tv Hannity FOX News January 24, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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check with the producers, yes, that counts. [laughs] our feelings are unscathed. you can do better next week. that is it for us, sean hannity coming up. >> sean: tonight, "hannity" is back in our nation's capital as president trump who is back on day five of his administration. plus, the trump administration continues to push back against the tax from the liberal alt left radical mainstream >> they don't report something, they get facts wrong. >> sean: we will take you inside 1600 pennsylvania avenue for a sit down with the white house press secretary, spicer. and president trump meets with u.s. auto bankers. >> we are bringing manufacturing back to united states. >> sean: former speaker of the house newt gingrich will react to all of this. also senator ted cruz joins us and we will talk to members of congress about president trump's
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agenda. "hannity" from washington, d.c., starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight, we are back in washington, d.c. we are going to show you my sitdown interview with press secretary sean spicer. that's coming up in just a couple minutes. but first, the trump administration is making it very clear to the liberal alt-left mainstream media that the old days are doing business are over. t that is tonight's opening monologue. so, the liberal mainstream media is getting a major wake-up call from the trump administration. new white house products secretary sean spicer is making it known that accountability between the white house and p press will now go both ways. watch this exchange, from yesterday. >> is a your intention to always tell the truth from this podium? and pledge to never knowingly say something that is not factual? >> yes, it is an honor to do
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this. we have to be honest with the american people. i think we can disagree with the facts. there are certain things that we may miss -- may not fully understand when we come out. we are never to lie to you,e jonathan. if we make a mistake, we will do our best to correct it. as a mention of the other day, it is a two-way street. there are many mistakes the media makes all the time. they must report something, they don't report something, they get a fact wrong. i don't think that is always to turn around say you are intentionally lying. >> sean: predictably, even though he has only been on the job for five days, the media is already going after sean spicer. really, really hard. watch this. >> he can still get out. get out now, sean. i set it to kellyanne and i'm saying it to you, sean. it is time to get out. >> the new press secretary saidt i will never lie to you. that's good, but then there was
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that kind of a nixonian moment when it gets back to this obsession of the size of the crowd of the inauguration. >> here's one thing where i agree with someone of my colleagues that reporters who have worked in authoritarian regimes, i myself was in china for seven years. that first briefing reminded me of some of the briefings have been to in beijing. a lot of reporters who have worked in places like china, russia, and cuba might have a pretty good advantage going into covering the trump administration. >> sean: lectures from dan rather, really? the media is going to be doing stuff like this for the next four years. if members of the press, if they want to start with a clean slate, they need to come forward and they need to admit that they are bias and they openly colluded as we pointed out many times of the clinton campaign, all of the mainstream media pretends to be unbiased seekers of truth, here's what they won't tell you. according to the center from public integrity, a whopping 96t
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of money that journalists donated to the two major presidential campaigns went to hillary clinton. as for collusion, wikileaks exposed how the clinton campaign was in direct contact with basically every major news organization except for the fox news channel. these media outlets allowed stories to be changed, post to be altered, they leaked debate questions. advanced the clinton campaign agenda just to give you a few examples. what this comes down to is really simple. if members of the media, if you want to actually do your jobs for once, and you have been pretty lazy as of late, and you want to be fair, then there
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shouldn't be any problems.s. if they don't want to do that, the people from the trump administration clearly will be calling you out and setting the record straight. earlier today, i sat down with sean spicer in the roosevelt room in the white house to talk about this and much more. take a look. sean spicer, how are you?ha >> good, thank you for coming by. >> sean: a couple of days on the job. that is a hostile room. >> we have to be ready to get in there. >> sean: let's talk a little bit about the relationship with the media and the trump administration. a lot of people in that room that we now know through wikileaks colluded with hillary clinton's campaign. helped her campaign. >> i don't think that is any shocker. i think the media by and large, has never been conservative leaning by any measure. but the fact of the matter is is that that is not a surprise. we can either continue to complain about it or we can continue to do what we can to get the facts out and get our message out. there's a difference between complaining and calling it out. when they are not being accurate or when they are misleading their narrative, it's incumbent
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upon of us to make sure that we are out there explaining our side and why we believe something. the fact that we are using to make our case. >> sean: you are very passionate this weekend over what was a fake news story. the term everybody seems to be using now. e. martin luther luther king's bust, that was removed. i was just in there. that bust still exists. t >> what i get frustrated with is the double standard in the rush to click instead of get it right. we all make mistakes. i make them all the time. and i think that what has happened is there is his m previous position in the media to especially with this president to assume he can't do certain things. he wasn't going to run, he wasn't going to win a primary, that he can win michigan, he wouldn't win iowa, why is he wasting his time in pennsylvania? then this vote was going to happen and now the nominees aren't going to get through. n in every case, he has defied the odds and won. the interesting thing is, at
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some point, the disposition should be he is going to do itds unless we can prove otherwise. he has shown through every step of the way that he's going to win. it's just odd that if those are the odds, if you are looking at his track record, the track record is a proven track record of success and winning. yet, the media is whether it's hasn't nominees getting true or winning a primary or accomplishing something of its immediately negative and a failure. >> sean: we have learned a lot from wikileaks. a couple of people that moderated debates, martha raddatz was crying, crying the night when it was announced he was the president but she moderated a presidential debate. john harwood, we learned a number of things about him from wikileaks. i am thinking how did they get to that position if they are that one-sided? are they going to let me moderate a debate? i hope so. >> i'm for it. look at, i think that's
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interesting. for as much heat as fox takes in particular, you look at an outlet like msnbc, which is by no means, they are far to the left. over and over again, they are treated by their colleagues as being a mainstream news source. i think that goes for other writers asas well. as i said, if you are on the conservative side, this is nothing new. this is a battle we fightt every day. the lucky thing for us us through the beauty of talk radio and new sites that are poppingng up day in and day out, the daily signal, over and over we are seeing people gravitatey toward sites because they recognize the mainstream media is not the only team in town anymore. >> sean: none of these mainstream media outlets defended me the many times that obama mentioned to me by name or fox news channel or talk radio. maybe i am misreading something here, but i watched your first full day press conference.
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there was a certain protocol that existed prior to being there. which is the ap would get the first question, the networks get the second question, the ap, however the lead ap person is, would stand up and say it is you did things very differently by design? >> yes. it's part of this is to make sure that we understand that we have to have a healthy relationship.y i think that there is a desire to bring new voices i think "the new york post" represents something. does the first question. it's the president's hometown paper. the question went to the christian broadcasting network, the second question. they have a magnificent audience. it's not just there audience that matters. then i went to univision. there are voices and issues tha. the mainstream media sometimes doesn't capture. it is important for those issues to get as much prominence as some of the mainstream ones.
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that is not saying that maybe tomorrow i call on the ap first. maybe nbc at some point. or fox first. different outlets who have different audiences and different issues should have an opportunity to get those issues up front.ti maybe by hearing from the christian broadcasting network would have been drownedd out. it brings up an issue to more prominence that may not have gotten the attention. >> sean: you had an opportunity to get out of the room faster. the lead person for the ap stood up and said -- >> they said thank you very much. i indicated i was going tooi kep going. i think it's important -- i also want to let the press know that there is nothing we are afraid of.
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we want to be out there and enter all the questions we could.oo i think i stayed for 90 minutes. that room was packed. it is a very small room. part of that was we wanted to take questions as long as we could. but i think they were getting a little tired too and hot. >> sean: some of the questions, in my honesty and integrity, i think i would get a little hot. i think i'm kind of loud because i'm an opinion host on fox. jonathan karl, are you going tog be honest with us? isn't that another way of saying, are you going to lie to us? there is a certain insulting quality i believe to the question. >> this is something i said earlier, sean. we all make mistakes. one of the questioners in the room during that first press conference said what are youn going to submit your nominees to the supreme court? i joked, i said do we get more than one?mi i don't think they knew thee facts but i could've capitalized on their mistake. but i didn't. i think there is this two-way street that doesn't always get -- exist. >> sean: wouldn't that be a case with kellyanne? an alternative set of facts.
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>> and what she meant by this is what we reached out to one group of folks and there was another group that did that and again, we weren't by any means trying to mislead anyone. we thought that the facts that were coming in, and the time that were given to respond were accurate.. there are times like anything else, it's not alternative sometimes you can watch two different stations and get two different weather reports. it doesn't mean that the station was lying to you. >> sean: i have known kellyanne for 20 years. we have a different perspective than you. that's what i took it to be. >> the press was trying to make it seem like we were ignoring the facts. when you look at a situation sometimes, in the same way you can look at a weather report. one weather report comes out and says it's going to be cloudy and the next one since it is going to be light rain. nobody lied to you interpreted the data in a way that you felt got you to a conclusion. this idea that we are immediately lying because -- let's take the audience.
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we were right. if you add up the number of people who watched that online, on twitter, twitter live, facebook live, youtube, it broke all sorts of records. even cnn got 6.9 million people watching it online. and yet you combine it with what fox did online, how many people streamed it, combine all that. where are there facts? because i got called a liar for something i can add up and say here is how we come up with this number. and yet, where is the number that this proves that i am wrong? let's get back to something i was saying earlier. the default was, you are lying. i was willing to put numbers out there. in the case of the transportation part, yeah, -- i used a set of numbers at the metro authority came out with.
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>> sean: they are all sorts of devices. coming up, white house press secretary sean spicer give me a tour of the briefing room earlier today, we are going to play that for you later tonight. but first. >> we have a very big -- plans, many other plans.ri you are not being singled out. a lot of plans from a lot of different items. l built into the united states. >> sean: president trump, he met with members of the u.s. auto industry today at the white house. we will have reaction from newt gingrich. quick programming note by the way. this thursday, i will be interviewing president donald trump at the white house. you don't want to miss it. that is this thursday, dvr that and more as we continue "hannity" from washington.e we♪ ♪ ♪
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now >> alive from america's news headquarters, i am jackie bonnie is in new york. mr. trump tweeting about the city's gun violence "it chicago doesn't fix the horrible crimes going on, i will send in the feds. the city's murder rate rose to 762, the highest level in 20 years. chicago mayor rahm emanuel responded saying there is a lot the federal government can do to help, especially when it comes to gun control. central prosecutors offering fritos a suspected gunman who was inspired by the so-called pizza gate. edgar madison welch drove to washington, d.c., after reading a debunked internet story, claiming democrats were holding child slaves at a pizzeria. he fired an assault weapon inside but didn't injure anyone. the plea deal has not been disclosed. i am jackie ibanez, now back to "hannity" ."
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." day five of the trump administration. the president has been extremely busy. he is calling for them to create more jobs right here in america. watch this. >> we have a very big push to have auto plan and other plans. you're not getting singled out. but to have a lot of plans from a lot of different items. built in the united states. it's happening. it's happening big league. we had whirlpool up here yesterday. construction facilities. it's not the construction i want although that brings jobs, it's a long term jobs that we are looking for. we are bringing manufacturing back to the united states, big league. we are reducing unnecessary regulations. >> sean: also president trump,
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he signed five executive actions related to the pipelines. for starters, he wants to renegotiate some of the terms for the keystone xl pipeline and dakota access pipeline. joining us now, newt gingrich. i don't think i've ever seen so much happen in such a short period of time.. what was obama doing all those days there? >> how consequential it is, that's part of the difference. he is turning the state.'s he's doing it on item after item. he is meeting with a lot of people. he meets with construction unions, talk about a great meeting it is. >> sean: union people have never been in the oval office until donald trump. the heart and soul of the democratic base. >> i watch them right now with good admiration. i thought his inaugural address was spectacular. i'm going to talk at heritage tomorrow about putting it in a context. i compared it with lincoln's first inaugural. a great lincoln scholar wrote an outline i used saying this is
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how parallel the two guys are. and what they are trying to communicate in their firstg inaugural. >> sean: didn't he say we're going to do the keystone pipeline, we will create 28,0000 jobs just there, then the dakota pipeline. he said we are going to use steel from america this time. >> i think you're going to see a constant driving effort to rebuild the american economy. he believes in it. and he knows it is at the heart of his coalition. if he ends up creating a lot ofe jobs, he's going to get reelected, congress is going to face enormous pressure. imagine you are a michigan democrat. watching all the guys come in and say we would love to create jobs in michigan but we need the regulation, better tax policy, et cetera. are you going to vote with trump? if he could create jobs in michigan? >> sean: you've got gm. billion dollars. ford, rather.
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they are now moving their plans to america. fiat chrysler. carrier, apple, alibaba wants to create 1 million jobs. they want to build a $7 million plant. adding 10,000 new jobs. that's like 2 million jobs, five days in office. >> what happened late on the night of november 8th, every executive in america looked up, breathed a huge sigh of relief and every day since then things have get been getting better and better. >> sean: 75 plus percent -- >> it's the right goal. the key thing is if you are a business executive and do you watch the cabinet he is making, he is bringing in real winners who know how to create jobs. who know how to get things done and who know how to negotiate. >> sean: you talk to this we can about to go thanks schumer's position being indefensible. he will not support anybody that trump puts out there. and of the second thing with the
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media. rewrite the book, basically. >> totally. >> sean: if they can't get -- get closure on the supreme court that they follow harry reid's nuclear option? >> i believe mitch mcconnell. mcconnell has said we will be approved. period. >> sean: i have been critical of him, i give him a lot of credit on holding back that seat the way he did and making it an election issue this year. what about the media? >> i think they ought to go to a much bigger room and i think 25% of the room ought to be citizens. you have to give up this idea that you have to have pro-obama left-wing supporters who are cynical and despising as the basic people you answer to. >> sean: are you going to put your speeches on the heritage foundation online? >> in the spring there will be a book.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." at we broadcast from our nation's capital, we are in washington, d.c. still with us, newt gingrich. okay, to me, everything is about the promise. extreme vetting, building then wall, energy independence, education back to the states, corporate tax rates, repatriation. that is a huge, bold agenda. >> the historic importance of his inaugural is that he is stuck to who he is. he didn't try to pander,
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appease, he said look, i was elected and he didn't use i. obama, it would be a sentence. >> sean: i think in obama's last speech it was 79. >> he said we, the people. he said we are going to fix the establishment. we are going to change this city. we are going to do these key things. we are going to do it in the name of america. it is a very patriotic speech. >> sean: you and i early on discussed nationalism, populism, versus conservatism. refugees vetted, repatriation, the middle class, energy independence, what part of this agenda is not conservative? >> i think it is overwhelmingly conservative. but i tell my conservativeve friends two key things. every time you're about to get angry with president trump, close your eyes, think the phrase, "president g hillary clinton" and give him a break. nothing he's going to do for the
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next four years will be like one day of hillary. second, he may be the most effective antileft president in modern times. >> sean: he said it on the campaign. >> i said, he is anti-pc, antileft, anti-stupidity and he is deeply pro-american. which of those values shouldn't make a conservative happy? >> sean: i agree. he wants a 10% reduction in the size of government. that is significant. you know baseline budgeting better than anybody.uc a 20% reduction of the workforce in washington. simultaneously before he got into office, the republican congress made the debt ceiling $9.7 trillion. that doesn't sound like limited9 government. how will the smashed the ability? >> i'm not so certain that the
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trump team didn't feel it was okay just to get the debt ceiling out of the i way. the fight we would get into every two or three years where the last five guys held you up to pass something. i met with the chairman of the judiciary, all of them want to work with trump. every single one of them wants to work with trump. i sensed nothing but a positive feeling. i was with the senator from colorado, absolutely -- >> sean: you have full confidence that the republican house and senate will support this trump agenda and is not going to be doing a lot of fighting? >> that is how the constitution is designed, a lot of arguing. senator alexander, started the hearing on betsy devos at 5:00 at night. gave each democrat 5 minutes to ask questions and as susan collins pointed out, they wasted half of their 5 minutes
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complaining and whining. and then they said good luck, see you later. i couldn't help but call them out and say this is exactly what you have to do if you have to lead. we are going to get -- mitch mcconnell has said, every single cabinet member is going to be approved. >> sean: when we come back, texas senator ted cruz will join us in studio. that is next. we visited capitol hill to talk to a handful of republican lawmakers about enacting president trump's agenda. we will show you what they had to say and also later tonight, sean spicer. you see that? i got to stand behind that podium and took questions from liberals in the media. that and more tonight on "hannity," from washington, d.c. e baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance.
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joining us with reaction, texasa senator ted cruz. >> good to be with you. >> sean: how do you feel about the agenda and the first few days so far? >> i could not be more encouraged. we are five days into it. but the cabinet appointments have been phenomenal. this is an all-star cabinet. the most conservative cabinet we have seen in decades.. >> sean: do you like the list? we are going to hear next week, of 21 people? >> i think it is a strong list, a serious list. w hopeful and encouraged. what i hope we see is -- >> sean: i see him thursday, should i say put ted cruz's name in there? tpy >> i am very happy in the senate. the senate is going to be the battleground. but i've encouraged the president and the administration is to go with someone with a proven track record. historically, when we've gotten in trouble -- >> sean: this is scalia's we need and originalist. >> every time someone says trust
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me but there was no paper trail, it has been 100% of the time a train wreck. >> sean: if he follows through on his threat which is he's not going to support anyone on that list, should they use a nuclear option? >> do whatever it takes to get him confirmed. praise mitch mcconnell. what mitch has had to the republican congress, he is encouraged all of us to go out and say we will confirm president trump's nominees, the democrats will not succeed in filibustering those nominees. i think that is fabulous, i agree with him and i look forward to help him lay that down. >> sean: i've been critical of mitch mcconnell too and i think that he held back is a big deal. big issue in the campaign. it's become mitch mcconnell and chuck grassley, they both stood strong and endured a lot of heat for it. i enthusiastically praise them.
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>> sean: i don't think you and i disagree on many issues. let's look at it through the prism of donald trump's agenda. repatriation, vetting refugees, originalist on the court, energy independence, repeal and replace obamacare. and school choice. do think all these things can get done? anything he's proposing that you disagree with? >> i am very encouraged.d. the platform that donald trump ran on was a conservative platform. issue after issue, issues that you believe and i believe. >> sean: but you had doubts. >> sure. the week after the election as you know, i flew up to new yorku and sat down with him. w >> sean: that was important. >> i spent five and a half hours there.. spent most of the day with the president and his team and thehe message i convey to them was a listen, this is a historic opportunity.he it doesn't happen often. i want to do everything humanly
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possible to help lead the fight. >> sean: would it be great if all these things got done for once? >> we would be talking about it forever, we've been talking about itul forever. we have the opportunity to be the most productive congress in decades but we could screwed upi congress could screw it up. and the way we do that is we don't do what we said. >> sean: keep your promises. you are pushing school choice in particular. if we sent education back to the states, let them decide. >> absolutely. this is school choice week. it is a civil rights issue of the 21st century. president trump nominating betsy devos education secretary. that was a bold pick. she has been a national leader on school choice. this week in texas, the texas legislature has taken up school choice. the governor, lieutenant governor. >> sean: both are great guys
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by the way. so if you took away the a texas job growth, we would've been an negative jobs created in america. >> texas is a great example of taking government off the backs of small we need to deliver ono repealing obamacare. this year, president trump is poised to have massive victories if we repeal obamacare, confirm a strong conservative supreme court justice, tax reform, if we pass the legislation that i've introduced with the lindsey graham to cut off u.s. taxpayer funds of therm united nations, until they reverses anti-israelf resolutions, those are massive victories. >> sean: i would like to energy independence. >> hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. >> sean: coming up, a tour of the white house. but first tonight, we went to capitol hill.
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we spoke with some republican lawmakers about the new administration and more. we will play you part one as "hannity" continues from sin city, our nation's capital, washington, d.c. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance ♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance.
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"hannity." we want to capitol hill and sat down with five of our nations lawmakers, representatives louie gohmert, mark meadows, marsha blackburn, jim jordan, scott perry, and i asked them how they will help implement president trump's agenda and much more. take a look. when we go back a little bit. when congress said they would repeal and replace obamacare, and it did not get done and they didn't use the power, did that because part of the creation of trump in 2014, the executive amnesty, but that part of the creation of donald trump? >> you bet it was. a string of a broken promises. broken promises, rather. he did not keep our word and that absolutely gave rise to trump. it was this feeling that arose in the tea party, when the democrats let the country down, forced obamacare through and a bunch of other things, spiking cost of energy, obama continued to do that. we really didn't stop it.
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>> sean: mark, let me ask you. john boehner said we wanted to step down the government. kind of mocking those that wanted to use enumerated power of the purse. was he right? >> we got to use that power. that's the only power that ween have, sean. when you really look at it it comes back to that deficit ofme trust. that's kind of what you were talking about. p the american people have lost trust that elected officials would come to washington, d.c., campaign one way back home and cup here and legislate a different way. we really need to be aboutut rit now is upholding our promises to the people. even if it sends us home. i think that that is theig key that sometimes, we are worried more about our own job security than the job security of americans across -- from coast-to-coast. >> sean: does not mean term limits should be a good idea?
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>> i'm all for term limits. >> sean: we don't want to lose it. >> they have more power than anybody in the city.y the bureaucrats. >> you have got to make certain that there is a way to get inside the bureaucracies because if you want to truly reform the size, scope and the cost of the federal government, you have to be able to reach in there and eliminate positions that have outlived their usefulness and to reshape how these departments and agencies work. >> sean: that brings up donald trump's proposal, a 20% reduction in the labor force, nonmilitary. and he is also talking about a 10% across the board cuts in government. >> i love that. every year, and these guys all support -- >> sean: i know we talk about this a lot. >> you have to do that in discretionary spending.
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and then go drill down on some of the entitlement and begin to pull it out. sean, i'll tell you what, when you look at the operational costs of all of these agencies, i don't care what the agency is. there is a lot of waste that is in there. a lot of fraud, a lot of abuse. and what we need is one person who -- it is their job to go dig down on that and work with us in congress to root it out. this is our shot. of really getting it done. this is our shot. >> sean: congressman perry, if you look at the interim period between his victory and inauguration on friday, there was a $9.7 trillion debt increased by the republican party? wow. that is as much debt as obama
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gave us in eight years. why would republicans were supposed believe in limited government and balanced budgets, why would they support that. >> it's a vehicle, open -- it opens the gate to repeald obamacare. many of us i think are sitting here saying if it can be $9.7 trillion, why can't it be any number we make it? what we constantly hear is the other body won't vote for that. to which i would say, if this is just a number, just a vehicle, if they won't vote for it now, what are they going to do when it is real? >> sean: i might have read this wrong but do we have the majority? >> hopefully this is building the pressure but i don't think any person here is going to vote for a real budget. we all want a balanced budget. probably everybody here is either a sponsor of a balanced budget amendment. that's of the constitution, fiscal issues is what brought every person sitting here to this place. >> sean: you are the founder, jim, of the freedom caucus. mark took your presidency away,
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the chairmanship. you are the original chairman. the freedom caucus i think in large part was a check to the republicans if they were too establishment or were not adhering to their principles. >> the countless number of families that feel like this town has forgotten them. what should we be doing now with president trump and the fact that we control all of congress? do what we told the voters we are going to do. do what they sent us here to do. you think about fair to respond to executive amnesty, and a trade deal that wasn't best for the country. those two issues along with obamacare, when we failed to doo what we told the voters we were all about on the amnesty in particular, president obama signed the executive order, we say we are going to fight tooth and nail -- and then we don't do it? that is when trump took off and then when president trump talked about trade deals that are good
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for america. free trade, but good for ffamerica. >> sean: coming up next, a special tour of the white house press briefing room with press secretary, sean spicer. please stay with usec the newly advanced gle can see in your blind spot. onboard cameras and radar detect danger all around you. driver assist systems pull you back into your lane if drifting. and will even help you brake, if necessary. it makes driving less of a production. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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like paperless, multi-car,e and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i'm actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, so... where's your belly button? [ sighs ] i've got to start booking better gigs.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." earlier today while i with at the white house, the press secretary sean spicer gave me a tour of the briefing room. take a look at this. if i stand behind there, i am in trouble, right? >> no, take a couple questions. are any of the liberal media here? >> sean: this is your podium, now this room is very packed. >> 49 seats every day get. as you see on tv, they line line walls. ask questions. >> sean: they are always so fun to friendly. are you being dishonest with us? >> it's the greatest part of the job to come out and deliver the message on what the president has been able to accomplish.
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>> sean: how do you decide who you are going to choose? >> some reporters will say i've got a question i would like to ask. a question that is hot. or you know what a particular reporter is covering, you want to get that out in front early. we are only on day two. >> sean: it's funny, for every hour of radio i do, i do at least two hours of prep. for every press conference, i would imagine -- coat >> we get in early. just before 7:00. then start reading what is going on. where we think a lot of the questions are going to come. meshing that with making sure we know what the president is going to be doing that day. confirming that, making sure what actions, what meetings he is going to have. >> sean: do see the president most days before coming out here? >> so far, so good. it's my job to make sure that i know what key messages he wants to drive, if there's anything in
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particular or of interest to him so that i am communicating it effectively. >> sean: how t do you decide who gets the seat? >> it's all done by the press conference association. >> sean: it where is "hannity"'s seat? >> front row, second one in. each of the network sits in the front. then it goes back and it is one of the issues that helps -- you can apply for a seat. if any reporter is here, they can apply for a daily pass. if you want to be part of the daily press conference, we announce the launch, an opportunity for us to bring four reporters in from around the country that don't have the ability. skype seats. bring in someone who doesn't live inside the belt. local reporters, talk radio show hosts who might be able to add a perspective on an issue that is not getting covered on the briefing. >> sean: is my 38th year and i've never been invited.
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that's a shame. you change the order -- i would like to come to one of these. >> anytime you want. i don't know if fox would give me their seat. john roberts, we are good friends. >> squeeze in. it's a big seat. >> sean: so you spend all those hours and you come out here and how have you -- how do you feel it's going so far? >> i think it's going really well. >> sean: i saw some laughing. >> it's been driven by the success of the president. that's what's made the job easy to do. when he's accomplishing as much as he is, you are able to come out and talk about it. he has a clear vision from where he wants to take this country. that makes the job easy. he's doing it. >> sean: unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. we will be back in washington tomorrow night. thursday night, we'll have cable
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exclusive interview with the president of the united states, donald trump. thursday, 10:00 p.m. thanks for being with us, have a great -- >> he was practicing that all morning in the mirror. >> bret: he was hoping for better things. [laughter] thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for tonight's "special report." fair, balanced, and unafraid. "the first 100 days" hosted by my friend, martha maccallum, starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> martha: president donald trump barreled through the work day at a breakneck pace, pushing forward th delayed to keystone and dakota pipeline and working deals with the car folks. i'm martha maccallum and that is day five of the first 100. so, while all that was happening at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, democrats dug in their heels and grilled his nominees. here is day five. >> this is with regard to the construction of the keystone pipeline. we will see if we can get that pipeline belt.
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