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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 22, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST

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[♪] reporter: jobs, trade and immigration all on the agenda, but this weekend the president is focused on other matters address the millions of people worldwide who came to protest his policies. eric: president trump scoffing at some of the protesters on twitter. this is what he tweeted. watched protests yesterday but was under the impression we just had an election. why didn't these people vote? that was followed two hours
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later by this. peaceful protests are a hallmark of a democracy. even if i don't always agree i respect people's rights to express their views. millions of people took to the streets to express their displeasure. they were joined by hundreds of thousands of others across the country and around the globe. john roberts live from the white house today. reporter: a real scene in washington with that women's march. i took a walk behind the white house where people had left thousands of placards and signs as a message to the incoming president. and they want him to pay attention to their concerns going forward. while the * according to that
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last tweet appears to have received the fact there are dissenting voices. his chief counselor, kellyanne conway, very concerned about what she heard yesterday during that rally. >> you have celebrities from the medium using profanity-laced insults. you have a proper in the figure not going to women's shelters to write a check, but to say she thought about burning down the white house. >> fewer people attended president trump's inaugural than attended president obama's in 2009. there clear live appeared to be a smaller crowd friday than there was in 2009. president trump drawing criticism for talking about that in front of the cia's hallowed
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wall. done's chief of staff reince priebus says when it comes to reports like that we'll fight back. >> there is an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president. we'll not sit around and let it happen. we'll fight back tooth and nail every day and twice on sunday. reporter: laid down a marker, they are not about to city back and take it if some of these reports come out. starting tomorrow, that's when the real business of governing begins. president trump planning to sign executive orders on trade, immigration and national security. some news coming out of the offices of john mccain and lyndsey graham saying they are going to support the nomination of rex tillerson for secretary of state. they issue offed statement
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earlier in the week saying they had concerns about rex tillerson. but they have have concerns about how deep his contacts with russia went when he was with exxon. eric: thanks, john. arthel: another big story we are following. deadly storms slamming the southeast. at least 11 people are dead in georgia and two dozen injured after severe weather rolled through southern areas of georgia. meanwhile cleanup is under way in mississippi where a tornado killed four people and damaged hundreds of homes. we have fox team coverage. we begin with rob schmidt. he has more on the devastation left in the wake of those storms. >> these dangerous storms will continue to hammer georgia,
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alabama and north florida, mississippi as well. a lot of damage has been done. a number of people have been killed. we begin in georgia where early this morning a powerful line of storms barreled through the southern part of the state killing at least 11 people. much of the severe damage was done by a powerful tornado. video prove it. but that has yet to be confirmed by meteorologists. look at the devastation revealed just after the sun came up. in cook county. the coroner says half of the homes in one park were completely destroyed. two people were killed when one mobile moment was thrown the full distance of a football field landing in the middle of a highway. >> it's a dangerous time for severe with the as most us are sound asleep and defenseless. adding to the damage there were reports of golf ball sized hail smashing into homes and
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vehicles. locals woke up to an entirely new landscape in some of those hardest hit areas. >> destruction all over the place. trees on across roads and some cars, houses. destruction totally. mississippi was hit saturday by this same line of storms and four people were killed by a confirmed f2 tornado with winds upwards of 130 miles per hour. the twister stayed on the ground for 25 miles and caused serious damage. this dangerous outbreak of storms continues to move through. arthel: those people's lives are profoundly changed by that devastation. eric: a concern where these deadly and powerful storms are heading next.
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adam, what can we expect? reporter: it's been a crazy morning so far. and we continue to battle that exact same line of storms. this is all we have seen. every one of those red dots. that's an area where we had a report of a tornado. everything in the red is a tornado watch. a watch means the conditions are there that we could see tornadoes. and we have been throughout the morning hours. taking tighter on this line of storms, it's north florida, along i10 stretching down along the georgia-florida boundary. we are also seeing a lot of severe thunderstorms right along this line. i take you back farther off towards the west. more areas where we are tracking every one of these. we have seen a history of some
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of these turning into tornado as well. where is it going to go from here? this our future radar. you see that line of showers. it will be lifting back up through metro atlanta. as think it lift farther to the north, it should be weakening. this is a system we'll be tracking the next couple days. actually running it way up the east coast. we are not worried about tornado as it runs up the east coast. this will be a rain make per monday and tuesday of this upcoming week. we'll be paying close attention to the gulf coast. arthel: more than a million people gathering in washington and cities across the country as well as around the world yesterday in women's marches against president trump's policies. the protesters sending a message that they won't let his agenda
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go unchallenged. reporter: organizers said their goal was to send a bold message to president trump on his first day in office that women's right are how rights. why they weren't build as anti-trump demonstrations, here in d.c., it was clearly a driving force. many of the marchers said they came because they were extremely offended by some of the things mr. trump said throughout the course of the election. particularly the leaked access hollywood video. many of them made it very clear they plan to continue protesting president trump. >> the blat for of hate and division assumed power yesterday. but the president is not america. we are america.
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and we are hear to day. reporter: thousands of demonstrators marched in swawd and citing across the country and around the world like london and sydney, australia. >> i can tell you president trump want to be president for all people. including every one of those marchers. i think over type many of those people will be very proud of this president. reporter: you mentioned how the president weighed in on those marches. he says he respects their right to protest even if he does the always agree with them.
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eric: british prime minister * theresa may will meet with the president at the white house. she says she is not afraid to tell the president when he has said something she thinks is unacceptable. millions of others worldwide who protests the president's policies, judgment of what they said was his character. >> i think the biggest statement that will be made about the role of women is the fact i will be there as a female prime minister talking to him directly talking to him about the interests that we share. i'll be talking to him about the issues that we share, about how we can build on this special relationship. it's the special relationship that also enables us to say when we do find things unacceptable. eric: what's special about that relationship? ambassador john bolton joins us. former ambassador to the united nations. america first certainly has some of the allies nervous.
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the president calling nato obsolete. and possible russian influence in the white house and putin. what do you think he will tell the prime minister about these concerns? >> i think the main thing they will talk about is the new economic relationship we'll have to have between the united states and the united kingdom. the focus since the u.k. vote to leave the european union is how britain would extricate itself from the e.u. laws and regulations. but leaving the european union means it leaves other relationships particularly with it partners like the united states. there is an opportunity here. for america it gives donald trump an opportunity to show what. >> real trade relationship between two friend ought to look like. there are a lot of interesting ideas being exchanged. for britain it's important to
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demonstrate it can meet the u.s. terms, reach agreement. i think we can strengthen britain's hand. i think there is a possibility to bring canada into this in a north atlantic free trade arrangement. a lot of idea being discussed. but not only is there economic significance to this and it's huge. there is political significant nance as well for the future of nato and the west. donald trump is now the leader of the free world. >> you talk about nato on the future of the west. boris johnson he used russia of playing quote dirty tricks. what do you think miss may will say about putin? >> i don't think she'll have a lot of good things to say about him. the nuclear deterrent has been called into question. and how the west organizes
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itself for collective self-defense, how we improve nato, get many of it members like germany who haven't lived up to their commitment they themselves made to spend 2% of their gross national product on defense matters. and how to deal with this blings bling ranbelligerent russian be. anyone who has dealt with russia knows it's sporadic. saying we want to improve nato is a far cry from saying we want to junk nato. eric: the president is calling the british prime minister my maggie. we saw them riding horses.
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>> the personal relationship is important but it still comes down to national interests. when the united states invaded grenada under president reagan, mrs. thatcher wasn't too happy about that. she wasn't happy about some of the things being done in the fal -- done inthe falkland isla. eric: when she entered the oval office she'll see the churchill bust, that's a photo of the bust. i took that at the george w. bush library in dallas. it's back. what is the message of the bust that's now returned to the oval office. >> it says donald trump is ready
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for the special relationship. he supported brexit before the vote. winston churchill's mother was american. celebrating his life isn't just a tribute to britain. that's a special relationship in winston churchill's parents. he was unquestionably the greatest man of the 20th century. eric: we are hearing the president mavis it the churchill war rooms. >> something for every american who visit london to see the rooms where churchill wrote many of his speeches and made many of his decisions in that trying period. it's an inspiration to go through them. arthel: president trump beginning his first full week in office with two of his cabinet
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members confirmed. when can we expect congress to aprove the others. also the president with a show support for the cia after being critical of the intelligence community. but was the extension of the olive branch enough? >> i want to say that there is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the cia than donald trump. there is nobody. [applause]
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arthel: president trump trying to mend relations with the intelligence community with a visit to the cia yesterday. president trump speaking in front of a warm and welcoming crowd. he tweeted today he got longstanding ovations and it was a win. but former director john brennan slamming the president because of his focus on the media and his coverage of the inauguration. he tweeted former cia brennan is deeply saddened and angered at president trump's in front of
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the memorial wall of agency heroes. brennan says that he should be ashamed of himself. arthel: was it a case of three steps forward and two steps backward? did president trump take a step in the right direction and how smooth or rocky is the path ahead to mending the relationship with the intelligence community? >> this is probably a step forward in mending that relationship. i'm not sure if some of the complainers watched the whole speech. trump goes there and talks for 15 minutes. the first 11 minutes he's talking about the cia. he's talk about how great everybody at the cia is, the things they will do together and how great the administration is going to be. it's totally trumpian because
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he's trump. he talks in a different way from other politicians. it was an expression of appreciation for the cia. he gets to a part where he says the media has been dishonest. he's accusing them of lying about a war between his administration and the intel community. he says they didn't tell the truth about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. and they didn't tell the truth about the martin luther king bust in the oval office. that consumed 3 minutes of the whole thing. it seems listening from the applause, i was not there, that he received a reasonably warm reception, and he did point out several times that he chose to make his first visit to a federal agency to the cia arthel: this morning white house chief of staff reince priebus was on with chris wallace on fox news sunday. >> brennan prepare man has a
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lot of things he should answer for in regards to these leaked documents. he was replaced the day before. he was not asked to hold over like clapper was. i don't know what's in his head. arthel: there is reince priebus talking about mr. brennan's remarks about president obama. what do you make of ryan priebus's remarks as well as john brennan. >> conflicts with john brennan are nothing new for republicans. many of them have distrusted brennan for quite a while. they view the cia and the larger intelligence community as not having been completely straight with them on issues like benghazi and the central command and the intelligence about isis, on issues about the bin laden papers. there are a lot of sore points between republicans and john
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brennan over the time. apparently he returned the sentiments from his side it's clear, i think in his remarks today, or the remarks he apparently approved, that he hasn't liked donald trump for a long time. so i don't expect that to change. arthel: getting back to president trump. as you pointed out, he made his first official visit to the cia headquarters there an attempt to start repair work. but should the repair work and grievances be taken off line? in asking you about a public spat, how that affects americans and not to mention what it signals around the globe. >> i think trump wanted to make a large public gesture because there had been so much publicity about this feud between him and the cia other intelligence community which had been mainly a feud with the leaders of the
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intel jerns community. most of the -- of the intelligence community. most of the important work in rebuilding the relationship would go on off camera. not everything we do is on camera. he will deal with the intelligence community, and if they can build trust with each other in every day dealings, that would be a huge improvement. arthel: do you think president trump will order the intel community to get to the bottom of the reports, while no evidence of vote tampering, but they have did meddle in the presidential race? >> we have already seen the intelligence community's report on this -- we haven't seen the classified version. we have seen the public one they released. the progress on that is probably going to come on catch hill. the senate -- on capitol hill. the senate will be investigating this. even though there won't be a special 9/11-style commission to
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do it. arthel: byron, i have to leave it there. thank you. i want to remind our viewers to be sure to tune in to "fox news sunday" as mitch mcconnell sits down with chris wallace. eric: we are told they are doing better, former president george h.w. bush and his wife barbara. we'll have an update on their conditions. the senate has a full plate with only two of the president's cabinet picks so far approved. the democrats are slowing the process of confirming the rest. we'll take a look at who will get the nod and who may not. meta appetite control... it helps put some distance between you and temptation.
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trencher great news to report. former president george h.w. bush and first lady barbara are reportedly both improving as they recover from respiratory illnesses at a houston hospital. a family spokesman said mrs. bush may be released as early as today. the president will say a little longer, but he's doing well, calling his office to check in. we wish them both a full recovery. leland: president trout may be the leader of the free world, but his top team, the senate only confirming to members of the president's cabinet so far. voting by huge margins to improve general james mattis to run the pentagon and john kelley secretary of homeland security. the president calling for the senate to swiftly confirm his other choices. so you can get the grey matter the red light this week? the answer lies in washington with the very latest.
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hi, rich. >> afternoon ,-com,-com ma eric. republicans have enough senators, though the minority party, the democrats can slow the process and that is what they are doing. that leaves the trump administration short of its deputies. the state department will send the ambassador to kazakhstan to a series of peace negotiations as rex tillerson is waiting on his confirmation as secretary of state secretary of state. after mnuchin to grin -- secretary of state and tom preston had the overhaul of u.s. health care. to that the senate's top the senate's top democrat says presidents from choices made a closer examination. >> this cabinet is unusually made it and a lot different than others. we call it the swamp cabinet. so much more than any other cabinet we've seen. so that means they made her a review. >> i believe will be able to confirm the entire cabinet.
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>> even rex tillerson for state push the republicans have expressed reservation. >> only few republican objections to board a trump nominee and republicans were withholding support of rex sellers and the secretary of state because of substantial relationship with exxon had no thunder is leadership with russia. his confirmation is more certain as john mccain and lindsey graham have suggested they will support rex tillerson. it is unclear if michael rubio will join them during his confirmation. back to you. >> thanks so much. we will see. >> for more on this now, judy miller is an adjunct fellow at the manhattan institute for policy research and a pulitzer prize-winning author and journalist, a fox news contributor.
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nice to see you this sunday morning afternoon. >> happy day after inauguration. >> will start here. mike pompeo kansas and the president's pick to be the new cia director yet to be confirmed as senators chuck schumer and patrick leahy have asked for more time for a thorough review. do you think that mr. pompeo will get confirmed tomorrow as word has it or this week sometime? >> i don't know whether or not it's going to be tomorrow because that senator schumer said today, the senate has never confirmed as cia director on the first day or after only one day of consideration. so i think what chuck schumer was saying is we are going to move a little bit more slowly than the president would like. look, the president did not do is nominate any favors yesterday to the cia. there is a 15 minute speech
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which was aimed at making peace with the intelligence agents who he had insulted. he wound up spending three minutes of that 15 minute speech assailing the press. that wound up to be the headline. that did not do mike pompeo any favors. that said, i have to tell you that i think might pompeo is very popular. he's well respected on the hill and i think he will become termed absent a new explosion of some kind of information are scandals that happen to emerge so far. but democrats have now made clear they are not going to give any of this swamp cabinet nominees an easy ride. >> let's move onto georgia, congressman dr. tom price to be health and human services secretary face in the senate again tuesday. whether you expect?
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>> i think dr. price will probably be confirmed. once again, chuck schumer and other democrats have made very clear that they want dr. price to absolutely be clear about the fact he's not going to go after medicare and medicaid affecting 70 million poor americans in a faster to reform or fix the obamacare with replacement that looks like the affordable care at a capitol hill. he has got to give them assurances that he is not going to do what he wanted to do, which is to dismantle parts of the two politically popular programs. medicaid and medicare. no republic in kimberley and stand a chance of having people in his district or her district thrown off medical care. so they are going to focus very, very long and hard on getting dr. price to walk back to things
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he said about those two programs which remain very popular. >> of you could sum up for me, do you think on the part of the democrat that there is deliberate delay or reasonable review. >> there's a reasonable review. we've never had a cabinet with so many billionaires has so much potential for conflict of interest. and yes it is true that democrats are still very, very angry about the fact and rightly so the republicans would not even permit a stable hearing to be scheduled on merrick garland who was nominated by president obama for the supreme court. this is payback, but also a legitimate luck at the people, the men and women who have a theory rate of century agenda who are going to be running some of the most powerful secretaries. they are going to be enormously powerful and the congress wants to make sure these men and women
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are not conflict ridden and they have to carry out a kind of centrist agenda. there's going to be enormous fights over every one of these people. >> will be watching of course. judy miller, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> president trump has responded to an earlier invitation to attend talks with russia and turkey about the war in syria appeared the obama administration was not invited to join. but the trump white house says republicans implement the party's agenda, but mr. trump's ideas differ from the party in some key areas. coming up, i look about us on the to-do list for the first 100 days in a possible sticking was find. nd. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc.
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>> the trump administration has decided not to send the u.s. delegation to talks on the war in syria. despite receiving a formal invitation. russia did little to tell former secretary of state john kerry to the talk last year but had extended an invitation to the new administration. the state department issuing a statement saying the united states is committed to a political resolution to this theory in crisis the race. on process which can bring about a more representative peaceful and united syria. given our presidential inauguration in the immediate demand in the transition of delegation from washington will not be attending the conference. >> tamara course begins the first work week for president trump. the president and congress eager to get down to business. this morning, white house chief of staff described the to-do list is for this week. >> this week when talking about trade, we are going to talk
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about that little bit more tomorrow. we are going to talk about immigration this week and have a timeout national security, a conversation about that. we will see more of that coming perhaps this week. executive orders on those topics >> joining us now to talk about it, vice chairman of the budget committee. indiana republican congressman in indianapolis. always good to see you. welcome. >> thanks. good to be back. >> you've got three choices. any idea which could be approved first? >> in terms of what? >> in terms of passing congress. but your priority is. >> first of all, we've been working since before christmas on reconciliation package and getting a budget and to start repealing and replacing obamacare. that's number one in terms of
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upper doing. working on the fiscal year 18 budget at the senate does one as well will have a second reconciliation attempt to hopefully reform the tax code. a lot of frontload over kerry. after that on the transportation committee, and the president has said he wants a trillion dollars infrastructure package put together. a lot of us feel that has to be paid for and do something very important to us. making it a priority in getting it paid for will take up a lot of members time for the first half of the year. >> the infrastructure plan will get a lot of resistance for republicans. had he worked with that? how do you sit down and do something the president is promising? >> it's a matter of prioritizing what needs to be done and he has to be a partner in that clearly. he's a businessman, so he understands balance sheet and so forth and i think you will see whether it is hard to trajectory or an infrastructure plan that
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unless you are going to prep for going to print for many, these things have to be paid for. that is to say if this is the most important thing, these other things out there must be less important and it's a matter of balancing just like any of your viewers do with their household budgets. >> wall street is react in the presidential election. you talk about reconciliation reducing tax reform will happen sooner or later? in summer or fall. >> the first order of business is repealing on replacing obamacare. obamacare 8 million more people on medicaid entitlement program. a 22%. it is not working. 8 million people want to pay the fine rather than getting on it. so we really have to work on that. the reconciliation package allows us to get around that 60-vote threshold.
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so we can get it passed the senate with a simple majority and i'm president trump's desk. he has said here that is his major priority. we can do better. for not going to leave anyone behind. kick in the novel as a preexisting condition. the price of obamacare or those philosophies we want to keep. there's a better way to do it to do it in october to get to. >> you just made some big promises. do you think that will get done? he talked about preexisting conditions. there has to be a program in place. >> some of the confusion comes from the faculty senate wants say we want to appeal upon the care, he signs the bill, for example that the next day at that very moment, health care would go away. that's not the case. the singing of the bill would mean they would start a transition process and as the transition process unfolds, a new program at come into being
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assuming we can get them through the senate and on the president's desk as well. that's what i mean when i say people don't have to be afraid of having their health care but because there'll be a transition. we can get something to mark patient centered, using health savings accounts to not only drive down costs, but provide better coverage. that's the one as republicans. >> congressman, you are going to be busy. you've got a lot to work on. thank you for joining us as always. >> israel ready to build a stronger bond with the u.s. and the new president comes to power in the white house. more on this straightahead at first, here's this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> we congratulate u.s. president trump on the beginning of his term. i appreciate his deep friendship for israel is policy statement on the fight of radical islamic
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>> or zero welcome the chance under a new administration aired prime minister benjamin netanyahu tweeting a message that if message that they are president trump's inauguration.
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congrats to my friend president trump could look forward to working closely due to make the alliance between israel and u.s.a. stronger than ever. the two leaders are expected to speak by phone later today. by the jerusalem with more. hi, connor. >> even before mr. trump was sworn in as president, israeli officials were openly celebrating his victory believing the new president would be a more sympathetic ally than former president obama. conservative politicians here to interview the world as mr. trump in terms of how to best battle terrorism. at the same time politicians have been openly talking about abandoning creation and a vast part of the palestinian israeli settlement. president obama opposed is no small chunk has been openly supportive of them. today israel's government announced more than 800 new housing units for jewish settlements in the primary area
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to area of east jerusalem. mr. trump and prime minister benjamin netanyahu are expected to speak later about 1:30 eastern. among the topics they are expected to talk about the nuclear deal with iran, the war in syria and israeli settlements. also waiting to see the relocation of the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. this is a campaign, something a lot of supporters in israel want to see happen, but also some pain that will inflame the arab world and also potentially undermine a negotiated two state solution for the israeli-palestinian conflict. one thing we are hearing is even if the trump administration surrogates low off this move, the trumpet for ambassador to israel, david friedman has argued indicated he will be moving not to tel aviv, but to jerusalem, even though the embassy could still be in tel aviv going slower depending on
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the move by the white house. >> we will be watching that will get back to as the story develops. conor paul, thank you very much. trade to the candidate is continuing as president. take it on the media. he did so in the first full day of office. president trump now setting the tone for the next four years? we will take a look ahead at what to expect. s. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at
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the uncertainties of hep c. i don't want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready.
9:59 am
because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you.
10:00 am
eric: we will have an update on the phone call between president trump and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> back to 4:00 eastern. we hope you can join us. in the meantime, enjoy your day. >> nice to be with you this sunday. i'm leland vittert out what is now the trump white house. these headquarters from washington today. >> and i am elizabeth pran. here is what is making news right now. president trump prepares to launch major series of initiatives tomorrow. members of the team are taking on the media over their coverage of vietnam duration and beyond. we will get a live report. leland: plus, fighting congress to repeal and replace obamacare


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