tv The Kelly File FOX News February 22, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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scallion, and bill o'reilly come up pleaser member that the spin stops here and we are definitely looking out for you. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight, one refugee resettlement group as loudly protested the restriction on refugee arrivals, the head of that group will join us right here. former cia officer says his agency's shadow war against the president is imperiling democracy itself and he'll join us too. a whole month into the trump administration and it's still rolling out its administration n agenda, sean spicer suggested that the white house may start rolling back legal immigration as well, here's part of what he said. >> i want to save the white house and doesn't trump
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have any interest in curtailing legal immigration. >> as a priority level, right now there's millions of people in this country that are in the country illegally, the focus continues to be that eight or 900,000 that have had in order to have them removed and get them processed through in a way that continues to keep america safe. legal immigration, is a completely separate subject that includes a visa reform and all that other stuff. at the president has talked about that, with business leaders, you're going to see more of that coming. >> tucker: ann coulter is the best-selling offer at one of the very few people to predict a trump presidency way back in june of 2015 and she did it on tape. is she happy with what's happened a month and especially immigration. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: you wrote a book that influenced the president a lot on immigration, you've been a pretty strong and the advocar changing the laws. how are you feeling, are you satisfied with what they've done
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sell park with mark >> so far i give him an a+. he got in a just for replacing obama >> tucker: of the plus comes -- speak of its dreamers, who are by the weight committing murder and of child rate. we've never had a president who's been a post on all fronts like this including that's what my column today is about including republicans in carlow, including the entire federal judiciary including the fake news. he's right about the fake news. considering all of that he has to do, he is gary cooper out there and high noon, he is standing there alone, he is done so much in the first month considering that. >> tucker: is he making his case effectively is he bringing the public along with them is he explaining why he wants to do it. >> i think so, there's enough of us to perform a backup details. look at the way he's going after the media for example, no other
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republican would have done that it's an incredibly important thing to do. they keep lying about how he had a tweet against the media. no, he had a tweet against fake news. if you disagree with the idea that fake news is bad for democracy then you can sign up with goebbels and lenny riefenstahl. i haven't been watching very much to become a third time tonight that many studies show that immigrants commit less crime the natives, that's an absolute lie. if these phony studies do and they're all hidden behind pay walls on the internet. i actually had to pay at some point to read, to get and find out. >> tucker: that's one of the most nominal repeated talking points but >> it's an absolutely a lie, i discussed it. studies that allegedly show this do not compare immigrants to americans, they are immigrants
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to americans who have been convicted of a serious offense. we want to get immigrants who are better than ex-cons to americans, not comparing it to all americans. >> none of the studies are a flat comparison between recent arrivals and neighbor dwarf americans. >> one of the reasons he's getting an a+ is putting sessions at the department of justice, can we get some number on this court to mark the government hides this information, they won't tell us how many immigrants are in prison, i don't mean just the illegal immigrants, the illegal immigrants, is that worst? the government check to you guys out and let you win? the government want to tell us that information and i hope under trump we will start to get some genuine information. it's just like the claims on voter fraud. >> tucker: immigrants legal and illegal are more likely to commit a crime than americans but >> all the evidence suggests
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that i go through that in chapter seven and since the government won't tell us i noticed that only my side is asking for the facts. their site is not asking for the facts. why can't the government just count how many immigrants are in prison? they've had significant contact with the government, arrested, prosecuted, there sitting in prisons that we are paying for, could you count? the census can't tell us that. >> tucker: why do you think they don't court to mark the account everything else but >> i think they know what the answer would be. our side wants the absolute numbers. if what i and adios america is i looked at other things, because prisons need to keep -- need to know the nationality of their prisoners because of gang warfare. they have a very detailed on inmates in new york state and other thousands of dominicans, one german. >> tucker: let's see you're in charge of the federal
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government, how would you prioritize it? what would you do immediately and secondarily on immigration? >> i think he's doing this righ right. to get to the legal immigration, there's this weird kink even conservatives have in their brains, legal immigration good. the boston marathon bombers were legal, all these refugees, san bernardino, child of an immigrant. and orlando, these are all legal immigrants, since 1970 we've been admitting over 1 million immigrants per year, 90% from the third world. the vast majority not only voted democrat which is their main purpose for being here but they consume vast amounts of welfare. why don't we just have an immigration policy that brings in people who help us, that makes our country a better place. that seems to me was the theme of the trump campaign. were going to look at this
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pretty >> tucker: what would that look like? clearly there are a lot of immigrants that are a massive net positives for america, the statistics are widely known for its become not too many. >> you could point to quite a few. >> tucker: >> most of them are . >> tucker: how would you differentiate between people who want to help the country and hurt the country? >> "the new york times" writes a blowing profile on them, i noticed they pulled out a certain refugees usually wasn't refugees themselves it was apparent that one to come here from these countries and while, to cancer researchers? apparently "the new york times" is aware that that's an example stomach desirable characteristic for an immigrant. how about we only get the cancer research on the smart ones and the ones were going to compete for your job and my job and at their jobs and not their landscapers jobs. >> tucker: is there a country that does this well? >> canada used to do it well, i
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don't think it will under trudeau. at switzerland you have to be there for three generations i believe. to become a citizen. australia and new zealand and what's interesting about that? they have a $14 minimum wage in australia, why is that? you don't need to bernie sanders out there, they have dumped low wage workers on their country. >> tucker: are you disappointed in a thing the president nest on? >> no. >> tucker: there's not one thing that he's done? >> i think he should tweet more, i love his tweets, it dropped the media crazy. i wrote it with another dumb i can never trump was in mind, i understand what the complaints are. as i was writing it, all the stuff i used to say there is this baggage, but he's the only
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one to push issues that are important for america, i like even the baggage. >> tucker: are you impressed with the people and his staff? >> no one can do it as well as trump. still do think he's doing well for a press secretary? >> he's boring, but no complaints. >> tucker: what about ryan's previous? >> my favorite human being is stephen miller and i do think trump should take them as a vice president for the second term. [laughs] >> tucker: is that expression of your lack of confidence and vice president depends? >> we can't have reagan-reagan-bush again. >> tucker: trump administration response to protests by saying participants are simply professional protests. we go to trace gallagher who's been following it.
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>> louisiana g.o.p. senator bill cassidy just wrapped up a very contentious town hall, and fact he was forced to abandon his powerpoint presentation on the republican plan to replace obamacare when the angry crowd shouted him down and literally turned him to make their backs on him. instead of listening to his presentation, the crowd demanded he answer their questions. watch. [shouting] >> this type of scene has been playing out across the country leaving many to question the origins in the motivations. jason shave it's told the desiree's new is believed they were paid out-of-state rabble-rousers. when pressed for evidence, he pointed to a police statement saying some of the protesters
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did not live in utah. police later said most of those on hand were locals. even jason chapin's amended his statements, the majority of people there were utah guns, they weren't paid. were there some paid cap components to it what you mark yeah, i'm convinced their far we have no confirmation that they are being paid although some of them are being organized and partially trained by groups like and the center for american progress. today, president trump tweeted these so-called angry crowds and home districts are actually in numerous cases planned out by liberal activists. it said. back 2009, then white house press secretary robert gibbs said at the angry protests against obamacare were also "manufactured anger." >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks a lot. time now for "twitterstorm," our
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forecast of social media's most powerful weather patterns break the big joke was "the washington post" always something of a joke but recently unveiled a new logo "democracy dies in darkness." cullen jones tweeted this, loving the new golf vibe at "the washington post" ." the next move for "washington post" ," multiple piercings, our lender un-ironically shopping at hot topic. it sounds like a very dull harry potter title. harry potter and the dark dead democracy, would you read that? i wouldn't. bring a torch. journalism dies in fakeness, as it has. that's two nights "twitterstorm." next, colleges used to be known for free speech that was the whole point of them. now hundreds of colleges encourages students to report anything that offends them, will talk to a civil liberties advocate who is trying to sound the alarm on that. president trump's crackdown on refugee arrivals didn't just affect refugees, it affected organizations that take taxpayer
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money to resettle those refugees. it will talk to the head of one of those organizations coming up so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it.
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>> tucker: fox news alert come president trump tore down another remnant of the obama legacy with the administration announcing the end of the trends in your bathroom rule, it was just imposed last may. it barred public schools for restricting bathrooms, locker rooms, change or growth by biological schools had let students use whatever facilities they wanted to use in accordance with their gender identity. that rule was legally dubious and infringed on state rights,
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it also redefined biology in a manner wholly inconsistent with science, ask any scientist. it is a dark age, and age of darkness for the american academy. according to research for individual rights in education, hundreds of universities are encouraging students to report any offensive speech to their classmates, orwellian names like bias instant response team, swoop in and impose all manner of penalties, these ran from sensitivity training to suspension. how did we get here? executive director of the fire he joins us now and thanks a lot for coming on. hard to believe this is real, biased response team appeared >> not only is it real, it's really horrifyingly widespread. we found more than 230 of these teams in our searches across campuses nationwide. were sure there is more we haven't identified, the ones we found cover and monitor the speech of 2.84 million students.
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>> tucker: at the idea is the school is sending out students to tattle on other students for saying things they believe is offensive? indecent, inappropriate? >> the standard varies but they're trying to seek out bias and destroyed on campuses. through a series of online come online forms that you fill out or by encouraging students -- if you see something, say something on some of these bias response team web sites. there encouraging people to come forward, if you hear something that's biased, that can be defined as something as -- >> tucker: that's it, what the definition? >> it can be super vague. >> tucker: it's always made, if you're going to have a rule, standard you want to be able to define it especially if there's a penalty, do kids know what's inside or out of bounds? >> i don't think they do commit varies from place to place it depends on the protected classes that are covered. some of them are crazy in
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kentucky, one of the protected classes at the university of kentucky is smoker status. if there is universities that protect size. oregon protects shape. spoon you're not allowed to complain about smoking in kentucky? >> you not loves to try to relate to somebody or avoid relating to them and based on a stereotype you might have about smokers if it's negative. not only can you not -- you can't even avoid folks based on these things or it can be reported as a bias. >> tucker: probably only the place in the world standing up to smokers, that's interesting. is there a list somewhere, is there a bible of the bias, where do you go to find out what the rules are? >> we've put out a report, if you're one of the schools, we had that on our web site for most students, they're going to have to search around for bias response team or some thing like that on their web site and find out what they can be reported for. i think one of the little-known
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or little appreciated facts about this is effectively, these are all going into a big database generally controlled by the government, 42% of these response teams include police departments. at dartmouth, if you go to the bias response form, and you can anonymously put something in, that goes straight to the judicial affairs folks and the police. >> tucker: this is a cultural revolution, these are crypto government institutions, almost all of, they take massive amounts of federal dollars. there encouraging the violation of constitutional rights, freedom of speech. where is the department in this? where's the civil rights division, shouldn't they be swooping in and protecting kids from having the rights taken away? >> one of the oddities of federal law is that it doesn't cover first amendment violation violations, while laws like title vi and title ix which have to do with racial and sexual discrimination, and those are enforced through the loss of federal funding. first amendment is not among those laws.
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>> tucker: what would it take to make that among those laws? >> it would to congressional action to that. >> tucker: it would be simple, the first amendment applies to everyone. >> i think the complicated part would be determining when they've gone too far for the first remnant. you wouldn't want to take fires word for it, there would have to be some mechanism for determining come of this time you're not following the first amendment. >> tucker: apart from fire, who's there to help kids whose freedom of speech is being abridged by the schools they go to? >> where the primary folks out there doing that. >> tucker: how many staff members what to mark >> about 50 folks, we've gone the lodge. >> tucker: does the aclu ever jump in which market >> we've had a good relationship with a number of state aclu? nonpartisan organization and we love to work with anyone who cares about free speech on campus. >> tucker: it should be left to 50 people to defend the first amendment, i hope you girl.
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we'll put a link to their report on our facebook page. up next, the furor over president trump's a travel ban has overshadowed another big shift in policy within a substantial reduction in the refugee camp, will talk to the head of resettlement group whose complained about that cuts, that's w next. comfortable with it. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee.
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we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. >> tucker: the white house push back its planned revision
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blocking majority muslim countries, the press secretary said this. >> these are countries we didn't have the proper vetting for when it came in to ensuring the safety of americans. that's with the executive order said, the authority is very clear, i think you're going to continue to see the president take the steps necessary to protect this country, that's why he's talked about putting this on both fronts, and looking towards the next draft of the executive order. >> tucker: scott arbeiter is present of world relief a christian organization is also a pastor. among other things, they've had to close five offices and lay off 140 people a developer to blames directly on the executive order out of the white house which drastically curtailed refugees who might arrived here in the u.s. he joins us right here in the studio, thanks a lot coming on. >> thanks for having me. spoon according to the u.n.,
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more than 60 million people displaced in the world right now, how money is the u.s. morally obligated to bring care? >> i couldn't tell you what the moral obligation for the u.s. i is. i think our history has been that we've been a compassionate people, i think every administration along with every legislator has to decide what is that obligation of a particular point in time. i don't think i could put a number on what the raw obligation is. but i think it should be more than zero, i think it should be conducted to what does the tragedy of the world facing right now. if america arguably the greatest country in the world, the greatest security, the greatest resource and the greatest freedoms, situated right in the middle of a world that is in the worst refugee crisis ever. the president has said he wants to make america great, i think the question for us is what a disgrace look like what you have those resources, those freedoms,
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and you have that tragedy, can we be so herb great as to hold both security and compassion? >> tucker: i would argue that our country is a lot less affluent than people think it is, were not the richest country and don't have the most resources, leaving that aside, you could see way people get uncomfortable and you can see why your motives are good. where a good country we have an obligation commits more than zero. matt plays a role in this. what do you personally think would be a good number? 500,000, 3 million a year? these are physical people, you do this for a living, what you think is a good number? >> tucker: i'll give you a personal opinion, we have about 21 million refugees. traumatized people running from the enemies were trying to defeat, they've been bombed out of their homes, their cold, they're hungry, their unwanted any place. you say okay, do we have any compassion for these people. if we do, let's create a place
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where we can safely bring them in, i would say up to the 21 million, if we could bring in 1% and right now were ending at two tenths of 1%, i think we can be great. >> tucker: for how long? is that an obligation that exist forever? >> no, the nation has responded in different periods of time in different ways. we don't have the moral authority to dictate what that is. we are calling for a greater level of compassion when you take a look at just how tragic these circumstances are, and the quality of the work we can do if we are great in both our vet again compassion. a >> tucker: i think your compassion is real and i applaud it and i think it is a christian duty to be compassionate i don't think it's the government's duty to be compassionate, it's the duty to protect the citizens and ensure their prosperity print >> the government could do both for many years.
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a >> tucker: why you're taking government money, you take tens of millions of dollars, as a christian organization doing what you see as a christian duty, why should taxpayers subsidize that? >> it's a good question, it's interesting because the people that have been critics of ours for taking any money now for helping refugee resettlement, that's not new, we've been doing it for seven presidential administrations since reagan. it's been an american value for 40 years or multiple in ministrations, when we have helped the government resettle suffering people because they said the public-private partnership works, it's better when communities and churches are part of it, i think people have expected that we would be either defensive or embarrassed about taking government money, were proud that we do this work so well using so many volunteers, thousands of churches, tens of thousands of people to help the government accomplish what it decided to do. spoon wait a second, i get that,
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you say on your web site because it's biblical, for the third time, respected how is it consistent with their christian faith that to give away something that doesn't belong to you which is to say the country over the tax dollars, if you doing at his christian faith, when i pay for it? >> we we are. >> tucker: but you're not, you're taking government money. >> that's not right commits close. it is both. the u.s. government makes a decision about resettling refugees, no refugee gets to pick to come the night states, we only get to pick if we invite them by the state department that we don't pick them, we don't let them come we don't know who they are to the state department has us the file and says we have chosen to resettle these refugees it's a government decision. when the government decides to do that, they're coming to us and say would you help us and integrate? >> tucker: you're not answering the question. you're doing this as a christian because you think it's your christian duty which i think is
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great. then why wouldn't your duty to be to actually go all the way and pay for it? why is it noble and christian to force other people to pay for your christian duty. >> were doing both. the u.s. government said it's only helpful to resettle refugees if they can integrate into a community, so the government gives about $1100 per person for a 90 day. mack, and they also then help us build the volunteer pools whiche used to serve over the years. many churches and many individuals and foundations also pay for that work. the government doesn't pay for all of that work. >> tucker: $42 million, not including the cost to educate these people and their children and pay for the health care which the u.s. government does not do, pay for the infrastructure, it's a massive cost of the taxpayer i would take christians more seriously if they would say it's my duty to do this, i'm going to educate
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them myself live in my home and pay the whole way. >> we can't, we do go to syria where in five middle east countries, we think we are to care over there and care over here as well. we can't resettle a refugee and pay for it because the government -- only the u.s. state department can decide if refugee come spirit >> tucker: the refugee can come here and we could say this is a christian home into which you will now go and you will live there, and they're going to carry the cost of keeping them here as you get on your feet. taxpayer and calld those costs yourself virtuous that's a problem i have. a >> what you're missing is that the public-private partnership that many of our critics lot it is us for when we are accepting money from the george w. bush administration to help combat hiv/aids around the world through the churches, public-private partnership, the government brings a part of it and we bring an amazing group of people in a volunteer. >> tucker: i'm not saying you don't do a good job. i'm saying how do you call it christian if you're not paying for its? >> we continue to do that work and we pay for it long after the government is no longer involved
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in their lives, we are appeared >> tucker: to pay for the education of the refugees who come? >> no, again, this >> tucker: idea. >> i pay taxes too. >> tucker: people who don't agree with the policy air force that pay for it and you're taking the moral credit for it. >> tucker: we wouldn't be in here having this conversation, we quietly go about this work, or try to take seriously jesus' command to do to others what you want want to have done to you. >> tucker: but there was no part about getting $42 million from the government and jesus' command. >> tucker: if you're concerned about the amount of money, our e staff person in the u.s., amazing people i'm so proud of, their average salary is about 10,000 less than assistant manager at walmart. >> tucker: i don't think you're doing it to get rich. it's obviously not true, and think you're doing it because you think it's your duty, you clearly disagree is when you have a duty to do something because you think god wants you to do it, you should take the
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entire responsibility and not offloaded onto the unwilling. >> tucker: i think the government has a right to make a decision about who we are going to bring in, we don't have that right. as long as they decided to do that and they've said we want to participate in that by doing it well, we need partners, that public-private partnership something were proud of it not embarrassed by. >> tucker: thanks a lot for explaining that, i appreciate i it. up next, reports swirling up about a cia at shadow war against the administration, will talk to a former cia officer, who says his ex-colleagues are letting petty hostility endanger democracy itself. its weight and isn't the only scandinavian nation having trouble with integrating people with the middle east, neighboring denmark, it appears the government has become a sponsor of isis, they've admitted it. we've got details coming up rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you.
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and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at >> tucker: sweden is not the only scandinavian utopia that seems to be losing its sheen
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thanks to mass emigration from the middle east. the government of denmark may have inadvertently become a state sponsor of terror. they admitted they paid hundreds of thousands of co-owners to individuals who ran off to join the islamic state in syria. the isis recruits in question were receiving disability pensions provided to those unable to work. they hailed their evil ailing bodies, long enough to pursue. dennis government kept the payments flowing even after their membership in isis was discovered, the law makes it almost impossible to cut off welfare even for suspected terrorists. since it's been revealed that the government of denmark is saying it's trying its best to change that law. reports and rumors have swirled in the last month about a very hostile relationship between the new president and the intelligence community. according to "the wall street journal" ," intelligence agents are hiding information from the president. some of also blamed the cia for the downfall of michael flynn,
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brian wright is a former operative he's also a democrat but he is disgusted with the shadow war he says his former colleagues appear to be conducting against the president. for reasons of misguided righteousness or partisan hatred he wrote in a piece last week, they've taken it upon themselves to be judge, jury, and executioner. he joins us in studio. thanks a lot for coming on. there are these reports that are troubling that various agencies are withholding intel, to think those are to request merck >> i do. >> tucker: you do? >> i think there are a couple things happening here. we saw this in the fall with the dossier, i think somethings are being leaked to discredit the president and i think somethings are holding information back. that's deeply troubling for all of us. >> tucker: it's illegal too. >> we start getting into the grounds of treason. i'm a democrat, i certainly didn't support or vote for president trump, form a democrat, i'm an american the vast majority of spies are committed to that. there are a fair number of folks
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who are committed to a dangerous game, i support the president and his efforts to find these folks and throw them in jail. >> tucker: civilian control of the intelligence agencies and the military, do you think that's in jeopardy? >> i think we had done the dangerous road places like pakistan and egypt have gone down. military and intelligence officers who are in the shadows, they are elected by no one, they get to decide, put their finger on the scale of who wins and loses in the world. i think when we start seeing this garbage, i think we are in deep trouble. there was a tweet by a journalist who said affectively that the intelligence community has declared war on president trump and they plan to see him at die in that jail. that is a scary, i don't care if you're republican or democrat or green, it doesn't matter. intelligence officers should never be the business i'm doing this kind of stuff. >> tucker: it's been a concern for the 70 years when the oss and cia started, the idea that
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the president would get information that was tailored to force a conclusion or that he wouldn't get the entire picture from his intel agencies. are there mechanisms in place within the cia to prevent that from happening? >> yes, the frustration that i see is -- listen, the department of justice in congress they have the authorization to look into the counterespionage concerns. those are real between president trump, some of the folks in his entourage, and the russian government, that should be investigated and it is investigated. that ought not to be the spies get involved in, that can't be what we do. within the cia, within the department of justice, the oversight committees, that's their job. it is not the job of the spike to figure out who wins and loses. >> tucker: the cia needs to give intelligence to the president must for those of us following at home, where do you think the fault lines are going to be quick to mark what are the policies trump is espousing that people might disagree with where they might try to hamstring him? >> i think two things if i may. he went to the cia one of the first days in office and he stood in front of the wall and he was very almost campaign like
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and how he handled that interaction. i think that was a mistake and i think that i fell on very hard to ears within the agency i think a lot of people got pretty upset with him for doing that. i think as a president becomes a bit more presidential if i may be so blunt, i think the intelligence community would start to respect him. >> tucker: they don't like is a style. >> the other pieces when he rejected the assessment that russians were involved in trying to throw the election, that was very difficult and frustrating for then the president-elect to say that wasn't true. if the president can get past some of those pieces and to be frank and say i don't care what the russians thought they were going to get from me they're not going to because i answer own to lead to the american people. that kind of spiritual absolutely get the spies on his side to a greater degree. at the end of did the day, the vast majority of american spies do their job and they do precisely what they signed up for, what their oath calls them
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to do which is to be faithful to the constitution and be faithful to the president of the united states. >> tucker: hugh just a lot of conspiracy theories going back an awful long time but the cia is not fully under control the president, what would you say the political breakdown is within the building at langley? >> it's pretty split, i have to say, when we walk in, were not republicans or democrats, >> tucker: you work your long time what you think what to mark >> i think it's 50/50, really a fair split, maybe a little bit more conservative for those of us were democrats, but the bottom line is it's a very diverse place politically speaking. >> tucker: that was really interesting and troubling, thanks. up next, a civil rights advocate said the group hurt most by illegal immigration and to gain by stopping at our black man in america, he joins us next to explain.
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>> tucker: the push against illegal immigration is attacked as a racist effort to keep us nonwhite immigrants. one black civil rights advocate says the biggest victims of low-wage illegal labor is our black men who see their own wages undercut. he is a candidate for president trump's secretary of labor and he joins us now, thanks a lot for coming on. this is a position you don't hear very much but it makes intuitive sense, unpack it if you what. >> sure, just to give you a little bit of background, we've conducted in three hearings over the last six years on this issue. we've had a number of experts justified, a lot of information with respect to the economic impact of illegal immigration of low skilled workers generally.
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all the witnesses all the experts, that we may have disagreed in terms of degree of impact but all of them concurred that illegal immigration has a devastating impact on wage levels and employment levels and it's econ 101 and tucker. when you have an oversupply of labor, the price of labor is going to be depressed. also we have an oversupply of low skilled labor. what happens isn't black males are disproportionately concentrated in the low skill labor market, they disproportionately have only high school diplomas. the bulk of our immigration of legal and illegal has been on oversupply of lowde. skilled labor. it has a particularly magnified effect on the black males who are in that cohort. it's not just a black males insult low skilled americans, also having a trickle up effect on other americans as well and it has an effect on black females as well and has found
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sociological imprecations as well. >> tucker: i don't know what the counter argument to what you just said is, it seems obvious it's clearly true, has anyone told the congressional black caucus? >> i have. on at least three occasions and probably more, what we did is immediately after some of this evidence and its profound, were talking about a -- 40% of the 18-point decline in labor force participation rates is attributable to the oversupply of illegal immigration labor competing with them. were talking about at the very low-end hundreds of thousands of blacks losing jobs probably if you do the math up to 1.2 million blacks losing jobs. this has significant impact on the black community. got in touch with congressional black caucus, sent them detailed information on this, asked them to do something about it, to respond to us, to engage in this effort. my assistant repeatedly would
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follow up on this, what we heard were crickets. it's the same thing with president barack obama, crickets again. this is not some minor matter, when were talking about labor force participation rate of 68.8%, an appalling rate, family formation rates are affected by this, incarceration rates are affected by this, this may be one of the top issues facing the black community but we've heard silence but worse than silence. we've seen congressional black caucus and others embrace the open borders philosophy that's done such damage to black implement prospects. this seems a quick scan for me, can you explain it? >> i think it has to do with political imperatives, i can't expend going beyond that i can't get into their heads, this is something that it's plain, it's unequivocal. it's not something that's complicated. and yes, they've embraced an element that actually does egregious harm to the prospects
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of the black community. i'm focused right now and the black community, but does incredible harm with respect to all implement at the low skilled level. we've seen what happened with the visas, we can handle that smartly, but is not being handled smartly and it's affecting black workers. i think the political imperative of identity politics has trumped no pun intended the desire or the imperative to protect your constituents. >> tucker: it's so striking to hear someone discuss immigration in economic terms using numbers and social science. rather than identity politics terms. i just wonder why more on the left don't do that, they used to. >> again, i'm not an expert at these things, i'm just kind of surmising. if you take a look at what they've been doing for the last several years engaging in identity politics, i think they made a demographic calculation that if they're able to specify
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certain groups that they think they can stir up so that they will vote in a particular fashion, that is to their short-term benefit regardless of what happens to their constituents. >> tucker: thank you for that, that's a great explanation. nasa announced today a big fine, more than half a dozen planets that will one day be conquered by a human space empire, that fascinating story up next. hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a...
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>> tucker: brand-new, big developments from the furthest realm of space. today nasa announced it seven earthlike planets orbiting a star 40 light-years away, relatively close and galaxy terms. three of them and star habitable zone, where complex life could exist. if a measly in 2009 president obama told charles bolden his top priority much to be improving the self-esteem of the muslim world.
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