tv The Five FOX News February 17, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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thank you very, very much pete something will be exploring. 10:00 eastern right through noon, what is at stake here, step-by-step, the good, the bad, fair and balanced. not everything is awesome. not everything is great. we thought we would try something called journalism. see you. >> hello, everyone, i am dana perino. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five" ." ♪ just four weeks after being sworn in, president trump is tackling a very ambitious legislative agenda and trying to deliver on his campaign promises. he outlined some of his items that the administration is checking off the list. let's see what it is. >> let me list for you some of the things we have done in a short period of time. just got here. i got here. we have withdrawn from the drop-killing disaster known as
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trans-pacific partnership. we have directed the elimination of regulations that undermine manufacturing. we have stood up for the men and women of law enforcement, directing federal agencies to ensure they are protected from crimes of violence. we boarded the department of homeland security and justice to destroy criminal cartels coming into the united states with drugs. >> it appears the president has a a and make a key ally in congress. here is the speaker paul ryan. >> what i did during the transition with my counterpart, mitch mcconnell, we put together a 200 day plan for the president to get this agenda that we have all agreed on through the system, and we are exactly on track with that. getting congress to act in just this amount of time, unprecedented. we do these things, this will be the most productive presidency and congress in our lifetime. >> mitch mcconnell says g.o.p.
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lawmakers will move forward with key items on the president's agenda even without bipartisan support. >> it is clear in the early months it will be a republicans-only exercise. we don't expect any democraticsd operation on tax reform. >> i almost ready tease they are like this is almost over. it is not. >> [imitating mitch mcconnell] i am mitch mcconnell. >> so much has happened. needless to say, long days, short weeks. >> used to say that. >> i used to. i do not say that as much, my days are not as long. >> thanks for that. >> well done. greg gutfeld is seriously the brother i never wanted. okay. there is a 200-day agenda. he started to lay it out.
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maybe in the media, they have looked at it, the progress so far and said, there are no 1000-page bills that are expanding the roles and the size of government, there for they are not doing anything. which would not be the case. >> four weeks and five hours into a presidency, we have a media that is focusing on this little event or the constant back and forth he has with the media. but when you peel that away, look at what else is going on. talks about the regulations rolled back, which he did. we have tens of thousands of jobs committed to staying here, tens of billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars in committed investments. stock market is up 10% since he has been elected. consumer confidence at 6-year highs. jobs number, it blew away expectations, the number jobs created. two things he does well. he gets out in front of the people he does today and probably will do again tomorrow afternoon, i hear.
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also, he loves to make deals. talked quite extensively about his bowling deal today, going to save money boeing and loc. lockheed martin. >> i think it is good to get out of washington, d.c., once and a while, . >> once you get over your blood pressure dropping, get over the headache like i just did this afternoon after coming from d.c., it is great. but what i was going to say is, i think the president also needs to be a little bit careful when he talks about his accomplishments like he did earlier today. he talks about things and what he does is talk about directives that he has given to the federal government, and i would caution that, you know, ordering people to do something is not the same as accomplishing something. for example, ordering the department of defense to present him with a plan to defeat isis is not the same thing as defeating isis. i think the president gets an a+
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ambition and plans to go forward with these big reforms, but you definitely can't declare victory at on a lot of these things. there is a long haul ahead, a lot of the initiatives he has in mind he's going to have to work with with congress to get through. so i would temper the rhetoric a little bit to start playing realistic expectations for his supporters. >> i think it is interesting. as a press conference yesterday, everybody is still talking about it, which is basically providing cover for the republicans to go and do all of the little detail work. >> he creates his own distractions. he is the penn and teller presidency. the best kind of illusionist is where you do summon with your left hand so somebody is looking at your left hand and your right hand is doing a bunch of other stuff. what did his right hand just do? he just got scott pruitt confirmed. probably the leading critic of the epa is heading the epa. that is like appointing michael moore in charge of pie. [laughter]
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no better analogy over this. >> you remember the old snowball trick, you throw one snowball really high, and while the guy is looking at it commit you pelt them with the other? >> i would never do that, eric. >> this whole fight he has with the media, -- >> it is a blessing and a curse, in one way, you get scott pruitt through, in another way, people don't know. the story about flynn, the fact that intelligence says that they listened to the phone calls, there was nothing in there that would be wrong. nobody is talking about that because we're too busy talking about other stuff. it was brought up, but we should have led with that. >> meanwhile, speaker banner and mitch mcconnell are scurrying off they are lining it all up. >> the other thing that mitch
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mcconnell said today, once the fever breaks for the democrats, he think they're going to want to come to the table. do you see that? >> not yet. mitch mcconnell also said that he thinks this is going to be a republicans-only deal, that democrats are basically following the republican rep of obstruction. he is not counting on democrats coming to play ball. to me, even when you look at what is going on, i am reminded that yesterday the president said his administration is a well-oiled machine, right? like a precision ferrari roaring down the road. to me, it strikes me as, wow, that is an alternative reality, alternative fact. from the media point of view, just yesterday, he gets turned down by the guy he wants to replace general flynn as national security advisor. >> we will have a whole segment about that. >> you think about it, conservatives have even complained about the fact that
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tax reform, tax reform that had been promised, that is -- >> what you are saying to that point is that speaker ryan was pretty specific saying at the retreat they had in philadelphia, the last week in january, they said, mr. president, here is a 200-day plan. they say that they are meeting all of those benchmarks. first the president said he wanted to tackle regulations. that has been done both from an administrative level and on the hill. next will be obamacare. you site details come a lot about that day. of course, there will be inviting on that. and the third will be tax reform. >> speaker ryan said that is the way it has to be. you have to pick and choose if you want tax reform or obamacare first. you can't tackle them at the same time. he promised obamacare repeal end replace so they will probably take that on. for me, i'm looking at the stock market and all of these good economic numbers. those are based on tax reform happening.
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not happening in a prostrate 18, have -- in '18, happening this year. both on the corporate level, the repatriation level, and the individual level. >> i think that is why there is a problem, so much having to do with flynn and the russians and pressure from congress now. i specifically want to call attention to republicans in congress, thinking the senate in particular, for saying that we have got to dig into this, not going to form a select committe committee, not going to get the new attorney general to recuse himself. but we are going to look at it, because i think they see that their numbers, and whether they are able to keep the senate majority in '18 is separate. they don't want to get way down if trump and the russians start a war. >> one thing i want to talk about my great command that is -- >> at the haircut? >> very nice.
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[laughter] >> i did get a haircut today. there are hundreds of possibilities for district and circuit court judges that you could start naming pretty quickly which will probably shored up to the republican base. >> i think everybody has got to relax. what is the rush? a 200-day plan? i don't have a two-day plan. i don't know what i'm doing after this show. but 200 days, everybody is panicking, and it is, what, to 26? the magic word is, "turmoil" ." for most of america, politics is not personal or professional. it is just something that they tune in. >> also, they don't -- >> you want to look at turmoil, look at kumar, venezuela, the beacons of progressivism. we are doing fine. you have a new person in charge, a little crazy, not as bad as people say it is, not as great
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as people say it is, it is okay. >> everyone is more energized, whether you are happy or not. can't say there is not a lot more energy. which is a good thing, i think. >> any democrats in a rush, democratic lawmakers, you could come in next week instead of taking the week off. >> oh, sing. >> they have to go to their districts and connect with their constituents. >> several months off? >> when you are a senator, you are going to say, oh, i get it, why you need to go home to your people. >> people? >> people? >> whatever, it is friday. a new report claiming the administration is considering using the national guard to round up illegal immigrants. details on that controversy ahead on "the five." ♪ >> announcer: this program is brought is broughtca to bike progressive, comparingso rates o help you save. now, that is progressive.
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right? >> look, this is a president that appears to be in a bunker mentality right now, whatever that is. >> to me come up when you have presidents take office, many of them are empowered to get bigger. i think you have a president that looked smaller and more insecure in his position. >> today we have learned the length of the president's views. 28 days. president trump called a hasty news conference and went on offense with the familiar tools that build his career. bluster, bravado, exaggeration, and a few loose facts. >> meanwhile, rush limbaugh sw things just a bit differently. >> you they want you to believt they are this watchdog, that they are holding powerful people accountable. they are not doing anything of the sword. the press has gotten to the point where they needed watchdog, and it turns out that trump is the watchdog, trump is the guy holding them accountable. this was one of the most
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effective press conferences i've ever seen. >> dana, first thoughts? trying to give him a pass because he's my friend, but, scott, come on. >> i don't have any friends. screw all of them. [laughter] a bunch of sycophantic weirdos. >> you want to take on the left-wing mainstream media or rush limbaugh? >> easy to make fun of the media because, i mean, he hammered them, they hammered us. the bigger point is, what were they doing for the past eight years. you have been ghazi, the doj, the country was on fire, they were roasting weinies. he can't simply castigate the media, he's got to marry the meteor to the democrats because the media isn't on the ballot. we at this table, the polls show
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90% liberal. so he has got to make that connection repeatedly so when people go and vote, they know they are voting not just against democrats but the media. >> i think you were spot on with this, the worst thing, rather than being called bad names, not being mentioned at all. >> he said that in "the art of the deal." not that any press is good for us, but the only thing worse than them not talking badly about you is they're not talking about you at all. i think it was effective in terms of changing the subject. but like was written today, like two bubbles colliding. one person's entertainment is another person's come out look at him and his self-pity blaming the media. why doesn't get something done. i think in his first month, because four weeks feels like vocal months, you expect 25 things to have gotten done. there is a 200-day plan, they are working their plan. let's look at the results. going after the media might be effective for a while.
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it plays to your face. you know who else played to their face? president obama. he ended up losing in this midterm elections. it can be effective to play to your base, but when you need to get bills passed? >> part of the left-leaning mainstream media. [laughter] how is he playing this? is he playing this right or is he setting himself up for a lot of trouble in the legislative branches? >> i think you legislative branches are worried that, in fact, he has distracted them from their business. it is going to be hard to do this. contrary to what you guys think, i think it has been a gusher over the last four weeks. so much goes on it is hard to remember what happened earlier in the week. while this is going on, the question is, what of substance is going on. that is what the legislators want to know. do we have something concrete that we can get together on, agree on, then put on the
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president's desk so he has an agenda that will say to the voters and those midterm elections, republicans get things done, and we are satisfying the promises that we made. yesterday i think it's exactly right what greg was saying about, watch my left hand not my right hand. all he was doing was distracting from the controversies, the flynn stuff, he is making amazingon by so many. he is insulting a jewish reporter who is trying to ask in an easy question , >> if folks at home can't see her right hand when were watching the show. that's what you were doing. >> respond to that. what you are talking about why much of america liked them. yesterday was the most human performance. how many of us have prematurely gotten angry at somebody like you did with the reporter. i have done that every day.
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especially in new york, you tend to get mad at somebody that is waiting on you, then you do this implicit apology of being nicer to them later or maybe you might even apologize. but this is a human act. >> the other way people can see this, stream of consciousness, that would have been better done if he was in a shrink's office. oh, the leaks are real but the news stories are fakes fake? >> just for 5 seconds, that speech was an amazing insight, whether you like them or support him or don't into the way that president trump thinks and sees the world around them. like an all expense-paid trip around the world for the entire world in one hour and 15 minutes. he touched on every major policy issue that is a challenge today. he touched on every hot spot around the world. he touched on all of his grievances.
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this was an incredible -- i hate to say transparency because it is not even like -- i don't know that it was conscious transparency. >> he is the most transparent person. >> is that reality tv? >> i think there was an incredible amount of information to be gleaned from that speech. >> so much of it was steph he would describe as alternate reality. >> overrated. >> is that it? just saying what's on your mind. >> won being the outsider. >> but he is still campaigning. >> where did you learn that? president obama. definitely. a permanent campaign. >> he used to condemn obama for age, remember? >> he said that was a queens press conference. that is what you expect from a
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new yorker. >> behind the scenes, congress is up his u-know-what. >> watch your mouth. >> the white house is blasting a controversial new report claiming that the national guard may be called. is this more fake news? we'll tell you that. ♪ bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea, even from thousands of feet above. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. because safety is never being satisfied. withevery late night...g... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes
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>> there is an ap report that says they are considering, the administration is considering 100,000 national guard troops to round up immigrants. that is despicable. that would be one of the most un-american things that would have been in the last century, and i just hope it is not true. the fact that i might be considered is appalling. >> >> this is hard to discuss, because clearly sean spicer, the white house, saying no true, but, in fact, there was something written that the ap obtained that said it was being discussed. so should we interpret this as real or not real? >> i don't know if it is real or fake. but let's get real for a second about the policy, which is, if you are going to, on any kind of a large-scale deport illegal immigrants, this is not a political statement i am making,
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this was the platform, practically, how do you implement that? i don't see a way forward for this policy without sending in the national guard. by which i mean, how do you deport these people? >> you can use immigration and customs enforcement, border officials. >> there is not enough to go around the country door-to-door and drown people up. my point being, if you support the policy, if you support the policy, you should support this mechanism, because there is no other practical way to achieve it. >> so now we go to mr. sensitivity. >> no, we are missing the point that this is nothing new. if trump is hitler over these i.c.e. rates, stalin combined, like my wife at christmas, he sends back everything, send national guard troops to arizona, california, new mexico, claimed it was for logistical
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support, so the other agents can actually do the, "rounding up." >> but it is a necessary step. that's my point. people want the immigrants gone, but when you start seeing the implementation at -- >> slowdown, slowdown, wait a minute. dana, when you militarize a group of people and say, you are in charge of deportation. the idea of a deportation force scares people a little bit. you see why people might be anxious? >> when i first saw the ap breaking news tweets this morning, i have learned to not react until -- within four or five hours they will be another story. now, the ap says that they asked for comment, that they didn't get it, there was a question of, they made this up. then they released the actual memo from john kelly, but they say it was just a draft and he never saw it. here is the bottom line, the administration has said, this is not happening.
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so that actually now is policy. it doesn't really matter. if you are worried, if you are chuck schumer and you are worried cannot you just force them to say it is not happening. >> by not allow the democrats to do what they do best, take something, politicize it, take the facts, throw it out, then come back with assuming that that's their narrative. >> but it does scare people. >> of course, the other thing that the general said, most of the people they are rounding up are criminals. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer said, that is nonsense, no proof of that. here is a document ijr obtained that shows that they do have criminal records, 80%, not three quarters, 80%. >> a little lower than what -- obama. >> if you are sitting back, -- sending back 859 people, -- who cares. >> this is about something else,
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ramping up the deportation force, militarizing them. one last question. next week, the immigration order rewritten? >> yeah, they said it. >> juan, one question. who is going to speak for the american felon? the american felon sitting in jail right now going, everybody is worried about the illegal alien felon being sent back but nobody cares about the poor american felon. i think it is time we start -- >> america first, america first, america first. >> greg, they should take heart. >> when we come back, turmoil, chaos, that is how some are describing president trump's national security council. are there any closer to finding a replacement for general flynn? experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing.
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national security for pfizer general flynn. this as reports a president trump may meet with candidates in florida this weekend. joining us with an update on the nsa short-list's chief white house correspondent john roberts from south carolina. good evening, john. what can you tell us? >> gillian, good evening to you. president trump was here for a couple of hours, he has two interviews and candidates, a couple candidates we already know about, lieutenant general keith kellogg, acting national security advisor. another candidate, general david betrays who the president has spoken with many times. some new names being added to the list, fox news has learned that general keith alexander, may be interviewed this weekend. he is potentially in the running for the job as his lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster who has a reputation in the military as being one to buck the status quo. so that could fit in very nicely
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with president trump's approach. also, stephen hadley, who was the national security advisor under president bush 43, being considered for the job. an old hand, could do it with his eyes closed. the reason why all this is happening this week it is because vice admiral robert harward, a navy seal, defeated commander at centcom, said no to the job offer. he has been working with lockheed in the private sector. it wasn't really working for his family to come back in the government for four years, probably one of the most intense jobs anywhere on the planet. his wife has convinced him, got to make a nice living in thepri. i don't want to say that you set your own hours, but maybe work less, decided not to take the job. back to square one trying to find a replacement for general flynn. gillian? >> thanks for that. it seems like every hour there is another person on the list. getting better and better, it's
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great. >> like the weather in florida. if you don't like it, wait 10 minutes. it will change. >> there you go, for those of us to get to be in florida, which is not me. [laughter] one thing that i would like to know and get clarity on about this story is, when it became obvious that harward was not going to accept the position, was this something that he had to go with to the president, meaning, did the president asked him directly if he would take this job or no? was it reince priebus, the chief of staff? i ask this because there is an important difference. dana would probably backed me up on this. if the wood-be national security advisor made it to the oval and had to say. president, i'm not sure, i have to think about it, that is some pretty shoddy work. >> a good point. >> it is over my head. >> everything is. >> oh. i'm out of here. >> if the president asked you directly, i think it is hard to say no.
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maybe that was one of the reasons you make they didn't do that, not put too much pressure on him if he was not sure he won't take the job. of that distance to say, i don't want to do it. >> hopefully he said that the reince, not the president. >> the impression i have is that general matters was encouraging both president trump and vice admiral to get together. an outstanding military leader, so now i think anybody in the military and a lot of these positions who wants to say, i really don't feel it, i think they now they have really a model here. >> i feel bad for mattis. the person when you try to set two people up and you think it is going to be great and it is totally awkward? one of them is like, what are you talking about? but it is weird how all of this is playing out publicly. should've had a rose ceremony.
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>> of course, the left-leaning, left-wing media, he turned it down because he saw chaos in the administration. and he came out unequivocally and said, it is not about chaos. it is about talking to my family. then reince priebus said, i will give the media this guys phone number. general harward, his cell phone, call him yourself. sure enough, all about family. call me crazy, and i know this is going to be one of those, oh, he had a problem with flynn, why not the same problem with petraeus, but i would love to see that guy. i just think he is just as she embodies what he wanted in the nsa right now. >> >> what about that? >> i think that he would be an amazing choice. i also think that k.t. mcfarland should be considered. i don't see why not. good enough to be the deputy, if
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you're the deputy, means you are able to step into the issues if a vacancy is available. >> elected vice president. if you don't have trust that the person could do a really solid job, the nation be the number two. >> but i think as far as the theory here, harward felt he can't bring his own team and he may not have wanted people who were previously with flynn. >> that is understandable too. >> i have not rejected the offer as of yet. i don't know. >> tweet us if you think greg should be in the running. mullet over. in the meantime -- mull it over. in the meantime -- [laughter] ♪ are you kidding me? are you kidding me? no, looks like he took a wrong turn. don't worry, this guy's got like a four-star rating,
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literally my favorite question on person on earth. that was supposed to be made. >> i'm so sorry. look, juan is in disbelief. >> what? do i have a chance? >> look at what happened to diana. >> oh! >> way to bring it down. one person for a day, juan. >> you say in -- usain bolt. >> apparently has a great time at night as well. >> likes to party. >> that wasn't me. >> aaron rodgers. i would love to be in the pocket. who doesn't love aaron rodgers. >> and you would get to date olivia munn. >> oh, it's sheet -- that had nothing to do with it.
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>> i'm on top of things. >> dana? >> i can't come up with anything. all of your insecurities. trying to think of somebody tall. >> anybody. >> come he got you back. >> i would say my wife. i'd like to be my wife one day just to see what i am like. >> little bit of an egomaniac. >> i would like to know what it is like to be married to myself. >> i'd go, boy, he smells funny. i'm so rude. he eats with his mouth open. we're going to go this way. from bill c, dana, what is the best and worst innovation in your lifetime, but he would like and what he would want to get rid of. >> i love amazon. and all things that come with it. seamless, all of these things
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that make life easy. that was my new year's resolution, embrace new technologies that make life easier. >> that was one heck of a resolution. you're so brave. eric? >> best and worst innovation, smart phone, worst also. i do think going forward, self-driving cars are going to be the best innovation. >> why is that? >> i think you have far fewer highway deaths. >> say, why don't we go around that guy? >> see, that will be the guy that sits in the fast lane going slow. won't be that guy. >> automation, all of those jobs gone. terrorists can't stop that, eric. >> but someone has got to make all the computer gear that goes in the cars. >> that is just grown and a farm. >> i am a fan of things like crushed ice and ice cream. a coke over crushed ice is hard to beat.
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>> that's true. cherry coke. >> in your lifetime. >> juan has been around forever. >> that is true. if it's not in your lifetime and conception all, give credit to the constitution. that is pretty unbelievable. >> that is pretty true. gillian? >> i don't want to come after the constitution. kind of a downer. >> hard to follow. >> i don't know what is called, but you know when you take your dog for a walk in the park and you have the thrower? >> chuck it. for those of us who don't have a great or far throw. >> it is like, it is the best. >> that is amazing. >> that way you don't have to go that far. >> you know it is great? 3:00 in the morning. >> that is true.
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in certain areas of the world, greatest innovation to meet as bathing because it reduces disease, and i think that is a great innovation. the worst innovation, indoor plumbing, i think that is strange that one would do that inside your house. >> so brave inside and bathroom outside? even in the middle of the winter? >> hey, it is worth it. i don't want it in my house. when you are embedded, an apartment in new york, the pipes around you, i hear a toilet flush and i think i might it comes. i can't stand it. [laughter] anybody living in an apartment and knows what i am saying. your walls are filled with this stuff. >> go to sleep! >> i can't sleep anymore, juan! >> everywhere, surrounded by po
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she turns around and sees this person in a dunkin' donuts outfit. that was her boyfriend and he had planned to console her for missing the shot by proposing to her, but instead, she goes home a winner. she not only won $500 for making the shot, but a fiance too. congratulations, we wish her well. eric? >> wow. president trump killed a couple of regulations this week, here is why regulations matter for jobs. they are job killers. 2009, 2010, 3,037 new regulations costing, gets this, $873 billion per year, costing businesses that much. the coal mining industry, 36,500 jobs watch. all mining, 85,600 jobs lost. manufacturing, 220,000 jobs lost, all mostly because of the
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uptick in regulations under president obama. one more time, thanks, obama. >> thanks, obama. >> no mention of automation? nothing to do with it. as you know, mark cuban, one of the president's most vociferous critics and, of course, willing to say it to bill o'reilly. >> i don't think he has been able to show any leadership. i don't think he has taken responsibility for the white house. and i don't think he has shown them any direction. >> cuban, as you know, a billionaire, owns the dallas mavericks. yesterday come up one of his season-ticket holders took exception to trump -- excuse me, to cuban calling trump pinocchio on twitter. he said he would turn in his season tickets and boycott the mavericks games. guess what, cuban is putting his money where his mouth is. he is offering that fan a refund for the cost of his tickets. >> come wow prayed >> well, how
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gentlemanly. got >> this is going to be absolutely insane. life create okay. bad news, passing away at 79. if you are a kid like me they grew up in the '70s, an amazing wrestler. if you don't know his name. his real name was william james meyer. he got his masters degree, he was a high school teacher and a wrestling coach in michigan. but he was probably known for that, destroying the turnbuckle with his teeth. anyway. >> and that sweater he was wearing. >> a hairy man but a great personality and a legend. >> gillian, your turn. >> for anyone who is looking for a job.
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none of you. i didn't means make pointed eye contact with you. the queen of england is taking a cue from president trump come out looking for a professional tweeter. this is a big year for queen elizabeth, 65th year as monarch. i believe that the record, i think her father came close, or maybe it was her father, this is a very big deal. calling at her sapphire jubilee. and she wants to hire somebody, she is going to pay them 30,000 pounds a year. almost 3 million twitter followers. >> it is actually the citizen that is paying for her tweeter, right? >> why do you have to be such a downer? >> because it is not fair. >> this is really exciting. i love the royal family. >> everybody in that chair.
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>> i gave her a crown. >> thank you for watching. we will see you back here monda monday. "special report" is up next. ♪ >> bret: one day after blistering the media, president trump heads outside the beltway, taking his campaign style rhetoric directly to the people. this is "special report." ♪ good evening, i am chris wallace in for bret baier. president trump is once again sounding his populist theme tonight, telling a crowd in south carolina he will fight for every american job. one job that has become more of a fight than anticipated is national security advisor. feeling that post-has become a challenge for the president. chief white house correspondent john roberts has the latest tonight. good
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