tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 23, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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he's putting america first in putting americans back to work already. he is rebuilding the military and putting our enemies on notice. [cheers and applause] he's supporting law enforcement and ending illegal immigration once and for all. [cheers and applause] he's rolling back big government and slashing through red tape. if he's upholding the constitution, restoring the culture of life, presidents donald trump is leading the fight to repeal and replace obamacare. [cheers and applause] let me assure you. america's obamacare nightmare is about to end. [cheers and applause] you know, despite the best
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efforts of liberal activists at town halls across the country, the american people know better. obamacare has failed and obamacare must go. [cheers and applause] this failed law has crippled the american company and question te american people. look at all the false promises liberals made of otto, obamacar obamacare. remember, they told us the cost of insurance would go down. they told us if you like your doctor, you can keep it to. if you like your health plan, you can keep it. now we all know the truth. today, americans are paying $3,000 more per year on average for their health insurance. last year, premiums skyrocketed by a stunning 25%, millions have lost their plans and lost their doctors. higher costs, fewer choices, worse's obamacare.
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if that weren't bad enough, obamacare is also a job killer and everybody in america knows it. we're about to change all that by repealing obamacare once and for all, eliminating its mandates, its taxes, its intrusion into your business and into your lives. [cheers and applause] and best of all, with president trump's leadership, obamacare is going to be replaced with something that actually works. something that's built on freedom and individual responsibility. president trump want and i want every american to have access to quality health insurance which is why we're designing a better law that lowers the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government. were going to let americans purchase health insurance across state lines, the way you buy your life insurance, the way you buy your car insurance. we're going to make sure americans with pre-existing conditions have access to health insurance and the security they
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need, and we're going to give the states the freedom and flexibility to take care of the least fortunate in the best way that will work in their state and in their community. [cheers and applause] you know, despite all the fearmongering from the left, make no mistake about it. we'll have an orderly transition to a better health care system that finally puts the american people first. after we repeal and replace obamacare, we're going to do a whole lot more. were going to start off by rebuilding the american military, will restore the arsenal of democracy. will provide our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard with the resources and training they needed to accomplish their mission and come home safe, and we will hunt down and destroy isis at its source so it can no longer threaten our nation.
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[cheers and applause] >> were going to get this economy moving again by cutting taxes for working families, small businesses, and family farms. we're going to keep rollback job killing regulations and rescind unconstitutional executive orders signed by barack obama. [cheers and applause] were going to continue to rein in wasteful government spending and restore fiscal responsibility to washington, d.c. it will enact real education reform that gives families more choices, recognizes that education is a state and local function, and under presidents donald trump, no state will ever be forced to adopt the common
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core. [cheers and applause] i'm proud to stand with the president who's doing all of this and more. i'm proud to stand with a president who stands with our most cherished ally. the jewish state of israel. israel's fight is our fight. her causes are cause, her cause is our cause, her values are our values, america will stand with israel.
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maybe most of all, i'm grateful and honored to serve with a president who will uphold our constitution and the sanctity of human life. [cheers and applause] because of presidents donald trump, life is winning in america again. [cheers and applause] last month, he reinstated the mexico city policy preventing foreign aid from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions, and we will make the hyde amendment permanent. [cheers and applause] when it comes to the highest court in the land, in judge neil gorsuch, president trump kept
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his word. to nominate a new justice to the supreme court to uphold our constitution and all the god-given liberties enshrined in it in the tradition of the late and great justice antonin scali scalia. [cheers and applause] men and women of the conservative movement, this is our time. i promise you, the president and i will work our hearts out to make america safe again, to make america prosperous again. but the success of our movement, and more importantly, the success of our country depends as much on all of you as those on all of us. [cheers and applause] we must, we must all of us rise to the challenge before us, tomorrow and every day
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thereafter. the other side is not sitting idle. their allies in the media are more than willing to amplify their defense of the failed status quo everything will day. now more than ever, as we did before when this movement won back the congress in 2010 and one back the congress, one back the white house in 2016, we got to do what we did before. we got to mobilize. with got to march forward as if it's the most important time in the history of our movement, because it is. men's and women of this movement, there is no time like the present. make your voices heard. in town halls, with your family and your friends, on the internet, social media. all those places were common sense conservative messages are most desperately needed, this is our time.
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from this day forward, to make america great again, president trump and i need every ounce of our energy and enthusiasm. your conviction, your courage. your passion. and we need one more thing if you're inclined. we need your prayers. [cheers and applause] 's last month, i took my oath of office. administered by the great justice clarence thomas. you know, for this grandson of an irish immigrant it's hard to describe the privilege that i and my family felt that day. i put my left hand on a bible that was used by the 40th
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president of the united states, back in january of 1981. what was uncanny about that moment as i opened that bible, to the verse that he had it open to on that day. it happened to be the very same verse that i most often quoted as i campaigned across this country on behalf of our new president. days ahead as we work and labor and as we advance this cause to restore our country, we i think would do well to remember those ancient words. if his people who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray, he'll do like he's always done. he'll hear from heaven and he'll heal this land. this one nation, under god,
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indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> reflecting on those timeless truths in the work that we have to do, my fellow americans, it's time. but i'm confident. i'm confident with your help and with god's help, and with presidents donald trump in the white house, i know the best days for america are yes two.
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[cheers and applause] let's get to work, thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bill: thanks for watching us tonight, the most important problem in the usa, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. according to a brand-new poll, its immigration. more americans want that it situation dealt with than any other current problem. 39% of americans approve of the way president trump is handling this issue, 55% disapprove. that number shouldn't come as a surprise because the media in
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general has hammered the president for his aggressive order to remove criminal aliens. as you saw, the left really doesn't want to consider the word criminal. instead always falling back on peaceful migrants. >> it's immoral to divide mothers from their children the way that they're beginning to do now. they've expanded the definition of a criminal offense to include crossing the border multiple times, to come back to your family. using fake documents when you're stopped that you are not deported to include driving without a driver's license when you couldn't get a driver's license. >> bill: let's think about what the former mayor of los angeles just said. he's okay with illegal aliens, defying deportation multiple times to quote come back to your family. does the mayor want open borders? yeah, he does. how about his rationalization of
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using fake documents? he's fine with that. because everyone should be allowed to come in here. with few restraints. same thing with licenses, why should states issue the privilege to drive to people were not supposed to be in the country in the first place what smart does that make any sense to you? when you examine the illegal immigration situation without emotional politics, it all comes back to the law. that being said, the law should be changed. there should be a generous guest worker program put in place so american business have access to labor that they need. also, the illegal aliens already here should have a hearing, to determine whether their presence is benefiting the country. that would take a while in the aliens would have to register but let's be fair on the issue, for decades, the federal government has turned to the other way while migrants streamed across the border. no question about that. so while the individual illegal
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alien did violate immigration law, our federal government permitted it. it's like the teacher who lets the students run around the classroom for weeks and one day shows up and say you're all suspended! now, the apathy on immigration is going to change because president trump wants the rule of law to be reestablished in america. south of the porter, it's depressing, depressing! to watch the mexican government objected to a lawful display by the usa. what nerve they have. it's entirely mexico's fault that millions of their own citizens feel they have to come here to earn a decent living. canada doesn't have that problem, but mexico does and always has. because their system is chaotic. same thing with the violent drug cartels, but mexico can't control them. we are not entitled to put up a barrier to try to prevent the poison from coming into this country?
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that's just insulting. mexico should take full responsibility for its inability to provide a decent economy for its own people and for failing to defeat the vicious drug peddling monsters. but they never will. and that's the memo. top story tonight, the governor of connecticut saying that his law enforcement personnel will not cooperate with the federal government on immigration matters. according to the constitution, the feds can't compel states on certain things, and the sanctuary city people hide behind a fourth amendment that says "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated." unreasonable, the key word there. those who did not want the undocumented confronted say they need a warrant, not just a request if the feds want help.
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however, the federal law says this about undocumented folks. "any person who knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact who conceals harbors, shields from detection shall be imprisoned not more than five years." joining us from washington, jonathan turley professor of public interest law at george washington law school. were not going to get this resolved about the bigger picture, of a series of very simple questions for you because you know i am a simple man appeared [laughs] the first question is this, what can president trump due to the state of connecticut was openly defied him? >> he could do a lot, he can cut off federal grants particularly from homeland security and the justice department. those are a close nexus to what he is complaining about which is a lack of cooperation, the big ticket items for states are education and highway funds,
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transportation funds, the nexus there is more attenuated. >> bill: if you try to stop that money from going in, it would be a court challenge that he may lose. he can unilaterally stop homeland security and justice department that hurts the state of connecticut. >> he can't, dear state and local authorities. >> bill: he can coerce them by punishing them. you have a movement and he heard it last night in denver county colorado who said the fourth amendment gives us the right not to hold someone who's been arrested if the federal government asks us. you have to have all the official paperwork which takes time to get. these guys are walking out the door. for my examination, if the federal government requests any jurisdiction to hold somebody in custody, they can do that a
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certain amount of time, no problem, can they not? >> they usually send a form called a 247 which is a request to detain someone. it's not even an ice warrant, it's a request. some lower courts have said that's not enough to hold someone for 48 hours under the fourth amendment. illegal immigrants are afforded fourth amendment protections. that formed has been deemed as purely voluntary, and courts have suggested that holding someone up for two days on just that type of request it may be unconstitutional. it >> bill: all right, so congress would have to pass a dual law that says that the federal government requests a detention for a certain amount of time, that's okay, right? >> if there is a warrant issued, it's much, much more difficult for the states to refuse that. >> bill: there are so many of these cases, professor. >> it gets pretty complicated
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because the warrant issued by ice is not like the warrant for the fourth amendment it's not signed by a neutral officer. it's signed by an ice official. it >> an ice warrant, hold thisn so we can come and pick them up and they don't hold the person, is there any penalty to be paid right now? >> i don't think you can accuse them of harboring or assisting in illegal immigrants. i don't think that's going to work. i think that the most effective means is for congress to say look, if you're going to add to costs and risks to the federal government and to the public, you're not going to be able to get as much federal support. there's a host of different areas to look at. that's going to be the most promising course. to the extent to which they try to force the states and local officials to cooperate, you get into trouble with a case called prince with his auntie, during law. >> bill: everything is going to be challenged now not the refugee has happened. but i think congress has to get involved here on immigration law
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and make it more difficult for the sanctuary places that wants to defy the federal government, or else we're just going to have the anarchy that we have now. we always appreciate your coming on, next on the run down, another migrant controversy. swedish politicians are warning america, there warning us to take note of what has happened in that country. then later, we will have more reporting on the speed 26 conference in maryland, the facs coming right back. [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. and while it's okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. try the name your price tool from progressive. it gives you options based on your budget. uh-oh. discussing finances is a big no-no. what, i'm helping her save money! shh! men are talking. that's it, i'm out. taking the meatballs.
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i'm ricardo, a sales and service consultant here at the xfinity store in bellevue, washington. here at the store, we offer internet, tv, phone, customer service, home security. every situation is a little different. it could be about billing, simple questions like changing the phone number. sometimes, they want to upgrade, downgrade, but at the end of the day, you want to take care of the customer. one of the great things about comcast, there's always room to move up. of course, it depends on you, how hard you work. ♪ >> bill: the impact segment tonight, hard-nosed facts. except in about 275,000 refugees from 2014 to 2016, more per
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capita than any other european country, the vast majority coming from muslim nations. corresponding with that influx, a rise of and gun crimes, excuse me, a big rise. according to a government thursday stomach survey, one-third of all swiss women now say they no longer appears secure in their own neighborhoods. at two swedish politicians that let a move to crack down on the refugee situation which the government did warned america to take notes. joining us now from washington, niles built, or niels built i should say swedish defense advisor. correspondent for the swedish newspaper expression. a third of the women according to government stats, this isn't press stats, fearful. when i was in sweden decades ago, that was one of the most safe places on earth. >> it still is, it's one of the most safest and most peaceful
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countries. >> bill: then why do one-third of swedish women feel they're not safe? >> that has a number that if you actually look at the number, most people feel not safe are people coming from other countries. that's one of the fact that is not mentioned in "the wall street journal" article. there are a lot of factors. >> bill: people who have moved to sweden don't feel safe but people raise and feed sweden feel safe? >> most people really feel safe in sweden. >> bill: what about reporting crimes from government stats, very strict gun laws, insect assault, way up. how do you justify that? >> gun violence yes, those rates have gone up, that has nothing to do with refugees. >> bill: how do you know? >> when they look at the numbers, what they think is these are weapons coming in because of the e.u., it has nothing to do with the refugee situation. if you look at the rates and numbers when it comes to that, it's really a complicated
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situation. they are mentioned in this article, they mentioned some numbers but other numbers that show something totally different. spoon according to you there's no problem with all these refugees, they have not change the tone of sweden and swedish life. >> we didn't accept a lot of refugees thinking it wasn't going to be a challenge, of course it has been challenging. the things that have been challenging have more to do with the school systems -- go >> bill: that's why the government went from 275 to 35,000? that's why they cut it back? >> the minister that was responsible for immigration, that's what he said. >> bill: social services, not crime. do you believe that, do you see that way? >> unfortunately she's quite incorrect. there is a problem with socially
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deviant activity, there is a problem with crime, there is a problem with areas or hot spots of crime, being in gothenburg, stockholm, or the suburbs thereof. these things are not being openly and honestly discuss. the swedish political debate is completely false, you cannot have a debate and honest, open debate in sweden about immigration because if you don't agree with the liberal shall we say, come on agenda, then you are viewed as an outsider or not even take it seriously. >> bill: we all know that sweden is a socially liberal nation, but the cutback in refugees stands for itself. for a two-year period mac, they took more than anybody else come another down into 30,000. she says it's because of social services, education, welfare, refugees housing, they couldn't afford it. use a? >> i say, it's because we are unable in sweden to socially
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integrate these people. it's not that they can't learn or go to schools, but the swedish politicians have absolutely no systematic plan for integrating mass amounts of immigrants to become productive numbers of society. of course you're going to have social problems. >> bill: wanted to get that on the table because rbc were debating the same issues here in the usa, thank you both for coming here. "the factor," "tip of the day," work on springtime because of the vice president can but we'll see. directly ahead, talk about conservative politics in maryland, moments away. who always buckles up... comes to a complete stop... and looks both ways, no matter what. because esurance believes that's the kind of driver who deserves to save money on car insurance. in fact, safe drivers who switch from geico to esurance could save hundreds.
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>> bill: as it may know, the big conservative conference is underway, you have to know that, you just watch at the beginning of the program near washington in maryland. we sent waters down there to sample where conservatives are at this very moment in history. ♪ >> is a surfer seatback? >> i'm so excited i'm full of energy. >> who was the conservative that you admire the most court to mark nikki haley. i think she paves the way for a lot of women, i love watching the way she speaks, the way she carries herself. >> i think for me, ronald reagan is the epitome of conservatives,
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he was the man back in the 80s. >> i grew up in the 80s too. >> shall we play a game? >> i'm going to say ronald reagan, one of the greatest presidents ever. >> between ronald reagan or margaret thatcher. >> margaret thatcher? >> think about it, the left portrays foreign women, but we have a conservative rock star who came over here, loved american worked with us on things. i think she's pretty awesome. >> awesome. a >> who is the conservative that you admire the most? >> at the moment, i love kellyanne conway, what comes to mind is kellyanne conway. she is the woman who perfectly embodies how you should be a woman in power and politics today. >> the conservative i admire the most was living his president donald trump. >> ♪ >> he's aligning the conservative movement. >> i love dana perino. she's a strong woman, and i hope
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i get to be press secretary one day. >> i would have to say jesse watters, 2g's hen that category, you're in good company. >> donald trump still have's troublesome and conservative presents, what you think that is what you mark >> i think it's mostly pride and ego? >> i think with donald trump the big issue is, is he really who he says he has? republicans campaign ads conservatives but when they get to washington, they turn into liberals? >> who was a jar, nothing just water. >> conservatives still have trouble with donald trump as president? i think it's because he isn't necessarily conservative but i think he deserves for putting conservatives around him, i think conservatives are afraid to see that the party progressed into something new. >> oh, so that's it. >> from the beginning, he was never actually conservative in my opinion. i don't think he is the standard bearer of the conservative movement. i am hopeful.
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♪ >> i love bill o'reilly. >> is he a conservative? [laughs] i think he does a good job of balancing it but i think he does a good job. he is more to the right. >> bill o'reilly is a deplorable conservative. >> i love going on his show, some good to see his conservative. why not? >> it's a number one show on tv. >> it's old school. >> are you calling him old? >> i'm calling him old at school. >> i got to say, i'm kind of impressed by it. >> do you know who's world it is? waters world. >> waters world can you be in my world? i'm giving you and your friends were meant to get up this ranch. >> bill: he joins us from maryland, how to get to the conference? can anybody go, is there a ticket you can buy, how do you
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get in there? >> you register, not a lot of money. media can get in for free but other people have to pay a small biller. if you're a big shot, you can sponsor tables and throw around cap ten, 20 grand. it's a lot of college students and a lot of talk radio show hosts and activists and then guys like me who goes to stir up trouble. >> bill: yeah, you go to their web site. i think some of our viewers might want to go there maybe next year, you go to their web site. and you can register, pay a fee. then they send you tickets come is that how it goes? >> yeah, you get a ticket and now they have a hotel right next door with his gambling because it's right across the river in maryland. there's a lot of great restaurants, kind of like a spring break for conservative college kids. >> bill: figures he would find the casino at the restaurants but >> i don't gamble. i don't gamble. >> bill: your gambling with your reputation every time you come on this program. a >> that's true. >> bill: all right, watters
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will see you tomorrow night at 10:00 for whatever it is you do. if you would like to see watters, miller, me in omaha tacoma, washington, unless we week of the end of march, check it all out on when we come back, a terrorist released from gitmo awarded more than a million dollars from the british government, that he joinse our attribute to alan colmes coming up next.
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with every early morning... every late night... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security and your medicare. you made a deal a long time ago." now, it's congress' turn. tell them to protect medicare.
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>> bill: the truth serum segment tonight, at the disturbing situation out of the prison at guantanamo bay. here now are two correspondence. guy in gitmo picked up in afghanistan, that's where they got him. all hell breaks loose in britain because he's a british national. if they sent him back to britain, pick it up. >> bill: he was born ronald fiedler, 50 years old. big human rights effort to get them out of gitmo back in 2010, he did. he was part of a lawsuit in
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which 16 other men got 12 and a half million dollars. from the british government because they sent him to gitmo in the british government said there wasn't any evidence against him, they said he was in the sudan it connected to al qaeda. >> bill: the guy's was the british government but what if they have to do with them going to gitmo, that was a usa operation print >> they facilitated, he served two years in gitmo. the lawsuit was 2010. this bill and how much did you get from london? >> $1.2 million. >> bill: 1.2 million he's back in britain. >> he's back in britain in 2004, 2014 after a decade his sister said he couldn't get a job he goes to syria. there is a furor that he was able to leave. he's in syria and isis says he's the one driving that car you saw that photograph of the bomb laden isis vehicle that attacked coalition forces in mosul. suicide bomber, he had a wife, had children.
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his brother is despondent over this, it shows what happens when you get out of gitmo. >> bill: it's an amazing story, this guy gets out, goes back to england, they give him 1.2 million because he sues for some crazy reason. then he goes enjoy sizes and blows himself up. okay. shannon, there was not hysteria, let's be fair here but there was concern in military quarters that's because president trump has frozen hiring on the federal level, you can't hire anybody anymore, that the little kids, the children of military personnel were going to be deprived of the stuff, take it away. >> i first heard this a few days ago from a friend of mine who's a military spouse who sent me this notice that families in german to god. were going to close down child care on these bases because we can't hire anybody to take care of your kids. there's a lot of turnover so don't plan on them staying here we want to be able to help you.
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similar notice went out to fort knox in kentucky as well appeared >> bill: what's the rel story? >> the pentagon made a special extension february 1st to those who provide child care to military families. somebody did not get the full memo somewhere. they're working out to fix this so that the little kids have somewhere to go. >> bill: little kids in germany and fort knox, goldfinger will make it tough. you don't have to worry about it, our job will be there and he'll take care of the kids. >> bill: when i first saw this was presented as that trump, those kids. this is what they call fake new news. there's a little appendage says that if the dependence of military involved a much, children involved, this freeze doesn't apply. >> they said there's always a lot of turnover at these child care facilities anyway, because i have to get a background check.
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>> i didn't say it, you did the principal nice to be a teacher. >> you know. >> bill: the urchins will drive you absolutely crazy, if you can last a year, will give you a metal and they'll say thanks. >> these people are good at the shop now because the funding is there. >> bill: the funding is there, the kids are okay, the commander-in-chief isn't hurting the kids. >> no drama. >> bill: thank you very much, we appreciate it. on deck, our colleague alan colmes passes, will have a tribute to and next as "the factor" continues all across the usa and all around the world no, i'm talking before that. do you have things you want to do before you retire? oh yeah sure... ok, like what? but i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement? we're absolutely doing that. but there's no law you can't make the most of today. what do you want to do? i'd really like to run with the bulls.
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his wife jocelyn, sister susan bregman and his sister-in-law monica crowley. he was a fox news channel original, i met him more than 20 years ago. he was unique to say the least. >> bill: i want to get his reflection on it. >> i don't want to go overboard. could be at 33. >> let's forget that ronald reagan was the lowest at 35%. >> bill: you can't be optimistic about it. >> i'm hopeful. >> bill: wire hopeful? >> i'm hopeful that the economy is good to get better. it >> bill: for all the american people not for your insane ideological -- >> our usage estimate i want this to happen for my own personal benefit? >> bill: he gets appointed this guy to head the president's council on competitiveness and job creation and then he ships jobs to china. is that not insane? >> it does not look at.
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go to. [applause] >> bill: i want you to stand up. >> is a cynical view of the democratic party's. >> bill: the truth may hurt, the republicans haven't done anything either. >> they're busy try to overturn health care for the 30th time. a spill in the president obama's job approval ratings is in a tank because people don't think he's doing a good job. you feel he is doing a good job. what's the difference between you and every other american? >> it's too early to judge. >> bill: i love you, colmes, i'm telling you. >> i really don't think i'm the only guy in the country. do you really be believe the country is far better off? >> bill: call me crazy, i just think that elected officials at that level on capitol hill should be honest. >> would we be better off with
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bitter out? if we withdraw everybody there's a liar there's nobody left. i'm not supporting lying. a >> bill: there's nobody left is that what you just said? there are no honest people? >> very few. thank you for doing couple's counseling with me come i think it's gone very well. >> bill: that's a good line. >> bill: the thing about colmes is, he had no malice, he's a kind guy. he never took political debate personally. i gave him all kinds of jazz in the hallways and he always had a witty comeback and i wish i had recorded that stuff, it was hysterical. if you ever needed a favor, no better person than alan colmes. he was sincerely, i'm not a phony kind of guy. he was sincerely a person that cared about other people.
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>> make your drive a sport. >> bill: back to "tip of the day" the sweetest thing in president trump in a moment. john yarborough, peachtree city georgia, congratulations keeping your cool with giselle fernández on the board of securities. i doubt her just fuse are held by all americans. it's hard to know what the post on their think because they're subjected to the same propaganda we are. discussion about americans security rarely involves mexican culpability as we pointed out tonight earlier. instead, it's always our fault that bad things are happening. if you're ill-informed, that's an easy argument to buy. wendell sexton, grace debate
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with ruben navarrette, i disagree with most of what they say but there was honest dialogue. it's unbelievable that maxine waters can go on tv and called the president a vile name, liberal's are sinking society an all-time low. i finally agree with one thing geraldo said, i'm jewish and it is very offensive when anyone throws around the hitler comparison. austin, texas, watching the factor at the grand hyatt in taiwan, give them a shout out. >> nice hotel, i've stayed there. go to t taipei, fascinating experience. delray beach florida, my hang out down there. staten island new york, killing the rising sun is a spellbinding page turner, took me in a mesmerizing time journey of the pacific theater war.
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alaska, just became a premium member, i canceled my nordstrom's account of 35 years of the of anke trumps this. >> bill: excellence trade, and with your big discounts, you'll get lots of great stuff on our web site. but we do not have women's shoe shoes. troy tennessee, your new book old-school is coming out on my birthday, march 28th. >> two great events on the same day. in honor of that, i'm sending you a free copy of old-school, life in the seine lane as a birthday gift, enjoy. finally tonight, "tip of the day" ." president trump talked about the migrant situation in sweden in terms that brought him some grief. >> president trump: you look at what's happening last night in sweden, sweden! who would believe this, sweden! they took in large numbers, they're having problems like they never thought possible.
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>> just because this attack didn't happen doesn't mean we don't stand in solidarity with all the people who did not suffer. and we pay tribute to all of them now. >> bill: it is true that president trump made the rhetorical mistake by not referencing what he was talking about in sweden specifically. but get this, shortly after the president's statements, violence erupted in a largely muslim neighborhood outside of stockholm. cars were burned, lisa ptak, carnage in the streets. how many of those who derided president trump reported that attack? let's see. abc news, nbc news, cbs news, cnn, and colbert all reported the president's original swedish remarks. none of those agencies, not one mentioned the riots that happened shortly after his statement. none of them.
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here is the "tip of the day," you already know it. the american media largely dishonest. shame, that's it for us tonight, different from "tip of the bil, name in town, if you wish to opine do not be frightened when waiting to us, there's no need to. got look it up. if i tell you what it means, if you look it up in the ob dictionary you have to write it on the machine, then you will remember it. they were right for once, they were right. i've got to kill about 15 seconds, i don't really have anything else, we pretty much covered everything we wanted to cover tonight. we do thank you again for
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watching, i am bill o'reilly, please always run with the, although this little bit more stops here, we are definitely looking out for you. ♪ >> tucker: chief white house strategist steve bennett has emerge from the west wing, he went to cpac today and vowed to continue his battle with the press come here as part of what he said. >> the campaign was the most chaotic by the media's description, most disorganized, most unprofessional, had no idea what they were doing, then you saw them all crying and weeping that night. >> tucker: we have a lot more from that appearance in a few minutes, we'll talk to the head of the anti-trump war room who is furious that he rescinded the transit or bathroom guidelines. if efforts against illegal immigration continued to provoke
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