tv Outnumbered FOX News February 13, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST
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>> sandra: we are going to be back here in one hour. >> jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> right now president trump and prime minister justin trudeau are meeting at the white house. you see where they're the photo op from just a little bit ago when they were first together. you would think that the administration's executive order on immigration would come up. perhaps it will. and news on this monday, the president says that he may rewrite that executive order after a federal appeals court refused to reinstate his restrictions on travel from seven mostly muslim countries. you know the story. let's get to the news. this is "outnumbered," i am harris faulkner. sandra smith, meghan mccain, kennedy, and sunshine yellow today, and bring in the sunshine also, #oneluckyguy, a first timer. fox contributor and national radio host, kevin jackson is
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here. he has "outnumbered." and you told me very happy. >> i am ecstatic to be here. you guys are about more -- more lovely in person than on tv. >> thank you! >> by the way your sock and tie game are very strong! >> shall we move? to the news. president trump is in the white house, as i said meeting with canada's leader. the trump team is seeing if an arrow up version of the travel ban has been called a pause in immigration, will actually get it through the courts as he says multiple options are still on the table. including taking the fights all the way to the u.s. supreme court. the senior policy advisor stephen miller is accusing the courts as wrongfully as using -- seizing the president's power. >> the president has the authority to post moderates, since necessary, and sensible restrictions. including putting more vetting
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there. this is a judicial usurpation of power. this is a violation of the judges proper role. we will fight it. we will make sure that we take actions to keep it from happening in the future what happened in the past. >> but senate minority leader charles schumer thinks that there is only one destination for the presidents immigration clause. >> he should throw it in the trash. it is so bad and so poison, it's genesis is so bad and terrible that he ought to throw it in the trash can. a distressed un-american and unconstitutional. a religious band goes against the american grain. we believe in immigrants in this country. we do not believe in no religious test. >> i know you know from doing radio and shows that somebody trying to get that question, i would imagine that he would ask what you and i would. what will they talk about when he rewrites it? >> i think that trump will stick to the same principles but he
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has made it pretty clear that it is his prerogative to do it. but we should be looking at what the democrats have done here. it's almost like if we cannot fix your brakes, we will make your horn louder. he has addressed what i think most of the people in america are really complaining about during the campaign. two of those top five issues had to do with muslim security and terrorism. vetting of the muslims as well as terrorism, two of the top five. i think nothing will change in response to it. other then he will take a presidential authority to the next level. >> we talked about this on friday, and i actually think it would be prudent for him to completely rewrite it. it looks like the ninth circuit has torn this down. i agree with you, kevin. the meat and potatoes of the policy is not going to change. he wants stricter immigration laws. the muslim man, and he says was not a band, but his surrogate say was. they should throw out the language entirely. get somebody on tv who can
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explain it in a concise way. by the majority of americans will probably get behind it. all he wants to do is protect our borders. he wants to get more national security. i think that part of the problem is a messaging and the rollout. >> when we look at the original executive order, the criticism really has come not just in the rollout, but also in the green card issue. people coming into the country who legitimately were trying to get here and were detained or stopped, and how that was not addressed in the original writing. a rewriting would maybe give an opportunity to address that issue. >> my biggest problem with the executive order. i have a few of them philosophically. but i would say that it is the unintended consequences that follow from these less than properly sought out ideas. and i agree with meghan, i think a lot of people in this country, and i've talked to the neck -- a lot of democrats that talk about embracing our freedom.
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embracing liberty. he would be surprised especially hearing some of the rhetoric from the left, very original -- irrational when it comes to this issue. they have to put a lot more thought and focus into it. it should not be about anticipating what is going to make it to the court. but it really has to be something that not only is effective, but legal. it can be disseminated to various agencies so that they know how to implement it. >> it seems like when it comes to donald trump, the standard that he has to meet is so much higher than anybody else. >> why do you think that is? >> it is pretty partisan, that's what it is. before he declared himself a republican could do no wrong. many of the things that we are talking about here, things that other people's had proposed. they would've been bipartisan issues. you can always do the thought experiment to say what if it was obama doing it? and we all know the answer. they would be happy about it. everybody would be, certainly on the left they would say this is
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exactly what we should do. >> let's pick apart some specific points. he has argued that the seven countries are the same countries that were previously identified as the obama administration as sources of terror. at the ninth circuit judges did express skepticism. where do you think he is willing to change? >> i don't think that he needs to. there were 72 people that were part of the terror list that were in the united states. at 25 of them were made citizens under obama. so he has all of the ammunition that he needs to say that this is what we need to do. i think the majority of americans have already seen with -- and they will look at this as if it is old news. san bernardino, what happened in orlando. if these are real things. people are sick of this. people are tired of having a discussion about protecting the borders are not. every country protects its borders. if you start something that these types of things are
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happening routinely, which they seem to be at the boston marathon, a bunch of other terror attacks. people are sensible about it. >> i want to make it clear that we do understand that they do not overlap with people coming into the country. some people were already here. they went through our schools, our high schools. >> some were born here and radicalize. >> "the wall street journal" and the associated press say that they are back checking on what you are talking about and how many people have been arrested who fall into the category of maybe the seven countries. but kennedy, you mention something that democrats might have talked about, and i had forgotten about it. you are right. in those hacked emails, and some were not always hacked that hillary clinton was talking about open borders. >> absolutely. that was one of the tenants, and you have to, my issue with democrats and open borders, especially progressive left democrats, they want to increase the entitlement stage. they want to give people free stuff. if you have open borders, everyone is entitled to your
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entitlements. in the country cannot exist like that. >> it is not prepared we are deftly paying for it. >> citizenship is precious. my problem with this and the brand of thinking on both sides. yes, a country has every right to let's people in who they wants. they have the right to decide that. that's what it means to be a sovereign country and respect your borders and others as well. the other thing is that when you keep everyone out, think of the people that you are not the leading end. meghan has talked about it. to some of the interpreters, some journalists, we have a journalist friend who cannot get a visa in this country because of the places that he has been reporting. >> we are not keeping everybody else. that is what bugs me. sorry to interrupt, make them. but we are not keeping everybody out. we are a country that is made of everyone. why don't we come back to that. i think that's what a lot of americans are tired of hearing. we have all of the nationalities. we never question what saudi arabia is doing in terms
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of their programs. it is always on us. >> right now it is complicated with saudi arabia, because they we need their help. we need them to set up a safe zone so that we can put people there, some refugees. >> i'm just echoing what kennedy said. i think the flip side to being a great businessman and having no experience in politics is that there are a lot of objects and political narrative that could be tweaked a little bit. it could help bring more to the administration. when you see administrations helping our troops in iraq, and still soldiers in iraq and not letting them in the country. that is ammo for the left. he does not need that right now. >> it does not help us where we are fighting. we need their help. we need their intel on the ground. we need their support. >> the first place that i would start if i were redoing it. >> was saudi arabia, we know about who came from there and what they did when they got from this country, 9/11. it is complicated, for sure. it may just be the first critical test of his presidency.
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north korea just fired a missile over the sea of japan. president trump was hosting japan's leader in florida. so fall out and the message that president trump needs to send. we will talk about that. senator elizabeth warren the face of the democratic party now? that's what president trump told a group of red state democrats paid whether he is right and what it could mean for democrats, their party. a show on tv, we pop up online, we cannot wait for you to pop up on our live chat. click the overtime tab. or go to facebook. tweet us anytime you want. we are coming right back!
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>> a fox news alerts, search growing this hour from people near the largest dam. look at the pictures. authorities warning that the spillway and thus be 18 dam is about giving away. we have been wanting this for a week. nearly 200,000 have been ordered to evacuate their homes. from sacramento, and to say the word panic, that is not overstating? >> last night especially, panic
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from about 6:00 on. we got here about 8:30 or so. if the panic was still on. they felt that the top part of the dam was going to come down. they explain it to people at home. it is built of the earth. they have it still waited in cement. that gave away last week. they cannot bring out as much water as they wanted to. so the lake kept rising. the water got to the top, the secondary spillway where the water goes over the top. the lower part of the earth and goes down the side. it was only supposed to work for a few hours to bring water down. but for about 30 hours they came over the side and cause some deterioration in that area. that was what they were worried about coming down part of the top part of the dam. the good news is about 10:00, 10:30 they were able to bring it to even below him, and that's allowed them to get in there and get some nice looks at it. we know that there are people on the dam right now assessing. we know that they are putting rocks on the area and trying to package. they are getting out as much
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water as they can. they are bringing the water level down. the further down it goes, the less threatening it becomes. they are pretty open to bridges where we are located. 25 miles down the stream. they have reopened bridges here. if they are or may be letting people back in. by last night it was pretty chaotic around here about 60,000 people tried to get out of the 188,000 that were supposed to. >> it is so scary at nights. you you could. it's does compete with the pictures. we are worried about the people of pence today, thank you. >> the u.s., japan, south korea looking at a new meeting of the muscle. its first since president trump took office. the meeting expected to take place today. president trump and japanese prime minister learning of the launch while in florida togethe together. calling the move absolutely intolerable. it president trump saying that
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we have japan's back. >> i just want everybody to understand and fully know that the united states of america stands behind japan. it is a great ally. 100%. >> meantime u.s. officials telling fox news that north korean leader kim jong un was customs at the launch. this is from the rogue nation, widely seen as a challenge to the new trumpet administration. do you see it as that? >> i am actually surprised that korea has not been nuked yet. donald trump is supposed to be the hothead, the guy that we were afraid to give the button to. and how do they see it? i think it will be a real test of donald trump and what we have witnessed. and i believe so far in some of the other policy positions. i think that he will take a very measured approach. it is probably going to surprise a lot of people on the left as to how measured he is in dealing with it. but in terms of what will
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happen. i could not predict it right now. >> certainly a big test of the first few weeks of president trump's presidency. is he smart not to rush? >> this is not something that is not necessarily new. north korea has been in this way under president obama to see how he would react. this is something that you have to confront as commander-in-chief. he does something that his critics question the most on the campaign trail. how he would react in an incident in this. it gives me comfort to see him going out with the prime minister of japan. i would prefer if he said we commit to our ally and south korea as well. this will be an important relationship going forward especially if kim jong un feels empowered thinking we could possibly manipulate donald trump in a way that he could not obama. >> that goes without saying. we are going to stand up was south korea. i think what his policy positions have been leading up to this with china. and how they needed to
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intervene, start getting more involved. i think that's quite frankly, that's part of it is where the entire parts will circle back. >> it is interesting that you bring up china, because i see china and north korea like israel and iran. i think that it is going to be a very tricky situation diplomatically. certainly in a show. but the presidency does have to stand up to north korea. and this was absolutely no accident that to the missile fell 300 myers miles from japan. >> while he is here. >> while the prime minister is in florida with the president. >> i have a different theory in terms of how thirsty north korea's leadership seems for attention. they are petulance often. somebody else was getting all of the shine. and i think that it also might have been planned that way because what are we talking about today? our mouths are saying
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north korea. >> this is exactly what he does. and meghan made the point earlier. legitimize and get the attention back. i think that's one of the things that we have not talked about in respect to terms take on foreign policy, think that he sees the united states is the biggest weapon, and i think that when he starts negotiating with this, he will not be from a military point of view. >> you are right. but in north korea, they do not have a problem starting their own citizens. that is so incredibly tragic. i am actually interested to see what rex tillerson will say about this. they wasted so much time only talking about russia, it's felt like in the confirmation hearing. we did not get to talk about places like north korea. i want to know how he feels about those sanctions, because i do not necessarily see them is working. you have a dictator who honestly does not care if his people starve to death. he will blame it on the united states. that is what he is looking for. he is almost looking for a publication. >> illegitimate into --
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legitimize him. >> things can change dramatically. he >> you think he will do that. >> he is trying to set himself apart from kim jong un. making his own legitimacy. >> your word earlier, petulant child. >> and dangerous. >> the trump administration after agents detain illegals with criminal records prior to president defending the rates as opposition grows. is there a double standard at play here? plus a report claiming russia could send an sa leader edward snowden back to the u.s. as a gift to donald trump. about big concerns over what's russia's motivation might be. that is next. across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica,
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immigrants across six states last week. u.s. immigration officials say of the 160 rounded up in southern california, 75% had felony charges. mr. trump tweeting, the crackdown on illegal criminals is merely of the keeping of my campaign promise. gang members, drug dealers, and others are being removed. white house senior policy advisor stephen miller saying it will lead to a safer america. >> right now as a result of the president's order greatly expanded and more forceful activities are taking place. it is true that operation cross-check is something that happens every year. but this year we have taken new and greater steps to remove criminal aliens from our communities. because of president trump's actions, innocent people are being kept out of harm's way. >> insisting that operations are routine, and started under the obama administration. still democrats fear that the rates are things to come under
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president trump. leaders under the hispanic company because caucus saying e rates have struck fear in the hearts of the immigrant community. critical that the constituents have ideas about ice organization. parents will be afraid to leave children alone, and the economy will be damage. this is not that complicated to me. they say 75% of the 160 people had felony convictions. you come into this country illegally, breaking the law. you have a felony account, breaking the law. why should they have rights that i don't? >> like the trump administration saying we are upping our standards, up yours to the left. this is one of those issues i alluded to earlier in the segment where the united states is constantly being held to a standard that the world does not get held to. we have every nationality, every religious point of view. we have allowed it to come here
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through our legal immigration policies. we are debating nonsense like this. it is what i hear when i travel most around the country. why are we being held in standard? look at pakistan, any country in the middle east. look at these countries, and what is the level of multiculturalism that some of the countries in africa have? so when it comes to this, donald trump made it his campaign promise. and let me tell you. people are ecstatic at that he is actually living up to those promises. and i think when you look at how he has approached it, it has been masterful. how do you say, i don't want somebody who goes after criminals, domestic abuse, dui, other felony is when you are trying to protect american citizens? >> i want to go to you. if such a complicated issue. but i think when they are talking about the 40 people who have committed a felony spit not understand why there is any debates whatsoever on the left. >> here's the problem. it's flames emotionalism on the
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left. you have communities or people who are truly scared. and politicians were saying that they might stay home from work. the kids might stay home from school. that is almost a dog whistle and a suggestion. i think that some of the language that comes from the left is hyperbolic. but we are a nation of immigrants. we are a nation that welcomes people, businesses welcome people. people who even if they are using the same social security number 600 times, they are still paying taxes. it is a bad system. it is really hard for people to get in here and work for a little while. that's why they break the law. kellyanne conway was saying. our first lady is an immigrant. we should be really, really proud of that fact. she said it took her ten years in order to become legal in this country. most people do not have that kind of time. and if there is a need, there certainly is a need for it. i just have a hard time when i feel like people are demonized for wanting to come to this country, participate, work, and make it better.
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>> i will jump in here and change the topic. we have been waiting for the president and his meeting with the canadian prime minister justin trudeau for that video to come up. women in the workforce is what they are focusing on in the cabinet room roundtable. the advancement of women. we are being told that they are going to launch a task force between the united states and canada. they are going to call on both countries to further the advancement of women business leaders, business. women entrepreneurs. they will hold three of roundtable and just a moment. i want to get on the record with that. when it comes out, we will go much faster than what i just talked. i will be quiet now. >> so why doesn't stephen miller on the sunday talk shows, why does he not have an answer when he has asked whether or not the president believes that the only crime in undocumented immigrants is living illegally. he declined to say whether the president believes that spread to the immigration judge makes
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those decisions. why is there not a clear answer from the white house? >> i do not know why there is not a clear answer from the white house. as far as steve miller goes, i love this guy. one point that kennedy made earlier, a privilege to be here. i've a friend who has a doctor. it took him forever to get here. that is the allure of coming to this country. you do not just get here easily. i will put it to you this way. there are not a lot of people trying to get to guatemala. we see these things as majorities, but the fact of the matter is that that is where we are trying to go. >> i'm going to jump him. the president of the united states meeting prime minister of canada. >> we are going to get started.
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it's good to see you. >> thank you. >> hello, everybody. good to see you. >> i will let you go first. how is that? >> the cabinet room. >> strong people. >> strong women. >> strong women are definitely here. >> thank you all very much. this is a great honor. very nice. i recognize some of you. great success. i am honored to be here with prime minister trudeau. whose father is i knew and respected greatly. he gave me a picture of myself.
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and what a great picture. i will keep that in a very special place. we are going to launch the canada-united states council for women entrepreneurs. we have some of the great ones in this room. and business leaders. we have so many great women leaders around the table today. and we are going to go through your names and exactly, because many of you i know, some of you i do not. i want to find out all about you. women as you know, and i can say that from my past life i have had so many women executives that have been phenomenal. they have really helped me in a great deal in business. it was really fantastic. they are tremendously important, women. women are the primary source of income and 40% of american households. and households with children under the age of 18. in order to create economic growth and lots of good well
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palling jobs, we must assure that our economy is a place where women can work and thrive. and i think that that is happening in the united states much more so. and ivanka is very involved. and i know the just and in canada, it is happening in big ways. we need policies that help to keep women in the workforce and addressed the various states by female entrepreneurs. they are unique. we need to make it easier for women to manage the demands of having both a job and a family. we also need to make it easier for women entrepreneurs to get access to capital good i guess pretty much all entrepreneurs, we have to help them out. because the system is not working so well for entrepreneurs getting capital. but an particularly difficult for women. we are going to get access to markets and networks. and i look forward to hearing
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your advice. we are going to go around the table. and i want to learn something today. again, it is a great honor to be with you. and just in time i can say on behalf of our country. it is an honor to be with you. >> thank you for welcoming us. and i am really excited about launching this roundtable with a number of successful executives that just happens to be women. one of the things that i have been lucky enough to do over the past year in new york and beijing, across canada is sit down with women ceos, women executives to talk about their successes and to the challenges that they are facing that are particular. but also how we can create more paths to success for women across our community and across our society. when ever i sit down with a woman executive, i know that she has had to overcome significant
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barriers that exist. and therefore is likely to have greater insight into that's for others. and also is a formidable contributor to the success of the business. and her economy. i guess for me, it is not just about doing the right thing. it is about understanding that's women in leadership positions are very powerful and a very powerful leverage for business, success, communities, and our entire economy. the companies are built -- [speaking foreign language] a great pleasure to sit with you now and hear from your extraordinary leadership. >> thank you. >> how about we start with ivanka and go around the room. do you just want to say a few
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words? >> welcome. i am honored to be here. i am really looking forward to hearing from each of you. you have served as a tremendous role models for me and so many under other business leaders. we can learn some tremendously valuable perspectives as we think about the challenges that entrepreneurs, women in the workforce, female small business owners are dealing with each and every day. and as we think about the levels of claiming for this generation and the next. thank you for being here. i look forward to hearing from each of you. >> thank you, i am from a company called translation from alberta. you are going to build the pipeline. >> that is right. >> thank you for the opportunity to be here. this is a dialogue that we have dealt with for over 100 years. and -- >> one of the most recent forces that you heard pretty saw the back of her head, that was
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ivanka trump, the president's daughter. she was in trouble when a man in that. a roundtable on the advancement of entrepreneurs. and she and her father helped organize that's group of female business leaders and entrepreneurs to discuss the policy's that would eventually help women stay and though work for us. and one key point about justin trudeau's cabinet. half of it is women. while our president has not promised land. he has worked towards that by putting women in his cabinet as well. an important discussion taking place with women in business. revising an old nickname for senator elizabeth warren. calling her the face of the democratic party. if it is a good thing or a bad thing for the party. and "saturday night live"'s latest skits. did you see this? seeing kellyanne conway as the
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♪ >> president trump reportedly taunting democrats with an insult that he used for senator elizabeth warren during her campaign. mocking herself proclaimed native american heritage. he had a meeting with senators last week saying that he referred to her several times as pocahontas. while telling democrats that she is now the face of their party. this is a new liberal movement similar to the tea party. appears to be taking shape. a piece in "the washington post" points out that the future is uncertain saying what is less
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clear is whether energy and resources will remain united with democratic leaders or will be turned on them. that's happened with the tea party and the republican establishment. if the active data -- activist base grows tired. so, first of all pocahontas and your use of that? >> she has been called something else in my water. more clever. and frankly elizabeth warren should be ashamed of herself. >> is she becoming the face of the party? >> i think that they try to make her that. it is kind of like the fake news. i do not believe that she is. i do not the majority of left follow elizabeth warren. at the elite host would like to believe that they are making her that's pretty >> it does seem like they are desperately doing this. >> i desperately agree without. if she was not to the face, and she is a natural deal with the bernie standards.
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they really decided the debates of the country. and bernie talking about populism or designated in a similar way. and she runs contrary to the establishment. in the establishment is still very much of nancy pelosi. and she thinks it should be business as usual. elizabeth warren came out last week and said that we have to make a much harder look at ourselves and the way that we failed. she will make the country fail if she is elected president. and she warns has 70% tax rate through. she would love to do that. but yes, she is the face of the party. big difference between the tea party in this. this is not the tea party. this is not a movement until they get like minded politicians elected >> she is in trouble in her own state of massachusetts. >> have you seen the campaign? >> she is a party that just lost more than a thousand seats both with congress and the white house. >> you are absolutely right. i'm not in a just or anything, but when you are trying to put
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the fate of your party on the 70 plus-year-old spread bernie standards it's still more popular than elizabeth warren. if you're going to make the face of the party, i would say that bernie is the face of that. >> what do you say about the tea party? >> i agree that until they start getting people elected, the coke brothers were big providers of the tea party. this is not the same thing as the tea party movement. it is stupid of any politician in office not to recognize anger and protesting going on in the country. obama was very naive not to pay more time for -- attention to the tea party movement. elizabeth warren if you have ever seen the campaign. she is terrible. she really only reaches out to a very specific portion of the population. if she were really that good, they would've pushed her back up. it would have been her time. >> they are allowed. >> she has a loud voice, but i agree. it is a ban that has a very niche audience. yes, they are very loud and intense.
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they will go to every concert. but you will not sell out to madison square garden. >> this is such a weird time. i agree with you. >> it should not be heard. it should not be that brand of socialism that she and bernie are peddling. but who would have thought in 2015 that a socialist like bernie sanders would almost best hillary clinton. >> i think that bernie sanders is a lunatic policy wise. >> about more to get to. at the grammys, devolving into a trump bashfest last night. one singer showing the president's home love on the red carpet. how did those tolerance liberals react? it is not pretty or tolerance. that is next. ♪
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history our voices arm needed more than ever. >> i just want to say president agent orange, it is evil. i want to thank president agent orange. the successful attempt at the muslim ban. >> we could you really use this as a pipeline protest. >> but actress and signature joy villa showing a different expression. she wore a dress saying make america great again. liberals saying imagine you choosing to get rid of your career before it begins. i found her account, you need to remove the word feminist, because by supporting trump you are far from one. so kevin, i cannot watch award shows because ever since of the golden globes i believe with meryl streep, i cannot take it anymore.
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>> you and much of the conservative america has done the same thing. what is interesting about this event was that you go to these events and you look at the dresses, and you look at them. and in this case the oo and ah was over the dress. but the message -- >> make america great again. >> it was really a big deal. but what was interesting was that it was a gay filipino man who voted for donald trump. the woman wearing it, her mother is italian, her father is black. and then you look at the leftist america saying, how do we lose? you lost because that demographic who kept itself under the radar showed itself right there. so yes, i just find it interesting that we are looking at this thing. and hollywood is upset at itself. but that is the demographic that is voting for trump, and also
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the undercurrent of america that supports it. >> when i saw her dress on twitter, my immediate joke was, i hope she has security and makes it out to the parking lot okay. >> her choice of words was very strong in backing up her beliefs. she said i'm going to stand up for what i believe or given to what i don't. and when the producers of the grammys told everyone to go political, be political. he did not mean that. he said stick to your liberal agenda, stay on the stage. there is no tolerance for that. >> a very good point that that was the agenda. they figured that everybody would slow with that agenda. then you get something like this, and it happens. as much of the negative news that came out of this pay to so many positive things came out. number one on my twitter feed, people were saying i am proud of you. way to go. way to stick it in the face of the left. an event where they normally do not expect it. >> one thing we have to get to because we have been talking about it, the kellyanne conway
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"saturday night live" sketch. >> we don't want you on tv if you are going to keep lying! >> okay, fine. i will do something else. i will do something really crazy! what if i do i freak commercial for ivanka's shoes? live on air? do you like that, baby. >> no, that is a legal! >> so what! >> if you are going to portray a strong woman, we go back, how many years are we going back to portray her? that just sets us back. you have not seen that? >> no, it came out when i was born. but to pass out, i watched it. i actually watched it with some colleagues. and i was uncomfortable watching it. it is very sexualized. i don't know where this came from. >> what did you think? >> when i watched "saturday night live," i was really hoping that they would have some great appointed, interesting satire.
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not a lot off in it. i was watching the clip after clip, and especially with kate mckinnon, at times she was so funny. and i read that she did jeff sessions, elizabeth warren, kellyanne conway. i thought to myself, what a broad range. but she was not funny in any of those roles. >> with respect to this one, i think it is funny that they took the movie that a lot of people, an iconic film at the time, but i think what the left does is they show themselves. kellyanne conway is not like this. >> we have to go. we will keep watching the clips. more "outnumbered" in just a minute. ugh! heartburn!
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>> that is how you do monday. invite kevin jackson on the couch. thank you for being here. 60 seconds left, i will say thank you, we will see you again tomorrow at noon eastern, now at "happening now" ." >> jenna: fox news earlier, we are awaiting a joint press conference between president donald trump empi minister justin trudeau. >> jon: they are expected to take questions from reporters. we're covering all of the news happening now. >> we are not blocking the appointment. >> jon: republicans disagree, insisting democrat members are slowing the cabinet picks ahead of more critical confirmation votes. >> we are going to be done legislative with response to this. >> jon: speaker paul ryan strikes an optimistic tone on repealing president obama's signature healthcare law despite new science there could be roadblocks ahead. and tear
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