tv Hannity FOX News February 18, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST
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they've been hard hit for eight years. >> i'm chris wallace in washington, tune in for fox news sunday with reince then, have a great weekend. "hannity" next musical musicals produced welcome to "hannity." the tonight's opening monologue. snuffling anchors and reporters are whining, complaining of president trump daring to call
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them out yesterday. let's run through some of the examples, over at nbc, chuck todd was so incensed by the press conference, he tweeted, "this is not a laughing matter. delegitimizing the press is un-american. no, you did it to yourself, chuck paid the president is defending himself from what is an out-of-control media bias. somehow he is calling that un-american? chuck wasn't done there. he also compared trump to richard nixon. let's watch this. >> a lot of this press conference had to do with the president airing grievances about the press, and we've got to remember what this is. it is a political tactic. one that is a familiar one. but he is going at it in a way we haven't seen a president do since nixon and in the early '. >> sean: chuck todd is probably upset but one of the biggest purveyors of all this fake news. wasn't that long ago when he falsely claimed that the president's travel ban, including a religious test. that is a lie, chuck. remember this. president trump suspended the refugee program for 120 days. closed the borders on passport holders from seven muslim majority countries .3 months and barred syrian refugees indefinitely. mr. trump established a religious test for refugees from
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those countries, allowing an exception for christians and others from minority religions. 's purdue then there is brian williams at nbc it now. let's take a look at the kind of fake news that was said in response to a comet a guesstimate on his show. watch this. >> that is the most basic function of a free press in our society. and the president's response to that was to have a semimouth down and to accuse us all of purveying fake news and, in fact, his own actions, which were to fire general flynn, proved that news was spot on. it was 100% accurate. >> because when you reduce the media enough and prestige, when they do report facts, those facts are diminished. >> sean: speaking of reducing the prestige of the all important, all arrogant media,
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you may remember you lied repeatedly cannot remember the helicopter you were supposedly flying in in iraq and was coming under attack? talk about seeing a dead body floating past your hotel after hurricane katrina? a location there were no water and no dead bodies? but the anchors they're not alone, could also not racist lashing out at the president, watch this. >> today, we learned the length of the president's views page 28 days. after four weeks of being blocked by courts, challenged by congress, and held to account by the public, president trump called a hasty news conference and went on offense with the familiar tools that filled his career. luster, bravado, exaggeration, and a few loose facts. >> sean: went to be so proud? "abc news," they got and also, why would they get out. >> that was the most amazing press conference by a president
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i've seen, been watching since the '70s, i mean the amazing and spectacular insight into donald trump and his state of mind today. when you have presidents take office, many of them are in powdered and get bigger. i think you had a president in that press conference that looked smaller and more insecure and that press conference. slow and cnn and the consistently biased coverage, drew the attention of the president at yesterday's presser. sure enough, the commander in chief, he let them have it, and i loved every minute of it. have a look paid >> i am not okay when it is fake. i mean, i watch cnn. so much anger and hatred and just the hatred. i don't watch it anymore because it is very good -- saying no. okay, jim. that's okay, jim. you'll have your chance. >> follow up on some questions. >> you do have other people. ratings aren't as good as some of the other people that are waiting. look at a show that goes on at
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10:00 in the evening, you look at that show. that is a constant hit. the panel is almost always exclusive anti-trump. the good news is, he doesn't have the ratings pay to sit down. sit down. >> just because of the fakeness and attacking our network, i just want to ask you, sir -- >> i am going to change it from fakeness. >> sean: not only was he presidential, not only was he honest, he was being funny. cnn is not happy about getting called out. here is how jake tapper responded immediately after. >> jake, i think all of us were pretty much stunned by the course of this hour and 15 minute appearance. >> everybody at home needs to ask themselves, how would you react if that were your boss coming in and giving a speech paid how would you react if that were somebody in your family that you were trying to have a
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conversation with. >> president trump, if you are watching, you're the president. you legitimately won the presidency. now get to work and stop whining about it. >> sean: the sting is the truth, isn't that the network that fed questions to hillary clinton? then with that campaign, president trump has not stopped working. that is not all. cnn decided it was appropriate to mark the president by sending out a tweet with a video that reads, "turn your sound up and watch president trump conduct an amazing symphony -- press conference." here is the video. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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oh, that's what we get from a real news network? by the way, jim jake tapper, jm acosta, you want to defend that as news? or is that "saturday night live." one of the many reasons he keeps calling cnn fakeness. here is what this means. everything you saw amounts to a giant, huge temper tantrum from a bunch of overpaid spoiled brats, so-called journalists who finally got called out for their bad behavior. all the members of the media, they can be mad all they want, it doesn't change the fact how biased, how lazy they are, and how abusive they have been towards the 45th president. in case they don't remember, here are some more examples. >> this was a white flash, this was a white clash against a changing company, it was a whit white lash. >> you're not having a terrible, terrible dream, you are not dead and you haven't gone to hell.
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this is our election, this is our country. it is real. >> >> there is no b.s. to it tonight. he believes everything he said today. the way he said it, it was so manic. it's the one pretty unbelievable. "the new york times," as bad as cnn. they had to reprimand a reporter for making a vile comment about the first lady, melania. also a fake michael flynn twitter account, and the so-called record, they tweeted an image of a late-night show video that had stephen miller, who works for the president, head on a stick. showing that compared to president obama, 68% of registered voters saving media has been a lot tougher on president trump. we have shown you repeatedly on this show, how the left
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propaganda misrepresents the pop president and his policies. he drew a line in the sand, he said, enough is enough, and he did it in a very even, measured tone. you can guarantee that if the media gets out of line again, i expect the president to hit back again. why shouldn't he? the truth matters and the people who are suffering from an information crisis argue come on, the american people. here with reaction, fox news contributor herman cain. i loved every minute of it. i thought his tone was measured, he wasn't showing anger, he showed a lot of humor, he told a lot of truth, and they can't seem to handle any criticism. what they are accusing him of. >> the pain of being thrown under the bus is very painful, and that is what they are reacting to, sean paid psychologists have described the first three stages of grief as denial, anger, and acceptance. but the liberal media and the democrats have inserted what i call phase 2.5.
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it is called destroyed. they want to destroy donald trump and his administration at all costs, so they are telling the 50% of people who watch any news at all all of these misconceptions about what he has said and what he has done. the other 50%, thank goodness, they are watching your program, listening to us. they can't handle the truth and that is why they are still having this temper tantrum that you described. >> sean: look at all of the examples. look at "the new york times," and one week, all of the things they got wrong. i'm going to put up on the side of the screen, i won't read it myself, but we will split screen it for you. this is the federalist providing a list of fake news stories that reporters have run. the other side of it is cannot look at how they were exposed to wikileaks. all of these networks, all of them, exposed as openly colluding with the clinton campaign. how do they not reconcile that?
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>> they are in denial and anger and in destroy mode, and they can't see it. the irony of it is, they are only destroying themselves. more and more people, like some of the people you probably have talked to on your shows, people that called into my show, more and more people are seeing this hypocrisy as they are not buying it. the american people are not stupid, but the liberal media still doesn't get it. they are still in destroy mode, and it is not working. >> sean: it is also the stories they don't run. in our next segment we have a very important story that we are covering tonight, and it is about the leaking from our intelligence community, communications, we have a law that is called the espionage act. if they are spying, our security agencies, in this case, on a russian ambassador, and they realize he is talking to an american, they are supposed to
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minimize the listening and minimize the reporting on the american. not only did they not do that and follow the law, which is a felony, but then they leaked this. not covering 18 usc 793, the espionage act, they didn't have a warrant to tap into the phone conversation of general flynn. this was illegal, this was a crime, if they can do this to him, they can do this to anybody. they don't even want to touch it. why? >> they don't want to touch it because they are used to eight years of an administration that they supported of only select daily covering -- selectively cg select laws that were enforced. donald trump and his administration are doing something the previous administration didn't do, enforcing the laws. the law is the law, and he is saying, and rightly so, which is why so many people are positively responding to him, enforce the laws on the books.
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>> sean: they had better get used to it. my prediction is, the people they keep leaking within the intelligence community are going to be arrested and probably go to jail. one last question. we have had, in 30 days, shock and all. the media, oh, he is this, oh, he is that. i thought he had a perfect temperament yesterday, and all the promises the president has made and kept in 30 days is pretty spectacular. more importantly, every other promise, he has done not come up with the supplement screen here, not out there telling the story that the president made these promises, keeping these promises. i think that is a big news stor story. >> it is a great news story, and what we are seeing is what i have described in the acronym s.i.n. they are not only shifting the
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subject, super shifting. trying to get people so they don't know the fact if they watch those sources. they are ignoring the facts relative to what president donald trump and this administration have accomplished. that is what is going on, sean. >> sean: americans need jobs to get off poverty, out of food stamps, need to secure the borders, not blood radical islamists in the country, pretty profound. herman, good to see it. coming up next in this busy newsnight on "hannity." >> we are issuing a new executive action next week that will comprehensively protect our country. >> sean: the president says he will, in fact, sign a new executive action related to the travel ban next week. jay sekulow weighs in on the legal aspects of that. also, the legal aspect.
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also tonight... >> if i come back into hundred days, well, i made a promise -- here is what i am saying. we have a plan to do that. we are on schedule. >> sean: yesterday, washington, i went to go interview the speaker of the house, we are starting a new segment tonight holding them accountable. we'll tell you all about it we'll tell you all about it straight my friends think doing this at my age is scary. we'll tell you all about it straight i say not if you protect yourself. what is scary? pneumococcal pneumonia. it's a serious disease. my doctor said the risk is greater now that i'm over 50! yeah...ya-ha... just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia- an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that
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on to ♪ >> and executive actions give radical islamic terrorists out of our country. the parts of our necessary unconstitutional actions were blocked by blocked by georgians, and my -- -- judges, and my opinion, incorrect. vigorously defending this lawful order. we are issuing a new executive action next week that will comprehensively protect our country. so will be going along the one path and hopefully winning back. at the same time, we will be issuing a new and very comprehensive order to protect our people. it's the one the president announcing yesterday he will sign a new executive action on immigration early next week.
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so what can be worded differently so liberals and the courts cannot stop it? joining us now from the american center for law and justice, jay sekulow. lightning round to get facts on the table. the the big story, you agree wie me, the intelligence community has been politicized among some. what they did in leaking this was illegal, correct? >> absolutely illegal, almost becomes a soft crew in a sense. a felony. >> sean: that would be the espionage act, 18 u.s. code 798. the other thing is, so we know our intelligence agencies, they were doing their job and monitoring the russian ambassador. there is law and protocol, i want you to go into more detail here, when they discover that an american is being spoken to, the person they have targeted for surveillance, if they don't have a warrant, they are supposed to
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stop recording, minimize what they hear from the american citizen, in this case, it would be general flynn. that makes it illegal. >> so it is called minimization. it is a requirement under the law. when you find out it is american, you don't have a wiretap essentially, shut it off for their portion of the conversation. sean, there was a sea change in the nsa with an order that came up from president obama, 17 days before he left office, now goes to 16 agencies and that just festered this whole leaking situation. that happened on the way out as the president was leaving the office. >> sean: hold that thought. this this is important. in its final days, the obama administration expanded the power of the national security agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government, 16 other agencies,
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intelligence agencies, before applying privacy protections. explain the severity of this. this means that information that most people would never see it is now spread all throughout the entire intelligence community. >> the question i asked, why did the old obama administration wt until 17 days if they waited and i thought it was so important. they had eight years. that's number one. changed executive order back to ronald reagan that has been in place until 17 days before the obama administration was going to end. the nsa gets the raw data and they determine dissemination. instead this change that the president put in place, signed off on, by the way, by james clapper, signed off by loretta lynch, the attorney general, january 3rd, 2017. they decide that now all of a sudden 16 agencies can get the raw data. what that does, creates a shadow government. you of all of these people that are not agreeing with the
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president, president trump's opinion. so it just festers. if they had a justification for this, wonderful. why didn't they do it eight years ago, four years ago, three years ago. they wait until 17 days left. >> sean: that much more difficult by spreading out the information if they want to target or take away the privacy rights and illegally tapped the phones, in this case, a general flynn. going to be much harder to find perpetrators. is that a good analysis? >> yes. but it has done, increased 16-fold the people that would have access. initially, just the nsa, very small amount of people that would have had access. with this change administratively, so a significant that they allowed dissemination to 16 other agencies of raw data. we wonder why there are leaks. i'll tell you something, president obama, james clapper, loretta lynch, they should be held accountable for this. not only illegal, but the way
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they did it. >> sean: designed for the purpose of allowing their spies to do the very thing we see happening? >> yeah, they're justification to be, it will help with intelligence gathering. like i said, eight years into your administration you decide to do it? that needs to be answered. i'm curious to see what they will say. >> sean: the president is going to issue a new executive order as it relates to extreme vetting. you actually have written your own version, if you will, that you feel would withstand the constitutionality and even get an 8-0 vote if it goes from the ninth circuit to the supreme court. i am putting up on the side of the screen the changes you have suggested. explain why they need to be put in place and specifically why you think you could get get a 0 unanimous decision. >> the one circuit where the ninth circuit went after the administration -- i think the order was constitutional. but i like cases tight, if i'm going to take a case that goes
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to the supreme court, so where the white house vote in a white house memorandum that green card holders, visa holders would not be subject to this extreme vetting order, to the executive order, that came to the white house counsel's office. saying that's not the same as coming through an agency. what we say is, put a definitive, in the order itself, put a definitive language, write what they said the problem was, then put a specific date, so there is no, my question when it comes into effect. the president has that authorit authority. the ninth circuit didn't even bother to cite the law here. they didn't even bother. they ignored it completely. >> sean: 1182. >> i think this is bulletproof. i don't know the ninth circuit will do, they may rule against it because that is where they are politically. stolen by any standard. great stuff, thank you for explaining it. this is really important. you get to a police state, if
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they can use surveillance and link it and destroy the lives of innocent americans. doesn't matter whether you are republican, liberal, democrat, that is a huge problem put up the next night right here on "hannity." >> so if i come back into hundred days, you are going to go, well, i made a promise? >> here is what i am saying. we have a plan to do that. we are on schedule. >> sean: yesterday i went to washington, d.c., opportunity to interview the speaker of the house. i asked him multiple times at republican lawmakers will work to enact president trump's orders. in a new segment we are starting, "holding them accountable." also tonight... >> when they say death to america with weapons of mass death, then you have a much, much bigger problem. >> sean: also yesterday while in washington, d.c., i had the chance to interview israeli
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now's the time for a better moment of proof. ask your doctor about victoza®. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." a brand-new segment, calling it "holding republicans in washington accountable." i traveled to washington to interview the speaker of the house paul ryan about how he plans to enact president trump's agenda. >> you tell the american people, that that agenda, building the wall, repeal, replace, tax reform, all of this is going to be done into hundred days. >> the education part might be a little bit longer, because were waiting for betsy devos to put together her plan. so on the education thing and the welfare reform, that's going to be outside the 200-day window. inside the 207 day window is the regulatory forms we talked about, it's the repeal and
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replace obamacare, it's the budget, it's the rebuilding of our military commits tax reform. those are the things we're working -- and infrastructure. those other things were working on this -- i should've said that as well. >> so into hundred days, you are fairly confident that if budget is going to be past. i'm going to get to the specifics. >> two budgets. two budgets. >> which has never been -- that were going to work on fixing the va, that congress will support extreme vetting and that the movement with energy independence. >> at the good thing is that you have a president that agrees with congress on doing these things. >> but is 200 days -- you think that's doable. >> this is our parenchyma yes. and if there's any slippage, will finish it in the fall and get it done before the end of the year. >> so if i come back into hundred days, you're going to go, well, i made a promise. >> so here's what i'm saying. we've mapped this operative under days. we have a plan to do that.
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we are on schedule. but if anything slips because of another supreme court justice, s, or a filibuster on a cabinet nominee, that might slip us. but we're making sure that we do this in 2017. and we have cushioned in our schedule if anything slips, we still have time to accommodate all of that stuff in 2017. so i have cushion's built in the schedule to make sure this all gets done in 2017 in case of thing happens and goes sideways on the senate. >> i'm pretty sure that will stimulate the economy, get people back to work, and get the economy moving again, which i think we need. >> that's what we are hired to do. >> all right, mr. speaker, i'll see you in 200 days. >> sean: here with us, lisa both with her new book, todd starnes, and a columnist. your debut, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. spit it you are also the press secretary on the regional level, right? >> i was the regional press
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secretary for half the country. >> sean: the speaker, i was very happy. i am moving past tonight. he said he totally supports the agenda, get it done into hundred days. by the way, in fairness to him, a lot of what he has tried to do is difficult. >> absolutely. what i really loved yesterday, it seems like finally he is 100% behind our president. i know president trump has worked to keep the promises he made on the campaign trail at an unprecedented rate, and it is great to see that congress is doing their best not to keep up, and the republican leadership is really working for the american people, something or think they should've been doing earlier than this. i need to better accomplish things faster. >> sean: todd, this is an opportunity. he took this very often, to get the job done, what was your take away from the promise to support the agenda and legislatively pass it? >> well, sean i think all of us
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contorting deplorable americans are cautiously optimistic that republicans are going to do that. the reason i say cautiously optimistic us, the republicans have a bad habit of campaigning as conservatives, but when they finally gain control, they gain power, they go a little wobbly. so i'm glad you are holding their feet to the fire here. i do believe that paul ryan is going to be a helper and a friend to president trump. >> sean: lisa, i have been very critical of republicans, they are spineless, vision list, i was so frustrated that they never actually used their enumerated power to battle obama. i walked away feeling a lot more optimistic after interviewing the speaker yesterday. am i being naive or did you feel the same way? >> no, i don't think you're being naive, as he outlined in the interview, there some big ticket items up ahead, think that this country desperately needs, whether it is reform, obamacare repeal and replacemen replacement, or things like just getting a lot of the deregulation, these various things that we need, tax reform, all of the stuff needs to get done. i think it is important to hold
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speaker ryan to the fire. >> sean: lisa, i'm sorry, we have a time crunch and i want to make sure i get the same. i'll start with you, lisa. do they do it? into hundred days, do you predict it will be done, most of it, the legislative side? >> i don't know about 200 days. i think it is holding majority leader mitch mcconnell and president trump as well, going to take everyone to move these things forward. >> sean: todd, what do you say? >> sean, as i wrote in "the deplorable's' guide to making america great again." >> sean: that is what we are trying to do in this segment. medicine? >> very concerned that we have a lot of people in the mainstream media who are putting their interests ahead of the interests of the american people. i hope we can get this accomplished in 200 days. >> sean: here is my fear. my fear is that they're going to be republicans in marginal districts, may be districts that hillary won, they are going to
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be a lot tougher to bring on board. it may be harder than we think, but we will hold them accountable and we will have the segment on a regular basis. good to see well. next, tonight, on "hannity." >> when you couple a radical islamist regime that says death to america with weapons of mass death, then you have a much, much bigger problem. >> sean: yesterday while in washington, and also interviewed the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we spoke about radicalism, much more. and we will check in with lou dobbs tonight, he is here, and
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still want you agree with me that, radical islam -- >> there could be evil that is not threatening because it doesn't have the powers of mass murder, but when you couple a radical islamic regime that says death to america with the weapons of mass death, then you have a much, much bigger proble problem. >> sean: a squared, b squared, c squared. radical islamists, weapons of mass destruction, as holocaust? >> it is up to us to prevent it. >> sean: talking about the threat posed by a nuclear iran. joining us with reaction, author of "the siege," anthony tata and
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fox news contributor rick grenell. i think it is pretty clear, he stood on the stage for so long as a voice in the wilderness. now he has a partner. what changes now? >> all of the allies we have in the region are desperate to have u.s. leadership. so when donald trump and bibi netanyahu, there are a lot of cheers from the middle east leaders. we have seen not just terrorist cells from the iranians, but literally a strategy for iran to place competing military forces and place like iraq, syria, lebanon. they are not going to stop, turkey. and what the middle east and arab leaders are now standing up and seeing is that the united states is saying, we are going to once again push back the iranians and isolate them.
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a lot of cheers coming up from the middle east on that. >> sean: let me play for you a moment about this new coalition, general, where i asked him, joining forces with israel. let me play this for you. >> i am reading the tea leaves and what i'm hearing from you is that there is an alliance that perhaps is emerging that may beat nobody anybody anticipated before that goes way beyond a one or two state solution, not only against iran but also the palestinian nation. >> i am trying to throw a very kind journalist off track. [laughter] 's the one i am looking for hope. >> i think there is a lot of hope. they resolve to resist these terrorists, these brutes, the understanding that we can forge new relationships that we've never had before. >> sean: general, did you pick
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up what i picked up during this conference, this emerging alliance, something bigger than people have conceived of before? >> i think so, sean. and i think your conversation with the prime minister contributed to that whole discussion to further it along. what he is really talking about and what you are talking about is, stopping iran iranian hajin that region, the members of the transnational terrorist group that is trying to wipe israel off the face of the map. they want to get rid of iranian -- that is not to fight isis. >> sean: could we take out those sites, the brits also join in, and i am short on time, we will start with you. could we take out those sites
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without boots on the ground? >> we could, and it is better to have boots on the ground. some of our secret folks on the ground that can do that. but, yes, absolutely we could. it's the one and you agree with that, rick? >> i think we need to have boots on the ground because you get timely intelligence. enough for intelligence. we need timely intelligence and that is all we need. >> sean: all right come on, guys, that's an important discussion. when we come back, we have this straight ahead on "hannity." >> we are becoming a drug-infested nation. drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. we are not going to let it happen any longer. >> sean: the president taking measures to crack down on drugs pouring into the country. we will get reaction on that from double a's here, batteries you can trust against the ear hair you can't. without them you're conducting business with an armpit on the side of your head.
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♪ >> we are becoming a drug infested nation. drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. we're not going to let it happen any longer. we have undertaken the most substantial voter security measures in a generation to keep our nation and our tax dollars save and are now in the process of beginning to build a promised
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wall on the southern border. we have ordered a crackdown on sanctuary cities that refuse to comply with federal law and that harbor criminal aliens, and we have ordered an end to the policy of catch and release on the border. no more release. no matter who you are. release. we have begun a nationwide effort to remove criminal aliens, gang members, drug dealers, and others who pose a threat to public safety. we are saving american lives every single day. >> sean: all right, president trump yesterday saying how he is keeping his promise when it comes to illegal immigration and that crisis. from the fox business network, our sister network, our friend lou dobbs. i am reading all of these stories, and it is funny, the media, this false story that came out today. they are sending in the national guard, rounding up -- >> of the largest wire service pushing this kind of nonsense, knocked down by the department f
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defense, not a source innate, ad the associated press is pushing pure nonsense. and as you know, the worst thing about it is, ap feeds every news outlet in the country. now you look at any web site, anywhere, it is everywhere, and there is no, no knockdown. >> sean: they don't hold back. you've had bad articles written. >> one or two. one or two. [laughter] >> sean: that say they get a fact wrong and you demand a retraction. front page for the bad story, lower paragraph hidden away, a correction. >> the impulse for these organizations to do this is what is so deeply troubling. this is a left-wing offensive being carried out in the left-wing media, no accident. this is, without a shred of a doubt absolutely purposeful and directed at this president. >> sean: watching these 30 days, reading these columns,
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"what a disastrous 30 days." it is amazing. the wall, he is building educated the vetting, it is getting done. sanctuary cities, coming to an end. >> creating jobs, the economy, either way come on, did anybody notice, with without any ambigt all, $2.000000000000 more in our stock market as a result of this election. >> sean: see, lou has a lot of money in the stock market. that is why he's following it >> also a great barometer on our future and that is a real vote without question. >> sean: they had to reprimand the reporter for the horrible comment about melania, created a fake michael flynn twitter account. then he thought it would be in good taste to feature a photo of stephen miller's severed head on a steak.
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that is "the new york times" alone. one news organization. >> the crassness, the mendacity of it all, i have never seen anything approaching it in mainstream media. >> sean: i don't think it is going away. that is the sad thing. it's not going away. >> there has to be a good response by the republican party and republican leaders. this cannot stand because this is just not who we are, and it certainly is not what we should tolerate. >> sean: lou, great to see you again. when you come back, a very important to "question of the day," if you've been
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business runs on the cloud... and the cloud runs on intel. ♪ i wonder what the other 2% runs on...(car horn) >> sean: all right, time for our "question of the day." what did you think about the alt-lefty media propaganda's coverage? measured, presidential, called them out for who they are with a sense of humor. also listed his accomplishments, which they will never do. go go to, @seanhannity on twitter. time to place the messages you left me on the "hannity hotline." i'm bracing. let's go. >> i used to be a democrat. i have been watching the way this country has been going for many, many, many years. and a lot of us democrats, including a lot of union members
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that i am friends with, are sick and tired of it. >> just wanted to tell you that i thought your opening remarks were wonderful the other night. >> extreme vetting for the people working for him in washington especially the ones left over from the obama time. >> have something to say to me? even if it is mean we will play it. all you haters out there let me have it, feel free, i am not afraid. that is all the time we have left. hope you have a great night, a great weekend, see you monday.
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test. test. test. test. test. test. abby: good morning, it is saturday, february 18th, president trump doing what he does best, listening to the american people. he is on his way to florida for a campaign rally as he fires another shot at the media. shibani: you are wondering what john kane thinks of the administration. >> this administration is in disarray and has a lot of work to do. >> strong words, mike pence has a message. he wanted
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