five. but i tell you, i talked to people and i read stuff and i think there are a lot of people that see it directly opposite. >> for sure. >> they see an optimism here. they see a chance to really get things done. dana, i mean, it is the perspective, if you listened to the speech a certain way, you could be fired up today. >> absolutely. but juan is describing what you're describing is what we have in the country. been talking about it two years. we are a polarized nation. i think he recognized that. in his speech -- i don't have it in front of me, but towards the end, don't be afraid. we're in this together. when we're in it together, if we're successful together, we will all benefit from making america great again. that's how he wrapped up his speech. he knows that that's the perception. now i have to think that democrats have to pick their battles carefully. they're holding up the director of the c.i.a. because they feel like despite everything, they should pick their battles and work with him where they can.
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>> one of the things that is important for donald trump is to get out of his own way. he wants to unite around him. looking at the last fox poll in december, he's minus 4. now he's minus 13. what has happened in the last month? he's gotten in silly fights with meryl streep and john lewis. the twitter. can be a very effective weapon and a land mine. a lot of this country wants to unite around him, wants to see things get fixed. nobody is happy or 60% of the country thinks we're on the wrong track but he has to pick his fights and be more disciplined. if he keeps to what he said on election night and the inaugural address and not the twitter, he will be in good shape. >> if 2016 taught us anything, it should be that it's easy to under estimate and understand this man. a lot of it did it, myself included. i don't want to make that mistake again. i'm going to make my judgment a little bit at a time.
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my assessments a little bit at a time. we're just now beginning to get a sense of what he's about today. he's going to be the man of his word in his campaign. we have a long way to go about how this turns out. >> panel, thanks very much. one thing we learned, don't trust the polls. they weren't right on election night. that does it for us. the five will be here in just a few minutes. i'll be back at 6:00 p.m. >> and i'll see you at 7:00 p.m. as the first 100 days are officially underway. we're going to leave you with the sights and sounds of the inaugural parade. thanks for being with us. see you back here in a few minutes.
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>> hello, everyone, i am eric bolling. this unforgettable day, president donald john trump sworn into office at high noon eastern time, businessmen who denied all odds and predictions is now the 45th president of these united states of america. now the traditions continue. a parade down pennsylvania avenue from the capitol to the white house. the first family got out of the beast several times and the parade started a little before 4:00 p.m., just arriving outside their new home, 1600 pennsylvania avenue. we're going to get to some of the highlights of


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