tv Hannity FOX News February 15, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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rex tillerson. see you tomorrow, here is "hannity," next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity," history in the making, a meeting between president donald trump and at the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu to reset the relationship between america's closest ally in the middle east, up to eight years of a hostile obama administration is very refreshing, it is now clear they're on a new path towardsds peace and to fighting radical islamic terrorism. coming up, we will play you the highlights but first, the alt radical left propaganda media is out to utterly destroy donald trump and it is doing you the american people, a great disservice. that is tonight's opening monologue.
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you heard me saying since 2008, journalism is dead. but what we are saying play out now is far worse. the alt radical left propaganda media has created what i call an informational crisis in this country, they can no longer be trusted. let me explain. after the resignation of lieutenant general michael flynn, the media is in rushing to paint what is a completely false narrative. let's start with "the new york times," they are so-called bombshell report, the press is running absolutely wild with. it amounts to nothing more than a fake news political hit piece. the times ran the headline, trump campaign aides have repeated contact with russian intelligence. in it, the writer site for current and unnamed american officials who offer up fake details about intercepting communications betweengu members of the trump campaign and the russian officials. but buried in the stories are major caveats, the only trumpbu
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campaign member named with his former campaign manager paul manafort. we already knew he did business in ukraine and in russia. it's nothing new. then there is this. the officials would not disclose many details about what was that this discussed on the calls, the identity of the russian intelligence officials who participated, and how many of mr. trump's advisors were talking to the russians. it is also unclear whether the conversation had anything to do with mr. trump himself. the story is very light on details and actual facts, very heavy on assumption. then you have chuck todd, and nbc, he is trying to capitalize on flynn's resignation. this is what he said. >> good evening, i am chuck todd here. welcome to day one of what is arguably the biggest presidential scandal involving a foreign government. >> sean: the same guy that said it's a religious litmus
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test 190% of the muslims are not included, i will get to that in a minute. let me set the record straight because so-called journalists choctaw, and by the way he is no tim russert, is refusing to do so. mike flynn was wrong, he misled the president and vice president. but so far, there is zero evidence that flynn broke any law in any way. fox news is reporting that there is zero indication that flynn misled the fbi when they interviewed him. this is the beginning. take a look at what this whining liberal from "the new york times" said. >> the issue is what did he tell trump, that he and trumps actually cook up this whole thing? after the russians did not respond harshly to the eviction of their spies and diplomats, trump tweeted out some positive encouragement of this. did the two of them cook this up? the first is we have never taken seriously from the veryy beginning russia hacked our election.
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that was a 9/11 scale event. they attacked the core of our very democracy. >> sean: you will compare this to 9/11 and pearl harbor? where thousands of americans died? if he ever bothered to do some research, and read the joint report, it found russia did not interfere in the election vote in any way. then there is this former newsws anchor, kind of laughable, dan rather. watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now. it was a close as came to debilitating constitutional prices until maybe now. really? maybe, possibly? this false narrative has even led to a democratic congressman to use the word treason when talking about an american hero, michael flynn, general flynn.
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>> if members of theer administration are essentially conspiring with russia, either through the campaign and now in the administration itself, that's the definition of treason. this is a very, very serious affair.. >> sean: you know that the flynn resignation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the alt left propaganda media and their coordinated campaign to purposely misinform the american people that they have an agenda. t they also claimed that the president's temporary travel ban is either a religious test or anti-muslim even though 90% of the world's muslims are not included. watch this. m >> mr. trump established a religious test from those muslim countries. >> sean: great fear mongering. the seven countries impacted by the band or first designated by the obama administration and congress because they have ties to terror, and as i reiterated, 90% of the world's muslim population, which is over 40
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plus muslim majority countries, are not affected in any way. the breathlessness in the alt left propaganda media coverage is astounding. all these examples show exactly why you should not trust the lazy leftist propaganda media.wh it is also why president trump is going to call on nontraditional media outlets at his press conferences, like he did. take a look how cnn reacted. priceless. >> the last three news conferences, all of the questions to the american news media have been handled by conservative there is no other way to describe it but the fix is in. this white house, president, does not want to answer critical questions about his associates, aid contacts with the russians during the course of that campaign. >> sean: may be cnn should notsi have colluded with hillary clinton's campaign and tried to cover it up! that's a pretty reasonable response there. it's pretty simple. overpaid, partisan hacks that are lazy, throwing one giant
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hissy fit because their candidate lost. because of that, they are carrying out this full on assault. piers morgan and former u.s. attorney lead to the district of columbia joe digenova. you are a hard-hitting guy,ig piers morgan, you go after trump when you disagree with him. you've also praised him when you think he does the right thing. don't you think that the media in this country has lost all perspective? >> not just the media, i think there are large swathes of the american people who have lost their minds. in the media are fueling this crazy history of. >> sean: that's true. >> here's what i think has happened. the mainstream media, print and cable,e, and may networking is, they kind of collaborated in fueling the beast of donald trump.
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when he first ran, theyab startd by saying he was a joke. then they realized he was getting -- they kept fueling, fueling, fueling, they never imagined he might actually win. he was out there running around america, galvanizing and resonating with the american people in middle america. way away from the two coasts. then came the moment when the american media said we've got to kill this guy off. this is out of control. dr. frankenstein, it was too late. the beast they helped create cannot be killed off and he won the presidency. what i don't like about what is going on now is there is an absolute frenzy, to delegitimize, sabotage ands destroy the trump presidency before it has even started. i think that is un-american, i do not think it is a patriotic thing that they are doing. i think it is partisan. driven by "the new york times,"
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and i think the journalists who work best, cnn always tried to be -- i know your view about cnn but there are good people there. i think they have got to be -- careful all of them. look at what they are doing here. visit --dash or it is incredibly partisan, nakedly abusive treatment of a new president. i think i'm afraid -- this russian scandal, when you play -- they are journalist who i completely respect, when you play them talking about this being the new watergate, pearl harbor, 9/11. the biggest scandals since so iran contra, this is a wildly exaggerated view as the facts currently stand. the facts are, there is nothing right now to link donald trump to any collusion with anyone from russia in relation to the american election.
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>> sean: piers, you have laidct out an extraordinary powerful indictment against journalism and the media in this country. let me ask you a follow-up question. we had -- it's not really competitive but cnn, when wikileaks revealed the level of collusion with the news media and hillary clinton's campaign, i am sure even you are shocked and surprised that it ran so deep on so many levels. how corrupt that is. >> look, i think most people at cnn are thoroughly decent journalist. i respect their integrity. when i saw that behavior, like donna brazile deliberately showing questions to the clinton campaign. i was shocked by that. "the new york times" in the middle of the campaign, 11 different pieces -- all pieces on donald trump were negative.
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what it told me was it you a very partisan paper, masquerading as a paper of record.t the bombshell byy "the new york times," when you actually read it, it makes itself. it has nothing to link donald trump -- it's perfectly reasonable, when a national security advisor resigns like general flynn, for journalist to do their job and go off of that. donald trump should answer questions from cnn and others at press conferences. it's reasonable to go after the story, it's not reasonable to make everybody believe this is armageddon, trump is in there with putin. he has fixed the election and sy on. >> sean: let me bring in joe digenova. effect is one of washington's great legal minds. joe, let me just ask a very simple question. go through from a legal aspect
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the intelligence leaks that are going on here. how it would violate the espionage act, 18 u.s. code 798 which we will get into in more detail. tell me what is going on with these intelligence leaks which we know are illegal and is at the bigger story? >> it is now clear from published information that people who had authorized access to signaled intelligence under the espionage act, cryptographic intelligence, telephone intercepts, wiretaps, have given that information in violation of the law to news organizations and other parties who are not authorized to receive them. those disclosures by people who got the information lawfullyhe e crimes. they are felonies, under the espionage act. the attorney general should immediately impanel a grand jury
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and start defeating the limited number of people who have lawful access to these telephone intercepts. that number of people is quite small and they can start issuing subpoenas to those people, have them interviewed by the fbi, put them in the grand jury and i can assure you, with the reasonableh prosecutor -- you can find out who disclosed this information by looking at their telephone records, their emails, and everything else related to how they communicate with third parties. >> sean: you have no doubt, felonies were committed. no doubt the intelligence community or a few members within the intelligence community have done this on purpose, on numerous times, conversations with mexico, australia for example and in this particular case. you think it will be fairly easy to discover who it was? >> yes, with the use of a grand
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jury, which was not used in the hillary clinton email service case. you can find out as much information as you need to do about this because what is happening here is a coup d'état. this is designed not to just delegitimize president trump but to create the atmospheric foreign impeachment and for other legal stratagems to destroy his presidency. if the attorney general thinks about this for about 5 minutes, there will be a grand jury at work, sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. >> sean: thank both of you, very powerful statements. piers, joe, thank you very much for being with us. coming up next on "hannity." >> i think it's very, very unfair what has happened to general flynn, how hehe was treated, the documents and papers that were illegally -- illegally -- leaked. very, very unfair.
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>> sean: president trump talking about these illegald mio resign. up next, congressman devon nunez, he has the committee that looks into this, and congress to weigh in later. deputy doc dr. gorka is under fire. he will join us on this very busy newsnight straight ahead. safe driver, and multi-car discounts, but they're about to see a whole new side of me. heck, i can get you over $600 in savings. chop, chop. do i look like i've been hurt before? because i've been hurt before. um, actually your session is up. hang on. i call this next one "junior year abroad."
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i am jackie ibanez in new york. labor troubles for president trump. on wednesday, andrew custer abruptly withdrew as mr. trump's nominee for labor secretary. this comes one day before his schedule confirmation hearing. it democrats and even some republicans had raised concerns about his failures to pay taxes for five years on a former housekeeper who was not authorized to work in the u.s. the white house has yet to comment on a possible replacement nominee. meanwhile, lawmakers from connecticut are expressing concern over that russian spy ship that has been sailing your u.s. label naval base in recent days. representatives are condemning russia's increasing aggression. they've been operating an international water. it was later spotted about 30 miles from a submarine base in connecticut. i am jackie ibanez. if now, back to "hannity."
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>> michael flynn, general flynn as a wonderful man. he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media. the fake media in many cases. i think it is really a sad thing that he was treated so badly. in addition to that, from intelligence papers are being leaked, things are being leaked. it's criminal action, and it has been going on for a long time, before me. but now it is really going on. people are trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the democrats had under hillary clinton. i think it is very, very unfair what has happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and that the documents and papers that were illegally -- i stress that -- illegally leaked. very, very unfair. >> sean: that was president trump earlier today at the white house. talking about mike flynn's
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resignation and the leaks coming from intelligence agencies. prior to the press conference, trump tweeted... joining us now, devin nunes is with us. good to see you again, isn't it a crime in fact to leak this information? isn't it in violation of the espionage act?ac >> there could have been multiple crimes here committed to, sean, but for sure. leaking classified information is punishable by law. it needs to be looked into by the appropriate agencies, our committee is going to be requested, to try to bring these perpetrators accountable and hold them under the law. >> sean: i want to go back, to this piece. in the waning days of the
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administration. the obama administration expanded the power of thehe national security agency to share globally intercepted personnel communications withon the government's 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections. does that mean the list of potential leakers is that much bigger or not? >> if that is the case, we were never notified of that at the house intelligence committee. what i will say is that it's not just about what leaked, the transcripts that leaked on general flynn, the transcripts that donald trump talking to the mexican president, the australian prime minister, those also leaked. this is a state here that is falling apart and it is totallye unacceptable for anyone withinis government to be doing this. i think most of this is probably from people who are in the old administration. but there still could be some people that have burrowed in and
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are providing classified information to the media. >> sean: it's clearly a violation of law, is it not? is this not the type of thing that if you have a intelligence people, illegally intercepting phone calls of americans, that's illegal. if, in fact, they wanted to get the intel or hack into the phone of general flynn, wouldn't they have to get a court subpoena to do so? >> that is correct. i am not aware that they did that. my guess is that the intelligence agencies did not do this. what i am assuming is is this was picked up as they were tracking someone else. if that is the case, that would have had to go up to the highest levels of the obama administration to get approval to unmask who that person is. in this case, it was general flynn. then if you really look at these leaks, sean, it looks like these
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original leaks that were leakedl to the media happened in the beginning of january. that would mean it would have to come from the administration. >> sean: would you recommend m the attorney general convene a grand jury to get to the bottom of this? >> the first thing that has to happen is the fbi needs to do a full investigation of this and trying track down these leakers. >> sean: joining us now with more reaction is steve king, he said what happened to mike flynn was a political assassination. congressman, thank you for being here. explain what you mean. >> incorporated you for having me on. it looks like it was strategic, it was unfolded and kind of synchronized. that the intel that was gathered, perhaps within the fbi, someone within the or other components of the intelligence agency and strategically leaked to do
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maximum damage to mike flynn. we know the long knives had come out for him, this looks like a strategic plan. i'm not excusing the part that was miscommunications and dishonesty but that was between president trump, vice president pence and mike flynn. i was specifically saying that the federal statute that is violated is 18 u.s. c 798, makes it clear that it is a felony, ten years and of penitentiary for communicating in a classified information that is retrieved through our signal intelligence communications. >> sean: i have that in front of me, the code, "whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, transmits or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized persons or uses in any manner or for the benefit of any foreign government to the
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detriment of the united states" -- that's what the code says. do you have any doubt crimes were committed here? >> no doubt. i agree with devin nunes, if it was obtained through a warrant, and there is no way that it that information could come out, now we have someone who is either embedded within the fbi or another component of the intelligence community that it willfully leaked this to "the new york times" and "the washington post." now we have a nation of leftists that are hyperventilating over actually now arehe rumors. we do not have the transcripts of those telephone calls or a single phrase, we have these long stories that are coming out and now the democrats have created an entire narrative about this. they're eitherre trying to get e whole nation wrapped up in this but they were never marriedow about hillary clinton's real-time highly classified
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information, while she was secretary of state. >> sean: we always appreciate you being with us. coming up tonight, dr. sebastian gorka weighs in on u.s. russian relations and also, later tonight... >> under your leadership, ire believe we can reverse the radical tide of radical islam. >> sean: history in the making, prime minister netanyahu met with the president today. ari fleischer and steve hilton will join us. kevin mccarthy, all on this busy newsnight of "hannity." take a look at these barbeque trophies: "best cracked pepper sauce" "most ribs eaten while calf roping". yep. greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? uh, yea, well, uh... well, there's this one. "best insurance mobile app"? yep, three years in a row.
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before we get to that, like reince, bannon, kellyanne, ivanka, steve miller, you have also been under fire. i just wanted to give you a chance to respond because i know you are being attacked unfairly. i read a number of things about your involvement as a witness in the boston marathon case, even people suggesting you are a nazi sympathizer. what's your reaction? >> i think we are doing our job very well, it's the best they can do. i just find it amusing. my father was nine years old when world war ii started. he lived through the seas of budapest. he was put in prison by the communist dictators. i am the guy who is some kind of extremist? i was talking today to the acting u.s. attorney in boston who said we are so sorry about what's happening.
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we going to make sure everybody who reports on your part in the trial as an expert is going to do so accurately from now on. the funniest thing is, i have the invoices, being paid as an expert. i may not have taken the standxe boston bombing trial. if that's the best they've got, i'm happy. >> sean: what about u.s. russian relations? hillary wanted a russian reset,, obama said... i'll have more flexibility after i am reelected. what she wanted to convey to vladimir putin but not the american people, interestingly enough. do you think there is an opportunity in light of ukraine and crimea, in light of russian aggression, to reset and maybe have an alliance to defeat isis? is that possible? >> i think the best answer to that is the president's own words.
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donk you remember he gave a pres conference, where someone asked him the question about you and putin and so on and so forth and he was super blunt. he said i would like to be able to work with vladimir putin. i do not think it's going to bepen, and if it doesn't, so it. but there are of course some common interests. they have suffered from jihadist terrorism as have we. if you look at what they have done in crimea, if you look at the way they were facilitated, they weren't stopped by the obama administration, from invading another country. we look at the way how our u.s. ambassador now has categorically attacked that aggression, that occupation. it's ironic that the last administration that whispered ao have their own reset button, secretary clinton approved the sale of our uranium to russia. and they are not the ones that created the problem but we are? i have learned one thing in the last three and a half weeks, sean.
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80% of what you read in the media is 10180 degrees out of whack with reality. >> sean: coming up next, tonight, here on "hannity." >> i believe we can reverse the rising tide of radical islam. >> sean: praising donald trump's leadership during a press conference today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. fairly historic at the white house. and later tonight, bad news for obamacare, one company will pull out of the exchanges in 2018. "obamacare is in a death spiral." when will this law finally be repealed? we will ask kevin mccarthy about that and more, tonight, straight ahead. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text"... you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace.
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you. and i stand with you. there is no greater supporter of the jewish people and the jewish state and president donald trump. i think we should put that to rest. >> sean: here now with reaction, ari fleischer, steve hilton is back with us. let me start here. you could see the friendliness, the relationship that goes back so far, dramatic shift from the last eight years. it certainly and also they both are very strong in theirea criticism of radical islam. here's what stood out to me. donald trump, one state, two state, then he said we can do something much bigger. then i put that together, what the prime minister said, for the first time in his life in arab countries in the region do notte see israel increasingly as anything other than an ally and that this is a historic
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opportunity. here's my interpretation of that. based on the comments of the egyptian president, and the jordanians and the new emerging relationship with saudi arabia, if you add in the grits, could there be a coalition to stop iranian -- the threat of a nuclear armed iran? is that what they are both indicating? >> you nailed it. that's exactly right. that's>> profound. everyone wants to talk about personnel, this is why there is no more important personnel than the president himself. under president obama, which was how do we make life better for iran? we know of a policy of how do we make life better for america in the middle east? standing by our best ally, israel. and recognizing the greatr strategic change underway, the
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realliance of sunni arabs, jordan, bahrain, the uae, along with israel. against iran. that's the profound difference. it's a fundamental, wonderful change in the middle east. >> sean: i agree steve, complete with ari. the press conference was historic, deep, profound. the news conference today. israel has created new alliances that have never existed before with the saudis, jordanians, egyptians, if you add the u.s.qu to the equation, and you add the u.k. to the equation, you now have a coalition to defeat what i think is the number one state sponsor of terror that burns the israeli flag, the u.s. flag, chance's death to israel and america, the iranian mullahs. >> i think it's so exciting, ari is right. it's so refreshing, you have a president who is so clearly and strongly and warmly committed to israel, he is committed to move
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beyond the failed approaches of the past. and really shake things up. one of the things i really hate about the way the insiders and experts criticize trump as they say well, he's not following protocol and doing the diplomatic stuff. he's doing his own thing. that's exactly what we need. the old way of doing things havm not worked. >> sean: so deep. really profound. one state, two state, or bigger and better. an opportunity. i think ari, you have been around a long time, i cannot think of a better time than now to actually create a broad coalition that could really lead to a lasting peace in the middle east. that would also mean u.s. involvement there. i know every american would prefer that. >> a recognition that the arab nations really do not havet. palestinians as their first number one issue the way the foreign policy establishment in
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washington has sought they have had for decades. they have their own survival ass the number one issue. in that sense, they are working with israel because they see the threat coming from iran. if we can isolate iran, diminish them, because we have the shiite alliance, involving iran, syria, and hezbollah. we can now have a differentn coalition. we are doing it because we are doing what is principally right for america, which is to stand with israel.e to stop this nonsense. we need to support our allies. it's a welcome sign of change in washington. >> sean: steve, i would argue that the only world leader that had moral clarity and understood the real nature of the threat of radical islam -- he stood alone, was the prime minister. now he has a staunch ally that agrees and it supports everything he says.
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we may look back at this moment as the starting point potentially for a longer and m lasting peace, hopefully in the middle east. thank you both. quick programming note, tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. et, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu will join us. and coming up next, tonight, on "hannity." >> obamacare is a total and complete disaster. so we are going to end it with tremendous health care at a lower price. >> sean: the president promising obamacare will be repealed, replaced and replaced with something better. humana pulling out of the exchanges in 2018, aetna's ceo saying the disastrous health care law is now in a death spiral. we will ask kevin mccarthy and play some of your hotline calls to me. and our question of the day, straight ahead. if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity," president trump promised to repeal and replace obamacare. the law is a disaster. humana announced they will pull out of the exchanges in 2018 and the ceo of aetna said that the obamacare law is in a death spiral. congressman, i've been critical of the speed by which congress'v has not moved on obamacare. for eight years, you said repeal and replace.
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i've not seen a consensus plan to replace it yet and i keep reading that some republicans want to repair it and not repeal it. can you tell me please that is not true? >> that's definitely not true. we are moving forward. we just now have put in place the health and human service secretary tom price.e. he just got put in last week, at 2:00 in the morning. he is taking his first action, he will be in our conference tomorrow, for tomorrow we will roll out to our conference the plan -- we have before, where it is being scored. >> sean: there's a consensus plan that you have? >> sean, we've always had a plan. health savings accounts, we go through, we have gone through our plan time and again. tax credits, you go into the marketplace. high risk pools, to be able to
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save. >> sean: what i've been reading, we are going to do it in the beginning of the year. then we will do it by the spring. then sometime in the summer. and by the end of the year. >> next month. next month. listen. we were sworn in january 3rd, the first thing you have to have happened, the aca -- obamacare when it was put into power, itng gave 1400 pages of power to thep health and human service secretary. you don't want to go in and repeal and replace it without having the secretary in place. secondly, the president was not sworn in until the 20th. we want to work hand in hand together with president trump. we walked them through all of it. we've gone 200 day plans, he is with us on this all the way through, we've got the plan put forth. we are not like the democrats, no one has seen it.
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we have both, some markups in energy and commerce. >> sean: the president seems to be going through his checklist and keeping his s promises, the prime minister, i loved what he did today. i thought it was historic. i will run through a list. p one is extreme vetting, i know where you stand on originalist. his economic plan, repatriation, seven brackets to three. education sent back to the the states, building the wall, is congress in sync with all of that agenda, do you think? will that happen this year? >> yes. you've got understand all of that is already moving in place. let me explain why it is moving in the order in which it is moving. we have started taking up congressional review act, going after regulation.
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do you realize we have just made history -- if you go back in american history, only one congressional review act has been signed into law. the president is already doubling it this year where he has signed two in just this week alone. that is changing the forefront. we passed 13 going up this week and congress going forward. now we are going to repeal obamacare and replace it. that changes and it repeals great amount of tax, $8 trillion. the baseline which allows us to broaden how far we can go on the tax code which allows us to lower the tax rate -- >> sean: i've been very critical, this is music to my ears. if you add energy independence, i forgot that part of the agenda. then this country is going to be infinitely better off in my opinion. if that is all, all of those i things done in a year, i think the country will be safer, more secure, and i believe the economy will turn around. we'll get more people out of
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poverty. a huge tax cut getting rid of obamacare. so i appreciate you being honest. too many people have said maybe at the end of the year, maybe next year. >> we cannot wait. tomorrow you should seek -- you should celebrate what we're doing. it's all going to a 200 day plan, and it's all happening together into the country is continuing too grow. >> sean: at the end of that 200 days, that would be a mighty huge accomplishment. when they come back, we need your help. a question of the day and we will be playing maybe your voice mail message that you left for me on the "hannity" hotline, straight ahead. brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back.
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some call them veterans. we call them our team. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. and now we unleash it onwerful your taxes.pecies has created. hello my name is watson. yep. h&r block and ibm watson together. come see us and get your taxes won. ♪ >> sean: time for our "question of the day." why do you think the media is being so dishonest in their coverage of this administration. they are liberal leftists, they
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have an agenda, and they are lazy., @seanhannity on twitter. notes time to play some of the messages you left for me on the hand of >> i am so embarrassed by all the stuff the democrats are doing. but by main focus is safety. i am, for once, glad to have a president -- and i've always been a democrat. now i feel i cannot democratic or republican. >> the executive orders are trump's ways of writing a ship. this is what he is used to create get it done, get things straightened around when you take over a business. >> sean: two nights in a row, pretty good. even if you dislike me and have something to say, the number is there on your screen. 877-225-8587. and we hope you'll give us a call and let us know what you think of the show. that's all the time we have left
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this evening. quick programming note. tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern, i will be into interview the ♪ >> martha: breaking tonight, president trump comes to michael flynn's defense, as democrats delve into hyperbolic comparisons, calling it the worst crisis since pearl harbor or watergate. we will drill down on the reality tonight with breaking news on the story just moments away. from chairman of the house oversight committee, jason chaffetz, who was news to break here this evening. welcome today 27, everybody come up the first 100, i am martha maccallum. >> he has been treated very, very unfairly by the media. as i call it, the fake media, in many cases. i think it is really a sad thing that he was treated so badly. >> martha: t
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