tv Outnumbered FOX News February 24, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST
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>> been such a fun hour, i say we do it again. outnumbered starts next. >> we begin with a fox news alert. the president is expected to sign a new executive order this hour, beginning the process of rolling back government regulations. the president campaigned on that promise. saying a less regulated economy would grow faster and create more jobs. we are keeping tabs on this vent, we'll bring it to you live when it happens. >> and in a fox news alert, the president doubling down on his attacks of what he calls the fake news media. durringa speech at cpac wrapping up just a short time ago. this is outnumbered. harris faulkner, abbey huntsman, national security council staffer under president bush and
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obama, jillian turner and today's hash tag one lucky guy, the executive producer and cohost of the bernie and sid show bernie mcgurk. out numbered. >> how are you. >> what's going on. >> showing my love to the peeps. >> oh. >> it's like that. and to you ladies of course. last friday in february, the legacy in the tunnel. >> a beautiful warm day here in new york, 65-degrees. >> spring and sun shine. >> yeah. >> that's right. >> helpy friday. >> i thought it was me. >> yeah, with all of us together. >> i never get credit for anything. >> give me the hug. >> she says that to all the fellas. >> we gotta get this friday moving. >> let's do it. >> get it started, harris. the president taking center stage on the third day of the conservative summit just outside our nation's capitol, blasting the mainstream media calling them dishonest. he even accused some reporters saying tightser it's time to
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start naming the people who are attacking them. here's part of these remarks. >> a few days ago i called the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are, they are the enemy of the people. because they have no sources, they just make them up when there are none. they're very dishonest people. in covering my comments, the dishonest media did not explain that i called the fake news the enemy of the people. the fake news. they dropped off the word fake. i'm not against the media, i'm not against the press, i don't mind bad stories if i deserve them. i'm against the people that make up stories and make up sources. they shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name. let their name be put out there. >> that is certainly a fiery
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speech. >> come on. >> your initial reactions. >> my initial reaction is i love it when he takes the dishonest press. when he's talking about the fake news people, let's not forget some of this stuff. it's damaging in stuff like the mlk bus, remember that? designed to imply that he's a racist, he took martin luther king out. you didn't see the corrections anywhere. then the moscow hookers thing, that was cnn that put that out there when other news organizations wouldn't go with it. that & new york times with the with the constant contact with the russian spies turned out to be fake, over blown, rehashed garbage. the press has gone after all republicans in the past, nixon, reagan, bush, he fights back and to me it's so refreshing to see keep doing it is what i say. >> harris, what do you think? i thought your face said it all. >> because when you think about the role of a journalist and
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sources, it has hong been the case that you can just call them sources but the question is now how many sources should you have when you're talking about really important things today and do you think they should be named? >> i don't think you should name on weather your sources. journalists have gone to prison, not prison but jail. they've spent time for not cooperating to name their sources because we don't have to. but i would suggest we meet the president and others halfway with this. there's nothing wrong with saying how you sourced a story? did you talk with one, did you talk with 50? i think that kind of transparency isn't just interesting, it's needed now because the president isn't the only person who mistrusts the reporting that's going on. can we meet them halfway with as much information that we can give and still keep our sources confidential so we have an information flow. if you say you're going to out everybody, the only thing we're going to be doing is talking to each other. in many of the biggest stories in history we needed sourcing.
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however, i'll meet the president half way on that. you can't just say stuff off the cuff because you like it. >> you had steve bannon come out yesterday, his chief strategist, really a mystery man. this is the first time we've heard him speak since president trump won the election. he also doubled down on the media and the bias we have seen since he took office. actually expect it to get worse if we follow through on our promises. >> we've got a great sound bite of him for you. >> it's not only not going to get better it's going to get worse every day. here's why. by the way, the internal logic makes sense. they're corporatest, globallest media that are adamantly opposed to an economic nationalist agenda. if you think they're going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. every day, every day it is going to be a fight. >> i think it's good, steve bannon finally came out and spoke because we were joking
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yesterday that we didn't really even know his voice. can you explain foo me what a global media is? >> i don't understand what maybe steve bannon's conception of a globallest media is. what i understand it to be is a media that is not so, um, america centric, as we tend to have in this country. when you travel over seas to other countries, pretty much everywhere, there's a much better balance of coverage in terms of what's happening domestically, politics, you know all that kind of stuff, the regulatory environment, and a little bit of here's what's happening in the rest of the world. sometimes we really lack that in this country. i think the idea of a globallest media is something wonderful. i know that's not what steve bannon means. he's talking about people who really i think his conception of globallest is a person who really doesn't care about the united states and doesn't put the united states first, which i think is hog wash. something else interesting about
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this people love the idea of this evil genius controlling hand in any administration, you know in the bush administration it was dick cheney. in the obama administration i guess the david axlerod and valerie jared type. >> kind of a slash. >> the way he's been described in the media, you envision this darth vadar-type figure and you hear him on the stage yesterday and he wasn't that. i want to pose this question, she said the battle for the deconstruction of the administrative state. these are very intense, it's very intense rhetoric coming out of the white house. >> the era of big government, we've heard that i think that's what he's twerking about. as far as the globalist media he's talking about, i believe quay, anyway, the open borders crowd, the free trade crowd as opposed to fair trade.
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every wants the wants the open borders, we're all equal, he doesn't believe in the exceptionalism of this country, the same thing which got brexit succeeding over in england, that that's the globalist mentality. >> hold on, though, because when bannon is talking about the, what does he call it? the administrative state. he's not just talking about oh, bureaucracy and regulation, he's referring to something much more mu level -pbt. that's this idea deep state a core of liberal civil servants that doesn't actually really exist. i've workd the and made it to the other side, i'm here to tell everyone, it's a conspiracy theory. it does not exist. >> where are all these leaks coming from that are coming? >> they're coming a lot of them are coming from the white house. >> intel people who are trying to usurp the rez president of the united states. >> are there leaks, buts there's
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leaks from the white house. if the presidents can't keep the white house under control, how do you expect the fbi to do it can we go back to the attacks on the media because i think all of us collectively are living in the media. the idea there's sort of one colonel, the question i have for them is a statement i can only trust breitbart, that is the only real news media. i need the definition of what fake news is to be more clear. how did you repond to that? >> the fake news, i outlined a couple of examples early on but the fake news again we're going to get to the story a little bit later about reince priebus and the fbi. the way that. the way they harp on that and try to convey that reince priebus actually initiatessed the contact which was not true. you would believe that if you saw the news coverage all morning long. >> so what we just saw the
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president do is give his own exame. isn't just germests making mistakes. zeek miller the pool reporter inside the white house who said you know, martin luther king's bus was removed from the bust was removed from the office. eight hours later he tweets i guess it was behind the guard of the door. that's just not responsible. but the example that the president gave today, though, was more incidious than that. he said i can say that i got a standing ovation, in fact, how about a standing ovation. they're going to say not everybody is standing, but you all agree you're looking at each other standing. he said i fully anticipates somebody will write that i didn't get a standing ovation. he's in part joking, but what he's also saying is it almost doesn't matter what he does, something different will be reported. that's what i think he means by fake news. >> there's also a frustration with the american people. they don't know where to go
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anymore to get their news. they don't know to really get an understanding of what is going on in the white house. you got that from steve bannon saying here are the things we're working on, here it is what the president is focused on doing but you're not going to hear that in a lot of the news our outlets. there's a disconnect going on. i thing it's hurtful most importantly to the american people. >> one thing is sure, the president is driving this conversation. this what he's focused on. so we're all paying more attention to it. the question is does this make journalists act more responsibly because they know they've gotta say here's how i source. not with whom. but president i'm going to push as many directions as i can with good questioning but also going to report exactly what your answers are. >> a great place to start with it that - - start quickly by defining and understanding the difference between those two things, which too many
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journalists are getting caught up in the commentary. >> interesting. >> all right, another apparent leak from a top agency rocking washington, the president's blistering words for the fbi of a report involving white house chief of staff reince priebus. john roberts live at the white house gets to the bottom of this. plus, the president greeted like a rock star at cpac, the hope he brings as republicans have a chance to remake washington. fun in art class.
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i love to see businesses that just started from ground up grow into further success. it just feels good to know that i'm helping someone else. my first goal is to learn about their business, what they're currently doing in their advertising. pull some research, create a great story. trying to figure out some way of building some kind of trust in a very quick moment. you have to love to work with people. our goal, without a doubt,
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is that all customers are satisfied before they leave. ♪ >> it's a feisty friday on the couch. president is slamming the fbi over apparent leaks that he says could be damaging to america's security. the president and his aids are also hitting back an reports that chief of staff reince priebus called on the fbi to throw cold water on a new story which linked the campaign to russians. this story is getting hotter. reached tight pressure them to kill this story in the new york times that the fbi had transcripts of contacts between campaign officials last year and people with intelligence.
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sayish it was an intelligence committee. came up to the chief of staff and said can i get five minutes of your time during which he said this whole story was a bunch of b. s., and that's a direct quote. the reaction was well, can we do anything to correct the record? mccabe said let me take you back to the office and think about it apparently told him the fbi doesn't get into commenting on stories, nunez from the house intelligence committee after an fbi briefing said he didn't have any information to suggest anything in the report was true. talked to james comey the fbi director and said we can't comment, priebus said do you mind if i do, and comey said yeah, go ahead. priebus went to fox and friends and said i'm told the higher people of intelligence this story is incorrect, over blown, et cetera. the democrats as you can imagine
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having a field day with this, saying what priebus did was wrong, and again renewing their calls for attorney general jeff sessions to recuse himself from any involvement here. for are bright lines established between the white house and the justice. the white house said this was simply talking bow a news story, but as the news story was about an fbi investigation there may be a bit of a grey area. the presidents sounding off saying quote, the fbi is unable to stop the national security leakers that have permeated our government for a long time they can't eve find the leakers within the nbi itself. classified information is being given to the media. find now. raises coppell of important questions. why was priebus reaching out to the fbi? now we find it was the fbi reaching out to priebus.
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hey, by the way this story is all - - it was mccabe and comey. somebody somewhere just outside of that chain leaked this information. that's an interest question to find an answer to. >> john roberts, thank you very much. you have given us so much to chew on there and a part of the story that i have not seen reported so specifically. the chain. how these things happened on a timeline, it was actually the fbi which began the conversation about this. thank you, john. let's start there. uh, having the fake newses. this is what we're talking about in terms of - - . >> i agree. >> in germest sometimes you'll get a set of facts and the story will breathe a little bit and you'll find out that maybe somebody repeated something wrong. this easy sourcing. you go to the three people and talk to them. >> exactly right. they obsessed over this until this morning. you would think that priebus approached the fbi and was putting pressure on them that
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wasn't sort of a - - . >> you think that based on the reporting. >> you would think that based on they came out and clarified that this morning. that is fake news to put that out there that you have the administration pressuring the fbi. that's fake news. >> i want to be careful with this, abbey, because before the show we're all watching different things on tv. i'm not going to call on anybody's names because maybe they didn't get the words on the lower thirds. some places out there haven't gotten this new factual information and were still reading that the white house had reached out to the fbi. >> kudos to john roberts for helping us better understand what happened in this whole chain of events. not to jump on top of it. >> change the texture of what you think we know? >> i think so much so. now the biggest point of the whole story is the fbi pulled reince priebus aside and they
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told him the new york times story was false. said you're taken seriously, can the fbi or you reports that to american people. they said no because if we make a comment on this we have to comment on stories every single day. >> then why open the door? i'm right with john roberts on this. this only then gets me to ask those three people in the room, if you will. they weren't all in the room at the same time. mccabe, why did you call reince priebus. >> right. >> he was in a meeting. >> president likes to say all the time. >> you're pointing the fbi out. >> just posing that as an obvious answer to the question. during the campaign, the president lusked to talk about how - - . >> so did hillary clinton too. >> has become politicized so here's a perfect example. >> it's deeply politicized. we said earlier on last year that james comey should step down, be fired, he shouldn't be in the fbi anymore.
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everybody has reasons to believe he's politicized one way or the other. what is the stance on getting involved in politics my understanding is there needed to be a clear line between the fbi and the white house. >> i would say that yes, there should be a clear line. i think in reality that's more of an aspiration than it is a reality and the sense that you also need a lot of coordination between the fbi and the white house. you need a lot just to keep the country safe. who decides where this political line is. >> everyone looks really bad. america looks bad, the fbi, the white house. >> absolutely. >> i'm so sick of the fbi toking things like this, having to explain to the american people, having experts like you on to explain why this shouldn't be happening but it's happening anyway. this leaking all the way around is becoming a huge problem and i certainly don't know what the answer is but for the good of
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our national security, for the good of the trust between the white house and our security forces, i don't understand why people are thinking of the collective. >> i think the fbi is never supposed to be the story. the fbi is supposed to be the unseen hand. >> last summer when james comey decided that, you know, he was going to weigh in and say that hillary clinton shouldn't be endited and a few weeks later we head intofall he says i'm going to open another investigation. >> he has no business leading this. >> it smelled. >> yeah. >> it smells a bit. >> for her side, either. >> like megan said it's a little bit of being discredited on both sides because no matter what his personal political beliefs are. >> time for comey to go? >> inappropriate action. >> it is time for the new york times to stop reporting fake news. that's where all this started and it ended up with this further fake news of the fbi supposedly being approached by reince priebus, that's what it's time for. >> let me tell you what the
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president's getting ready to go. that exec itive order on regulatory reform we have learned he has signed the executive order setting up a task force to determine which federal regulations can be repealed. the tape has come back from that because we always get a little video of that and then we all get to see it collectively at the same time. the president signing an executive order on regulatory reform, a very early campaign promise. let's watch this together as he puts pen to paper. >> people standing behind me the biggest in the world in terms of manufacturing and business. some of the people involved are ken fischer, and ken frazier, chairman president ceo of murk, alex gorsky, chairman, ceo of johnson & johnson. marilyn and she has been very tough to deal with, but that's okay. she's a very tough negotiator.
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the president of lockheed martin corp, gregory hayes, chairman ceo united technology. andrew. chairman ceo of dow chemical company. the presidency united states steel corporation. juan luciano, chairman president ceo of archer daniels little and company. denise morrison, president campbell's soup company. lee the third chairman ceo of quality inc. mark sutton chairman and ceo of international paper. and ing, chairman president of 3m company and we have made tremendous progress with these great business leaders, amazing progress. they're getting together in groups and they're coming up with suggestions about their companies, and how to bring jobs will be fantastic states.
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way for the country and we met yesterday with these folks and some more. excessive regulation is killing jobs, driving companies out of our country like never before. i must say we've stepped into a large part, maryland, right? >> right. >> we do see wages and raise in prices. i've listened to american companies and american workers. i've been listening to them for a long time. listening to them complain for a long time. today this executive order directs each agency to establish a regulatory reform task force, which will insure every agency has a team of dedicated people to research all regulations that are unnecessary burdens and harmful to the economy and therefore harmful to the creation of jobs and business, each task force will make
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recommendations to repeal and exemplify existing regulations. the regulatory burden is for the people behind me and for the great companies of this country, and for small companies in impossible situations we're going to solve it very quickly. they will also have to really report every once in awhile to us so we can report on the progress and so we can come up with something even better. this executive order is one of many ways we're going going to t real results when it comes to removing job-killing regulations, and unleashing economic opportunity. we already issued an order which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. so that in itself is going to be tremendous but what we're doing is much more than even that. every regulation should have to pass a simple test, does it make life better or safer for american workers or consumers?
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if the answer is no, we will be getting rid of it, and getting rid of it quickly. we will stop punishing companies for doing business in the united states. it's going to be absolutesly just the opposite. are they go they're going to be incentivized for doing business in the united states. we're working very hard to roll back the regulatory burden so that coal mines, factory workers, small business owners, can grow their business and thrive. we cannot allow government to be an obstacle to government opportunity. we are going to bring back jobs and create more opportunities to may be more than ever in our country. we've made tremendous strides over the last period of time. this is i guess we're four weeks into it. i think for four weeks i've done a good job. i want to thank these great business leaders. some of them are with us in the white house and they had tremendous success, reid, and jared and so many others in
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business, and they're helping us, uh, sort out what's going on because really for many years even long beyond obama, president obama, i will say that's it's been disastrous for business. this is going to be a place for business to do well and to thrive. and so with the signing of this executive order, i would like to just congratulate everybody behind me and andrew i'd like to thank you for initially getting the group together. >> thank you, mr. president. >> thank you. >> should i give this pen to andrew? dow chemicals. i think maybe. [applause] >> we're very proud of this.
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>> there you have it, the president signing the executive order on regulatory reform saying it would stimulate the economy to wipe away some of the regulations that were unnecessary. you heard him mentioning that 4-letter word again and then holding up the exact executive order. this makes way again for the administration to look upon agencies that will form their own task forces to say which federal regulations. >> the second major directive in this will require, as you said, each agency to establish a regulatory reform task force to evaluate existing regulations. the irony here is that the first step in this deregulatory push is to create a whole bunch of
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task forces, one for every department in agencies there is dozens of them. the first step in trying to get rid of bureaucracy and make things work better and have less government is add thousands of people to take a look what it's doing. >> people have said they like the idea of creating jobs. >> absolutely. you can't expect the agencies to dismantle themselves because you have to hire a couple of outside people to take a look. regulatory reform, aka, it's just taking the hand cuffs off the country. taking the hand cuffs off and allowing jobs to flourish here. economic nationalism, a nation of suckers no more, a pro-america energy policy. >> what is taking the hand cuffs off mean? it sounds great, but what does that mean to you? >> two people love this, the ceo of dow chemical. he criticized the president during the campaign, compared him to a kardashian, yesterday
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came out and said he is reagan-esque. the other people would love this the american people. like in florida last weekend. >> an early campaign promise he says he's keeping. the commander in chief's message on keeping the homeland safe. stay close. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. nitrites or artificial mesquite preservatives.added nitrates, now it's good for us all. like introverts. extroverts. (cheering) and even bert. man you gotta' try this sandwich. who's just overt. oscar mayer deli fresh. so good!
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>> the president is expected to sign his new travel ban executive order next week after make some tweaks the white house said it should get through the courts. saying we cannot let what is happening round the world happen here. >> let me state this as clearly as i can. we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. in a matter of days we will be taking brand new action to protect our people and keep america safe. >> so bernie, when i hear that i want to get can i get an amen
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for saying radical islamic terrorism? obama wouldn't say it for eight years. i love that he's coming out swinging. this is fresh meat. >> gotta love it. >> chum in the water y love it. >> you okay? >> yes. >> you're making julian cough over there. >> sorry, julian. what did you make of that, him finally saying that having a president that has the hutspa to say that. >> i'm not surprised, that's why he got elected is the straight talk to borrow a phrase from your dad's campaign. he got elected for that reason and that's what he wants to do is keep america safe. this travel ban for a moratorium, i should say, a travel on terrorist states is the way it should be characterized, i think. it's a first step in keeping us safe. obviously they'll figure it out but the instincts are right on the money and this new travel ban executive order they're
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going to cross their ts, not their eyes. the unfortunate thing is you can't prove a negative. if he keeps us safe you can't say there would have been a terror attack on a certain day were it not for donald trump. you can't do that. but that's what he's trying to do, i love it. >> begging for a president to say radical islamic terrorism. one of the executive orders not letting the iraqi translator into the country, i was deeply affected by it, deeply up -t is. do you expect things to go a little more seamlessly? >> all i can say is they better because the way things were rolled out the previous time was so disastrous we had this mass-scale chaos. a lot of folks will disagree and say there wasn't chaos. there was chaos. all kinds of people were detained at the border who should not have been. people who have green cards, my 10 ons ahold as green card, and
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people felt genuinely terrified. to me that's devastating. so there is a personal element for me. this was not good policy and i say that because this has nothing to do with the way it was hole roled out or implemented, it dozen help achieve the objective the administration is trying to achieve. i agree with you week, should call radical islam what it is is, and call these people out. at the same time we absolutely have to work with our muslim and arab nation allies in the world. we're not going to get this, we're not going to ultimately defeat the ideology if we don't have buy-in and cooperation from the same people this eo alien alienates. >> real quickly, the doj via the white house is asking the ninth
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circuit court of appeals to put on hold. the new executive order may address some of those cases. i'm sure this will be flushed out during the day. >> stay tuned, a lot to come next week. >> former house speaker john boehner hoping republicans won't be able to - - . we'll debate next. without them you're conducting business with an armpit on the side of your head. that's not just some battery. that's a duracell battery. that's a power you can trust.
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>> we hadn't seen john boehner in awhile, but making some bold predictions about the future of obama care. said yesterday repealing and replacing the affordable care act won't happen because republicans can never agree on health care. here it is. >> all this happy talk went on in november and december and january about and january about repeal, repeal. we'll do replace, replace, i started laughing because if you pass repeal without replace, first anything that happens is your fault.
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if you pass repeal without replace, you'll never pass replace because they will never, ever agree on what the bill should be. perfect always becomes the enemy of the good. >> so there's that. and then there's this. president reinforced his orageful promise to repeal and replace the law this morning. >> we also inherited a failed health care law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe. obama care doesn't work. and these same people a year ago and two years ago were complaining about obama care. the bottom line, we're changing it. we're gonna make it much better. we're gonna repeal, and replace obama care. >> all right, so as far as we know john boehner is not, you know, part of the administration and we haven't heard that he's joined so the left hand not talking to the right is probably not huge news. does this represent a wider point of view
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within the republican party is the question. >> i think he may be referring to the technical aspect in that you need 50 votes in the senate to repeal, but that you need 60 to replace. he doesn't think the democrats will go along with anything the republicans say. >> is he right or wrong? >> he's probably right. it also is true that small businesses, the working class, middle class are hurting, they need this thing to be repealed at the very least repealed and whatever whatever happens after it is going to be very complicated. >> so you know, sometimes you'll see people who really love their party or their team give, like, um, good fatherly advice from a distance. do you kind of hear him also saying former speaker boehner, look, this is what you guys need to do, guys and ladies. you need to do this and go forward. or is it something else? >> i don't think his comments should be perceived in any other
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way than altruistic. he's talking about the reality and its it is going to be complicateed to repeal ask replace, especially when they're making promises it will happen within that day, within the hour. >> everybody will be covered. >> that being said, if the president doesn't end up repealing and replacing obama care, it will be egg all over his face. he's keeping his promises one way or another. they're very controversial and may not roll out as seamlessly as we may like. at this point i no reason to believe he's not going to keep this promise. >> the republicans have said if we get in power the first thing we're going to do is repeal and replace obama care. bernie's absolutely right. i've traveled the country and sat down at dinerswith so many small business owners and it is heart breaking to hear what health care has done. >> across party lines. >> democrats said they voted for the first time for donald trump because they've been so hurt by health care.
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a couple of things need to happen, they need to agree on a plan which boehner says i've been there. and they have to have a plan to put forward. this is the most complicated issue, a fifth of our gdp. if you compare the size of france, we've got to get it right. >> i was just going to quickly say that i think what john boehner recognizes, too, is that he was part of the group of conservatives who were left aghast at the way obama care pushed through. the biggest criticism on the right was that it was ram down his throats. i think he's trying to encourage the gop to not make that mistake now. >> when you have bicameral control you want to get those key issues done and it kind of looks like you're trying to shoe horn it in. a warning about those rowdy town halls, many of them talking about this very issue so let's segue way there. senator bernie sanders is telling republicans it's only the beginning.
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>> bernie sanders warning republicans that's those rowdy town halls all just the beginning and gop lawmakers need to start facing their angry constituents. watch. >> if you don'ts have the guts to face your constituents you shouldn't be in the united states congress. the republicans haven't seen anything yet. if they're worried about the protesting they're going to see more. this coming saturday we believe there will be well over 100 protests, most of them in republican offices around the country, district offices. >> mean time, this is a scene outside congressman darryl, california home. po testers say they went to his neighborhood after he didn't show up to a town hall tuesday night. so i always think no matter who's protesting where, it is naive and always stupid, quite frankly, to ignore anger of the american public. >> this is manufactured, if you ask me. said today how many elections do you have to have. this is a bunch of winey,
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well-off white people with too much free time on their hands, harken back to the 60s. they don't even know what they're protesting. you lost the election you come off as sore losing thumb suckers, cry babies. what are they protesting? >> the facts don't support that. i'm not saying that some of the people may not fall under that category, but there are many others who don't. in the last couple of days we've seen the men and women stand up and say i am not a paid protester, i lost a job. >> they're paid to say that. >> really some of them are just personal stories are real heartbreaking. >> some of them are ang roux. >> what are they angry about? >> they disagree. i've never seen this amount of protesting in my life. i can tell you i've been there. i was not at the protests but i'm living in the city. these are peaceful people. i'm not defending them or criticizing them, all i'm saying is i don't think it's very american to criticize
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protesters. >> what are they protesting? >> they're protesting, they're not protesting the election results. they're protesting - - . >> some of them are. >> the policies. those are two different conversations. >> what policy? >> i mean, i most recently lived in beijing, china and i saw first hand people protesting something they were passionate about and it was cracked down within two minutes. it made me really appreciate the country. i'm with you, bernie, on this, the best thing you can try to do is win elections and the way to do that is figure around other than really hating president trump. >> the real question why are they there and how can their needs be met? if you're calling on republican lawmakers to stand up and take it, fine. they've got to be literate about what their problems are.
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ladies. >> we are never going to argue with that. >> it is true, we are out of time. >> have a great weekend. >> we'll be back on monday, noon eastern. "happening now" on now. >> a fox news alert. vice-president pence is speaking to governors in washington. >> jenna: it is shaping up to be a busy day for the trump administration. >> we have to go out and be honest. our victory was a win like nobody has seen before. >> jenna: president trump takes center stage in cpac. plus. >> he will continue to craft his agenda and as jobs get better they will continue to fight.
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