tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News January 27, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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bill o'reilly will be back for los angeles. please remember, the spin stops here. because we are looking out for you. >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." president trump signed a pair of executive orders fulfilling his pledge from of rifles for dangerous nations, syrian refugees from entering the country until a stronger vetting process can be implement it. all refugees of rivals for the next three months and cap total refugees at 50,000 for this ye year, the order is already being labeled a muslim band by critics. it won't make this country saf safer.
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center for migration studies of new york, he joins us on the set. kevin, it's good to see you tonight. the kind of core question around the entire refugee issue is why does bringing in refugees from places like syria and a fit american citizens? what's in it for americans? >> first of all, it is soft power. we are able to help other countries who share the burden of the refugees. in that way, they are able to negotiate other issues with th them. if they are in our vital interests. it is also a humanitarian gesture. we are a nation of safe havens. a lot of these refugees are fleeing terrorism. they are very vulnerable, mostly women and children. they're not threats and they go through more security checks and any arrival to this country. it is nearly a 2-3 year process. to get into our country. they are very well vetted. they are not a security risk. i don't understand why the president is banning them from coming in. we need to provide support to
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the situation. >> tucker: i don't think anybody doubts that a lot of these are decent people fleeing the worst possible circumstances. i think this is a fair question to ask. what is in it for american citizens? why should we pay for this? they will also be some risk, why should we assume that risk? he said it's because other countries like it when we do it? >> let's talk security. i would argue it makes us more secure than less secure. what isi isis and other extremit groups want is what the president gave them today. a war between the west and islam. it is a recruiting tool for th them. the president is now poster child for isis to recruit muslims all over the world including our own country and to radicalize them. the united states isn't like you, look. they don't like islam. come to our cause. it plays into their hands. it makes us less safe for over the long term. if you ask any security expert,
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they would say the same thing. >> tucker: i don't think we have and ask for it to let vouch out for us. now you are saying isis is really going to hate us, if we don't let syrians and they're going to hate us more? >> it's about all the muslim countries that the president -- it's an attack on islam, not just syrians. >> tucker: isis has been making that case sense its origination. al-qaeda before them. various radical muslim groups before them. they have always said this is a religious war and we hate islam and so it sounds to me like you are blaming the united states and our policy for their distorted view of the united states. >> no, what i'm saying is what is the best policy in the long term to keep us safe? keeping syrian refugees out of this country who are well vetted and very vulnerable is not the best method. it plays into their hands.
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it gives them another tool to radicalize some of them. here in this country, the attacks of this country have been from people who have been here and have been radicalize. this allows them, they use social media, look at what the president is doing here, they hate you. it creates fear among the muslim community. >> tucker: the first thing you just said. you are saying people -- you are conceding that refugees and children of refugees in this country, have already committed ask acts of terror against americans? >> the tsnarnev brothers? many were children of refugees, as you know. in venice out of there a number of in minnesota, --
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in minnesota -- >> they didn't come through the immigration program themselves. the refugee program themselves. >> tucker: or else we will be hated more by islam x extremist? is that your point? >> it is in our point to resettle a certain number of refugees to show global leadership but also to have leverage over other countries so that they will do the same thing. otherwise the world is chaos. and it proves our relationship to those countries so that if we want something else for them, we can get it. >> tucker: here's what i'm a little confused by. there's a marble component. you say it's our duty, basically. christian organizations. i support those organizations. in case after case, christian groups who bring these refugees into america, help them resettle here and then load the tax on
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taxpayers. why are you doing your christian duty if you're paying for people to do good work like that? >> it is a government private partnership with these organizations. taxpayer money pays for these. but churches contribute to this. >> tucker: it's not really a partnership. i don't support it, i am required to pay for it. so were hundreds of millions of other americans. churches say this is our duty as christians. if it's your duty, why are you paying for it yourself? >> a lot of people are. >> tucker: name a group that brings refugees in and takes a full cost? >> it not the full cost but they get the cost from their parishioners. who want to help these people. not only in money but in time. >> tucker: how can you claim you are being virgi virtuous?
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having taxpayers pla pay for something you think is virtuous? my question is, why when you pay for those works? if i rob you at gunpoint, take your money and put it in a collection, i don't get credit from god, do we? >> i guess we will all find out. the truth of the matter is, we all pay for -- >> tucker: the truth is, you don't. the ancillary cost, education, counselor, health care, if it's a good work, why would you pay for it? >> we are going around in circles here. part of it is a responsibility the government has undertaken. part of our foreign policy, to show humanitarian leadership to refugee situations around the world. which i think it's in our foreign policy interest.
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other experts will say the same thing. >> tucker: can you name one specific benefit the u.s. has derived settling refugees? what have we gotten out of it? >> i think we have increased security and nations throughout the world. they have become destabilized, when you have too many refugees in a certain country or area -- >> tucker: name one benefit because we have allowed them to settle here. >> i can tell you about countries that have not become an unstable because we help them. 1.5 million syrian refugees in one country. we've helped them with foreign assistance to maintain those refugees so that they don't go into political downfall. >> tucker: i'm saying how many countries can you name, or how about one whose refugees we have taken into our borders and it has made that country more stable and us more safe?
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>> i would say syria is one of them. >> tucker: syria is in pretty good shape now? >> turkey. that's all part of helping turkey keep their borders open so people can flee and see keep their life safe. >> tucker: kevin, thank you for joining us. more debate tonight, we are going to talk about a democratic congressman who has opposed the border wall that appears to be on its way. that's coming up. first, more details on trump's new executive orders. they are just the latest waves of decrees. trace gallagher has been following them and he is here with the details. trace. >> making good on a campaign promise to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the united states, president trump went to the pentagon to join general james mattis and signed an executive order to change the refugee policy is salvaging new vetting measures.
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>> we want to ensure that we are at admitting into the country of the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. >> trump also signed an executive memorandum which is not as legally binding as an executive order, putting a motion his plan to build up the nation's military. and one day after calling off their meeting scheduled for next week, president trump and mexican president enrique pena nieto spoke on the phone for one hour. the white house says the two leaders had a constructive and productive conversation talking about the "importance of the friendship between the two nations and a need for the two nations to work together to stop drug cartels, drug trafficking, and illegal guns and arms sales." they also acknowledged the two side differences concerning the wall and who will pay for it. trump later reiterated he has not ruled out imposing an import tax on mexican goods. something the editorial board of
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"the new york times," "washington post," and our corporate cousin "wall street journal" called a bad idea. experts add that trump's recent comments on mexico have led to a steep drop in the value of the peso. trump also talked torture today. despite the smoke poured for harsh interrogation techniques like waterboarding, he said he would defer to defense secretary mattis. >> so i'm going to rely on him. i feel that it does work, i felt that way for long pretty of ti time. but i'm going with our leaders. >> theresa may said that she also condemns torture and would make that clear to president trump. today the president and prime minister held a joint news conference to promote a united front. tucker. >> tucker: think the lot, trace. president trump hosted british prime minister theresa may at the white house today, it was his first meeting with the foreign leader.
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the nato alliance which he had criticized campaigning for president. watch. >> on united in our recognition of nato, the bulwark of our collective defense. we have reaffirmed our unshakable commitment to this which i think president subject you are hundred% behind nato. >> i will be representing the american make people very, very strongly, forcefully. and if we have a great relationship with russia and other countries, and if we go after isis together, which has to be stopped -- that's an evil that has to be stopped, i will consider that a good thing, not a bad thing. how the relationship works out, i won't be able to tell you th that. >> tucker: a strong nato alliance, that's what the brits want. it sounds like a great idea. who could possibly oppose that? what would it really mean for the united states? charles krauthammer, he joins
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us. he has thought a lot about questions like this. thank you for joining us. it is article five of the nato alliance, that is 70 years old. it really gets the heart of it, there are 28 countries in nato. it is an attack on all. for all members. i would bet you money that trump at one point is going to say why would american troops guarantee the safety of estonia, lithuania, albania, countries that aren't that important, why would we send our troops to defend them? >> the russians, soviets asked themselves that question every day during the 50 years of the cold war. would americans really want to die in nuclea in a nuclear war t berlin? we haven't really been very kind to anybody during the second world war. this is the offense and this is the point of the alliances. we don't do it out of charity. i think that is what wrong with trump's america.
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vision, foreign relations are a zero-sum game, that they rip off our economy, our generosity, the fact is that when you have allies, and that's why people have had allies since the pharaohs, you multiply your power at lower cost. this is an enlightened self interest. the marshall plan was was not charity. who are sympathetic to us, democratic, to hold back, to weaken and to resist, it worked. without a shot fired. but you've got had deterrence, the evidence. i believe that you will at least think about defending them with your own country. it has always been a problem. it was never 100% guaranteed that the russians would believe that we would deter them if they took east berlin but they believe that. they didn't do it. in the end, they gave up. >> tucker: the marshall plan
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rebuilt big significant economically meaningful countries. western europe to the benefit i think of everyone, against the soviet aggression of course. but we are now committed to a lot of little countries that are not inherently significant. why are estonians interest the same of hours question marks become by general marshall, in may '47, the u.s. decided to defend greece and turkey, small countries, who cares about greece and turkey? 1947, the british had protected them, but they ran out of money, they ran out of wheel after the second world war, they were done. truman made the momentous decision, he announced in congress that we would defend countries that were being undermined essentially by communist. we understood that small meets the large. it was chamberlain who said it
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berlin, he said, after munich when he made the deal with hitler, that essentially handed czechoslovakia over to hitler, he said why should we care about a country -- czechoslovakia -- faraway of people we do not know? that's the point of alliances. you defend people far away that you do not know. and if you do that well enough, and securely enough, and in a way that is convincing enough, you have developed an alliance that creates sort of a community of free nations that will help you in a pinch. that will be there to defend you. and that will resist a greater evil. small countries are not to be dismissed. >> tucker: i agree with that. article five, i think it was once after 9/11. we got something out of it. but you can also see how this could go very wrong as that famous web of alliances in 1914 produced the first world war.
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russia moves against one of these tiny countries and all of a sudden, our sons are over there dying for the sake of estonian freedom. i don't think i would have much popular support here. >> i don't think the defense of germany in the '40s and '50s had a lot of popular support. that's not how you gauge these things. what is it the wise policy -- did it keep us free, this was containment. this was not a war with the soviets. this was not reckless. if you contain them long enough, their system will collapse from the inside. that's exactly what happened. without a shot fired. i would greatest geopolitical enemy, the one that made us duck and cover growing up, they disappeared. there is always a threat coming up. if you have allies, you multiply your strength. yes, you create risks. but on balance, it has worked extremely well for us for 70 years. you blow it up at your peril. it's like you say with
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obamacare, you can repeal but then you've got to replace. so what replaces it? russian domination, chinese domination, anarchy? chaos? the last place we want that is europe. that's probably the biggest threat. when you have stability, you do what is man tainted for 70 yea years. >> tucker: i don't know if i buy that. you're kind of convincing me a little bit. chaos is the worst thing. you can stop chaos, it is worth it. >> i will come back and we will finish this. >> tucker: okay. up next, the marshall light brought thousands of people in washington. we will talk to one of the marchers who used to work in a planned parenthood clinic. also present trump is pushing ahead with his plan to build a wall along our southern border. we will talk to a member of congress it helps to block that wall. and we will ask him why.
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abortion providers. and we will do both those resources to health care services for women's lacrosse america. >> tucker: thousands of abortion opponents around the world descended on washington, d.c., today for the march for life. they enjoyed unprecedented support from the new administration. vice president pence became the first vice president to -- donald trump voiced his support where else? on twitter. once the director of a planned parenthood in texas, after a moral crisis she quit and now she campaigns against what she once endorsed. i never thought of president trump as a huge pro-lifer, and yet amazingly, they've been more supportive of this march than any republican n president i've been aware of.
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kellyanne conway. are you surprised by the support? >> i am a little surprised. i'm feeling very hopeful for the future. for the pro-life movement. i'm going to be honest, i was a skeptic. he is beginning to prove me wrong here. i'm glad for that. >> tucker: what you make of it? >> i think that the pro-life movement helped elect donald trump. i think this is one way that he can express his gratitude to the pro-life movement, for putting them in that position. supporting him throughout his election. i'm really happy he is doing it. >> tucker: in places like washington and new york, washington, los angeles, thus surest way to be ostracized socially is to say you oppose legal abortion people hate that. >> trump doesn't seem to care about most things. i think it is called it like he
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sees it. if someone who experienced a conversion on the issue of abortion, i believe that sometimes, people who do convert to the pro-life movement really have a strong voice. they have seen the damage that the abortion industry can do. that now they can speak about the life issue. >> tucker: president trump has pledged repeatedly to defund planned parenthood. that takes hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers every year. you were to planned parenthood for a while. do think the people at planned parenthood have any kind of moral qual or do they see it as a medical procedure? i think they see it as an medical procedure but it is really the costs that are surrounding planned parenthood and the services they provide. it is their highest revenue generating product that they sell. they implement abortion quotas and all of their clinics. you have to perform a certain number of abortions every month. one of left -- >> tucker: are the explicit about it?
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>> yes. one of the reasons i left was in a budget meeting, i was told to double that abortion quota. for me, as someone who has spoken to the media and has said we are about reducing the number of abortions, prevention, all of these other services, i was shocked. >> tucker: you actually worked at a planned parenthood. give us some sense of the relative number of abortions versus the number of mammograms versus prenatal care. >> okay. planned parenthood provides over 300,000 abortions a year. they provide not one mammogram. there is not one plan parenthood clinic that has a mammogram machine. even though many other people said that they do perform mammograms, they eventually have to come out and say that they don't. planned parenthood is not a provider of clear natal care. there are a few clinics that
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have prenatal vitamins, they might see once when you're pregnant, but there are no -- they can't actually delivered children. the bulk of their services are contraceptive services and abortion. >> tucker: interesting. so that talk about being a health care provider about providing a whole spectrum of reproductive related health care services, it's really about contraception and abortion. >> listen to this. we found out recently there are at least two planned parenthood abortion's facilities, one in the kansas and wisconsin, they are abortion providing only. five days a week, 40 hours a week. abortion. all day every day. >> tucker: pretty hard today. thanks for joining us. up next, president trump is making democrats howell. we will talk to one of those democrats next when heartburn hits,
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government of mexico, as immoral. do you think that's wrong? a moral problem with the building the wall? >> i think it's wrong in a lot of ways. my biggest objection to it is it that it does not make any sense. too many people equate border security with a physical obstruction and that's not the reality of the situation. i've been to the border, talked of the border patrol officers, what they say is walls are obstructions, fences, make sense in heavily populated areas but they don't make sense in remote areas. the only benefit of a wall or a fence or whatever kind of physical obstruction is that it delays a person from getting over the wall and therefore the ability to apprehend them. if you are in juarez across the border from el paso, and you get into el paso, the border patrol
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has like 30 seconds to get you before you are beyond their apprehension. if you are in the desert 100 miles away, they have 24 hours, maybe even 48 hours to actually get you before you get to a place where you could be -- where you could disappear. the idea just logically and logistically that it makes sense to build a 2,000-mile wall is absurd. >> tucker: i want to talk about that in just one sack. you seem to hesitate a little bit on your answer. to have a moral problem with it? many people in your party do. they say it out loud. do you and if so why? does the country have a right to build the wall? buckskins, democrats say we don't. what you think? >> we have a right to. i'm not sure there's morality in this question. everybody wants to have secure borders. there's no question about that. when you factor in property
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rights, environmental issues, those types of things, it is not necessarily -- there is a philosophical issue involved, i'm not sure if it's morality. there's nothing an more about a wall. from my perspective, from public policy, it's a question of whether it makes sense. economic, environmental sense. >> tucker: we have some examples, they are not exactly the same, we can extrapolate from them. the famous wall in israel, is 440 miles long. it's not all urban areas, it's been wildly affected, the u.s. government has been supportive of it from the beginning. it's also been similarly effective, and there is of course a wall now and eastern europe. it's hundreds of miles long.
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if it's not supposed to work, why do those walls work? >> it depends on where you are and what kind of dynamic you are involved with. we have 700 miles of barriers right now. we have barriers on one-third of the southern border already. are they effective? in certain places, they are. i've been t to to el paso and juarez. there are layers of fences, takes a while for somebody to get over all of those obstructions. they get over them, just as they would get over it 30-foot or 20-foot or 50-foot wall. or they would get under it. question is, what happens after they get over or under the wall? that's what we ought to be focused on. we have the technology, i was part of the gang of eight that worked on comprehensive immigration reform in 2013. we dealt with all those issues.
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even members of the gang of eight -- >> tucker: congress didn't actually deal with all those issues. the bulk of the heroin that comes into this country comes through that border as you know and it's devastating, for your state, kentucky. enter your county has the highest overdose rate. i'm sure you know all about th this. what we are doing isn't working. how does it help your constituents? it's different, it might work. >> everybody i've talked to and the border security area, drug enforcement area says that's not the issue. the issue is not -- you are never going to build obstructions that are going to keep all of these drug dealers are illegal immigrants out of the country. the reality is, when you look at the statistics, over the last few years, we've actually had an
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improvement in terms of illegal border crossing. we have reduced those, the border patrol are actually doing a pretty good job. technology that we can deploy can do that even further. >> tucker: so you're saying it's kind of working even though k heroin is killing all these people in your state? thousands of people coming into this country, 11 million illegally here. it doesn't seem like it's working. 50% of those -- >> we have a 40 year loan no in terms of net illegal immigration from central america. >> tucker: i don't think that's right. just the recent numbers in 2010,
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it was like half of what it was just this last year. people crossing illegally. a lot of them were apprehended but a lot of them were not. when that be a huge gain? >> your numbers are different than mine. we have a negative illegal immigration thing. more people are going back to mexico than coming. we have less than 11 million undocumented immigrants. which is a long time low. mexico is not the only source of illegal drugs. coming into this country. >> tucker: i don't think it is. we are out of sight nomadic time, out of respect i think your numbers are wrong but i appreciate you coming on. up next, congresswoman tulsi gabbard met with president bashar al-assad then come back to the u.s. and said syrian rebels are a myth.
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how did the assad government when the backing of a democrat from hawaii? she joins us live, next. you foundi'm a robot! rawr yeti and found a place to service it, too. ♪ jingle bells now when you're ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we're there for every turn.
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don't start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. clearer skin is possible. >> tucker: syrian president bashar al-assad has an unlikely defender, tulsi gabbard. a secret seven day trip to syria and lebanon where she met assad, along with civilians and soldiers caught up in the conflict there. when she came back, she denounced the previous administrations efforts to oppose assad. what did she see there? tulsi gabbard it's with us tonight. thank you for joining us. you met with a solid, not many people can say that. donald trump at the same time has been emphasizing his plan to take on isis one on one. based on your conversation with assad, do you think they would welcome an alliance with u.s. military to fight isis?
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>> in your intro, i just want to make a correction. i didn't go to syria to meet with assad, i am i met with the syrian people, to share the care, the love and the aloha that me and my people have for them. when the opportunity presented itself to meet with president assad, i took it because i believe that if we profess to care for the syrian people, we want to end the suffering for them, we have to be willing to meet with whomever we need to in order to accomplish that. that was much of what i discussed with him in that meeting. how do we get to a place where we can end this war where the terrorists in his country can be defeated? terrace like al-qaeda, isis, all of these other groups that are working with them and make it so that the syrian people are ableo
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fled syria to not only the middle east but europe and other parts of the world are able to return home. >> tucker: but what you say about u.s. policy? is he open to some sort of alliance with the united states, assuming the trump administration is open to that as well? what did assad say to you? >> i think he is looking for what our new president would see as a shared interest with him. with syria. and the shared interest that he has seen is that this commitment to defeating isis. this commitment to defeating this terrorist threat that not only exist for the people of syria, and exists for the middle east and for the world. and if this threat continues to grow, it's something again that becomes even more real than it is already for the american people. >> tucker: why do you think that the entire foreign policy establishment in washington --
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really on a bipartisan basis, would put isis at the top of the fighting -? >> beginning with iraq, toppling saddam hussein with libya, qaddafi, and now in syria. to topple assad. >> tucker: why assad? it's not a defense -- >> united states should be the world's police, they should say here is a bad guy, we are going to go and topple this bad guy without digging through what the consequences of those decisions are. >> tucker: what would those b be? who would lead syria, do you think? >> this is the key question, tucker. the reality on the ground is this what the max strongest force are groups like al-qaeda,
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isis. many radical jihadist groups that are fighting there all with the same goal of toppling the assad government. knowing that they are the most effective. they are the most powerful, they will take over. not only will life for the syrian people be a living hell, religious minorities will face a genocide. they will pose a great threat to the region. >> tucker: you have some video, i think your husband may have shot this while you were over there. i want to show you an interview of christian clergyman and an ancient christian clergy. >> he is actually in aleppo. >> we have terrorists. all who are modern people, who think in the terms of this age, our targets. they want this country to be b bad. they want us not to be and developed as a community.
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their plan is to have an islamic state in this country. they did it in history, they didn't know that christianity was out of this country. >> tucker: it's a complicated story there. the christian community does say on one side. if you want to see more did not come on unfortunately we are out of time. how long is it? >> about 5 minutes long, this reverend is talking about the rebel behind him is actually his church. the rubble behind him was completely destroyed. i want to say really quick, don't call that i heard from the syrian people was for the united states to stop arming these terrorists. to stop providing the support and that is exactly what my legislation does. to stop arming terrorists who make it so that we are no longer fueling and providing support to militias and groups are working directly with al-qaeda in syria to try to overthrow the government. resulting and strengthening al-qaeda and increasing the suffering of the syrian people. it is horrific.
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>> tucker: thank you, congresswoman. she is one of the last people to talk to donald trump while she was still he was still a private citizen. ainsley earhardt. if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere.
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>> tucker: time for "the friend zone," the fastest way to improve the moral tone of the show? invite ainsley earhardt. author of bestseller "take heart, my child." i don't think people even know this, what does it do? >> fault of honor is a great organization, they provide scholarships for the children of fallen soldiers. major dan rooney was on a plane, is coming back from a second tour tripping over in iraq, he's done five tours, three tours,
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and have five girls. he has served our country. there he is. he is an amazing man. the plane was landing, he was coming back from the second tour to say hello to his family, and the pilot came over the intercom and said if you will all stay in your seats, we're about to take a soldier, a deceased soldier off the plane who was fighting for our country. he looked out the window and he watched as a casket was going toward a family. the man's twin brother was standing next to the casket. they were wheeling it toward the family. there was a little boy, jacob, the son of that fallen soldier standing in the distance. dan rooney looked in the distance. he saw that child and he said he is never going to have a father again. being a father to five girls, he said i'm going to help provide scholarship money to that child. without the first recipient. they have raised so much money. millions of dollars. provided 12,000 scholarships over the course of ten years. they have a platinum rating, $0.90 of every dollar, tucker,
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goes back to scholarship money. that is like unheard of. it february 1st is the day that scholarship applications open. if you've lost a loved one who has fought for our great country, you need to go on their web site, you can go to their web site through your facebook page, tucker, and apply. i want to remind people, memorial day weekend, fox always covers it, there is an actual gala. a patriot cop and the public can tickets to that. you can watch them play, steve doocy and peter doocy are going to play not. darius rucker, we are not sure who is going to be there. it's a great cause. >> tucker: if you are our forte, i am ford. we will be right back with more that's frequent heartburn. it's always lurking around. but i'm safe. i took my prevacid®24hr today. i didn't. one pill prevents the acid that causes heartburn,
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is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. more than anything, don't forget that sean hannity is next. have a great weekend and happy night. see you monday. >> sean: tonight, president trump is shaking up washington and keeping promises, by announcing a new executive order to keep america's safe. >> measures to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the united states of america. >> sean: and by meeting with british prime minister at theresa may. >> the special relationship between our two countries has been one of the great forces in history for justice and for peace. >> sean: laura ingraham is here tonight with reaction. >> a wall protects. people want protection. all you have to do is ask israel. >> sean: building a wall on our southern border, and michle
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