tv Americas News HQ FOX News February 3, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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well. >> we'll keep her and the family in our prayers this weekend. >> absolutely. have a great super bowl weekend. thank you for joining us. >> "america's news hq" starts now. >> sandra: a chief destroyer heading off the coast of yemen to protect waterways from an iranian backed militia. hello everyone i'm sandra smith. this coming just after that same militia attacked a saudi ship in the same area. also follows the white house announcement on more sanctions in iran as punishment for a recent missile test. u.s. central command putting out images showing a glimpse of our operations now under way in yemen. the trump administration tries to put al qaeda on its heels. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon for us. why did the u.s. military release what they said wrr videos captured by the yemen raid earlier today? >> reporter: well, sandra, pentagon officials have been frustrated that news organizations have called it a botched raid. today, as you mentioned, they
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pushed back, releasing five video clips they say were captured during the yemen raid that appear to show an al qaeda bomb maker showing how to make a bomb and attack a christian cross. moments ago they took down that video and cancelled a background briefing for reporters here at the pentagon. this was supposed to be a prime example of some of the intelligence the seal team gathered as part of that thumb drive, computer hard drive. now it turns out those videos may have been ten years old and already in the public domain. in other news, fox learned the uss cole is now patrolling off the coast of yemen in the wake of increasing tensions with iran. it is, of course, symbolic that the uss cole has been deployed since it was attacked 16 years ago resulting in the death of 17 u.s. sailor. it comes days after u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s. carried out the raid on the al qaeda compound and
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after a suicide bomber struck a saudi naval vessel office on yemen. they have placed mines in the water near the strait not far from where that saudi warship was attacked monday and a u.s. warship came under missile attack in october, sandra. >> sandra: jennifer, the pentagon putting another country on notice today? >> reporter: that's right. defense secretary jim madit had a word of warning for north korea as he sought to reassure u.s. allies in asia. he put north korea on notice during a visit to south korea today. >> any attack on the united states or on our allies will be defeated and any use of nuclear weapons will be met with a response that would be effective and overwhelming. >> reporter: he arrived in japan on his second and final leg of the asia visit. a sign of just how concerned the pentagon is about the region and north korea's progress toward an intercontinental missile capable
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of hitting the united states. sandra? >> sandra: jennifer griffin, thank you. president trump unveiling sanctions on iran this morning in response to the country's recent ballistic missile test. the president tweeting iran is playing with fire. they don't appreciate how kind president obama was to them. not me. the administration now starting to set a course for diplomatic relations around the world. >> i want there to be no misunderstanding here in the transition in washington that we stand firmly, 100% shoulder to shoulder with you and the japanese people. >> this escalation of violence must stop. united states stands with the people of ukraine who have suffered for nearly three years under russian occupation and military intervention. >> sandra: joining me now marie hart, former deputy press secretary for the state department and a fox news contributor. marie, good to see you. >> thanks. happy to be here.
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>> sandra: there's so much going on today. it's tough to decide where to start, whether it's japan or russia. i want to go first to iran because the administration is imposing these new sanctions on iran after these missile tests. >> right. so i think we've heard heated rhetoric about iran including those tweets. but these sanctions that were put in place today are fairly similar to sanctions we put in place in the obama administration over iran's missile program. i'm heartened that the trump administration is making clear this isn't a violation of the nuclear deal and that they're taking steps that are fairly in line with what we did. what concerns me is the heated rhetoric and what the trump administration has in plan for the future in terms of iran. i don't know what their red line is. they talk about military action cavalierly. >> sandra: we also know the u.s. navy moved a destroyer in position off the coast of yemen. obviously there's deep concerns there. >> there are.
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and, look, this is a region in crisis. you just have to watch. five minutes of news and you can see, whether it's isis, whether it's yemen. there are so many issues in the middle east that are tricky for the united states. we don't need to start a new crisis with iran because someone likes to tweet at them. i think -- >> sandra: do you disapprove of that? there's people who say this provides a lot of transparency. we know what's going on. the president's putting it out there. he's exchanging barbs with iran on twitter. it does make it very clear what is happening between the two. >> well, i think the issues are way too complicated and there's way too much chance of miscalculation, or somebody to mi twitter for really the president to be using that as a way to talk to the iranians. we talk to the iranians a lot in the obama administration, but because of how complicated the issues, one miscalculation could have serious consequences for
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our security, i don't think we should be doing diplomacy by twitter. i do think it's irresponsible. >> sandra: moving on to russia, there does seem to be some conflicting messages coming out of the new administration there. what do you think? >> actually going back to iran for a second. russia is a very close ally of iran. so i think the trump administration is probably hearing from the russians that they shouldn't tear up the nuclear deal, that they shouldn't be so tough on iran. that will be interesting. i think the trump administration is coming face to face with the reality of the russians. what nikki haley said at the u.n. isn't far off from something we would have said for their actions in crimea. you will hear from people in the white house who want a better relationship with russia. when putin says in exchange for that, why don't you take off some soft sanctions? >> sandra: i want to move on to james mattis, reassuring north korea that the alliance remains
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strong. he's saying this after we know the president accused south korea and japan of not paying enough for u.s. military support. >> i think secretary mattis is doing a little bit of preemptive cleanup in the region. he is very well respected by democrats and republicans and our allies over seas. on his first trip going to the asia pacific saying the alliances are important, we're going to stand with you, we're going to stand against north kraerbg i do think he's probably trying to undo some of the damage that donald trump did during the campaign. i think hopefully our allies will understand that. hopefully the policies will back up what general mattis is saying. >> sandra: let me ask you about rex tillerson. this is an area that obviously is your strength. what is his job look like right now? i mean, obviously everything that we just discussed, this is going to fall directly in his lap. your thoughts on him and his road ahead. >> look, i thought he did a great job yesterday in his first
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remarks to the workforce. i watched it very closely. i think he hit the right tone of respect for the career officers who, over the past few weeks have felt cut out of the trump administration foreign policy. so i think he has work to do inside the building making sure that he respects voices of dissent that may speak up so they don't spill out into the public. that's no good for anybody. he also has to make clear to the white house that he is a player and he needs to be part of these decision. he wasn't part of the decision on the refugee ban, for example. i haven't seen indications that mike flynn is going to listen to rex tillerson, and he needs to. i think he has work to do there. >> sandra: maria, it's hard to believe we are still talking about this new administration. it's only been two weeks. >> i know. >> >> sandra: it is unbelievable what's already happened, and this president talking so tough when it comes to foreign policy and doing so much already. you've obviously had your criticism, but you're also being fair with what you like about
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what you are seeing. how do you think things are going two weeks in? >> i can't believe it's only been two weeks. it's mind boggling. i think for the first two weeks we have seen a lot of chaos in foreign policy making, particularly when the white house tries to do things very quickly without talking to their cabinet secretaries or the experts who will actually be implementing the policy. the rollout of the refugee ban is a perfect example. mike flynn putting iran on notice. that's a statement that doesn't mean much but that is designed to stand tough. this is an administration that doesn't exactly have a strategic vision and goal and is operating on a minute by minute basis. i do think if they're confronted with a crisis or some of the really tough issues, they need to clean up that process or it will get very tough for them. >> sandra: you did just put a lot of confidence in the secretary of state. sean spicer, the white house press secretary, said i hope iran realizes that this
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president, this administration, is not going to sit back and take it lightly. those are the words of the white house. marie, thanks for being here. >> of course. happy to. >> sandra: speaking of cabinet nominee, some are still in limbo waiting senate confirmation. president trump's pick for attorney general and treasury secretary have yet to clear the hurdle. and the president's choice for education secretary, betsy devos, is expected to face a historic vote after two republican senators withdrew their support. mike emanuel is live on capitol hill for us. hey, mike, what are the expectations regarding the devos vote monday? >> reporter: it's looking like it will be close. republicans cannot afford to lose any votes for her. it's shaping up to be a 50/50 vote in the senate monday. vice president mike pence would be the tie breaker. supporters say that she is a visionary on education. >> i would argue that she has been among the forefront of the leaders like the governors for
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the most successful reform of the last 30 years to change and improve public education. that would be the public charter schools. >> reporter: supporters note she has worked for years to give parents and students choices in terms of schools, and they suggest she should be praised for it. sandra? >> sandra: and what are critics saying about why they are so opposed to devos? >> reporter: some suggest she is anti-public school. allies in the teachers union do not care for betsy devos. neither do they. her critics say they will fight her to the end. >> if the majority is gonna jam this through, we're gonna do everything we can to have a robust debate over the next few days. i am proud to stand up and fight back against betsy devos. >> reporter: she will be up first next week on monday. then after her you've got critical votes for confirmation for jeff sessions for attorney general, dr. tom price for health and human services and then steve mnuchin for treasury
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secretary. it promises to be a very busy week on capitol hill. sandra? >> sandra: another one. mike emanuel, thank you. another conservative speaker invited to speak at a major college ends up getting pepper sprayed by students who did not want to hear from him. it's the second time that this happened on a big city campus in just two days. when does free speech come at such a cost? plus president trump's immigration ban. the aclu of massachusetts is suing to have the order overturned. the latest from the courtroom coming up. >> this isn't the way to set law. we shouldn't be doing it through tweets. we shouldn't be doing it through separate orders coming out of different agencies. that's why we are asking the court to stop this in its tracks. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals.
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>> sandra: well texas could soon start with holding funds from sanctuary cities. senate committee approving a proposal to punish local jurisdictions that con comply with procedures to deport illegal immigrants. coming after the hours of the emotional testimony from hundreds who traveled from all over the state to weigh in. >> i would ask you to make a decision not only with your knowledge, but also with your heart, and see that your people, your friends and those that pray for you daily. >> sandra: the committee voted along party lines 7-2. full senate vote comes next. it's expected to pass since republicans control 20 out of 31 seats. the state department saying some 60,000 people have been impacted
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by the president's travel ban. that's drastically lower than the justice department figure used in a courtroom this morning. now lawyers for the aclu of massachusetts are also in federal court fighting the immigration ban which temporarily bars citizens of seven mostly muslim nations from entering the u.s. molly line is live outside the courthouse in boston. molly, where do things stand right now? >> reporter: sandra, what we're waiting on is the judge's decision regarding the status of a temporary restraining order that was put in place over the weekend. it stems from the aclu's lawsuit against donald trump's executive order, which they argue is unconstitutional and unlawful. that hearing this morning, the judges speaking before the judge, made the argument essentially asking that the seven day stay be extended effectively stopping the government from using the executive order to detain or remove anyone entering the united states.
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the state attorney generals office have also joined onto this. lawsuit was initially filed on behalf of two permanent residents both college professors at the university of massachusetts dartmouth. they were returning from an academic conference abroad. they were detained, kept for several hours before being released. protesters amassed at the terminal and welcomed them. an amended complaint has also been filed adding several noncitizens that are already here in america but have concerns now about leaving the country for fear that they will not be allowed to return. sandra? >> sandra: molly, what about the visa situation there? >> reporter: absolutely. that is something the judge here in court asked the governments attorneys about. judge gordon. the attorneys here in boston confirmed that two of the plaintiffs in this case have had their visas revoked. aclu attorneys say ultimately there's a tremendous amount of confusion going on and it's unclear how the government will be acting or not acting. take a listen.
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>> part of the reason we're asking for greater clarification by the court today is because there is so much confusion as to what the meaning of this various entities of the government that are issuing sometimes conflicting statements and comments. this isn't the way to set law. we shouldn't be doing it through tweets. we shouldn't be doing it through separate orders coming out of different agencies. >> reporter: massachusetts is far from alone. judges in washington state, virginia and new york have issued various orders in raoepb days. democratic attorney generals in 16 states and washington, d.c. issued a statement earlier this week condemning the president's order as unconstitutional and unamerican. sandra? >> sandra: all right, molly, thank you. started out as an invite to speak and ended up with violent protest with the featured conservative speaker being pepper sprayed. so what is happening with free speech on our college campuses? plus a man armed with an machete shot before trying to enter one
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of paris' most popular museums. we are expecting to hear new details of the attack from french authorities in just a few moments. hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. it's been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, america's favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. but now it's finally back home where it belongs. aw man. hey, wait up. where you goin'? here we go again. so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car,
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>> sandra: the president is now at joint base andrews where he will be departing for florida. he is expected to spend the weekend at his club at mar lago in palm beach. there you see him just moments ago. violence erupting at yet another college campus. protesters gettis they spoke out against the appearance of a conservative
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speaker. several people arrested. julie banderas is live from the university. >> reporter: protesters, particularly college protester, trying to shoot down the free speech of a conservative anyway and that is what happened last night here at nyu, similar to uc berkeley. nyu students doing the same thing last night voicing their disgust with conservative actor and vice media co-founder gavin mchinnis who was inside trying to hold a seminar for the college republicans. while this was was less violent, 11 people were arrested in all. protesters lined upoutside. they were met with a line of nypd officers with zip ties at the ready. mckinnes was scheduled to speak at 7:00 p.m. but was instead seen shouting from the podium in a live periscope video. as protesters managed to make their way inside the venue.
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you can hear the crowd chanting usa. among other things they also said nazi scum your time has come. they also lit make america great again hats on fire. then when interrupted he asked the protesters why are you repeating the same nonsense over and over? that further infuriated the crowd, forcing him to end his speech early. but not before voicing his own concerns. nyu local reports that he said, i'm quoting, you're a numb liberal a-hole and you think these are rational beings before storming away. so quite the event last night. there were several arrests. fortunately no cars or property were vandalized. there were protesters that threw punches at police. not a good idea. 11 arrested. among the charges ranging from disordinarily conduct and criminal mischief to resisting
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arrest and one person with a drug possession charge. back to you, sandra. >> sandra: hard to see this happening on our college campuses. julie banderas, thank you. all right. we are waiting that news conference on the violent machete attack that happened near the louvre museum in paris. we will bring that to you when it happens. here's what we know so far. french police carrying out a series of anti-terror raids after the suspect believed to be an egyptian national. right now the alleged attacker remains hospitalized after being shot by the soldiers that he was trying to hurt. france's president vowing to interview him as soon as possible. military officials now investigating after a navy special war fare unit was seen flying a trump flag. drivers noticing the display on a convoy traveling near louisville kentucky last weekend. a navy spokes person saying the forces had been training at ft. knox. military rules ban troops from
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publicly endorsing political candidates and campaigns. navy officials saying the unit's commander is looking into the situation and will decide whether to discipline the troops. president trump signing a new round of executive orders today, saying financial regulations for wall street, so what does that mean for you and your wallet? we will talk about that. and they were warned. white house national security adviser michael flynn putting iran on notice this week. and today they got their notice in the form of new sanctions. but so far iran isn't backing down. >> general flynn was really clear yesterday that iran has violated the joint resolution, that iran's additional hostile actions that it took against our navy vessel are ones that we are clear are not going to sit by and take. picking up for kyle. here you go. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza.
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house headed for mar lago, president trump was asked why he slapped sanctions on iran. he said it was because they were not behaving. treasury department named 25 individuals and corporate entities in iran, the united arab emeritz and a couple in china that were going to be targeted because they said they have been involved in, quote, terrorist related or missile related activity. the white house claims sunday's launch of that medium range ballistic missile violated the united nations security council because that missile could be fitted with a nuclear war head. iran said no no no not a nuclear missile that was a conventional missile and it does not violate the united nations security council resolution. the president though in response to that tweeted quote iran is playing with fire. they don't appreciate how kind president obama was to them. not me. short time ago at the white house briefing sean spicer, the press secretary, said this could be the first of many actions if iran continues to misbehave.
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here he is. >> today's sanctions really represent a very very strong stand against the actions that iran has been taking. we make it very clear that the deal that has been struck previously was not in the best interest of this country and that president trump is going to do everything he can to make sure that iran is stayed in check. >> reporter: during the election campaign both the primary and general then candidate donald trump vowed he would undo the iran nuclear deal but he didn't just want to rescind it on day one like a lot of other candidates vowed to do because he wants to make sure he gets a better deal. that will probably unfold in the days and weeks ahead. sandra? >> sandra: it may be friday, but it was still another busy day for the trump administration. mr. trump also issuing other orders today. what can you tell us about them? >> reporter: lot of people were happy to see him take off for florida. signed two executive orders. one delayed the implementation of the fiduciary at the
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department of labor. this is a rule lot of people wanted implemented because it levels the level of responsibility for anyone selling anything to do with finance. financial adviser, other things like that. but the president insists that this would reduce the number of choices that consumers have and also increase the cost of those service as well. he doesn't want that to be implemented so he signed an order that would eliminate its implementation altogether. also signing another executive order that states a period of 120 days -- period of 120 days to review a lot of the regulations that were put in place following the near financial collapse back in 2009. he believes that these regulations have severely limited businesses and individuals access to money most of it through loans so they can grow their businesses buy houses, things like that. you saw him standing to the right of the president, that's the director of the council of economic adviser. here's what he said about all that this morning.
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>> all banks have been under such regulatory scrutiny where they've been forced to literally build capital and build capital and instead of lending capital into their clients and allowing their clients to grow their businesses and hire people and create jobs. they've been taking those reserves, taking that capital and hording it to pay for additional regulation. >> reporter: the president has also vowed he will reveal dot frank and replace it with something else. but that, too, is for down the road. president's bound to keep us busy. >> sandra: of course. john roberts, thank you for all your reporting. busy week. for more on the administration's activity today, let's bring in the president and founder of the new democratic net and editor and fox news contributor. katie, i'm looking down at your twitter feed.
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you are very busy tweeting about iran and the happenings today and these sanctions. explain to us, what do you make of them? >> well, look. it's very clear the iranians wanted to test to the new administration and president trump in their actions. but this is not something that's new for the iranians to be testing the americans. we've seen for a long time now especially in the last year the iranians threatening to shoot down u.s. planes and international air space. we saw them take our sailors hostage and then use videos of them as propaganda which is against the geneva convention. i'm glad to see an administration treating the iranians as the terror sponsoring state that they are. and the interesting thing that came up today in the press briefing is that sean spicer indicated this is not just a response to the ballistic missile test which violates u.n. resolutions. it's not just a response to iran's attack on our allies the saudis in the red sea. it's also a response to the continued funding of terrorism which has been roundly ignored
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for far too long. >> sandra: we shouldn't be surprised by this, right, simon? we saw michael flynn take to the microphone at the start of the week. iran is officially on notice. do these sanctions go far enough? we just had marie harp on, former deputy press secretary in the obama administration in the state department. she said these appear to be the same kind of sanctions we put on iran over its missile program. >> yeah, listen, i think it's okay for the administration to go slow. right? they're still finding their way in the early days. they don't have their whole team in place. i think this is an appropriate step. i all want to just, i hope, that what we hear on the administration is clarity on strategy for the entire region. not just for individual pieces of it. so for example, this week in the last few weeks we have angered our iraqi allies in the region who are fighting side by side with us against isis. i think we've got to figure out how all these pieces fit together to make sure we are achieving our ultimate end,
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which is defeating isis, containing iran and all the other things we want to do together. i hope the administration takes their time to develop that strategy in consultation with congress and other parts of the government. >> sandra: this is breaking right now. michael flynn just putting out a statement on iran, saying the international community has been too toll rant of iran's bad behavior. that was a.we heard from the president earlier today. saying they just haven't been behaving. he said the days of turning a blind eye to iran's hostile actions towards the united states and the world community are over. >> yeah. i think they're probably serious about that. look, as i mentioned, iran for a long time has been engaging in provocative activity against the united states and our allies in the middle east. not to mention iran regularly funds hezbollah, which is the largest terror organization in the world and before 9/11 was responsible for more american deaths than any other terrorist organization in the world. so for them to now say, look, we're done with tolerating these
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repeated violation of u.n. resolutions, we're done with acting like the iran deal got the united states anything but bad behavior from the iranians and, yes, president trump has said that he doesn't want to necessarily tear up the deal, but it certainly can be amended and we can hold the iranians accountable for continuing their bad behavior on a number of fronts to push these types of conflicts into the u.s. and global sphere of having to deal with them. >> sandra: simon i want to get lindsay graham's most comments on iran in here. he is basically saying this is all a big test of the trump administration. listen to this. >> yeah, i don't know what that means. here's what i would do. i would try to rally the world and try to punish iran through sanction. they deserve to be sanctioned. they're testing president trump. the russians are testing
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president trump. >> sandra: simon, your thoughts? >> yeah. listen, it would be better to have a global coalition than acting unilaterally. i think lindsey graham is correct about that. one of the reasons we're able to get the iran nuclear deal, whether you thought it was a good deal or not is because there had been punishing sanctions done in concert with our allies for a long period of time. so i think what's important is for us to act with our ally, with congress, to do this together. one of my great concerns about the early days of the trump administration is their willingness to sort of do things out of the white house without significant consultation with even members of their own party. it would be better if we did this together than to do it alone. it would be more effective in whatever the president decides to do. >> sandra: katie, the last thing you tweeted was military force against iran is on the table. >> yeah. secretary sean spicer today said that, look, we're not talking about taking military action, but president trump doesn't take anything off of the table. so that certainly means that
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they're not taking it off the table and it is an option. he all reiterated that donald trump doesn't want to talk about what he's going to do because he thinks that's bad strategy. >> sandra: thank for being here. chapo appears in a u.s. court. his attorney's special request. plus, the judge's response. and strong numbers in the president's first jobs report as the white house announces a major deal on military jets. >> 55 purchased for u.s. military, that added up to a total of $455 million savings for u.s. taxpayers from the previous lot, with an average cost reduction of 7.5%. another big win.
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we'll talk about some of the weird bets people are making. why he's so sure. and whether we'll see a streaker. plus another busy day in politic. we'll speak with chris wallace, who's here because the company paid his way. we'll talk about donald trump's latest tweets on iran and arnold schwarzenegger because, why not? join us for super bowl pregame minus the beer, top of the hour on shepherd smith reporting. we'll see you then from houston. >> sandra: a federal judge denying a request by attorneys for accused mexican drug lord el chapo guzman who said prison restrictions are too tough for their client. making an appearance in court today. guzman's lawyers say he is in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. his wife can't visit and he's only allowed to call his lawyers. el chapo was arrested last year in mexico and brought to the u.s. this month.
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he's pleaded not guilty to charges of running a massive drug ring and orchestrating murders. all right. well, the president sitting down with business executives for a strategy and police forum at the white house today. the business man turned commander in chief campaigned on being the most corporate friendly president since reagan. now he's trying to keep his word signing an executive order today aimed at scaling back regulations. so happy to have you on set. >> hi there, sandra. >> sandra: so much going on today. can i just point out something that's blatantly obvious. the stock market is up triple digits. is it applauding that jobs report or is it more about those two executive actions rolling back financial regulations? >> it seems to be more about politics. i'm sure the jobs report has a little to do with it. the federal reserve can maybe hang out and be accommodating. however, yeah, a lot of it is that. when the news out of washington is about policies that wall street perceives to be
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protectioni protectionist, not great for stocks. today opposite. lower taxes, fewer regulations. that's good for stocks. the president, before the meeting, had all these big wigs in, steve shoresman, larry fink, jack welsh, all these people to the white house. before that he said, we're gonna bring back job, bring down your taxes and get rid of your regulations. that's it. that's music to their ears. >> sandra: also him just meeting with these business leaders. sort of putting out the whole idea that america elected a business man to run this country and bring back jobs. they're taking credit, aren't they, for this jobs report this morning? we looked at the press secretary. he was asked about that. >> he was asked specifically about that. carefully deflected and said we can't put a number on it. >> sandra: he pointed to the optimism after the election. we saw the runup to the stock market. >> we saw that because of the optimism about tax reform. about lower taxes, fewer
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regulations. seemed to get off the subject a little. now today we're back to that. there's no accident that stocks will do well. >> sandra: you mentioned the business leader. the uber business leader, uber ceo, chose not to meet with the president. that was because he is in disagreement over this immigration ban. >> which came up, from what we understand at the meeting. you're going to get other ceo's that are in disagreement with that. we've heard from a number of corporate executives that had to deal with that dealing with their own employees. you do have to make a choice. it's a business choice at the end of the day. if you choose not to go to a meeting like that, what are the political consequences? will you have less access going forward? we'll see, i guess. that's a position he chose to make. other people didn't choose. disney's ceo wasn't there. that's because he had a board meeting. >> sandra: let's get to senator elizabeth warren. she has been sending out a flurry of tweets in response to president's two expectative actions today. one, her pheft raoepb one, said
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the wall street bankers may be popping champagne but the americans haven't forgotten the 2008 financial crisis and they won forget today. this really speaks to their concern, having the president in the first two weeks that he's in office, rolling back regulations that she said are there and meant to prevent another financial crisis. she's making her opinion very clear. >> couple things here. sean spicer talked about this, too. they're going to try to push forward with what they can do with executive action. look at dodd frank which was 2000 plus pages. and review it. let's see what we can do going forward. at the end of the day if they're going to make some serious changes to that, congress needs to get involved. what type of push back are you going to see? we're seeing it already. senator warren played a big part in putting many of these regulations in place. consumer protection bureau, the rest of it. of course she's gonna push back. the argument that they're going to make will be very interesting. you heard it from the white house today saying dodd frank
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didn't solve the problems. it's not only that it was expensive or pwurensome for businesses to deal with. it didn't solve the too big to fail problem. they're arguing that. same thing with the fiduciary rule that they say, the white house, it was a solution in search of a problem. they're trying to make the argument these things never made sense in the first place. >> sandra: clearly as far as the stock market, they like what they are seeing. 180 point gain on the dow on a friday. that would be the biggest gain this year. >> there you go. >> sandra: good to see you. >> thanks. >> sandra: super bowl li in houston. about 48 hours away now. how an estimated 1 million people are having a massive impact on that city.
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>> sandra: all right. the patriots and falcons will square off in the super bowl this sunday in houston. and with the big game comes new stores, restaurants and whole lot of people. and it all can give you a major economic boom. rick leventhal, what are you seeing? you're live in houston. is this going to have a big economic impact on the city? >> reporter: they hope so. houston has 350 million reasons to welcome super bowl li to this city. that's the estimated economic impact, thanks to the 1 million people who are expected to visit downtown. many of them here today joining the super bowl live and the nfl experience here at discovery green. they're filling hotel rooms, renting cars, going to bars and eating at the 10,000 restaurants in town. yes, for a lucky 70,000 or so attending the game sunday, the city hoped that there are long term benefits, too.
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>> for the partnership, it's much more important than that. this is a chance to present houston to the world. you just don't find better venues, better opportunities than the super bowl to market your city. >> reporter: no one is more psyched than the mayor of houston sylvester turner. >> i'm trying not to walk like a peacock. to be a native of houston and to know where this city has been and where we are right now, i am so proud of every houstonian. i am so proud of this city. >> reporter: last time the super bowl was here was 2004. the mayor said he hopes they don't have to wait another 13 years to host again. said the commissioner of the nfl told him so last night. he thinks the super bowl will be back in houston sooner than that, sandra. >> sandra: all right, rick, thank you, sir. >> reporter: absolutely. >> sandra: enjoy. well, mr. clean is hanging up his spotless shoes. the brand held a contest to find
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he had everything but the gold hoop earrings. you can see mr. clean at work in his super bowl ad debut this sunday. have a wonderful weekend. i'm sandra smith. here's shope live from houston. >> shepard: it's noon on the west coast. 2:00 here in houston. 3:00 in d.c. president trump today lays down the law on iran.imposing new pee latest missile test and now iran is responding. plus, is the white house shifting its position on israel? it would appear it is. the new warning against new west bank settlements. the president making market moves today taking aim at financial regulations which his predecessor put in place. and president trump's daughter, ivanka, gathering powerful people together to try to help women in the workplace. we'll look at what she's doing to get things done. from lady gaga, the half time show to the strangest bets you can
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