tv Hannity FOX News February 10, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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enemy against groupthink. set the dvr it if you haven't already, and watch sean hannity. he's up next. have a great weekend. >> sean: welcome to "hannity," tonight i have a message for all the liberals and the members of the media who are cheering about the ninth circuit court's decision to uphold the suspension of president trump's temporary travel ban, it's time to put petty politics aside and start caring about the safety and security of thes american people. this is a wake-up call andut that's tonight opening monologue. as of this very moment, refugees and other travelers from iraq, iran, syria, sudan, somalia, libya, and yemen are still allowed to enter thean united states blocking president trump plan for extreme vetting. our guard us down and people are
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our guard is down andeo people e pouring into this country. earlier today, president trump had this to say about the ninth circuit ruling, take a look. >> president trump: we are going to keep our country safe, we are going to do whatever is necessary to keep our country safe, we had a decision which we think will be very successful with, it shouldn't have taken this much time. safety is a primary reason, one of the reasons i'm standing here today, the security of our country, the voters felt that i would give it the best security, so we will be doing something very rapidly, having to to do h additional security for our country. you will be seeing that sometime next week. in addition, we will continue to go through the court process ano ultimately i have no doubt that we will win that particular cas case. >> sean: earlier today on air force one, president trump said this. >> we will win that battle. but we also have a lot of other options, including just for filing a brand-new order.
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it very well could be. but i like to keep you -- i like to surprise you. we need speed for reasons of security. so it could very well be that we do that. >> sean: president trump, he gets it, he's making the safety and security of you come at the american people a top priority and for good reason. we have been warned by top obama administration intelligence and national security officials that isis could infiltrate the refugee population. they've all said it. watch this. >> would that bringing syrian refugees posing a greater risk to americans? >> i mean, it's clearly a population of concern. >> the concern is in syria, the lack of our footprint in syria thatla the databases won't have the information we need. it's not that we have a lack of process, there is a lack of information. >> that obviously raises great concern to be able to do a proper background check toro individuals coming in the country. >> yes. >> i don't obviously put it past rae likes of isil to infiltrate
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operatives amongst us. >> we can only query against that which we've collected. if somebody has never made a ripple in the pond in syria in a way that would get their identity for their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database onto the cows come home. there will be nothing to show up because we have no record on that n person. >> there is some fear -- some fear that some of these refugees may actually be posing as refugees but they might actually be al qaeda or isis terrorists trying to sneak into europe or the united states. what do youou make of that quick smack >> certainly that's a possibility. you can't dismiss that out of hand. >> we should be conscious of the potential that daesh may attempt to embed agents within that population. >> sean: president trump is listening to the top intelligence and defense officials of in this country,
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and now the president of syria, he's actually echoing those same concerns. keep in mind, syria is one of the countries on tribe's travel ban list. here is what president al-assad told yahoo! news. take a look. >> are some of the refugees in your view aligned with terrorists? >> definitely, definitely. you can find it on the net. the same pictures you show them in some cases, of course, in some instances, those terrorists in syria holding the machine guns or killing people, they are peaceful refugees in europe or in the west. that'sre e true. >> tucker: that's the syrian president, a guy who is a dictator, admitting some refugees are definitely terrorists. wow. to make things worse, they are reporting that 77% of refugees allowed since the u.s. travel ban to again come from the seven suspect countries. and that's not all. today, the people in a ran
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iran, they are celebrating the 1979 islamic revolution by burning american flags and once again chanting "death to america." this is nothing new from iran where american flags, israeli flags, and that type of burning and chanting -- that's like a favorite national past time. you may be a member when the supreme leader of iran caught on tape calling for the death of america, watch this. >> [speaking persian] >> [speaking persian] >> tucker: clearly the people
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you just witnessed "death to america," they don't like you. they don't like you. they don't like our way of life, and they deafly are not in search of the american dream. here is the most alarming part of all.os the left is in a pre-9/11 mentality. they forgotten the pass. i fear as a country, we may be doomed to repeat w this. so to all of you out there applauding this ninth circuit decision, listen up. it's time for a very important history lesson. cau may remember september 11th 2001, america changed forever after an al qaeda orchestrated terror attacks devastated our country and lead to the death of nearly 3,000 people. as documented by the 9/11 commission report, dr. condoleezza rice testified that for years theee terrorists were at war with us but we were not yet at war with them. that finding is so compelling because of the years leading up to 9/11 that it was no secret that islamic extremists were hell-bent on destroying the
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united states and killing american people. leading up to 9/11, terrorists were1, responsible for the bombg of the kovar towers, the bombing of the embassies in tanzania and kenya are, a deadly attack on thes uss cole, and even the firt world trade center attack. in 1993, we had plenty of warnings. we have a similar imbalance now burningos across the world. europe has been rocked by terror attack after t terror attack and here at home, islamic roots extremists, san bernardino, the false nightclub in orlando, chattanooga, fort hood, boston marathon, isis has repeatedly declared war on this country just as al qaeda did prior to 9/11. the so-called journalists and the radical leftlt out left mainstream media, they are lying and calling the president trump's temporary travel ban in which a oran muslim ban. if we do not take this threat seriously, it's not a matter of
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if. it's a certainty. it's a matter of one we will be hit again. it's going to happen. for all of the people conspire to sing out of political correctness trying to stop the president safetyty measures, i'm warning you, you will be tied to all of this.'m yes, i'm talking about senator chuck schumer and hisis crocodile tears and the hypocrisy he shown, president obama who appeased iran and couldn't say the words "radical islam," the liberal and democratic politicians, members of the mainstream media. i said this many times to all of those out there who are more worried about the slight inconvenience of a few travelers versus the lives of the american people. to you, my message is clear.ty if another 9/11 style attack is committed here in the united states, blood will be on youran hands. deal with that. dealing with my joining me now is former trump campaign manager cory lewandowski from the american center for -- good to see you both.
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cory, let me start with you. this is so simple and basic. inconvenience versus gambling with the lives of americans. why is this even problematic? enwhy is he left so dug into ths pre-9/11 s mindset? >> what i don't understand is a notion d we don't want to put america first. this is what he's implementingth and what he said very clearly is that his priority is s to make sure that the people of this country, , the united states of america, are safe from all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have no idea who they are and what their intentions are, we are going to slow them down, we'll have a better vetting system. how is he left even trying to argue that this isn't in the best interest of all americans? they are so out of touch with what's going on in america. this is why they continue to lose elections. >> sean: let me go to jay. you been all over the legal side of all of this. the president earlier today on air force one suggested what you had been
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suggesting last night, that he move forward with anotherd executive order rather thanat going back to the seattlr court or go into justice kennedy who would then make a decision.r or send it to the entire supreme court. i think you liked the idea of a new executive order, correct? >> yes. because what that will do is rectify any inconsistency or perceived inconsistency between the turtle executive orders and a directive from the white house. what the president simply does is change a paragraph, take a paragraph from the white house directive, put it into the executive order, reissue the executive order, it moves out the existing ninth circuit case, it moved south the federal court case. they may win at the district court and they may won at the court of appeals. let me tell you what happens when echoes of the supreme court. you have to worry about a 4-4 split, 8-0. president has the authority and there is no confusion. >> sean: you were kind enough to send over suggestive language you liken to me earlier on
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my radio show. but why would the change of one paragraphak change all the difference, and even though you recognize that the seattle court may go the same way, the ninth circuit predictably could go the same way, why would this make the same difference before the supreme court. >> what they will look at is the issue. what is the issue before the supreme court. does the president have the statutory and constitutional authority to issue the executivl order. the answer to that will be yes, especially -- i won't get too technical, the due process issue, the issue of people who had green cards, visas include or not. initially it wasn't clear, then there was a white house corrective saying that we aren't going to h apply it to the green card holders to the folks with visas, the students. if you can clarify that, there is no ambiguity, there is only one thing that can be looked at. does the president have the statutory authority -- >> sean: bot that was really
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the question before the court this time. this judge in seattle -- i guess this is an important political question. cory, democrats can't get done at the ballot box to get americans to vote for them. what they can't do legislatively, that's why judicial activism is such a l danger. that's why the selection was so important. sean, this election is so clear. the democrats of phosphorus ideas have been so decimated. the american people have rejected them wholeheartedly. what you look rem forward to in8 is a number of democrat u.s. senators sitting in states that are going to be up for election in states that donald trump won. florida, missouri, montana. go right down the list, ohio. these are places where the american people voted overwhelmingly for president trump and his agenda. and now you've got democrat sitting in those seats who will have to tryts and defend
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themselves against the trump agenda. the bottom line is that the people in those states have rejected the left-leaning tlitics and the left-leaning agenda because they want a new course for america. >> sean: it's funny, j. i don't think they are honest people but political fact was trying to catch me all day on m statements, the overturned if not the overturned in the country relating to their kid going up to the supreme court. they are either one, two. correct? >> and the american bar association published in 2010 that they were overturning 80% of the time, that is the aba. if you look at the other data that's gathered by just going to the supreme court web site looking at the cases, doing the analysis, they are a either numr one,er most years -- mostly numr one. a couple of times, there are number two. if you take a look at that case, you are talking about 80% overturned rate. number 11 year, number two the next year, that tells you about their jurisprudence.
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that's not good news, you are going to lose at the supreme court. >> sean: what the president is leaning toward, which i know what you agree with, and you executive order. you are thinking it might go exactly the same way at the court level, but you say there is no way the supreme court would stay with that history -- >> i can't imagine supreme court saying that the president has authority.nm they might raise the religion clause issue. i've done the same cases that's not going anywhere with the u.s. supreme court. >> sean: good to see you both. appreciate it. up next on this busy and unite on "hannity" ." >> as an american, if i went out in the town right now, what i'd be welcomed? and the answer would be "absolutely not,, you will not e welcomed." >> it is the video that's exploding on facebook. 44 million views. the man is a former marine staff
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sergeant. the film that last week while he was in iraq serving as a private contractor. he was sent back to america for his own safety after he posted the video. you will meet him next. a new report says the border wall will be built in about 3.5 years. we will get reaction from frisco -- geraldo rivera also without straightahead. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪
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>> more snow is expected to hit new england over the weekend. i'm robert gray from america's news headquarters. the national weather service says it will start saturday, the snowfall well, and they are predicting over another 18 inches wool blanket parts of maine, new hampshire, and vermont by monday. as much as 9 inches will hit parts of connecticut, massachusetts, and rhode island. the news and the snowfall after digging out the biggest snowstorm to hit the north east so far this winter. some areas getting up to a foot and a half. meanwhile businessman and sports team owner mike ilitch died in a detroit hospital. he owns the detroit red wings of the national hockey league as well as baseball's detroit tigers also the owner of the
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pizza chain little caesars. i'm robert gray, now back to "hannity" ." >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." wonderer if marine staff sergeant steve gern was working as a contractor in iraq until he was forced to leave the country. he posted a video talking about president trump's travel ban. it got more than 44 million views. watch this. >> i'm currently in iraq, which is one of the countries that is on the c list. and there has been a lot of discussion about the executive order. obviously the united states there is a lot going on. over here, there's a lot going on as well. se of the things you all don't see. the other morning we were having a discussion on the executive order and a lot of the iraq he showed their displeasure on this
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executive order. why they feel like they've been betrayed by the united states and so on. this is what they had to say. after they were done yelling and screaming about their opinion on things, i asked a simple question. and i got an answer too that civil question. i got it without hesitation. my simplee question was, as an w american, if i went out of town right now, ward i be welcomed the answer to me, absolutely not. you would not be welcomed. i say, okay. whatat would be happening if i went out of town? they said, "the locals snatch you up and kill you within an hour." i would be tortured first and after they were done torturing me, i would be beheaded. it would be on video for everyone to see as an example.
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the point i'm trying to make, this is the local populace that would do this. this is named isis, this is an al qaeda, this isn't a pmu, this is in the iranians or anything like that. this is the local populace that would do this. so my question to them was pretty simple then after that. if you would do this to me in your country, why would i let you in myet country? all this means to me is that if you had the opportunity to take the life of an american, you would do it. so maybe there's something y'all need to think about back y ther. this is the way some of these cultures feel, this is the way these countries feel about americans,hy why would you be so naive to believe that if they came to these united states they
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would doin anything different tn what they would do right here in their own country? >> sean: joining us is steve gern. thank you for being here. >> thank you, sir. >> sean: i know these are simple questions you are asking, but they are really profound questions that really hit a relee. were you surprised by the 44 million views? >> absolutely i was. i posted that at 11:00 at night. i went to bed, i got up at 00:05 to get readyt for the mission. i was told that if they got hit at 1.5 million at that time. i laughed it off and i went out on mission, got my weapons, came back to the mission, put my weapons of, was figuring at that time, it was around 5 million views. i was expecting obviously a call on the radio to make it to the office. and i shortly after got that
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call. >> sean: all right. so you were really advised that this had gone so viral and now people know what you are looking like, is there any chance you'll ever go back? >> i don't know what the intentions are, the company i'm currently working for or employed by. i do know that i was a removed obviously for safety issues. so i do not know exactly where we are going to go fromwh here. >> sean: i guess what's so frustrating about this is to me it's a very simple equation. we aren't saying you can't come to america, we need to check you out. whatwh bothers me deep down inse is one all of our top intelligence officials are telling us that isis will infiltrate the refugee population, isis may be evil, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. i've got to imagine they would train people to withstand whatever questioning would come
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their way. how do you ever positively ascertain what is in somebody's heart if they want to come to america, if they want to come here for freedom or if they want to come here to proselytize, if they want to come here to hurt americans and blow up a school or a mall or whatever? >> you aren't going to be able to. what i've learned over the years of working in iraq and afghanistan is they are very good at manipulation. they can manipulate just about anyone. they are really good ate it. they can tell you what they want you to hear and they can keep that up for many, many years. and eventually when it's time, they will do what they believe is right. if that is to, you know, hurt an american, or hurtt many of us at one time, they are going to do it. >> sean: i think your admonition -- i know you said these are simple questions, but they are very deep, very profound. and very timely and relevant to
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the debate that's going on in our country. sir, i'm glad you got home say. thank you for being with us. congratulations on the 44 million hits. when we come back, a new report indicates how long it will take for the border wall to be built andu how much it will cost. earlier this week, protests broke out in the streets of phoenix over the deportation of the compacted criminal illegal alien. kris kobach is here. and later. tonight. >> i feel totally confident that we will have tremendous security for the people of the united states. we will be extremely >> sean: president trump talking about the need of extreme vetting. we'll check in with a lot of novella, bo dietl. they are coming up tonight on "hannity" ."
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up to $21.6 billion and could take more than three years to construct. while the border wall plans move ahead while protesters took to the street of phoenix on wednesday night following the rest of an illegalf immigrant woman, a convicted criminal, who was w later deported for joining us with reaction is the secretary of state of kansas, kris kobach is with us. how are you? >> great to be back with you. >> sean: i know a lot of people were pushing for you to be in charge of the department of homeland security. i also understand you met with the president. did you talk specifically about the wall? >> we have talked about the wal wall. he regards it as one of his top priorities in the white house to get this job done. the american people want it don done. 1,989 miles of border. probably about 386 miles that you would consider a true, impervious wall or serious friends. there is a lot to build. but we put a man on the moon and
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this is not a high-tech project, this is a low-tech project. getting barriers in place. it will get done. >> sean: to me, it's so basic, supplemental, so simple. it's s just one of those common sense measures. i understand that the expense aspect of it, but i asked the president numerous times when we are out traveling with him and the other candidates. the town hall as we did with him, he was very clear. he didn't expect mexico to write him a check. he said, no, but when we renegotiate nafta or other economic deals, we will have so much of a financial benefit. that's how they will get paid for. do you agree that is totally possible as i do? >> i do. sean there is about half a dozen ways where you could recoup the money back from mexico. we could do it through a surcharge on mexican immigrants coming through or not immigrants, people coming in temporarily on their visas. we could do it basically putting a stop remittances, the payments
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that legal aliens sent home to mexico and use that as leverage. there are so many ways we can get mexico to indirectly pay for this wall that it could be done. >> sean: as one of the most outspoken advocates in favor of this wall for many years, we are talking about the 2006 wall allowing for 700 plus miles to be built. is that enough from your perspective, do you think that's enough? >> you know, the 2006 law compelled, demanded that it be built, congress wanted to make a statement. there doesn't have to be a statute from congress ordering the executive branch to build a wall. it just needs to be funds from congress. the 700 miles is not enough. but it's not like we need another act from congress bordering president trump to build the entire 2,000 miles. we got the statutory authority we need. now we just need the funding to pay the price. >> sean: good to see you, sir. thank you for your advocacy,
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your safety andor security. when we come back, a new poll shows you will, the american people, you trust the white house more than the out left radical mainstream media to be truthful? can't blame them. first tonight. >> i feel terribly confident that we will have tremendous security for the people of the o united states. we have extreme vetting. >> sean: president trump, he spoke about the need for extreme vetting at the white house. up next, we'll get reaction from geraldo rivera and bo dietl as "hannity" continues. decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this,
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>> we are thoroughly confident that we will have tremendous security for the people of the united states. we will be extreme vetting. tremendous threats to our country. we will not allow that to happen. i can tell,l you that right now. we will not allow that to happen. >> sean: that was president trump talking about during today's joint press conference with the japanese prime minister. joining us with reaction in new york city, mayoral candidate our friend bo dietl, by the way i'm endorsing. if it hurts you, i'm not going to endorse you. >> [laughs] i am an independent! i am an independent! >> sean: i want everyone in the audience... you have not lived until you have been called on town with
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bo dietl and geraldo rivera. the best days of my life are with these two guys. >> we both endorse you, bo. now!m a conservative right all i'm saying is, sean all i'm saying is, sean my heart dropped when we are watching that video from 9/11 because i was down there that day when those towers came down and do you know what? what's happening right now, sean with this ban, since this p26 has now been released, all of us standing 1100 has come in ourry country refugees. 1100 from these seven different countries that we are supposed to be venting. my problem is we forget really quickly in syria, two of the passport places in the main cities in syria were taken over by isis. they are printing their own passports. they have fake passports! we aren't stopping them! now they know that we are like rats coming out of the store! t! is wide open right now!
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this is so ridiculous! you've got the attorney general's in that state of washington patting each other on the back like they did something so good! all we want to do is know who's coming in! who wants to kill w americans! >> sean: let me bring corrado in here. you and i get along, we agree and disagree. i know one of your most passionate issues is immigration. so we have some differences on it. this is something that we will probably agree on. if you want to come to our country, our top intelligence officials and now evene presidet al-assad is acknowledging that they will infiltrate the refugee population. >> you are a pure hearted patriot. you are a sincere person. i cherish our friendship. that's not what we are talking about here. we are talking about the 45th president is that we are all proud to call him our friend as well. but what his justice department did in this case and whoever counseled him on drafting that
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executive order, it was -- >> sean: it wasn't his justice department. >>nd it was a little leak. it was bushmo league. you did at the top of this program, sean you put together why this is -- the danger, you will, i submit, did a better job. the producers of this program did a better job in presenting the risks, the imminent risks than the federal government. in the case before the district court and before the ninth circuit. so mediocre. the president should dump this executive order right now, start over again. give me a felt tip pen and a yellow pad. i will give you an executive order that will be constitutional. for example. you are afraid of imminent isis attacks? so why do you stopp a 7-year-old coming for the heart transplant? you break up the elderly couple or the students that are matriculating in the state universities?
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it's so -- temporary can't be that! >> sean: giraldo , geraldo, i heard the argumente last night and i was screaming. because you are right. in our sleep, all of us could have done a better job. this was not donald trump's attorney general. he had not been approved yet. that was the problem with the obstructionism, right? >> you can say that jeff sessions had been in place, something would've been different. i tendth to doubt it. for example, you and i, we had a debate over the order. said, this isn't something to do. this is hubris. this is action for actions sake. it'ssa not decisive in the sense that it's designed to accomplish a result. for example, why do you not exclude people who already have green cards from your order? what about people with valid visas?ut people who have global passwords are --
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>> okay! we all agree! >> all you end up doing is taking off everybody and -- >> geraldo, we all agree with that. what we've got to do right now, the president has got to immediately put another order clarifying what we've got to do! this is life and death now! i was there september 11th when those buildings came down! i saw the destruction that people went against! geraldo rivera, i'm really nervous about it. rightt now, they are coming in faster than ever because now they know there's an opening there. nobody is watching the gate, and they are all rushing in! i'm nervous about this. president trump should respond on this. get a new order. >> here's what the president said. "i declare victory. why do i declare victory? because under president obama, there are 110,000 refugees approved for this program. guess what? there are only going to be 50,000 this fiscal year." in other words, donald trump's actions have already sliced this program more than in half.
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>> sean: but we've got a problem, and you agree, geraldo. sean, if you have a cuter grandpa or triplets -- >> sean: that's common sense applying to the law. you and i do agree. >> bo, he could find out. you aren't finding out about 23-year-olds -- >> you know, geraldo, let's look at the migration into europe! 80% of them are young males! good, for young males! -- >> i do know that to be true , >> sean: coming up, a new poll reveals that the american people believe the trump administration is more truthful than the mainstream media. they react coming up straight ahead. feel secure in your dentures...
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>> i know how dishonest the media is. i happen to know that stories about me that should be good -- or bad! i don't mind a bad story if it's true, but i don't like bad stories -- it should be a positive story when they make a totally negative. i ti understand the total dishonesty of the media better than anybody. and i let people know it. the media is a very, very dishonest arm and we'll see what happens. >> sean: that was president trump calling out the dishonest price. brand-new poll released on tuesday shows that the majority of the american people agree with him. according to an emerson college poll, 49% of registered voters believe that the trump administration's truthful compared to only 39% that said the media tells the truth. the hills media reporter talk about the polls finding earlier this week, and president trump tweeted it out. as long as lisa boothe.
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i've known you for a long time, this is great for him. the president tweeted out his article. doesn't this speak volumes? >> we've known this for a while, sean. there is overwhelming bias in the media. it's not something i have to explain your audience anymore. "usa today" did a poll right before the election and they asked, "who do you think the american press is rooting for in this election, hillary clinton $1 trump"? by a 10-1 margin, they said, hillary clinton, including the majority of democrats noticed that democrats were obviously getting the benefit of the doubt from the press. this is something that is no longer something that is a secret or i have to explain or you have to explain, the cat is out of the bag for that is because ofof wikileaks. that was devastating for the fourth estate. open collusion. >> sean: s joe, you and i discussed this. the media didn't cover wikileaks because it impacted them. their collusion with hillary clinton and theirpa
10:51 pm highest level, the highest level of corruption, we've seen. lisa boothe, i want your thoughts. >> i think what we see from the media is this concerted effort to undermine the credibility of president trump. what they don't seem to understand is that their credibility is at risk here, too. what we've seen in the recent polling that joe pointed out and also just from gallup is that trust in media is at an all-time low. if present media is trump that the media can be blatantly dishonest, we've seen stories from "the washington post" recently literally making up meetings that never happened between stephen bannon and homeland security secretary kelly at that meeting, that event is a fantasy. and it's been discredited because that meeting simply didn't m happen. the reporterdi actually never wt and reached out to the white house or a comment. so when you see that kind of reporting, and it's sort of laughable for the media to continue to undermine the trump administration and undermine
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their credibility when they don't have any credibility. >> sean: we have this list that we've been putting up on the screen all the time of at least 16 that we've identified, examples of stories, fake news stories, that have run since trump has been president. there are other stories, joe. i'm watching chuck todd. "isn't this a religious litmus test"? how many people in the media have said on the refugee issue and in executive order of the president, how many web sites have gone to say that "this is a muslim ban" when it doesn't impact 90% of the world's muslim population. 43 majority muslim countries not impacted. it's not even dishonesty. it's an outright lie. because they know the truth. >> sean: >> there's no accounta. that's the problem, sean. "the new york times" ," politic, were they reprimanding? they were fired? no, they were promoted in some
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case. "the new york times" knows this and they hired him? >> he fits right in. >> we know they are biased and we know that they are corrupt. but the priority, sean, are completely out of whack. think about the blistering pace that the trump administration has been acting. there has a been an executive order once every other day, 11 total. there was a supreme court nominated.t was how many times have you seen in any major newspapers or any meter outlets analysis around what happens now that we are going to have a secured bid to my concert of leading secure court, what does it mean that we are dropping out of tpp, that federal -- the priorities, sean are completely out of whack. >> sean: i couldn't agree with joe moore, lee said. while are focused on their fake
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news stories, they are missing a huge shock and awe campaign on a political earthquake that is erupting under their feet. they don't get it. they don't get trump. i don't think the ever welcome, well that? >> we saw that in the general election as welfare and also the reason why their credibility is in question and why voters don't trust him is there is a clear double standard that exists, sean. somebody who's worked on republican campaigns and has worked for a republican member of congress, it is so clear and still exists. o we see the double standards between the fact that the media wants to call into question the credibility and trustworthiness of this administration, but what about benghazi? what about the blatant lies of the obama administration told us. what about the fact that ben rhodes brag about lying to the media about the iran deal? what about the fact that jonathan gruber basically said the american people were stupid and that's how obamacare law essentially got past? where was the outrage than from the media? why wouldn't they holding the
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obama administration sean the fire? >> sean: you are so right. it is journalism is dead, we have an informational crisis. but people are voting with their clippers, i can tell you that. great calm, congratulations. joe my ones, and we come back, e need help for an important question of the day. and we are introducing a new segment that you can participate in. that'sth next. super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief ♪ heigh ho!
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tiki barber running a barber shop? yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next? >> sean: all right, time for our big question of the day today. do you think that liberals are gambling with the lives and thfety of you, the american people? go to also tonight, big announcement that i want to talk about a new segment. we will be starting on the program. it's called the hannity hotline. nice, mean, whatever, we'll be playing some of your comments on air. call the number you see right there on the screen. 877-225-8587.
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we'll start playing some of your messages next week. can't wait to hear from you. especially those that love me or hate me. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. hope youou have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. services tom price happened in the middle of the night. the president now has his man to take up the pledge to repeal and replace obamacare. more on that straight ahead.
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