tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 3, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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monday. >> jesse: hi, i'm jesse watters and for bill o'reilly who was on assignment. if we are broadcasting live from houston at the site of super bowl li peter thanks for watching us tonight. our top story, anarchy and violence throughout the college campuses as a force to bludgeon free speech. at nyu, 11 people were arrested after protests turn violent. >> will not sit back and i will not. >> i'm disgusted!
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how dare you! how dare you! >> jesse: wow peered at the protesters didn't want gavin mcinnes to speak at an event. protesters tried to silent conservative activists. liberals have been at a loss to explain the point behind these protests. >> those people are not berkeley students. those were outsiders, agitators, i've never seen them before. there is rumors that they actually were right-wingers. they were part of a group that were organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the
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police to cancel the event. >> jesse: to be clear, there is apsley no evidence that right-wing groups are behind the berkeley riot. president donald trump wait on the protest today group tweeting professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to make america great again! joining us now from los angeles, leo terrell and from boston, adriana cohen. leo, i'll begin with you. it's my opinion that liberals on college campuses now resemble islamist mobs where they riot over rhetoric. you remember in iraq and afghanistan when there was a challenge to islam, they would burn the flag and riot and break things. now, on the left on college campuses, liberalism is perceived to be under attack, they riot, they burn things, and they hurl expletives and because complete chaos. it is not just childish?
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>> don't know, jessie, i'm a little surprised. when you look at a school like berkeley which are present the brightest and the best of america's college students, these are people who are spreading is a point with extreme views of the right. even people on the right disagree with some of the views that are being put out. my point is simply this, this is a -- these are people who will be voting at the midterm elections and they cannot be ignored. >> jesse: leo, you said that they were expressing disappointment. when i expressed disappointment, maybe i shrug my shoulders or i complain a little bit. i don't throw things through windows of private property. another thing, i don't know if all these people are going to be voting because the other mob that came out after the election that was riding and protesting and burning things on the west coast, half of them never even voted in the general.
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i don't see these people as engaged voters, i see them as rabble-rousers. adriana, you have to admit that the more the left goes crazy like this, donald trump comes out looking reasonable and mature. >> absolutely. we know that all donald trump supporters value of the constitution and our right to free speech, and we see our basic civil liberties, our right to free speech being trampled on on college campuses all across this country. it's so dangerous and we've been seeing this trend for over ten years now, now it's gotten so violent. if you look at the riots that took place at berkeley, there was $100,000 worth of damage, windows smashed, things set on fire. these are criminals. some would even go so far as saying these aren't voters, there terrorists. >> let's draw a distinction between criminals and people
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expressing their first a moment right. i'm not condoning the violence. i'm not going to sit there and broad stroke that everyone who are protesting against donald trump are wrong. everybody who supports all jump is right. i think you're disingenuous. it's very wrong. >> i support peaceful protest, that's allowed for the constitution. when you vandalize buildings, that's a criminal act so you are going to be charged with criminal charges. arson is a criminal charge. these are not peaceful protesters, these are thugs and criminals. the speed to hold, leo. >> jesse: it's very hard to come out as a leftist and say trump is this rude guy who is prone to violence and then act yourself and engage in violence during the protests. it doesn't serve your inrests. >> look at the broad stroking
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that you and adriana is pointing out. it's funny, your fox colleague came from berkeley as well. the argument of these college campuses are accessing a viewpoint peered what is wrong with that? trump us to worry about a blowback at the midterm elections. >> jesse: blowing things through buildings and lighting things on fire. if i was a citizen at berkeley and my story got crashed into by some radical, i'd be pretty angry. politics is about persuasion. i don't think people are persuading other people. there holding up airport lines at jfk or lax. that's not necessarily getting people to come to your side. >> i'm not going to defend that. that's the misdirection of this argument. at the argument very simple. civil disobedience has been part of this country's history. more importantly, people are
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expressing an outrage at the extreme argument that trump supporters are using. trump is providing cover for the extreme right and the extreme right is under his umbrella. that is what these protesters are articulating. >> jesse: the only stream i see is on the left. if they been responsible for every act of violence since the election. last word, adriana. >> absolutely. what's happening is the left is censoring conservative speech. leo, you can't defend that. our rights are being violated. they are able to express their first amendment rights. you know that that's wrong. >> i agree it's wrong. >> jesse: in this case, they are. adriana and leo, thank you very much. he's the only one that made it out with a head on his shoulders. next on the run on, we have some breaking news, a federal judge
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is temporarily blocked president trump's controversial travel ban. we have the details only come right back. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
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yeah! you want one? mmm, they're delicious! hey, mom also said to share! sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. >> jesse: and the impact of segment tonight, we have breaking news. if a federal judge in seattle has temporarily blocked president trump's controversial order barring nationals from seven countries for 90 days. james robart put the travel ban on hold until more proceedings could take place. it ruling of the states that sued to block the order were likely to win. the judge was appointed by president george w. bush. tell us what's going on here, dan. >> jesse, this is a total
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victory for those opposing this trump travel ban. this goes into effect immediately and it affects the entire country. somebody over in afghanistan or iraq, if they have a ticket or visa to come to the united states, they can get on that plane and they're supposed to be stopped by the administration officials or anybody with immigration. we've had other challenges in michigan and boston and virginia, but this is the first one where the ruling applies nationally appeared at the administration, just as a. the attorney for the state of washington argued that this was not about keeping americans safe but really about religious discrimination and judge james robart decided that the washington attorney general will likely win. what we don't know is whether
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the trump administration will file an appeal and try to block this injunction. >> jesse: i'm sure they will. you will probably see a flow of people coming from these nations once this thing is stopped. this is just going to open up the floodgates until they make an appeal and they get this blockade up and running again. when you imagine that? >> i would. we have not heard from the trump administration yet about the reaction. i would think that they would immediately 54 an appeal. that would possibly block this from going into effect. >> jesse: this is not something of a trump administration can ignore completely because i remember president obama disregarded some judges orders with regards to his immigration executive orders, is this not summing a trunk and say i'm not going to
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listen to this judge, we are going to go on with the blockad blockade? >> well, he could but then he might be in contempt of court. the attorney general came out and said that this does mean that the immigration officials must follow this. they must honor this ruling because the judge said that it is nationwide. >> jesse: okay. well, would be the first time. it dan, thank you very much. joining us from austin, texas, is nick adams and with me here in houston, arash aramesh. so, we had a situation in paris today where there is a muslim immigrant and he came in, he's been a terrorist for about a week and charged some officials at the louvre, the museum or the mona lisa is with a machete.
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he was shot five times in the gut and they're trying to save his life over there and paris. he yelled allah akbar before he started slicing and dicing people. this is another example, wouldn't you agree, of radical islam infringing upon the west. i think, about 200 people in paris have died over the last two years from terrorist attack attacks. this makes the case for very strict immigration proceedings, would into a great? >> i love it when conservatives were trump supporters like yourself start using europe as an example to try to make an analogy to things that happen here in america. let's talk about america. let's talk about what has not happened on u.s. soil since 1975. there are seven countries on the banned list, iran, iraq, syria, yemen, libya, sudan, and somalia. not a single citizen of those
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countries have killed an american on u.s. soil. >> jesse: we want to keep it that way. that means something is working. if you look at what's happening in europe, that's basically the next sure. they come here and then they come here next. when the refugees flowed over to europe and there's no estrogens at all, they come over here willy-nilly and there's carnage on the streets. what the trump administration is a saying is let's get tougher so it's happening in europe doesn't happen here. next, limit you in any here. i don't know how you can prevent this guy from coming over. i think it was egyptian, came over through the uae at some point on a plane, i don't know if he had a radical background or not, these are the types of people that this extreme vetting is trying to check. maybe he had crazy social media
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facebook situation, who knows. this is a prime example of a bad guy that needs to be kept in the middle east and out of the west. >> jesse, visible fact is that every country has the right to determine who's come to their country and the circumstances under which they come. nobody who values the security and the safety of americans of our families, of our communitie communities, should object to president trump's executive order. thank god that finally we have a president that's more interested and protecting our families and our country then protecting our feelings. thank god that we finally have a president that's interested in kicking rather than kissing it. thank god we have a president that is really. they have stated that their
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intention is to destroy america, israel, and our way of life. >> jesse: there's nothing un-american about keeping people safe. let me give you an analogy sent to disregard my last brilliant analogy. say you're having a party and the neighborhood. you've been having these parties and a bunch of students from north high school keep coming to the party, keep showing up, keep tricking the booze and keep starting fights with everybody at the party. this happens weekend after weekend after weekend. after a while, when north high school comes knocking at the door trying to come into the next party, i'll say where you're from? north high school? sorry, doors closed, can't come in. >> i want you to do this. you travel a lot. i want you to go to stanford, harvard, mit, princeton, and do me a favor and go to a lot of other universities. see how much immigrants have contributed to this country. three examples, a student at
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sanford was detained at jfk. >> jesse: i'm not going to shed tears that some iranian genus can't get into harvard for an extra month. i'd rather keep the country saf safe. >> speaking of feelings, what trump has done has tried to appease the feelings in his own base. >> jesse: real quick response, 20 seconds. >> president trump, keep going. we have your back, we are therefore you picked up. keep us safe, protect to the west, protecting christianity. we are with you. >> jesse: think you guys, i appreciate it. it will have more on the travel band of elements later in the program. it directly, century cities just suffered a major setback. it will have a report and a
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minute. mom, i just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to geico. i should take a closer look at geico... you know, geico can help you save money on your homeowners insurance too? great! geico can help insure our mountain chalet! how long have we been sawing this log? um, one hundred and fourteen years. man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. i'm not even sure this is real wood.
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>> jesse: and the factor follow-up segment tonight, century cities on the ropes. yesterday on the factor, texas governor explained why he had artie cut off money in travis county which it occludes austin. >> even though ice may ask for detention hold, sheriff hernandez says i'm not going to hold criminals that the homeland security might want incarcerated, i'm going to release them? >> that's exactly right, bill. even if these people have a past
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record of armed robbery, and criminal record working with the mexican drug cartels, regardless of what type of heavy-duty crime except for three exceptions that she listed, she will let these people loose on the streets in a state of texas and across america. i will not allow it. >> jesse: joining us now in chicago, steve cortes, a fox news contributor, and from fort worth, texas, francisco hernandez. francisco, why do democrats seem so intent on protecting criminals? >> i don't know that anybody is intent on protecting criminals. bottom line, there is no such thing as a century city. it is a political. everybody's scared.
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>> jesse: i can name a half dozen century right now. >> let me finish what i'm sayin saying. i'm saying they don't need to cooperate with the federal government. homeland security can go pick up any jail, any prison, anywhere in the country and take people out. they don't need cooperation from the cities. >> jesse: if they know an illegal immigrant is being detained there. they're not cooperating, and if they want to -- steve, francisco says that century cities are an illusion. is that true? >> no, they are not an illusion. by the way, very sadly ask the family of kate steinle if they are an illusion and they will say no because her murderer had
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custody. they defied ice who had a detainer to deport him. he had been deported five times previously and instead they released him to the streets of san francisco and weeks later, he murdered kate steinle in cold blood. by the way, i wished that was an isolated case. i will tell you this, as a latino, it is demeaning to legal immigrants to treat illegal immigrants the same as legal immigrants. when you're not supposed to be here in the first place, on top of that, you commit a crime, you need to be gone yesterday. >> jesse: francisco, steve,
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let me just give francisco an example here. i think this might enlighten him. one of the problems with century cities is that it attracts illegal alien criminals because they know they'll be taking care of and given protection. for instance, when you are under age -- let me finish. when you are under age and you liked to drink and it was illegal, you went over to your friend's house, his parents didn't do anything about it. everybody has all his friends parents i didn't really care, turned a blind eye and the entire high school went over to that house and got wasted. i have daughters now, bad things can happen. maybe i did the same things, now and not really a fan of it. that's the same thing with century cities. you know can get away with stuff so nobody goes there and the onn wild. >> the guy in san francisco was transferred from los angeles to san francisco with an immigration hold. homeland security can take anyone anytime they want.
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>> francisco, they would have to have esp to figure out he was there. >> they knew he was there. >> jesse: they released him. the left lovesyou guys love to e every bureaucrat working together, but all the sudden, when it's immigration, it's oh, yeah, i can talk to this guy. you have to follow the irs wants but you can't follow with the dhs wants. you can't have it both ways. the term administration. friendship for the ages. tom brady and donald trump at bill and jim gray way in. stay tuned for these reports did you know 90% of couples disagree on
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: in the unresolved problem segment tonight, getting tough on iran. it the cleanest break yet from obama, term administration ordered 200 companies and their role supporting iran's ballistic program. >> today's sanctions really represent a very, very strong stand against the actions iran
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has been taking. we make it very clear that the deal that they struck private previously was not in the best interest of this country and that president trump is going to do everything he can to make sure that iran is kept in check. >> jesse: joining us now from washington, michael rubin, a resident scholar at the american enterprise institute and a marie harf, former spokesperson and fox news contributor. up before we get to the iran sanctions, we want to get your take on trumps travel band. just moments ago, a spokesperson for the homeland security, we do not comment on pending litigation as a matter of polic policy. marie, you must be pumped up about this injunction. george w. bush appointee, you never thought you'd agree with him, did you? >> that's one thing i'm learning. this is what happens when you do
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policymaking without talking to people who actually have to implement these policies. this is really two weeks for the trip administration is doing a lot of big things, a lot of supporters like that. when the rubber meets the road, that's why you're seeing not just judicial rulings that have put some stains on some of it, but also career experts, i know you don't like bureaucrats, but career experts who actually have to implement these policies saying wait a second, we need to take some time and talk through how this is actually going to work. that's how you get things like you saw today. >> jesse: well, he's not just doing big things, he's doing big league things. >> i have inserted using that word yet, i'm trying to hold off on that. >> jesse: any time obama did anything, it works both ways. everybody's going to sue everybody these days. michael, what do you think this injunction.
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>> the judge doesn't make problems go away. these seven countries of the countries with which we have most problems. we don't have diplomatic representation or because our poor cooperation with their security forces, we've lost the desire. i'd be very worried on the left for people to say, you can't discriminate on the basis of national origins. they're throwing the entire visa lottery under the bus at the same time. >> jesse: speaking of one of these countries, iran. at some of these people can't come here now temporarily for 90 days. iran just had the sanctions slapped on them big time, big league, as we said, marie, because of the ballistic missiles test. i think this the fifth of ballistic missile test since the nuclear deal was signed. they've also been hassling ships off the coast. i don't see the iranian nuclear
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deal changing the iranian regime's behavior whatsoever. in fact, i believe more ballistic missile tests have happened since then i can remember before hand. these sanctions, it's got to be a good thing. the obama administration tried so hard to not do anything to upset the arrangement with the nuclear deal. they kind of danced around any violation of u.n. resolutions. these ballistic missile resolutions. you can be happy with what's going on there. >> i would say two things. at first, the obama administration put additional sanctions on iran after it tested ballistic missiles. the sanctions at the trump administration put on today are actually very similar to the exact same sanctions we did including after the nuclear deal. we said we're going to keep sanctioning them and we dead. >> jesse: i would have linked the ballistic missile test to the iran deal. i don't know why they kept that
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separate. >> we judged that the most immediate -- most of us can agree that if iran could put a nuclear warhead onto one of the ballistic missiles. they can't. because of a deal, their nuclear program is a shadow of what it was and they cannot develop a weapon today. that's a fact. >> jesse: is not they can't, it's that we can't trust that they won't. >> not at all. that's not true. >> jesse: it's whether they are capable of carrying a nuclear weapon. >> they are not capable of making a nuclear warhead. >> jesse: they can put on the missile that they just launched. it michael, we just gave his country hundred $50 billion, and now they're launching missiles and hassling sailors.
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this doesn't seem like a regime that understands that america is fed up with this under this current administration. do you trump said today that they'll have to pay a price? do you believe that will be backed up? >> absolutely. it's important to speak softly and carry a big stick. what we shouldn't be doing isn't speaking softly and waving her hands in surrender. if the deal is working, these missiles, there's ten of them by the way, it shows just how full of loopholes this was. the fact of the matter is, we don't have a full inspection, iran hasn't gratified the initial framework of the nuclear treaty. at this deal is a disaster. >> jesse: i talked to sean spicer a little while ago and he told me that trump is looking into tearing up the dea deal. that's on the table. guys, thank you very much. straight ahead, bill talked to sports analysis jim gray.
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at this hour, houston is the epicenter of the sports world. super bowl we played here in just two days. yesterday, bill spoke with sportscaster extraordinaire and fox news contributor jim gray about the big contest. it >> gray, you're going to call the game on westwood one. handicappers have it pretty close. do you see it that way? >> i do. i think it's a very close game and i think it's going to come down to who has the ball last, tom brady said that yesterday when we spoke to him. he believes it will turn out just like his past six super bowls with a guy or the team that has the ball last basically won the game. all super bowls of come down to the waning seconds in the last play. as the number one offense against the number one defense and when those teams have shut it out before, believe it or no not, the number one defense, which the patriots are in this instance, have won. >> tom brady, 39 years old, up against matt ryan, 31 years old.
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that's a murky match up both quarterbacks have had it sensational. looks to me like ryan is a little bit better passer now, without the accurate? >> he's had a fantastic year and he is the odds-on favorite to win back mvp on saturday night. he's 31 years of age and by his own admission, he basely pattered himself and has followed tom brady. he's texted tom throughout his career and it brady has given him advice on how to handle things pretty brady, 28 touchdowns, two interceptions, a four-game suspension coming off of that, he's been stupendous. >> in my opinion, best quarter back of all time. do you agree with that? >> absolutely appeared look at it like this, bill. this is his seventh super bowl. he's been eligible for 16 paired one year, he was out all year because of an injury. he's played and basically half of super bowls he's been
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eligible for. he's 39 years of age. >> the guy's a winner and a very, very strong competitor. let's go to politics. it brady a friend of donald trump's. not an overly political guy, doesn't talk a lot of politics, but i did see a bunch of articles saying that brady is the devil because he's friends with trump. did the sporting crew in houston, where you are now, give him any jazz on that? >> there've been numerous articles that have been written he's basically said he's here for the football game, concentrated on the falcons. he said just because he is friends with somebody and happens to like somebody, doesn't necessarily mean that he agrees with the opinions with the thoughts that his friends are putting out. that would apply to president trump. remember one thing. it donald trump during the campaign went out after the national football league and
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with a handle deflategate. he was very outspoken in the way that brady was treatment. tom is a loyal, honorable guy and he is not going to give up on donald trump, particularly after he's known him for so long. >> you know what surprises me, i don't know if most people know this, many, and i would say most, of the sports press are liberals. my wrong? a >> it's hard for me to know that. i don't know who they're voting for and i don't have a lot of political conversations with them. if you based on some of the articles that have been written or some of the talk show, yes, they seem to be. it that's a hard thing to rea. >> i'll assess anything. >> your bill o'reilly, that's why you can do that. >> okay, great, here it is. prediction time. what's the score and who wins? >> patriots win.
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bill belichick cements his place as best coach of all time. it will be an interesting moment to see roger caddell hand that over to bill belichick and tom brady. >> can give me a hoodie that bill belichick wears? i'm an extra-large. he's a lot smaller than i am. i absolutely want to one around. jim gray, calling the game for westwood one. things were speaking to us. >> thank you, bill. >> jesse: just a footnote, you want to remind you to watch bill's big super bowl pregame interview with donald trump. it will be airing during the pregame show. even more of that will air right here on the factor on monday and tuesday. when they come right back, the democrats are now the party of obstruction? will debate it after these brief messages.
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>> jesse: and the back of the book segment tonight, the democratic freak out over donald trump. the party pelosi is trying to block every initiative trump wants to institute, will that backfire? training is not from washington, kelly riddell and from new york, jeanne zaino. jeannie, it's more than obstruction. it's more than abdicating their responsibilities. people are not going to the inauguration, boycotting it, they're not storing up for votes, hearings. it they're doing everything they can to delegitimize the president. they're coming against the supreme court nominee before they even know who it is, trying
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to stop them in their tracks. it gets to a point where they're just not doing their job. after years and years of saying republicans are the party of no, now the democrats are doing the exact same thing. it seems like even worse. >> i would politely disagree. i don't see it as them being obstructionist. i see it as them doing their job. if you look at the latest polls, the president is doing many things of the american public and democrats in particular i find it to be wildly unpopular and un-american and unconstitutional. for instance, instituting the ban on predominately muslim countries for example. >> jesse: i would say a majority of the people agree with it. 57% of likely voters agree with the temporary travel ban. listen, you know the pole set at the election, they were all wrong. it was the polls away.
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midterm elections are coming up in two years and the senate could see a majority in a safe they're expected to do because the democrat senators, those of the states that trump wants. they continue to obstruct and yell and scream and name call, they are in real trouble. you agree with me? >> i definitely agree with you. only eight up for grabs of them are republican seats. if you narrow that down, ten of those 25 seats are from states where donald trump won. if you would all that don't more, five of them are from states in the midwest. and fly over. indiana, west virginia, missouri, north dakota, places where pelosi politics. they are unpalatable.
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they want their national security insured and they voted for donald trump because of these reasons. they want job growth, they want the economy back on track anyone to be protected. if democrats don't get on board, they'll be held liable. >> jesse: there's a lot of things that i think the democrats can get on board with purity of infrastructure, health care, trade, jeannie, let me ask you something. kelly just mentioned a few names. you pelosi and crying chuck schumer now as the face of the party. not only that, you have people like madonna saying she wants to blow up the white house and sarah silverman, this comedian or something, saying that we need a coup to take donald trum donald trump. these phases of the party are really hurting the brand. the more and more you have these radicals out there as the face of the party, the middle of the country, especially in the
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rust belt, the states trump stole away from the democrats, they are creating a rift and are doing extreme damage to the brand. >> the face of the democratic party to me, i'm not a democratic by any imagination. they are the people who were marching at the day after election day. >> jesse: it the people on stage, the face of it, the people who had all the tv cameras on them, saying things like trump is hitler, that's not good. >> i would also suggest the democratic party, it has a ways to grow. that is absolutely true. coming up from the bottom, where the republican party seems to be coming from the top down at this point. that is a good place to begin. >> jesse: i think it's an
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or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. >> jesse: before we go tonight, a very few important reminders. i will be doing my show here from houston tomorrow night. as the super bowl fever builds to a boil. during my water's world thing, before i came out here, would they know about the supreme court? check this out. who is this? >> this is kellyanne conway. >> jesse: no. >> my grandma. >> jesse: i think it is someone's grandma. >> baking cookies? i do not know who this is.
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>> doesn't look dangerous. >> jesse: do i look dangerous? >> no, you're fine. >> he looks like a chubby paul ryan is. >> is that o.j. simpson? >> jesse: unbelievable. going to be much more tomorrow that on watters' world. then there is the big exclusive interview with bill o'reilly and president donald trump, before the super bowl. grab a bowl of guacamole, watch it live. set your dvrs. tell your friends about it, it will be one for the books. if that is not enough, there will be even more of the o'reilly trump interview at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. nothing will be off the table, he really did not want to miss it. thank you for watching tonight, i am jesse watters, and for bill o'reilly. reporting from houston.
6:00 pm
i am watters and this is my world. >> tucker: we have a fox news alert, donald trump's muslim travel ban is blocked so-called for now. a temporary restraining order against the executive order blocking arrivals from seven countries. it really means that for now, the order cannot be enforced. fox news correspondent is life with more on the judge's decision, dan. what you know? >> tucker, this is important because it's a nationwide enforcement. an effort to block this enforcement of this trump executive order, we have seen other challenges but they are more narrowly tailored. this is across the country.
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