tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 18, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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environment over there. you can always send me a tweet on instagram or facebook. judge jeanine is next and don't forget, i'm watters and this is hide world. reporter: right now on "justice," back to basics. >> i want to be in a world full of hard-working patriots who salute their flag and pray for a bet sister future. reporter: trump wraps himself in the love of his most a don't supporters. at a raucous campaign rally in florida and he wasn't the only one on the mic.we are talking b. plus, justice new york style.
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judge jeanine: are these mainstream media people out of their minds? >> forget about it. judge jeanine: i can't forget about it. reporter: judge jeanine hits the street. tonight at 11:00, a packed hour of justice starts now. president trump takes his message directly to the people with his rally for his fired up supporters over in florida. i'm brian kilmeade, i'm hosting "justice" but i'm not jeanine pirro. thank you so much for being with us on this beautiful saturday and sunday night. what a scene in florida as the president of the united states fired up his base at an airport hangar in melbourne, florida it was a campaign event paid for with campaign funds and it had that kind of feel.
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here are some highlights. >> i want to be here with you, and i will always be with you, i promise you that. the dishonest media which has been listed one false story after another, with no sources, even though they pretend they have them, they make them up in many case. they just don't want to report the truth and they have been calling us wrong now for two years. they don't get it. despite all their lies, misrepresentations and false stories, they could not defeat us in the primaries, and they could not defeat us in the general election. you want safe neighborhoods where the streets belong to families and community, not gang members and drug dealers who are right now as i speak being thrown out of the country and they will not be let back in.
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we'll have strong borders again. bad, bad people. i said it day one. and they are going out. or they are being put in prison. but for the most part, get them the hell out of here, bring them back to where they came from. you want a healthcare system, and by the way, we are going to be submitting in a couple weeks a great healthcare plan that's going to take the place of the disaster known as obamacare. it will be repealed and replaced. brian: he was on his game, and the president recognized one of the attendees and invited this man on stage for his moment in the sun. >> when president trump going into the election promised all these things he was going to do
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for us, i knew he was going to do this for us. >> a star is born. brian: that man will be joining us live in a few moments. but first katrina pierson joins us, the former campaign spokesperson for donald trump. what do you think the secret service was thinking when he called out that gentleman from the audience and said come up here. >> this brings back memories from the campaign. this is the campaign giving secret service a heart attack because donald trump the man loves people. you can see that everywhere he goes. this rally was vintage trump showing his love for the country, setting the record straight in the face of all of the fake news surrounding the administration. he's used to this and he will continue to fight back. brian: i remember in the fall when he first talked from the
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teleprompter. he was awkward on the teleprompter in the beginning. this speech today, i felt as though he wrote he word. and i felt as though he felt every word. he was in the moment. that was thoroughly hip on stage. he wove in some history, how he got there, and what he's done since he has been there. >> he reminded everyone there were presidents of the past that criticized the media all at way back to the founders. his heart is in this. a lot of the media and pundits thought candidate trump was going to change it to someone we didn't recognize. brian: for me there are a lot of people considering appointed position. during week some were getting
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nervous the way this was playing out. you saw republicans turning on donald trump. i thought thursday's press conference and today's rally was a message to them as well as his supporters, i'm here, i'm fine and i'm in control. >> absolutely. you will recall there were self stories throughout the campaign criticizing the campaign and staff and things going on. he weathered through it and set the record straight. i think you will see a lot more of this from the president. there are some republicans waning against mr. trump because they don't know what's going on. they don't understand the kind of man donald trump is. as president he will continue to be a winner. brian: you know all the people around the president intimately. sean spicer, reince priebus, steve bannon, how is the word about how they are getting along
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and how their disunity has hurt the president so far. >> there will always be rumors. the president has assembled the right team at the right time to do what he needs to get done. i wouldn't doubt everyone is offering their own opinions, that's why there is a diverse crowd around him. he want to make sure he hears all side so he can make a decision. brian: the national security advisor position is open after general mike flynn was asked to leave. in that position would love to see a steve hadley who knows how to work his way around washington. understands wait' like to not get the spotlight. put the president first and also get things done. would you like to see someone with inside washington experience there? >> it depend on who that individual is. if it's someone i think shares the same foreign policy values
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as the president and knows washington, i would agree with you 100%. brian: there were a lot of republicans who want nod part of donald trump. they wrote by the and talked about it. then he won. mitt romney didn't get the jobs but they renewed their relationship. there are some others general mattis wants that have written anti-trump columns. do you think the president should put that behind him and just look for the best person and not worry about where they were during this campaign? >> i think it's extremely important that you have someone close to you who is loyal as well as someone who believes in you with the same foreign policy position. some of those individual meant what they said, others were
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saying things for political reasons. brian: this week what do you look to get done. executive order reissued. we'll get a look at the budget this week or next. it will show things getting done. what could you look forward to for next week? >> i'm looking forward to the new executive order. the president did mention it's likely next week that we'll see that. that is a commitment he made to all americans with the stop potentially hostile people from coming into this country until they could be properly vetted. i think it's only right and fair to allow him to get this done. briadone. brian: thanks for joining us. a lot of talk about what's going to happen after tonight's rally which by almost all accounts was
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very successful. matt hah lap the chairman of the american conservative union. also running cpac. and from long island, new york, radio talk show host and former advisor to senator schumer chris hahn. matt, first off, i didn't think a rally was a good move. but after watching that it think it was a good move. >> as many days as donald trump could be on air force one to see regular americans is a good day it's true for all presidents. you get stuck in the beltway and all the criticism. he ought to bust out of this town and go see people. brian: not only are you in a bubble. but everyone in the bubble doesn't like you. they are talking about what a bad jobe's doing.
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he shouldn't be president, we don't like his style. i think he needed to get out for therapy. but i now also rick. > -- i think youalso recognize s are strong. >> it wasn't a bad speech. i thought the last 10% of it was an attempt to unify the country. it did remind me of that scene in "soap dish" where whoopi goldberg takes sally field to the mall so they can feel the love of her fans. brian: i rented that at blockbuster and tried to get through it. matt, in terms of the content of the speech, there is one democratic face i have seen at the white house maybe three times. the latest was thursday. joe manchin.
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john tesser has been there, joe donnelly has been there. if you were to talk to donald trump to start reaching out to democrats and showing some support there they need him in some of their districts and their states and he needs them. >> he wants to work with him but he also want to work on them. he wants to work to get his legislative agenda passed, especially on the things that will take 60 votes in the senate. he realizes a lot of guys like joe manchin are in state he won overwhelmingly. north dakota and other states where the democrats are up. he has a chance to take them out and they know it. brian: is chuck schumer on them all the time saying don't think about yourself, think about the party? >> i think chuck schumer sees an
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opening with republicans defecting. i think his staff has not been serving him well. i think they have to focus the president and their agenda and be more precise in what he's doing or he does face losing republicans. we saw john mccain abroad criticizing the president 0en foreign matters. and i think there are other republican senators who the president is in danger of losing. today's speech was in part to show he could still draw these crowds. brian: he had thousands in the hangar and thousands on the outside and not much of a protest. senator marco rubio and senator john mccain and thrind i graham is a balls and strikes guy. but john mccain seems to have something personal against donald trump. >> to go in a foreign land and
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criticize your own president it was tone deaf and disrespectful. brian: can i let everybody hear this sound bite? let's rinse. >> if you want to preserve democracy as we not, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press. and without it, i'm afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. that's how dictators get started. brian: his speech was similar to that. >> the president talked about how other presidents have tangled with the press. he mentioned thomas jefferson. but thomas jefferson said if i had to choose between the government and a free press i would choose the free press. i think john mccain is close to abandoning this president whole scale.
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if the president doesn't get his staff together to be more focused within that white house he's going to lose more than just john mccain. brian: how would it be for john mccain, why wouldn't he be more street smart to understand, we could do things together. why does he note see that? >> he's not a team player. when he ran for president, he was a maverick. it's all about him. senators like any one snore can make havoc of a situation, and that's what john mccain seems to want to do. >> i think john mccain is cone concerned about the direction of our country. and i think the president should take the warnings that john mccain has been sending his way very seriously and get a serious person to run the white house.
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>> we have serious people running the white house. >> when you send somebody out like steven miller last weekend. >> a lot of people were turned off by him and he understood the policy even at 31 years old. from 101 diplomacy. john mccain was a big headache to george bush as well. maybe 50% of what he's saying is right. but for the party perhaps he could do it behind closed doors and be more effective. a huge fan of john mccain and bigger fan of meghan mccain. if you do have some time and i know you have a movie at 11:30 tonight. if you promise to come back, do i have your word?
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mateword. matt is also running cpac. >> coming you have next week. brian: judge jeanine's street justice is coming up. this man recognized by the president of the united states and invited on stage. this man will join us live next. oh, how was the open house? so good! did you apply? oh, i'll do it later today. your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? credit karma. it's free. that's great! um hm. just whip bam boom, it's done. that apartment is mine! credit karma. give yourself some credit.
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>> when president trump promised all these things he was going to do for us. i my was going to do this for us. >> a star is born. brian: and he was. you just say the. president trump invites an un -- an unsuspecting fan up on stage after the president recognized him from news interviews earlier in the day. gene huber is with us. for those who missed it. first off let's recreate the scene.
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you had a goal for your third trump rally. >> my goal was to be the first person in line at president trump's rally. brian: you said the first rally you were third and the next one you for 6th and this one you were 1st. that's when the news crews started finds you? >> i felt like a king. i couldn't walk anywhere. i was wow, this is wonderful. and one of the interviews from fox actually, i mentioned that i love president trump and that's what the president heard. whene was flying on his plane to melbourne. he heard me say that about him. brian: then he spouts in the audience. he points to you. what does he say? >> he goes, come on up here. he says come on up here. he says let him in. sow i start walking up.
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is a come around to the bends, the secret service had no clue. so president trump said jump over the fence, you look healthy. so i jumped the fence and i got tackled basically. president trump said let him go, let him go. brian: you go up before 9,000 people and you nailed it. you spoke from the heart. tell me about president obama. why do some people in washington, new york and los angeles want to protest against him and you are so fervently for him. what is it about trump that sold gene huber? >> it's the truth. you know, it comes from his heart. and you just know the man is speaking the truth to us. in all the promises that he said during the campaign, he's doing. so anything that president trump says i'm a firm believer of everything he does.
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because he tells us and we the people that. and that's the main reason. he's just likes. he's funny, he's just a normal guy, but he's a president and he happens to own and lot of buildings. brian: he owned just a little bit actually i would think. and there is another reason. here is a man who is 70 years old. who has the life -- everything that's beautiful, and here he goes to do this for us. that shows you the love. he shows love and we show love back. brian: what time did you get to be in line. >> i got at 2:45. brushed my death. i'll tell you, i called a taxi because i was four miles away in a hotel. i got a taxi here and i landed here at 4:00 a.m.
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brian: i feel bad for my next guest or whatever else happens on this show because nobody will be better than you. >> appreciate, thank you. brian: as president trump said, a star is born. we know about the press conference and the rally. we'll talk about the message donald trump could help himself by listening to. all that later. >> another four years? >> yep. brian: the judge hits the street to see what new yorkers think about the compaririririri mom, i just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to geico. i should take a closer look at geico... you know, geico can help you save money
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on your homeowners insurance too? great! geico can help insure our mountain chalet! how long have we been sawing this log? um, one hundred and fourteen years. man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. i'm not even sure this is real wood. there's no butter in this churn. do my tris look okay? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more.
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headquarters, i'm lea gabrielle. a survey ranks president obama as the 12th best precedent. abraham lincoln number one, george washington a close second. president obama's decision to end the wet foot-dry foot policy has sent cubans back home. cuban leaders asked him to end the policy. one of the controls on the spacex rocket malfunctioned 13 seconds before its launch yesterday. lengths her support to pro-life causes.
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brian: sorry to let you down. it's not judge jeanine tonight. meanwhile the headline this week was supposed to be about a failed secretary nominee, the dismissal of general flynn. but president obama's 0-minute presser grabbed the headlines. some were horrified, some love it. all of us were riveted by it. but none of us should have been surprised by the. think about it, when this president is at his best under pressure, the biggest crisis is the billy bush tape surfaces on the eve of a second debate. he fought thrieft and the second debate was his best debate. one area he will never win as a brash president is with the media.
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they will never love you. so stop trying to get them to love you. remember the book then the movie "he's just not that into you." some women don't understand why some men don't like them. it's simple, they just not that into you. mr. president, most of the press and los angeles is just not into you. so don't try to win them over. be the best donald trump you can be. reward your followers and try to win over independent. stop watching those who drive you crazy and reading newspapers that get it wrong. your team will alert you to what you have need no to know about. build the wall, fix nafta, consult democrats on infrastructure. fight for that. don't feet cnn and cbc, cbs and nbc.
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when the defense department begins to bulk up, the critics will fade, the party will flourish and he will coast to a reelection campaign. tonight he smartly outlined his success in signing over 20 executive orders including killing the tpp. miners, auto companies a seat at the table, quality time in the white house and a tour of the oval office. their needs were heard and will soon be met. the war with the media make everybody uncomfortable. make your pressers a monthly affair. rallies a bi-monthly event and get your team in office and start writing and passing legislation. then you will be wing. america will be growing and americans will be thriving. tonight's speech felt like he
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word was his. america loved it be the networks carried it. let's bring in lee carter. you know that message she talked about. she is a partner and joins us now. the rally. at first i thought it was a bad move. but it was a good move because of the content. >> it was donald trump perfection. everybody was talking about, he shouldn't be going back on the campaign trail so soon. he needed to control the message. he promised the american people exactly why they elected him and i thought it was a great speech by the president. brian: he's having a big battle with reporters. fox news did a comprehensive poll in the first couple days. the first one, who do you trust more if you are the public, donald trump or reporters.
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trump has the trust factor, and he's looking to expand that lead. >> this is an interesting poll because we have the head-to-head trump evening out reporters. if you look at the independents, 3/4 trust trump more than the media. it's the democrats saying no way i will not trust him. we can all debate whether he should be going after the media, but people aren't trusting the media as much as they might be trusting him. brian: who has the media been tougher on? even president trump would score it this way. 18% said easier on trump. >> i want to know who those 18% are. i got a pop-up from the "new york times" basically
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anti-trump, i get a 50% discount if i want to seek the real truth. it's an unbelievable thing to even suggest that this is a question. brian: i want to go to this last poll. feeling about what president obama says. 1% says he should be more -- 71% says he should be more careful. does that include supporters? >> yes. since june 16, the day he announced he was running for president. everyone said he has to tone it down. he hasn't. i don't think he's likely to. but people are wishing he would just a little bit. brian: as president of the united states you have got to get better. first sign that he's gone the better with his team will be the rollout of his new executive order it's about the 7 destabilized nations and the
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fact that they are terror laden and can't control their population. we don't know who they are so we need a pause so they can be vetted. will he do it the right way? >> the last executive order, the biggest problem was the communication issue.t have talkt with the media and didn't control the message. it became a muslim ban. he needs to make sure this is something that's very, very clear to the american people. this is about vetting and keeping americans safe. it's not about being pun american and keeping people out of our country. brian: next week we have a look at the oscars. jimmy kimmel will wonder how much should i put in my monologue. >> i think we'll hear more political than acceptance speeches at the oscars.
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>> we are not going to let the fake news tell us what to do, how to live, or what to believe. we are free and independents people and we'll make our own choices. i hear your demands, i hear your voices, and i promise you i will deliver. i promise that. brian: let's bring back our panel to talk about this war against the media. if you bring up the fact that he
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brought up, i'm not really a bad guy. he said i watch the shows and see the anger and venom. do you think there is a mission to those statements or do you think he's just saying how he feels. do you think he has a goal with these statement in. >> i think he has a goal. and one of the things hat worked for donald trump is he has authenticity. all presidents are mad at the media all the time. the big difference is unlike most politicians, donald trump takes that frustration before the cameras. most politicians complain behind the cameras. i think it's authentic and real. the media is liberal. this is not a shocker to the american people. brian: john mccain should know that. think about what he said there and think about what he said thursday, this war with the media. can you understand this frustration?
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>> i understand his frustration. but this does not help him expand from the 39% of americans approving of his performance. if he wants to get that number up he needs to start acting more presidential and less like a candidate. it may have worked during the crazy race when there was an opening for him. but now he has to govern. he's talking to 52 senators in his own party that are becoming concerned about the direction of the country. brian: he will go out on the campaign trail when he has his new tax plan and the re-placement for obamacare and that will be something you don't have to take out of your campaign funds. you tell the program just like barack obama did the with obamacare. then donald trump could get the best of both worlds. >> ronald reagan shows us how to
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do this. he busted out of washington, d.c. and away from the bubble around the white house and talked to the american people. barack obama and bill clinton did it effectively, too. but donald trump will do it in his own way. the only thing i disagree with chris on, i think political capital is fragile. it's important that donald trump be careful with how he uses it and how the white house is perceived. bust other piece of this is these democratic senators in these red states are in trouble if they look hostile to the trump agenda which is getting this economy going, repealing obamacare. >> not if his numbers continue to dive. >> what numbers? >> they are going to get cover from republican senators who are going to start bucking this' you know this. you have seen this happen.
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>> i have. but look at the fox number ofs. the president's job approval nuvments according to fox are very strong. these polls have been wrong continuously. >> the national polls were within the margin of error. but the media spend it as fit was a blowout. brian: rasmussen was the most accurate, i think in the last election and they have him at 55% approval rating. i would say this. once you start governing, you remember barack obama dropped to 31 and 49 once he started governing. but when a president is around 40%, it's not a problem. one thing about senators, they want nobody the majority. if they dislike donald trump but feel as though they are not going to fall on the sword and
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let a democrat win in a certain district and give up that majority. >> 2018 is starting to look like 2010. so things have got to stabilize in that white house. he's having a rough 100 days. >> i don't think you would call the flynn resignation a great thing. brian: absolutely not. he lost the labor secretary. he got a real guy to run the labor department now. >> we are focusing on the wrong thing. there has been more change in tbhawsht short time donald trump has been president than we have seen in a long time. there will be turbulence associated with this much change. brian: thanks. good luck next week.
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why are you checking i want to see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much do they? really? i'll take it! sir, your credit... is great, right? when was the last time you checked? yeah, i better check my credit score. here, try credit karma. it's free. alright, no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit.
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president's office when he had to ask michael flynn to step down. one "new york times" reporter likened the whole russia situation involving last year's election to the 9/11 terror attacks that killed 3,000 people. judge jeanine went to the streets to ask what know thought about that comparison. judge jeanine: the mainstream media is comparing the conversation general flynn thanked with the russian ambassador on the scale of a 9/11 attack. does that make sense to you? >> that's pretty ridiculous. >> absolutely no comparison, judge. though i don't have any legal background, i can tell you this, when someone is hired for a new job, the first thing you have to do is get to know to the people you are going to do business with. who in goodness gracious name should general flynn speak to? should he speak to to be from
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costa rica? i think is first goal is to try to figure out what the russians are doing. judge jeanine: how are you? >> i'm in good shape. how old are you? >> i'll be 88 next month. judge jeanine: what do you have attribute your longevity to? >> drinking and sleeping hard. >> this thing is not the same as even the death of four mosquitoes waited by accident. this general did nothing wrong. judge jeanine: what do you drink? >> johnny walker black. judge jeanine: should i be drinking johnny walker blue? are these main street media people out of their minds? >> yes, forget by the. judge jeanine: can any conversation be as bad as 3,000
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people dying here? >> a conversation can't be compared to the deaths of innocents people. judge jeanine: why would they say that? >> it's just i think it liberal media. if trump invented the cure for cancer they would still find something bad to say about him and all the good things he's trying to do. >> the guys talking are all -- are all democrats. judge jeanine: who would buy that? >> you know what i buy the paper for? the lotto. look at me. look at you. >> this goes back to the president whose decision making and who he appoints and the decisions he makes. calling him an upstanding man is one thing, but he clearly wasn't up to the task.
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>> the mainstream media has not lived down the fact that they missed the entire election from the minute the president walked down that escalator. judge jeanine: how is donald trump doing? >> i love him. >> we both love him. he's the right guy. judge jeanine: this guy is really smart. are you a "justice" watcher? >> i love "justice." madame justice and judge jeanine. brian: they got a bunch of superstars there. we'll be right back to say good-bye tonight. while explain where i'm going next and you can come with me. keep it here. is depression more than sadness? ♪ it's a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪
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