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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 7, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PST

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>> okay, you know what? we really are four lucky ladies, antonio, by the way, so many people in the building right now just hanging out. >> something to share with me or what? >> you have the mojo going. will you stick around for "outnumbered" overtime,, "happening now" now. >> jon: we start with a fox news alert, we are awaiting the white house news briefing at this hour as vice president pence makes history on capitol hill, breaking a tie vote in the senate to confirm betsy devos as secretary of education. >> jenna: meantime, we await arguments in the legal challenge to president trump's executive order on immigration. we are adding started for a busy news day on "happening now." >> it has been a very busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality. >> jenna: comments like those in reports of what is taking place inside the white house are not sitting well with the president and now the administration is firing back. plus the emaciation and says when it comes to keeping our
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country safe, president trump has the power to decide who can enter the u.s. and who can't. what will and appeals court said? we are just hours away from a decision. and secretary john kelly testifying before congress for the first time as homemade security chief in he is talking border security. it is all "happening now." >> jon: we begin with this fox news alert, the senate just confirming betsy devos to be secretary of education. welcome to the second hour of "happening now." i'm jon scott. >> jenna: i'm jenna lee and we are waiting reaction from the white house where the daily news briefing is set to start in 45 minutes. today's vote historic one because of two republican defections, there was a 50/50 tie, and vice president mike pence had to catch the boat. first time a vice president has been the tiebreaker for a cabinet pick in our country's history, we have life coverage, mike emanuel standing by but we begin with kevin corke at the white house on the presidents very busy day. >> very busy day indeed.
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we are really watching the unfolding drama over on capitol hill with great interest here at the white house, obviously part of a very busy day as you point out for the trump administration. we will also be talking later throughout the day about this event involving the ninth circuit court of appeals. that plus the immigration debate, but clearly we are all waiting to see what would happen with the new secretary of education devos. meanwhile the president's cabinet picks are now slowly making their way over the proverbial finish line, also here this morning at the white house is the president having a an important series of meetings including one with the sheriffs from across the country. they are the front lines of the illegal immigration debate, the subject of which came up today, specifically the ninth circuit's attempt to stop the president's so-called travel ban. >> we are going to take it through the system. it is very important, very important to the country, regardless of me or whoever succeeds at a later date, we have to have security in our country. we will see what happens. we have a big court case.
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we are well represented, and we are going to see what happens. we will see, hopefully he doesn't have to go to the supreme court. it is common sense. somethings are law, i am all in favor of that. somethings are common sense. this sense. this is common sense. >> this is common sense according to the president. meanwhile his schedule continues to be very busy this afternoon including a meeting with the secretary of state rex tillerson also we are expecting a pair of phone calls including one with the spanish prime minister and the president of turkey. that as well as a meeting with some green berets, certainly looking forward to that, and we will have details for you as we continue our coverage on fox news, but for now, back to you. >> jenna: thank you. >> jon: vice president pence cast of the historic type rigging event to confirm betsy devos as education secretary. we are also keeping tabs on the remaining cabinet nominees now being slow rolled through the senate. nearly all democrats appeared to be uniting in opposition to
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president trump's cabinet choices. our team coverage b to eat my continues now with chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel. >> good afternoon come historic moment unfolded within the past hour as the vice president of the united states was there to determine to get an education second across the finish line, as expected, two republicans voted against betsy devos' nomination for education second, lisa murkowski from alaska, susan collins of maine which made the vote 50/50, and in the united states senate, ties go to the party in the white house. speak on this vote, the yes is 50, nate is 50 the senate being equally divided, the vice president votes in the affirmative and the nomination is confirmed. >> devos was a target of the democrats from the very beginning, teachers unions and the education establishment were opposed to her and mobilized trying to defeat her since she is known as an education reform
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appear the top democrat on the committee oversee education blasted betsy devos. >> is this the best of the best? is this a knowledgeable candidate who understands the federal law? is this a candidate who comes to us without conflicts of interest? is this a candidate who is willing to stand up and be the defender of all young children in the schools? to me, and i think too many of my colleagues who have been out here speaking, she is not. >> also take, supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch is back on capitol hill meeting with senators, critical meeting this afternoon with senate democratic leader chuck schumer, continuing his outreach to democrats. i should also note just a few minutes ago, there was a vote on jeff sessions nomination to be the attorney general. it was a procedural vote, 52-47, that sets up a final confirmation vote tomorrow evening. >> jon: mike emanuel on
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capitol hill, thank you. >> jenna: running is now, fox news contributor and talk show host and john hart, editor-in-chief at a conservative news site, great to have you both. we like to focus -- we have a lot of headlines but want to focus on the historic nature of this vote taking place with the vice president having to be that tiebreaker to confirm for the very first time in our history a cabinet nominee. what does that tell us about our current state of government? >> divided like the country, and we have seen that for election cycle for decades now after election cycle, but i think it goes to more than politics because we saw two republicans, who i think had the guts to break ranks with their party and listen to their constituents. i think we are going to see in the future more people do that. we've seen democrats in the past do that. with this and not just a supreme court nominees, cabinet members, but also with legislation moving forward, and i hope that will lead to a less
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50/50 divided nation as we see today. >> jenna: john, how do you see it? >> we see a paradigm shift happening and education and issues around the country appeared betsy devos was opposed so strongly because she is an existential threat to the teachers unions, education establishment that quite frankly is more interested in protecting adults than kids. the fact is the left has had its way for 50 years of his country in education. we have tried the chuck schumer way, we've doubled per-pupil spending since 1970, scores have flatlined, we have even cut student to teacher ratio almost in half, no increase in performance. betsy devos represents reform, shifting power away from politicians, away from union operatives and toward parents and kids. >> jenna: she gave a very different take on a peer leslie, you talk more about the philosophy, big picture about government overall in the country, john you are talking about the issue, the issues are really at stake here. lastly, respond to john, he he is saying this is an issue based
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situation, has nothing to do with the broader picture necessarily, what do you say? >> i disagree wholeheartedly. this is not just about oh, democrats paid by the way if you say this is about preserving the unions from democrats, this is clearly about trying to get rid of all union teachers unions as well by the right. the problem is ms. devos is not qualified for a position. she did not attend public school, her children did not, she did not work within public schools, and her ideas will really hurt children that are already being hurt and not helped by education. who are minorities, disabled, impoverished and living in rural areas. >> jenna: one of the questions, you can correct me if i'm wrong, one of the questions is what is so great about the system right now? this is a nominee that is going to disrupt what has been the past, a record that is not great and the school system, so she is different, but she is not
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necessarily bad. she is going to be the next secretary of education, so now what? >> first of all, we have to see what she is going to put forth. the problem is a lot of questions she was asked shows that she does not have any knowledge of the actual issues with regard to the school system, specifically regarding disabled, handicapped children as one example. in addition to that, we have to look at what is she going to mn children who attend public schools and the maturity appearance around the country who are happy with the quality education that they are getting? certainly there are problems, i live in l.a., l.a. unified has its problems. detroit and other city that has it's problems, but fortunately for our public school system nationwide in our 50 states of this nation, that is the exception, not the rule, although some of those have larger numbers and are the focus of what she and other republicans want to look at. >> jenna: are democrats missing the point? there is a cabinet nominee that is now going to be a cabinet
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member that will disrupt the status quo, yes there is a risk as leslie is pointing out, but what is this about and the election the bigger picture to 8 picture of what the election is about getting someone that is a disruptor into a position of power? >> that is right, leslie's response illustrated the extent to which the left is going overboard in terms of opposing betsy devos. she is going to ask hard questions, moving away from this washington knows best mentality toward the system where parents know best. that is why she is opposed, has been opposed so strongly. again, we have tried this approach before, doubled spending, has not worked, shrunk class size, that has not work. what betsy devos represents as a changing of the guard, a move away from washington knows best, chuck schumer knows best, environmental where the parents and teachers are given the authority to send their kids to the best school of their choice. >> jenna: let's go back to the broader point you were bringing up, that could be applied to a
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lot of cabinet nominees, for example steven mnuchin for treasury secretary, someone that is not a government person, someone from the private sector. what about the democrats and what they are going to do over the next several days, they are going to try to repeat as i am understating that pattern of trying to delay with the inevitable which is that these nominees will be part of the cabinet. why do that now? what is in it for the democrats? >> you have to remember left and right, there are people that have their jobs, in their jobs completely depend on their districts, their constituency and the voter. in two years, many of these people left and right that are up for reelection. i think if we look at lisa murkowski ant susan collins as examples, you have to listen to your voters. if democrats stand back and do nothing and remain spineless not only is their job in jeopardy, they are not doing what their constituents elected them to do. quite friendly, they are doing what they can only do even though it ends up being in the
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long term symbolic, it is a big symbolism needed by the constituents from the democratic party. >> jenna: quick final thought from you, will that pay offer democrats or republicans? >> democrats are doubling down on the failed policies of the past. they are the new party of no ideas. they don't have a different direction. republicans have a better way, different vision, and what we saw today was a move toward that with the confirmation of betsy devos. >> jenna: i know that was a juicy thing to cut through at the end, so we will have to talk about that and have a further debate a little bit later on as well. leslie and john, great to have you both on, thank you. >> jon: fox news alert on a day when a huge weather system is moving through the south and all the way up to the east coast. there are reports that at least one tornado touching down in the east new orleans area. there are reports of casualties as well come in in fact, there are photos of twin twisters. we are just getting in this video of some of the damage they
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are in the new orleans area. you can see power lines that have been snapped, some folks on twitter posted pictures of what appears to be more than one funnel cloud touching down at the same time. there is also a nasa production facility in new orleans which has been hit. we have seen pictures of its giant vertical assembly building, the place where they used to build the giant external fuel tanks for the space shuttle and all of the exterior clapping on that building, basically ornamental cladding has been stripped away, there it is. that tall building in the center of the screen is supposed to be white, but all of the cladding has been pulled away, the building obviously is still standing, and nasa does a great job of making sure that its buildings can withstand the elements, but that is what has hit the nasa michoud plant. they are if you look on the far distance, the horizon they are, you two funnel clouds touching
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down, this in the new orleans area. very, very severe weather there. >> jenna: want to mention to our viewers who should be in that area, the tornado warning is in effect for the next 15 minutes or so, the advice from weather forecasters is to take shelter immediately. so this is still very much an ongoing situation as we get our first images of damage. >> jon: we believe the red box on the screen is the tornado area, and it is living up to expectations, at least two tornadoes touching down in the new orleans area. we will keep an eye on it and hope you will as well. in the meantime, homeland security secretary john kelly weighing in on president trump's immigration order, what he said about how the measure was implemented through congressional committee. we are also awaiting a major ruling on that executive order that could come as early as tonight. by the white house says the president has the authority to decide who is let into this country.
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>> the judges job is to see if the constitution was followed, not if the president made the correct judgment. so he signs the executive order banning -- signs his order invalidating the executive order not just for seattle but everywhere in the united states
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>> jenna: fox news alert, getting back to the wild weather in the southern part of our country, states like louisiana for example, there is a tornado warning in effect in the area that is potentially impacted by this severe thunderstorm system and some now tornadoes, it affects about 3 million people is our understanding. the red cross red cross in louisiana is saying thousands of people are without power after their is a report of a tornado touching down in east new orleans. we are checking out what is happening with the national weather service for a little bit more information, and we will keep you posted as we get more. that warning is still very much in effect for at least the 10 minutes or so, we will keep you posted on that and bring
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more as we get it. >> jon: fox news alert, we are awaiting an appeals court decision that could come later tonight regarding president trump's executive order on immigration. a federal judge in seattle is temporarily blocking the measure. now both sides are about to make oral arguments to a three-judge panel at the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco. let's bring in our legal expert, fox news anchor and attorney gregg jarrett. they are taking this thing in front of three judges from the ninth circuit, are they likely to say okay, mr. trump go ahead with what you have ordered? >> now, i don't think so because they earlier made the decision to put a hold, uphold the hold, if you will, did the stay on the order. they generally don't reverse themselves and change their minds. it's possible they could modify part of it, but i kind of doubt it. so what does the trump administration do next? they can ask for a hearing
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before the full complement of 11 judges on the ninth circuit court of appeals. that might not work either since the ninth circuit is the most overturned court, and they tend to be far to the left or the trump administration could go file an application before the u.s. supreme court. that is problematic, there are eight judges so you could conceivably have a 4-4 tie, they might want to wait a little bit until neil gorsuch is confirmed, assuming he is confirmed. >> jon: so the states that have sued to second the president's order, they are withstanding, they have to have standing to bring this successfully. >> that will be most of the discussion today during oral arguments, how has washington state and minnesota minnesota t actually harmed or injured by that? you have to prove that in order to sustain the lawsuit. their argument seems to be without these foreigners, it could hurt our economy, it might affect our businesses, we might
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lose tax revenue, we might lose tuition payments. that is a lot of "might," and that is not good enough in a court of law to have standing. you have to show immediate, actual harm. you have to already have been injured and they cannot prove that, it is the problem. >> jon: we are going to wrap it up there. gregg jarrett, fox news anchor and attorney, thank you. >> jenna: we are going to run back to capitol hill where secretary kelly, department of homeland security is making a statement to the press after testifying before congress for the first time in his current position. >> thousands of syrian fighters, people fighting in syria for that matter, iraq, my expectation is not classified, my expectation is as the caliphate is destroyed, which i think is in the process of being done, radicals like that will make their move to do things. one of the great fears i think we all have -- the good news about clearing that caliphate is we know where they are and we can go destroy them or at least
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deal with them. as they go to the winds because mosul falls or issues in syria change, they are available individually to go to other parts of the world to do their dirty deeds. there are thousands we know of fighters that when they make the decision will move out of places like iraq, that part of a rock that has been called by the caliphate then parts of syria, they will be available to create their brand of mayhem in europe and potentially other states. papers are not hard to get in that part of the road, particularly since in many cases they overran isis and the affiliates overran government offices that make papers. it is not a small threat. >> reporter: two thinks the
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president was asked to look at come construction of the wall and hiring border agents, 5,000 of them, are you asking for more money in the new year? >> sure, all of that cost more money. it is a great question. we will hire more border patrol agents and i.c.e. agents, but we would do it in a way that we do not drop the very high standards of the individuals themselves and then the training. it is not going to happen overnight, but anytime you increase there is more money. >> reporter: is there going to be a request for money? >> i have to think there will be, sure. over here? [inaudible question] >> i hope it is not, but as we go forward on the executive order in the expectation is, again not a lawyer, that gives me a great advantage a lot of times when i think in terms of things, as we go forward, the
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great legal minds in the administration, justice department feels ultimately that it will be seen within the authority of the president. we are still going forward, though, and thinking about these enhanced methods to that. as we go forward, i would see a certain addition of new procedures, additional procedures to get at this issue of, particularly in countries that are in chaos, to better that people coming out of those countries and for that matter refugees. over here, yes. i love columbia. >> reporter: people and columbia are very concerned about -- >> i'm sorry, say that again. >> reporter: is it true, and
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is this a concern for u.s. national security? >> on the first issue, -- is this about the additional list? there is no additional list. i was called by my very good friend, the ambassador to columbia, and he is a very good friend. he asked me the question, and i said there is not only no list, but if it would help, i would be happy to work with the media and columbia to outline what we are doing and the fact that there is no list, and so within an hour, i was on the phone with a radio talk show, in the gist of the conversation was there is no list, additional list. about what? i pray the peace process works, 52 years of insurgency, once based on political ends, certainly in the last 15-20 years, entirely based on
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narcotics production and trafficking. >> jon: as homeland security gets into question and answer session with reporters who are gathered there, he has taken the heat for the rollout, some called it the botched rollout of the president's executive orders on immigration, banning temporarily immigrants and visitors from several do we make seven countries, majority muslim countries from coming to the united states. the homeland security secretary says that is on him. we will keep you updated on any new developments there. >> jenna: now this fox news alert, we are awaiting the white house briefing this hour as both of the press secretary and president trump open up new fronts and what is being described as a war on the news media. we will talk about that and just a minute. it comes a day after one prominent journalist took issue with the president's rhetoric. here is out this "cbs news" anchor began the evening news. >> today, president trump told a u.s. military audience that
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there have been terrorist attacks that no one knows about because the media choose not to report them. it has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality. >> jenna: divorced from reality, he calls it. that is from attacks by the president and "the new york times" critical they thought of the way the white house is functioning, mr. trump tweeting this: "the failing "ny times" writes total fiction concerning me. they have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories and sources!" we will get into this now with an editor and juan williams,atce sure we are not missing any news. let's start out with this. it is not necessarily newsworthy that the president has a conflict with the media. yet when you look across all of the different networks, it is one of the top news stories of the day, i realize the irony of asking this and inviting you to talk about this, but is it
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possible that is why their viewers do not trust the media because of everything we have to talk about in the world, we are going to talk about ourselves? >> that is one way to view it, but the other way to view it is it has political consequence in the current environment. president trump has decided that in fact when he makes a whipping boy out of the american press, the mainstream media and says these people are not trustworthy, he establishes himself as trustworthy, and his twitter account as the primary source of credible news for his supporters. >> jenna: do you think that is what is really happening? >> something like that may be happening, but back in july, pew research when they did the ratings of media trust, people are having a lot of confidence in national news, it was 18%. that is down around near congress is which is before trump got going as president. i think there is a credibility problem with the press, and it is not helped at all if they let themselves be drawn into a smack
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down with donald trump. >> jenna: is that what we are doing right now? philosophically, there should be questions about freedom of press, functioning democracy, i certainly believe in that as a journalist, but going back, are these the real issues that are viewers, the voters care about? are we focusing on the right thing with so much going on in the world? >> trump has an outside personality, he has said some outrageous things during the campaign. a lot of people voted for him, and i think people who voted for him look past the trump personality toward the things he was talking about, and now we have arrived at the point where we have an agenda including tax reform, regulatory reform, obamacare reform, and that, i believe, is what the public wants to learn about, not about trump's personal battles with the cnn or pelley. >> jenna: going back to weather the past is president, is that what we are seeing now, great, they will talk about media and trump again for the 50th time this week, and that viewers and voters are looking
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past that to the real issues and what donald trump is talking about? >> i think you are right to the extent that people care about what affects them in the fight between the media and trump they see as a sideshow. i want to come to your earlier point, should we be focused on this? i think president trump is the protagonist in this drama. i think he clearly establishes that the press is -- he says they are treating him badly. >> jenna: we don't have to follow him, we are in positions to be editors and curators of the news to be able to focus on what is impacting the american public must evolve. we don't have to follow the president. >> when he says in fact that press has deceived you, america, not told you about terror attacks, i don't think the press to just lay there to say, we are not going to cover that because president trump -- >> jenna: is that really venues of the day, what the president is tweeting about the media or is the news of the day really about the terror attacks or the navy seal that died? >> it is a reality but when he says for example critical things about our intelligence agencies
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evening using the word "nazi" then saying it is the press that did it, you would have to be complicit. >> jenna: i'm not saying it should not be covered, i'm questioning the wisdom of it being the lead of the evening news or the lead of our own show. >> there's no question trump drives the news. let's understand, lyndon johnson intensely disliked the press as did richard nixon and indeed bill clinton. what is different now as you have social media elevating these things, the president of the united states a primary user of social media. it is a little hard for the press to avoid it to be sure. i think they have to toughen up a little bit and understand they just -- they are not doing the public a service by obsessing over donald trump's tweets, get to the substance of the news. >> jenna: that is what i'm wondering, following the play-by-play, tweaked by tweed, re-missing the broader picture of what's happening to the media and environment for example where the traditional gateways of media are coming down, new people are rising where there is going to be a different sort of tension between those in power
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and those that are supposed to cover? >> what is so interesting about this line of questioning as i hear this from people who are very vocal critics of president trump who say you and the media get distracted by trump's tweets from other issues, things of real substance, very similar to linux questioning you are pursuing today. >> jenna: what do you mean by that? >> it is distracting you, for example, what's going on with obamacare and the replace and repeal, but instead we are having arguments about terror attacks that already happened. >> jenna: you started saying that, this could be part of the strategy. >> it could be, i don't know, if it is a strategy, it has the effect that dan was saying in the new media environment, the press often does follow what he says on twitter. >> jenna: getting back to the broader point, big picture of the election how we all learned the lessons of what this election was really about, about really focusing on what the viewers or the voters think is most important rather than what we in new york or in certain media empires view as important.
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>> that is right. obviously, the american people voted for change. look, bernie sanders was as big an edelman that election as donald trump, he was all about change, he won 22 primaries so whether people were on the left or right, they want something to change, not just the personality of the president, they want a change in the substance of the country's policies. somehow or other, we asked the press have to break through this donald trump storm of tweets and comments about the press and get to what we are trying to accomplish with this government. >> jenna: it will be interesting to see how sean spicer addresses all of this. again, 24 hours since he spoke, and others news story came out about the media and president trump so we will wait for the press briefing, we want you guys to hold onto hear what you say about it, in the meantime, we do have some other headlines and you have that for us. >> jon: that is right, there have been tornadoes on the ground in the new orleans area,
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reports of injuries, but still very plam and airy at this point, huge storm system that stretches all the way from mississippi up into maine. patrick marsh is joining us by phone now, he is a court in nader with the storm prediction center at that oceanic and atmospheric association. there was a storm, tornado protected, warning area predicted for new orleans today, and patrick, it appears it has come through. >> yes, it certainly has, and based on initial reports, it looks like in east new orleans there were one or two tornadoes that moved through, and based on some of the pictures come looks like they could have been pretty strong. >> jon: is this the time of year when that kind of weather normally afflicts that part of the country? >> yes, it actually is. contrary to popular belief, tornadoes do happen in the wintertime, and when they do, this is part of the area you are most likely to find them.
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>> jon: we saw some images that local folks had taken over what appeared to be to funnel clouds within very close proximity of each other, how does that happen? >> what tends to happen is you get a really long track super cell thunderstorms are the parent thunderstorm, as it produces the first tornado in moves along as the first tornado begins to dissipate, a second one develops and that is what you see in the picture here is like a tornado handoff, one starting to dissipate than the other one is beginning. >> jon: obviously very scary for people on the ground, just when you think you've dodged one, there is another right on top of you. >> exactly. when these kinds of events occur, it tends to happen in environments where you can get multiple tornadoes, in effect, new orleans is still under a tornado warning at present for the possibility of additional tornadoes. >> jon: we are looking at nasa's, i believe it is their
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facility where they put together a large rocket components, it looks like it took perhaps a direct hit, certainly a lot of wind because the exterior has been stripped away from that big vehicle assembly building there in that photo. what is the prognosis for the next day or two, what are we looking at? >> the storms that we are looking at moving through louisiana and mississippi will move east, this trumpet action center has issued a new tornado watch for parts of alabama and florida panhandle. these storms will continue to move east over the day and night, effecting additional parts of the southeast. >> jon: so the danger is not over yet, people are going to be having to listen to their way of the radios and keep an eye on the sky the next couple of days. >> at least through tomorrow, that does appear to be the case. >> jon: patrick, we appreciate your information. patrick marsh, warning, warning
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ordination meteorologist for noa. thank you. we'll be back with more "happening now" in just a momen moment. ahh, sir? you the law? we've had some complaints of... is that a fire? there's your payoff, deputy. git! velveeta shells & cheese. there's gold in them thar shells. companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing.
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why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve. >> jon: severe weather breaking out in the south, tornadoes on the ground near new orleans, meteorologist adam klotz is joining us live from the fox weather center. >> we are continuing to track this line of storms that has had a history of tornadoes already, really stretching down through portions of new orleans, bringing in a little tighter, want to show you a couple things. one is this is beginning to track further and further to the east so we are starting to pay attention to that but as of right now, to tornado warning storms on the ground, one following right in the new orleans area, that sell right there is going to be tracking off a little to the east. the backside of this, yes there is still a tornado watch in place, but really the risk is beginning to shift a little bit further to the east so we are seeing some of these terms getting closer and closer to mobile, running around
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interstate ten and heading toward the florida panhandle, so that is going to be what is up next if you are in front of this direction, that is where you want to be paying attention as well as the couple of tornado warrant storms that are on the ground now. this has really been a bull's-eye here so far today. this is our severe weather threat, you notice right along the gulf coast is where the thing is going to be happening, the less sake live, the less tornado you will be's happening, and it is highlighted along the gulf coast stretching from the edges of the fort appeared in handle back toward new orleans and we are going to continue to see it run right along the coast here throughout the rest of this afternoon. what is fueling all of this, it has just been some incredibly warm temperatures, a lot of these are near record breakers, so current temperatures today getting close to 70 degrees and metal parts of the country, chicago 50 degrees, 60 degrees over toward cleveland, a lot of heat piling up in the east, that is going to be continuing to fuel these storms, and we will continue to track them as they move across the southeast the
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rest of the afternoon. >> jon: some scary stuff out there, adam klotz, thank you. >> jenna: fox news alert, just about ready to start a white house press briefing, we'll be heading back to the white house in just a moment, back with dan henninger, deputy page editor for "the wall street journal" and juan williams, fox news in the list. we have another press briefing comment they have gotten a lot of attention so far, talk about how you think the relationship with the press is developing under president trump, what you think is going to be the number one question asked of sean spicer today? >> good question, probably how the court of appeal is going with the ninth circuit over the executive order out there on immigration. you where he is going to turn into -- >> jon: >> jenna: let's go ahead listen in. >> press secretary spicer: just before i came up, want to let you know that we are monitoring the severe weather in louisiana at this time here the president is aware of the situation and will be reaching out to local and state officials
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throughout the day. yesterday evening, the president concurred with the administrative recognition to approve governor brian's request to add public assistance to the previously issued major disaster declaration in mississippi. per the governor's request, public assistance will be added for three counties, forrest, lamar. yesterday the president had an amazing day at macdill air force base where he met with leaders of both southern special operations command and central command and then had lunch with enlisted service members, thanking them for their service and hearing the ideas that were on their minds. the president announced his intent to make historic financial investment in the armed forces of the united states, showing the entire world that america has the back of all those who stand in defense of freedom. as he hasn't said many times before, the armed forces are the very center of our fight against radical islamic terrorism, and we must protect those who protect us. the president kicked off today with a listening session of county sheriff's from around the country. the present welcomed leaders
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from the national sheriffs association to the white house and pledged to work closely with all members of law enforcement to keep the american people safe. he assured that sheriffs at the trump administration will make every effort to stop drugs and crime from flowing into the country, put an end to the opioid epidemic, secure the borders, keep terrorists out and strengthen the bonds between state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies. they share thanked the president for what they described as his "unprecedented level of support for law enforcement" and offer their full backing of his border security and immigration policies. they expressed how encouraged they have been by the pro-law enforcement atmosphere that has swept the country in the wake of the president victory. they also presented a letter on behalf of the national sheriffs association thanking the president for his "recent show of support for law enforcement, specifically on immigration and border security issues and commending the president executive orders for taking significant steps to enhancing
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public safety." the group engage in a wide ranging discussion about the issues facing law enforcement, which the sheriff said it was an opportunity they had not been given under the previous administration. the sheriffs closed the meeting by thanking the president for defending the will of law and the president took them in the oval office to honor them and show his appreciation for their outs during work they do to keep our communities safe. a list of attendees is available for those that are interested. after that meeting, the president had another listening session on how to best fix the va. as a top priority for the president and his administration to ensure veterans get the care they need when and where they need it. tragically many of our veterans are being filled by a system that does not work. this administration will reform and modernize the va under the leadership of dr. scholl can d, creating accountability that the groupveterans first. to the is about rim and ensured that he would take whatever steps are necessary to enter health care access and quality for our heroic veterans.
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miss tiffany smiley, the wife of a veteran who was blinded by an ied detailed her family's difficulty in working with the v-8 system and offered suggestions on how it can be improved. the va secretary designate and the president and advocates including ike and others engaged in a wide range discussion on reforming the va's of the need come first. the experts discussed private-sector solutions that could be used to improve the va. the president praised the secretary designate for his commitment to veterans and thanked the group for their willingness to serve and do what was best for our veterans. the plant to meet on a regular basis to talk about their collective efforts to improve the va and healthcare system. also today, vice president had a big day on capitol hill where he cast the historic deciding vote for secretary education designate betsy devos by the president believes strongly that our success depends on education of our students and betsy devos has devoted nearly
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three decades of her time and talent to promoting educational opportunity. as secretary, she will ensure every student has access to a good school, whether it is public, private, parochial, charter or any other kind of the fact we had to get to the point where the vice president had to be pulled into overcome the democrats historic and partisan logjam with the president's qualified nominee is another glaring reminder of the unprecedented obstruction that the senate democrats have engaged in throughout this process. the american people sent a strong message when they elected president trump in november. they are fed up with business as usual in washington. democrats in the senate should expect that voters will remember how they stood in the way of the president enacting an agenda that put him into office. last week, i noted the present had a fair amount of cabinet level appointees awaiting a full load by the senate. we are looking forward to seeing more of the presidents picks to lead agencies and departments confirmed in the upcoming week, despite these childish tactics that the democrats in the senate would rather keep the field status quo than allowing us to
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put the presidents people and credits. also today, judge devos continued a full week of meetings with democratic senators come yesterday he met with chester and dianne feinstein, today he will meet with schumer, thune, they are looking forward to a full hearing on this judge and up and down vote on this incredibly qualified nominee. at this moment, the president's meeting with jason chaffetz to discuss how to work together to enact his reform agenda pair later this afternoon, he will meet with secretary of state tillerson, president was obviously pleased to swear an secretary at tillerson in the oval office last week and pleased the secretary is now able to bring his unique skill set and deep inside to the important work of the state department. following a discussion with the second tillerson, the president will have calls with the prime minister of spain and president of turkey. we will have readouts of both of those calls when they are completed. this evening, the present will host young officers from the
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united states army special forces qualification course in the oval office. as the president said yesterday, members of the military and their families are our nation's heroes. it is one of his top priorities to make sure the men and women of our armed forces have the tools, equipment and resources they need to execute missions successfully. the present is looking forward to convey his gratitude and support to these young brave captains. later this evening around 6:00, the ninth circuit court will hold oral arguments for its where it's from yesterday, want to find out what we can expect to happen tonight. career attorney from the department of justice will present an argument in defense of the president's order, and to be clear, all that is at issue tonight is the hearing and interim decision on whether the president's order is enforced or not until the case is heard on the actual merits of the order. it is a simple status quo versus anti-status quo decision. this is just like the case in boston which started as a temporary restraining order, there once we were able to explain our position, the court
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uplifted the executive order to take effect. as i've said before, u.s. code 8112 gives the president constitutional authority for this executive order. "whenever the president finds the entry of any aliens or of any class of alien into the united states would be detrimental to the interest of the united states, he may by proclamation and for such period as he should deem necessary to suspend the of all presidents d class of aliens as immigrants are not immigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions which he may deem appropriate." we look forward to a final decision on the merits of this soon. looking ahead, i know if you have been asking about more details on the prime minister visit later this week as previously announced, he will visit the white house for meetings on the tenth of february, the president has also invited him down to mar-a-lago in the two will travel for the weekend for this is a testament to the importance the united states places on the bilateral relationship and the strength of our alliance the
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deep economic ties between the united states and japan. needless to say, the president is looking very much forward to welcoming the new delay patriots to the white house to celebrate their fifth world championship. it was obviously a spectacular game. lastly, we have our eyes on kabul today following the tragic suicide bombing that could at least 19 afghan civilians. just this morning, the initiation spoke with the advisor to reaffirm our support. we condemn this deadly attack in the strong as possible terms and commence the afghan security forces for their rapid response. we also reaffirmed our support for the afghan government as they were to defend their people against enemies of peace appeared with that, i will take your questions. david jackson. >> reporter: the list of 78 terrorist attacks you released looked like it had been prepared well in advance, was that already on hand when president trump made his comments or did you do it
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afterward and decide to release it? >> press secretary spicer: the answer was we were getting questions about the president's remarks and wanted to be very clear there were a lot of examples between 2014 and 2016 that have occurred. many of them have not got the attention they have deserved, it is becoming too often we are seeing these attacks not get the spectacular attention they deserve. i think it undermines the understanding of the threat that we face around the country. the reason the president is acting in so many of the ways he has with executive order and otherwise his discussions he had down at macdill yesterday, he wants to ensure we do not have attacks in this country, we are protected and ahead of the curve. but we need to do is remind people of the earth is a very dangerous place these days. isis is trying to do us harm, and that the president's commitment is to keep the country safe. i think part of this is to make sure the american people are reminded how prevalent some of these attacks are and how much time in attention they have or
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have not gotten, but more portly to make sure that they understand the unwavering commitment that the president has in the actions they will take to keep the country safe. reporter mike was the list put together after his comments? >> press secretary spicer: yes. >> reporter: on the call later today, does the president planned to discuss plans for syrian safe zones and do they expect turkey to help create them? >> press secretary spicer: we will have it read out on that, i don't want to get ahead on the leaders calls. alexis. >> reporter: you were watching that voters are going to remember how senators voted on the president's cabinet nominees. two republicans voted against betsy devos, senators collins and lisa murkowski, did the president reach out to either of them to say he would not forget what republicans did in that particular nominee situation? >> press secretary spicer: the president has been very clear, not republicans have stood in the way of this nomination of all of these qualified individuals. it has been democrats who have stalled over and over again, not
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attending hearings, trying to use every delay tactic possible. it is those people who have a problem, and i think that is the message that the party has missed on the democratic side. i would not paint it with a broad brush because senate democrats frankly have not got the message. our team has been in contact with the entire senate to make sure that they understand as they had visits as requested, but we have been in constant contact with the senate, members of the senate, their staff, legislative affairs team has an extreme a robust schedule of meetings with their teams to make these nominees available to them, but the broader issue again, and with all due respect, it is interesting we are focusing on the votes of two republicans when you look at the spectrum of antics that have gone on in the democrats. the tactics they have done over and over and over again to delay, not show up to hearings, filibuster to the extent that
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they can come around the clock out, it is not republicans that have a problem, it is the democrats who continue to do this. >> reporter: where the president's remarks about the affordable care act, because he indicated in his response in the interview that he thought that the repeal and replace was going to take longer perhaps ten to 20, can you clarify whether he is frustrated about this, what he is doing about the timing because, of course, voters were anticipating that this might move faster than he was conveying in that interview? >> press secretary spicer: likely when you saw speaker ryan's comments earlier today, we can have this done legislatively sooner rather than later, but the limitation of a lot of the pieces make it a little bit longer. it is a big, big bill the democrats passed, as you recall, they told us we could read it after they passed it. we are now going through it to make sure we do it in a very responsible way, to make sure that healthcare, which is so vital to so many americans and their families is preserved while we put a new system in
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place that both lowers costs and increases accessibility. the president has been very encouraged by the commitment and work going on on the hill to make sure that we get this thing replaced as quick as possible. reporter mike follow-up related to that. speaker ryan has actually said, talking about the margins, and there are flaps in the law, do you agree with that? do you agree you cannot build on what is already there, you have to get rid of the entire law? >> press secretary spicer: what we are focused on is the end solution, we've been very clear over and over again that the president is going to repeal and replace. what americans will get at the end of it is a healthcare solution that, as i've said before over and over again, is going to give them a lower cost health solution with more options, that is what they were promised in the first place. i think the president being able
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to approach this in a businesslike manner that he has done so successfully in the past is going to ensure he negotiates prices, that we look at those businesslike practices, forced competition amongst states and other things that will help lower cost once and for all. >> reporter: does the president have any concerns about the fact that they have the acting secretary to implement? >> press secretary spicer: it went off without a hitch. john decker. >> reporter: as you know, the president spoke over the weekend on twitter and criticized the federal judge appointed by george w. bush who imposed the nationwide restraining order and called him "a so-called judge." as the president, as it relates to the argument, i know you are confident, but the argument we presented this evening, is he prepared to accept an adverse ruling by the ninth circuit court of appeals? >> press secretary spicer: a
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question the president respects the judicial branch. i just read of the u.s. code on that, i don't think there's any way that we can interpret that, the president has with discretion what to do to keep the country safe, that is his concern frankly. when the law is such as it is, anyone can interpret that any other way, think he feels confident just like in the ruling in boston that we are going to prevail on this on a merit case because it has done so in a very lawful way. catherine? [inaudible question] >> reporter: building a settlement may not be. >> press secretary spicer: i don't want to get too far ahead now, charlie? >> reporter: just a quick question, any response to the calls for impeachment by representative maxine waters? >> press secretary spicer: no.
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the president is doing everything he can to move this country forward, and i think whether it is the democrats in the senate who are trying to stall these nominees or these little political stance on the house side, the bottom line is by and large you see the support their president is receiving for his policies throughout the country, and it is because people recognize, business as usual is over and that the president's commitment to both keep in the country safe and growing the economy and creating jobs in summing that is welcome by all americans regardless of party. i think when you see something like that, it really shows that they really missed the message that voters sent this past november. hunter walker. >> reporter: cnn reportedly declined to interview kellyanne conway on sunday because of questions of her credibility. as the white house willing to offer alternative representatives to networks that refuse to work with specific spokespeople? >> press secretary spicer: frankly, my understanding is
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they retracted that, walked that back where they denied or however you want to put it, i don't care. kellyanne conway is a i don't think they choose not to work with someone, that's up to them. but i think we're going to con to put out key leaders in this administration that can articulate the president's policies and agenda. katie? >> president trump planning to ask the senate to expedite legislation allowing for the swift firing of bad employees? >> i think the president's commitment as you heard both during the campaign and as he's talked to make sure we're providing the best care. if there's things that are an impediment to that care being offered up or reformed, then he is going to make sure that we enact policies internally to make sure that people who are not doing their job, not servicing veterans, w


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