tv Hannity FOX News February 2, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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"hannity" is up next, have a great night. ♪ >> sean: tonight, the left completely unhinged. and now, they turned violent. michelle malkin reacts. >> the president made it clear in this executive order that we are not going to compromise the safety and security of the american people. >> sean: the trump administration has put the world on notice. we went to the white house tonight to speak with vice president mike pence. president trump is not your typical politician. >> i am a man of my word. i will do as i say. >> sean: lawmakers are feeling the heat. laura ingraham is here to weigh in, lou dobbs is here. "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight, vice president pence,
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michelle malkin, laura ingraham. we're just 14 days into the trump administration. the left is completely unhinged. now they are turning violent. that is tonight's opening monologue. last night, out-of-control protesters were rocking the campus of uc-berkeley. a two week stretch of disruptive demonstrations. uc-berkeley was forced to cancel a speech by breitbart writer milo yiannopoulos after protesters started breaking windows, and even setting part of the campus on fire as you see there. earlier this morning, president trump responded to the violence. he tweeted out... now, the shocking public disorder at uc-berkeley comes after a week of protests all across the nation, some of which
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featured agitators calling for violence against president trump and the white house. including this person, wearing a black lives matter shared at protest that allegedly took place in seattle.ri watch >> your [bleep] money, your [bleep] house. reparate black and indigenous people right now. we are all operating under white supremacy, just so you know. we need to start killing people. the white house must die. [bleep]. they must go.o >> sean: white house die? why has that person not been arrested? sadly these protesters were just following the lead of very many prominent public figures on the left who have been having a complete meltdown since trump's
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victory in november. madonna, ashley judd, this was one day after the president was sworn into office. we have to warn you, this language is very graphic and vulgar. foric yourself. >> to our detractors, who insist that this march will never add up too anything? [bleep] you. yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> i am a nasty woman. i am not as nasty as a man who looks like she's bathed in cheeto dust. i'm not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol.
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>> sean: this type of language from the left is not going away. i predict this is only going to get worse. democrats in the senate are preparing a stiff resistance to the confirmation of supreme court nominee neil gorsuch. history repeats itself. this obstruction can be just as nasty and divisive if not worse. for example, you might remember when president reagan and his supreme court nominee, robert bork in 1987 was not confirmed by the u.s. senate after democrats painted him as a sexist and racist, which he was not. senator ted kennedy said this about robert bork on the u.s. senate floor. watch this disgrace. >> robert bork's america is a land in which women would be forced into back alley abortions. blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters. rogue police could break down citizen stores in midnight raids.e and school children could not be taught about evolution. writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government.
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>> sean: after those lies and spear tactics, democrats were able to block bork's nomination and that is how we ended up with the term being bork. that's not all, in 1991, george herbert walker bush nominated clarence thomas to the u.s. supreme court and democrats used similar dirty tactics. they had his former colleague anita hill testify and make unfounded sexual harassment claims against him. justice thomas referred to this as a high-tech lynching. watch this powerful moment from clarence thomas. >> from my standpoint, as a black american -- as far as i'm concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks. who in any way dame to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas. it is a message that unless you kowtow to an order, this is what will happen to you. you will be lynched, destroyed,
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caricatured by a committee of the u.s. senate. rather than hung from a tree. >> sean: sad, but extremely powerful. as democrats now gear up to smear judge gorsuch, here is a question. will the leaders of the democratic party call for an end to this violence, an end to the lies and smearing and besmirchment and obstruction? sadly, we probably will not get a call of unity from former president obama, he had this to say about the widespread protests after the election. >> i would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign. i would not advise them to be silent. >> sean: don't be silent, he encouraged the protesters.
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meanwhile, the hillary clinton candidate has praised some of the recent protests on twitter. this is important. president obama, hillary clinton, democratict leaders, if you continue to coddle this outrage, this behavior from your side of the aisle, and the repercussions of the violence and the anarchy will be on your hands. you are responsible. v you are supposed to be leaders. joining us now, the host of the show "michelle malkin investigates," i do not think it's going to end, with every item on trump's agenda. " what he promised the american people, if it is energy, orders, vetting, a judge, if it is lower taxes, it's going to be the samo reaction. i do not see this getting better. i see it getting worse. your thoughts? >> i think you are right.
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i think the montage that you showed of how this dates back to decades and decades emphasizes that there is nothing new about this anarchy. obstructionism is the middle name of the democratic party. the middle name of the far left is by any means necessary. that has been their operational motto for three or four decades now. what happened at berkeley has happened many, many times before. it is just more inflamed than it ever has been. i spoke at berkeley, at an event i was invited by the college republicans in in 2004. my lecture hall had to be chained shut because they were hundreds and hundreds, throngs of students who of course were encouraged by faculty members to try to shut me down. this is what the left clarence thomas said it more powerfully about the uppity blacks and browns and yellows and reds who have been suppressed by the left becausero their ideas, their expressions are so dangerous that you've got these leftists on campuses from
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berkeley to the east coast and everywhere in between. threatening conservative speakers. liberals, they call themselves the protectors of safe spaces. not if you are a conservative student, professor, or visiting speaker who needs to dress in riot gear to express >> sean: the free speech movement in america started in 1964 and 1965 in berkeley. free speech only for liberals? not for conservatives? if they did not want to hear from the guy that works for breitbart, they did not have to go, did they? >> no, of course they did not. this climate of intolerance and suppression of ideas with which they disagree is at the heart of what academia has been teaching. that's why you have these generations of crybabies and snowflakes. who cannot cope in a world where they lose politically, ideologically and culturally.
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>> sean: we need aromatherapy and puppy therapy and crayons and coloring books and legos. i guess this is of the next stage of their reaction which is anger. what are the reasons every four years, in an election year, i will play at every election year, republicans are racist and sexist and homophobic and islamaphobic, and i don't even know what else? but theyy do the same thing evey year. this party seems to have no ideas. meeting the democratic party, but they are the party of character assassination. last word for you. >> they are not only ideologically bankrupt, they are morally bankrupt. how dare these people wag their fingers at their political opponents from the center to the right to the libertarian wing of america and tell us that we do not know what civility is. we need to preach more tolerance. they need to look in the mirror is because they are absolutelyo responsible for it. their noses are not clean and their hands are not clean.
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where is janet napolitano? where are you? it is really up to the donors have been flowing the endowments. shame on you for funding and subsidizing this anarchy america. >> sean: thank you for being with us, michelle. when we come back, this is up next, here on "hannity." >> what president trump has done is essentially impose a pause on countries that have been compromised by terrorism, so that we can evaluate the screening process and establish an extreme vetting so that people coming into this country do not represent a threat to our families and communities. >> sean: i interviewed vice president mike pence today at the white house. i asked him about president trump's temporary travel planned and much more.
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laura ingraham, lou dobbs, they are here as we continue. you could spend the next few days weeding through w2s, pay stubs and bank statements to refinance your home. or you could push that button. [dong] [rocket launching] skip the bank, skip the paperwork, and go completely online. securely share your financial info and confidently get an accurate mortgage solution in minutes. lift the burden of getting a home loan with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. [whisper: rocket]
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i am jackie ibanez in new york. the trump administration may be stricking a tougher line in israel, the president now warning for constructing new settlements may not be helpful to middle east peace efforts. until now, he has appeared apathetic to their cause. he administration claims he has not taken an official position just yet. in response, israel's u.n. ambassador said it's too early to tell how this might affect future building. president trump will meet with him in d.c. later this month. there's also a word out of washington that the white house is preparing to levy sanctions
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on iran after it testfired a ballistic missile. the sanctions are expected to be levied as early as friday. some two dozen companies and government agencies could be penalized. i am jackie ibanez, and now back to "hannity" ." >> sean: welcome back to "hannity."" the trump." administration is working hard to fulfill all the campaign promises that the president made to you, the american people. he seemed to be checking them off the list. it has been a very busy week for the white house. b earlier today, i traveled to d.c. to speak with the vice president, mike pence.te here's the first part of the interview. how are you, sir?o >> vice president pence: welcome to the vice president's office. good to see you. >> sean: what a beautiful office, i saw a lotes of signatures inside your desk going back to theodore roosevelt, dwight eisenhower. even al gore and job item. this has been a fast-moving
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administration. you seem to be involved in every aspect of what has been happening. how close is the relationship ctnow? >> vice president pence: i'm just very humbled. to be a small part of an administration and a president who from the first hours of this administration has been keeping their promises to the american people. right after the inaugural ceremonies, right after the parade was over, i walked with the president and other members of our team in the oval office, he sat down and started taking immediate action.. it has been a great encouragement to people all across the country to see that president donald trump is doing everything he said he would do throughout the campaign. we are just getting started. >> sean: let's talk about democratic opposition. you had a hard time getting some of your cabinet members through. i think a lot of democrats are pretty dedicated to a filibuster, to preventk neil gorsuch from getting on the supreme court. what is your reaction? >> vice president pence: it
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has been very disappointing to me to see the level of obstruction that senator chuck schumer andf democrats in the senate, with regard to our cabinet officials. please to see secretary of state rex tillerson approved and sworn in in the oval office, but look, if you compare to direct prior administrations, the pace at which democrats and the senate are forcing this process, i think it's a real disservice to the country. we're going going to continue to drive forward. we are going to get theto we are going to get that nominee to the supreme court approved. the american people want to see this country moving forward. they want to see this new president had a cabinet around t appointments that he's determined and elected to make and improved by the scented. they havehe a role to play. that's not about obstruction. it's about advice and consent is appropriate, we respect that process, but we continue to
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drive this effort in every way possible. president trump deserves his cabinet, he deserves it in the near term. and the american people deserve a new justice on the supreme court, with the caliber of neil gorsuch. >> sean: one of the big issues that has created a lot of controversies, executive action on extreme vetting. in seven particular countries. it has been misreported as a muslim band. chuck schumer's said it was mean-spirited. and un-american. there were some 40 other muslim majority nations that were not 90% of the muslim world worldwide are not impacted by that. yet the news media continues to say it is a muslim it's that fake news to you? >> vice president pence: it really is. any fair-minded person looking at the president's action knows that -- when president trump, what he has done is essentially imposed a pause on countries that have been compromised by
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terrorism, so that we can evaluate the screening process and establish an extreme vetting so that people coming into this country do not represent a threat to our families and communities. it is an indefinite pause, with regards to syria, we are going to be calling upon the department of homeland security, all of our team to work together to evaluate how we can continue to go forward with immigration for this country. and not compromise the safety and security of the american people. clearly -- it is not a muslim ban. in any way associated with religion. the president made it clear in this executive order that we are not going to compromise the safety and security of the american people, these seven countries that the obama
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administration identified as compromised by terrorism. we are going to step back and put the security and safety of the american people first. >> sean: should in other countries with their history, may be saudi arabia for example, be included in that list? >> vice president pence: asa our homeland security secretary said, this week in his briefing, this list has really gonearound. whether the countries we are looking at have the internal systems we can be certain that people are who they say they are, with regard to other countries, saudi arabia being among them, we are confident that they have the kindau of safeguards, the kind of screening in the country that when a person presents a visa or attempts to come into the united states, we know who they present as. v these other countries, the obama administration and congress have identified these seven countries of having systems that have been compromised through strife, the advent of terrorism.
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i've got to tell you, president trump has a lot of priorities. his number one priority is the safety and security of the american people. that's why this decisive action is being taken.ty >> sean: some people are inconvenienced, every american traveler, unless of course you have air force 2. every american traveler is inconvenienced for the safety and security of everyone else. is it a choice between the inconvenience of some that want to come to our country versus dabbling with the lives of the american people? >> vice president pence: i think it is exactly that choice. at the end of the day, on the very date the executive order was implemented, within 24 hours there were hundreds of thousands of people that came in from countries all over the world into the united states.
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more than 100 were detained for additional questions, that is a small price to pay for the security of the american people. we live in very dangerous times. there are people all across the world who are engaged in unthinkable violence. the president spoke again about -- at the national prayer breakfast. people welcome in this administration, and in our new president is a clear eyed look at the world, a recognition ofn the threat of radical islamic terrorism to the united states. we've just got to do things differently, in our communities and >> sean: president trump said, at the prayer breakfast, in the coming days, those admitted will fully embrace our values, religious liberty values,, et cetera and respect of course and reject discrimination and other things. was he addressing it in that sense that there is a cultural divide?
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if you grew up in a country and as a man you feel you have the right to tell a woman how to dress, that she cannot drive a car, you decide if she goes to work or school, if gays and lesbians are killed, if christians are killed, do we have a right to know whether or not if you want to come here and adapt our values and how do k yu ever ascertain what is in somebody's heart?? >> vice president pence: my grandfather immigrated to this country when he was about my son's age. he came here because he wanted to be an american, he wanted his grandchildren to be americans. i cannot imagine what that irishman is thinking as he looks down from glory, other than he was right about america. anybody can be anybody. my grandfather came here, it was because he loved and admired this country. he loved the ideals in the
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declaration and constitution. that is what president trump is talking about. we want them to come to this country because they love the ideals of america, our commitment to freedom. our rejection of intolerance and oppression.. that has been true throughout our history. >> sean: up next, tonight, right here on "hannity." >> the american people said we want to repeal obamacare and we are working with leadership in the congress to do just that. >> sean: more of our sitdown interview with vice president mike pence. and also later tonight... >> i am a man of my word. i will do as i say. >> sean: president trump keeping his promises and shaking up washington, d.c., with a little shock and awe. laura ingraham is here with reaction and much more on this busy news night, tonight, here s on "hannity." 1930's cop,
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"hannity." here is part two with my interview with vice president mike pence. let me ask you about obamacare, there is a report on the hilll this morning, leaning towards repairing obamacare rather than replacing obamacare. my understanding is, if congressman price will become the health and human services secretary, apparently there is a lot of discussions within the law. will it be a repair or is it still on replacement? >> vice president pence: we are absolutely committed to follow through on president trump's direct to repeal and replace. the president has made it veryde clear. we are having ongoing discussions with leadership in the house and senate. this is the president's leadership, sean. obamacare was very much on the ballot when we saw the hardship it was placing on families across this country. on businesses across this country. premiums going up in some cases
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more than 100% this year. >> sean: 117% in arizona. >> vice president pence: the american people said we want to repeal and replace obamacare. what president trump said at the same time we repeal it, we are going to bring forward through legislation and through executive action the kind of replacement that will harness the power of the free market, and give americans more choices that will drive down the cost of health insurance and make it affordable for everyone. we're going to do it all at the same time. >> sean: i noticed you are with the president every day. what has been a very slow, first two weeks. no, a very busy two weeks. you've been with him side-by-side. he's also had many conversations with world leaders. vladimir putin, prime minister netanyahu, the prime minister of great britain, australia, angeld merkel. you have been present with thesa
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conversations. some of these conversations having contentious, is accurate? do you find them friendly, straightforward? >> vice president pence: i think the american people have a president that is candid with them and candid with the world. his conversations with worlden leaders reflect a respectfulness but a seriousness and directnest of the people of this country are already used two, coming from president donald trump. the rest of the world is discovering that. we have got a lot of challenges in the world. in many respects, the last eight years, the united states advocated leadership on thee world stage. in one region after another, and one relationship after another. what president trump has been about, engaging with these world leaders it's opening the door to conversation, to look for ways that we can work together. with the focus on the american people first and america's interests first.
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he's speaking in the way he always does. respectfully, firmly, directly. frankly, i think the world loves that. >> sean: i think people view part of your wolf role as l vice president, having been a congress member for 12 years, you know a lot of the members of congress to be a liaison between the white house and the congress as it moves forward with legislation. congress raised the debt ceiling $9.7 trillion. there is talk about $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill. i know americans -- after barack obama accumulated more debt than all the presidents before him. where does the money come from, how do you think congress is going to work with this president, do they believe in his agenda, many did not support him after the campaign.or how is that relationship goinghi and how do you see them working together? >> vice president pence: iat
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think the relationship that the president has foraged was not only leadership but rectified on capitol hill, it will serve thee american people well. with regard to all of these issues, president trump said in the campaign, he is a three-pard agenda. jobs, jobs, jobs. and we are focusing right now on repealing and replacingen obamacare, tax relief for working families and businesses, lowering the corporate tax rate in america. >> sean: 15% or 20%? >> vice president pence: all of these things, sean are going to move forward in a way, i am confident we are going to get i these things moving again. really getting the economy standing tall again. all these debates over spending and tackling the national debt, meeting the needs of infrastructure at home, rebuilding our military, the president is committed to. it all gets a lot easier with a growing economy.
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the president and our whole team are working with leaders in congress to jumpstart this economy, the executive orders that he signed, rolling back the avalanche of redtape and regulation. it is just a start on the kindta of policies that i am confident are going to make america safe again, make america prosperous again and make america great again. >> sean: coming up next, tonight, right here in "hannity." >> i am a man of my word. i will do as i say. >> sean: president trump shaking up washington with a little shock and awe by keeping his promises to you. the american people. laura ingraham is here with reaction. that is next, and also later tonight.... >> the secretary of homeland security will be with myself, and will begin immediate construction of a border wall. >> sean: president trump following up on his promise to build a wall on the southern border and now his administration has announced the timeline in which to do it.
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lou dobbs will join us later with reaction. that and more on this busy news night here, tonight on "hannity." need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> i am a man of my word. i will do as i say. something that the americana people have been asking for, from washington, for a very, very long time. >> sean: that was president trump, keeping yet another promise, to you, the american people, by nominating judge neil gorsuch to the supreme court. he's keeping his word and as a result, lawmakers and bureaucrats in washington are now feeling the heat. a new article by the ap sums it up pretty well. "many wondering what is coming next." joining us now with reaction, laura ingraham. considering he is starting on the wall and starting on obamacare, he has gone forward with the regulation, ethicsam reform, vetting refugees, i
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would say the rest of the list is probably what's coming next. >> i think people are so stunned that a politician acts in a very un-politician-like manner. he is a politician out. he surprised everyone in the election. he is doing what he campaigned up. for the most part, i think his proposals and ideas are fairly popular. i know there is that poll of disapproval rating but we know on his immigration pause, the refugee pause, it is actually quite popular. it seems very common sense to most people. these various media figures, protesters, they are going to act out and have their temper tantrums because that's what they do. the rest of us have to work. they are going to shout and wail. this is what they do. this is how they get their fulfillment. >> sean: how do you have time to protest?th
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i would never protest. i have better things to do. an information crisis in the country. before today, neil gorsuch -- the president's nominee for the supreme court, apparently in high school he had started ant fascist forever club. fake news. the mlk bust. fake news. the muslim ban, there are 40 plus muslim majority countries that were not on the list. fake news by all of them. just keeps coming, but that he threatened to invade mexico when speaking with president pena nieto. this is getting worse by the day. why do you think this is happening? >> i think the mainstream media is very frustrated. they thought they had trump in this box during the campaign,
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they thought okay, we have done him in this time. he made a misstep. we are going to be able to capitalize it or the democrats will win. then they had all this egg onwi their face. a lot of media types on the left, they feel like now they have to prove themselves all over again. they have to demonstrate whether it is through misreporting or improper emphasis or sometimes just downright making up facts, they have to show the country that they were right. it is a wish fulfillment on their part, just a lack of professionalism. he is a different cat. trump is not like all these other people, who are cowed and suck their thumbs and sit on the floor and cry when the media or someone on the left goes after them. he goes after them right back. that is very uncomfortable for them. they don't know how to deal with it. >> sean: he is getting rid of 75% plus regulation in the country, he wants to ease the burden of obamacare on people, then he took action to freeze new and pending regulations, then the hiring freeze, then
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banning money from going to abortions or countries that pay for abortions, then he went for keystone, dakota, constructing the wall, extreme vetting, rebuilding the military, a plan to defeat isis, instituted a five year lobbying ban to get rid of the swamp, drain the swamp. and then neil gorsuch, i don't know anybody in the history of my lifetime in politics that has actually checked off their listt every day and is probablyth wondering why he can't finish it in three more weeks. >> i know. he is just like, get this done. he is not as deliberative at some of the critics are saying. about how things are rolled out. there is something to may be what would happen on the pause, but for the most part, i thinkou
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this is fairly routine stuff. you are right to point out, he has hit the holy grail of left-wing politics. he hit the abortion issue, environmental issue, the regulatory state, of course he had the refugee issue. the islamophobia charges flying. he has hit all these hot button issues but they are really important issues of the country, the left, there is so much incoming. they are going a little crazy on the other side. they are getting a little nutty on the other side. they cannot handle it. >> sean: a little nutty? they are burning berkeley. the home of freedom of speech. where the freedom of speech movement on campuses began. trump urges mcconnell to go nuclear, if it comes to that. i agree with donald trump. i'm wondering about mitch mcconnell, and in fairness to him, he did hold off on the president's nominee in the final year of his term which is known as the biden rule, that chuck schumer supported.
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>> merrick garland did not get a hearing and the democrats were really upset about that. a supreme court justice has not been confirmed in the final year of a president's term. that wasn't really out of the ordinary but it does not matter. they wanted that seat. now they are calling it a stolen seat. they are going to keep branding actions by donald trump as misogynist, racist, sexist, he is operating like a dictator, autocrat. again, very little substance coming from the democrats. it is personal attack or pejorative unfair hits. there is no substance. they need to win those middle-class voters, sean. the rust belt, they have to win those voters. i don't see that this kind ofe stuff combined with the berkeley craziness -- tim kaine said the other day fight in the streets, fight in the court.
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i don't think that goes over well with regular folks. >> sean: i don't think that's going over well, i don't think madonna, ashley judd, ashley kirchner -- or whatever his name is. up next, right here on "hannity." >> working with myself and my staff, will begin immediate construction of a border wall. >> sean: that wall could be built in two years, promising to build up border wall. we found out how long it is going to take. we will have the details. also, lou dobbs will join us and more, as "hannity" continues, straight ahead. more, as "hannity" continues, straight♪ ♪ more, as "hannity" continues, after becoming one of the largest broadband companies in the country. after expanding our fiber network coast to coast. these are the places we call home. we are centurylink. we believe in the power of the digital world.
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>> we are in the middle of a crisis on our southern border. the unprecedented surge of illegal migrants from central america is harming both mexico and the united states, the secretary of homeland security, working with myself and my staff, will begin immediate construction of a border wall. we are going to get the bad ones out. the criminals and the drug deals and gangs and gang members and cartel leaders, the day is over
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where they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. >> sean: that was president trump talking about the necessity of a border wall between u.s. and mexico, now homeland security secretary john kelly spoke to our own catherine herridge about when it would be completed. listen to this. >> my desire would be right away. reality, i have to have engineers look at there are people that right now. i cannot say how long it will take. >> before the end of this for your administration. within the next two years? >> i really hope to have it done within the next two >> sean: here now with reaction, from our sister network, which means we are family, our own lou dobbs. >> great to be with you. >> sean: are you as amazed asfa i am come at the speed of which so many of the promises he made are being checked off?
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>> absolutely. he is fulfilling promises which first of all, if you have done it with two or three issues, it would have shocked most people. here we are, not even two weeks into his presidency, he is mounting an offensive -- he is meeting new challenges, fulfilling promises, it looks like it will be a constant throughout his presidency. c the opposition party that is the left wing media. i think he is doing an incredible job. >> sean: he is vetting refugees, building on the wall, and originalist in the supreme court. a ban on lobbying for people that work for him. they are building a plan now to defeat isis. repealing and replacing obamacare, got out of tpp immediately. instituted a government hiring freeze. extreme vetting, building the military, all of those things have been done in 13 days. >> 13 days.
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look at who is opposing it. most of the people opposing him, what he is doing, the way his administration is doing it, these are the very same people who created the mess that he isi trying to fix. it is incredible.. there is this feedback with the national left-wing media. they keep repeating what the feinstein's and pelosi's and schumer's keep regurgitating. and trying to attack trump. >> sean: do you think they are going to stick with him on these issues? i do not have a lot of faith inn the republican congress. >> i do not either. but i have a lot of faith in donald trump and what he has done. he has shown them how to win. some of their leaders are suspect, both intellectually and -- >> sean: spineless, lacking conviction. >> but they also know that this is a man who is winning, charting a new course. and has visualized a future for
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the american people for which they are now counting on him, and they are counting on the congress and whether it is paul ryan or mitch mcconnell, they are not going to disappoint. >> sean: lou dobbs, congrats on the success of your show. you're doing well as usual. coming up, we need your help. a very important question of tho day, straight ahead. we really need your help. mportae day, liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the
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kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
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it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. ♪ >> sean: time for "question of the day." do you think president obama and hillary clinton should step up and condemn these violent ( left-wing radical protesters? just go to, @seanhannity on twitter. let us know what you think. quick programming note, tomorrow night we will be in houston, texas, ahead of sunday's super bowl between the patriots
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and the falcons. tim tebow, robert pratt, tiki barber, what a great lineup. tomorrow night from houston, i hope you can♪ >> martha: breaking tonight, two weeks into a donald trump presidency and we are already seeing signs of a new world order. enemies and allies alike on edge as the disruptor channels the art of the deal on the international stage. this is what day 14 look like, everybody. good evening, i'm martha maccallum. late today, the white house taking aim at a ron. slamming them with sanctions set to take effect as early as tomorrow, most likely, and retaliation for a recent ballistic missile test. day 14 began with leaked excerpts of a call to the australian prime minister. not usually a newsmaking event for the president was upset over and a bomb of a deal to take in some refugees that originally
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