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tv   Watters World  FOX News  February 4, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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you guys realize you're at the super bowl, right? it's football. all right, stop. i'm going to to ask the baby. [laughter] he says clean the clock is somebody got hit really hard. support. that's the fox report. saturday, february 4. jesse: "watters world" is on tonight. iran threatening america with roaring missiles after a twitter war with president trump. could this lead to real action? with it house press secretary sean spicer is here. explosive comment by president trump. >> putin is a killer. jesse: "watters world" running wild at super bowl li. we are he where. >> this is your world. jesse: that's right. jesse: "watters world" begins
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right now. welcome to "watters world." i'm jesse watters live from houston. before we get to the big gape we need to talk business. the commander-in-chief took strong action against refugees from iran providing a moving target for democrats. here is senator chuck schumer reacting to the temporary travel ban for terrorist nations. >> this executive order was mean spirited and un-american. jesse: did shoer shed tears when vets died on secret va waiting
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lists, or when kate steinle was shot in the streets of san francisco by an illegal immigrant? >> we have a leader who repeatedly demeaned women. calling on the media to shut up. wants to give preferential treatment based on religion. are these values really much different than the taliban? >> what's making this election is to have a white supremacist named to the national security council. jesse: the white house is home to the taliban clan? it does not get worse than that. of course the pros doesn't hold these women accountable for their lies. so out of ideas, here comes senator tim kaine who would have been hillary clinton's vice president. >> we have to fight in congress,
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fight in the street, fight at the ballot box. jesse: we have to fight in the streets? imagine if a republican senators told 9 tea party to do that. listen to what robert de niro said about our president. >> how dare he say the things he does. of course, i want to punch him in the face. jesse: did you notice the left-wing crowd clapping. the crowds in berkeley, california, did more than clap. they turned violent, destroying private property, screaming obscenityities because a conservative invited to speak will. one trump supporter was pepper sprayed in the face. they resemble people in the middle east. the violent we see in places like afghanistan has come to america's coast. but instead of condemning
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political violence, the media left is egging it on. sarah silver said wake up and joint resistance. the mad king and his handlers go bye-bye. remember sarah palin who was crucified for putting a target on a man where republicans were expected to pick up house seats. but there is a different standard for democrats. here is a magazine putting cross-hairs on the president's head. this should stop now before someone really gets hurt. now to real danger. an escalating feud with iran after a twitter war with trump. earlier i spoke with white house press secretary sean spicer.
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sean, i want to know when you wake up in the morning, is the first thing you do is check the president's twitter feed? >> absolutely. his feed might be. but there is a lot of activity that goes on twitter. between that and the news, that's where i turn to first. jesse: at 3:30 in the morning the president tweeted within iran is fighting with fire. they don't appreciate how kind presidenkind -- how kind presida was to them. not me. i have to scramble because i have a briefing in a few hours. >> the president has been clear throughout the campaign, the transition and now his time as president. that was a horrible deal for our country. the last few days and weeks iran has flattered itself and the president made it clear he won't stand by and let that take action without response. >> these sanctions, are these
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going to bite? my guess is and just judging by the statement that came out of the iranian government. they say these are useless threats. do you think it iranians are getting the message? >> this president has been very, very forbesful that he is not going to stand by and let iran flout these sort of actions they have been taking. at the end of the date problem is they have to deal from the united states that was a sweetheart deal. they should be thankful for the deal they got. instead they continue to take hostile actions towards the united states. and the president has shown over and over again that they are not going to sit idly by and take it. jesse: i believe there are holdovers from the obama administration actively leaking. this is one of the things creating the fake news stories.
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you have phone calls the president is making with the leaders of mexico and australia. they are characterized one way. and the next day president trump had to clarify things in a tweet about the conversation he had with the present of australia. he said thank you for telling the truth about our civil conversation that fake news media lied about. very nice. do you have any active leak investigation? it looks like there are people trying to undermine you from within. >> the president takes these leaks very seriously. they are happening in a secure setting between two world leaders, two heads of government. jesse: how did that get out? >> that's troubling. the president has asked the team to look into this. but in both cases. the president of mexico and the prime minister from australia have characterized those
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conversations differently than how they are being portrayed. it shows those conversations were candid and they were done respectfully in two separate instances. i think that's why they have both come out and expressed it the way they are being character righted is not accurate. >> a conversation that was very public came out on twitter. charlie sheen took a shot at you. i'll give you a chance to respond. he said, bro, that bleeping windsor knot should be remottled. you are a shameful husband can. crawl back into your mom. i don't know what a shoat is, but would you like to respond to charlie sheen? >> i think my tie knot is very nice. it's too bad he chose to focus
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on that. if he wants to poke fun at my tie, that's fine, and i will continue to do my best to tie a nice knot. jesse: in sheen and president trump both love wing. >> but only one of them, president trump has a record of winning and a record of success. enjoy the game. jesse: still to come, president trump announced his pick for the supreme court this week. >> this is kellyanne conway. >> i don't know who that is. >> somebody's grandma, making cookies? jesse: not mrs. fields. it's a "watters world" classic you don't want to miss. corey lewandowski is here to
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cheer on the patriots. corey, get over here, buddy.
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jesse: controversial news out of seattle as a federal judge orders homeland security to stop enforcing trump's travel ban. president trump tweeted the opinion of this so-called judge which takes law evenment away from our country must be overturned. joining me is corey lewandowski. i love the so-called knock.
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we learned something about the judge that i'm going to tell you about in a second. this guy is an expert. his name is daniel franklin in executive authority. he's aor at georgia state university. he says what this judge did is very rare because the courts give the president a lot of leeway. and the presidents usually don't have to go to court to work these things out. this very rare according to the experts. >> you have a federal judge show is legislating from the bench. if he wants to make legislation he can step down from the bench and run for congress and the u.s. senate. you don't take a president's executive ordinary sister which he has the prerogative under the constitution and decide i don't like the and i'm going to stop it. jesse: this guy looks to be a little over the line. we did some digging. in his free time he does
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immigration work for refugees. which seems like a conflict of interest. but indianapolis beef sides the points. we also have him on tape declaring black lives matter. >> according to f.b.i. statistics police shootings resulting in deaths involve 41% black people despite being only 20% of the population living in those cities. 41% of the casualties. 20% of the population. black lives matter. jesse: first all he's wrong. minorities commit a disproportionate amount of crimes in the urban area and they have more contact with law law enforcement and the police shoot more whites than blacks.
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but forget about that. do you have think that has anything to do with his motivation for this injunction? >> blue lives matter, all lives matter. this is a joke. you have got to be kidding me. you have a federal judge who decides he wants to become the new story. maybe he doesn't support the president. we want to stop potential terrorists from coming into our country. we want to put a pause on 7 terrorist countries and say let's make sure we can vet these people properly. you know what president obama talked about? america first. i know this is a crazy idea. america first. let's just try it for a change. jesse: the trump justice department has appealed this. so this is going to be gummed up in the courts for quite some time. but you have sign refugees now once this judge did this start pouring in from middle eastern countries. so there are checks and
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balances. but usually the courts give the president wide leeway when he's trying to protect the american people's safety. i believe the way obama hand it when he said he wasn't going to deport millions of illegal immigrants, a judge put a stop to that. you know what obama said? he said we'll make the whole deportation thing a low priority. there are ways the commander in chief can get around these things. >> the designee for the attorney general has not been confirmed yet because the democrats have slowed the process. schumer has held this up way too long. let's make sure the president has all the resources necessary to keep our citizens safe. the number one job of the president of the united states
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is to keep americans safe. if that means we'll put a short pause on making sure we know who is coming into this country. the woman in san bernardino came in on a k-1 advisa and the state department didn't even check her social media and she came in and killed 14 people. jesse: president trump is fighting with the democrats over his nominee for the supreme court, neil gorsuch. do you know what the supreme court does? >> they are a court. >> i don't really know. >> really prelegislation. >> that's congress. jesse: what does the supreme court do? >> things get brought to the supreme court that haven't been able to be resolved. jesse: trump nominated neil gorsuch to become the supreme
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court justice he's a dangerous man hypothetically. jesse: are you thinking of steve bannon. jesse: how many supreme court justices are there? >> 20 something? >> 5. >> 8. >> 9? i don't know. jesse: there will be nine when he's confirmed. i want to show you pictures of famous americans and you tell me your opinion. >> this one looks dangerous. terrifying. >> is that paul ryan? >> it looks like a chubby paul ryan. jesse: i'm glad you know who paul ryan is. >> of course i'm disappointed. >> john roberts. he's all right. jesse: who is this? >> kellyanne conway? >> i'm personally offended that she is the new education lady?
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jesse: no. >> she looks kind of sour in the say way. >> i don't know who that is. somebody's grandma, making cookies? jesse: not mrs. field. >> i like that they bond over opera. jesse: ever seen him before? >> o.j. simpson? jesse: that's not the juice. jesse: i'm watters and this is my world. coming up, sneak peek at bill o'reilly's big super bowl sit-down with president trump. >
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tom brady under fire his week over his relationship with our commander-in-chief. we'll talk about that controversy next.
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jesse: super bowl li is here. lombardi trophy up for graps. but the media is obsessed with tom brady's connection to donald trump, hounding him all week about it. the "new york times" says there is an uncomfortable love affair between the patriots and donald trump. no team has ever been this closely associated with a president than the patriots, says the "new york times." they seem to have a problem with that. >> i don't see where there is a
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problem with someone knowing someone. i have known the president for a number of years. and tom brady has known the president for a number of years. tom makes it very specific, he's talking specifically about football this week. there is no politics involved. and i loved what he said. he said i have the right not to talk about this. and i think he was he fat i can about it. i think is is all about football. and that's wait should be about. jesse: this year we had a lot of non-football items come to the forefront with colin kaepernick kneeling. some are saying what kaepernick said is more patriotic than tom brady having a "make america great again" hat in his locker. >> the flag is the freedom that
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our veterans have fought for, that the police defend and the firemen defend. most of america defends. i didn't agree with the stance. i believe that flag stand for the opportunity to say what you want. i think there is a time and place for it. i'm wholeheartedly, that's why i wear the flag. jesse: let's talk xs and os. >> you are built like a receiver. brady doesn't have gronk, do you think that will hurt him? >> chris hogan has stepped into he role. the lacrosse player. how much football do you need to play this game. any time the ball comes up you are not snapping your wrist properly. the pong goes up in football and
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down in baseball. jesse: you are giving me advice on television. it's kind of embarrassing. >> not really. jesse: there we go. >> snap it. jesse: i thought you could jump a little higher than that. >> i could but i didn't want to. jesse: so falcons defense, what do you think? >> very young. you have got a rookie free safety. they are fast and quick. the big key will be for them to get tom off his spot. atlanta has defensive linemen where i think they will try to do that. jesse: they say good teams win and the great teams cover. >> if they are going to win they will probably wind up covering. defense wins championships. that's the most important thing
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to understand. thank you. jesse: take care. jesse: coming up next. bill o'reilly's big sit-down with donald trump. bill: is there any validity to the criticism of you that you say things you can't back up factually? >> stay tuned for that. i'll be down here in the crowd talking to some of these "watters world" fans. don't miss it. ititititit a red
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cross ball. now back to "watters world." you are watching the fox news channel. jesse: great crowd out there.
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first, the interview you have been waiting for. your first look at bill o'reilly's presidential interview. bill: do you respect putin? >> i do respect him. i respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean i'll get along with him. he's a leader of his country. i say it's better to get along with russia than not. if helps us in the fight against isis. that's a good thing. will i get along with him? i have no idea. bill: putin is a killer. >> we have a lot of killers. you think our country is sow innocent? -- so innocent? jesse: so, katie, i'll start with you. is president trump making a moral equivalent argument to vladimir putin's political assassination and some of the dirty things that america's
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military does? or is he just saying, listen, putin does dirty things, america sometimes does nasty things to first our national interests. which do you think it is? >> as much as trump seems to love controversy, i think he's being pragmatic and actually smart in this situation because we have to have strong foreign relations. it's much better for hem to come out and say i respect putin not personally as a friend. but i'm willing to work with him. that's saying trump respects the american people because he will work with rather than brush them aside an won't be like barack obama. jesse: jamu, did you see -- we don't have jamu. when this airs sunday, i can see the left saying this is a
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problem. he has now equated putin's targeted assassination with some of the nasty things america's military does. but on the other hand i'm thinking this guy is such a nationalist. you can't doubt this guys patriotism. >> he's someone who loves america. you can tell that from the way he talks and carries himself. he wants to make this country a better place and he will do that by building friendships with other countries, and you do that by diplomacy. he doesn't mean he wants to play golf with putin. jesse: i don't think they play golf in russia. maybe hockey. he doesn't drink sow he won't have any vodka. can you imagine trump drunk? i can't even think about that. bill challenged trump on some of
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the embellishments as people say that the president likes to make. roll the tape. bill: is there any validity to the criticism of you that you say things you can't back up factually, annals the president if you say, for example, that there are 3 million illegal aliens who voted and you don't have the data to back it up, some people will say that's irresponsible for a president to say that. >> many people have come out and said i'm right. when you see illegals, people that are not citizens and they are on the registration rolls. you take a look at the registration. you have illegals, dead people it's a bad situation it's really bad. jesse: so all the media, they are obsessed with fact checking the president. over the last 8 years you had president trump saying benghazi was about a video and the world
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has never been safer and this not a smidgen of corruption at the irs and there is nothing to see here. now all of a sudden everything trump says is under tough scrutiny. >> all politicians lie and they make things up. >> when we talking about voter fraud, trump has a good point. he points out there is vote per fraud and americans are concerned about that. detroit, a heavily democratic city, jill stein, the green party candidate found there are more votes cast than actual voters. we know there is voter fraud taking place. trump wouldn't be harping on this comment after winning if he didn't believe there is evidence to back him up. because it's a lose-lose situation for his credibility. we also know there disclose to 2 million registered voters in this country who are deceased.
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there are 2 million registered in multiple states. jesse: if there is voter fraud we want to get to the bottom of it. we want to get a democrat side to it. we had jehmu booked. she decided to walk off the set. i don't know what happened. maybe it was an appointment she had to get to quickly. but unfortunately we couldn't get that side. be sure to check out o'reilly's full interview. and on the o'reilly factor this monday and tuesday. "watters world" will be monday, too. i'll be going out to the audience pretty soon, right now as a matter 6 fact. bring the football. and i'm going to talk to some people. here we go. this is what we call in 9
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business, a major career risk when i go live on television with an audience you have never seen before. how you guys doing? what is your favorite show on fox news? >> "watters world" of course. jesse: you are a genius. what did you think about that trump-o'reilly interview? did you see any of it? >> i am ready for it. i haven't seen much of it yet. jesse: it will be the greatest interview of all time. >> it will be huge. jesse: bigley. >> there is fake news and there is "watters world." i'm going to stick with "watters world." jesse: who is going to win the game tomorrow? >> atlanta falcons. jesse: tore new england patriots? it's kind of a split crowd. what do you think?
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>> falcons. jesse: i don't know about that. you have these "watters world" signs. who signed these woot *'s signs. >> jesse. this is my world. ready? i am going to do something. i am going to say, i am watters and you guys finish for me. i'm watters and this is hide world. hold that sign up. beautiful, only cost us a couple hundred dollars to make those. good to see you. love the hair. leather jacket like michael jackson. you are going out later, aren't you? >> yes. jesse: beshave yourself. what's going on? where's the corona?
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the corona will be had after the show. how rough doing? what's your name? who's going to win tomorrow? >> the atlanta seahawks. i'm glad you have been paying attention. we have got to run. we have a lot coming up. greg gutfeld is here to analyze a lot of the provocative super bowl commercials. there is gutfeld. he's a loose animal. he's close to me. see you in a second. why do some cash back cards make earning bonus cash back so complicated? they limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places... ...and those places keep changing every few months. the quicksilver card from capital one
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doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet?
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[♪] jesse: the people are already saying the super bowl commercial are getting too political. are they? let's ask greg gutfeld, host of the greg gutfeld show *. the first one includes arnold schwarzenegger.
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let's roll it. >> build now! jesse: so arnold schwarzenegger who shades donald trump is admitting walls work. greg: now we know president trump gets his policies from video games. he's getting it from doom. jesse: i don't know what that is, i'm not a video game guy. greg: it's the greatest video game of all times. late 90s. jesse: the next one involves
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fiji water. which is my water of choice. people are saying it's controversial. let's roll the tape on that. >> fiji water is a gift from nature to us to repay our gift of bottled at the source, untouched. greg: untouched by man? who do you think bottles it. bottled water is the biggest scam ever. we used to drink it from a faucet back my day. i'm beautiful within i'm sexy. if you want to look like me. drink your water from a flash flood set or garden hose. be like a dog. jesse: avocado commercials make
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news. let's see that clip. >> every one loves guacamole. the suburban mom. come and get, hipsters. you in the first quarter. jesse: now we'll have to pay $18 an avocado once trump slaps after rivers on them. i was like tripping out when i was watching it. greg: all food commercials act like their food is a drug and all drug commercials act like their drug is a food it's healthy to take the drugs, but tough an after today do it's an acid trip.
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jesse: it's not a berry. berries are small. i know what a fruit is. i'm looking at one. greg: ladies and gentlemen, someone is going to have to do an on-air apology. jesse: i apologize. greg: we have randy cross, matt heisman, and brian kilmeade from fox and friends. jesse: who is he from fox and friends? gregg: he's the ampersand. jesse: are they really just here for the parties? for the parties? defense, and
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tais really quite simple.est it comes in the mail, you pull out the tube and you spit in it, which is something southern girls are taught you're not supposed to do. you seal it and send it back and then you wait for your results. it's that simple. we believe everyone deserves a great night's sleep. (announcer) at boll and branch, so we created the perfect sheets. made from pure, 100% organic cotton. we made it our mission to perfect until finally, the softest, most comfortable sheets you'll ever sleep on. try them for 30 nights and get $50 off your first set at, promo code: tv.
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jesse: we may not know who is going to win super bowl li, but everyone has their pick. check it out. do you think i'm sexy enough to dress this way in leather and lace? >> i think your shoes are very leather and lace appropriate. >> you already loosened up. show at least a chest hair. jesse: for fox news this may be
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r-rated. the biggest mistake fox news made was having lady gaga together half type show instead of you. what do we have patriots or falcons. >> i'll go with the patriots. belichik is calm. i have played against him the whole 7 years. jesse: i can't bet against tom. >> i would say the falcons because that's the only team i lost to as a starter. >> atlanta is extremely tough. defense is playing really well. then there are the patriots. so methodical and consist and the in what they -- consistent in what they do. jesse: what are the two biggest element to the game? >> defense and offense.
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don't get into politics. jesse: texas is trump country. how do you process that in an athlete? >> i'm not in. jesse: does politic ever enter your mind? >> of course, it's a locker room. the good thing about that is we all respect email other's opinions and we go home at the end of the day. whoever is our president is our president. our job is to rally together and find the best way to move our country forward. jesse: when you see the radical college protester running around, would you please run them over for me. >> i would love to but unfortunately they don't give me the keys during the off season. >> everybody has the right, but when it gets to burning things, it goes beyond. jesse: i'm watters and this is my world. >> it's your world, baby.
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jesse: the american copy behind america's games.
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jesse: before we let you guys go, let me tell you one thing about the wilson tube. this company is in ohio it has been making footballs for decade. it's an american company that employs american workers. every football that ever scored a touchdown in the super bowl is a wilson football. they let me put my signature on a laser. this is an official "watters
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world" football. thanks for watching. great crowd out here tonight. always remember one thing. >> tom: welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i am tom shillue. let's check in with tvs andy levy. >> coming up on the big show, students at stanford have built a socially aware robot that learns social cues from humans. when the human-robot war, the robots will be -- plus, a teacher is fired after an anonymous tip reveals her life as a porn star. that's all it took to get her fired. just the tip. [groaning] >> wow.


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