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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  January 25, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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remember that the spin stops right here. we will definitely be looking out for you. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." president trump announced an inauguration crack town. but is it enough? someone says he's already betraying his promises campaign promises. one of its chief architects is going to join us to discuss its decline and fall and to defend but first, a "wall street journal" report reveals that the tenacious but unverified 35 page dossier published by buzzfeed news. it had been co-opted by russian intelligence and hardly proves the documents liability to have
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its claims come from a businessman instead of intelligent sources. why did buzzfeed publish it in the first plates? joining us now is ben smith, editor-in-chief of the buzzfeed news. instead of only presenting known facts, they left it to readers to reckon with a messy reality. i know you have taken a lot of flak for this. let me just ask the obvious question which is, let's say i had an unverified document given to me by one of your enemies claiming that you had committed a crime. let's say that was in the hands of law enforcement but they did not press charges against you. we had no evidence at all but it was true but i did know that releasing it would greatly damage your reputation. should i release it? of course, i would never publish a lot because it would be unfair. >> you're just asking questions, tucker, i appreciate it. that's a great way to frame it
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and a great question. i really appreciate you having me on because i don't think we agree on this, watching the show but i want to make my case to the audience. you should not publish that document if you have it, i think it was briefed to the president of the united states, if members of the senate were sending out press releases and making dark intimations about it but not saying anything and then it was reported that there was a document and it referred to certain crimes but we are not going to show the the document, i would probably say, let people see the thing that is being referred to. that is certainly how we made our decision. if you look at my at replies on twitter right now, you can probably see people making allegations like that about me and you right now all day everyday. i think most consumers of information right now realize the avatar may not speak the truth but but between something you have nailed down and has nad
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down in under journalism and american politics, information that is being fought over at the highest levels of journalism, politics, i think there are reasonable arguments. in a way, made these decisions about monica lewinsky years ago. what you say this document that is being fought over -- by the way except the public has seen, we don't have any special powers. what point does the audience say we can see this too and we can deal with the fact that it's clearly labeled as unverified? which is what we did. >> tucker: i kind of get it. what you're saying is because famous people are gossiping about it and because -- >> the president of united states. >> tucker: a famous person. they gossip too. >> a document by the way is if free, public document. >> tucker: the difference
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between what you did is it's not true. we hear stuff like this all the time. eight years ago, there is some guy in chicago who claim to have committed creepy and illegal acts with then senator barack obama. he went and filed a sworn statement with law enforcement. most of us chose not to repeat those charges because we didn't want to amplify them because we didn't know if they were true and by repeating them, we would do grave damage to a man's reputation. in this case, barack obama who have never liked. >> that he was a muslim, particularly crazy thing you referred to and then later, the questions about his birth certificate. they are the same because they weren't secret, they were out there. people were already hearing them. in a way, it is an analogy i think because for reporters who come from traditional newspaper background, the instinct is what
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you just said. don't go spreading -- if nobody hasn't heard this before, why would you tell them. i think we moved into a different moment. what i found when i was covering iowa and 2007, 2008. while the voters had heard this stuff. whether it was on the internet or talk radio. we were being to scream u squeamish to refer to. this seems totally insane and here's a bunch of reasons to think it's insane but i'm not going to do the clean enhancings thing of saying i won't touch it. that was appropriate with the muslim stuff, when donald trump started talking about the birth certificate but the media did not say we are going to cut that portion of what he said. here's all the reasons it's nonsense but we will restate the claim. it's not an exact parallel but we are living in this world where there's tons of unverified information and we have to figure out ways to help our audience navigate and reckon with that. rather did them just to ignore it. >> tucker: point of fact, he
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didn't help them navigate, you just printed it. here's what bothers me about your explanation. i'm for openness and transparency. but by setting yourself up as a champion of press freedom, york slightly just and done u.s. disingenuous. which is online and i read this from buzzfeed, "we firmly believe that for a number of issues including civil rights, lgbt equality, there are not two sides." it struck me, is that almost a theological statement, instead of journalism which is third always another side. anyone who disagree should be ignored. that is a statement of activism, isn't it? >> absolutely not, i doubt that fox news has a view that there are two sides on whether you should be racist or not. i think that is in some sense -- a lot of news organizations don't put out or make explicit
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that implicit point, that you are not going to cover racists like they have a legitimate point of view. >> tucker: i will tell you exactly how. clearly, buzzfeed news has a pretty open political agenda. masquerading as journalism. >> is it open or is it masquerading? >> tucker: it is open and obvious for those of us were trying to pay attention. i think you are hiding behind journalistic standards. the day the supreme court ruled on gay marriage, you wrote this, "the supreme court ruling today, astonishing to me as much as we all knew it was coming, marks the story that has helped define buzzfeed as we've grown and one that we should be proud of playing a big part in." that sounds like a press release, not something a journalist would write. >> what i was saying there was that we covered the hill out of
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that story. we took it seriously before it was a story. if you talk to advocates on other sides, we were a central voice on a big story. i think it's interesting. we can cover the stories extremely fairly. i think i would in fact refer you to -- there is a moment a couple of years ago, a reporter covered international gay rights in the traditional backlash against him. got barred from a vatican gathering for writ of her -- and a man named steve bannon wrote an article about it on his web site. >> tucker: how can anybody's think that anyone is for racism? >> that was an editorial statement you made, a totally obvious on political. >> tucker: here are some recent buzzfeed articles here in
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the headlines. white people are a plague to the planet. 29 things white people ruined. join the revolution, stop the white people. i know this is kind of a pc brooklyn way. >> don't blame brooklyn for this. this is a joke and this is you being humorless which i feel like as a thing that fox news is not known for. refusing to take a joke and taking a joke in making -- i am really sorry that you are offended by that, tucker. >> tucker: you are not it comedian, you don't get to retreat into comedian mode. >> this isn't part of buzzfeed news. buzzfeed entertainment. >> tucker: let me ask you something that it is. you had in open position for a journalism fellowship. before he understood that your practices were barred by employment law, you opened it
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open only to journalists of color. you barred people based on the color of their skin. maybe you can every educate me on what racism is. >> it was aimed at people of color. i think lots of companies try to recruit as i diverse workforce. including buzzfeed. there also very clear, legal restrictions on how exactly you can go about recruiting. >> tucker: you advertised. >>the law stopped you from doing what you tried to do, which is exclude people from the job on the basis of your screen color. >> i'm not suggesting you're being humorless here. >> tucker: why is that not textbook racism? if you exclude someone for their
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skin color, why is that not racist what you did? >> i understand there is a broad debate over affirmative action -- i guess i don't think that recruiting or trying to bring out a device workforce is that. i don't think you think that either. >> tucker: i'm not talking about generalities, obviously them for that. i am talking about boring people on the basis of their skin color from a job, it's really clear. why is that not racism? you didn't think it was. ethically, why is that okay with you? >> recruiting a diverse workforce is something that inevitably -- and all the big affirmative action cases, there is an argument about does bringing in one group mean that other people are getting excluded?
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there are tons of complicated laws. >> tucker: just give me a straight answer. >> i do not see that as racist, correct. >> tucker: let's have lunch and kind of hammer out the definition. great to see you. president trump took its first major immigration action today. he announced two executive orders that should build a wall on the mexican border. john roberts, tell us what happened. >> tucker, good evening. i went to so many of his campaign events and there was kind of a running but going among people. was donald trump promising to build a wall just to get votes? and then fall to political pressure once he got into office? or was he really going to do it? at the department of homeland security, president donald trump answer that question big league as he would say with an executive order directing the
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general john kelly to begin the construction of a border wall. he didn't stop there. including another of other measures to increase border security and cut the ties of illegal immigration. he wants to hire 5,000 more border patrol agents, triple the number of ice agents, and withhold federal funding from sanctuary studies. the president insists that these measures will be good not only for the united states, but mexico as well. why, you say? it will stop the flow of central american migrants through mexico to the united states and would also put a big dent on cross-border drug trafficking. as he did many times on the cantering trail, president trump made the emotional argument to enhance border security. inviting a number of parents whose children were killed by illegal aliens. >> nothing can ever make their pain go away but i want you to know, your children will not have lost their lives for no reason. >> a lot more too coming,
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tucker. stemming immigration from countries that are hotbeds of terrorism. resident trumpets expec expecteo suspend at least temporarily visas from places like iraq, syria, yemen, sudan, somalia, libya. he's also expected to reduce the number of refugees that are allowed into this country and potentially suspend all refugees from syria on a temporary basis until the so-called extreme vetting measures are in place. we will hear about that friday and also, more to come including that deferred action for childhood arrivals. that may not happen this week, tucker. maybe sometime next week or soon after that. back to you. >> tucker: thank you, john. coming up next, the leader of an anti-immigration group that says despite what you might have heard, trumpets in fact perpetuating barack obama's amnesty policies. he joins us next to exclaim exactly what he means. obamacare prices are rising rapidly and insurers are disappearing from a bunch of states. one of the lost top architects
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saying it's working. just fine. and it should not be repealed. what is the future of that law? another debate, straight ahead. friend of yours? that's frequent heartburn. it's always lurking around. but i'm safe. i took my prevacid®24hr today. i didn't. one pill prevents the acid that causes heartburn, all day, all night. prevacid®24hr. i have age-related maculare degeneration, amd, he told me to look at this grid every day. and we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd
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>> are you going to direct u.s. funds to pay for this law? will american taxpayers pay for this wall? it will come out of what is happening to mexico. >> we will be starting those negotiations relatively soon. >> of the american taxpayer will pay for the wall at first? >> all it is will they be
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reimbursed at a later date for whatever transaction we will make from mexico. >> tucker: president trump said his new executive orders will strengthen immigration enforcement and restore the rule of law to the country. one factor that is in part fraudulent. the center for immigration studies, saying he's already abandoning key immigration policies from his campaign. he joins us now, so the left is very upset because think he is shutting down the borders and its nativists? you say that's an illusion, he's not doing what he ran on. >> i would say it fraudulent. incomplete is probably the word. the stuff he released today is actually very good, he had two executive orders on interior enforcement and border enforcement. at that stuff is all good. what has not happened is the dhaka program -- the aca progr program. obama can get it through even
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the democratic congress so he just did it on his own. it was one of candidate trumps chief points. talking points was to get rid of the unconstitutional executive orders. and maybe he is still going to do it at some point but it was a very clear i will immediately cancel these orders and it doesn't take that much to do it. he just has to say memo saying hey, stop it and knock it off. >> tucker: you also said does not mean deporting large numbers, just mean stopping that legalization. >> it's a two-year mystique that gives him driver's license, a lot of things. they need to at least stop renewing them and stop issuing new ones and yet they are not doing that. >> tucker: how hard would that be? >> nothing you just call up homeland security and say stop. >> tucker: the administration says that's on the way. >> hopefully. i would be delighted to see that. there is no reason it should not
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have just happened friday afternoon. it is not something like these executive orders that they signed today, were actually kind of detailed. there are a lot of specific statutory citations. it took some lawyer work to put these things together. that doesn't take any lawyer work to simply say suspend processing until further notice. >> tucker: is so is daca the main thing or are there other things you are concerned about? >> daca is the main thing. it may be canceled, daca, still. there is no reason it should have taken this long. the other thing as it is not in the executive orders today, and may well be coming, i hope it is, but something we need to understand. turning the magnet of jobs off. it's an essential part, probably the most important part of enforcement. but it wasn't in the executive orders today and i'm looking forward to seeing them at some point. >> tucker: there is a powerful
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lobby in washington that the post of that. >> absolutely, that's why it's been held up so long. two lobbies. one is the obvious ones, business, cheap labor employers. on the left, they say that they are for it, the band of the online -- to make sure companies check with a higher. people on the left say they are for it but they are actually holding it hostage to amnesty. they've prevented it from going into effect. >> tucker: mark, great to see you. the middle east is a strange place. it can always get stranger, of course. two congress men and women, went to assad when they were on the ground. jennifer griffin joins us with the latest on the story. >> in the middle east makes for
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strange bedfellows. congressmacongresswoman tulsi gd they sat down with assad in damascus. >> i did so because i felt it is important that if we profess to truly care about the syrian people, about their suffering, then we've got to be able to meet with anyone that we need to if they up the possibility that we can achieve peace. >> i spoke to dennis and his wife elizabeth as to why they went. >> did president assad have anything to say? >> the efforts of his country, to be able to keep a pluralistic society alive. to be able to withstand 93 different groups coming in from a hundred different countries to try to capsize syria. they are blowing up churches and
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mosques and making it impossible for culture to come back together again. this is a really far beyond what everyone thought it was in 2011. jihadists are using people in syria to train troops. where will they next export the next violence? >> are you concerned about the u.s. teaming up with russia and iran to work with the assad regime? russia and iran have different interests in the u.s. >> i has actually believe that it is important that president trump has morphed forward to build a relationship with russia. if he's able to reach a detente with russia and to work with russia to solve issues of regional security and international security, that can only work out to the benefit of the united states of america. we can no longer afford to spend a treasure abroad. those conflicts over there,
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these terrorist groups are using that region as a training ground and then we've got to worry about it coming back on the united states. >> people consider president assad a war criminal. his regime and military is responsible for nearly 500,000 deaths. how do you reconcile sitting with president assad who largely is seen as a war criminal around the world? >> here's a choice right now that the world has. you can let isa set up camp in damascus and use it to change the entire region, the destruction of christians and muslims, and also the effect on israel that is an avi inevitabl. or you can stabilize region and have syrians choose who they want their leaders to be. >> it was funded by economic and social services, a nonprofit based in cleveland.
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last friday while the president was being inaugurated, russia was renewing a 50 year leave for military bases in syria. >> tucker: it's interesting, as a candidate trumps expressed sympathy as a christian slaughter. i wonder what he agrees with tulsi gabbard's opinion on this. >> the white house may call her in and ask about her trip. >> tucker: think of it out. i'm next, obamacare a appears to be on the brink of ending. we are joined next by a chief architect of it. the highly advanced audi a4, with class-leading horsepower. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through?
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the highly advanced audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. >> tucker: the affordable care act appears to be tottering on the edge of oblivion. 20 million americans only have one option to choose from on obamacare premiums. now the trump administration and republican congress is poised to kill the law completely. jonathan gruber helped craft obamacare and its predecessor with mitt romney. joined us now fro massachusetts. it looks like a pretty strong majority of americans, around 60% want to see the aca repealed entirely or in part. why do you think they feel that
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way? >> the poles have moved a lot, tucker, we don't know where the public is at this point. it is in flux. i think they feel that way because there has been a lot of information, here's a simple example, everyone agrees that obamacare is increasing insurance coverage in america. but if you have americans -- almost have seen that declines have gone up. misinformation has been spread. americans don't understand what this law has done for them. >> tucker: so you famously said the law got passed because of the stupidity of the american voter not understanding the intricacies of the funding of this law. you apologize for that. but it seems like you still feel that way. he said people don't like it because they don't understand it. it's their health care. method that dumb that they don't understand how great it is? >> that was not what i said. i apologized towards, though. there is been a huge amount of mr. mason spread about this law. people don't understand what it's done. let's just take the two facts
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given the introduction. only one choice. for the small share of americans, to buy insurance on ththe dash he said premiums arep 25%. he didn't mention they've been up at 0% the two years before and on average over the last three years have grown slower than the group before the law was passed. it's really about myth explanation of what the law has done. >> tucker: i am amazed that you would see on television and i think i'm quoting exactly -- people don't like it because i don't know what it's done for them. i just want to at re-ask my question. if you are an american, an adult, able to drive, vote, and own a gun that you would be sent to you enough to read about their own health care? what are you saying, exactly? >> what i'm saying is that there's been a huge amount of
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information passed around this law. if you look at the people that are actually benefiting from this law, surveys have gotten benefits from plants that are new on the affordable care act, they vastly approve of those plans. people that oppose the law are people who have not been heard from the law. they just heard in my view, they've heard a lot about information about it. >> tucker: you, made the point, thank you for answering directly and i think honestly. you are saying people benefit from it, like it, i think that is true. some people really like the aca. but the majority doesn't. there is still a majority. i thought this law was supposed to help everybody? >> this law was never supposed to help everybody. the law was explicitly designed first to massachusetts and then for the nation to leave the vast majority of americans alone. employers, the government, were not expected to be affected by this law. in the long term, lowering cost.
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in the near term, the law was designed to fix what was wrong with our system. which was focused on the 20% of americans who did not have health insurance. that was the design of the law. >> tucker: that's not all what i heard the president at the time say. at all. i was there. fine point. let me ask you this, are you really saying there are no victims of this law? >> i'm not saying that. >> tucker: who has been hurt by obamacare? >> two groups. the wealthiest craft payment new taxis and very healthy individuals who benefited from a previously discriminatory insurance market. before interns could kick sick people out. bad for sick people but good for healthy people. if you're young person in the market, you benefited from the fact that sick people were included. ensure everyone, that meant for that some the young, healthy people, their premiums went up.
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>> tucker: you are vilifying the group that are being hurt by this. do you think there is any sort of decent person who is sort of doing his best is just had ancillary damage from this? or is it just who deserves who gets what came from them? >> all i did with state the facts of who the losers are. the wealthiest americans and the people who are healthy is in the market beforehand. i am owning that those people were disadvantaged by the law but let's focus on the fact that there are small number, relative to the people who benefited from the law. many, many, many more people benefited from this law and were hurt dan were hurt by it. you just want to focus on the small number of people who had to pay more for their health insurance. what you want to focus on that group? >> tucker: i want to focus on the over 100 million people who don't like the law and you are saying they just don't know enough to like it. it's been a number of years now and i marvel at that.
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lemme ask you a specific, discrete question. healthy people that are paying more and thank you for conceding that. i wonder why they shouldn't be annoyed that they have to pay for services they don't want or need? why should i be forced to buy a plan that offers things that don't pertain to me in anyway? when that bother me? >> tucker, that's a trivial part of the issue. it's that they are being asked to fairly be in a pool with healthy and sick people. the extra services are a trivial distraction from the problem. >> tucker: i assumed you were an expert on this. i live in d.c. and know the people who got rich from the so-called trivial additions. you can smirk all you want. a lot of these things were added by lobbyists for companies that wound up getting rich. you can see that there are a lot of health care providers who made a lot of dough off this law. a lot of lobbyists too. they are the winners as well? >> health care systems had winners and losers with any law. the health care systems had
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winners and losers just like any law you would pass would create lobbyists, they make money off of any law. that's the nature of the business. >> tucker: because they are forcing people to buy things that they don't want and don't help them. last simple question. why should i be required to buy a plan that covers things that do not apply and will never apply to me such as breastfeeding, prenatal care, substance abuse, counseling, those will never apply to me as a nondrinking man. why should i have to buy those plans? >> well, basically it's a legitimate question you're asking. you might also ask why a woman has to die plan that covers prostate or viagra? that's a legitimate debate to have but rather than having a legitimate debate, which is a small part of the law you villaivillain eyes --
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>> tucker: i'm a bad guy, i asked you a question. what's the answer? >> the answer is that basically as a society, we have to decide what is defined as fair insurance. if republicans don't like that part of the law, then by all means, go ahead and attacked a part of the law. you think the law benefits are too generous? in that's the part of the law you don't like? that's no reason to rip the whole law down. >> tucker: that such a propaganda line. i was arguing that the benefits weren't benefiting. don't call them benefits because they are not. i don't want to buy it, i don't care to have it, therefore it is not a benefit. i'm not arguing it is too generous, i'm arguing it is stupid for my uses. >> i'm not going to agree with the word stupid in this context. tucker, if that is the issue
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that you have with the law, fine. go after it. don't once again what you continue to do, villain eyes and entire law over these small issues. if that's the issue, then great. >> tucker: you didn't answer my question you went right to propaganda. i wasn't saying that or anything even close to that. as you know full well, unfortunately we are out of time. professor, i appreciate it. up next, the candidate from the dnc clinic chair said her job would be to silence white people. kenntammy bruce will be up nexth reaction. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications
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>> my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. my job is to shut other white people down when they want to say oh, no, i'm not prejudiced,
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i am a democrat. we cannot smash voices down when they are trying to scream, listen to me, you don't get it. i am a white woman you. i don't get it. >> tucker: that was sally boyton brown of idaho. fox news contributor says this performance shows the democrats haven't learned nothing from the november election. she joins us now. tammy, thanks for joining us. what is your read on that? >> i was on the left, i saw this building. it really is kind of a cannibalism internally. if you are a democrat, if you are a politician, you want to reach every american. but this is the boiling down of identity politics, that's all they've had. the left liberals, the democrats can't win back on the details of the issue so what they've done is they've separated americans, they've pitted americans against each otherthey may know manipul.
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of course that's about racism, sexism, homophobia and what we are seeing now since they got completely a regional week club, they really kind of boiled down like a sauce, tucker. they are at the heart of what drives them, which is this racialist point of view which is not racism, it's more of everything is seen through race or with feminists. everything is seen through gender. the american people are saying look, we see things through jobs, make account, if my child is going to be safe, war, this is the things that marginalize the party and made them irrelevant. >> tucker: then see themselves as individuals. organizing themselves along tribal lines, tribalism. how does that end up? this is a movie we have seen before in a bunch of periods of history and bunch of different
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countries. the endpoint of this? >> in the countries that are not america, where this kind of power is exuding, large groups of people get killed. because some groups then just like with animal farm, or more special than other groups. you've got to reinforce that throughout society. part of the discussion in the selection of courts has been the forgotten man and woman. they weren't necessarily forgotten, tucker. it is not just white individuals in middle america. it's also people of color in the urban area. anybody who just didn't quite fit. when you begin to look at americans that way, or anyone in the world, you're going to need to put them against each other. the great thing a course about this countries we can have this conversation, we can tell those individuals they are not forgotten, and we can change the dynamic. now you seeing this real meltdown. this dynamic where there is a hysteria. that woman and every candidate
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they are, by the way, most of them who are running for the dnc were doing exactly the same thing. pandering for the lowest common denominator of which ruins frankly all of our lives. >> tucker: it certainly doesn't help their party long-term. tammy, that' does a really smart analysis. up next, our old friend bob beckel. he will be right here in "the friend zone." there he is, ladies and gentlemen. don't change thatwa dial. preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you don't. loudspeaker: clean up, aisle 4. alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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tax refund, you can get an advance on that refund? [zombie] an advance on my tax refund. [john] doesn't take brains to see the value in that. [zombie] ha! [john] arghh. [vo] you can get a refund advance of up to $1250 no interest at block. [john] get your taxes won. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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and they're absolutely right. they say that it's hot... when really, it's scorching. and while some may say the desert is desolate... we prefer secluded. what is the desert? it's absolutely what you need right now. absolutely scottsdale.
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>> tucker: time now for "the friend zone," we have one of our friends who is in the building here at fox. we worked together on an up another network.
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hey, bob. >> congratulations man, i'm so happy for you. >> tucker: one of my favorite things about you, you talked about in public you're not only sober man but you've helped a lot of people, including some i know, and achieve sobriety. one question i'm never asked you it's what were the circumstances of you getting sober? >> well, i will tell you. i was at a bar in southern maryland. a biker bar. the kind of place i used to hang out at. trying to pick this woman up at the bar. i had this feeling there was something behind me. i turned around and there is a guy with the 45 pointed right at my face. he pulled the trigger. it was her hudson. he had not chambered the bullets, thank god. somebody grabbed me from behind, the second bullet blew a 3-foot hole in the building. just before he passed out, i said god, i do not know if you exist, but if you do, this is
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the last drink i ever had. 17 years. >> tucker: that's amazing. i wish i asked you earlier. why would this husband be mad at you? >> tucker, let me ask you this. if your wife was being picked up by me, would you be a little m mad? >> tucker: man, i forgot my gun! >> he was an angry man. >> tucker: that was like martin luther's conversion. an big moment. how to knit another drink again? >> never had another drink again and never done an illegal drug after that. i used to do a lot of illegal drugs, on the cape. the amount of money i spent was unbelievable. anyway, i've worked with drug addicts and alcoholics now. i can't stand them. i really can't. but i was one, so i understand
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where it's coming from. i also do interventions. i got trained as an interventionist which is the most difficult thing you can possibly imagine. >> tucker: so if you were to sincerely, i actually really admire you do, i think it's really important for real, what's the one piece of advice you would give to someone who is starting to think maybe i should not be drinking? >> i would say give yourself 30 days without a drink. if you can do that, and it doesn't bother you, and that you don't obsess over it, then you're probably not an alcoholic. my guess is is if you are thinking you are an alcoholic, 95% of the chance is, you are. it is so jean connected. my father for generations back were alcoholics. my mother's side was two. i was a target from the very beginning. the other thing about it, the thing about alcohol is it's the fastest medicine you can ever get. you take it and everything feels fine for a while.
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and then you don't. >> tucker: that's exactly the way people see it. your book "i should be dead" has a lot of this in it. i would recommend it. bob beckel, thanks a lot for this. >> congratulations again. >> tucker: coming up next, second richest man has some really insightful thoughts about america's direction in the past 30 years. we will have him next. as the one who's always trapped beneath the duvet, i'm begging you... take gas-x. your tossing and turning isn't restlessness , it's gas. gas-x relieves pressure,bloating and discomfort in minutes !! so we can all sleep easier tonight. my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago
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the long lasting scent of gain flings
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the uncertainties of hep c. i don't want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's...
6:59 pm pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. >> tucker: we received an analysis, analyzing american society we will have it later in the week. for now, that's it for us. every night at nine we are going to be here.
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the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. don't forget to watch sean hannity, he is up next. have a great night. this >> tonight, "hannity" is back at the trump wright house as he promises his policies and agenda. hannity: we will take you back and speak to reince priebus. >> from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. >> hannity: then, president trump is pledging to put america first and bringing real change to washington. patrick jay buchanan is here with reaction. then, with chicago's murder rate still exp


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