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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 2, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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>> neil: you wouldn't believe this. protesting president trump's vetting order. if going on in brooklyn, new york. they are saying it is not right, not humane. if you need to go to a bodega, forget about it. >> hello, everyone. i am kimberly got felled -- kimberly go for her. >> the war of words between iran and the trump administration. just a short time ago, we learned that the united states is expected to impose sanctions on the rogue nation and it could come as soon as tomorrow. earlier today president trump was asked if military action should be taken. >> nothing is off the table. >> kimberly: this is the
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latest. reminds me of a song. >> eric: the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini said his country would not yield to use less u.s. threats from an inexperienced person over the ballistic missile program. i looked at the u.n. resolution and it says it calls upon iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles. that missile, this line is important. including lodges using such technology. they have clearly violated the u.n. resolution. there is grounds for sanctions and i hope every member of the security council gets behind the united states sanctions. >> kimberly: this is a pivotal moment in terms of relations between the united states and iran. he's got to send a strong message but he's got to back it up. >> greg: he is definitely
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marking his territory. he is like a dog within enlarged prostate. he is all over. the question i ask is is trump being a jerk on behalf of himself or the country? that's important. i see being a jerk as being a good thing. >> kimberly: we know. >> greg: it is like hiring a lawyer. as long as trump is being tough, we shouldn't be too panicky about this. when he says he's not putting all his cards on the table, he is throwing the deck out the window. it's about time the world kind of sits there and wonders, what is this guy going to do next? that's what we've been dealing with in the past three or four decades. >> he said i am not taking anything off the table. we are not going to invade iran. the idea of sanctions is a good one. they had sanctions in the past. they break the sanctions.
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yes, it's bad that they did this. what is he going to do about it? talk tough and that's about the end. >> greg: maybe he will make a deal. >> eric: the whole reason behind the iran nuclear deal that they put together was because the iranians were hurt by the financial sanctions. we lifted them because we did a stupid deal with them and now trump says no. you violated the terms of a u.n. resolution. were going to put new sanctions on you. they are going to hurt. your point, why is trump doing this? the supreme leader comes out and says trump is useless. that he's an inexperienced person. i'm not sure you want to rattle the cage. >> kimberly: don't poke the cage. >> iran is testing a new administration. president trump has to be tough and come down on them. look at what happen since we lifted sanctions, over
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$100 billion. increased provocation in the persian gulf. they have been harassing our u.s. naval ships. this isn't the first time they've tested a nuclear ballistic missile that flies in the face of the u.n. resolution. what do they do immediately after the deal? they put our sailors on their knees and shot it for propaganda video. considering the individuals he has stacked the deck with, including general mattis, i feel comfortable he's going to follow through. >> bob: sanctions only work if you get there world community to join in. what happened with those first sanctions, didn't have anything to do with the ballistic missile. it had to do with developing a nuclear warhead. one thing is for sure. the nuclear regulatory commission said unequivocally that ron stopped the program. why do they have the missile? they want to put a nuclear
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warhead on it. trump has got to sit down with world leaders together and say all right. let's go to the u.n., get sanctions and see what happens. i don't think trump is the kind of guy to do that. >> greg: iran and america have one thing in common, the isis threat. that's one avenue i keep thinking of going to be opening soon. i think there is something else going on here because iran has gone out there and gone after isis and iraq. they deploy the revolutionary guard. there is a way to work this thing out. why not go after isis has always been what trump said. >> kimberly: you have to be firm with this because the missiles he's talking about, they tested cruise missiles, more difficult to detect. they can fly lower and evade enemy radar. this is a serious violation. >> eric: think about this. bob, you make a good point.
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the international community has to get on board. doesn't matter if they violated or not. the u.s. deal we made with iran bilaterally. they violated the resolution. now you have cause for china, russia, france to say consolidated sanctions. >> the rest of the world looks to the united states to be a leader. it does matter what president trump says. rhetoric matters as well. bob, if you punched me in the arm and i said i'd kindly like you to stop. or if i said you punched me in the arm coming or going to pay for it. words matter. that's going to be a deterrence. if you punch me in the arm. >> kimberly: these are bad examples. >> you're going to engage with me differently than you were before. >> kimberly: don't answer that, bob. >> bob: is not a deal between the united states and iran.
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it's more countries. you're right about this. he ought to go to the security council. that's what it's there for. clearly violated the sanctions. the russians and the chinese have a very difficult time vetoing that. that's the only way you're going to get the world watching. >> kimberly: i've got to move on. bob, iran is one of the national security issues the president has been dealing with the he's made it clear that protecting the homeland is his top priority. earlier today, he defended a tough approach. >> the world is in trouble, but we are going to straighten it out, okay? 's that's what i do. i fix things. when you hear about the tough phone calls, don't worry about it. just don't worry about it. they are tough. we have to be tough. it's time to be tough. we are taking advantage of by every nation in the world virtually. it's not going to happen anymore. it's not going to happen
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anymore. >> kimberly: at the national prayer breakfast this morning he made a powerful case for why we need to closely examine who were leading into our country. >> our nation has the most generous immigration system in the world, but these are those and there are those that exploit that generosity to undermine the values that we hold so dear. there are those who would seek to enter our country for the purpose of spreading violence or oppressing other people based upon their faith or their lifestyle. we want people to come into our nation but we want people to love us and to love our values, not to hate us. and to hate our values. >> kimberly: what did you think, greg? >> greg: who cares about tough phone calls? no one's feelings are getting hurt. australians are tough people. if safety is your primary
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concern, a nice guy is not your primary requirement. what is the point of having a doctor with the good bedside manner if he can't save a single patient. it's not important whether you want extreme measures when you need them. no kid wants to wear helmets when they're riding a bike. it takes your parents to say put on a damn helmet. nobody likes these measures but you need them. >> kimberly: what about this? >> eric: the point is important. donald trump ran and won on being a somewhat noninterventionist. with the sanctions, bob, i think this is important that he does this now. he gets aggressive using the sanctions against people who he feels are violating deals we've made and violating the u.n. resolutions but he does it in a way that it hurts them economically. i don't think there's anywhere in any of the statements were he said "or were going to come after you or bomb you or take out your fleet or any one of
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these things." financial sanctions work. iran would rather have a war than financial sanctions slapped on them by the global community. >> kimberly: >> bob: he did saye nothing off the table." i was not at this breakfast. this is the most inappropriate time, using it as a forum for talking about your policies. i don't understand it. >> greg: also one of the more fun prayer breakfasts i've ever seen. a good preacher combines humor and policy, humor and belief. >> to that point he did talk about how the freedom of religion is under attack, how religion is under attack and that's droopy there's a study out from 2016 that christians continue to be the most persecuted religious group. 90,000 christians were murdered last year alone, and the bulk of that came from radical islamic
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extremists. he touched upon it. we talked about these issues to religious people in the country as well. >> kimberly: it ties in. extreme vetting. bob, you are saying it's inappropriate. >> bob: to talk about your sanctions in front of the national prayer breakfast. it's trump. i'm not surprised. >> kimberly: if that's the worst thing you could say, then you have no objection to the concept. >> bob: i want to see one of these hat trick on things happening. >> eric: sanctions work, brother. you know this. >> bob: i know sanctions work. they were put on an obama lead the way to get them put on. when we took them off, they took advantage and they will do it again. you've got to get them on, and that means you've got to have a diplomatic touch with people around the world who agree, including the chinese and russians. >> eric: there it is on a silver platter. >> bob: let's hope so. >> he was also talking about his
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immigration statement. where the most generous country in the world when it comes to illegal -- legal immigration. we are generous. >> kimberly: we've got a commercial break. ahead, a violent attack on free speech at uc berkeley. president trump fretting to withhold funds from the school. more on that next.
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♪ >> greg: in berkeley last night, cowards beat one guy unconscious, smash windows, set fires, attacked cars and drivers claiming it was over the speaking appearance of milo yiannopoulos. i bet ten box msnbc calls the riots. debra messing tweeted support and a director tweeted anti-trump crap.
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the media keep saying protesters but they are higher goals looking for any opportunity for organized violence. this, and their supporters cause violence to spread fear. they believe only their speech should be protected, not yours. if you disagree, you will get hurt. as you watch these emasculated males rome, chaired by celebrities, you realize one thing about these cowards. they never seek a fair fight. it is why they attack property and unarmed women. >> the people watching should look at the people protesting. >> are you surprised? >> greg: do you support that, debra messing? this is the beginning. when will the fool supporting trump realize what's at stake, he tweeted. to that i say hooray for the
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second amendment. these beta male fascists might swing a pole but we go to the range. >> eric: don't bring a knife to a gunfight. >> greg: i don't think they're going to react calmly. you're going to have a revolution? you better be for the second amendment. >> eric: the the free speech advocates at berkeley are against the hate speech that milo may bring. they are for bodily injury, breaking windows, bigotry towards milo. >> greg: the fact is, if you don't like milo's speech, you should be marching for him because that's free speech. free speech isn't about speech you like. it's about speech you hate. >> kimberly: they are missing a common sense chip or
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intelligence chip or all of the above and then you see how they cover their faces. they are cowards. they pepper sprayed a woman in the face and beat another man down almost unconscious on the ground. it's outrageous. i am so disappointed. >> bob: used to break windows and stuff? >> greg: of course not. >> bob: eric says the left and liberals and look at them. these do not represent the liberals. they are anarchists. wait a second. you cannot condemn all liberals because of this. donald trump says he's going to cut off funding for berkeley, number one he can do that. number two, when he says that, berkeley was the one who invited this guy. if it were up to me i would say let the guy speak.
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what he was going to say was going to be so outrageous that everybody was going to be turned off anyway. >> greg: so you are on our side? you should disown your side. >> bob: that's not my side right there. >> eric: it is definitely your side of the fence. you may not agree. >> can you imagine if this was happening at tea party rallies or the march for life and the way that would be covered? it's a big problem, the way these riots, not protest, are being covered. the behavior is being excused. protest is covered under the freedom of speech but riots and criminal activity is not. needs to be labeled riots because this is criminal activity, these individuals should be called thugs, criminals. they should be prosecuted. >> kimberly: who is the head of the uc system? janet napolitano. >> greg: the mayor of berkeley can't do anything but tweet.
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>> eric: do you wonder? if some of this has to do with getting back at breitbart? >> greg: and bannon. i think it's organized. is it soros? who knows? how are they so organized ahead of time to get on buses, go places. i wonder where the money comes from. >> bob: the same people who show up at these rallies. they are funded. you make a good point. these are not protesters. protesters are on my side. >> or protesting on the right. >> bob: let's get them off the streets so eric -- >> eric: the breitbart side. selling a t-shirt about free
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speech. the pitch line is "get punished by the tolerance crowd and style." >> kimberly: how ironic. >> greg: it was vague, too vague. sarah silverman on twitter is calling for a military coup. she thinks the government will be overthrown once the military agrees with hollywood. she is actually advocating a violent act against a democratically elected president. it's insane. because her side lost. what a more on. >> eric: she was a hillary supporter. >> kimberly: that's your team again, bob. >> bob: you guys were calling for anarchy when obama was president. >> kimberly: we did not. >> bob: it so happens that those people happen to be on the
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left. >> greg: bringing back will and grace. this is one reason why you should never watch it because debra messing. >> bob: this guy's writings have been racist, right wing. let him talk and people will show you exactly who was around donald trump. there are a lot of people who want to hear that crap. >> greg: and the first rider who gets shot will get a statue. >> kimberly: well that was a little -- >> greg: a little strong? i don't care. they don't do this on the countryside. they won't get any press but they know what will happen. >> greg: we have a timeline on when the trump administration expects the wall to be complete. you might be surprised.
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♪ >> greg: the trumpet administration is going to build the wall and it's going to be sooner than most of us expected. john kelly in an exclusive interview with fox news. >> they will build it where it's needed first as identified by the men and women who work the border. we will fill it in as time goes on. any discussion about the protection of our southwest border involves discussion of physical barriers but also of technological sensors, things like that. it's a layered approach. i hope to have it done within the next two years. >> eric: mexico is going to pay for that wall, that i assure you. in the meantime, congress will take care of the tab. >> we have already authorized this. the law was passed almost ten years ago. we will give the financing to secretary kelley to build the wall in the border security
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plan. it's up to them as to how fast they can execute the policy. he is the kind of guy who can get things done. he will have the funding to do it and he already has the authorization to do it. >> kimberly: get it done. i love it. general kelly, i'm a big fan of period he was describing the wall and talking about part of it is going to be transparent. all these different aspects to it including fiber optics and really incredible in terms of technology. he has a clear vision for he wants to get it done. he said he wants to get it done within two years. when he put his mind to something, it's going to happen. >> eric: basically you can do anything in any amount of of time with money. >> greg: that's true. the days of immigration and national security being separate issues is over. terrorists married to technology blending with refugees has required a rethink about our borders but having said that, no
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wall stopped 9/11. the point is, terrorists will think of new ways to kill us. build the wall but also go after the stuff that transcends walls. they should be one of many endeavors that you participate in. >> eric: going to get awol after all. >> bob: i am a big fan of kellie's too but the chance of it being done in two years. it's not going to happen. do you know how big that area i is? into years, are you kidding? you have to go to china and do a deal and bring their wall. >> greg is right. immigration and national scaredy are one of the same. customs have apprehended no members of terrorist organizations.
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president trump can use the 2006 law. chuck schumer, dianne feinstein, they all voted for it then and now they are seeing a completely different tune. the question is going to be the funding aspect because it's got to get done in congress and in senate where republicans only have 52 seats. i think the funding is the question but as far as the existing wall, the democrats actually -- >> kimberly: they have it set aside. >> eric: speaker ryan said it's going to be paid for by us. >> kimberly: guess what? who cares. get it done. build it. >> eric: he said we will pay for it first and they will pass back. there are so many ways to make them pay us back. a ton of ways. but you don't think they're going to pay? >> bob: no, they're not going to pay. no politician in that country. are you kidding me? the first year that more undocumented people left the united states then came into the
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united states. >> eric: workers to build a wall, that's one way to help pay for it. final thoughts, anyone? >> bob: are they going to use undocumented workers? >> greg: sell california to mexico grade use that money for the wall. >> kimberly: how much would we get for california? >> greg: you could probably get a trillion dollars. you get sarah silverman. >> eric: it's been less than 48 hours since president trump announced his supreme court pick in the left seems to be calling for an all-out war over judge neil gorsuch. democrats are determined to block his confirmation but can they really pull it off? i can pretty much guarantee they will battle.
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♪ >> bob: president trump's supreme court nominee was on the hill today for a second round of meetings with lawmakers. i haven't had a chance you have to share my thoughts on the selection of neil gorsuch for the highest court in the land grade i will begin by saying i share the concerns of my fellow democrats. >> this congress needs to stand on its own. we are a separate branch of government, and i don't want to see the senate of the united states bow down to an executive demand like this. >> given the record, i have very serious doubts that judge neil gorsuch is up to the job. >> for more than a decade, he
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has twisted himself into a pretzel to make sure that the rules favor giant companies over workers and individual americans. >> this is not a normal consideration. this is a seat that was stolen from the former president obama. >> the president has said as far as back as june, he saw a list of people who met the standard for the far right. he made the commitment which he honored in the worst possible way. >> bob: it is true that obama's nominee was stolen by the republicans. they didn't play by the rules but are they flat out lied rick mitch mcconnell, what are you going to say? here's the thing i don't understand about the democrats. you got people who are obviously going to be against the sky -- this guy. there are a lot of democrats who i think our thinking seriously about voting for them because there's 18 of them up for
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reelection in 2018. and they are worried about votes back home. number two, despite this guy's politics. his opinions, which are terrible, he has been a very good judge in the sense of being a conservative judge. here's the problem with democrats. the base out there in the country are screaming, i mean screaming for a "no" vote on this. >> eric: they can scream all they want. they are wrong. it won't matter what they say. thanks to harry reid, they can use the nuclear option. i mentioned this yesterday. i think what they should do, forget waiting for a filibuster and then using the harry option, do a real -- will change.
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whether it is ruth bader ginsburg or justice kennedy. then do it again. >> kimberly: what about eight or 9 out of 10 democrats for reelection signal they are going to support. big problems for you, bob. >> bob: could have been a lot worse. there's a lot of right-wing kooks out there. judges paired he's not one of them. if we have to take one, let's take him. >> lisa: the base of the democratic party doesn't matter. the matter is the states in which trump won. west virginia, trump won by 42 points but a lot of the same people we just showed actually unanimously supported him to the tenth circuit in 2006, including chuck schumer as well as feinstein, both were speaking in opposition. i have some reading material for you that i recommend. an editorial from the wall street journal that talks about the myth of the stolen seat for talks about that it's actually
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vice president joe biden and senator chuck schumer who set the president for not nominating the justice. 2006 against -- >> eric: if the reading material does not have a centerfold, he will not read it. >> bob: it will be fine. those 18 people. let's not underestimate with the base means. 60% of the people who turned out to vote in a presidential year. the people who don't turn out are people who are like trump voters. you will see a lot of them. they are thoughtful people. >> greg: you are going to step in it. i can see it coming. what do you mean by this? >> kimberly: give him a clear
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path. keep going, bob. >> greg: these are your people. you have more in common with trump supporters and people on the streets in berkeley. >> bob: that's for sure. they are thugs and criminals and they should be in jail. they are not representative of the liberal -- >> greg: at the beginning, it's not about policy. it's about payback. people want to get back at the sky -- this guy. >> lisa: it's also important to look at what the people out there saying among the democrat party. there are eight democrats who say that gorsuch needs a hearing and also vote. the only people out there that are talking about a filibuster are the jeff merkley's of the world in the state like oregon because all he has to answer to is the progressive base if you look at what heitkamp is saying, they are saying a dramatically different tune. you need eight senate democrats.
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>> bob: they want to have a hearing. the republicans and mcconnell who was a guy who is trained with the truth to say the least. >> lisa: harry reid was so honest. >> bob: excuse me. talking about having hearings. republicans were too afraid to let garland have a hearing. they were scared. >> eric: so we should have the hearing. you just made the case for having a hearing for gorsuch. >> bob: i said. democrats are for it. republicans refused to have that happen before. >> eric: this group has been flipped. >> bob: you have people who follow democratic rules as opposed to liars. >> kimberly: he's going to get in. hardeman is going to go in, little more moderate.
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>> bob: when is mcconnell going to retire? does anybody know? >> eric: i don't know. >> bob: i was thinking about mcconnell. the confirmation battle is over for rex tillerson. the new secretary of state addressed his employees. hear what he told them next. hambone! sally! 22! hut hut! tiki barber running a barber shop? yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next?
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♪ >> lisa: welcome back. secretary of state rex tillerson was sworn it last night. today he addressed his new employees and offered this powerful pledge. >> when i wake up each morning, the very first thing i asked myself is, are all of our people safe? the safety of every single member of our state department family, regardless of where he or she has posted, is not just a priority for me. it's a core value. it will become a core value of this department. [applause] >> lisa: the former exxonmobil ceo told his team how much he will be relying on them. >> my first days here, i'm on
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the job. hi, i'm the new guy. as such, i will depend on the expertise of this institution. you have accumulated knowledge and experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else. your wisdom, your work ethic, and patriotism is as important as ever. as your secretary, i will be proud to draw upon all these qualities in my decision-making. >> lisa: he is the new guy, eric. obviously a former ceo, multinational company. hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue. how do you think it will benefit him? >> eric: i saw him come out and i tell you. you know the term loss? this guy is a boss. he commanded respect. it is a testament to trump's leadership to picking a cabinet that is as strong as rex tillerson, jeff sessions, and the rest with them when they finally get confirmed. thankfully, our senior diplomat is confirmed. >> lisa: at this point
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president obama had more than double cabinet officials confirmed. why obstructionism from your party? >> bob: in some cases, they haven't turned in their papers, tax returns. bring your stuff in and will have a vote. that was the right move with the state department. people have not paid much attention to this but dave then bleeding diplomats who've quit and walked away from the state department. >> kimberly: good. we don't want them there anyway. benghazi employees. >> bob: i worked in the state department i can tell you these are magnificent people. they were important. i think he hit the right tone. whether he will make a good secretary of state or not. >> lisa: , kimberly, what do you think? >> kimberly: i like him a lot. unlike his wife. they are great people. i had a chance to get to know them. he commands a lot of respect.
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this is a highly intelligent come up capable individual. were lucky to have someone like him want to serve the country. i think he will do a very good job. this is a unique, outside the box pick. eric was saying, let's pay attention. take a look at him. he is somebody that nobody is going to pull the wool over his eyes but he is hard-working, focused, determined. he's going to apply that same ingenuity to the secretary of state position. >> greg: he has got rex appeal. when trump makes you a little nervous, tillerson is like chamomile tea. he alleviates her concerns. he comes off as a tough intellect. trump as a candidate drove me nuts at times but as a president, what can you complain about? you are a conservative, what can you complain about?
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aside -- so far everything has been what you want from a conservative president. he pulled in somebody from the outside which he said he was going to do, a person has never been in politics. >> kimberly: he has done deal with 100 countries. >> lisa: one more thing is coming up next liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that...
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♪ >> kimberly: time for one more
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thing. bobby. >> bob: this morning, the prayer breakfast, solemn occasion. this is what president trump thought was very important about prayer and faith, reality tv ratings and his old show. this is what the president said. >> they hired a big, big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger, to take my place. we know how that turned out. i want to pray for arnold if we can, for those ratings. >> kimberly: it's kind of funny. >> bob: arnold has a good response and i endorse it. >> hey, donald. i have a great idea. why don't we switch jobs? you take over tv. you are an expert in ratings, and i take over your job. people can finally sleep comfortably again. >> bob: right on, arnold. >> lisa: surprised he didn't say that while doing push-ups.
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>> eric: you did eight years of that. >> greg: huge thing. >> eric: donald trump's social media. you have to check it out. he is gaining followers by 150,000 per day. on twitter, he's got almost 23 million. 15 million followers on his potus account. at 13 million on the white house twitter, facebook, 8 million on instagram. 87 million. that's a testament of a good friend of mine, director of social media and assistant to the president. within two or 3 minutes, he can reach up to 87 million people. that's why i think he should continue with the social media. >> kimberly: i love that presentation. >> bob: it was wonderful. >> greg: that was the
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universal language of esperanto. i talked about these people before. they are people walking in front of you. you are in a rush. they just stop as though the world has stopped. maybe their phone rang. they stopped and looked down. they stand in the middle of the sidewalk. they don't move because they are in their own worlds. they forget that there six or 7 billion people around. i have a solution. call it the phone line or the idiot lane. you are on the left or the rights. other normal people can pass your big fat butt. >> kimberly: greg, you are going to like this one. the actor matthew mcconaughey saying it's time for hollywood to embrace president trump and get over it. a question about whether it was time for america's cultural elite to give trump a break. take a listen.
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>> they don't have a choice now. he's our president. as dynamic and divisive of an inauguration time we've ever had. at the same time, it's time for us to embrace. shake hands with this guy and be constructive with him over the next four years. >> kimberly: former actor. look, that's an example of the adults in the room. his rep said that was before the inauguration. >> so chill. barry white, jr., were going to show you a video. he's a fifth grade english teacher at ashley park school in charlotte, north carolina. he is a personalized handshake with every student. he said he picked it up because he is an avid cleveland cavaliers fan and this is something lebron james does
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with his teammates. i love it. >> eric: a different one. >> kimberly: we should have that here at "the five." that's it for us. "special report" ," the real sh, is next. >> bret: welcome to the dwight d eisenhower presidential library and museum in abilene kansas. this monument to the nation's 34th president is located in his hometown of abilene. good evening. i am bret baier. this is another road trip edition of "special report." we will be talking about president eisenhower and his legacy and we will speak live with the governor of kansas. but first the newest american president is standing up to his counterparts around the world whether they be a friend or foe. reaction is coming in from around the world. he started his day at the national prayer breakfast, an annual event that began under president eisenhower.


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