tv FOX Friends FOX News February 13, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PST
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her phone. couldn't be that surprising. french. part of the cull you are temperature. he wants 48 million bucks. dropping drawers mooning trump towers. heather: thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. >> we are contemplating two executive actions designed to prevent terrorist infill at any rate trace of our country. >> america's largest dam on the brink of collapse. >> damage to a structure like that is catastrophic. >> 200,000 people are running for their lives. >> the democratic party the past five or six years has moved very far to the left. >> what we did is said how offensive. grow up. >> they have their 43rd honor member. >> isn't this blatant democratic obstruction? >> not at all. weave can't stop these nominees. we know that. >> you can't slow it down.
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>> i want to thank agent orange. >> our voices are needed more than ever ♪ president trump we don't knowing. >> resist. >> my life ♪ to better suit your mood >> is it okay to look now? brian: wow. ainsley: did you turn the volume off? you knew what to expect. brian: i said what just happened? did we lose the sound? adele started over after a disaster a year ago. steve: it was on her. last year the microphone fell into the piano this time didn't do a good job. she won a bunch of stuff mile. question is who makes the grammies, because she won one and she said you know, beyonce you deserve half of, this clunk and she broke it in two to prevent beyonce with the other half.
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brian: she is won strong singer. steve hello. ainsley: she is very talented. brian: i got this question yesterday from one of my favorite children why is it shaped like that? i said that's a vic contro vitr. steve: the grama phone. brian: based on victrola invented the record. ainsley: we will talk about the grammies coming up there were some colorful costumes. brian: burn dress i still can't figure out. ainsley: president trump said he was going to sign a new executive order and it was going to happen either today or tomorrow. steve: that's right. of course this is because currently his temporary travel ban is caught up in the court systems. let's face it though that could take months and is he a guy who likes to do stuff right now. steven miller who has written a lot of the president's speeches out on the campaign
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trail and a lot of his policy ideas was on with george stephanopoulos yesterday kind of laid out what could happen with a new executive order. >> we have equal branches of government in this country. the judiciary is not supreme. a district judge in seattle cannot force the president of the united states to change their laws and their constitution because of their own personal views. this is ideological disagreement between those who believe we should have borders and should have controls and those who believe there should be no borders and no controls. that's the essence of this debate. brian: so you know donald trump was relatively considering what the other sparring we have seen over the last few months. he is relatively contemplative about that failure in the ninth district court. and i'm just wondering if this was written just to have a pause to rewrite the vetting of these seven terror nations and maybe you fold in pakistan eventually or afghanistan. i'm wondering why is it
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necessary to go back and fight like this, but the legal experts say if you draw it up, make some small changes, it really can't be stopped. ainsley: who was it sitting here last week who said it's this simple. i have think it was geraldo. take a piece of paper, write a new executive order and change it threw go go. steve: where was he two weeks ago when the president came out with it initially? it looks like the revisions could include some new security measures. buff the key is that it would be more focused and be able to withstand any souter of legal challenge. because that is the trouble right now and going forward they would like to avoid that. ainsley: if you look at the number of refugees that have come into the country since that ban was lifted on february the 3rd. here are the numbers between february the 3rd and february the 11th over that 8 day span. and you can see 402 refugees came in from syria. 340 from iraq. 155 from somalia, 115 from iran. 37 from sudan.
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zero from yemen and zero from libya. brian: green cards you can come. number two, the military gets involved and let us know who these inprer prettiers and fixers are who helped us in iraq and afghanistan and helped us in other places, we also put them on the fast track. ainsley: those are just the number of refugees not the green card holders, right? brian: yes. steve: that graphic illustrates as soon as the ban went into effect it's like people from those countries couldn't come over. then when the judge robart said yep, you know what, that's unconstitutional, then the administration said okay, we will put a pause on it, 402 from syria. syria, on the far left there, the key is their ban was kind of indefinite. they had said it would be 90 days from all the other countries. it was indefinite. as soon as the ban was lifted. as many refugees from some of the those countries flooded in to the united states because they didn't know if, you know,
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how long this is going to last. you know what? it could come to an end today. ainsley: "the washington times" is reporting that the state department is the one pushing this telling those refugees come on over before the ban changes. brian: there is a huge problem. someone is leaking out a lot of private conversations. a lot of people think it's just from the state department. people there for life. people in the permanent government that seem to be against donald trump. and this might be another example if you are correct if the "washington times" is correct. i would like to add one more thing, there is something about the tone that donald trump has since he started getting the deluge of daily presidential briefings on the threat assessment that has changed even when he was president-elect. this is about security. it isn't about being anti-muslim. it's about security. i will tell you we have had a chance to talk to him over the last few years. i have never seen him more dead serious or concerns because he sees what we don't see. steve: it's the toughest job in the world. while he has the toughest job
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in the world a lot of people at the grammies last night actually don't care for president trump. brian: i had no idea. steve: in fact, the priewlsers of the cbs show encouraged the performers who go out there and make a statement. and you know what? they did. >> living up because this is the best when president trump we don't know confess. >> at this particular points in history, our reservoirs are needed more than ever. >> i just want to thank president agent orange for perpetuating all of the evil that you have perpetuated throughout the united states. i want to thank president agent orange chance. >> we can really use this kind of excitement at a pipeline protest guys, #no dapple. >> any negative tweets you see are fake tweets, okay? they are not real tweets. the negative ones are fake. let's move on.
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okay. ♪ all of forefolks you must go. ♪ and all of the mexicans you must go ♪ rhythm. >> no hate. >> in that last shoit united states perry had on a resist arm band. >> fantastic. another person could take a leave from. also do they understand that we the people is really for the american people? this is about the people on the outside trying to get. in we just want to make sure that their intents is fine. it's not anti-muslim. i think that people keep dumbing down this argument and try to make it anti-ethnicity or antireligion. that's not at all what it is. take a breath and realize what is he trying to do. it is about security. ainsley: have you these actors on the couch and they are living in l.a. and they are conservatives. there are a lot of conservatives in l.a. think just don't want to admit it because they don't want to lose roles or business and that kind of thing because
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they don't -- those celebrities don't represent middle america as we clearly saw in the election. steve: while a lot of people on the red carpet and on the performing stage took shots at donald trump, joy villa a singer and song writer. there she is right there. look at this. she is wearing a make america great again dress. it was designed by an immigrant, a pro-trump filipino by the name of andre sorono i have never been political. it's crazy people are getting beat up because they voted for trump. the inspiration for the dress he heard somebody wanted to bomb the white house at the women's march and of course that was madonna. joy villa is all about love with her music. extraordinarily after simply wearing a dress. not only did her album as well as a she went from 180,000 on amazon, number three now. and, of course, she is getting death threats. >> getting a lot of negativity also getting a lot of sales.
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one of her quotes was go out and celebrate yourself as wane another matter what. with those you adore, forget your problems. >> very positive messages. ainsley: she was teasing what she was going to wear and putting these messages about forget your problems. this is all about lo. and then she wore that white -- she had like a white sheet around her on the red carpet and she took the sheet off. steve: big reveal. ainsley: make america great again. i'm sure everyone on the red carpet was like whoa, she had to know what she was doing. steve: she wasn't just on the trump train, she was wearing the trump train. ainsley: true, you are right. brian: even donald trump might have said hey, tone it down. ainsley: i didn't know this singer. did you all know her? i went on my itunes app. and i listened to some of her songs. and she is good. steve: and she bought it only a dollar. brian: i don't know what about heather nauert listened to this morning. what were you listening to?
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heather: i had a simon and garfunkel song. mellow way to set off the day. brian: they want us to have the sound of silence right now. heather: good morning. i hope had you a terrific weekend. we start out with some extreme weather there is snow, ice, and also some winds pounding the northeast at this hour. up to two feet of snow possible in some areas. icy roads making things a real mess. look at this right here. sending a big rig swerve into the snow in connecticut. then this massachusetts a maul plane sliding right off the run way just moments after it aborted its takeoff and parts of texas well could be in for snow and ice today as cool air pushes across the state. janice dean is in the house. she will have more on the weather as we get it. confirmation votes for two more of president trump's cabinet picks set for later today. steve mnuchin nominated for treasury secretary facing a tough road to get to this point, thanks to liberal lawmakers. the senate breaking a democratic filibuster on friday pushing him through.
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a confirmation vote for david shulkin foikd head the v.a. also set for this morning. there is a brand new member of the mob, former president george w. bush a good luck charm for smu's basketball team in houston. watch this. >> they have their 43rd honorary member here today. >> how cool is that cincinnati cincinnati making it onto the jumbotron showing off the t-shirt. the name of the student section in the arena called the mob. the presidential support must have helped though because smu went on to beat 11th ranked bearcats 60 to 51. i know the doocy household was celebrating last night. steve: absolutely. my daughter sally used to be a member of the mob. she was pony up. ainsley: is he like flashing. steve: what's that t-shirt? oh, yeah, the mob.
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ainsley: i want to go back to college and be a part of the mob. that sounds fun. i will be a part of y'all's mob. media melting down over the immigration laws already on the books. >> hundreds arrested this week in what federal officials say are routine operations targeting criminals. >> is the new administration behind the latest crackdown? ainsley: is this any different than what president bush or obama did? brian brian most dating apps try to match with you somebody who likes the same stuff you do. but what about match making based on stuff you hate. the brand new app. turning the dating game upside down. that's straight ahead. steve: that's going to be a short date. brian: unlike brussels sprouts. kiss me. steve: here is ed shearn at the grammies with shape of you ♪ put that buddy on me ♪ coming now ♪ follow my lead ♪ i'm in love with the shape
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of you ♪ ♪ yeah, so mom's got this cold. hashtag "stuffy nose." hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day.
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>> a stern warning to all 11 million undocumented living in the united states. most of them law abiding and paying taxes and working. that they are no longer safe to stay here. >> hundreds have been arrested this week in what federal officials say are routine operations target criminals. >> enforcement undocumented arrests. targeting raids. rounding up hundreds of foreign nationals. is the latest administration behind the latest crackdown. brian: i would think is when it comes to these raids are they really that uncommon. board member of the national association of former border patrol officers and ice agent david. round up over the weekend? >> it's always been part of the culture of immigration enforcement. this particular plan that everybody is hyperventilating over probably was planned at least three or four months ago under the obama administration. it was finally launched under the trump administration. the trump administration had
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nothing to do with putting this plan together. this went through legal review. it went through a lot of intelligence, surveillance, record checks just to make this happen. brian: right. donald trump did tweet out the crackdown of illegal criminals is merely campaign promise is that accurate? >> it is accurate. i would assume there is going to be a lot more enforcement actions now that we have a president in office that will actually enforce the law as it's written. brian: you know what's so interesting and steven miller poingted that out over the weekend saying everyone gets upset when donald trump made comments on what the ninth district did or what this judge put forward. and so they want him to follow the law. and so now here is he cracking down on illegal immigrants here who have not followed the law even by coming let alone what they do when they got here. people are like well don't follow the law. which one do you want. >> exactly. brian: you can't have it both ways. >> well, apparently that's how they want. they are very schizophrenic
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what they want as far as enforcement. title 8 of the u.s. code is clear on what we can and cannot do as far as enforcing immigration law. i would suggest politicians and advocates start reading title 8 to get an idea what the immigration law is about what we can and cannot do. brian: how does it help in the big picture. only 20 seconds, in the big picture what does this do? >> this will help communities rid them of the criminal elements taken over particularly the sanctuary cities where most crime is from illegal immigration. have you drug cartels and aliens proliferated these cities. brian: is he doing what he said he was going to do and that's why he won. david ward, thanks so much. >> you're quite welcome. steve: straight ahead. even the democrats are starting to tell their own party to move on. >> what we did is we said how offensive. grow up. that's not reality for most of america.
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brian: will they listen in the brothers wood house are here to yell at each other next. ♪ she kissed me ♪ like the fellow said ♪ ain't that a kick in the head it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take,
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♪ ♪ ainsley: here are quick headlines for you. out-of-control wildfire forces mass investigations. fighters in oklahoma are working around the clock to get that dangerous inferno under control. hundreds of acres have already burned to a crisp. >> huge boat turning into a massive fireball. look at all that smoke. gosh. that thick smoke filling the air as you can see. and it was seen in from miles
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away in honduras. horrified people were watching hopelessly from a dock. no word on what sparked that fire. we're not sure if anyone was on board if they were hurt. we will continue to monitor that and keep you posted. steve? steve: thank you. even democrats telling their own party it's time to move on from the last election. >> telling the voters that oh, our opponent is offensive. when you are worrying about your dam paycheck, you are worried about your job. you're worrying about where you are going to live, if your kids are ever going to go, they don't really give a crap about if the president is an insult dog. we did not offer a message to the people in indiana or ohio or pennsylvania or kentucky. what we did is we said how offensive. grow up. that's not reality for most of america. steve: that's raymond buckley right there. that coming from the man campaigning to be the chair of the dnc. will democrats listen? here for the debate the
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brothers wodehouse. dall director of the north carolina g.o.p. on the left of the screen and his brother brad united for change is he on the left. you just heard this guy wants to be dnc chief. you blew it last time. >> ray buck solid a frengsd of mine. i have known ray for a dozen years. what he is saying is really oversimplification of what happened in this last elections. look, i worked on this campaign. i know repeatedly how 00 clinton campaign how the super pac i ran tried to talk about the economy. we tried to talk about tuition. we tried to talk about paid and family medical leave. all the media wanted to talk about was donald trump. when he says all we focused on. steve: you are blaming the media for your message. >> i'm not blaming the media steve, can you tell me what her plan was for paid family medical leave. steve: no. >> you can't tell me and she said it in every single speech. every speech she gave in this
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election she talked about paid family medical leave. that wasn't what the election was focused on. this election was uniquely focused on one candidate primarily u it was focused on donald trump. i think it's an oversimplyification to say that we didn't have an economic message. it didn't break through. that is absolutely true. but to say we didn't have one is oversimplyification of what happened in the last election. steve: mr. buckley is actually going to be on our show in the next hour. dallas, i wouldn't say it was all about donald trump because i remember it was all about hillary and boot leg server in her basement that she probably shouldn't have had that many said exposed national secrets and whatnot. that was a bad thing. >> yeah. that's right. i do think this kind of intraspeculation, inward look at one's party is an important part of the recovery process. you know, republicans did that significantly after 2012. but, of course, i think what the democrats would find is that if they looked at it very closely is that their policy
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prescriptions are very unpopular. brad talked about paid family medical leave. well, if you don't have a job, that doesn't do you any good. the radical environmentalists, people against pipeline, that are against burning of carbon, those kind of policies are not helping people get jobs in the midwest. steve: okay. you know, brad, the other problem for hillary in 2016 was the fact if she was going to complain about the economic situation in the united states of america, she would be taking a shot at barack obama and a lot of democrats approved of him jobwise and she needed them to show up at the polls in november and she didn't want to bad mouth him because that would turn them on her. >> you know, i think there are a lot of goofed things to talk about in the economy. each president obama would acknowledge that we have wages that need continue to crease. we have convenience for workers and families in terms of paid family and medical leave, tuition is out of
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control. so there were things that you could say that would improve the economy without bagging on the previous president. i would say this as it relates to ray though. if our party is only going to talk about the economy to the exclusion of standing up for muslims when the president says he wants to ban them all from coming in the country or standing up for women. >> come on, steve. i do need to read you the press release that he read during out campaign. he said he wanted to ban all muslims. i'm talking about what happened during the campaign i. steve: dinks what he sontd campaign and what he said as president. you know it. >> he wants to ban all muslims from seven countries. what i'm saying is if ray is suggesting that if we don't stand up for those people, then i don't know what democrats stand for if they are not standing up for women, for minorities, and so forth. steve: okay. dallas, real quick, maybe ultimately what happened was donald trump was better at messaging than hillary was? >> perhaps.
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but i think that mr. trump's policies were a lot better for the country and we are seeing him do things to answer the anxieties of the working class, especially in the midwest and places like north carolina. >> you think that's why he is 41% approval, dallas, because people like his policies? >> i think that mr. trump's policies are going to get people working again. you know, brad, they have so many people running for democrat national chair you should run, brad. they have lawful of the democratic party. steve: call each other on the phone, really, your mom would like that, boys, boys, dallas and brad wodehouse thank you so much for a spirited debate early on this monday morning. what do you think about that? email us. meanwhile we have a fox news alert 6:30 in the morning. 200,000 people on the west coast evacuating their homes fearing a dam could fail and unleash 30-foot of water. we are live on the ground next. that's just the spillway right there.
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and then grammy awards wasting no time attack president trump. ♪ we can survive ♪ president trump we don't know. steve: he was the host and they didn't stop there. carlie shimkus has all the grammy night. more from bruno mars performance of that's what i like. ♪ strawberry champagne ♪ all night ♪ that's what i like ♪ lucky for you ♪ that's what i like ♪ set by the fire at night ♪ at old dominion, we see freight... a combination of products and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship
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a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. brian: glad you're up. let's go stright a fox news alert. mass evacuations intensifying at this hour at california's
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crumbling oroville dam catastrophic deadly flooding could be at any moment. ainsley: nation's tallest gam struggling to contain the swelling lake behind it sending 200,000 people running for their lives. steve: adam housley has the very latest. this is because of all the rain y'all have had out there, right? >> yes, steve. and also because the last storm that came through here and one reason why they couldn't tell how much that lake was going to fill because it was warmer storm. you had the rain. that rain also melted a lot of the snow at higher elevations. you can never tell how much water is going to come down on the runoff. not sure how much snow is stuck up there. rain warmer, brought the snow down and overflowed the lake. we are in front of the river actually 25 miles downstream. this is one of the mainly areas that would be affected if something was to happen. at the you were portion of that dam. let's give you an idea what's going on here. basically the dam got so full
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they have, you sai auxiliary spl overwhere the earthenned dam can spill over. meant to be a short-term solution. the problem was saturday morning that auxiliary spillway went over and kept going until sunday evening. that's well close to 30-some odd hours. that's what caused some deterioration at the higher portion of that dam. if that had broken, potentially 25 feet of water would have come down the feather river which is where we are standing and caused problems all the way to sacramento on rivers that are already overflowing with water. so that was the issue. the good news, they stopped that overflow on that auxiliary spillway late last night. now they are able to drop some rocks in and they believe, guys, they have a hold on this cautiously but they won't know for sure until daylight comes up and they have a better chance to take a look at it. steve: what they are trying to do is drain the lake by 50 feet to get the pressure off it. adam housley we thank you very much for the live report out
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in adam. brian: the dam needs some reinforcement and infraw structure and need the federal government to help out. i wonder if governor brown will pick up the phone. ainsley: he might need donald trump's help. steve: keep you posted on that. not a good situation. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: get it straight, steve. brian: setting their watches. heather: good morning, news to bring you coming out of the midwest. it's a real tragedy. once again tragedy strikes in chicago. two little girls, the latest victims in chicago's out-of-control violence. both of those girls are now fighting for their lives. they were shot in two unrelated incidents. police say a 12-year-old girl was on a playground near her school when she was hit and then just a few miles away an 11-year-old girl was shot wild she was sitting in the backseat of a minute any van. no suspects in custody. chicago has already had 400 shootings this year. we're praying for those little girls and we will bring you
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more as we get it with the p.c. police at it again. geraldo rivera is taking a stand against it he is quitting a voluntary position at yale university after the school changed the name of one of its residence halls because it had ties to slavery. geraldo tweeting this, quote. resigned yesterday as associate fellow of calhoun college at yale. been an honor but intolerant insistence on political correctness is lame. the move is not based -- rather is based on principle and not political correctness. and if you are single for valentine's day, there is one dating app. that wants to help you find love based on the things that you hate. i guess i kind of hate most things but i never really seem to hate you. so, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. heather: quite an endorsement. matches people based on their dislikes. it learns about users by
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asking how they feel about different drop picks including tofu and reality television. more than 200 people are already signed up. those are your headlines. what do you think, guys? steve: tofu hater was unite. brian: i think you can be bound by things you don't like. under appreciated part of love. honey, let's hate together. ainsley: such a negative way to look at it though but it's funny. brian: something to talk about. steve: e. meanwhile this is something to talk about. and the whiners are? ♪ president trump we don't know. steve: he is the host. biggest night in music each year. celebrities waste no time in attacking the president. this morning social media fired up. ainsley: here on today's top trends is fox news headlines 24/7 reporter carlie shimkus. good morning. >> a top producer encouraged artists to speak their minds during the award show. it came as no surprise when the evening became political.
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a lot of people watching at home just wanted the show to stick to the music, right? so let's get to some viewer reaction. stefanie said on facebook they didn't watch for this very reason. have no interest in what these low information voters think or feel. wouldn't be surprised if half of them didn't vote. donna on facebook said they do not realize their behavior is such as they displayed last night are the reason they have a president trump. quit pouting, grow up and entertain. america does not give one hoot what these overpaid court jesters think. george on facebook says i'm surprised the grammy stills exists because they believe everyone is a winner and should get a trophy. that would take a lot of time if everyone got a trophy. steve: get it in the goody bag. brian: let's talk about the performances last night. i'm all about music and pessimisming the clutch in front of your piers. >> nonpolitical moments as well u adele being one of the moments that people are talking about.
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she asked for a do-over during her performance. she said she didn't like the way it was going. stop the music. let's start it over again. who here has not wanted a do-over among all of us. brian: the thing is, carlie, not me. tribute to george michael. she felt she had to get it right. >> i love him. i have to do this right for him. embarrassing admission. i was by myself watching the award show. i stood up and collapsed in my living room. i felt so bad for her. steve: especially after last year. beyonce and bruno mars getting a lot of reaction today as well. beyonce is so nice for letting them give out awards at her concert. her performance was so behind. olivia says both adele's performances best of the night. i agree with that and r.j. bruno mars the only person that could have pulled off a prince trivia right. did he a incredible job. played the guitar.
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shredded on the guitar during the awards show. shredded the right term, right? ainsley: what about the clothing? >> can't talk about awards show without talking about the clothing. steve: what are you wearing? >> did you see what see low whas wearing. looked like his skin must have had a hard time in that. steve: looked like a trophy. >> they accepted a grammy without pants on. >> steve: they ran up, took their pants off. they had a good reason. >> they said they gave acceptance speech. >> columbus, ohio. and it was a few years ago and it was before josh and i were able to make money playing music. and i called him up. and i said hey, josh. do you want to come over to my rental house and watch the grammies? and he said yeah. he was hanging there. i said a couple of my roommates just come in to watch the grammies with us. as we were watching, we
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noticed that every single one of us was in our underwear. and seriously, josh turns to no one at that time. steve: he said if we ever get to the grammies, we're going. ainsley: we're going to accept our award in our underwear, absolutely. they sure did. steve: very good. there was a woman who wore the make america great again. >> google said most googled album of the night. ainsley: album sales went up to. brian: carpool karaoke with sweet caroline was pretty cool. thank you so much. ainsley: media getting hostile with the trump administration. >> provided zero evidence that trump's claim he would have won the popular vote if 3.5 million illegal. zero evidence for either one of those claims. thanks a lot for joining us. ainsley: would they treat members of the obama administration the same way? we report and you decide. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft.
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he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies!
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ainsley: the mainstreamed me yes hostility toward the trump administration reaching a fevered pitch. watch this. >> if you were caught misleading the vice president of the united states, with woo that be considered a fireable offense in the trump white house? >> it's not for me to answer hypotheticals. it wouldn't be responsible. >> i came out here and actually spoke about it. >> the president's time. >> you are equating me addressing the nation here in a tweet? i mean, that's the silliest thing i have ever heard. >> you have provided zero evidence that the president's claim that he would have won the popular vote if 3.5 illegal immigrants would have voted. zero evidence for either one of those claims u thanks loot for joining us this morning. ainsley: it was much different story under president obama. remember this? >> there has been no personal scandal. this has been a president whose behavior has been important to him. >> greater the man, the easier to describe him in a single
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sentence and she said to him what's your sentence? what's your sentence? >> the least i can do is give her the last question as president of the united states. [inaudible] >> there you go. go ahead. >> well, thank you, mr. president. it has been an honor. >> joining us now with her reaction is senior editor molly hemmingway. thank you so much for being with us. >> great to be with you. >> media hostility reaching a disturbing new low many are claiming. why is that? >> well, you know, it's so interesting to compare these two situations. this -- it's not that the trump administration doesn't give the media plenty to be upset about in terms of content or style. it's just that for the previous 8 years they were so awol when it came to holding the president accountable it's hard to take them seriously. give you an example. we spent a lot of time talking about this executive order dealing with the travel ban. well, president obama set his immigration policy
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unilaterally and he was slapped down by the supreme court repeatedly. you didn't have the same tenor of coverage that president obama was dangerous. that his governing style was deeply problematic and that the nation needed to be alarmed. even though president obama, again, was slapped down by the supreme court not just on that but more than any other modern president. he had a really bad track record with the courts, you know, winning only about half of his cases. frequently getting ruled against by unanimous margins and the media didn't seem to think that this was really dangerous or that we had a lawless president. and so that different tenor in how they covered the previous administration makes it really hard to take them seriously when they are apoplectic with rage now. ainsley: what did they get wrong? because we saw the coverage of hillary clinton and the mainstream media most of them democrats, liberals. according to the new emerson college poll. 39% feel that way about thed me yavment some people believe is he truthful than the media what did they get wrong?
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why didn't their formula work to get hillary clinton in office? >> well, and even more than that i would say when you see them being hostile to various members of the trump administration. they think they are arguing from a position of major trust. as you point out polls show they have less trump meningioma among the american people than trump does. this should be a loud warning position. they are not in a position to hold the powerful accountable when people have lost all ability to trust what the media are saying or their ability to report the news fairly, accurately or honestly. and so when george stephanopoulos is fact checking an administration official, he thinks it's coming off one way but to the american public, in fact, they are not likely to find him a very trustworthy personal to be in that position. ainsley: all right. molly hemmingway, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. ainsley: liberal and media trump's executive order. he is married to an immigrant. why isn't the first lady
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outraged as well then? a new slew of signatures add up to a big payoff? jamie colby is here with the preview of latest strange inheritance ♪ makes you feel all right ♪ i don't care too much for money ♪ money can't buy me sorry. mike, mike, mike and mike. michelle. okay, you need uniforms, work gloves, goggles, hard hats, all the safety gear. i'm on it. well that's good, 'cuz i got 15 more new guys starting tuesday. i'm ready. you're ready? ♪ oh, i'm ready... am i ready? what? am i ready? you're ready. i'm ready! cintas. ready for the workday. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at tais really quite simple.est it comes in the mail,
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brian: all right. series strange inheritance is back for season number three on the fox business network with two brand new episodes airing tonight. steve: jamie colby joins us right now with a preview. jamie, let's start with a strange inheritance. somebody wound up inheriting a lot of cliff drawings from ancient indian times. right? >> yeah. we have never seen anything like this. and macy wrote us and good morning, guys. i hope you get a chance to go
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see them in bear guch, montana she played in this cliff as a child. didn't know what these drawings were. turns out there is as many as 5,000 indian war drawings depicting all sorts of things. they may be, some of them, as old as 3,000 years. two archaeologists have come in and documented them. it was really something to see. she wrote us, we arrived. i have never seen anything like it. that's one of two episodes premiering tonight. steve: what could be done with that? >> well, we actually put her in touch with a state senator to figure it out. what i love about her she came home after running away taking care of aging parents. inherited this property. she gives guided toirs to school children. she could sell the property but she wants to share it with all of us. ainsley: what about the second episode that starts at 9:30. a couple married addicted to
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getting autographs and they left the autographs to their kids? >> it's actually better than that it's a brother and sister, ainsley. you know my brother and i do a lot of stuff together. this brother and sister were latch key kids in brooklyn. they started by taking a train into manhattan with little girl scout camera, she not only got autographs, she would take a picture and find a celebrity a second time, which is what -- it is what makes, i'm sorry, guys, the collection so unique. 80,000 or so signatures. including ronald reagan and jfk and many, many celebrities from the golden years to today. i didn't see any of yours in there though. but we haven't seen more than the tip of the iceberg in tonight's episode. but you have got to see david's story to believe. it's become his full time job. ainsley: did they ask for your autograph? >> not this time. i can't compete with marilyn monroe.
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you know? steve: and lucy i saw. strange inheritance tonight at 9:00 p.m. starts on fbm. jamie, thank you. >> thanks, guys. great to see you. steve: we're going to step aside. more "fox & friends." we have a lot of news this morning. brian: unbelievable what's. going to be happening this week in washington, d.c. that's pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even better coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. that's blanca. yup, pepe and blanca got together. things happen. all this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee. packed with goodness.
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designed to prevent terrorist infiltration of our country. >> america's largest dam on the brink of collapse. >> damage to the structure like that, you know, it's catastrophic. >> 200,000 people are running for their lives. >> after isis recent crackdown of illegal immigrants the media went nuts. >> this particular plan that everybody is hyperventilating over was during the obama administration. >> the democratic party last five or six years has moved very far to the left. >> what the democrats would find if they looked at it closely is that their policy prescriptions are very unpopular. >> they have third 43rd
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honorehonormember. >> we can't stop these nominees. we know that. >> you are doing everything you can to slow it down. >> i want to president agent orange. >> at this particular point in history our voices are needed more than ever. >> president trump we don't know -- >> resist. ♪ i've been loving hard ♪ we'll be counting stars ♪ lately. ainsley: happy monday morning. there is the american flag if you drive up sixth avenue you would hit central park. steve: look to the left, we will be right there live from new york city studio e. "fox & friends" world's number one cable morning news show thanks to folks like you. welcome to the curvey couch for this monday morning. brian: chris chulo working the crane cram are a are cameras. he gets so much money. [laughter]
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steve: are you opening his paycheck on thursday? brian: yes. he wants me to. steve: that's good. let's talk a little bit about what's happening in washington, d.c. could happen as early as today. you know last week it was all about the -- how the immigration order that the president signed a week earlier tied up in the courts. didn't send it to the supreme court. now it turns out is a real good chance that behind the scenes at the white house they are rewriting his executive order bheag it more focused, banning refugees from a lestain number of countries. because they are going to change it from what we have seen before. we have heard but we don't know for sure. brian: think about this. he has a home land security for a couple weeks. judging by what went wrong last time it's easy to see how you could get it going. keep in mind, this is just 120-day pause to write a new extreme vetting procedure which we think is going to be very, very hard. it's going to quote things
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like social media, going to look at biometrics when these people really have no governments to back up. that's going to be tough. i'm saying you is it really worth this fight to do this again. by the time gets passed. steve: you mean through the courts. brian: because 120 day also be up by then. ainsley: donald trump tweeted out see new court. now there is word he could be writing a new executive order someone on the curvey couch last week i think it was heard. all have you to do is pick up a new piece of paper and rewrite it. steve: that would be geraldo's executive order. brian. ainsley: trump administration interviewed over the weekend he said there is three branches of government that ninth circuit are not the end all be all. listen. >> we have equal branches of government in this country. the judiciary is not supreme. a district judge in seattle cannot force the president of the united states to change our laws and constitution because of their own personal views. this is ideological
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disagreement between those who believe we should have borders and should have controls and those who believe there should be no borders and no controls. that's the essence of this debate. brian: you know, there was a series of demonstrations one in mexico city. they are not happy with our crackdown in our own country. audacity of that unthinkable and they don't want the wall. this crackdown when this stuff was happening, people were just saying, you know, never been done before unprecedented. that's not the fact. steve: no. in fact a lot of people gave president obama the nickname deporter in chief. steve: the latest raids and here is the cover of the new york daily news wave of fear. immigrants around city. brian: twins too. steve: beyonce. after deport raids. the raids over the last week or so have apparently swept up 600 people in 11 states. when you look at barack obama, in 2012, he deported 400,000 people.
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then in 2015, more than 2,000 were arrested in one week. so far in the new york area, they have swept up somewhere in the neighborhood of about 40 people. and yet during the bush administration in august they swept up 58. so this is nothing that should surprise anybody. especially given the fact that donald trump said he was going to crack down on people who were in this country illegally. department of home land security personal said that they're going to remove people who are a threat to the public safety, charged with criminal offenses who have committed multiple immigration violations or who have been deported and caused a crime and came back. ainsley: you are saying this is nothing new. steve: no. ainsley: the media has different interpretation than that they are acting like deportation force. >> some communities on edge after a string of deportation raids in at least six states. at least 16 million people in this country live in a household with at least one undocumented immigrant. >> families of undocumented
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immigrants say they are now living in fear. >> in texas, video on social media showing a man being detained by ice agent in front of a fast food restaurant sending a chilling mess glage we're following breaking news, enforcement surge, undocument immigrant arrest. targeted raids, rounding up hundreds of foreign nationals. is the new administration behind the latest crackdown. >> a stern warning to all 11 million undocumented living in the united states. most of them law abiding and paying taxes and working that they are no longer safe to stay here. brian: that's the message. one thing donald trump does not really mind a lot of that message because he says i was hired to crack down on illegal immigrants here. criminals first, gang members first. and then we will worry about everything else later on. steve: look at that media montage and makes it look like they are going door-to-door. another person said in new york look we are not going out to wal-mart to check papers. we know who we are going
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after. we are going after people who should not be in this country who have committed violent or crimes. ainsley: this is not new. i remember i covered for fox went down on the border of el paso. people were being rounded up left and right. that's what they have been doing. these are illegal immigrants crossing the border bringing drugs into our country. agents down on there on the border and rounding them up. this is nothing new. brian: now they are empowered to do things and get these people out rather than give them a ticket and tell them to come back in three months and never show up. ainsley: you bring up a good point the mainstream media is painting it very scary fear mongering thing. people voted for donald trump yeah, that's what would he wanted them to do. brian: david ward used to be a nice guy very good with clutch u. ainsley: not a nice guy nice guy i'm sure. brian: good at free throws with no time left on the clock. he also said this about the new tone and tenor from the white house.
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>> this particular plan that serve hyper ventilating over probably was planned at least three or four months ago under the okd and finally launched under the trump administration. the trump administration had nothing to do with putting this together. it went through legal review it wentz through a lot of intelligence. this is going to help communities rid them of the criminal element that have taken over e particularly the sanctuary cities where most of the crime is from illegal immigration. steve: such a good point. the other thing is while the political left is trying to portray donald trump as anti-immigrant, keep in mind, he married an immigrant. we have a first lady who is an immigrant. brian: he married two i. steve: slovenia, sure, exactly. [laughter] brian: just goes to show you. steve: indeed. so anyway, kellyanne conway was on media buzz yesterday and she said wes hey, wait a minute, why isn't anybody paying attention to that.
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>> immigrant as a our first lady. somebody who waited and went through the proper channels waited i'm told up to 10 years to go through the proper channels and get everything approved. so gratifying to me to see that in 2ebg 17, frankly. an immigrant first lady. who is covering that story? why isn't she out there? because she is not singing kum ba yah with the protesters and their signs and privileged white kids coming out of the ivory towers look at my sign. they have no idea what they're protesting. they are in this culture. steve: great point. brian: donald trump tweeted out yesterday, too the crackdown on illegal criminals is the keeping my campaign promise. drug dealers being removed. not the people breaking the law. something doing little by little something correct me if i am wrong has been enable to do along with the last three presidents is he is doing immigration reform piece by piece. security, illegals here and then we will deal with the dreamers and others that
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aren't violating the law. ainsley: that shows you how great our country is come here from another country and do it the right way and become the first lady of the united states, that's right an american dream. steve: absolutely. meanwhile, you heard a lot about the trump train before the election. well, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you the actual trump train. it is a dress. that singer song writer is joy villa she was wearing last night at the grammys a dress designed by the immigrant, filipino by the name of andre sorono who loves donald trump if you look at his social media after she came out and wowed the people on the red carpet and these images went viral, her songs went to number 3 on the charts and, of course, many intolerant people on the left, presumably have started bombarding her with death threats. ainsley: i don't know if you knew who she was. i went on to my itunes is
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she doing this does she believe that? i assume. so do that in hollywood where she knows she is probably going to get a lot of threats. then we went on his page, on the designer's page andre sorono he is definitely pro-trump. check it out. brian: i asked alexa to play it for me. i said why? steve: have you alexa here? brian: yeah in my office. steve: did you go to your office? brian: yeah every morning. there is not one person on the floor can play music. new rules. at least two people on our floor. she is a very positive person. she says. steve: alexa or the lady wearing the dress. brian: alexa tends to be positive too alexa answers me because joy wouldn't. steve: siri. brian: you are infinite and beautiful and no one can stop yoyou but you. that's before she had the dress. steve: the designer andre sorono had never been political before. he said it's crazy people are getting beat up because they
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voted for trump. inspiration for dress watching the women's march and heard somebody wanted to bomb the white house. that would be madonna. joy villa the woman right there is all about love with her music. i'm like joy we have to make a statement on what is right for our country on what we believe in for the constitution u. ainsley: is he immigrant. producers were telling us earlier he said he really wanted to design some dresses for melania trump. see if that happens. steve: what do you think of that? is she making a political statement? is it a fashion statement? does it matter? let us know friends at fox news doubt come. all right. 7:12 here in new york city on this monday. with president trump's immigration order on hold, hundreds of refugees are pouring into the country before things change. is the inclusive left putting our nation's security at risk? brian: democrats looking even more desperate organizing a mass mooning. [cheers]
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with every early morning... every late night... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security and your medicare. you made a deal a long time ago." now, it's congress' turn. tell them to protect medicare.
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brian: all right. have you got hundreds of refugees pouring into the u.s. after a federal court blocked the president's immigration order last week. since february 3rd, more than 70% of the new refugees coming from this country are from the seven suspected countries alone. is the inclusive -- i put that in quotes, putting our nation's security at risk. jim hanson conducted terror operations. and joins us right now. hey, jim, what am i missing here?
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i thought we were were all on the security bandwagon. why has this issue gotten so convoluted? >> well, when the constitution was written, they didn't anticipate liberal activist judges, armchair generalsing the commander-in-chief. they gave specific authority to the president and congress to keep the country safe. so swlu got these people substituting their judgment for the person who is supposed to keep us safe, you get what we have, a free chance with these people to enter the country without the additional vetting that we so desperately need. brian: jim, i don't want to you get into politics but have you chuck schumer in 015 talking about needing more vetting senator blumenthal a democrat from connected cut saying we need additional vetting. this is the most ridiculous argument because there is no argument legitimate linchts president obama used the exact same authority, the statute president trump did 19 times for a number of different reasons related to security. president clinton did it 12 times.
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yet, as you mentioned there was no uprecord stopping this. there was no congressional grandstanding. this was president trump saying we can't tell who the good guys and bad guys are from these countries so let's stop. and don't forget, he also asked for additional vetting legitimate vetting from everywhere around the world to make sure that we could stop bad guys from getting in. all that is on hold now because of politics and liberal activism. brian: james comey appointed by president barack obama said that there is investigations ongoing in 50 states and with the breakup of the caliphate, he expects dispra to come in to our help and country. he says i need help. this is part of the help he needs. the white house can communicate that and i think america would understand it. >> the white house did not do the best job rolling this out but that was not the point. this was going to be attacked by people who decided that
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they didn't want president trump doing his job and saying it is radical islamic terror, we know where they are coming from and we don't want them coming here. they were going to stop this no matter what. they did, they made us all less safe. brian: jim, in your view with all your national experience in counter terror operations work, does it create more terrorists to put a temporary pause in these seven nations? >> these guys have beefs going back to the seventh century. i don't think what happened in the last 21 days by president trump is what's causing them to want to kill infidels. they were going to do it anyhow. brian: jim, thanks so much. it's the most frustrating argue. because it should be a nonargument that we have been through in quite so much, jim. >> thanks, brian. brian: straight ahead. already getting death threats by her dress inspired by president trump at the grammies. already laughing all the way to the bank cashing. in what does superman actor mr. diversity here to tell us
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ainsley: good morning. welcome back to "fox & friends." it's now 24 minutes after the hour. some quick headlines to bring you. starting with a fox news alert. mass evacuations intensifying at this hour as california's crumbling oroville dam threatens to unleash catastrophic and deadly flooding in that area. nearly 200,000 people forced to leave everything behind. the crisis at this hour a possibility that the spillways could fail and then unleash the feary of lake oroville into the valley below. crews are working to carefully drain the lake by 50 feet.
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preparing to move in and fix the damage. we hope everyone stays safe out there. and we have a heart breaking day for the fox news family. charlotte ray thomas has died after a long illness. charlotte was the wife of syndicated columnist and a long time friend of the show and our network cal thomas. she directed the counseling program at a church in bethesda maryland in a decade in addition to being a loving wife, mother, grandmother. of her life her husband writes this quote i would not be the man i am today without her. god knew what he was doing when he put us together. charlotte ray thomas was 78 years old. what a beautiful way to remember his wife. we are preparing for their family this morning. ♪ this is the best 'president trump we don't know. >> at this particular point in history, our voices are needed more than ever. >> i just want to thank president agent orange for perpetuating all of the evil that you have been perpetuating throughout the united states. [laughter]
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i want to thank president agent orange -- unsuccessful attempt at muslim ban. >> weekend use this kind of excitement at a pipeline protest. #no dapple. >> any negative tweets you see are fake tweets, knock they are not real tweets. the negative ones are fake. let's move on. okay. ♪ got to go ♪ all of us ♪ you must go ♪ and all of the mexicans, you must go ♪ ♪ no hate ♪ >> katy perry there wearing a resist arm band. he persistently shows up on the couch. nor do we want to. >> i thought the arm band said resist it was persist?
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brian: what is your take on the grammies last night after the golden globes everyone expectings worse. >> honest to goodness i was pleasantly surprised. i expected a lot more anti-trump. i said how many pro-trump quotes will there be and how many anti-trump quotes, everybody was right on the pro-trump there was zero. but anti-trump i gout, you know, 100,000. and i counted five last night. so i was pleasantly surprise at that after the women's marshy thought things were going to get wild and hectic. i thought it was pretty tame. steve: people showed up in crazy hats and stuff like that. there was one super pro-trump statement by a young woman by the name of joy villa who was a singer and song writer. she wayman out on the red carpet. >> she was wearing white something covering that cape. >> that was like a superman cape. being in the minority there for her to step out and do that that to me was by far the bravest thing done as far as
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any sort of dress or real statement that was the bravest. she is a minority without a doubt. i think her album sales were go up as a result. ainsley: help or hurt her career in the long run. >> we are sitting here talking right now. yesterday i didn't know who she was. steve: what about death threats? she is getting those now on twitter. >> i get those, too come on. steve: you are superman you can take it? >> in real life i don't want to it happens. i have said this before. there is not so much tolerance and love we know when you are not following lock step with the people who are supposed to be full of tolerance and love. brian: compare this to what it was like out in los angeles, hollywood for bush and compare it to donald trump. is there a difference? >> the difference is -- it's ramped up. there was a lot of negativity with bush. listen, he said a lot of things that were great sound bites and can you make fun of and fun on snl. there wasn't this level of sort of, you know, nazis in brown shirts. that wasn't every other
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citizens and everybody wasn't a sexist islamophobe, zeno phone and other phobes. ainsley: if you think about it, you want to watch the grammies and watch the oscars because you want them to talk about music and movies and holiday. all talking about music. so many viewers said they turned it off not watching. imagine the president of the united states you are at the white house and you know they are supposed to be talking about movies and things that hollywood elm bodies and they are not. they are just there to bash the president over and over. it's so disrespectful. >> i honestly expected for producer and director said it's okay to say your things. that's part of what makes us wonderful. i thought very few people did. brian: how much power does buster rimes still have? steve: was that recording? brian: that was him saying agent orange. >> that was buster? i didn't realize that. brian: that's the problem.
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>> i didn't realize he had the hat on. that was one of the five anti-trump things that i counted. maybe i was sleepy. that's a possibility. i have got to say it was much more tame. i enjoyed it much more music. i thought adele was amazing and her tribute to beyonce showed a lot of humility not something you see there. i thought the people were very humble and great show. steve: fantastic. what are you up to this day? super girl. i play her dad. i will be there in a couple weeks and shake her up a bit. co-host next couple days. ainsley: it's after our show. >> okay. yeah. and then i got voyeu i'm workind man. steve: you are. you are busy. thanks for squeezing us in. brian: dean cain, ladies and gentlemen. even members of their own party are telling them to move on. >> the reality is we did not
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offer a positive message to anyone that i'm related to. what we did is we said how offensive. grow up. brian: but will they listen in the man in that video candidate for dnc chair raymond buckley joins us live this hour. steve: more on joy villa's make america great again dress for the grammys. what do you think about the dress? i'm heading out on the streets of new york. dooce on the loose. talking fast which i'm comfortable doing ♪ i said your love) ♪ lifting me ♪ higher ho ♪ ♪ heigh ho ♪ heigh ho heigh ho it's off to work we go here's to all of you early risers, what's up man? go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who can't wait to get out in it.
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because the ones who truly change the world, are you ready?? you gotta be ready. ♪ oh, i'm ready i mean, really ready. are you ready to open? ready to compete? ready to welcome? the floors, mats-spotless. the uniforms, clean and crisp. do your people have the right safety gear? are they protected? i'm ready! you think your customers can't tell the difference between who's ready and who's not? of course they do. ♪ i'm ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. cintas, ready for the workday. ainsley: now to extreme weather. snow, ice, and wind pounding the northeast at this hour. up to 2 feet of snow possible in some areas. brian: icy roads making a mess. sending a big rig swerving in to the connecticut snow. ainsley: and parts of texas could be in for snow and ice today. fox news senior meteorologist
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janice dean is out on the plaza and tracking the forecast. snow in texas? janice: snow in texas and brian you didn't ask me about the winds this morning. brian: yep. can you confirm that it was winding? >> it is windy. wind gusts in excess of 40 miles per hour along the coast. hi, how are you doing? >> how are you doing? >> show you the maps and show you what we're talking about. this is our nor'easter. second in matter days. good news is here in new york city, not the snow going to be the problem, it's the winds. 40 to 50 miles per hour along the coast. this is a powerful system off the coast. millions of people affected by high wind warnings. so that's going to cause problems at the airport. not the snow. but certainly the winds. you can feel it out there. this is where your winter weather warnings in effect. we actually have blizzard watch for coastal maine where winds are going to get in excess of 35 miles per hour for duration of several hours and visibility is going to be low. so that's the system we are talking about in the northeast.
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and as ainsley mentioned, snow and rain for west texas well as new mexico as this system moves in. we will be tracking both of those storm systems. hi, everybody. hheather back to you. heather: good morning to you. a couple news headlines to bring you right now. big meetings taking place in washington this week. president trump set to meet with two leaders who have opposite views on his immigration policies. let's take a live look from canada where the prime minister there justin trudeau is about to take off. apparently we don't have -- there is that picture right there. he is about to head to washington for first face-to-face meeting with president trump. trudeau recently accepted 40,000 syrian refugees. then on wednesday president trump will welcome israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. is he stepping on a plane in israel right now for his trip to the u.s. he has praised president trump's plans to build a border wall. big week this week. and a murder for hire plot. what a bizarre story this is.
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foiled when a man accidently texts his former boss instead of a hit man. police say that he accidently messaged his exemployer about wanting to kill his wife and his daughter for insurance money. luttrell claims he was angry when he wrote that draft and never meant to send it. he is now facing charges for solicitation for first degree murder. the store in order trump dropped ivanka trump so the actor scott baio dropping nordstrom. he posted on twitter along with the phrase never again. the document shows baio spent $30,000 at the department store last year. that's a lot of money. nordstrum claims they dropped ivanka's line over poor sales and not politics. stay classy liberal protesters. hundreds of people dropping their drawers mooning donald trump tower in chicago. take a look. [cheers]
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nice, huh? well that protest was organized by a comedy group based in the windy city. the group say they are angry that the president hasn't released his tax returns and those are your headlines. okay. all right. ainsley: strange. brian: when we saw the mooning story we immediately sent steve outside. is that true? [laughter] hey, steve, i know you love fashion. so you are outside. steve: of course. brian: you are outside for what reason? steve: to ask the people what they thought of this young woman, joy villa, who wore the make america great again dress. so randomly we are going to ask some folks who are coming up the subway on the bdf and m line what they think. here is a lady right here. good morning, how are you? >> good thank you. >> i'm in a rush. >> i know you are in a rush. did you see this woman in the dress make america great again? >> no. >> what do you think of the dress? >> i don't know. nothing.ight. fine, thanks. that's okay.
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let's go back over here. i will tell you over here it's a brisk day. 35 degrees here in new york city. it's a little bit of an ice storm yesterday that they are still mopping up after. excuse me, young man, can i ask you a question good morning. >> good morning. >> how are you? did you see this woman yesterday on the grammys wearing the make america great again dress? >> did i not, actually. >> what do you think of it? >> i guess it's not a bad dress. steve: she is wearing a trump train right there. is that good fashion? >> yeah. did i not notice that. >> now that you see the trump train, what do you think of that dress? >> plane it's a little contradictory in my opinion. >> what do you mean? >> do you mind if i take a look? i don't know, it seems like she is very happy about supporting donald trump. >> i think you are right. this was actually designed by filipino immigrant who is a big fan of donald trump. >> yeah. steve: so you like it.
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>> no. steve: i don't like it that much. steve: thank you for your opinion. meanwhile, hey, how are you. >> good. steve: what do you think of the make america great again dress? >> i think it's fantastic that she had the guts to stand up: fighting the music industry. steve: it's particularly gutsy given the fact that in hollywood there are a lot of people who would not wear that dress. >> right. absolutely. good for her. >> i like it. steve: she actually has a trump train on her dress. >> um-huh. >> it's yuge. >> very good. gulfport, mann. you are dressed like you are from alaska. >> it's 78 back home. steve: it's 35. >> it's like 25. our lips are numb. steve: do you watch fox news channel. >> every day. steve: please keep watching. we're paid by the viewer. we're not actually but it makes you feel obligate you had to watch. all right.
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so that's -- you know what? a split decision out on the streets. half the people think it's great and the other half -- brian: steve, that second to last guy i have never seen someone more contemplative about a picture. he was staring through it. he couldn't get his thoughts together. steve: i think he was trying to be polite. i think he didn't like it and trying to be as diplomatic as possible. just thinking. all right. i'm coming back in. ainsley: thank you steve so much. what's coming up. brian: brian even the democrats are starting to tell their own party to move on. >> the reality is we did not offer a positive message to anyone that i'm related to. what we did is we said how offensive. grow up. brian: all right. but will they listen in the man in that video, candidate for dnc chair raymond buckley joins us live next. ainsley: and our friend tucker carlson is here.
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brian: no video. just a picture. sorry ♪ big timeed. ♪ it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. miralax. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages.
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those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. >> telling the voters that oh, our opponent is offensive, when you are worrying about your damn paycheck, you're worrying about your job, you are worrying about where you're going to live, if your kids are ever going to go to school, they don't really give a crap about if the president is an insult dog. the reality is we did not offer a positive message to anyone that i'm related to. they did not -- we did not offer a message to my neighbors. we did not offer a message to the people in indiana or ohio or pennsylvania or kentucky. what we did is we said how offensive.
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grow up. that's not reality for most of america. [applause] steve: joining me right now is the man in that video the chairman of new hampshire democrats and candidate for dnc chair mr. raymond buckley joins us from our nation's capitol. good morning, raymond. >> good morning. steve: ray, why did you tell the democrats to grow up? >> well, we have had 11 or 12 debates already. and clearly we have been talking about a number of issues that we tripped up on. but we really had never gotten to really the point of the fact that our nominee's campaign really didn't address the economic issues that so many americans are still suffering under. surely the economy was significantly better after eight years under barack obama, but it wasn't good enough. people still had fears. people still wanted to hear that things were going to get better. that anxiety was never addressed. steve: well, i think it was addressed by donald trump who
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was very effective at beating that over and over and over again. >> apparently. steve: sure. well, let me ask you about this. going forward though, remember it was four years ago the republican party had a so-called autopsy where they said okay, if we're ever going to win again, we're going to have to do this, this, and this. of course they didn't. they still won. now you are telling them to grow up because of the crap, to use your word, that you were pursuing last time. do you think the democrats are going to go with that or more of the same? >> well, i certainly hope. so we have been successful in new hampshire the last 10 years actually, more democrats have won office than in the history of new hampshire. our entire congressional delegates for the first time in history is entirely democratic and female at that. we have won more legislative races, governor's races and hillary clinton carried the state of new hampshire despite it being a 50/50 state. steve: let me ask you this, there was an item out last
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week that talked about how the democratic party has become a coastal party. a great populations in new york and in massachusetts and in california, but the people in the middle not so much. >> well, i think that it is important that whoever our nominee is in 2020 that they listen more to the grassroots and less to their high paid consultants. i really think that is a major problem within our party. both at the dnc and with our candidates up and down the ticket. steve: sure. >> the consultants seem to have a death grip around these nominees and candidates and have them do and say things that simply doesn't connect to real america. steve: i saw a story this morning, ray that said that the 2020 candidate on your side is going to be hillary clinton. would your message to hillary clinton be just that? >> well, you know. steve: don't pay attention to your high paid analysts and consultants and stuff like that? >> that would be my advice to everybody considering running for president.
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go with your gut. you obviously were successful prior to running for president and why would you then want to turn over the future of this country to some guy that's going to be making a couple million dollars off from you. steve: that's a great point. what about elizabeth warren? if she is your party's candidate in 2012 she is pretty far to the left for much of america. >> i don't think it's left or right. it's really about providing a path forward, hope. in fact, i believe that hillary clinton had a better economic message or economic plan, not message, for the working class of the country. but the reality is that wasn't her message. so, if elizabeth warren or whoever our nominee is able to articulate the real programs, the real policies, the fact that we really are the party of the working class, we just have a terrible time artic coularticulating it. steve: there you go. raymond buckley who would like to be the next head of the rnc good luck in the next couple of weeks with the election.
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>> thank you. steve: retailers dumping donald trump branded product. is it political or business decision? our next guest says she knows ivanka personally and she says she knows the truth ♪ go your own way ♪ you can call it ♪ why do so many businesses rely on the u.s. postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. ♪ that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority : you
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they will be dropping the trump line as well. so is this a business decision or is it a political decision? here to weigh in on this is erin, a former trump spokesperson. thank you for joining us. business or political decision? >> so clearly a political decision. and absolutely ludicrous. ivanka trump is not only a good role model for young girls she is a successful entrepreneur. it's just so sad that they are making this decision based upon politics. you know what i else i think, ainsley? this is such a bias against republicans. if this was sasha or melania, obama, what do you think would be happening right now? absolutely nothing. ivanka doesn't deserve this. she is not the one running for office. she is simply creating a brand that she can identify with the people. instead she is getting pulled. so it's really a shame. steve: i know you were on apprentice, you are close with the family. tell the folks how close you are with ivanka. >> ivanka is a really lovely individual. i have spent a lot of time with her one-on-one traveling around the swing state of pennsylvania where i'm from.
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she was connecting and talking to voters on such a deep level. she truly cares about the american people. and as we know she spent a lot of time developing her father's child care, elder care and school choice policies. and i have always said about all of the children look how they are living their life. many of them are married with children. they all work in business. a lot of children when your parents are very wealthy you see the kids not doing so much. these kids have never spent one day as a tab lloyd tabloid . they are amazing and humble children. what does that tell you? they were raised humbly by a good man. ainsley: how badly does she need the sphwhis they look at the family. the dad is a billionaire. she doesn't need the money. you are a working woman, i'm a working woman. i know i need my paycheck. how badly does she need it. >> i'm sure it doesn't hurt her paycheck. silver lining in this good. now she can focus more time and helping her dad.
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i'm going to take the silver lining approach and say this is a blessing in disguise. now ivanka can be seen as this amazing force in her father's presidency making america truly lay better place for not just women and families and everyone across the country. ainsley: erin, why all the vitriol and hate when it comes to the trump family. >> this is very sad. it's a very contentious time and contentious election. they are so an grill and bitter. we have all seen what's what goes on on twitter and social media. the comments i have gotten alone from liberals it says they are the ones that are supposed to be compassionate and kind, right? that only works when you agree with 100% of what they are saying. it's very ironic almost that they would say our president is this and that and not very nice things. it's kind of ironic. they are the ones really lashing out. ainsley: so much for inclusion and diplomacy here. they want to preach tolerance but they are not tolerant when it comes to her.
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thank you very much, erin for being with us. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: immigration agents arrest hundreds of illegals across the country. but is this any different thansr president obama did? tucker carlson is here to way in on that next. ♪ looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler.
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>> we are contemplating new executive actions designed to prevent terrorist infiltration of our country. >> it is radical islamic terror. we know where they're coming from. >> america's largest dam under collapse. >> it's catastrophic. >> how offensive. grow up. >> the consultants seem to have a death grip to say things that simply doesn't connect to america. >> "they" their 43rd honor america. >> joy who is a singer and songwriter.
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she wasn't just on the trump train. she was wearing the trump train. >> being the minority there for her to step out and do that. that, to me, was by far the bravest thing that was done. brian: did you do that? steve: when i was outside, yeah. i was at the empire state building hoisting the flag. brian: your arms must be tired. steve: remember doing that in high school? i excelled. tucker joins us once a week. 9:00 p.m. eastern. brian: tucker, how were you at gym? >> very uncoordinated.
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that's why i learned to talk. brian: was it something you looked forward to? >> not really. brian: you had to wear the same uniforms. we had to write our name on the back of our shirt. ainsley: what? on your bottoms? brian: not while you had it on. but you had to write it on your shorts, but it had to be special stuff that wouldn't come off when you washed it. ainsley: we're making a lot of news this morning, tucker. steve: tucker, the new york daily news today talked about wave of fear. talked about the immigration raids, and they're making it seem like the immigration agents are going door-to-door trying to take everybody back to mexico or wherever they came from. i want you to watch this montage of the nightly newses and then get your analysis of
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what's going on. >> some communities on edge after a spring of deportation raids in at least six states. more than 16 million people in this country live in a household with at least one undocumented immigrant. >> families of undocumented immigrants say they are now living in fear. >> in texas, video on social media showing a man being detained by an ice agent in front of a fast-food restaurant sends a chilling message. >> we're following breaking news. an enforcement surgeon undocumented immigrant arrest. targeted raids, rounding up hundreds of foreign nationals. is the new administration behind the latest crack down? >> a stern warning to all 11 million undocumented living in the united states. most of them law-abiding and paying taxes and working. that they're no longer safe to stay here. steve: well, what do you think about the chilling message where donald trump is doing what he said he was going to do out of the campaign trail? >> i love that. i just love the little editorials posting as news segments on these channels.
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look, it's not even clear that these are the results of orders given by the president. maybe they are. maybe they aren't. they will be if he follows what he's promised to do, and i think he probably will. but just some context. so during the obama administration over eight years, that administration deported about two million illegal aliens in this country. the majority were felony records. so in the last year they deported something like 170,000 in one year. in the last five days in california, part of the reason for this hysteria, ice arrested 165 people. 165. so that's the crack down. but the bigger question is what is the argument? are they saying that people who are here illegal aliens with felony records have a moral right to stay here because why? and it's somehow immoral for the united states government to make them go back to their country of origin?
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they don't bother to make that argument. they just somehow say this is fascist or unjustifiably. what is the argument? ainsley: a lot of people are blaming the past administration for caring more about illegal immigrants than living taxpayers in the country now. in fact, usa today how about this headline. what to do when immigration officers come knocking at your door. and it gives you a step-by-step process if you're here illegally. it says don't open the door but be calm. you have rights. if they do not have a warrant signed by a judge, you may refuse to let them in and if they force in, tell everyone in the residents to remain silent. >> i read usa today, and it's news you can use. it's helpful stuff, and i'm waiting for the police how i can get away with tax visaing. are they going to tell them that? or my kids buying liquor.
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are they going to tell us how to do that? because it's morally acceptable because it's politically acceptable is dangerous. if the board at usa today were -- overnight news editor think so that being here illegally and being convicted of a felony shouldn't be a crime, then. okay. tell us why. but to say openly ways to resist the law passed by congress is a little bit weird. brian: well, what about their reaction of all of this stuff comes into protest. we're professional protesters now. new york, minneapolis, mexico city, north san francisco, the uproars at the jason events. >> right. brian: everyone's just screaming about everything. are you worried this is going to get out of control? >> yes. i am. and, you know, i think, again, it's good and this is why we have elections and sometimes they need to shock the system, you know? you need to weaken people, reignite debates that we should be having.
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what you don't want to do is break the system. i believe in protest, obviously. i believe in having a -- the counter view. i offer up one for a living. but, you know, if you move from a debate into things like violence, then it can go out of control. but these are deportations of people convicted of crimes, of felonies. so does the united states have the right to do that or doesn't it? i don't think any sober person can contest the right to say you committed a felony. you have to leave. why is that unfair? it's fair. steve: surely. tucker, we know you love to watch television as well. >> yeah. steve: in addition to being on it. last night on cbs they hosted the annual grammy awards. and there were a number of people who came out including the host himself on who bashed donald trump. but there was a very brave
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woman there she is in her make america great again dress that literally had a trump train on it. her sales of her songs went through the roof on amazon and then that's where the death threats started. where people couldn't believe she would make a pro trump statement. how about that? >> how many award shows are there? brian: a lot. >> it seems hollywood every week is awarding itself. >> we really need some journalism into who would award these awards and on the base of criteria. a lot of them are deeply corrupt. just throwing it out there. the trump train, the dress, i mean, this is counter programming at its finest. this is someone who sees, you know, almost half the country voted for the guy. 62million people. so i mean, entertainment being a retail business, you're trying to sell your product to the largest number of people, it's probably a pretty smart move. and, by the way, there are going to be market consequences to this if every single person has the same
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political view, and they're always in your face about it, consumers are going to go, you know, i'm not interested in it. and that will reflect at the box office. steve: i went to get a picture of the dress. brian: we asked him not to. but he did it anyway. steve: i asked this one guy, and he said i kind of liked it where it showed the other picture where it said trump. and he went, oh. oh, trump. oh. >> i'm just happy keeping political statements off my clothing. just in general. but you don't see them reflected on my blazer this morning, for example. ainsley: we went on the twitter account of the designer his name is andre', and he is definitely pro trump and supports the military. steve: he's an immigrant. ainsley: he's an immigrant as well. we called him up. he's going to joining us at 8:30 today. >> i'm going to go right to my office to watch. ainsley: what should we ask
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him? >> what are your sales like. and, by the way, you're an immigrant designer, are you even allowed-to-these political views? are these legal? shouldn't you be like everybody else and agree with all of your. brian: i watch every show every night and i don't see the cooking or exercise segments you want. why not? >> those are off camera. we have a little prep station off with omelets or whatever and then obviously we're doing pilates. ainsley: is that why you like to join us every now and then? >> i miss you especially, ainsley, as you noticed. ainsley: you've got to come say hello. >> in two weeks. ainsley: i'm in washington. we might miss each other. >> call me. steve: we'll be around too, tucker. ainsley: should we invite them, you canner? brian: crickets. steve: all right. tucker, we're going to be watching tonight. ainsley: congratulations on the success of your show. steve: thanks, ainsley. good to see you, brian. steve: meanwhile, there's a
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lot of other stuff going on in the news and bowe bergdahl is back. ainsley: yeah, but did we just watch a live flirt on television? i'm friends with his wife. >> we all like tucker, and he simply adores her. headlines right now the disgraced army deserter bowe bergdahl says he can't get a fair trial because of president trump. his lawyers will talk about comments the president made on the campaign trail such as this. >> he left. he was a deserter. he was a dirty rotten deserter. >> faces life in prison for abandoning his post in afghanistan. trading five of the taliban worst for his return. his trial is set in april. and the latest victims in chicago's out of control violence. both of them are now fighting for their lives this morning after they were shot in two
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unrelated incidents. police say a 12-year-old girl was on a playground where she was hit and then just a few miles away an 11-year-old girl was shot while she was in the backseat of a minivan. no suspects are in custody at this point. chicago has already had 400 shootings this year alone. and confirmation votes for two more president trump's cabinet picks up later today. steve mnuchin nominated for secretary. the senate breaking a democratic filibuster friday pushing him through. a confirmation vote for david picked ahead the va is also set for this evening. we'll watch those stories throughout the day. and there's a brand-new member of the mob. former president george w. bush a good luck charm for university. >> they have their 43rd honorary member. >> well, the president showing his support for the mustangs
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even making it onto the jumbotron. he supported the mob t-shirt. that's the name of the student section. the president's support clearly helped them. beat the 11th ranked bearcats. we're all excited about that. steve: that's right. my daughter sally was a mustang. mustang sally. and the president just lives a mile or two north of the campus. he goes to all the games. ainsley: the only mob your daughter was allowed to be part ofics it's a good mob. we've got a fox news alert. prapped a dammed disaster in california. literally we're live in where the tallest dam in america is on the brink of collapse. brian: and yelling, booing. >> over the age of 74 what is effectively a --
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brian: as it turns out, left winging activist may be recruiting people to cause problems for republicans. radio show host reacts next. ainsley: but first here's more from the grammys. here's adele with her record of the year. hello. e. let's do more. add one a day men's complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men's in gummies and tablets.
5:17 am
hey! you know, progressive is america's number-one motorcycle insurer. yeah, she does purr! best bike i ever owned! no, you're never alone, because our claims reps are available 24/7. we even cover accessories and custom parts. we did get an early start! took the kids to soccer practice. you want me to jump that cactus? all right. aah! that lady's awesome. i don't see a possum!
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ainsley: straight to our fox news alert, california's crumbling orville dam threatens to unleash catastrophic and deadly floods. steve: the crisis at this hour the possibility spillways could fill and nearly 200,000 people are relocating, at least they're being told to get out of the way. brian: and when i heard the cutin this morning out of a taped program from adam, i knew it was serious. he's in california and has the very latest. hey, adam. >> hey, brian. we have the sun coming up in an hour or so, that's where the engineers will be able to get where the dam was damaged last night and get a look at it. basically for those who don't know what's happening here, this is the highest dam in the country. one of the largest man made dams in the country all told. and basically it was so full because of a warmer rainstorm that brought heavy rain and
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also helped melt some of the snow that the water went all the way up to the top and over an auxillary spillway, which is only supposed to work for a short time, for about 30 hours water went over the top of that and caused a problem at the top that they thought was going to give way last night. they were able to drain some of the water below that level where it was spilling over. that allowed them to basically stop the possibility and when authorities came out and said people were criticizing them for this evacuation order, here's what they say about it. >> once you have damage to a structure like that, you know, it's catastrophic. today was an example. it was a tough call to make. it was the right call to make to protect the public. . >> so here we're about 25 miles downriver from where that dam is located. the good news i'll give it back to you guys. they reopened the bridges here and there's talk they may let
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people back in this morning. but when the son comes up, they have a chance to lack at the damage of the dam. right now they're lettering water drain. steve: i understand. thank you very much. brian: so that's part of the infrastructure that needs to be adjusted, corrected, and approved. so we'll see if something gets passed. ainsley: in my hometown one of the dams broke and some of them friends lost everything. i feel so sad for everyone over there. brian: in the meantime yelling, booing popping up across the country. and left activists to cause problem for republicans and even train them. steve: and quitting his job at yale thanks to the pc police. what said jerry awe straight ahead.
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brian: all right. quick headlines now. dangerous wildfires forcing dozens of families to leave everything behind in oklahoma city. right now firefighters are on demand. nearly 1,000 acres burnt to a crisp. and dramatic video of a huge boat during into a massive fireball. watch. thick smoke filling the air seen miles away in honduras. no word on what sparked the fire or if anyone was onboard were hurt.
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if they were onboard, i imagine they were. steve: meanwhile angry constituents once again taking over town halls across the country. [booing] >> anyone over the age of 74 has to go before what is essentially a death sentence. steve: well, now we're learning those protests are anything but spontaneous. sending us clips from their newspapers which is protesters for training and how to address your town hall meeting. these ads like this in republican districts to turn out people who are contrary to their legislatures' points of view.
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here to weigh in radio host larry elder out in l.a. larry, this is reminiscent of what six years ago with the tea party. >> well, it is, and it doesn't surprise me, steve, that there are organized protests, some of whom who are being paid. what does fascinate me, though, is the abject hatred they have a man who's not a social conservative. donald trump is a populous. and many of his positions are right in the center. take obamacare. he wants to repeal it, but he also wants to replace it with something quote better. he wants to retain the so-called good features of obamacare including mak making sure companies can't cut you off. he is the first incoming president to ever have this progressive view on marriage. even obama opposed.
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he's practically with bernie sanders on free trade. for crying out loud what's to hate about this guy if you're on the left, well, you know how it is. if you go to a protest and someone hands them a sign that they made in their basement, and they hold up the sign nonetheless, and they have no idea what they're protesting. >> you know, even on things like vouchers, inner city parents want the opportunity to take their kid out of an underperforming government school nearby and give their kid a better shot at education. so even on issues like that. even on issues like abortion when you look at how black democrats feel. they're far more pro-life, antiabortion than their nonblack democratic count parts. so on issue after issue after issue when you calm down and take the emotion out of it, donald trump is a populous right smack-dab in the center. what's to hate? steve: i like the point you make when you calm down. jason town hall in utah last week where he was asked a number of questions, and he
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would get four words out, and then they would interrupt him. i mean, they -- they're obviously just there for the optics of shouting down a sitting congressman and a very powerful one at that. but in the meantime, they just look intolerant. >> they sure do and, again, they look inconsistent. you've gotti have to think atrump in cleveland touting six weeks paid maternity leave. what republican ever had that kind of position? my goodness on many issues donald trump is right where the left is, and i'm just shocked that they aren't giving him at least some slack. steve: no kidding. all right. larry elder who's going to be the first one at work this morning because he's up at 5:28 pacific time. larry, thank you very much. we'll be listening on your radio show later today. and then he said thank you, steve. all right. meanwhile it's swinging the headlines this morning. pop singer sporting a gown inspired by president trump at the grammys last night. we're going to talk to the designer behind the buzz.
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he is live next. but first, here's the weekend with feeling it come on at the grammys. take a look at these barbeque trophies: "best cracked pepper sauce" "most ribs eaten while calf roping". yep. greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? uh, yea, well, uh... well, there's this one. "best insurance mobile app"? yep, three years in a row. well i'll be! does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy. the award-winning geico app. download it today.
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go to for a store near you. tech: don't let a cracked windshtrust safelite.plans. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text"... you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. ainsley: you are listening to that artist right there. her name is joy. she exploded in popularity overnight because of that. that dress that she is wearing. the make america great again dress on the grammy's red carpet. steve: sales of her album have gone up nearly 55 million% on amazon in the last 24 hours. she has the top five albums on
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the movers and shakers list as of right now. ainsley: it is the most talked about moment from music's biggest night of the year. singer joy villa is under attack for wearing that make america great again dress. steve: well, the guy who designed it now speaking out exclusively on fox and friends. andrei immigrated from the philippines and joining us live right now from the west coast. andrei, good morning to you. >> hi, good morning, guys. oh, my god i am so grateful for this -- for talking to you guys. i always watch the real news in america. thank you, god, for you guys. you guys are amazing. amazing. steve: well, you gave us something to talk about. talk about who's idea this was. because joy is getting credit for wearing it but you're getting credit for designing it. >> well, what happened was -- so we were talking about the
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sun and red, yellow, and orange. i was going to make a gown. but after listening to the women's march, people want to bump the white house. i was, like, okay. joy, we have to make a statement. we have to put america together and promote love. and since her music is about love, and i have this trump flag in front of her house, i was, like, i'm going to make you a trump gown, sweetheart, and that's what happened. brian: what was of her reaction? >> she was, like, oh, my god, andre', my music we always have hard music together. and it's all about static. we're going to make static across america. and we support the president and that's what we did. ainsley: you clearly support the president. is she doing this because she wants to make her sales go up or she wants to make america great?
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>> absolutely not. ainsley: what are her politics? >> her politics are about love. we both voted for president trump, and it's a message all across the board. it's about peace and love. brian: right and he ran on the peace and love platform. steve: so, andre', you said that you had a donald trump for president flag in front of your house. you know, i'm just kind of curious. i think you live in the san diego area. how do your neighbors feel about you flying that flag? >> at first, i went in the police department because i want to put a sign that would say we support our local police department and, unfortunately, they ran out. but, however,ry still have, you know, we have to -- during inauguration i put that flag in front of our home. it's a great thing that no one really went there to do any damage for anything. but, however, i called immediately and i was sobbing and i was, like, what is happening to our country? we've got to do something.
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and it's a perfect platform for your music as well. so as far as this would create a lot of static, here it is. brian: so do you think that joy has received some blow back on this? and do you think you will? because so far there's been a lot of sales. >> at the end of the day, you know, it's really about what we believe in as an artist, and it's all about, like, uniting people together. it's about family. it's about friends. it's about fox and friends, you know? brian: absolutely. worked out well. ainsley: andre', tell us your story. you're from the philippines? >> yes. actually, what happened was i emigrated here back in 1986 and then i made six episodes, and it was so incredible. but, for me, it's an american dream, and i never stopped designing. i love designing for women also with men, and it's just america has given me the american dream.
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and just living it da day by day, you know? brian: do you think you could design something like that for us on our show? >> absolutely. of course. steve: did you put out word that you would like to design for melania before the inauguration or after the inauguration? >> yes. i actually -- i reached out to our first lady and also ivanka. i would love to design those beautiful women. and not just them but all the women across the board, you know? i love one of my -- called icon. beginning with my mother being raised a single mother. just like a lot of women that is really a reflection of who i am today who have helped me be who i am, so. steve: well, there you go. brian: great. steve: there's the guy who's making the grammy's great again. designer andre' who joins us this morning from san diego. thank you very much. congratulations. >> thank you very much.
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i'm solely grateful. thank you very much. ainsley: what a lovely man. he's all about peace and love. he's so sweet. and he watches us every morning. brian: just like us. we watch us, and we're also for peace and love. steve: nonstop. brian: you know who's not? ainsley: terrible. >> all right. good morning to you. got a couple of news headlines right now. there's a united airlines pilot who is under investigation this morning after going on a bizarre rant bashing president trump and then venting about her divorce. the pilot used the intercom and asked passengers if they should vote on whether or not she should change her uniform or not. well, passengers on that flight from austin to san francisco ended up getting off the plane because they felt really uncomfortable. listen to this. >> she was venting. she mentioned her divorce. >> she started off by saying that she had not voted for either trump or clinton
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because they're a bunch of liars. >> well, the pilot was taken off the plane before that plane took off. and united has now apologized for the inconvenience. plus the democrats are starting to tell their own party to move on. listen to this. >> the reality is we did not offer a positive message to anyone that i'm related to. what we did is we said how offensive. >> well, earlier we spoke to that man in the video. he's the chairman of the new hampshire democrats. also a candidate for the dnc chair. we asked him why he's calling out his coworkers. >> our nominees' campaign really didn't address the economic issues that so many americans are still suffering under. people still wanted to hear that things were going to get better. and that anxiety was never addressed. >> well, he said the next democratic nominee needs to listen to the people instead of high paled sculpts.
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and the pc police at it again and now our own geraldo is taking a stand against it. he says he's quitting a position he holds at yale university after the school changed the name of one of its residents halls over ties to slavery. tweeting this as assigned yesterday as a college at yale, been an honor but intolerant, in essence, on political correctness is lame. the university says the move is based on principle not political correctness. all right. now, here is a fun story for you. you know janice dean as a champion meteorologist; right? but did you know she's also the winner on the track? take a look. >> janice dean has a big early lead. the weather machine is firing all cylinders today. she rounds the turn again for the forecast today is a huge win for the weather machine janice dean. >> oh, my gosh that dog out
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front is named janice dean. the dog is a greyhound in palm beach, florida. it is the second time janice dean has won in the last two weeks. and then here she is with her trainers. how cute. favored to win the three eighth mile derby at the end of the month. how sweet is that? those are your headlines. a dog named after our janice. >> it's the only time i don't mind being referred to as a dog. steve: did you know this was happening? how did you find out about this? >> palm beach jason got me on twitter and has been tweeting me all of these races that janice dean the weather machine is winning. the owner of the dog is a big fox fan, and i know that they have a graw hound named stuart varney. the derby is at the end of the month, and i propose that i be there to see the win. brian: yes. brian: you lost so much money at the track and now you actually have a dog racing in your likeness. >> that's right. i hear janice dean is also
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very friendly, and she likes to take baths. okay. really quick. what's your name, honey? >> my name is brendon. >> where are you from? >> clear water, florida. >> pretty cool. >> not bad, huh? what are you going to do this week? >> today i'm going to the statue you liberty, and we're going to visit here another time. >> do you want to toss back to brian, ainsley, and steve? >> yeah. sure. >> now back to you guys. ainsley: good job, honey. steve: hey, weather machine, you forgot to do the weather. >> what's that? steve: you forgot to do the weather. >> oh, yeah, it's cold, and we have a northeastern in the northeast, and we could see some rain across the southwest. >> go janice dean the weather machine. steve: congratulations. all right. brian: and she's going to have to raise that child, clearly. no parents. steve: i think there's some parents just off camera. brian: hey, straight ahead. black lives matter protesting bullying secretary betsy devos
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outside a public school friday. former baltimore ravens tightened belgium says bullying isn't the answer to racism. the solution relies in faith. and also believes that african-americans should have a shot at private schools. mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest.
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and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security and your medicare. you made a deal a long time ago." now, it's congress' turn. tell them to protect medicare.
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ainsley: during a visit to a washington d.c. public school on friday, education secretary betsy devos was blocked by protesters, including some from black lives matter. does this type of behavior do anything to help the students and the education system? baltimore ravens tightened and author of a book called under our skin getting real about race and getting free from the
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fears and frustrations that divide us benjamin watson joins us now. good morning to you, benjamin. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. how are you doing? ainsley: good morning. i'm great. thank you. what's your reaction to that? and what is your message for those protesters that we trying to black betsy from the school? >> obviously, i agree with the concept of black lives matter, of course. but a lot of of what we've seen from the organization is a lot of disunity. so you're people supporting things like this. and any time there's someone trying to help our children for education, i'm for that. i'm a product for public school, private school, as well as religious schools. anything that helps our kids get a quality education, that's what i'm for. but you hate to do something like this. that's when you're taking a protest to another level. ainsley: yeah, they're hanging onto the car. they had to go to the back entrance instead of the front entrance. >> she eventually got into the school. ainsley: yeah, she did. she had to go back around to
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another entrance. she said i respect peaceful protest, and i will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the department of education. no school from america will be blocked from those seeking education. >> of course. and you also saw the mayor of washington d.c. echo that as well. say you know what? people have the right to protest. and we've talked about this over and over again. but people have a right to protest in a peaceful manner. but whenever you're doing something like this and blocking someone from their job, it hurts that person as well as the students you're trying to help. i really feel we need a conversation -- we need to listen a little bit more. i saw where senator cruz was engaged with some of the protesters, and he was able to listen. that's what i promote. we need to see the humanity in why people feel the way they feel. ainsley: last night at carnegie hall and there were
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people of all races, all creeds, all denominations, it was so cool when he was singing about america and our flag and god when the whole room stood up. we were all on our feet. we looked at each other and said this is what america needs. we need to look back to our faith. i know you agree with that. you're going to speaking at a megachurch down in florida. tell us what your message is. >> yes. we have a form called under our skin form and basically what it is is it's a collection of pastors, authors, sports figures, men and women coming together to talk about race in a real and honest way. we're going to have questions from the audience as well have our own topics to address. it's going to be live stream on it will be this thursday february the 16th under our skin is where you can get more information. but our whole point is to foster this type of honest conversation when it comes to race. we don't have a lot of that now. we have a lot of bickering and fighting and people being labeled, aren't able to be
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honest. and this is a real issue that has real ramifications not only us for our children, but we do believe that because god created us in this image, we have a responsibility to respect each other. and also a responsibility to stand for those who are facing injustice. ainsley: benjamin, i wish you all the best. i wish more christians were doing what you're doing. god bless, and i hope it goes well. >> thank you. will do. ainsley: how did this mexican citizen get away with voting here five times. chris says illegal voting is a huge problem in his state, and he's going to join us next. first let's go to bill and see what's coming up. >> we're watching rising waters in a dam in california. waiting on that news. waiting on a white house decision. could come any moment, frankly. there was plenty of reaction to president trump's reaction in north korean launch. and texas is pushing an illegal immigration law targeting sanctuary cities. ton to get to this morning.
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ten minutes away top of the hour here on america's newsroom we're family. we'd do anything for each other. but this time... those bonds were definitely tested. frog leg, for my baby brother don't frogs have like, two legs? so they should have two of these? since i'm active duty and she's family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. if you hold it closer, it looks bigger. eat your food my big sis lik and i'm okay with that. open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. navy federal credit union.
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steve: you've got a mexican citizen living in texas voting five times in america. so why is the mainstream media trying so hard to cover up these stories? chris, you saw a lot of the dustup over the weekend with the -- between the administration and various talk show hosts. they don't believe there's anything to it. there's no proof that anything happens. >> there's tons of proof that it happens. in kansas, we're fighting the aclu in a number of lawsuits. so we have been presenting cases like this to a federal court.
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and you mention the one case in texas. we've got 115 cases of known noncitizens who either got on our voter rolls in kansas or who attempted to get on our voter rolls. and that's just the tip of the iceberg because you can't uncover most of these cases. we had a statistical analysis done, and it looks like we have as many as 18,000 cases of aliens on our voter rolls or people who attempted to get on the voter rolls and are not citizens. and we're just a small state, brian, population-wise if you take those numbers and extrapolate to a state like texas or california, you're probably talking about hundreds of thousands of noncitizens on the voter rolls and you're absolutely right. the media on the left wants to just ignore it and say there's no proof. no, we're presenting proof in federal court, but they don't want to put any attention on it. brian: how did we end up on opposite sides of these issues? republicans and democrats should be on the same page on this issue. >> you would think so. i don't know where the democrats don't want to acknowledge this problem. perhaps they think they
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benefit from the problem. i don't know. maybe -- who knows. but the point is it's a proven reality. and the one way we can solve it is by having proof of citizenship. so when the person registers to vote at the time of registration, they provide proof of citizenship. we do that in kansas. there are three other states. arizona, alabama, and georgia. but we should be doing this in all 50 states, and there's no good reason not to. brian: have you been asked by the vice president to help him with his special counsel to look into this? >> i haven't spoken to the vice president, but i've spoken to the president himself about this problem. and we've talked about various ways you can find those people who are criminally voting illegally and, by the way, many people in kansas have been voting in multiple elections as well. there is a way to go after it, and i think the federal government will do it. brian: thanks so much. more fox and friends in just a moment. you're not going to believe♪ how we're going to end the show haunt you at night. nexium 24hr... shuts down your stomach's active acid pumps...
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>> where is your flag? >> the fox and friends flag? >> there it is. >> that's right. live from the "fox & friends" headquarters. that its for today. see you back here on the couch tomorrow. >> bill: let's start with a fox news alert we're watching the situation closely. dire matter in northern california. 200,000 people force evidence from their homes this weekend because of fears the country's oroville dam out of san francisco might give way. the dam is holding strong but an emergency spill way could unleash massive floodwaters on several communities down river. we'll have a live report from the scene as we watch this developing story on a monday morning. first is there a new immigration order in the works now? the white house striking a new defiant tone about the travel ban. all options are on the table and news on this could come at any moment. hope you had a great
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