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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 24, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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challenge to the status of the english language, imperial nations impose their subject people to the two languages them, this should be avoided, this is 1981, his party wouldn't recognize him now. thanks for joining us tonight, we'll see you monday, "hannity" is next. ♪ >> welcome to "hannity," president donald trump delivers a major speech at speed 26, and kimberly guilfoyle. watch this. >> president trump: if you remember my first major speech, sit down from everybody, come o on. the dishonest media, they'll say he didn't get a standing ovation, you know why? because everybody stood and nobody sets. also he never got a standing ovation. they make up sources, they're
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very dishonest people. in covering my comments, the dishonest media did not explain that i called the fake news the enemy of the people, the fake news. they dropped off the word fake. all of a sudden, the story became the media is the enemy, they take the word fake out, i'm against the people that make up stories and make up sources. they shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name. they say that we can't criticize the dishonest coverage because of the first amendment there was bring up the first amendment. i love the first amendment, nobody loves it better than me. nobody. [cheers and applause] who uses it more than i do? >> kimberly: president trump spoke about building a movement and putting america first, let's take a look.
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>> president trump: i'm here today to tell you what this movements means to the future of the republican party. and for the future of america. the core conviction of our movement is that we are a nation that put and will put its own citizens first. that was a time for action. we will cut wasteful spending, we will promote our values. we will rebuild our inner citie cities. we will bring back our jobs and our dreams. the g.o.p. will be from now on the party also the american worker. >> kimberly: president trump told the crowd obamacare will be repealed and replaced, check it out. >> president trump: i inherited a mess, believe me. we also inherited a failed
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health care law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe. the bottom line, were changing it come over going to make it much better. were going to make it less expensive. remember the lie, 28 times you can keep your dr. you could keep your plan over and over. were going to repeal and replace obamacare. >> kimberly: there you go, joining us for reaction is american conservative union chairman matthew schlapp and a fox news contributor, herman cain. what is his reaction when you first asked him to speak their? >> he talked about that. the he said like he always does, of course i would be there. one of the things he said i would be there because i want to thank these folks who stood with me. after the speech i want you to
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know, he seemed really pumped up by the response from the crowd. conservatives are so hungry to start winning and to start having victories, i can't tell you -- it was emotional. if they want a leader who will fight and he's showing them how to fight. >> kimberly: it was interesting because people were talking about if you wanted red meat, you got it. yesterday with steve bannon and with the president today, many people were saying it almost sounded like a campaign speech again talk about what he was intending to accomplish. >> i want to congratulate matt because as of the first time in my memory that cpac has been able to get the president and all of his top people to speak. kudos to matt and his organization. during his speech i heard the exploding sounds of liberals heads exploding because he did something that they are not used to happening. he repeated what he said he was going to do and he's doing what
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he said he was going to do. that's what was so refreshing about his speech today. i believed it wasn't just giving the people red meat, it was giving people what he said he was going to do, and liberals hated it and conservatives loved it. >> kimberly: fantastic if it me i want some of that godfather speech, that with the good stuff with some pepperoni on it. you're getting a lot of praise from herman cain, people felt that this has gone incredibly well. what do you say to some of the naysayers who said we would have liked to see that earlier on our show, juan williams said something that sounded more presidential, this sounded like it was the euphoria of a campaign. >> i just don't know how it could go any better. i'm actually thinking of resigning because i don't think i could do any better than this. >> kimberly: retire. >> thank you for your kind comments. i think that's wrong, i actually sat there and really watched and listened to the speech.
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there was a detailed explication of what conservatives would want to see happen from the federal government now. i thought it was very specific and it hit really all the major points. >> kimberly: yesterday, give me a little bit about this back and forth, people were curious to watch how it went down between steve bannon and speak reince priebus, how did it feel to and were you worried about how what was going to come off? >> i was a little bit worried, clearly there's all this talk about how maybe reince and steve don't get along and we all decide the best thing would be to put it out on stage and have a conversation. they've got busy jobs, they got a lot on my mind. actually got behind in the schedule, had time to talk and relax and laugh and talk about funny political moments. they were really loose by the time they got on stage.
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i think people got a very candid assessment of their relationship which was very constructive. i think the nation had a sigh of relief that these guys are working together in the ready to get the job done. >> kimberly: hernan you are a strong supporter of president trump from the beginning, he's been very strong here talk about jobs, the economy, trying to get to this back to the robustness that it once was. how did you feel today about his comments? >> i felt inspired, so did a lot of my listeners and people that i talked to. they felt inspired. what i continue to hear over and over, he's actually saying what he said he was going to do and he's doing it. the reason that a lot of the media people were not happy with the speech and he was criticized about he didn't sound presidential, the american people don't care about him sounding presidential.
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they're concerned about him doing what he said he's going to do. he doesn't speak in political speak, he doesn't speak bureaucratic speak at heat certainly doesn't speak media speak. he speaks a trump speak, it connects with the american people. they love it, and that's why the media and others don't like it. he's not saying the words that they want him to say. donald trump, president trump, it's president trump. that's what upsets them the mos most. >> kimberly: it's interesting because you've been right there in the thick of it, running for office. you see a lot of people trying to shape you and tell you what to say, and how to dress did you ever get a chance to the president, be very genuine and authentic with the people out there the voters. >> president trump was the only candidate, not that they had to call me, he was the only
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candidate that called me for advice before he ran in the primary. i gave him two pieces of advice, be prepared for lawsuits. i didn't call it's fake news but he's going to be hit with fake news at last, that's what he's going to have to contend with. the other thing that i suggested to him and he's tearing it out. true to yourself. i had a plan called 9-9-9. you know what i called his tax plan? i called his tax plan cut, cut, cut. you know what? i'm happy with that. the american people can understand that. i believe that he's going to deliver on that, he now has to work with the congress and he understands this in order to get it across the finish line. >> kimberly: you had lou dobbs one of our own here today, he's getting a lot of wide praise from a lot of the supporters of president trump to say that he did a great job, what do you
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think? >> it was great, we all know he has this populist spirit. he takes no guff for anybody, to have them on before president trump, he really that this place up. a >> kimberly: i've got to tell you, you might want to retire because this was pretty all-star in terms of all the republicans and conservatives out there was something for everybody. can't thank you both enough, two of my favorite people for being here tonight, thanks so much. here now with more reaction special assistant to president trump, boris epshteyn, good to see you always. of president trump on tuesday is going to address a joint session of congress. what can we expect and what do you want him to hit hard on, which notes? >> the key topics we been talking about him is so nice to be here. now the first five weeks,
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unbelievably first five weeks, national security. cutting taxes, cutting regulations, and renewing the american promise and american spirit, moving forward in the country. to be safe and be better off as a nation. >> kimberly: this a lot of things the precedent set out to accomplish, i want to bring you back up to yesterday to steve bannon and writes previous on stage together talking about the agenda of the president. talking about the economic agenda that he wanted to be able to put forward. how do you think your team is doing so far in terms of being able to put forward those ideas and check the box on the promises that were made, steve bannon was promising that in fact once the president promised during the campaign is going to happen to think you're on track? >> look at the numbers first five weeks, what is that? that is ensuring american safet
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safety. american security, making sure people are safe in their homes. i can sure they can walk their streets and not feel threatened. over 25 presidential actions, just one today on cutting those job stifling regulations. as we move forward, you're going to be looking at for activity on obamacare and reforming the tax code. >> kimberly: you've been part of the steam right from the beginning, part of the transition. you see a lot of discussion in social media, in the mainstream media on the press about on our they're different factions, there are some warning interests within the administration, you're right there, is it true or not? >> no, there's no warring faction, you saw that in the discussion between it steve and wright's previous. you are never going to get a group of sophisticated, smart people to agree off the bat on anything, and what you want to give their perspectives. the key is when you make that
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decision, when the president decides what the action is to carry that out as a cohesive unit and that's exactly what's happening in this white house. >> kimberly: you seem pretty optimistic about this, let's talk about breaking news today that happens, some media outlets were barred from an off-camera white house press gaggle. what's the trump administration's response to some of the heat cnn and will others weren't allowed and they said. >> cnn will do anything to feign shock and to make it seem like they're somehow offended. here's the bottom line. the pool was represented, there's a reason the pool exist exists. the whole gaggle was transcribe transcribed, plenty of access to everything that was said. all this shock absolutely overblown. >> kimberly: there wasn't like a timeout list or anything like that where people put in the corner and not in the room in the gaggle. >> not at all, it's not like "saturday night live" or anything like that.
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the pool was represented. others were invited in to the point where they sit in the press secretary's office, that's what it was. the key here is access to the pool, this was a gaggle not a press conference, everything is consistent with proper practice. >> kimberly: boris it's always a pleasure, thank you for being here tonight on hannity. >> kimberly: coming up, next right here on "hannity." speech rate one by one, were checking off the promises we made to the people of the united states. one by one, a lot of promises. and we will not stop until the job is done. >> kimberly: more reaction to president trump's big speech at cpac, geraldo rivera will join us next with reaction and then later. >> president trump: we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hill out of our country.
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>> kimberly: early today at cpac roll about new executive action on extreme vetting, recently hosted an audience of experts on both sides of the issue. we'll play you that later tonight, stay with us. ♪ announcer: get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. ♪ ♪ (crowd cheers) ♪
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>> i'm jackie ibanez in new york, a rocky ground troops making significant gains against isis fighters in muzzle. they're moving into the western suburbs of arak's second largest city since the offensive started six days ago. they're facing fierce resistance from isis fighters who are resorting to car bombs and suicide attackers. iraqi forces now have full control of the city's international airport. the u.n. says iran is living up to its end of the nuclear agreement it reached with the u.s. and five other nations a little over a year ago. the associated press says it obtained a confidential report showing iran has only about half of the low-grade rain uranium it's allowed under the agreemen agreement. that's used to power reactors and other peaceful uses. the report by the u.n.'s nuclear is the person's president trump's inauguration. back to "hannity" for all your headlights log onto fox >> president trump: one by
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one, were checking off the promises we made to the people of the united states, one by one, a lot of promises. and we will not stop until the job is done. we will reduce your taxes. we will cut your regulations. we will support our police. we will defend our flag. [cheers and applause] we will rebuild our military. we will take care of our great, great veterans, were taking care of our veterans. >> kimberly: will come back to >> president trump: "hannity," here's the reaction of founder and consecutive director of turning point usa charlie kirk, the author of the deplorable's guide to making america great again, fox news senior correspondent geraldo rivera, thanks for being here tonight. i'm going to begin with you,
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what did you think of the president's speech today? i know you had the opportunity to see him in person a lot before, you're able to watch this. did he hit all the right points? >> i thought it was the most incredibly deplorable speech in presidential history as i thought it was amazing. one of the things i really appreciated, he picked up on a theme it's in my book. those folks who believe in traditional values, it was the word irredeemable that i think really struck a chord with folks. the democrats that believe that folks who believe like donald trump, like the average american citizen that their belief system is beyond redemption. i say's thumbs up for the president, he did a great job and he had a home run today. >> kimberly: how did you see it? >> i think he mentioned hillary clinton, i think hillary clinton was almost a shadow presence in that room. any time donald trump mentioned
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the fake media, he could have been saying hillary clinton, it's like he had the old campaign speeches, even to the point where the audience at cpac began a chanting lock her up when he never mentioned hillary clinton. his speech was so charismatic, so impassioned, it was so pointed to the barbs so forth, he was aiming the insults and the takedowns of the news media instead of hillary clinton. they heard it, the same tempo. the same melody, they started shouting lock her up. it was a fascinating and entertaining. >> kimberly: how did you see it? >> i boil it down to one word and that's consistency. donald trump is been going here for six years now, every single year he has kept this theme the same. america first, people back to work. what's so incredible as we finally have a president of the united states who is now is doing what he said is going to do and he saying it for a while.
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with people who aren't familiar with this conference, it's like the super bowl of conservative politics, we brought hundreds of young students here. every single year, year after year they got to talk about donald trump putting america first. it was like a conversation with friends, talking most people that put him in the office. this is the baseline, grass roots across the country i thought it was very well received. he's not saying anything new, he is consistent in his love for america and his message back to the people who helped them get there. >> kimberly: strong at messaging yesterday, at geraldo as well comment on that, i want you to touch on steve bannon. essentially a call to arms saying if you think that the media is going to give the country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. >> that's terrific, i want to point out to cpac lest we rewrite history, donald trump came in third at the straw poll and see packet losing to ted cruz and marco rubio.
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as i recall, he postponed last year's speech for fear that it was not to be well received during the heat of the campaign. now he is triumphant, and brought it to unprecedented extraordinary power. just a year ago, he was a candidate that would have been and also run in that very truck out here in cpac. bannon and reince priebus, i've never seen him speak before. it was the only image of him i had, it was terrific to see the political and the ideological forces inside the white house shoulder to shoulder, making a compelling argument, a powerful arguments. they are a formidable duo, there is doubt about it. trump has harnessed these twin tornadoes.
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>> kimberly: it's interesting, a lot of discussion about it in the press. two different factions first in the campaign, then in the transition, they're saying in the administration, did you feel yesterday's appearance, two of them come and you think it quieted that storm? >> i think it did for just a little while but i think again, conservatives are very happy with the fact that president trump is delivering on those prop thomases. i do want to take up to task for one thing calling the mainstream media fake news. i think we had to call them what they are, they're liars who are attempting to take down a duly elected president. we ought to call them out on it and i'm glad the president is doing that. but they're not fakers they're lying and they need to be held accountable. >> kimberly: i got about 30 left for you. >> i completely agree unto the response to geraldo, donald trump has been coming year after year. my point is he's won over conservative activists year after year.
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i think it really deserves appreciation that he hasn't just try to pander to this crowd on a strict ten-point conservative doctrine. he said were going to put america first, were going to be consistent, that's what i meant by that. you've got to love the enthusiasm and energy for a president of the united states. you can see the conservative activists that were here at see peck, we've been waiting for this for a long time it was truly an amazing moment. >> kimberly: it just feels good, know what i'm saying? coming up next, right here on "hannity." >> president trump: we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hill out of our country. >> kimberly: get them out, president trump talked about rolling out his new executive order on extreme vetting. sean recently hosted an audience of experts on both sides of this heated political issue, we will play that for you next, stay with us.
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you might be surprised. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. miralax. >> president trump: let me state this as clearly as i can.
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we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hill out of our country. we will not be deterred from this course. in a matter of days can will be taking brand-new action to protect our people and keep america safe. you will see the action. i will never, ever apologize for protecting the safety and security of the american people, i will do it. >> kimberly: that was president trump at cpac earlier today preparing his plans to issue a new executive order on immigration. last week, sean hannity hosted a studio audience on that very subject with experts on both sides of the issue. here is part one of his look into extreme vetting the islamist threat. >> sean: joining us tonight, the present of the center for the security policy and assistant secretary of defense under president ragan, frank
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gaffney is with us. from the islamic center, imam muhammad siddeeq is with us. former national security advisor and ceo of soderberg global solutions nancy soderberg is here. new york city mayoral candidate bo dietl is in the house, founder and chairman of american muslims for trump said she'd for stomach sajid tarar us with the spirit of former new york specil prosecutor of new york john flannery is here, retired marine steve gern who just had 50 million hits on social media act for a stomach. and imam muhammad ali alai he. how many you think's radical
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islamist are at war with america, show of hands which marked no? by which marked i don't accept the term islamist. >> sean: if people indoctrinate and kill the name of islam come if you tell your child that 72 virgins await you in blowoff the heads of radical islamic terrorism, is that not, holy war against infidels? >> is in the fact that we have christians in america who call themselves dominion us to take over the government? >> sean: is that of the bigger problem is radical islam is? there are more questions in america. >> sean: name the most recent attack by one of these individuals. i can't speak to the post nightclub, . >> san bernardino, not one of the seven states what's mark >> sean: but we have 72 people since 9/11, the judge in seattle got it wrong for it 72 people,
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frank gaffney authority you that we know are from these seven countries that in fact have been charged with her related incidents. >> we have, it's preposterous to suggest that there isn't some connection between what these people believe which they call sharia and their desire to impose them on the rest of us which they think is a la's will. >> sean: will you describe the caliphate? >> if the aspiration, the belief that it's god's will to impose sharia worldwide under a theocratic arrangement which would enable them to have a caliphate? >> sean: convert or die, is that what you would say? >> it applies to people who aren't of the book convert or die. it applies to people of the book, you get one other choice. that is to live in slipped. these are systems that have been established for 1400 years, they are not american values and i think the president is absolutely right to say we don't want them here.
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>> sean: who else says they don't think we're at war with radical islam? >> fundamentally, were not pretty since the oklahoma city attack, there have been 40 terrorist attacks from white suppress most terrorist. evil is evil. i think the issue we have as muslims is these terrorist like isis, 90% of from their victims are muslims, with islam. nothing's and islam says convert or die, nothing says death to the infidel, the word says struggle against evil. >> sean: you lived under this in your life, he is describing his view which i know is sincere, there's no disagreement. the problem is if you look at it islamic states, if you look at saudi arabia, if you look at kuwait, you look at uae, how many of those states are women told how to dress, and are killed, sunni-she had, iran, saudi arabia, they do the same thing. christians and are persecuted, 16 countries talk about a band if you have an israeli passport,
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you don't get to go in their country. under sharia, muslim states practiced by multiple states as radicals can become a true or false. >> it's radicalized because they're practicing sharia law, it's no friend of muslims and christians and and anybody who's not a muslim. understand what he's talking about, that's the new caliphate, they started in the 20th century. that's very different from a caliphate and the islamic state that started 1400 years ago and now continues and now is resurrected in iraq and syria. the world -- the world was at a crossroads. we are facing a clash of civilization, western values, and islamic values. >> sean: how many agree that there's a clash of civilizations, for example, if you come from a country where women can't drive, they're told by men how to dress, marital rate is legal, and can be
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killed christians and are persecuted and people under those countries want to come to this country does anyone agree that's a class of civilization? how may disagree it's not a clash? >> back in the late 70s, early 80s i did security for the royal family of saudi arabia. i made two dozen trips over to riyadh. i was over there during -- i watched on television, the killing of 100 people for various different crimes. women had developed and all that. it's a different society. the people cannot come and impose that society in america. the gentleman sitting next to me, he's a reformed type of muslim, he agrees. >> sean: this is the 20th century, without talking about
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an advanced -- >> truly, a woman, or anything like that come you go to saudi arabia, it's not gonna happen. >> >> sean: how are you a? >> the moment but the name islam in front of you you have negated any negativity that could follow us. it's on trend assay. >> sean: he didn't answer my question, our country that are majority muslim run under sharia law, many of whom wouldn't accept somebody with a jewish passport, many tell these women how to dress. many don't punish marital rate. many killed gay and lesbians. >> they do what in the name of islam, they're wrong. all were trying to tell he was islamist universal concept. >> it's happening in so many countries. here's the thing, if you grew up under those values, how do you come to america and just dispense of the men how do you know you're good to get rid of
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the values. >> step back a bit, their 7.3 billion people on earth, only a billion of them mind muslims, we are not at war with a billion muslims. >> sean: did anybody say that? >> you're saying a class of civilization. >> sean: you not to put words in my mouth, i said if you practice sharia like saudi arabia, look around, like kuwait, he said clash of civilizations with islam. >> sean: i never said those words, i said radicalism, there's a difference. we all agree there's a difference? >> let me just finish. were not in a class of civilization with the muslim world which some of the rhetoric surrounding this issue would imply. we are at war with those who subvert islamic religion to do us harm and others harm. >> kimberly: coming off more of sean's audience called
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will look at the list of countries, that are not included, afghanistan, read it all. albania, algeria, azerbaijan. bangladesh, 156.1 million, indonesia, 258.3 million, not included, egypt, 94.6 million, not included in the list. it keeps going thing you have kuwait and kosovo, all of these other big countries. look at pakistan which is 201.9 million muslims. how could you say seven countries the obama administration identified, how do you say that? >> first of all, listening very patiently to everyone, and i think sean is not fair, this fearmongering and hatemongering that you are promoting, it is really, i'm talking about islamic threats. there is no such thing as islamic threat. the real threat is ignorance and
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injustice and arrogance and these powerful forces. >> sean: are you calling me a liar? you're questioning my integrity. name one thing on this show that i said tonight that is not true. name one. >> is not personal. >> sean: you said i'm propagandizing. it's personal now come you made it personal. name one thing that i've set on this show tonight that is not true. >> the islamic threat. name one. there islamic threat is not tru. that's not islam, some muslims, and some christians, some. >> sean: they do it in the name of your religion. >> there are radicals not running around with machetes cutting people's heads offered we are not seeing jewish terrorism around the world, will not sing christian terrorism around the world, were not saying buddhist terrorism around the world, were saying islamic terrorism around the world.
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>> it she said a bigoted remark, she said there's muslim attacks around the world can that's bigoted. >> sean: a miscue to cooperate. everybody slowdown. here's the reality. all of these murders that are happening in every terrorist event, there is a common theme. a long walk bar. >> we haven't got the appeared >> what i wanted to say that you haven't brought up it, the radicalization in this country, the second generation, my biggest fear right now is the guy who killed in orlando he was a second-generation, the guy bums here in in new york, he was second-generation refugee, the guy was a second generation smelling repartee. >> sean: your founder of muslims for trial. my question is the imam who called me a propagandist moment to go else except your apology
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later. is there anything i've said in the show but is not true? >> give me acceptant stomach a second to explain why donald trump and muslim, we are victim of these radicals and terrorist organizations, they have killed more muslims and we have more to fight. >> sean: i have one follow-up question. i show the imam the list of 40 some countries, 90% of the walls muslim are not impacted by this but he insists in calling this a muslim band. >> not at all. this was obama's list. [shouting] >> sean: do you want to apologize now? >> in reality the countries that attacked us, we are welcoming them. the country that we attack them so we bomb them and now we band
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them. >> kimberly: coming up, will play more of sean's audience show on extreme inventing the islamic threat, stay with us. when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. and best overall brand. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the... ...nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best... ...sleep with a cold, medicine.
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>> kimberly: welcome back to "hannity," the white house rolled out a new executive order
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related to extreme veteran, here's more from sean's audience show with experts on this very issue. >> sean: we have seen this death to america, burning flags, death to israel, burning flags. this radicalism that has emerged. i look at this, how do we ever ascertain if somebody from around wants to escape persecution, i imagine there are people i would want to live there, anyone want to live in around? would you? would you like to go back there quit mark >> i used to. i want to know if you want to live there. somebody wants to come here, how do we as a within their hearts? to the come here with good intentions, want to assimilate, become part of our family, or do they bring those twisted chanting death to america values, how can you ever bet that? >> i would offer a suggestion it's not the panacea but it's a way ahead. there will be a disagreement about it but i think it comes down to do they embrace and seek to impose sharia?
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you would discern it in part by their conduct. their expressed statements, if possible, by establishing before they come here that they're actually engaged in that program. i want to clarify this because as a fundamental mistake a lot of us make. sharia is actually integral to the authoritative practice of islam. this is not something that is hijacked or manipulated and those who say otherwise are defying actually what is the tradition of islam. if they're engaged in line for the faith, or they don't know the truth. >> sean: steve gern, you've been on the ground. you did a video that went viral supporting extreme bedding, you've seen it come you've been there. my right? >> we need to do the extreme bedding, let me tell you one thing real quick.
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all the terrorist attacks that we had the united states, some of those attacks obviously were on the tvs in the location where i was at. i can assure you right now that the individuals there were pleased to see the attacks against the americans, they were pleased. how exactly can you say okay i can allow you to come into our country if you are happy to see americans being killed? >> first of all what mr. gaffney is saying, hang on, nothing guides islam but the quran, you can't say sharia law guides the quran the quran guides . >> sean: what about the people who subvert your religion?
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>> i'm not disagreeing with this but shocking all rained down on your people leaving 100,000 thousands of people wiped out, these people are not rationally think it, they're angry. >> sean: you're blaming america. >> i'm not justifying it. what steve responded. >> what do you do when somebody comes from one of the seven countries, they come from one of the seven countries come they've been vetted, they been brought into united states and we think they're good. and then all of a sudden somebody gets a hold of their family and one of the seven countries. takes them and says now today, what you're going to do is you're going to commit g hard, if you don't do that i'm going to kill your family. >> kimberly: coming up, more "hannity" right after the break, stay with us.
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you never miss an episode of "hannity" ." sean is back on monday. we hope you have a wonderful weekend. ♪ ♪ >> chris: hi, i'm chris wallace in tonight for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching. our top story, president trump wows the crowd at cpac today with a rousing speech that hit on a number of familiar themes. immigration, the wall, isis, the economy, and obamacare. but it was his blistering attack on the media that really got the crowd going. the president doubled down. on his condemnation of unnamed sources and so-called fake news. >> a few days ago, i called the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are. they are the enemy of the people.


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