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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 3, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST

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speaker before we run, now on the podcast features shannon bream, and how she was able to cover the supreme court last week. >> how we get the name, and how we knew who it was going to be ahead of time. >> you were terrific at it, by the way. and i think what viewers will learn, really intriguing stuffs, job well done. >> check it out, we've got to run, enjoy the super bowl, everybody. >> jenna: we start with a fox news alert, the trump administration slapping new sanctions on iran after a band ballistic missile test, welcome to "happening now," i'm jenna lee. >> jon: and i'm jon scott, the new sanctions just unveiled cover a broad range of targets, including more than a dozen iranian individuals and companies, as the president meets with his economic advisory council right now. and mr. trump is expected to sign executive orders today rolling back financial regulations, including a full review of dodd-frank rules. this after senate republicans cleared the way for a final vote
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on education secretary nominee, betsy devos, early next week. we've got fox team coverage with chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel on the cabinet confirmation process, but let's begin with the chief white house correspondent, john roberts, live on the north lawn. >> good morning to you, it was the treasury department right next-door here to the white house that unveiled these latest sanctions against iran, here they are, 26 individuals and companies, most of the individuals are in iran, a couple are chinese, most of the companies, as well, are iranian, but there are some that are in bosnia, lebanon, the united arab emirates, as well. this is all part of a systematic progression of trying to tighten missile launch on sunday afternoon, they tested the medium range missile, it all began on wednesday, the white house responds with this statement from the national security advisor, lieutenant general michael flynn. >> president trump has severely criticized the various agreements reached between iran,
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the obama administration, as well as a united nations, as being weak and ineffective. instead of being thankful to the united states in these agreements, iran is now feeling emboldened. as of today, we are officially putting iran on notice, thank you. >> gone from putting them on notice to now sanctions being imposed against a 26 individuals and companies. also a financial executive order will be signed this afternoon, this begins a 120 day period to find out which regulations that were imposed in the wake of the 2009 financial crisis could be rescinded to try to open up the flow of capital between banks and individuals who would like to borrow money for everything from buying a house to creating a business. the president has made no secret of the fact that he wants to repeal dodd-frank and replace it with something else. this executive order would not do that, but it would take to roll back a lot of these regulations put in place. here is gary cohen, the director of council of economic advisors, speaking with maria on
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fox business' morning. >> all banks have been under such regulatory scrutiny where they've been forced to literally build capital and build capital, and instead of lending capital into their clients and allowing their clients to grow their businesses and hire people and create jobs, they have been taking those reserves and taken at n-uppercase-letter porting it to meet the regulatory requirements. >> this president wants to get rid of regulations as 75% of the regulations that he believes are burdensome on companies that would like to hire people, grow the economy on individuals who would like to start business, as well. so this begins a process of finding out which regulations can be changed, which regulations can be rescinded. president meeting, as you pointed out, with his council of economic advisors, with his advisory board in the cabinet room of the white house today, that includes a lot of heads from some of the biggest banks in the nation. one person will not be there,
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though, is the ceo of huber, who backed out after getting a lot of negative publicity for being involved in this white house, we'll see where that relationship goes. and it's interesting, too, that the president does seem to have declared his first war, and this war is with arnold schwarzenegger, of all things, the two of them went back and forth yesterday, the president saying at the national prayer breakfast that he should pray for arnold schwarzenegger to have better ratings on "the apprentice" ," and arnold responded on twitter with a video, and the president responded this morning saying, "yes, arnold schwarzenegger did a really bad job as governor of california and even worse on the apprentice... but at least he tried hard!" so amid all of the big news and important issues that are coming out of the white house today, we are also seeing some of this other stuff being pursued with a certain amount of vigor. >> jon: a little bit of theater coming out of the oval office. john roberts there, thank you. >> jenna: joining us now for more, let's bring in glen paul, u.s. news editor for "the wall street journal," your
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thoughts on arnold schwarzenegger, no, just kidding. but that is interesting, all part of the same type. one thing that john roberts did mention, something that we are talking about, the jobbers reports, new economic data, so talk to us about the backdrop that that is creating for the trump administration as we look ahead to what is happening with our economy. >> it's a very interesting report, it changes a little bit of the dynamic of what we think about employment right now. we've been feeling like maybe were at full employment, that we are going to be at peak now, and that has applications for interest rates and what the fed might do, but instead we saw what this big jump, 227,000 new jobs, more than expected, more than on average last year, we also saw an uptick in the on appointment rate of 4.8%, and what that suggest is that there are more people coming back into the labor market, more room for growth. we might not be as close to what you call full employment as had been thought. >> jenna: interesting, so sometimes our ability to act internationally relates to our civility domestically, so what does this say about the job market in 2017?
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>> it says there's room to grow, opportunity for job creation to continue at this pace, that the economy is not yet overheating, so no need for quick acceleration of interest rate changes by the fed, and it sorta plays into what donald trump wants to do in terms of get the economy growing hot. so it is going hot without overheating, if you judge by this report. we will have to see. >> jenna: one report backward looking on january, of course that was a transition of power between president obama and president trump. i want to talk a little bit about today's panel, we showed the video, the man sitting next to him, the head of this panel, the strategic policy forum is stephen schwartzman, and he is the head of the world's largest private equity firm, that firm has 360000000000-plus under its management, this is a big guy, big deal, you have a lot of names like walmart, texaco, ibm, what does this mean as far as the trump administration's stance on the economy, and what do you think the impact will be under average american worker?
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>> it's very interesting that donald trump continues to go back to this council so repeatedly, so many times already in his first two weeks in office. you see the diversity of viewpoints that he's bringing in, when you talk about private equity sort of fueling the growth and innovation and new companies around the nation, you've also got the old guard and there, you've got gm and others, so it's a really eclectic mix, and we have not yet releasing what that advice is going to deliver in terms of policy. we are waiting on that. but it is a sign from the trump administration that we are paying attention to business, we are listening, and i think it is right now more symbolic. >> jenna: you know what critics will say, these are the other billionaires that are coming in to help the billionaire president, we mentioned it's a diverse panel, so it's not all just big business, but to those critics have a point, that there is just a lot of big suits, quite frankly, that the president is relying on? >> you know, we all have said for many years at the engine of growth in the u.s. economy is small business. and these are, as you point out,
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rather large business representatives, but they also are the ones who employ the most number of people and the ones more responsible for bringing back manufacturing jobs, which is sort of the layer that has been missing in many years. so you can kind of see it from both sides. >> jenna: that is a good point to remind everyone that when you talk about big business, oftentimes you are talking about small business at the same time, and vice versa, quite frankly. talk to us a little bit about regulation, because there is a balance between creating security where security can be applied in an economy like the free market, and not strangling businesses. so what you've heard of regulation and regulation reform so far, what do you think it means? >> clearly the trump administration came in, donald trump promised her in the whole campaign that he is going to pull back regulations. one of the things that he thinks will stimulate growth in the economy. he is starting already, the announcement about the effort to pull back on dodd-frank regulation into sort of really loosen up some things that have held back banking. there is a sense of the banking industry has not been able to land, that money has been held
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back, and that the regulations have been too restrictive, so this is an effort to ease. we don't know exactly how the easing will take place, but there will be an executive action, there may need to be some legislative, but there is clearly a sense that we need to stimulate the economy by giving businesses a little bit more leeway. there are those who will not like that obviously and there is concern about what the impact will be on consumers and whether we are dialing back protections, but there is also the sense that the economy needs more freedom to move. >> jenna: it is about balance. so let's go full-circle, it's been a busy week. something else that happened on capitol hill, which is the new iran sanctions that we are hearing about, how does this all play in in the way that the trump administration can use economy as well as leverage when it comes to foreign policy? >> that is one of donald trump's main things in terms of foreign policy, look, people want to do business with the united states. we are important to other global economies, so we have to do it on the right terms, and he is going to renegotiate those terms. now he is saying to iran right now with the sanctions, hey, you have step too far, the test of
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the missile not allowed. and i'm not going to just smile and let it go unnoticed. he is saying but, he has also tried to be careful, these are sanctions at target individuals and companies, not necessarily a violation of the iran nuclear deal in the way that it's been configured, and i think it was a careful line that he drew. >> jenna: interesting, so the u.s. news editor for "the wall street journal," what will you be watching for? a new month, the full first month of the trump administration, as far as the economy, what will you watch for? >> i think part of the economy equation goes back to what is happening in the cabinet, and we still have to see cabinet appointees getting through the process and starting to implement some of the policies that donald trump wants to move on. also in terms of broader policy, the supreme court. and looking to see whether there is any movement in congress to support the nominee to get him through, whether democrats will come over, so we are really watching closely what is happening at that cabinet level and trying to see when policy starts to become action. >> jenna: interesting, at the beginning of february it will be really interesting to compare that to where we are at the
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beginning of march, it could be a whole new world, as we've seen. great to have you on set as always. >> jon: well, the u.s. senate could see a monday showdown over the president's nominee to be education secretary, betsy devos, with two republican defectors, it appears the fight over the nomination is at a 50/50 tie. in that case, vice president vice president pence will need to cast the tie-breaking vote, and you can guess which way he will vote. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel joins us live from capitol hill with more. >> good morning, and the vote was 52-48 very early this morning, setting up a likely final confirmation vote on monday. as you mention, that one is expected to get a little bit more challenging, with republican senator susan collins of maine and lisa murkowski of alaska saying they will vote no. that is expected to make the vote 50-50, and tiebreakers go to the vice president, who is the president of the senate, and in these difficult political times, vice president mike pence
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is expected to help give betsy devos across the finish line to be the next education secretary, but it is couple gated. >> i would argue that she has been among the forefront of the leaders like the for the most successful reform of the last 30 years to change and improve public education, and that would be the public charter schools. >> only one more vote is needed to stop this nomination. i would ask my colleagues who have not yet made up their mind, please, please, we can find someone so much better. >> after devos, jeff sessions for attorney general, steve mnuchin for treasury, and dr. tom price for health and human services are next up on the senate floor for a confirmation vote, so it sets up to be a very busy week in the united states senate next week. to be clear, jeff sessions could not go next, because they need him to cast a vote as alabama
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senator to help betsy devos become the next education secretary. >> jon: all right, mike emanuel there on the capital, thank you. >> jenna: evacuated from a famous paris landmark when a man with a knife attached a french soldier, we will have a lab report. using a chisel instead of a wrecking ball on obamacare? two g.o.p. lawmakers now say repairing the law may be the better option. we will talk to our panel about that just ahead.
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>> jon: a fox news alert, a man with machetes and shouting "god is great" in arabic attached french soldiers in the heart of paris, it happened at the entrance to a shopping concourse below the louvre museum, one soldier stopped the suspect, shooting them several times. benjamin hall live from our london barrel with the latest. >> at a time like this when europe is on such high alert, an
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attack like this, whether successful or not, continues to so fear throughout france as well as europe, and on this occasion it began at about 10:00 a.m. as a man try to get into the louvre carrying two backpacks and acting's process but he. he then launched himself at the officers with a machete while shouting god's great three times. they tried to fight him off, but open fire after he wounded one in the head, they shot him five times and he is now in critical condition. police were quick to respond, the french president saying their action prevented up pick terrorist attack, and while the attacker was carrying no i.d., officials operated an apartment in central paris. it was a special 4-man armed unit which shot him, part of a fourth of about 3500 soldiers now patrolling paris. the area around the louvre was evacuated immediately, so no explosives were found, and it will reopen tomorrow. it is also clear that the museum, one of the world's biggest tourist attractions, was prepared, about 1200 tourists were inside at the time and they were very quickly ushered into
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special safe room without windows. at a time when attacks like this have been so prevalent across the country, it is a constant reminder the threat they face, and people are saying that tourism will be affected, the economy will be affected, and of course those elections in april will be affected, possibly pushing them to the right. back to you. >> jon: benjamin hall, thank you. >> jenna: president trump putting the press on notice come up calling reports with a phone call with australian friend minister fake news and we will talk more about that. but a hearing underway this hour on the lawsuit targeting the president's travel orders, we are live at the courthouse next. >> and my grandfather came here, it's because he loved and admired this country, and he love the ideals in our declaration and constitution, and that's what president trump is talking about. we want people who come to this country because they love the ideals of america.
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>> jon: president trump once again taking on one of his favorite targets, the media, accusing the press of exaggerating the tone and tenor of his phone call with the australian prime minister earlier this week. mr. trump tweeting justice morning, "thank you to prime minister of australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that fake news media lied about. very nice!" in a radio interview, and this is what mr. trump is referring to, prime minister malcolm turnbull's head, the call ended courteously, denying reports that the president hung up on him, but turnbull refused to elaborate anymore on the conversation, which "the washington post" reported was less than civil. it regarded the deal negotiated by the obama administration to take in more than 1,000 refugees held in australian detention centers right now. let's discuss it with our media
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panel, the senior editor of the national review and author of "digging in," and len sweet, washington bureau chief of the "chicago sun-times." if the australian prime minister is essentially backing donald trump's version of the story that they had a fairly simple phone call, does that suggest that the president's right to be upset about the way it was portrayed? >> well, let me break down a few things, the president could be upset no matter what. the statement from the australian prime minister doesn't necessarily preclude other information which "the washington post" had that added dimensions to the conversation. and all this actually could just be really put in the right context and perspective if the trump administration releases a transcript of the call. >> jon: should they do that, jake? >> i think as a rule, conversations between heads of state or heads of government should be private.
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it would certainly be interesting. i think we've had conflicting signals here, you remember trump fired off a pretty era stated to eat initially about a dumb deal and so on, but it looks like this has been smoothed over. i think the issue is sort of interesting about refugees. i myself am quite sympathetic to refugees, but one question i have and others have is, if these ones aren't good enough for australia, why are they good enough for us? i'm sure there is an answer, i just don't know it yet. >> part of that is that the population in question isn't just these 1200 people in australia, there are more in the camp, and that a variety of nations have offered to take in the refugees. so when you look at the bigger picture, there is more involved than just the people who the united states agreed to bring in. >> jon: i want to play a sample of what the president had to say yesterday at the national prayer breakfast, when he seemed to reference this issue, listen.
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>> when you hear about the telephone calls i'm having, don't worry about it. just don't worry about it. they're tough, we have to be tough, it's time we are going to be a little tough, folks. >> jon: does he have a point there, jay, that presidents have to be tough once in a while? >> sure he has a point. diplomacy, foreign policy is not all white clothes and porcelain cups. >> jon: in the meantime, the white house press office has taken to taking questions via skype, lynn, i know you are often in those briefings, what is a fact? >> i think it's great. everyone who goes to briefings know is that these open to journalists who can either get there in person or now could come and via skype. regional journalists have different questions. i think, here's what is interesting, though.
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the white house, one of the questioners was a talk show host that seemed to have a partisan bent. usually people that go to the briefings are more or less the working press looking for new stories. but the more the merrier, it's up to the white house to take questions from people, i applaud they are taking a lot of questions. the more the merrier. i think the thing that is important to journalists is that you have a chance to get questions in. i'm not an advocate of keeping anybody out. if people now could be heard via skype or some other platform, why not? >> jon: at the same time, if the white house is setting up a skype link with an individual reporter, it gives them the opportunity to sort of cherry picked that reporter, doesn't it? >> sure, of course, that has long been the case. presidents and press secretaries have called on people they want to: baird remember helen thomas used to have the first question
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every time. >> jon: those were the days. >> up until now, there was a tradition of a wire reporter getting that first question. at a briefing now and then i was able to yell out a follow-up question the other day at a briefing, and actually it worked out. but whoever's in charge of the briefing can call on and recognize whoever is waving their hand, or if they come out with it. so the press secretary has a bit of control knowing who it's going to be. i think sean spicer recognized when i shouted out a question, he put me in line where it >> jon: we heard him call your name in that second briefing, we were very proud of you. >> with an assist from john roberts, i appreciated it. >> jon: good discussion, thank you. >> any fair-minded person looking at the presidents action knows that what president trump has done is essentially impose a
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pause on countries that have been compromised by terrorism so that we can evaluate the screening process and establish an extreme vetting so that people coming into this country don't represent a threat to our families and to our communities. >> president mike pence reacting to criticism of the president's executive orders on immigration and travel, nearly a week old now. the impact immigrants from seven countries plagued by terrorism, and legal u.s. residents who are not citizens. and they are the subject of a hearing this hour in boston, where the aclu has filed a lawsuit against the president's orders. molly line joins us live from the u.s. district court in boston with more. >> good morning, jenna, calling the president's executive order on immigration illegal, unconstitutional, and dangerous, the aclu of massachusetts is fighting back. they've been joined in this suit by the state attorney general office as well as oxfam america, the international aid
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organization based in boston. that hearing is just beginning to get underway now, and what is at stake here is the status of a seven-day restraining order that was issued over the weekend by the federal district court in response to this suit. now it stops the government from using the executive order to detain or remove anyone otherwise legally allowed to enter the united states. it's actually set to expire on saturday, tomorrow. the lawsuit was initially filed number on behalf of two permanent residents, both college professors at the university of massachusetts dartmouth, they are both iranian nationals, both muslims. they are married couple, returning from the academic conference abroad, detained at logan airport over the weekend, released hours later, and they were greeted by protesters amassed at the terminal. the amended complaint, this is very important, it adds several noncitizens who were already here in america legally, but they are now afraid to leave out of fear that they will not be able to return. the aclu attorney say the executive order is unpatriotic
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and motivated by religious animus. >> this order violates the first amendment, religious freedom. this order violates the first amendment protection for free speech and right to petition the government. at this order violates the equal protection clause and the due process clause of the constitution. and it's a clear abuse of power. and must be pushed back. >> massachusetts is far from alone, a group of democratic states attorney general from 16 states and washington, d.c., issued a statement earlier in the week calling the president's order unconstitutional and un-american, and judges in washington state, virginia, in new york have also issued stays in recent days. jenna. >> jenna: we will keep watching, thank you. >> jon: the trump administration standing firm against russian aggression in eastern ukraine. what it means for relations between the white house and the kremlin. and for stability in europe as well. plus, defense secretary mattis
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meets with america's closest allies in asia on his first overseas trip as defense secretary. issuing a stern warning to one of our enemies as well. we have a live report from the pentagon. >> due to north korea's threatening rhetoric and destabilizing behavior, we are taking defensive steps like deploying the highly-effective antimissile unit to the republic of korea to protect its people and our troops that sand beside our allies. mom let me know she'd always be there for me. and she was.
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>> jon: a fox news alert, defense secretary james mattis firmly backing our allies in asia on his first overseas trip as defense secretary. issuing a tough new warning to north korea during a visit to seoul. for meeting with officials in japan. this as we are learning the u.s. navy just sent a warship to the coast of yemen amid a growing tensions iran. there is some significance there, national security correspondent jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. >> a senior u.s. defense official tells fox news the uss cole is now patrolling off the coast of yemen in the wake of increasing tensions with iran. it is of course symbolic that it is the coal that has been deployed to patrol the waters off yemen, since it was attacked by al-qaeda suicide bombers in the port of aden killing 17 u.s. sailors. it's positioning off yemen comes just days off u.s. navy seals carried out a raid on an al-qaeda compound and just days
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after a suicide bomber from the uranian back houthi rebels struck a saudi naval vessel killing two soldiers, near the straight. pentagon officials say the iranian back houthi rebels have also placed mines in the waters near the strategic straight recently, not far from where that worship was attacked monday and a u.s. warship came under missile attack in october. all of this should be viewed in the light of the new year-end sanctions, national security advisor mike flynn mentioned both iran's ballistic missile test and the attack on the vessel when he put iran on notice earlier this week. this comes, as you mention, as secretary of defendant jim matus put north korea on notice during a visit to south korea today. >> any attack on the united states or on our allies will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons will be met with a response i would be effective and overwhelming. >> mattis arrived in japan a few
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hours ago on a second and final leg of his asia visit, his first as defense secretary, sign of just how concerned the pentagon is about the region. and the communist regime's progress toward an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the u.s. >> jon: and the cole is back off the coast of yemen. interesting. thanks very much, jennifer griffin at the pentagon. >> jenna: i know this, fox news alert on the escalation of fighting this week between rebel and government forces in eastern ukraine. it has a lot to do with russia, of course. there is some new video showing the aftermath of a shilling that claimed the lives of soldiers and civilians. our new u.n. ambassador, nikki haley, not mincing words about russian aggression. >> at the dire situation in eastern ukraine is one that demands clear and strong condemnation of russian actions. the united states stands with the people of ukraine, who have suffered for nearly three years under russian occupation and military intervention.
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until russia and the separatists it supports respect to ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, this crisis will continue. >> jenna: let's bring in christopher swift, georgetown university national securities adjunct professor, among a wide variety of other titles, nice to have you back. >> good to be with you. >> jenna: it's been a busy week, just want to put together a few things. let's start out with last saturday, president trump has a conversation with vladimir putin on the phone, but most of the focus domestically is about the executive order he put out. so the conversation happened, and then 24 hours later, russia launches its biggest aggression into eastern ukraine that we've seen in months. it just so our viewers know, when we talk about aggression, here's what we are talking about. one group that monitors this region says that over the last several days there have been more than 10,000 explosions, and that 2500 children are caught in the crossfire without basic services. this is serious, this isn't just like a little aggression, this is very serious.
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what is going on here? >> well, the russian government and its proxies in eastern ukraine in the don basque region are using what they see as a transition period of the u.s. government to push ahead, consolidate their gains in eastern ukraine, and most of the fighting is around a factory town, which is sort of a critical part of the eastern ukraine's industrial economy. so the russians are taking advantage of the moment, they are moving ahead. them and their proxies. and the united states, unfortunately, has been caught on its back feet. i have to say i was encouraged to see ambassador nikki haley's remarks from the united nations, that is consistent with where u.s. policy has been on this ukraine-russia conflict the last three years. it will be interesting to see whether president trump and national security advisor flynn take the same tone that we saw from ambassador haley. >> u.s. policy may consistent, but it's arguable whether it has actually worked in getting russia out of that
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part of ukraine, because they are still there with these russian-backed rebels. so how do we make our policy more impactful, and what is the goal of our policy as you see it? >> well, it's not clear what the goal of the policy is yet because the trump administration, like the obama administration before it, seems to be starting from the notion that we can somehow negotiate our way out of this. i personally have been arguing since the war started in ukraine in march, 2014, that the united states and nato needed to put conventional deterrence on the table. and we've done that in some ways with u.s. forces training ukrainian forces. the ukrainian army is doing much better than it was since beginning of the war, they are sort of able to hold their own against these russian backed separatists and the russian forces fighting alongside them bread but look, at the end of the day, if we are serious about pushing russia out of ukraine sovereign territory, then we need to turn up the temperature and we need to do it in conjunction with our nato allies. it is not clear yet whether that kind of strategy reconciles with
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president trump and national security advisor flynn desire to engage russia politically. >> jenna: what does turning up the temperature look like? >> that means more support for the ukrainian forces, both in terms of training. but i also support senator mccain's call for the sale of lethal weaponry to the ukrainian government to improve the quality of material that they are bringing to the fight. look, at the end of the day, a show of support, even the symbolic one from nato that endorses ukrainian sovereignty and respects their territorial integrity, even if it's just a visit, or even if it's just a temporary deployment of forces, is something that would be quite helpful in showing the putin regime that we are quite serious about maintaining borders in europe and not going back to the kind of situations we've seen in the late 1930s in the early 1940s. >> jenna: it is a very different situation, i don't want to force too many parallels with iran, but because we saw
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that missile test from iran on sunday, and we sell russia then launched its defensive also on offensive also on sunday, i'm looking at the reaction from the administration and encouraging our viewers to try to weave the news together. we are talking about sanctions from iran, again turning up the temperature on iran, and one of our experts this week said we are going to have to watch the iranian relationship with russia, because i will tell us quite a bit. can you illuminate that a little bit more for us, is again, we just try to bring the news together? >> the relationship between russia and iran is one that is based on mutual exploitation in the areas where they have a common interest. in the two areas where they have the greatest common interest right now are in back in the bashar assad regime in syria, and they making life difficult and for the states in terms of its local leadership. both russia and iran tend to take a disruptive approach to those particular strategies. they tend to undermine rather than attacked directly.
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that is why you see the iranians using proxies throughout the middle east to sort of poke vi of the arab allies and make life difficult for us on the margins. it is part of the reasons why you see the russians in eastern ukraine using local "separatist forces" that are actually russian forces wearing a different uniform. so this kind of hybrid warfare that we see from russia and iran is a threat that we have been dealing with for the last several years, it is continued from the obama administration into the trump administration, rhetorically we have done a good job pushing back against this stuff, but militarily and diplomatically, the last administration and the early phases of this administration, in my opinion, have been a little weaker than they should be. again, it will be interesting to see how we reconcile the need to deal with these threats with president trump and his security advisors desire to engage putin and engage the kremlin in a more cooperative manner. >> jenna: we will see what happens from here on out, this is certainly getting some more international attention, so we
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will be watching. thank you very much. >> jon: so is repeal and replace turning into adjust and wait when it comes to obamacare? some g.o.p. lawmakers are warming up to the idea of not totally scrapping that law. more ahead. ♪
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there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. >> jon: well the race to repeal obamacare seems to be slowing to something of a crawl, as republicans grapple with exactly how to replace it. some lawmakers expressing concern during the republican retreat about killing the health care law without a backup. now a couple of topper public and senators suggest congress can repair obamacare instead of repealing it outright. >> i think of it as a collapsing bridge. you send in a rescue team and you go to work to repair it so that nobody else is hurt by it. and you start to build a new bridge, and only when the new bridge is complete and people can drive safely across it, do you close the old bridge.
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and when it's completed, we can close the old bridge, but in the meantime we repair it, so no one is talking about repealing anything until there is a concrete, practical alternative to offer americans in its place. >> jon: let's bring in our panel, ian pryor, communications director for american crossroad crossroads, ethan bearman is a radio talk show host based in l.a. paired i want to start with you, ian, because you just heard senator lamar alexander saying nobody is talking about repealing it. well, donald trump talked about repealing it while he was running for president. it's the office that he obviously holds now, where do we stand on it? >> yeah, but donald trump also talked about keeping parts of obamacare as well when he was running. i think ultimately what we have here is tactics that are smart politically and that our smart policy. the easy thing for republicans to do would be to pass some sweeping health care legislation, and then everybody can find out what's in there later, that's what the democrats did. that was bad for middle-class
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families, bad for small businesses, and it was really bad for democrats, because since they passed obamacare they have been decimated at every level of politics, whether it's state legislatures, city councils, or now the white house. keeping all options on the table and acting ended the deliberate and smart way is certainly sending that again is good politics and good policy. >> jon: ethan, you have a problem if that becomes a republican approach question might >> no, i think that is a right approach, and it's funny because how many times did they pass bills tried to repeal obamacare, and other have to be adults, because they are in charge, and realizing that 3.5% of our gdp is for subsidies, taxes, and penalties related to health care. yet, they should look at the good parts of the affordable care act and fix the parts that are broken, i totally agree. >> jon: it does amount to something like 20% of the u.s. economy, tough to do that with just a couple of pieces of paper. >> going back to what ethan said, there haven't been actually that many votes to repeal obamacare. a lot of those votes the
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democrats talked about were to repeal individual pieces of obamacare, for example, the class act, which democrats voted on. now there are pieces of obamacare right now that we could repeal that democrats would join up on. talk about the cadillac tax, union stated. the medical device tech. you would even get elizabeth warren and al franken to vote to repeal those things. so there are certain tactics that we could use to pull away parts of this law so that we could eventually repeal it, because ultimately the vast majority of obamacare is going to be off the books in a short period of time. >> jon: is a free market system the better way to go, ethan? >> i think to some degree it is, because we need to have relationships directly with our doctors again. i'm not here in the republican say let's get the insurance companies and giant bureaucracy out of the way bread i'm also not hearing people, particularly republicans, talk about the underlying causes of why health care is so extensive, which has pharmaceutical companies and price gouging, although trump has talked about that, but our food, diet, and exercise, these are big issues, and nobody is talking about that
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right now. >> jon: you might also include malpractice suits that doctors have to pay and insure against. ethan bearman, ian pryor, thank you both. back with more "happening now" in just a moment. it's an important question you ask, but one i think with a simple answer. we have this need to peek over our neighbor's fence. and once we do, we see wonder waiting. every step you take, narrows the influence of narrow minds. bridges continents and brings this world one step closer.
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>> jon: let's check out what's up on the friday edition of "outnumbered," sandra and harris, what you have? >> happy friday, awaiting the white house press briefing where we expect new comments on the decision to slap additional sanctions on iran. is this a good move or could it spark a fresh confrontation with the islamic republic? >> and violent protests erupting on another college campus over an event featuring a conservative speaker. where is the tolerance? and when is enough enough? >> all that, plus our #oneluckyguy, back to you, top
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of the hour. >> jon: we are all in red, your hearts are healthy, both of you? >> we heart you. he won thanks, see you then. >> jenna: president trump putting america first on the job's front by reforming a popular visa program. william? >> well, jenna, the bill was designed to supplement, not replace american workers at a cheaper price, but yet but because of loopholes, u.s. comedies have done just that. never has a public entity used taxpayer money to fire americans and higher offshore replacements until now. >> do you any opinions on the visa program question mike >> our top obligation is to american workers, making sure american workers have jobs. >> that was eight years ago, janet napolitano today has no such obligation. >> but with growth comes new financial challenges. >> as university of california's president, napolitano replaced a 97 tech employees at its san francisco campus with foreign workers from india.
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>> the decision is negatively impacting my ability to earn an obdurate honest living. >> robert harrison is suing as a u.s. citizen. >> so in this case, it's a national order to discrimination, because there taking a diverse workforce and replacing it only with people from one country, to wit, india. >> the university says outsourcing was necessary to reduce the growth rate of i.t. expenses. >> no, we will not offer a pay cut. we will just given a notice. >> the university forced the supervisor to train his lower paid replacement. >> he told me it's about 1 quart of the salary that an american would make. >> even at the faculty complained about the use of taxpayer money, but the regents wouldn't budge. >> there is no professionalism in trying to outsource good paying american jobs to india. >> jon: jenna, many in
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congress have urged university not to do this, but they say they will do more if it saves them money. >> jenna: a story to watch, thank you, we will be right bac back. both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. and right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you. one nation in all of human history was built on that bedrock, ours. freedom has made america exceptional, but it can only last if you and i choose to act as people of character. forging character has been the pursuit of hillsdale college since 1844.
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>> jon: the right white house briefing and a second, see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert, president trump signing to executive actions today. aimed at rolling back financial regulations. one will direct the treasury secretary and regulators to come up with a plan to revise the dodd-frank law, which was put in place back in 2010 after the financial crisis. the administration says this will not undo the law. mr. trump will also force the delay of an obama arrow rule into prevent conflict of interest among retirement advisors. critics say the regulations a president is looking to scrap are supposed to help prevent another economic meltdown. meanwhile, we are keeping an eye on the u.s. stock market for you, look at that, the dow is back above the 20,000 mark, it


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