tv The Five FOX News February 3, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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from a lot of you are wondering why i am not wearing a red in honor of heart conditions. if i started wearing colors for various diseases and problems cannot be at heart or cancer, well, i am sympathetic and empathetic. >> hello, everyone, i am bob beckel. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five" ." ♪ anti-trump agitators are added again. >> [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. [bleep]. >> bob: violence erupted at another college campus, this time at new york university were angry protesters lashed out against the appearance of a conservative speaker. at least 11 people were arreste arrested.
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president trump tweeting, "professional anarchists, thugs, proving the point of the millions of people who voted to make america great again. our lawmakers may be adding fuel to the fire. nancy pelosi speaking with steve bannon. >> what is making america less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the national security council as a permanent member. it is a stunning thing that a white supremacist would be a permanent member of the national security council. >> bob: kimberly, i suppose using the word white supremacist without having proof beyond the fact, in the web page, there were some white supremacists, i don't like bannon. i don't like any of them. that is not the point. >> kimberly: he is not a white supremacist and she shouldn't slander him. it is conduct unbecoming. she has no proof to back that up. it shows the depths that they will go to to try to disparage
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someone and the desperation, really, of the liberals. i'm so sorry, bob, your party right now. >> bob: let me make this clear, those are not liberals. those are anarchists, many of them paid to do that kind of stuff. we all get lumped together. unless your window was around, i would have broken land. -- broken data. do you think this is representative of the anti-trump protests? speaker definitely representative of the sentiment and the feeling. so many people on the left are so crazed by the sense of self righteousness and moral indignation about what trump is doing that they don't see the irony. they are doing exactly what they accused trump of doing. they call him a bully, what they are doing by cutting shutting n speeches is bullying. what is more intolerant than shutting down someone speaking? they call them authoritarian. the tactics they are using are exactly that.
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they are using the very tactics they criticize trump for. if you're being political about it, i think this helps republicans. every ten people see stuff like that, they think, i'm not with them, with the normal people that don't do that. i think the really sad thing that i am certainly experiencing on a daily basis, it's not so much the violent protests, it is the way that anyone who expresses any kind of understanding of or support for what trump is doing, the conversation is closed down by everyone on the left. you remember the bay area, out in california, you can't say anything, can't even have a conversation. >> terrifying if you do. >> 1776. >> you talk about being out in san francisco, the last hour of talking to a student in berkeley who is the head of the republican party on the berkeley campus, and i said to them, my goodness, you are around and uc berkeley -- ucla berkeley
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identifying as a young republican? he said it feels like it is important that he stands up and has his voice heard. what is amazing about that, it is rebellious, to be a conservative. it is brave to go out there and be a conservative on the berkeley campus, like you were saying. the way the roles are reversed, you talk about fascism. that on the screen is fascism, when people are violently opposed to allowing other points of view. if you don't speak out like everyone else, the exact same way, that you face physical violence, that is what is going on. >> at the republican party at berkeley has five people on their role. >> date say they have 1,000. i find that hard to believe. people are afraid to have their names on there. >> when these things are run, we have run this one now, about four days in a row, do you think
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this is fair to make this representative of the liberal anti-trump protest movement? >> i think that is exactly what these violent progressive leftists are doing. they are trying to make as much noise as possible so they can eclipse the news cycle. that is the message they want to get across. you have people like gavin mcinnes and milo yiannopoulos who go on to these college campuses, all they are doing is essentially taking the pacifier away from the baby, seeing if the baby will cry. the baby is going to cry every single time. that is the reaction you're going to get. and it plays completely into their hands. that is what they want because it proves their point. that these college campuses, where you have this sort of momentum from the left have become so fascist and as is pointed out rightly, laughable t they say they are from antifascist organizations which is how they advertise themselves on facebook to try to shutdown the nyu event. >> for some reason, kennedy, i had hoped for a different answer.
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>> the other thing, the reason they are getting the attention, complete vacuum and the democratic party. they still don't understand what the reason all those people have turned away from them and solidly blue states. they haven't done that thinking. look at what nancy pelosi said, completely extreme. that kind of response is not going to help them. >> my party, first of all, lacks a chairman -- not that her matters. the fact is that the base is moving and that politicians are saying things like pelosi did, i don't agree with that. i'll tell you, it is not fair, and my view, to say that these are all fascists that represent the liberal wing -- represents liberal progressive anti-trump people. i happen to be an anti-trump person to the absolute core, but i don't consider myself a fascist, and i don't consider myself an anarchist. going to send george soros back
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his check. >> [laughs] >> kimberly, and going to ask you a question. these people, why don't they get arrested? >> because they are so afraid to do anything to enforce the law. i worked as a prosecutor in the bay area of san francisco and los angeles, grew up in san francisco, former first lady of san francisco, i saw this. red protesters in front of my house all the time, we did the care not cast program trying to give people services instead of handing them cash so they would become more drug addicted. they lived so far is on fire in front of my house. they rang the doorbell all day and all night long, had to threaten to go up there with the hose. at the end of the day, they were disabused of the notion that that was a good idea. if you coddle this kind offomenr
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jesse watters was kicked out. it was fun. >> the whole idea of college is that you have somebody come on campus and speak that has an opposing point of view and that challenges your own thought. make sure you really believe what you believe. when you live in an echo chamber, you have no idea what the other side is saying. >> you would be surprised that many of us which these people do speak and be allowed to speak, when they do speak, people understand what is about, when they understand what it is about, they understand that authoritarianism exists on the other side of mr. trump. did they get your shoes? they didn't get your shoes. >> they didn't manage to rector the. -- break through the perimeter. >> i do not like the idea of someone stealing kimberly's shoes in the ninth. that is not okay. >> get it done. >> what i want to say about
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nancy pelosi, because what i find so offensive, only a couple of things you can tarpaper with nowadays that really malign and destroy their reputation. you can call them a racist or you can call them a pedophile. what if nancy pelosi stood up and said that because one of his associates stood up with a pedophile, that made my pedophile? i think steve bannon has a claim. >> you are saying that means that -- >> honestly, on the left, that kind of way of having a political argument is coming from the left, that is what is going on right now. and it is sad because, actually, people protesting, people boy boycotting, that is all great. but not when it is violent and not when it is so extreme that
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it is just distorting and smearing. >> exactly. >> 3 million women in this country in one city or another that went and protested trump. they dated peacefully. >> about, see, people were allowed to talk. with the women's march, a lot out on the streets, a lot of people that god organized, they had cut -- got organized, this was americans going out and having their voice heard. what we are seeing here is completely the opposite. it is shutting down marches and it is violence. the opposite. >> i'm being told -- i'm not used to being at the top of the show, and i'm being told another we have to tease. does tees mean that it's time to get out? putting the white house on notice this week, they got their notice in the form of new sanct, iran doesn't appear to be backing down. details on the president's foreign policy next. ♪ hambone! sally! 22! hut hut!
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president donald trump continues to put the world on notice taking a stand on protecting the united states. we have a lot to get to including developments with israel and russia. the trump administration has slapped iran with more than two dozen new sanctions. the white house explained by the move was necessary. >> we have taken these actions today after careful consideration and we will continue to respond with appropriate action. these designations marked yet another stop in our continued effort to continually target iran's ballistic missile program and terrorism-related activitie. >> iran condemned the sanctions claiming they violate the u.n. security council resolution. they are threatening to take reciprocal action against americans. obviously a very serious situation, and coming right in the beginning of a new administration just a couple weeks in office. >> it must feel like whiplash to iran. they had it so much nicer under the past administration.
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drilling down on the details, the back and forth on, they say they didn't violate this treaty, whether or not of those was missiles can carry nuclear warheads, that is what we are parsing at this point. iran saying, no, i don't think they can, this doesn't violate it. we all know what this is heading. dated violate the sanctions even though people argue that they didn't. they were caring too much heavy water which is what you use when you're making radioactive components. i think donald trump and the administration is not going to put up with that. where we go from here is obviously treacherous waters and pretty scary because you say, how are they going to react? do they pause and step back or does it escalate? we'll see. >> the impact of the international community, everyone is on notice now and watching to see what will happen next. >> i am not at all surprised by this, and a lot of people today were saying that the strength of the language against russia, for example, was a change.
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i don't think that is true at all. i think one of the things that is clearly true about trump, if you think about all of the years he has been in the campaign and since he was elected, it is very clear that the single thing that matters most to him, apart from massive ratings, is strength. he is clearly someone who prioritizes this idea of strength and wants to demonstrate strength at every stage. and i always thought that is the kind of what he would respond, and that is what you saw for example during the transition period with that beatty sent ou out. i always thought there was a misunderstanding of this whole trump love affair with putin. i think he is a practical idea, let's get along with them to do the things we need to get done, but if he crosses us, if he does things we don't agree with, i'm going to show strength, unlike obama. this is a consistent picture of the u.s. exerting strength on the international scene.
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>> so interesting. in the treat, when he wrote about, hey, they didn't appreciate how kind obama was to them -- iran. >> you think of the sanctions that obama and many other countries put out, much stronger. if trump had any experience, he would know that the real strength would be getting six countries or nine together to put the sanctions on. now it is us. the rest of the world isn't on the side of the sanctions yet. but he could if he had slowed down, put his pen down, got steve bannon out of the room, and decided he was going to do was make some calls to britain, france, germany, get some of those people. oh, no, i'm going to be a tough guy and send a tweet out and that street is going to hurt the hell out of them. >> those snapback sanctions, don't degrade them, snapped back to sanctions. that is the principle of this.
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you know it will take forever. >> kennedy, what do you make of this, he is trying to show strength, firmness, resolute in terms of how he wants to approach this. >> an interesting contrast to russia, which he touched on, and i think right now the administration is trying to -- we're going to try to do denies way first. we're going to see where and how we can cooperate. rex tillerson says, i don't necessarily agree with sanctions, i don't think they get a lot done. then the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley, saying we stand with the ukraine here, we did not appreciate what russia has been doing here. a very confusing message. i think that is on purpose. here with iran it is very unified, they are saying, no, mike flynn saying the same thing, we are going to shut this down, you are on notice. you have to lock us up. even if iran says, you know, these muscles are not capable of a nuclear payload, we're not going to take a gamble like we
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did with nancy pelosi and the aca. we're not going to find out what it says until they launch one of them to find out if they were capable of it. >> is not to say that the rest of the world doesn't think these are dangerous? the rest of the world agreed with the treaty that we negotiated with iran. they want to go in there and make as much money as they can. therefore, they have got financial interest. >> the sanctions, and they worked. >> didn't work at all. they didn't work. they were violating the sanctions, which normally, i agree with. >> never mind. but the point is, you have one country, us, and one tough leader and one tough tweet, and by itself, it is not nearly as important to -- quotes because they followed up on it. >> one thing is really underestimated in all this foreign policy discussion is thn
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aspect of it. and the fact that he said that approach. you are not going to get to that zero responds diplomatically behind the scenes that people got used to from obama. that assertiveness i think will change the whole dynamic. >> doesn't have valerie jarrett shielding him from truly dealing with iran. iran no longer has that. >> get a quick reaction to israel with the settlement and your reaction to that. >> the white house saying that they don't have a formal policy on the settlement. they're basically saying, don't build any new settlements. israel knows that they have any renewed ally in the united states, but that doesn't mean carte blanche to build new settlements on the west bank. >> i think the white house's concern on this, by pushing forward and being so present in this moment, you are not helping your kids are helping us with the rest of the world. you might want to take your foot off the gas. >> what do you think?
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>> i think it is consistent, it shows a pragmatic, dealmaking approach to things. based on the idea that you get what you want, you have to have leverage and show strength. that is what he is doing. i think it is a really refreshing change from the diplomacy that may be the way it was handled and everyone freaking out about it, actually, it hasn't worked. this approach, i think -- >> more of a business model approach. >> business model approach that has yet and will not prove to be more than another one of donald trump's temper tantrums. but the question i have is, of all the things that donald trump has written and his little executive orders, has one thing changed? not one. not one. except that little kids are being held in detention camps because they can't get into the united states because they happen to be syrian refugees. big, tough man. >> speak all right, bob. unfortunately, we do not have the next two hours to respond to
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bob's statement. up next, tear and paris again, and attack in france and president drums urgent message for americans on the fight against radical islamic extremism when we return. ♪ taking a holiday in britain, are ya doll? well, the only place you need go... london's got the best of everything. cornwall's got the best of everything.
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♪ ♪ >> president trump doubled down on his top foreign policy stands following a thwarted terror attack. 829-year-old egyptian man with chocolate machetes shouting allahu akbar. one soldier taking on the attacker. he remains in the hospital. president trump treated, a new radical islamic terrorist has just attacked louvre museum in paris.
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tourists were locked down. france on edge again. get smart, u.s. >> whether it is the berlin attack, denies attack, the third attack in paris, we want to make sure that these events in these jihadists who did shout out, allah is the greatest, do not have the possibility of doing these things here. there seems to be a general sense that they don't understand why the president was elected president. this was very much a national security election. the common sense americans don't want us to suffer more terrorism, and that is my president donald trump was made the commander in chief. >> and the ongoing debate we are having over the executive orders last week and a travel ban, the last time there was a terror attack in paris, chuck schumer said that it might be necessary -- i think we got that -- might be necessary to pause the refugee program.
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that is what he said the last time that the terror attack in france, position totally difference today. what do you think the changes? >> i'm not sure i understand, talking about paris, this is the third one that we know about. it is bound to happen in other places in europe, blew it by allowing too many people and with no fighting. >> that sounds like you agree with donald trump and his polic policy. letting too many people in without vetting? >> that is what president obama did. >> here is another thing, just stop for a second. you guys, please -- should we go to commercial? or are we just chatting? >> obama has now left office. leave it alone. >> going after president bush, how many years did you take every public opportunity to malign -- >> it is not about obama.
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>> you actually have -- >> a volume for every year, bob. >> every subject he had to take responsibility for something, he turned backward and talked about -- >> still about the economy. >> i think people need to be forward looking, i actually disagree with sebastian gorka. i don't think this was a referendum on national security, more than the third terrorist attack in france. >> i do agree with you about that. i want to come back. not about obama, it is but the democrats today who are going crazy about the idea of pausing the refugee process. they are going crazy when trump does it, but a couple of years ago, they thought it was a good idea. >> you know, politicians change their minds. i don't know about yours, but ours certainly do. by the way, that guy, was he a bright, that gorka guy? >> he, like me, interestingly,
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was hungarian. immigrant twice over, i parents to the u.k. i really believe in immigration, i believe in helping refugees, i don't think that means that we should be giving up all control over the country. >> how about doing it responsibly? what is wrong with being certain was actually vetting and a proper way, yes, you want to be compassionate, yes, this is a country built on immigrants. my parents came from other countries as well. the bottom line is, bob, it makes all of us safe, people coming and that are okay, you can't let bad people and that are going to do us harm. especially when you see groups like al qaeda, like isis, saying they are going to penetrate and infiltrate this process. >> do you think he could win this argument? >> i think this is evenly split like everything else in this country, the response to what
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you are seeing with this terror attack. one side says, we need to crack down, need to make everybody safe. the other side says, we need to make them like us, this is our fault, alienating muslims, and what donald trump is doing is making it worse in the sense that he is alienating regular peace-loving muslims and turning them into jihadists. the other side doesn't think that is the case. >> very quickly to that, kind of what bob alluded to, a public position and a private position on the left. publicly they say, let's throw our borders wide open. let's welcome as many immigrants as possible. privately they say, but not the people that want to kill us. >> how about that? >> we can keep talking about it afterwards. there is something very important happening tonight, a programming note. a programming note tonight, bob, it is not your turn.
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"the first 100 days," a special show featuring experts who will break, we have just been discussing, president trump's extreme flooding executive order. up next, it is super bowl fever except -- i don't know anything about it. the big game kicks off this weekend and our very own greg gutfeld joins us live from houston with all of the great honor and excitement -- did i say that right? happens next. >> god save the queen. ♪
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where the falcons will take on the patriots, in case you didn't know that. tom brady going for a record-setting fifth ring with new england while atlanta is looking to win its first nfl title. the big game kicks off on sunday at 5:30 p.m. eastern time on the fox broadcast network. greg gutfeld has traveled all the way to houston for the gridiron action because he is a huge football fan. greg, did you know that americans inhale 1.3 billion chicken wings during the super bowl? how many have you had so far? >> i haven't had any. apparently 50% of those were inhaled by michael moore. [laughter] you brought up the tom brady going for his fifth ring. here is an interesting fact. the nfl pays for 150 rings for the the players. that is roughly the same number of k.g.'s engagement stockpile. >> i picked up a couple more.
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>> like you usually do. >> exactly. >> i've got to tell you, houston is fantastic. the people here have been great. it is so refreshing to do something that has nothing to do with politics. as i was telling this dirt bag liberal as i was beating the crap out of him. >> you shouldn't pick on 9-year-old kids, greg. >> here is an interesting fact, bob. there is no network coverage that exists of the first super bowl because somebody actually taped over it with a soap opera. do you think a guy did that, a sexist might ask? i wouldn't ask that. >> greg, do you get a sense down there among the people that follow the skin closely, like you, of course, how much the patriots are going to win by by? >> come my god. >> yeah, i put my ear to the
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ground. you know i played semipro football back in the '80s. >> i know that. >> the unicorns. that was an indoor league, an indoor league, just forgot about us in the basement. but it was still a game, and rose again. i think people are looking at perhaps an atlanta upset. >> i am looking for an atlanta upset. i want to ask you about one of the most pressing issues, takes over the country this time of year, i want you to dispel theh that the, quote-unquote, super bowl flush that happens during the first commercial of the super bowl somehow disrupts municipal sewer systems throughout the land. is that true or false? >> this is an urban legend. however, it is a statistical factor during halftime you find the largest amounts of flashing across the country -- flushing
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across the country. especially if you've eaten something like my ambrosia system. >> terrible, terrible. >> far away and it still comes down to his intestines and what not, which way troubled. greg, i understand that besides the issues, you've also got a little bit of the flu there that is going around? is there a virus? we want to make sure tom brady stays healthy. >> go kiss him. go lick his face, greg! lake tom brady! [laughter] >> there is a problem with people in tv. they never take a sick day. they are afraid that some almost steel their job. >> you have been replaced by kennedy. >> they expect everybody -- interesting fact. there are 76 footballs that are used during the super bowl. >> how many are deflated?
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>> all right, we have to get to -- >> they kill my punchlines. they killed him. -- they kill them. >> hang on a second, this is steve the british guy, i know it sounds like some kind of animated character, but steve the british guy wants to know why you college football when it is clearly more like rugby? >> here is the interesting thin thing. we invented this game, and it is an actual real sport because we use our hands. however, i used to play soccer -- i believe it is called soccer where you come from, right? >> that is true, but it's different. >> by the way, soccer is a wonderful sport, a wonderful sport, but it is not football. >> we don't get rings for winning it. i was interested in the rings. >> the best actors in soccer, whenever something happens, they fall over and they grabbed their
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need. >> very true. you cleared everything up. totally prepared for the game. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. standby. will the super bowl term political? we have details on that coming up. ♪ "how to win at business." step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business.
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♪ >> that is lady gaga, and she is a dream come true. we are so pumped for super bowl li. but there are signals that the big game might term political. much focus has been on patriots quarterback tom brady's friendship with president trump. this morning, mr. trump revealed how he feels about apparently stealing the spotlight away from his pal. >> one of the things that i heard this morning watching the news was that, amazingly it is never happened before, that politics has become a much bigger subjects than the super bowl, getting into super bowl territory, saying that politics is more interesting to people. so that is good.
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>> is that good? we will see. there are also signs that lady gaga might get political during her halftime performance. great. here she is yesterday. >> the only statements that i'll be making during the halftime show are the ones that i have been consistently making throughout my career. i believe in a passion for inclusion, i believe in the spirit of equality and the spirit of this country, one of the love and compassion and kindness. so my performance will uphold those plaza fees. >> all right. back with us from the super bowl live in houston, it is greg gutfeld. greg, i have to ask you, you are there in houston, you have said that your ears to the pavement. howbeit it is the breath of -- how bated is the breath of houstonians?
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>> if you listen to her message, there is nothing you can disagree with. it is a strong argument page she is saying she is for inclusion and equality as if the people she is angling at are not. if you're up for increased firing, therefore, you are xenophobic. it's kind of like she is not really making a political statement but she is creating a straw man that is a political statement. who knows, maybe she won't say anything. >> i just hope that if she wears a meat outfit, it is chicken wings. any sign that she could wear a chicken wing cape? >> dip herself in a bathtub of wings sauce? >> being outside, that would attract birds. it could be ugly. >> competing in our chicken wing eating contest. >> i want to ask you, bob, this is troubling. we know that tom brady for a while had a make america great again had in his locker, as have
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many people here in fox, now being made into a political issue with "the huffington post" screening this headline. >> politics more un-american than calling cabinet has ever been." "the new york times." the uncomfortable love affair between donald trump and the new england patriots. does everything have to be political? >> when donald trump is president, of course it is. somebody they are looking at no now, you know, whether that contributes to his political -- i don't know. >> really? >> let me tell you something. he is a great quarterback. >> deflates that one, bob. >> deflate what? >> walk it back, bob. >> let me ask a political question. how much do you think the atlanta falcons are going to glitch against the new england patriots? >> old, come on. >> i think if lady gaga makes a
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political statement, there should be equal time and we should parachute in ted nugent. [laughter] >> i think everyone should stay for one more segment. going to have some odd bets. as someone who has moved to this country, you have immigrated to the united states, what do you think of our super bowl fever? how odd is that you? >> it is very inclusive, very kind, i love all those things. i hope it will feature a wall, i think after what she said, if there is not a wall, i think that will be very disappointing. >> gave her an idea, right? knock down the wall. just saying. >> she's got a beautiful voice. >> just saying. no talking. tom brady, tom brady is a pro. templates all they want, guy is great in the pocket, a total winner. and the relationship with the patriots and the family goes way
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back. did you see on "fox & friends" this morning, bob kraft talked about people that were there for him after his wife died and he was suffering from depression. >> everyone boycotting the patriots. >> and the patriots are used to it, new england versus everyone else. >> a tradition here. >> i would like to hear your prediction. >> atlanta, 31, new england, 26. >> i think that is actually spot on. i'm not even going to take that bet. we are going to discuss and put all of our thoughts on social media. greg, thank you so much. don't forget, don't miss the great greg gutfeld show from super bowl central in houston tomorrow not live at 10:00 p.m. eastern, 7:00 in the west, and look what is coming up next. "one more thing" is on the way.
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♪ >> time now for "one more thing." kimberly? >> as you noticed, today and throughout the day on the fox news channel, all of the women wearing red. my cohost year-to-date kennedy, melissa's francis, have joined men wearing red today, this is for the american heart association and the fight against disease and stroke, the number one killer for women in
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this country. the american heart association working hard on their behalf to eradicate this disease and create awareness and we support them in that regard. >> my turn. finally. when i was getting my back operations, everybody else had a book around this table, and they promoted it, and i can promote from -- couldn't promote from the hospital bed. it is called "i should be dead." revolves around politics, tv, and addiction. it is a book about hopefully a little bit of redemption. hopefully being able to live through getting shot once or twice. living through diseases. it is something that i really wish she would look at, and don't look at it as something from a liberal democrat, it is finding faith and getting yourself back on the road away from addiction. >> we are proud of you, bob. congratulations. you put a lot of effort into writing this book and we are
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proud of you and your recovery. >> can i mention my red sox? i am wearing red socks. i was very excited to learn something this week which was the song, the song that apparently started to hold hip-hop and rap movement. ♪ ♪ ideas are the good times >> told that story, the late 1970s, led to the wrappers started the whole thing. >> that leads right into mine, short for catholic education week, catholic schools week, these are faces from saint stephen of hungary right here in new york city, a catholic schools nurtured so many hearts and minds and souls, these dedicated, selfless professionals, it is a week that we take our hats off to them and say thank you so much for taking
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care of our children. mind particular, look at these places. we love you! thank you! >> i love catholic school. >> kennedy? >> all about degenerate gamblers, if you know nothing about the super bowl -- some weird bets, what color will lady gaga's hair be, will look brian be wearing blue jeans, how many times will they say drunk, the over under is three, so go ahead and pick your poison as you poison yourself. speak on behalf of kimberly and myself, it has been a wonderful thing having you here. you have been great and we have enjoyed it very, very much. we'd like to see you. that is it for us. thanks for watching. we will see you back here on monday.
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"special report" is next. ♪ >> bret: surgical and symbolic, new sanctions on iran. president trump imposing the sanctions and imposing new warnings but does not directly impact his predecessor's nuclear deal. this is "special report." ♪ good evening, i am bret baier. a special is again -- "special report" again on the road tonight. california, specifically hollywood, may be the center of the universe when it comes to opposition to president donald trump. we will talk more about hollywood versus the president and how that plays in the middle of the country a
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