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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 23, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> jon: we were just talking about it during the break, not gotten off to an on-time start and some of these things. we will see you back here and then hour. >> jenna: , that's right "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we will begin with a fox news alert. moments ago donald trump signed three executive actions. including one to formally withdraw the united states from the trans-pacific partnership deal. when of his campaign promises. this is "outnumbered," i am harris faulkner. meghan mccain, host of "kennedy" ," and #oneluckyguy, the editor for "the washington times," charlie hurt is outnumbered. and all of what the breaking news coming out of the capital. >> charles: it is amazing. a new day in america, that's for sure. >> harris: and a new day of the week. let's get rolling.
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the tpp withdrawal, one of the big headlines. actions, mr. trump also signed an order on a federal hiring freeze except for the military. and on one banning u.s. nongovernmental organizations which receive federal funding for providing abortions are broad. let's talk about this. so, charlie, one stands out is the tpp, this was a huge campaign issue. one that -- i am not going to say if i am for it, i can state, all over the road. he stayed pretty clear. >> charles: he used that issue to steal a lot of democratic voters rights under their noses. and republicans never saw it coming. it is exactly how he managed to pick off places like pennsylvania, wisconsin, and places -- michigan. places that republicans had given up for years. but he tapped into that great frustration about jobs in the country. >> harris: just explained to
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the audience with the jobs as journalists. do you get a tape playback, on that playback you can sometimes hear the president talking. just on tpp, he said, i have been talking about this, kennedy, for a long time. this is for the worker. >> kennedy: and there are a lot of people. these are the people that feel that both parties have casted him aside. especially when it comes to issues like free trade. and tpp was never going to be a free trade agreements but this is saying that not only is it really issuing that promise to campaign speeches that he made about free trade and about how much he despised tpp, but hillary clinton and many democrats were for its for a long time. and this was something that came about in search of a way to box in china and work with the emerging economies. >> harris: it's interesting when you look at his schedule later in the week, you have
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missed many, the prime minister from britain coming, all of the things that have gone on there. you have him meeting with -- friday with the trade deals. >> meghan: yes, a lot of politicians on a lot of problems that never see the light of day. a great example is president obama and the executive orders that are happening, obamacare repeal executive order that happen on saturday night, i was cooking and i was like, what is happening? this is something that is significant in the beginning and end of obamacare. to say that he is starting on day one, noon here on the east coast, three executive orders in place. and unbelievable to see how fast he is getting to work. before he did, i think you both pointed out that this is what he ran on. this is not exactly a republican issue. bernie sanders made this a huge part of his campaign in the
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primary. and this is something that speaks to the people in the midwest who voted for them. people who may have voted democratic in the past, may be voted for bernie sanders if he was the nominee, but voted on donald trump with the issues with tpp. he has a meeting coming up with the president of mexico. so trying to renegotiate. this is what his basest demanded of him. he is coming through for them. >> kennedy: you are actually right about tpp and i know that you delve into the crowd and talked to a lot of bernie supporters who were essentially silent. and everybody who tried to say, this is a unifying party, unifying convention. every time they would cut to the big delegations in california, in oregon, they were holding up the no tpp signs. so it is something that resonates. >> harris: something that is interesting, it also speaks, dovetailing off of what you
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said, julie. this speaks to how many people he reached out to on the grounds that hillary clinton was not reaching out to. we talk about the belt states and so forth. but the hiring freeze for federal government workers without the military included. speaking directly to the issue of shrinking the government. >> charles: the hiring freeze is kind of the thing that a new ceo coming into a company would do. >> harris: interesting. >> charles: hemorrhaging money the way that the federal government is. and i think in terms of the free-trade issue, it is based demands, but a new base. and republicans and democrats were on the sideline. if they did not know what to do with these people. >> harris: talk to me about the outcome of the new base. that is new fresh material from charlie heard. >> charles: it is a new coalition that he put together. more conservative than -- >> harris: who are they? >> charles: working people who
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voted for obama in 2008, and probably many in 2012. but they after eight years of failed promises, they went with somebody else. one last point is, a lot of people -- he is going to get a lot of criticism about this. what i say is, hate, congress, you have plenty of time to pass tpp, why didn't they do it? they were terrified to do it. they saw what happened in the election. and conservatives have to learn how to tell the story of free-trade brother. they need to win the argument. it's not a given anymore. >> harris: so where are we right now in terms of going forward? how will we feel this immediately? outside of the fact that this is a huge promise kept. >> kennedy: tpp had not been passed, so it's not like he is rolling something back. contrast with the aca, any executive orders on obamacare, that is a repudiation of
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president obama, but this insane and segment length that we are going to have a very different stance on trade in this country, i don't think that we have an immediate impact. i don't think we necessarily know what that means, because who also have plenty of republican senators, not as many two years.ic that are running but they have to carve this out. it could be a divisive issue in the republican party. >> harris: you were just saying, charlie, they need to figure out where they stand, republicans going forward. >> meghan: i just wanted to ask the couch, i remember seeing no tpp signs all over the convention. there is a lot of a lot of vitriol directed at the president right now from democrats and people in hollywood, will this change their perspective on donald trump? again, this was a big issue that bernie sanders supporters saw was so important. or will they not give them a break no matter what? >> harris: we talked about this for months leading into the election, this is the crossover that democrats did not exist
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between bernie sanders supporters and donald trump supporters. if there was ever kind of a little place where they were crossover, i would argue that this would be it. not just because of the signs, they had some uniformity to them, interestingly enough. but because of the issue. that sweet spot of a voter that may have jumped from one party to the other. >> julie: what i wanted to say is that we will never know, they will never make the less happy, but there are certainly elements of agreement. >> meghan: but the proof is in the pudding, it will be in the putting in the next few years. these people demand results. they demanded hope and change from barack obama, they felt they did not get what they gods. they demand hope and change from donald trump, if they do not get it, they will turn on him. >> harris: but they are already starting to respond before this. you can sneeze at the 700 or so that ford is coming out with in michigan, but if that's replicates and works out -- >> charles: the one thing you have to give him credit for is
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that he does not stop the argument because he won the fight. he keeps making the argument. and that is something that republicans have been terrible at. >> julie: you cannot have sean spicer saying, i got your job, when he doesn't. >> kennedy: president obama tried to do that, he cannot spin it for hillary clinton. >> julie: that's why donald trump got elected, that is exactly my point. >> harris: the other big story coming out of washington, obamacare. two key republican senators have just sent out their plan to reverse the affordable care act. -- now the patient freedom act is born. we reported friday, donald trump and his first executive action as president, he ordered agencies to release obamacare. and cosponsor of the patient freedom act, he believes that it
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offers a vision that both political parties will like. watch. >> republicans think that if you like your insurance, you should keep it. we mean it. so we just give the option. california, new york, you love obamacare, you can keep it. i disagree with it, but it's republicans think that it is held at the state level, not by washington, d.c. it is not for us to dictate. on the other hand if you are speaking about maine and louisiana, premiums have been going up, or in one place triple digits in one year. then those states can opt for something different. >> harris: senator cassidy is a doctor, he says that the g.o.p. plan will cover more americans in obamacare. just days before -- or just hours before the announcement, the leader of democrats, chuck schumer reported his criticism that they do not have a real replacement for obamacare. >> they do not know what to do. they can repeal, but they do not have any plan for replace.
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the president's executive order just mirrors that. they said, do good things, not bad things. and do things that comply with the law. that is meaningless. it is because they promised everybody that they were going to repeal, but now they have seen all of the good things. >> harris: you know, maybe his p.r. people would have booked that interview after it's rolled out, because we have a full schematic of what is going to be in it. >> charles: i have a hard time with chuck schumer and all of the ads. because basically, we had the greatest health care system in the world. there were problems with that come , but the greatest health care system in the world trade and president and basically erected. people who say that obamacare is not working the way it is supposed to work, it is. and if you work for a living, pay for your health care, now you are paying for somebody else's health care. it works great for people who don't have to pay for it. it does not work for people who
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have to pay for it. >> harris: but some doctors don't take the plan. >> charles: to have chuck schumer out here complaining because the g.o.p. is forced to pick this up, very unpopular thing up and find some way to put it back together, i just thought it came as a fall. >> julie: but president obama promised that when the aca created it it would have more competition. he had all of the lackeys go out and talk about the government option that adds to the options that americans already have. in a third of the counties on the federal exchanges they have one option. a two-thirds of the county is, they only have two options. that is not a choice, that is not competition. to your point, it was meant to fail. it was all set up to fail. so we were left with no choice but single-payer coverage. >> julie: i don't understand why chuck schumer is being so negative about this except for spending the obama legacy, i
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don't know what his legacy is, and both of those things are cataclysmic failures. one of the things that they are talking about is that you are going to get rid of the mandate and then you can get rid of the penalty. a lot of people that opted out of obamacare are now going to have to be paying for absolutely no reason whatsoever. i do not understand why there's so much anger at the fact -- >> harris: the challenge then becomes, i would understand it as how do you pay for it? right? >> julie: know, the challenge now becomes that you all laid out what is wrong with obamacare except nobody has laid out how to fix it except for two senators. i have not seen -- yes, kennedy, the republicans have been in charge for how many years now? pass something. to pass something we can debate it. >> meghan: there is a fallacy out there that it is republicans falls. >> julie: the majority of the people don't think it is a failure, the majority of people want to keep obamacare.
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and the problem here is that you want to keep their pre-existing kin conditions, you want to plan keep the good parts, but not to the mandate. >> kennedy: there are people like rand paul that say you can't keep part of it and hope that you keep the insurance and health care industries. i would love it -- >> harris: are you saying do it in the spirit of president obama who said, don't rescue the republicans honest? >> julie: democrats feel that democrats passed a health care plan that republicans could have worked with to improve. instead a they grandstand it it for years, never passing a alternative. talk about how negative it is, and now coming out and saying, we are going to repeal it and have a bunch of replacements, where are they? let's debate them. i've not seen anything so far that i can put up next to the
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aca and have an american people make a decision. they have not done it. >> harris: taking in the spirits, president obama said it don't rescue republicans, or are you hoping that there is a plan out there? there is a plan that leaves obamacare in states that people are clinging to. >> julie: i would legitimately love their republicans to pass a plan, past one, not talk about producing one when they are about to repeal it, but the past one. >> harris: but they have what you had for two years. >> julie: no, they had data last year. if they could have passed it last year. if they could have passed it, obama could have vetoed it. why is it a distraction? they were holding out in the senate? >> kennedy: you are saying that you hope that this congress repeals obamacare, you hope they
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do that. and in hopes that it fails. that people are so sick of partisanship. >> julie: wrong, you are putting words in my mouth again. >> kennedy: you would rather see obamacare fail completely just to prove that you had a win and republicans have a loss. that's why people are sick of partisan politics. >> julie: may i speak for myself? are you going to continue speaking for me? i would love the republicans to repeal obamacare and replace it with a plan so that voters can make a decision on which plan they prefer. if they probe her obamacare, and you all think that is awful. never suggesting a comprehensive fix for, but nobody has on the republican side. mitch mcconnell could have passed legislation this year or the year before, same with brian, same with john boehner. if they never did, had they don that voters could have made a decision. but nobody is making a decision, all they are doing is castigating obamacare, butts and
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not in any way, shape, or form stepping up and passing something that we can look out. this plan is great, i would love to see details of it, but i just heard about it today. >> harris: okay, we will learn more details about it. >> meghan: i'm going to give you and all of the democrats watching that show a little bit of advice. if this was such a huge success, this would've helped hillary clinton win. she would probably be president right now, for all future democrats, do not hitch your wagon to obamacare, i think people like you are concerned about the future of the party, and if you stick to all of the failed policies of hope and change being a total con for the past eight years, you are going to lose and lose and lose. and i don't understand why you are still clinging to failures. >> julie: because i would love to see the replacement. >> meghan: why did it not pass pass? congress has single-digit approval ratings -- >> kennedy: it is run by boobs
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boobs. at that is the truth. anybody could have passed it. >> charles: all of this is why the most interesting figure and this is trump, because he opposes obamacare, not for the reasons that i oppose it, i don't want the federal government involved in my personal life, he opposes it because of it's not working. he will go down pennsylvania avenue and work with both sides of the aisle, and work with something that they like. it's not going to be a conservative thing, but i bet it will be a lot more to the liking of democrats then they will give him credit for. >> harris: all right, we will move on. we are awaiting the first official briefing over some bumps in the weekend with new administration and some members of the media. how is this going to go in the future? on the fabulous monday, talk to us, baby. "outnumbered" at the top of the hour on, or live on facebook, tweet us when
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>> meghan: pox news alerts, we are awaiting the first briefing from second sean spicer, after
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it got off to a rocky start with the media, blasting the press for a false report that the bust of martin luther king jr. had been removed from the office. he also said there were a number of inaccurate reports about crowd size at the inauguration. >> these attempts to -- this kind of dishonesty in the media, the challenging of bringing our nation together is making a more difficulty. there has been a lot of talk in the media about holding donald trump accountable. i'm here to tell you that it goes two ways. we are going to hold the press accountable as well. >> meghan: an exclusive fox new sound -- "fox news sunday" interview. >> there is an obsession by the media to loot delegitimize the president. we are not going to sit around and let it happen. we are going to fight back tooth and nail every day and twice on sunday.
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>> meghan: and president trump himself spoke out during a visit to the cia headquarters. >> as you know i have a running war with the media. they are the most dishonest human beings on earth. [cheering and applauding] and they sort of made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community. and i just want to let you know that the reason they do number one stop is exactly the opposit opposite. >> meghan: all right, certainly getting heated over the weekend, i did not go out on saturday because i did not want to deal with the protesters, then i watched the press conference, things are certainly getting heated. he has not been in office about 48 hours, what did you make of the press conference? >> kennedy: i will say that he is getting a lot of heat and pushback from people who felt like he was being sort of a mind list apologist for the administration. it reminded me of when when gee stephanopoulos took the role.
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he was a loyalist and an aide when he was thrust into that role. he was very successful during president clinton's first campaign for president. then he was really devoured by the press. this is a democratic administration. so, by my estimation, sean spicer should be the host of "good morning america" in about 20 years. >> harris: i guess my issue, charlie you can weigh in as well, a reporter is something different, i am bothered if we look at the facts that were bent way out of shape this weekend. i am really stuck on the bust of mlk, that is division in another way. that is division rationally, generationally. i understand that a reporter can get it wrong, but that is not reporting to us, but for us in the media. that gets replicated 3000 or more times, yes, he can apologize, but that was really dicey, the world that we went down this weekend.
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but that particularly bothers me, because that means that somebody is not able to walk into a room and counting the artifacts. >> charles: this is why so many of the trump supporters who suddenly guides and earful about fake news, they are all like, of course, we have been talking about that for a long time. >> harris: fake vision? >> charles: exactly, and it is a sloppiness. it is allowing your bias to affect you as a journalist, and it is something that we have seen for a long time. it is a terrible thing, but sean spicer probably did not handle that the best way that he could on saturday. i think that the trump team basically the day after the election plotted that, and they said you know what, the day after inauguration we will go out there and call the press together. we will find the two most egregious things that have happened in the past 24 hours and destroy them. >> harris: my point is they
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did not have to try very hard. >> julie: but to the reporter that you are talking about did not lie, he made a mistake. sean spicer, let's call him for what he did. he lied. he went out there and said three or four things that were factually inaccurate. he knew them to be inaccurate, and he lied. >> harris: the crowd size is not able to come up with a number. >> julie: are you going to believe my lying eyes, harris, i think anybody with normal vision could see it. secondly they said that there were machines in the mall, the secret service said there weren't. i could go on. you said that there were coverings for the first time in history, the 2013 inauguration was not there. the problem here is -- secret service says there was no difference than usual. the problem here is and continues to be that you have somebody going out there trying,
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kellyanne conway said creating alternative facts. and that is alive. chuck todd was right to call her out on it. and that was a mistake and not a purposeful one. then the pool made a mistake with a lie, let's call it for what it is. why are people so hesitant to call it a lie? he lied to and he lied again. so did our president when he went to the cia. so when you have people saying that seek miller conflates doubts with what he did -- speak to reporters really need to be extra careful about what they are reporting right now when there is such an intense distrust. i will say two different things. my parents have had secret service themselves. my mother said she never saw security like that her entire life and politics. she has been a politician's wife for over 30 years, my mother is no liar. and that's what she was saying about her experience. number two, in regards to crowd
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size and the controversy over it. i do not understand it. i would give sean spicer this advice, donald trump supporters are meat and potatoes americans that cannot afford to fly to d.c. it cost $400 to do that right now. with technology, who wants to go out in the rain? this is not a big deal in the context of things that are a big deal. i do not understand why we are obsessing over this. you are a populist phenomenon, you are the new president. >> charles: friday was a workday. >> kennedy: there was way more security -- the third time that i've witnessed that in washington, d.c., a new administration has come in, but i will say that there weren't as many people that i saw in 2012, that is just with my own eyes. >> meghan: it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. we are awaiting some big boats to the key cabinet picks, but democrats are being accused of using delay tactics as political payback. more on the senate showdown.
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♪ >> kennedy: welcome to the exquisite couch conversation just for you. expected to decide for cea director, mike pompeo after talking democrats, delayed the boat on friday, this is a senate foreign relations committee voting on rex tillerson's secretary of state, a big boost when the three senators including marco rubio gave their support. and two cabinet members on inauguration day, general james mattis, defense secretary and john f. kelly, department of homeland security. seven of the president obama's nominees were confirmed on his first inauguration day in 2009, so now senate democrats being accused of dragging out
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confirmation votes for political motive. but chuck schumer says the picks deserve extra scrutiny. watch. >> do you think that you are going to be able to stop some of the nominees, or you're just trying to slow down the process? >> well, let me say this. the cabinets is unusually unique and a lot of different than others. we call it the swamp cabinets of billionaires and bankers, the number of wealthy people. at the number of people with conflict of interest coming on the number of people who have disagreed with what he has campaigned on a so much more than any other cabinets we have seen. and so that means that they need thorough review. >> kennedy: is it too thorough thorough? >> charles: just listening to him right there, that is the face of the democratic party today. that's the best they have. and if democrats -- and they have no other power whatsoever, so all they can do is hold these people up.
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but if they continue to hold them up, it is going to be chuck schumer versus donald trump. and i wonder who is going to be the one that garners the most intention and wins the debate. i think it is pretty clear that donald trump will win. >> kennedy: all holding things up, and got his way, i wonder where chuck schumer learned his lesson? i guess it can work, right? >> julie: do you think he is upset with henry reed? probably not happy. i have said that there is no longer 60 votes. let me be consistent, i hit the filibuster come i hated it when democrats were in power, hate it when republicans are in power, get rid of the filibuster. so, i'm not somebody who is upset about what terry did, get it -- get rid of it altogether. but having said that, look, they delayed pompeo for a couple of days, he is going to get confirmed today. i assume of rex tillerson is going to get confirmed today as
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well. so that's what's going to happe happen. >> meghan: come on, obviously i take offense to that's because you are saying that my father is one of them. so they marco rubio and lindsey lindsey graham. obviously he did well enough -- you know watts, julie, you are really on it today. that is terribly disrespectful. this is the problem today. took schumer on "meet the press," and chuck todd said he looked politically petty for trying to stop mike mike pompeo, you have nothing else and you cannot be mad. the republican administration has more republican people joining the administration. you had eight tears of hope and change, you are very mad today. just before i learned my lesson. >> meghan: i said it earlier in the show, maybe this is why they are rejecting the politics and making the coalitions that charlie talks about at the top of the show. where do we go from here? at this point democrats can't really block any of the nominations.
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if they can slow ball them, so what do we do? >> harris: the threshold has gone from 60 -- he said the problem for democrats right now is not that they cannot push things through or block them, but that they are going to be some democrats who vote for these nominees. there are some people in the room who are willing to cross the party lines. it could be blocking or stalling effectively to help your politics, it is really off. it just like the 68 people who did not show up to the inauguration, many of them, people of color and women in those diverse groups, how do they report back to their constituents? i don't get it among your party. >> julie: they are elected to be their voice in washington. >> charles: this is why i think donald trump's inaugural speech was so important. it sent the message that i'm going to keep this going. and i'm going to fight for my
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nominees, my agenda items. he is not quitting just because he won. >> kennedy: let's fight for good jobs and greater economy and free chocolate bunnies for all. as we await the briefing, what we can expect after press secretary sean spicer's fiery performance over the weekend. dressing down the media on a number of issues. plus president trump taking some major first steps on the policy agenda. what he needs to do to deliver. and he needs to set the right tone on the global states, all coming up just for you. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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♪ >> kennedy: a busy person first weekend her president trump family aware learning that it will be with british prime minister on thursday, she is saying that she will not be afraid to challenge mr. trump
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whenever she find something acceptable. but also inviting prime minister to join him in february, the white house says that they agree to consult closely on issues including threats that iran poses. and just this morning the kremlin saying that it agrees to the phone calls between putin and trump, but no word whether they will hold our first meetin meeting. so we had a word over the weekend that they were discussing moving the embassy. and every president has promised to do that for i don't know how many cycles, but donald trump apparently is actually going to really do that. and i know that there are passions on both sides of the issue and merits to both sides of the issue in my personal opinion, but this meeting especially is striking to me, because he said that he expects his son-in-law to take the lead on bringing middle east peace, and i'm trying not to say this
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with a straight face, but what were your thoughts? >> charles: one of my things that everybody is talking about in the aftermath of the inaugural address is that donald trump -- the campaign that he ran, he means what he said. he is going to keep the promises. one was that he was going to move the capital to jerusalem. and, you know, i realize that it smashes a lot of china and the state department, breaks a lot of china across d.c., but the truth of the matter is that it won't be that big of a deal. it probably could break loose something that moves in the right direction. and it is an autonomous country, they can have the capital where they want. >> harris: it does creates problems for the president of jordan, who is looking to create
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a studying job. >> charles: they have done a pretty good job, -- >> julie: they have, but what are your thoughts? >> meghan: i am excited to have a president that respects the senator and trying to heal the wounds between us and israel, and actually have respect for what they do in our country and what they represent in the middle east, all all ofl of the legacies, his relationship with israel is one of the ones that will stick with me. not everything that donald trump does i agree with or in theory what he agreed on, but it is a great tone change. >> harris: i will put it this way, my parents have businesses, my husband has one now. and one of the tenets of getting a new client or somebody that you want a business relationship with is to find out what carrot they would be looking for, and it is not always that you will be able to give it but to come
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to some recognition and agreements that it is an important issue to look out, and then you come to the table which happens on friday. and you know, julie, we talked about it on the couch, he had a very chilly relationship with president obama, so now you're talking about the change that the republican public can measure. we will see the president to meet with netanyahu at the white house. why would you not to put that carried out there? i don't know, they are promising that it can be done. but it is a beginning of a relationship. >> kennedy: this is a president that is a dealmaker, i would not be surprised if the things that go on the west bank have the trump name on them. >> harris: protesters taking to the streets a major american cities from coast to coast and around the world for the women's march, the day after president trump's inauguration, the white house reacting in the backlash of madonnas profanity
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laced tirade. i tweeted about something other than the eff-bombs that she said. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> meghan: millions of women turning out to protest donald trump on his first day as the 45th president, gatherer is joining in washington, d.c., on saturday. president trump responding to the turnout on twitter, watch protest yesterday, budget was under the impression that we just had an election. why don't these people vote? counselor to the president's kellyanne conway commenting on the march is paid watch. >> we respect to the first amendment rights, but i did not see the point. you have a day after he is uplifting and unifying, and you have folks here being on a diatribe where i think they could have requested a dialogue. nobody called me and said, hey, can we have a dialogue? >> meghan: kennedy, you covered these protests. i'm confused about the women's
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march, why are pro-life women excused from the march, and donald trump won 51% of white women in america, and i agree with donald trump it we just had an election. where was all of this enthusiasm for hillary clinton before that day? >> kennedy: i think that is the point produce how the ability to gather a bunch of people and organize i'm very, very well. i will get the march credit for that. if they did have a big social media presidents. they were working with the d.c. department of security to try to make it as safe as possible. i want to give the d.c. police a lot of credit. to neutralize the anarchist the day before that were setting things on fire and creating such many riots that they actually put people's lives in danger and gave all protesters are bad name. this was for the most part very, very peaceful. people came together and felt good. at the end i was looking at the signs for standing rock, anti-misogyny, reproductive rights, and i thought what do you want to come from all of this? what is the ultimate point of the exercise?
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>> meghan: we have been talking about celebrities and the lack of impact, madonna made a speech that is getting a lot of attention. >> it took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the [bleep] up. and to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything [bleep] you. [bleep] you. yes, i have thoughts an awful lot about blowing up the white house. but i know that this will change anything. >> harris: so that was a line -- speed to keep it classy. >> harris: class is free, but you do have to own it. that is a line that really disturbed me. that is taking it really too far. eventually had to come out and
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clarify. basically the clarification was, don't take my words too seriously. i am paraphrasing her, in other words, i'm not relevant. really quickly, let me just talk about all of the women who were there. i don't think that you ignore the fact that they were organized in all of that. they do have a message. i agree with kennedy. it is hard to narrow it down and figure out what the message is, my question is how is it possible that all of those issues erupted immediately when donald trump was sworn in? did they not exist 48 hours before? did they not want to embarrass the last president by organizing a 1 million women will march to say that this is bothering me? the majority of them said, you know from being out there that that wasn't why they were there. what is the goal? it is like a female occupy, what is the goal? >> julie: well, the goal is exactly what the tea party's goal was, they are opposed to where the direction is going under president trump.
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>> harris: day one. >> julie: the tea party waited about 30 seconds. they are going to organize and have the roads that fit -- resentment has listen to them. and madonna does not speak for 1 million women. >> meghan: she does not speak for anyone. she has not been popular in eight years. ...what you love. ensure. always be you. on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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you don't want to see that. >> michael flatley. >> how about we keep it going online with some michael flatley dancing?, click the overtime tab or go to facebook live, we are back tomorrow at noon eastern. "happening now" now. >> jenna: we start with a fox news alert, new reaction as president trump withdraws from a signature trade deal of the obama administration. >> jon: senator john mccain calling it a serious mistake that will have lasting consequences. we are covering all of the news "happening now." >> what we want to do is bring manufacturing back to our country. >> jon: president trump gets down to work and has a full week as commander-in-chief. the new president schedules early meetings with business and congressional leaders. here from the white house with the first official briefing set for this hour. plus, i could be the first foreign policy test for the trump administration. a new warning from north k


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