tv Fox and Friends Saturday FOX News February 25, 2017 3:00am-7:01am PST
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[national anthem] ♪ abby: good morning. it is saturday, february 25th. i'm abby huntsman. team trump doubling down in his war against the press. >> i want you all to know we are fighting the fake news. it's phoney, fake. they are the enemy of the people. abby: more on that and what the american people really think about all of this. pete: plus, are you ready to meet the new face of the democratic party? >> so keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. pete: maybe a new hairstyle but maybe not a new face. is that really helpful?
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clayton: once he realized americans stopped listening to him he went to france. >> we will have to make. love trump. is he dusting off old hillary's slogans to run in 2020. an actor running for president? hmmm, "fox & friends" right now. abby: a tease. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ ♪ i'm taking a greyhound. clayton: taking a dro greyhound to work this morning. billy joel new york state of mind. abby: i feel like 6:00 a.m. we need something to pump us up until the next commercial
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break. i love our producers but get something to wake us up. clayton: how about this to wake you up. by the end of the show a new sex life by the end of the week. kevin laymon is here to get your sex life back by friday. abby: six days. pete: a full week. clayton: we saw what happened with the press gaggle and some of the reports of different news organizations being kept out of press gaggle. last night president trump was up late and you were probably sleeping when he took to twitter. pete: i was asleep. he took to twitter taking on the fake news media he tweeted this on or around 10:00 last night. the fake news media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. a great danger to our country. the failing "new york times" has become a joke. pete. clayton: this was in response to the press gaggle held yesterday by sean spicer
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certain news organizations were kept out a.b. a.b. cnn, politico,. pete: other outlets allowed. in defined a small group. this wasn't the press corps briefing room. this was a gaggle in sean spicer's room. they said listen we will let a few groups in that don't normally come in and few groups out that normally are in. clayton: perhaps not favorable to the trump organization when you run down the list, cnn, "new york times." "new york times" said nothing like this has ever happened in our long history of covering different parties. we strongly the "new york times" and other news organizations. pete: they are claiming armageddon end of the world unprecedented. abby: if you remember under president obama fox news was not always invited to things to which some media outlets came to fox news' defense and said we stand by you and the free press.
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so this time around our news division here at fox has also stood behind what happened yesterday supporting the freedom of the press. but, you know, newt gingrich last come out. a lot of people are trying to figure out exactly what happened. clayton: we also don't know. this is the problem with the white house. we weren't clear yesterday. we had sarah huckabee's statement that was wishy washy. comes out later in the night to clearly define what happened. there is still a lot of questions hows it t. was proposed to those people. abby: on both sides of it though. because you have the whitehouse saying they are saying and then you have the statements like the "new york times" and other outlets where they jump the gun and say this is what happened to us. seems like we are still this morning trying to figure out exactly what happened. so are the american people. they are reading all these different headlines which i think speaks to the challenge today of media and where do people go to get their news? pete: that's a great point. weave know where they have traditionally gone to get it. this is what newt gingrich had to say about the media and their goal.
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>> i would kick some of the organizations out. i would flood the white house press corps with lots of people. i would go to skype a lot more. i would go to local reporters from all over the country. i would take the old washington establishment head on and be pretty cheerful about it. some of these stories are so false and i think it's fair to say to a reporter, look, if you are engaged in salute falsehood, you don't get to play. pete: is he talking about draining the press pool. if the press pool is the filter through which the entire world gets their news and they are not being fair and fair-minded with the reporting, they are entirely biased and reporting out and out falsehoods which is what this white house is saying. we tell you things. we say it's not true and you report it anyway. that's why steve bannon calls it the opposition party. they are fighting trump no matter what no matter if it's true. why doesn't the white house get an opportunity to go to war right back at them then
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hey don't come to the meeting. it's not the end of the world. abby: this is someone who has been washington a very long time. clayton: he has always battled the press. abby: there is something when we talk about sources. this was probably the biggest discussion at cpac we heard that from steve bannon from reince priebus yesterday from donald trump when you put out an article and the sources are either wrong and it doesn't add up at the end of the day, that is dangerous and problematic. clayton: also dangerous and problematic for breitbart being in the front row and given access. pete: why not? why not have more voices than the stodgy left wing elites from the west coast? clayton: argument from the left breitbart propaganda. pete: what is cnn the propaganda arm of the democratic party. come to the point where mainstream media are into the mainstream. they are left wing.
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they propagated the press releases of the obama administration eight years uncritically now they are going critical ofly with everything in the trump administration? how is that fair? how is that balanced? clayton: how about clean them all out? pete: that's correct. blow it open. clayton: get rid of breitbart, politico all of them. pete: not shut it down open them up even wider. that's what the white house has done more voices in the press pool. abby: how big of a deal is this? are we blowing this out of proportion or calm down. pete: arie fleischer former press secretary has an interesting take on this. he said calm down, everyone, he said in a tweet. press secretary should tweet and gaggle with all the press. but white house staffs and potus often meet with who they want and that's true. they will pull people aside and one-off meetings and smaller group meetings. it's not that everyone in the press corps is invited to awful these meetings at the time.
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we want to know what you think of this. email us this morning. different opinions how this goes down. ff weekend. abby: i have to tell you quickly i was at a diner in jacksonville where martha maccallum did the town hall. we were at this diner and i probably received 10 to 15 calls from outside jacksonville from all over the country. i want to thank you for giving us a voice. we feel we are not represented today. thank you for letting us speak and being heard. that really resonated with me because i do think there is this voice missing today in the media. clayton: that's why it's important to have local reporters, local papers which are dying because they don't have the access to the "the washington post," the "new york times." the small papers in small towns across the country which are going to like publishing themselves twice a week instead of seven times a week because they don't have the money and resources to do these skype calls with local reporters and towns with issues being able to ask the press secretary he valuable.
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abby: what do they care about jobs. they care about the economy. they don't care about the media talking about itself. they are talking c cpac. -- see cpac. i don't know what that is. if you remember, steve banning talking about three different areas they are focused on. one of them dismantling the administrative state. signed by president trump does some of it this is what the president had to say. what he signed at the white house yesterday. >> today this executive order establishedirects each agency to establish a regulatory reform task force. each team is dedicated -- real team of dedicated people to research all regulations that are unnecessary, bourbon some and harmful to have the
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economy and, therefore, harmful to the creation of jobs and business. each task force will make recommendations to repeal or simplify existing regulations. pete: that's the president laying out if you want to get the economy going rip away the regulations hurting businesses. clayton: some are seeing this as an opportunity to spend more money. some companies sitting on their hands and cash. we have seen the dow hitting a 11 straight record week as stocks are soaring. does that trickle down to main street. pete: people calling it trump bump. good news. the stock market is hopefully responding. abby: that's what stuart varney said the other day what this shows is people are hopeful that things are going to change and happen. time will tell how much will actually get passed and what it will do.
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what this does show is there a lot of hope out there. the american people want it to get better. pete: not if you read the failing "new york times." they don't control the media let us know what you think. he. clayton: are you awake now? cspak. a. abby: intelligence report from dhs down playing security threats from the seven countries include included in president trump's immigration halt. still intends to issue a revised executive order. you may recall the associated press also falsely reported president trump was going to deploy national guard troops to ramp up illegal immigration. bring in a new face to help get them all excited about it.
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>> so keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. abby: new face? hillary clinton is weighing in after historic loss but the democratic divide deeper than ever as the party appears to be setting up a war with the white house. party leaders will pick a new dnc chair likely from frontrunners tom perez backed by president obama and left he keith ellison. changes to medicaid could also provide tax credits for up to $4,000 for people 60 and older and let insurers boost rates for older americans. 8 republican governors are expected to present that proposal in d.c. later today. the trump administration needs your help to build the wall. the department of homeland security is proposals for walls. designs start early next month. looking for american companies
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and engineers to keep america safe. they expect to start awarding contracts in mid april. we will talk to a member of the national board patrol counsel in the next hour. that's all we will be talking about the next few weeks immigration. executive order coming next week as well. speed pete indeed. the media haighted the c paste >> the hand hoovments as usual are on course. that's really all that matters. it's just mesmerizing. pete: griff jenkins talked with audience members. he joins us live next. clayton: done for decades opening a town hall meeting with a prayer. >> prayer? [shouting] >> amen, we're done. >>
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abby: turns out people trying ty save obamacare are not big fans of the prayer ♪ i can't get no satisfaction ♪ i can't get no satisfaction ♪ for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... imy moderate to severeng crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms
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♪ abby: that is president trump taking center stage yesterday at cpac and electrifying our own packed crowd. pete: griff jenkins got a chance to talk to audience members and he is here to tell us today what they thought. hey, griff. >> reporter: good morning. a year ago president trump and then candidate trump skipped cpac because they were worried he wouldn't be accepted very well and possibly even booed. a year certain live makes a difference. he brought the house down, thunder russ applause. they stood so long clapping that he told them to sit down. familiar themes bringing down
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obamacare, building a wall and tax reform. we talked to folks as they left. take a look. >> what did you think of the speech? what did you like the most. >> i love that he went over the bear basics. our president is supposed to protect our borders and individual rights. is he not supposed to find us a job. that's my job. >> very real gets to the point no. political correctness. >> hand movements as usual were on point, of course. that's really all that matters that's mesmerizing. >> is there something that he touched on that really spoke to you? >> absolutely obliterating isis. >> we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. [cheers and applause] >> they got to go. >> are you a marine? >> i have a marine, yes. >> the national security stuff spoke to you the most. >> that and actually the fake news piece. >> they are very smart. they are very cunning and they are very dishonest. there is not enough right leaning media in the world today.
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>> i want to see obamacare repealed and replaced. i really hope he lowers taxes. >> if you could take something directly to president trump. talk to him here, what would you say? >> keep up the good work. don't let the democrats keep you down. >> i would tell him keep doing a great job. i love what he has done so far. >> president trump you are the man and i will beat new beer pong one day. >> reporter: of course he spent most of his time attacking the media. cpac is not over guys. the e.p.a. secretary scott pruitt will be on this stage and sheriff david clarke will wrap it later this afternoon. abby: no beer pong though unfortunately. pete: probably not. abby: i would love to see that. what was the point in the speech that got the crowd the most riled up? >> what got them most riled up was the attack on the fake news media i was sitting back in the back. at numerous times he would point to us and we got certainly a lot of eyes and a little bit of boos.
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pete: they weren't booing at you, griff. don't take it personal. abby: all right. well, debate cheater donna brazile is ready for a come back. >> we're not afraid of donald trump. we're going to kick some ass in 2017 and kick a whole bunch of asses in 2018. we're going to kick ass. [cheers and applause] pete: and get the debate questions again. are the dems going too far to the left as they choose their new leader. we will debate it next. pete: one thing you should never do on jeopardy. i will take obscene gestures for 200, alex. oh e stanford.
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farther left than the majority of their supporters. leaning as far as left as most vocal supporters. they need to keep in mind most vocal supporters don't always represent the majority. they need to continue to consider this because they obviously did not win in 2016. and if they want to win in 2018, 2020, 2022, they need to, you know, take note of what their mistakes are. clayton: keith ellison up for the dnc chair a radical candidate at best. here is what he has to say for impeachment for the president. listen. >> do you stand with them or with house leader nancy pelosi who believes impeachment talk is premature?
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>> i think that donald trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment. clayton: cathy this idea of going after the president impeachment, is this good for the american people? is this where democrats want to be. >> that's how they are feeling with what he is doing with all the executive orders. he is acting like a dictator for so many liberals and progressives. the problem is he is so far reaching to the right, he is so right that it looks like the democrats are going to go so left and eventually when we do come around to election time we will probably meet in the middle. but right now we are so far right with trump. we have to go far left on the trump. clayton: madison, do you see this as a winning strategy here? how are they going to win states like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan again with that message? >> i don't see this as a winning strategy at all and i think representative els doesn't understand what it takes to impeach a president. he has not done anything to be impeached at this point. keep in mind he won the votes
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of the american workers in 2016. that's party of wife he is president today. i think that democrats need to think about this and come together and really make a concerted effort to work with our president to bring jobs back to these states like west virginia, like ohio if they want to gain these votes back in the future. clayton: cathy, of course president trump i think in his first week was meeting with union leaders at the white house. when has that happened? >> everything he has done since has been so far to the right. he is not working for the little guy right now. i feel he is working for big business leaders and so do many other people. and we have seen that we have seen that with the protesters. people are angry at donald trump. i have think he is too far right. is he not in the middle at all. >> do you consider coal miners to be big business people? these are people that need a job. these are not big businessmen. these are every day americans and that's the type of people he has been putting back to work in the last 30 days. clayton: see if the dnc can go after these people again or if this strategy will work.
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convicted felon deported four years ago now charged with murder and kidnapping a little girl. duane chapman here to discuss the immigration crisis next. once he realized americans stopped missing to him george clooney went to france. is he gearing up for 2020? could he be running? >> i have to work harder and harder to not let trump win. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> we are also going to save countless american lives. as we speak today immigration offices are finding the gang members, the drug dealers, and the criminal aliens and throwing them the hell out of our country. [cheers and applause] and we will not let them back in. they're not coming back, in folks. if they do, they have got big problems. clayton: that was one of the biggest applause lines at cpac. donald trump talking about illegal immigration. we want to bring in the host of the renegade republicans to talk about something on the east coast yesterday, new york, connecticut, new jersey, a lot of people on these phones you have these amber alerts that go off and everyone's phone vibrates with an amber alert someone had kidnapped a 6-year-old girl in
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connecticut on the lookout for this particular car. turns out we dive into the story more deeply ended up being illegal immigrant once deported and become a prime suspect in a murder investigation. there he is. kidnapping a little girl and then apprehended. abby: it was his daughter in the car and accused of stabbing his wife. pete: unfortunate irony of this criminal illegal come back to this country. now looking for him on amber alert coming from the state of connecticut just days earlier the governor there said we are going to ignore federal guidelines and have sanctuary state in connecticut where illegals won't be targeted as criminals. what does it safe for the left and our safety. >> it's total disgrace and absolute embarrassment to the rule of law. just in case any of you on the couch are under the allusion that this was based on some kind of principle, let me just prove that conclusively wrong right now.
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the far left argued on immigration when arizona he wanted to tighten up their immigration laws. the very same liberals said no, no, we're not going to have -- the federal government runs immigration law. arizona have you no business doing that now with states like connecticut want to let dangerous people go in some cases who are in the country illegally, all the liberals are celebrating the very opposite argument now all of the sudden liberal states like connecticut can do whatever they want on immigration. this is not based on principle at all. it's based on getting votes for the democratic party. that's it. abby: dan, these are laws already been on the books, right? this is very basic when you think about it this is getting out the worst of the worst that are here illegally in this country. of the criminals, how can you be against something like this? i can't imagine asking anybody if somebody is illegally here and they are a criminal. do you agree with that or not? why are we even having this debate? >> thank you for bringing that up, abby. because donald trump did not
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create new immigration laws when he got elected. it is not legal to be in the country right now without the appropriate documentation. it is currently a violation of the law. secondly, it is obviously a violation of the law at the state level to kidnap a human being. these are laws already on the books. this is a nonsense conversation. but it's based on the fact that the left is obsessed with demographic destiny in the future and using illegal immigration to bump their voter tally. we can't look at this through a principled lens. they are not principled on it. it's all about politics not about immigration. clayton: president trump taking on the mainstream media and what he called the fake news. our own griff jenkins was there he said this was the line that got the large e. amount of applause in the room. he pointed to the back of the room press people griff felt he was pointing at him, no, no, no. going after the mainstream media and of course yesterday we hear about the press gaggle
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that was the meeting with sean spicer and certain news outlets are being kept from meeting with the white house. what's your take on all of that? >> well, i worked of in the white house for five years with the secret service. there was different levels of access. many of you have been there. this is not particularly unusual what happened yesterday at the white house. i know some in the media that he are trying to paint this as some kind of war there will try to paint it that way. when he does these off the record, on the record gaggles not in the official bread pressroom and side office they invite in who they he want, there is nothing unusual about this. this battle against the media, i think this is a winner for trump. there is two schools of thought. first school keep it going, it's working. second school of thought says hey, it's trampling his message. i believe the former is the way to go. the american people are really upset for what they feel like has become the propaganda arm of the democratic party. that's members of the mainstream media who don't tell them the truth. they tell them the doctored
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truth to advance the message not put out the facts. that's not their job. pete: dan bongino, thank you very much. you are the host of the renegade republican. thanks a lot. >> thanks, guys. abby: want to get to other headlines this morning. sergeant bowe bergdahl will not get off that easy. his lawyers arguing that he won't get a fair trial thanks to president trump's past criticism of him. >> he is a traitor, a no-good traitor. he was a dirty rotten deserter. abby: military judge calling those comments, quote, disturbing. but don't prevent bergdahl from receiving a fair trial. berg doll is facing life in prison for abandoning his post in afghanistan. the u.s. traded five of the taliban's worst for his return. his trial is scheduled for april. and pray on your own time. that is the message from the tolerant left at louisiana town hall meeting as lawmakers attempt to begin with an opening prayer. watch.
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[inaudible] >> prayer? [shouting] >> amen, we're done. abby: wow. as you can see there protesters heckling the louisiana state chaplain and did not let -- bill cassidy spoke as well. this is really getting out of hand. he will take obscene gestures for 200. alex a stand for students. putting up middle finger for jeopardy college championship. no one seemed to notice what he was doing. >> there is a theory that explains really well if you fold a slice of pizza the tip stays in the air so you can eat it easily. >> when he was called out on twitter unremorseful student explaining right, i did. >> i can't believe he got away from that. pete: it appears he didn't get away from it we are covering it. abby: live. clayton: he was off camera.
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that's how rick gets away with it. rick: guarantee you he has friends back at school who are really really happy about it how did you like the weather this week. clayton: amazing is it going to continue or are you going to be a wet blanket? pete: not that bad. the trees are confused across the eastern two thirds of the country. take a look at the map. it's been incredibly warm. that's about to change. you see where that cold front is. cleveland, you're 45. right there is about where the cold front is moving through. 27 in chicago and 16 in minneapolis. those are places that we have been busting records this week. each down towards parts of texas. we had a reading, unconfirmed reading of 107 in texas this week. you get the idea. incredibly hot. there you go. across the east that storm moving through. that's going to drop the temperatures down behind that so much so that we have snow flying across parts of wisconsin and in towards areas of michigan. out across the west we have more rain moving down the coast e i want to show you the temperatures the next couple
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of days because we do see rebound today across the eastern two thirds of the country. overall the pattern continues a bit. all right, guys. back to you inside. pete: coming up george clooney had to go all the way to france to get people to listen to him. >> is he gearing up for 2020? abby: you know the dog bounty hunter always gets his man. >> we got him. >> they got him. [screams] abby: we have all seen it nau the reality star and his wife want to put law and order back in congress. they join us live from cpac. or is it is it cspak?
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abby: well, george clooney keeping up with the recent award show theme turning acceptance speech into political rant at french film ceremony last night. pete: that's right. kurt the cyberguy here with that and other top trending stories of the morning good morning, kurt. >> clooney at the caesar awards in france. if there is any forecast as to what might be happening at the oscars or any vocal mexicos at the oscars, listen to what he had to say across the pond here. >> today the world is going through some pretty momentous changes, not all for the best. as citizens of the world we have to work harder and harder not to let hate win. love trumps hate. [speaking foreign language] >> courage trumps fear. cause alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad and giving considerable comfort to our enemies we. >> the matter is he not the
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only celebrity. just out against the trump train. abby: there are more celebrities that have come out against trump? >> what? i actually thought you were serious for a second. roy mcilroy and great golfer, right? just really taking a bad rap from his friends and has finally come out and this is because he played golf with the president. he finally came out defending it online. here is his tweet i don't agree with everything my friends or family say or do but i still play golf with them. last week i was invited to play golf with the president of the united states, whether you respect the person who holds that position or not, you respect the office that he holds. this wasn't an endorsement nor a political statement of any kind. it was, quite simply, a round of golf. golf was our common ground. nothing else. i have traveled all over the world and have been fortunate enough to befriend people from different countries beliefs and cultures to be, you know, called all these things. he goes on and on and on. the fact of the matter is one
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more person trending online defending themselves. everybody is tiptoeing, tip totiptoe, tip toe. clayton: do what you do best. >> you don't have to love the president. when the president calls you for golf, dinner, a meeting. you go that is what a good american does. abby: steve harvey said the same thing. he went in and had a meeting and he got killed for it? >> he did. get off the political landscape for a minute and tell you what is absolutely on fire online. trending topic number three is this video of an iphone 7 plus that happens when she wakes up and this ends up on the bathroom sink. it is smoldering. it eventually ends up cracking open and this thing was at the apple store just hours before she went to bed the night before. wakes up and this is it. it is now back in the hands at apple. they are investigating why in
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the world this thing caught on fire. it is the iphone 7 plus. we haven't seen this with apple pete. clayton: she tweeted about this then. >> she did put that on twitter. boy did they reacted pretty quickly. clayton: my iphone 7 plus blew up this morning. no explanation for this. didn't look like it was plugged in. >> it was. it was on the dresser in the room first charging. >> was it charging on one of those knockoff chinese plugs? >> you know what? you should lead the investigation. he is actually right. you are very right. much echeaper chargers and sometimes they are overcharging a device. doesn't have to be an apple. maybe that is what it is. abby: can you plug it into a plane now. charge your phone on some airlines. if this were to happen in the middle of flying that could get scary. clayton: that's what so scary
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about samsung phones. abby: thank you, kurt. thank you. are you ready to meet the new face of the democratic party this morning? >> keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. clayton: is that really helpful for democrats or do they need to turn the page? pete: maybe. abby: dog the bounty hunter is back with this show for congress. they join us live from cpac. that's next ♪ bad to the bone ♪ bad to the bone ♪ bad ♪ bad ♪ bad ♪ bad to the bone ♪ no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced.
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and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. visit and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. testinhuh?sting! is this thing on? come on! your turn! where do pencils go on vacation? pennsylvania! (laughter) crunchy wheat frosted sweet! kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. feed your inner kid
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clayton: well the trump administration outraging the left over extreme vetting and border control. abby: we wanted to know how much harder it was for our ancestors to get here. pete: i went to historic ellis thailand find out how difficult the process was to come into the united states. ♪ pete: we're here at ellis island america's immigration gateway for over 60 years from 1892 to 1954 over 12 million immigrants walked through those doors and bureau saysed as they entered america. we're here to learn about that process and how it compares to the immigration process today. ranger johnson. >> pete, how are you doing? pete: good morning. thanks for having us. where are we now? >> right now you have walked into the baggage room. when the immigrants would come off the barges coming in or the ferries, they come right in here. they were encouraged to collect in their luggage right away. pete: after they drop luggage
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where are they going. >> begin the health examination. there would be at least six doctors. pete: six doctors? >> right. watching you as you come up and stop at these landings and then make certain turns and different angles that would provide the doctors with points to really make an assessment of you. pete: they are looking for physical health and condition? >> that's right. they would indicate what seemed to be wrong or seemed to have a problem by this chalk mark pete pete chalk marking. >> really on the lapel or hat or some part of your outfit. pete: this effectively where new immigrants meet the bureaucracy and the imcongratulations laws of the united states of america. >> right. trying to determine whether the individual will be able to work in some fashion, earn money that they are healthy and also to determine that they are not likely to become
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a public charge. those are the main three. pete: what does public charge mean? >> public charge mean that the government through taxes being paid are somehow going to have to take care of these people. pete: how many people were turned back. >> talking about maybe 20% that were initial live detained either legal issues or health issues and out of all of that and those numbers only about 2% are actually excluded or sent bang. several different types of mental tests or exams. one of them literally a just a piece of wood that's been sawed into puzzle pieces. pete: not clear that i would admitted. it's not clear at all. distanting at the podium whether you are a anarchist or polygamist or committed a crime. anarchists are a threat. they wanted to make sure you are not one. >> by 1901 president mckinley
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is assassinated by an anarchist. at least by 19035 version that we have the question has been added. part of the idea was perhaps to impress upon them the idea of a patriotism to this new country and develop americanism. pete: as millions of immigrants came through, a lot of things changed in the way it was configured. one thing never changed. the presence of huge beautiful american flags that greeted every single new immigrant that entered this radio. the idea was you may have come from any corner of the earth but you are now here in america to be an american. our expectation is that you would work hard, have an allegiance for this country and do everything you can to move your family forward and this country forward. it was an idea that made america a very special place. it was interesting extreme vetting not a new concept.
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♪ abby: good morning. happy saturday, everyone. it is february 25th. i'm abby huntsman and team trump trickling down in its war against the press. >> i want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news. it's fake, firestone, phoney, f. they are the enemy of the people. abby: the crowd went wild but how do you think the mainstream media reacted to that? pete: i wonder. are you ready to meet the new face of the democratic party? >> so keep fighting and keep the faith and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. pete: why was she not 40 points ahead? i love that clip, too.
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is that really helpful for the dems? clayton: did you feel a chill in the air last night? that was real. >> donald j. trump. [chanting] >> so that his malignant works may fail utterly. clayton: all part of these witches plan to cast a spell on president trump. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ i put a spell on you ♪ clayton: what if it will work? witches spells maybe voodoo dolls. abby: those witches working overnight double, double toil
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and trouble. clayton: what is that from? abby: shakespeare. is it double double toil and trouble? abby: i don't know. i may be wrong. abby: mcbeth. pete: you are learned. clayton: if you were sleeping last night you probably missed donald trump tweeting last night 10:00 p.m. in the wake of everything happening yesterday afternoon with certain news organizations being kept out of sean spicer's office while other news organizations were allowed. in he took to twitter last night saying this: fake news media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. a great danger to our country. the failing "new york times" has become a joke, likewise cnn, sad. of course this press gaggle is not the main press briefing that sean spicer usually holds. it's a smaller gaggle. abby: a pool. gives access to a pool and feeds outs to printed journalists, reporters, you name it.
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so many left out. cnn, politico, "l.a. times." a statement after this happened nothing like this has ever happened in the white house in the long history of covering multiple administration of different parties. we strongly protest exclusion of "new york times" and other news organizations. pete: of course that's what the failing "new york times" is going to say. they want their monopoly control over the pool. pool is a small group of people you could argue as donald trump let's out all of one viewpoint. it's not as if there is a conservative organization inside the small portion of this press pool. so donald trump and others would argue that maybe it's time to drain the press pool. maybe it's time to bring in other voices. have you seen that from sean spicer in the official briefing room taking questions over skype and broader spectrum. this particular meeting informal one in his office. hey, how about we get rid of opposition party media outlets for a moment as a gesture and bring in outside press that don't usually get. clayton: we don't know that because they didn't say that the white house was a little
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vague in their response. this is where clarity could come in from the white house. they have didn't say what these particular news organizations have been adversarial to us that's why they are being kept out. response from the white house smaller pool and we had to pick and choose. if they had come out and said that then we would have clarity this morning as to what their position was. pete: i don't know that they owe the world exact accounting every media organization invited. hysteria from the "new york times" saying this is unprecedented. we go to other press secretary to find out hey is it unprecedented or not? ari fleischer the white house press secretary from 2001 to 2003 said this over twitter yesterday. he said calm down, everyone. press secretary should brief gaggle with all staffs white house press and potus meet with who they want to. president o met with groups of select columnists another tweet. tell me white house staff didn't have meetings with chosen reporters. stop hyperventilating.
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abby: great to hear from him. this is someone who has been someone who deals with press in washington, d.c. this has happened before. clayton: it's happened to fox news. news organizations came to our defense. news organizations who you think might not necessarily be friendly with us came to our defense when president obama had removed fox news and didn't meet with fox news during his administration. here is president obama bashing fox news back then. listen. >> if you talk to somebody who said well, i don't know, i was watching fox news and they said it's horrible. good affordable healthcare might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news. fox news on a regular basis, it is a constant menu. they will find like folks who make me mad. >> look. if i watch fox news look i wouldn't vote for me. if i watched fox news i wouldn't vote for me either, right? because have you this screen, this fun house mirror through
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which people are receiving information. clayton: you have organizations back then defending fox news that say they should be allowed in like the everyone. now fox news is in the same spirit of defending the press which is we stand firmly with those other news organization that was they should be allowed in to these press briefings and not kept out. that's the official news position. abby: here is how the american people. maybe i'm wrong. this is how i'm feeling about it a, how big of a deal is this? and two, what's actually going on? there continues to be so much confusion because i think there is a lack of trust today with what is being reported and what's coming out of the white house. there is just confusion all across the board. as we were talking about in the commercial break we are looking at like two different worlds. you have the mainstream media saying one thing. and as we have been saying traveling around the country talking to voters they are feeling different about things. they feel like their voice is north being presented. they are not being heard out there. i don't know how this will
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continue to play out but steve bannon doubled down on this on cpac. he warned he said it will only get worse. pete: they have to keep fighting because as he calls it keep fighting. of course the press is going to support the press they should reciprocate that. if they are yelling about free and independent, the trump administration is not preventing anyone from reporting. they are merely reporting if you are going to report falsehoods literally print articles that are untrue, fake news we have the right under the first amendment to fight back against you as well and make you clarify that and bring in new voices for sean spicer to meet with a few conservative outlets guess what over the 8 years of the obama administration every time they galgd they galgd with nothing but left wing organizes because that's what abc and nbc and the failing "new york times" and cnn all of them are left wing outlets. let's just be honest about it that report usually one or shaded side of the story and sean spicer and donald trump are saying it's time for another perspective. abby: if you consider yourself a journalist today, you have got to get the story right. or if you're going to publish
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something with secret information that could potentially damage what we're trying to do. pete: you better be right. clayton: we asked you to weigh in on this heated debate. much to ado about nothing. i think the white house has anyone at a news conference it was the right move. abby: they undermine the president every minute of every day and then complain when they don't have access. get over it. pete: get over it, exactly. what i would call it is drain the pool. we drain the swamp. why not drain the press pool. why not bring in new voices and shake up the left wing elites that control our media and bring in new voices because our conversation we were talking about this, clayton. >> increasingly national. difficult financially to do that. increasingly national you better have a wider variety of voices so you get a full conversation. abby: i think newt gingrich was hitting on that in his comments saying if we are going to be this national media, this elite living in new york city where you sore
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disconnected or in washington, e rest of the country, we are all going to be disserviced by that it's got to be more local. clayton: that's what the democrats have been talking about. we have played some sound raymond buckley over the last few weeks. abby: they voted him out. clayton: they need to come off of skyscrapers. he is out. he is not going to be the new dnc chair. today the democrats are gathering in atlanta to prepare to pick their new leader and these are the two the multiple candidates up here right now. but we will see who it ends up being. probably going to end up being keith ellison. pete: sounds like tom perez and congressman from minnesota. a lot of people backing him like bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. if the dnc chooses to keith ellison was the first to come out with bernie sanders. elizabeth warren, chuck schumer, hillary clinton has been speaking out. she is coming out of woods again and telling the dnc she
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said they have got to keep fighting. here is what she said. >> we as democrats must move forward with courage, confidence, and optimism. and stay focused on the elections we must win this year and next. let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country. so keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. clayton: good debate about this right here earlier in the show. the democrat we had in the debate cathy was saying that she thinks the party moving to the left was a smart thing for the democratic party. abby: seems like angry previouprofitsprotests got to km going. what gets them to the polls is jobs. clayton: what does the
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democratic party stand for? pete: she will be there every step of the way except not at the convention. stay after maybe she'll be there. abby: other headlines this morning. starting with another leak from the white house by the mainstream media and this time the "wall street journal" and the associated press revealing an intelligence report from dhs. down playing security threats from the seven countries included in president trump's temporary immigration halt. the white house is firing back on this, calling the report incomplete and still intends to issue a revised executive order. you may recall the associated press also falsely reported president trump intended to deply 100 national guard troops to ramp up deportation space on an old memo. also this. we are getting our first look at the republicans' plan to overhaul obamacare. draft causes for major changes to medicaid. tax credits for $4,000 people 60 years and older and let insurers boost rates for older americans. 8 republican governors are expected to present that proposal in d.c. today.
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and there is this bubble, bubble, i smell trouble. isn't that what i just said earlier this morning? that is true. i should get credit for that witches across the country gathering at the stroke of midnight to put a hex on president trump. >> divide donald trump. bind their wickedness. abby: creepy. scenes like this playing out as collective spell was cast under crescent moon. the witches intend to do the same until president trump is out of office. we will be covering it. clayton: you may be wondering what are we going to do about illegal immigrants sneaking across the border? >> we are going to build the wall. don't worry about it we're building the wall. in fact, it's going to start soon, way ahead of schedule. way ahead of schedule. [cheers and applause] clayton: the media hates the idea. what do border patrol agents
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think about it. pete: this army veteran could go to prison for committing a disgusting and despicable crime. that is hanging the american flag. have you got to stick around for this story ♪ ♪ ♪ looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand.
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that announcement comes as new reports reveal the real status of the current wall. abby: here to weigh in the vice president much the national border patrol council and president of the border patrol union in arizona. good morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning. thanks for having me. abby: talk to us about this new report that's out and why in your opinion people should think optimistically about the wall when it's built. >> when you are looking at border security, it's always something optimistic. when you are looking at border security it's always got to be optimistic. we have suffered the last 8 years, you know, pretty much letting the criminal do whatever they wanted to do. now we have a president here that is serious about border security. nothing wrong with that. clayton: let's look at the gao findings about the so-called border call that exists along the border. from 2010 to 2015 the fence was breached more than 9,000 times. 2.1 million illegal entries along the southwest border. that's remarkable.
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is that really a wall at all? >> well, it's a divider, i guess is what you would say. but when you look at the actual plan that president trump has come up with it's not just a wall. it's more agents, more interior enforcement. looking at the way the land is certain disciples of walls, certain types of fencing on different parts but also more agents and that's what's important to us right now. clayton: mainstream media says they are outraged by. this what about the rank and file of the border patrol? what's the spawnts and how are you feeling about it. >> no. the morale has gone up compared to what it was in the last years. i have been here for 14 years and i see the actual more raffle the agents have gone up. that's something that's important. i think the agency has to get behind a lot of these agents at the same time and we have to look at the morale. retain agents that have been here. agents that have experience with different things. they need to back us up in the 2014 pay reform that we had previously. but it's just a bunch of things that we need to fix and
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we're hoping we can get it done. abby: what president trump continues to say that bottom line this is about the bad people getting out of this country. if you were in this area yesterday morning, your phone probably went off with an amber alert. illegal immigrant in connecticut once deported, becomes a prime? a murder and kidnapping case just days after the governor tells local leaders to ignore the federal immigration laws. what do you make of this? because here is someone that we don't know how he got back into the united states, but he was, i guess, with his daughter driving after he is suspected of murdering, stabbing his wife. why would anyone want someone like that here in this country. and here is the governor saying no, let's protect these people. >> you know, i just don't understand some of this lawlessness that goes on and why we are protecting these individuals. it baffles me. it baffles a lot of the agents that i work with. it's just -- that needs to stop.
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we need to start enforcing the laws on the books and taking care of the people that are here. i constantly say when people attackth wall they talk about the expenses. you know, there were reports that the 9/11 a&e tacks cost us $3.3 trillion not to mention all the lives that were lost. there is no cost on security. i do not like the doors at night of my home because i hate the people outside. i lock them because i love the people inside my home. clayton: that's a great way to put it. thanks for your perspective on the border wall. >> thank you very much. abby: one state wants to crack down on protesters who destroy property by taking their property. clayton: remember race baiter rachel -- she was back a few months ago. she is back again. what's going on? she's back. ♪ baby, you should go and love yourself ♪ and if you think ♪ that i ♪ still holding on ♪ to something
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pete: welcome back. there is a bit of controversy brewing over a bill in arizona that could land protesters behind bars if demonstrations get violent. [chanting] >> what does democracy look like? >> this is what democracy looks like. pete: that's a peaceful one right there. not all of them look that way. the lawmaker behind the measure, a lot of them look like that says it who l. help punish paid protesters who cause trouble. >> after somebody is arrested for committing those criminal acts, it is determined to be a fact that this person was actually paid to do this or funded in some way to go out and commit those -- that criminal activity, therefore,
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i believe -- well, if you are actually paid to do that or that constitutes a criminal conspiracy. pete: our next guest voted against that bill because he says it could potentially lead to guilt by association and a person's entire assets could be seized as a result. joining us now is that arizona state senator steve farley. steve, thank you very much or senator thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me, pete. pete: so this bill, the folks who voted for it, mostly republicans say it's meant to get rid of this professional prov.>> it was actually the ente republican calculation that caud in mayor of this it puts same statutes as ricco statutes which go after criminal gangs. and what it allows you to do is actually seize the assets
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of people who plan peaceful protests before anything actually happens, which brings sort of the specter of thought police. for example, if a county jacked up their property taxes by 30%, and the local tea party decided that they he wanted to have a protest and somebody completely unrelated to them set a trash can on fire, of the police, without a trial, could seize all personal property of those tea party organizers who decided to raise their voices. pete: steve, i think that's an interesting example but a bit of an outlier what we are talking about. i have been inside some of these protests anarchist groups try to provoke and confront police officers under siege and there is evidence that outside organizations are funding these things. this bill says e hey, if you are funding something that looks like it's organized to created riots and violence, why don't we find a way to deter that or prevent against that doesn't that bill try to prevent against that? >> nobody on the left or right wants to have any kind of
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violence in a brevity. nobody. but there is already laws on the books to attack that. if there is criminal property damage. if there is criminal conspiracy, we can already go after them. but to have the power of the state to seize the assets of people for planning a protest, that's really a problem and that's. pete: they would say if it turns into a riot or turns violent then if you agitated and fund it you could be held liable for it we are not talking about protests. we are talking about violence. >> if you were just talking about violence, i would be supporting. this you are talking about not holding -- you are talking about holding people responsible who are planning to protest. not the people who committed the violence. pete: i take your point. you are right. goes at planners which is difficult. it could be a dangerous area. especially if they are not responsible for the provocateur, what if they knew. the planners funded and said go after the cop. create violence, loot.
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isn't it planners not the individual actor throwing the brick through that store should be held responsible as well? >> if someone is planning to commit violence they can be held responsible with current laws. that's the problem. what i'm worried about is we have a climate of fear and hatred develop in this country seeing each other as enemies instead of fellow americans. in that climbed of fear i don't think we should be throwing away our sacred constitution. this is the sort of thing that the original takenners who threw that tea in the boston harbor were trying to protest against when the king was seizing their property. we have to be really careful. pete: we have to leave it thresm certainly these protests will continue and how we continue that process will continue as well. thank you for joining us from arizona. >> thank you for having me. pete: you got it. coming up, the winning continues under president trump. >> we're going to win so much you may even get tired of winning. and you will say please, please, it's too much winning.
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we can't take it anymore. pete: i can't read prompter because i'm so tired so much winning going on right now. stock market soaring for the 11 straight day. herman cain here next. this army vet going to prison for committing what is utterly disgusting crime for hanging the red, white, and blue. stick around for this story. ♪ man with the countless dreams ♪ happiness ain't out of reach ♪ hard work pays off the way it should ♪ yeah, i have seen enough to know god is good ♪ my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell.
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there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this. incredible protection in a pad this thin. i didn't think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet watch this. this super absorbent core turns liquid to gel, for incredible protection that's surprisingly thin. so i know i'm wearing it, but no one else will.
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always discreet for bladder leaks ♪ >> i'm not against the media i'm not against the press. i don't mind bad stories if i deserve them. and i tell you, i love good stories. but we won't -- [laughter] i don't get too many of them. but i am only against the fake news media or press, fake, fake. they have to leave that word. i'm against the people that make up stories and make up sources. they shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name. let their name be put out there. clayton: a lot of interesting stuff he just said there. let's bring in herman cain former presidential candidate o.
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her man, nice to see you this morning. welcome in. >> thank you. clayton: what he said there there was a lot of nuances to what the president just said. i don't like bad stories about me did they are true but fake news and he repeated fake, fake, fake over and over again. what did you make of his statement yesterday about this? >> i think he is right on. because i have also seen it because i have a radio show as you know every day which forces me to follow this stuff. is he dead on. the media has forgotten that even though the first amendment gives them freedom of the press, they also need to exercise accountability. they have been busted, thrown under the bus, and they have lost the trust of a lot of people. not all but some of th ones that president trump is pointing out. when you lose the trust of the american people and start making up fake stories yes, he is calling them out and they are not used to that. and that's why these fake media snowflakes are flying and whining.
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abby: there used to be this thing called a honeymoon period where i think in the last few presidents we have had where have you 100 days or at least the mainstream media covers is it as as possible. gives the president a chance to see what they are going to do. real frustration from president trump. we heard from reince prebust who doubled down on this. we haven't gotten that chance. wee will have to tell you what we are doing in the white house because you are not going to hear it anywhere else. >> you're not. abby, you made me think about the fact that this was a shotgun wedding as far as this president and this media is concerned. there was no honeymoon because they were disappointed. they have been thrown under the bus. and they continue to talk about how they're going to destroy, delegitimize and discredit this president. he has every right to call them out. and they are still going to continue to complain no matter. what instead of focusing on
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all the good things, he mentioned in that cpac, pete, repeat after me cpac. clayton: he keeps throwing an s in there. we can't figure it out. >> got to focus on consistency of his message. he said yesterday exactly what he has been saying for 20 months. what he has been saying since he has been president. instead of them focusing on the positive tone from the top, which last impacts stock market as you know. here is another statistic that i haven't heard anybody talk about. did you know that the national debt in president trump's first month went down $12 billion. in the 44th president's first month it went up $200 billion. here is what caused that. two executive orders. one executive order said a freeze on hiring exexcept for the military. so these agencies can't go out and keep hiring. and secondly, the executive
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order that said two for one. if you eliminate two regulations i will consider one new one. those two things have impacted the national debt and the agencies haven't even started to drill yet on the savings. the media is upset and ignoring public factseth. pete: up early this morning is president trump he tweeted in this morning maybe the millions of people who voted to make america great again should have their own rally. it would be one of the biggest of them all. is he talking about a big movement. and i want to get to some sound yesterday from cpac as well where nigel i nigel farageo say. >> we witnessed the beginning of a global, political revolution.
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and it's one that is not going to stop. it is one that is going to be rolled out across the land of the free world. [inaudible] for 25 years. 25 years. if you have endured abuse. if you have been called deplorable. [laughter] you may have a few month of being abused. pete: there have you a leader in the brexit movement. have you got president trump. are we seeing a trend revolution toward people taking sovereignty back? >> that's exactly what it is. this trend, this movement is having someone in a high office, like the president of the united states, who is speaking on behalf of the people. this is what has the establishment the liberal media all in a tizzy because is he speaking on behalf of
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the people. here is the other thing that upsets them. no matter how they try to spin it, no matter how much fake news they try to throw out there, the american people have awakened and they know when it's fake and they are not buying the spinning. that's wife they continue to back this president. all of my calls about his speech were knocke nothing but praise for him to continue the say the things that he miss its. that's the. abby: that fake news was the biggest applause line from c speck. [laughter] her man and we hermn all of the links are at her maremembermanare at hermancain..
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abby: oscar hernandez just involved in amber alert. he was actually sent back to el salvador back in 2013. now accused of kidnapping his 6-year-old daughter in connected cut after murdering her mother. weighs later caught in pennsylvania. the incident coming just days after the connecticut governor told police not to abide by federal immigration laws. former secret service agent dan bongino joins us earlier and said the left is exploiting immigration to get votes e. >> nonsense conversation but based on the fact that the defendant itemmographic destiny and use voter intimidation. abby: luckily that little girl is okay. listen to this story. army vet will appear in federal court next month for
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hanging the american flag outside a los angeles v.a. facility. the obama administration charging 74-year-old robert rosebroke under a 1973 v.a. regulation which only allows materials placed on v.a. property with permission. rofsbroke's lawyers are calling on attorney general jeff sessions to drop those charges. pete: could be one of those regulations to get rid of, yeah. abby: a florida man behind bears for stealing a maserati during a test drive. he tricked the dealer in to getting out of the car before ditching him and taking a luxury sports car. he wasn't hard to find though. apparently the would be thief gave his real lens to the dealer bev taking et car out. really? i mean, come on, how far ditch could you gte? clayton: rick reichmuth standing outside. 70 degrees on the east coast. trees are confused and buds coming out. can we come out? rick: allergy meds usually start in early march you
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should have started in january. trees budding eastern two thirds of the country about a month to six weeks early overall. temperatures in texas this week over 100 degrees likely tying the all-time highest temperature anywhere in the u.s. for the month of february. so you happen to think about that. incredibly hot. show you what's going on right now. there we are the high temperature still across the eastern seaboard. you get an idea the cold front has moved through and really dropped those temperatures. you are in the 60's in minneapolis. we had 70 in chicago. now you are much, much cooler. sancast terred showers. there is not a washout for filibuster but expect to hair churensd when it comes through. down across the southeast, 77 in raleigh. 81 in orlando. you get the idea off to the west the cooler air has settled in at least for a short spell.
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56 in dallas. temperatures generally above freezing not that bad. west things looking better there as well. all right, guys. book to you inside. abby: just for i remember quick update clayton was sick thisst last weekend. i have got these he o he or her. better than last weekend. pete: they hooked me up to my mucinex. abby: is hillary clinton about to trade in hiking boots for dancing she's? new rumors swirling around. clayton: "dancing with the stars"? pete: no. >> as citizens of the world we will have to work harder and harder not to let win wait. ♪ makes no difference what group i'm in ♪ i
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♪ abby: the oscars are tomorrow. pete: tomorrow night. abby: george clooney just a few days leading up to it. he went all the way over to france for this award. pete: i watch the french awards. clayton: you do every year. while you are eating a ba bag ge repeat pete this is clooney they french awards. >> today the world is going through some pretty momentous changes. not all for the best. as citizens of the world we are going to have to work harder and harder not to let hate. love trumps hate. [speaking french] >> courage trumps fear. the actions of this president has caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad and given considerable comfort to our enemies. clayton: there is he over in
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france and is this a precursor. abby: can we get the french music on again? clayton: would you like. pete: wait is that italian music? clayton: i can picture this walking down the streets of paris. this is french music. pete: what is a citizen of the world? do you get a citizenship card? abby: are you not wanted? pete: i'm a citizen of america. i just wonder where he got. like the burger king kids club card. mail in for it? clayton: we asked you though had a new poll out this morning about celebrities and their political opinions at the oscars do you want to see it? do you care? 450% of you said celebrities can voice their political opinions and 25 percent said they shouldn't talk about politics. 21% stay out of politics and 10 percent said hollywood is too liberal. abby: well, yeah.
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everyone is entitled to their opinions. but the awards shows this year, they have become so political to the point where you just have to turn it off. pete: if that's gorge clooney in france imagine how many people have written speeches against trump and not going to get to leave. abby: problem with media elite in hollywood there is such disconnect between the lives they. you actually have to live in reality, too. clayton: coming up here on the show. do you remember rachel lied about being black when she was white her whole life. well, now she is writing a book about it would you buy that book? pete: nope. plus, she served that country -- excuse me, he served our country proudly in vietnam. now this brother has a new band of brothers a college fraternity that vietnam brother and the fraternity president join us live next ♪ i've been working all weekend
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pete: welcome back with this story. a war hero forges a bond with a new band of brother. retired army colonel greg hammond just initiated as the new member of five capita sigma fraternity at indiana university after serving 33 years in the military. his new mission, inspiring young men through his service to our country. abby: i love this. joining us now greg hammond and jake olsen. good morning to both of you. thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> good morning. abby: greg, i love this story. how does it feel?
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>> it's good again to be part of a group and share the camaraderie and brotherhood. so it's real similar to the military and it's a good feeling. abby: tell us your story. toll us how this all happened and your 33 years of service leading up to this. >> i had served active and reserve for 33 years and served in vietnam and also three tours in iraq. and when i retired i always had it on my bucket list to be part of a fraternity. i did the research and the moniker men of honor kind of came up many times with five kappa sigma. and i began to look at the values, the trust, honor, respect, responsibility, all of them seemed real compatible with army values, so, for me, it was something that i really thought it was a right set to have. pete: jake, have you a lot of guys coming in wanting to pledge for fraternity you
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probably don't get 33 year army colonels wanting to come in being a part of the fraternity. what was your reaction and what has it been like? >> for me and all the guys it's honestly been very motivating. greg had no obligation to our fraternity beforehand. he was not required to do what he did. there is many fraternities out there. but for him to do his research and pick five kappa sigma specifically it shows that our guys are doing the right things and living the core foundercorevalues that our fount for us 150 years ago. feels good somebody so experienced and so many special things. honestly a great feeling. abby: i can't think of a better role model at that age of your life when you are living that fraternity life. greg, how do you hope to impact these young men? >> well, i would like very much to work with new and also like to do outreach program to veterans on campus who are still wanting to have a camaraderie and fellowship, brotherhood.
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and also the active members of the military, too if they are interested. so i think that's probably what i'm going to focus on. pete: colonel, we know fraternities do a lot of good things and every once in a while they consume beverages as well. is there anything you will teach these young guys about how to throw a good party. >> that was the colonel of my family who have seen animal house with john belushiy. they had reservations about this whole thing. alcohol is kind of down played i think with fei kappa sigma. more about respect and inclusive of all races and religions and respect for women. so we probably look more to the positive than we do the negative. pete: there we go. abby: clearly very inclusive. thank you for being with us this morning and have fun. >> thank you. pete: team trump tripling down on its war against fake news. >> i want you all to know that we're fighting the fake news. it's fake. phoney, fake.
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they are the enemy of the people. [applause] pete: former education secretary dr. bill bennett joins us live to react next. abby: and is hillary clinton about to trade in her hiking boots for a pair of dancing shoes? more on that next. because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. ♪ that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority : you fixodent plus adhesives. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth.
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abby: good morning. happy saturday, everyone. it's february 25th. i'm abby huntsman and team trump tripling down on its war against the press. >> i want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news. it's fake, phoney, fake. they are the enemy of the people. [cheers] abby: more on that and what the american people really think. pete: it turns out of the american people can think for themselves. after a tearful and humiliating loss to president donald trump is this really the pep talk that democrats needed? >> so keep fighting and keep the faith and i'll be right there with you every step of the way.
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pete: losing party set to pick its new leader today but don't worry, she'll be with you and with them every single step of the way. pete: and are you in a relationship rut? one of our next guests says he has the secret to save your marriage and give you a new sex life by friday and it's saturday right now. so you have got all week to work on it. we're going to help you get a new sex life by friday. you're going to want to watch this. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want to be happy for the rest of your life. abby: happy music you have got to listen to music like this and be up this morning watching "fox & friends." pete: or go insane. clayton: like groundhog day having that song play over and
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over again. pete: or guantanamo bay for interrogation on a loop for 24 hours. clayton: welcome in to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. we have a jam-packed show for you. headlines. abby: beautiful day. almost 70 degrees. we do start with headlines and serious one this morning with a fox news alert. two police officers shot near orlando. one was hit in the face and the other in the leg with shotgun pellets while responding to a call in cals bury before 4:00 a.m. the officers returned fire and they were taken to the hospital. they have been released and are expected to be okay. >> my officers acted out. they did suffer flesh wounds. we are blessed they were not more seriously injured than what they were and we are thankful for that. abby: suspect found dead later in his home. unclear if he was shot by officers. another leak by the white house mainstream media this
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time the "wall street journal" and associated press revealing intelligence report from dhs down playing security threats from the seven countries including president trump's temporary immigration halt. the white house is firing back on this calling the report incomplete and still intends to issue a revised executive order. you may recall the associated press also falsely reporterred president trump intended to deploy 100,000 national guard troops to ramp up deportation based on an old memo. and the pentagon is rebranding terror. >> and i'm also confident that they will soon have isil's so-called capitalize lated. abby: the pentagon will officially call the terror group isis instead of isil. the name preferred by the obama administration. defense officials say the switch was made baste because isis is the term most known by the american public and it's what the president is using. and is hillary clinton taking her shimmy skills to the next level? >> woo, okay.
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[laughter] abby: rumors are now swirling that she could be the next contestant on "dancing with the stars." also asking former first lady michelle obama said no. clayton: nothing good could come of that. abby: i would like to see it happen. clayton: bill bennett was also considered for "dancing with the stars." let's bring him in now. bill, if asked, would you do "dancing with the stars"? >> i'm here to guide you guys on your sex life. clayton: that's what this segment was about. pete: you are a doctor that's true. clayton: that's another doctor coming up on the show. pete: we will lean our your experience with the former education secretary. i know you have been following the news, a lot of it goes back with the president's feud with the media fake news. here is a brief clip of cpac. >> i'm not against the media
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i'm not against the press. i don't mind bad stories if i deserve them. and i tell you, i love good stories. but we won't -- [laughter] i don't get too many of them. but i am only against the fake news media or press. fake. fake. they have to leave that word. i'm against the people that make up stories and make up sources. they shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name. let their name be put out there. pete: so dr. bennett he has tripled down since then. they are waging war on the fake news, on the press. where does this go and is it ultimately beneficial for the trump administration? >> two things i have got to get off the chest first i have new podcast got to mention that right? and vice president pence so please do. second, you guys let me down a little bit, double, double, toil and trouble, fire, burn
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and caldron bubble it was the utah girl who got the mcbeth reference where is the princeton guy? abby: thank you. >> come on major hegseth come on. abby: wild, wild west taught me well. >> on this whole thing, i'm with ari fleischer, you guys played his comments earlier. fleischer said you should include everybody if you are doing a big gaggle bring everybody in. it looks small-minded to keep them out. the fact that he is criticizing them, condemning them is fine with me. and as fleischer also points out, there are these smaller sessions they have in the white house all the time. i mean, i did them even as a cabinet member. but, you know, what's more important to me than damning the press, which the president continues to do and gets great applause and that's that's fine, is that he doesn't seem to give a damn about what they say. i will tell you, as someone who served under two presidents, that's more important because a lot of presidents sit there in the
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oval office and they read their reviews in the morning, and the fact that he doesn't seem to much care what the "new york times" or the "the washington post" say about him, he may get angry about it but he is not curbing his tongue or his opinions because of them is most encouraging to me. i know people in washington over the years, not presidents particularly who would do anything to get a good write up in the "new york times," you know, or "the washington post. he does not seem to care. so that's the part that pleases me, the condemning them, fine, can do that a few more times, not forever. but not caring that they criticize him, that's, that, to me, is more important. is he independent, he is strong. abby: so you have been on both sides of this. you have worked for two presidents in their administrations. have you also been covering from the other side fret media perspective for many, many years. so you are looking at this from a very unique perspective. when you compare the coverage and what are we 37 days in now, compared to administrations in the past, have you noticed a difference
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when it comes to not the blogs out there but the mainstream media? we are talking the networks out there, cable news. have you noticed a difference in the way that they have covered just these initial days of this time in office? >> you know, everybody likes to talk about their own experiences being the most unique. again, let me quote ari fleischer. he said they were tough on bush but he said it's three times worse on trump. there isn't any question. this is the worst i have ever seen. i think the record for criticism was probably before this dan quayle you all remember that maybe you don't. you are too young. but, no, this is a quantum leap. i think the formidable steve bannon had it right. they don't like him and they won't like him forever and they are doing what they can to take him down. it goes back to the first point, guys. that's why it's so important that he doesn't seem to care what they think of him. clayton: what is your take on this "the washington post" story that broke this week reince priebus the story out
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on the front page in an exclusive says trump administration sought to intelligence commercials counter russian stories basically the trump administration had enlisted senior members of the intelligence community to try to counter these russian hacking and relationship stories that the trump administration has with the russian government? what do you make of that? should would he be concerned or is there nothing to see here? >> note how the narrative is presented and it's as if the white house sought out the fbi to do its job, the white house's job. the story as i heard it told by reince priebus and, boy, he would be crazy to make this up, is that the fbi came to him, mr. mccabe, and said what they're saying about contact between y'all and the russians is b.s. priebus said can i call you back on this? yes two hours later he calls him back and said can you help us get out the word this is b.s.? he said no. that would be inappropriate. he didn't call on the fbi.
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the fbi raised its hand and pointed to the white house saying you guys are being snookered. you guys are being handled. again, the how you tell the story, how the narrative is presented. abby: right. >> i'm very disappointed in the "the washington post." very disappointed. pete: administration sought to enlist intelligence officials when in relation the fbi reached out to them and said the connection doesn't exist and the white house says since the fbi can't speak out on our behalf we will go to other members of congress who have been briefed on this to go out and say hey, this isn't true. this is fake news. this is a lie. instead "the washington post spins it as a conspiracy so you can understand why the white house will step back from that and say hey, this isn't fair at all. abby: seems like reince priebus asked the fbi to speak out on their behalf because it's like people aren't taking it seriously. maybe if you say it will be more believable than if we do. >> that's right. abby: that's the reality we live in. >> that's right. it's not as exactly it would be the first time that intelligence officials or fbi officials would weigh in on a
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public issue. they started this. priebus didn't start it he is way out there on this issue. plus defensive nunez chairman of the house intelligence committee has been very forth right. i would like to see some of these documents that they have supposedly so damning released if they are so damning. sunlight is the best disinfectant. clayton: have you fox podcast out and fox viewers are powerful. this morning we will see if we can push the brand new podcast. open your iphone and go to the podcast app. and download the show and subscribe, your first interview with vice president mike pence, it's 37 minutes long, listen to it, download it. it's the bill bennett show on your itunes player. pete: we miss you in the morning but we're glad we can find you on podcast. >> terrific. can you wake me up any saturday morning. great to be with you. abby: keep watching, bill, you will get some sex advice. >> special, special goodbye to
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major hegseth and partial to princeton graduates who join the military as he knows there are all about five of them. >> there are five of them and i didn't pay for that plug. thank you very much, mr. secretary. thank you. abby: good to have you here. clayton: been done for decades opening a town hall meeting with a prayer. >> open up in prayer, please. >> prayer? [shouting] >> amen. we're done. go home. clayton: people trying to save obamacare aren't big fans of that prayer. abby: dog the bounty hunter knows a thing or two. dog and his wife beth are going to join us next from cpac. stay with us. ♪ oh no not i. i will survive. i know i will be alive ♪ i got all my life to live ♪ and i've got all my love to give ♪ and i'll survive ♪ i will survive ♪ hey, hey ♪ looking for balance in your digestive system?
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♪ abby: president trump taking center stage yesterday at cpac and electrifying a packed crowd. pete: that's right. our own griff jenkins got a chance to talk so symptom of the audience members after the president's speech. he is here to tell us what they heard. good morning. >> reporter: hey guys good morning. consider this a year ago president trump skipped coming to cpac because he was worried about how he would be received. now, a year later, president trump after picking mike pence as vice president, no, ma'am nation neil gorsuch to the supreme court and leading an administration with policy initiatives on obamacare, repealing he obamacare, tax reform and building that wall and immigration reform, he received a hero's welcome here. and we talked to the folks after they heard his speech. take a listen.
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>> what did you think of the speech? what did you like the most? >> i loved it. he went over the bear basics. our president is supposed to protect our borders and protect our individual rights. is he not supposed to find us a job. that's my job. >> he gets real and straight to the point. no political correctness. >> hand movement was as usual are on point. that's really all that matters. it's just mesmerizing. >> is there something he said an issue, or something he touched on that really spoke to you? >> absolutely obliterating isis. >> we are going to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. [cheers and applause] >> they got to go. >> are you a marine? >> i am a marine, yes. >> did the national security stuff spoke to you the most? >> that and actually the fake news piece. >> they're very smart. they're very cunning and they are very dishonest. >> there is not enough right leaning media in the world today. i want to see obamacare repealed and replaced. >> i really hope he lowers taxes.
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>> say something directly to president trump. if you were talking to him here what would you say. >> keep up the good work and don't let the democrats keep you down. >> i think is he doing a great job. i love what he is doing so far. >> president trump you are the man and i will defeat you in beer pong one day. >> this may come as a surprise to you but he spent the most time talking about fake news and attacking the media that's what a lot of people are talking about today. cpac is not over. there are some more speakers coming the new v.a. secretary scott prosecute will take that stage behind me and finally sheriff david clarke will close things out. >> we were just talking about a year ago he was talking down cpac. he didn't go. as you mentioned, griff, he didn't want to go but he was saying it was not a place where he could connect with the american voter. abby: and the year before that, 25015 i think he sat down with our own sean hannity at cpac and said he was thinking seriously about running for president. he has an interesting relationship with cpac. this year obviously a lot of excitement with him there. >> well, and it's interesting,
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too. he said yesterday in that speech that he would be here every year of his presidency, something that president ronald reagan did as well and perhaps the significance of this year was that president donald trump seems to have brought together the different factions of conservative populist as well as g.o.p. establishment and what is now his new conservative presidency. abby: tough thing to do. griff jenkins. glad to have you here this morning. pete: i don't think he minds that comparison to ronald reagan at this point. reagan did it, did i it. clayton: takes on a mayor who just turned his city into a sanctuary for illegals. >> so do you have the numbers? >> you won't give them up that's why i don't have them. i wish i did. you didn't even ask your police chief. when you get those numbers, send them to me. if they are negligible, i would be willing to apologize. thanks. >> more of that fiery exchange straight ahead. abby: are you in a relationship rutted? our next guest says he has the secret to saving your marriage. >> i want you to look at each other and say three things that you like about each
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♪ pete: welcome back to "fox & friends." some quick headlines for you. do you remember rachel, the race fakeer? >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. pete: you didn't understand the question. but the former naacp chapter president exposed by her white parents as living secretly as a black woman now set to release a tell-all book entitled in full color next month. check that out. in it she claims she did nothing wrong. despite the book deal she claims she is jobless and living on food stamps. and a college student finally back in class after recording
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his teacher on camera calling the election an act of terrorism. >> our nation is divided. we have been assaulted. it's an act of terrorism. one of the most frightening things for me and most people in my life is that the people committing the assault are among us. pete: california's orange coast college lifting the suspension on caleb o'neil that's him right there for posting that video after getting calls outrage over the punishment. the professor olga cox, that's her has not been disciplined but her bias has been exposed by caleb. abby over to you. abby: thank you, pete. are you stuck in a relationship rut? >> it's my fault that you don't feel satisfied. >> everything is my fault? is that what you're saying? you don't look at me. you don't ever ask me how i am. >> you haven't looked at me in 10 years. >> i'm crazy and everything is my faulted and my family is awful. and nothing at all is your fault.
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pete. clayton: next guest new author of have a great sex life by friday dr. kevin latham is herleman bettersex life by frid. abby: let me point out your socks and shirt match did your wife pick it out for you? >> yeah and my underwear. clayton: explains. sounds like cosmo headline the idea of having a new sex life by friday there are real fundamental things we need to do as a couple to make sure we are on the right path. what are those. >> have to understand the basic needs. women are driven by affection, communication, commitment to the family. now affection is huge for a woman. so the smart man will help endorse, help that wife pursue her career, her interests and all that. that's huge. so, again, affection is the big thing. look men are completely different. needed, wanted, respected. and so look how different we are.
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i mean, we are absolutely night and day different. so the secret is getting behind your wife's eyes and understand how important this affection is. and affection takes all kinds of forms. it's everything from talking, sharing the clayton more lists and kevin lemans of the world are not great communicators even though we communicate for a living. clayton: we're terrible. >> women use three and a half more times more words than we do in a given day. abby: we multitask. do you know what you could do if you not good already is cleaning around the house. >> it's foreplay. abby: reminded me of the ad played during the super bowl. mr. clean ad. watch this. ♪ got what you want ♪ got what you need ♪ fantasy ♪ i'll be your ecstasy.
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>> sarah? sarah? clean enough? clayton: is that true? abby: you say there is truth to this. >> early in my marriage i thought foreplay was taking a shower and like dancing with dancing on the stars. as my wife said so bluntly, believe me that is not a good look. i learned that foreplay in the leman household is cleaning the kitchen, putting away the stupid toaster. why would you put it away when you use it another 24 hours. that's part of who she is. clayton: my wife likes it off the toaster. put it away, bring it back out. little things that enable us. i'm curious you talk about getting inside the man's head and when he wants to talk about work and frustrated by something for the woman she has to say tell me more about that. >> because we hate questions. we hate women's questions. we hate the why word. if i didn't ask him what was going on i would never learn a thing from him.
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i said, no, if you want your husband to talk to you, touch him. one woman told me lehma leman i tried that next thing i look i'm looking at the ceiling. abby: what can the woman do to turn man on. >> appreciate them. mental are like seals. when you say something kind and wonderful about your husband especially in front of other people. is he like a seal. have you thrown him a 3-pound fish, oh, oh, oh. he will do anything for you. that's what women don't understand. women need to be word smiths. the water that really nurturing a marria and so you make love to your wife with words. you make love to your wife without ever setting foot in the bedroom. being a good dad. coming home, taking charge. women need to read that man who has had it at the end of the day. they are on the phone talking about going out for dinner and she senses had a rough week. that smart woman calls her
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mother and says hey, can you come get the kids? and when husband comes home, she is in a nighty saying would you like pizza? i have ordered it or would you care for something else? abby: also say if a woman asks a question it's not a question. she is telling you she wants that. >> you want to symptom for ice cream? that's not a question. oh, there is a cute shop. abby: good to have you here. clayton: always good to see you, doc. abby: major leaders in one major city are creating underground sanctuary to hide i will illegals. is it christian to do that. clayton: after humiliating talk. is this the talk that democrats need right now? >> so keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. clayton: the losing party set to pick its new leader today. some say saying the race may already be fixed ♪ get it started ♪ let's get it started
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we're going to. clayton: there is a battle brewing this morning in atlanta. done had to leave the dnc chair feeding questions in the debate to hillary clinton. abby: she said that never happened. clayton: she took over for debbie wasserman schultz. today in atlanta they will pick a new chairperson. pete: cheartd the democratic national party choose which way to go, go more to the left, more toward the middle. there is seven candidates up right now race down to two. keith ellison on the top and on the left boat tom perez former obama alicia secretary race down to them. we talked about keith ellison more exstrategic. abby: first to come out for bernie sanders elizabeth warren and chuck schumer.
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clayton: battle brewing because the old stall warts don't want him in there. if you say tom perez and keith ellison look similar. what's it about? comes down to loyalty according to this glen greenwald piece right now which is they are -- the obama people see perez as a loyalist. if they are cut out of this, those consultants all of those people tied to the former clinton machine are going to be out of job. they are not going to have any influence going forward. abby: this is going to be a huge role for whoever ends up getting it balls what they have to do is bring the democratic party back. they have to find that enthusiasm again. they had a really, really rough cycle. clayton: raymond buckley was going to be. abby: he was out of the running. pete: speak too much truth. debbie wasserman schultz was in there for hillary clinton. she was outed. the establishment want their access. they want their people. the republican party had this debate over the course of the
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primary and donald trump defeated the establishment effectively. the democrat party has that moment happening right now with the establishment backing perez who doesn't have a lot of grassroots support. isn't widely known. you can work delegates inside the democratic national committee just like you could inside the rnc. big push from the establishment for perez. the insurgent candidate is ellison he was warrens. you will see fissure in the party. abby: what ultimately wins elections. we talked to raymond buckley and he gave a tough message to democrats saying grow up. we have got to commit to the american people he is not going forward. how are they ultimately effective at the polls. pete: go backwards. clayton: so go backwards by bringing hillary clinton back. she has come out of the woods and released a video. she is not at the dnc in atlanta. she did release a video saying i'm going to be with you the entire time, watch.
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>> we, as democrats, must move forward with courage, confidence, and optimism. and stay focused on the elections we must win this year and next. let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country. so keep fighting and keep the faith. and i'll be right there with you every step of the way. clayton: let's break that down. let's not be glib about it resistance and persist tans equals progress. that's the platform. that's what she is putting forward. pete: it's good rhyming. i don't know what does it stand for. abby: angry protests we have seen over this country most recently blinding out or blocking the sound of any republican lawmaker to actually speak their mind. that is just anger. that is people protesting. a lot of people is just hate for president donald trump. to your point that does not get people motivated to the polls. what it does is an agenda, a message. something to rally behind that
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gets people excited. that is not the answer. pete: what do they rally behind? what was the excitement of the democratic party it was bernie sanders, socialism. more government control. that's the argument that a keith ellison is going to try to make. more government control, more socialism. more money out of my pocket redistributed to somebody else. america is not a special place. all of those ideas find home on the far, far left. that he was waging war against this establishment led by tom perez. other networks if you watch they are wall-to-wall on dnc vote. mainly stream media otherwise known as left stream media otherwise known as opposition party how this goes out will set the course for how they oppose donald trump for the next four years. clayton: let us know your thoughts on and ff weekend is our facebook page go in and weigh in on that. abby: sergeant bowe bergdahl will not get off that easy. his lawyers arguing he won't get a fair trial thanks to president trump's past criticism. >> is he a traitor, a no-good traitor.
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he was a dirty rotten deserter. abby: military judge calling those comments disturbing but don't prevent bergdahl from getting a fair trial. bergdahl is facing life in prison for abandoning his post in afghanistan. the u.s. trading five of the taliban's worse for his return. his trial is set for april. and our former co-host tucker carlson getting into a heated exchange with the mayor of hartford, connecticut over enforcing immigration laws. watch this. >> shouldn't you get the numbers before you devise policy? i mean you are a smart guy. shouldn't you get the numbers rather than saying -- >> -- i think what i should do as mayor and i think what you should do as whatever you are, is consult those people who are actually in law enforcement. >> you know what, mr. mayor i will stick with numbers because i take my job seriously. thanks for joining me. >> so do you have the numbers? >> you won't give them up. that's why i don't have them. i wish i did. you didn't even ask your police chief. when you get those numbers, send them to me. if they really are negligible, i would be willing to apologize. >apologize. abby: that mayor is refusing
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to say how many immigrants in the city of hartford had committed crimes. the mayor calls hartford a sanctuary city. and pray on your own time. that is the message from the tolerant left at louisiana town hall meeting as lawmakers attempt to begin with an opening prayer. watch what happens. >> prayer? [shouting] >> amen, we're done. go home. abby: as you can see protesters heck cling the louisiana state chaplain and didn't let up once bill cassidy spoke as well. obscene gestures for 200. alex a stanford college student putting up his middle finger for several seconds during shepard jeopardy's college championships. no one seems to notice though what he was doing. there is a theory in geometry that explains really well while if you fold a slice of pizza the tip stays in the air
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so you can eat it easily. abby: when he was called out on twitter he responded exlettives right. pete: try it at home. i will try it behind this paper if you try to fold it. you are actually -- actually have you got a. clayton: got a piece of pizza that's what's going to end up happening with your middle finger. abby: good recovery, boys. good recovery. pete: you can try this at home. don't listen to clayton, kids. religious leaders in one major city are creating underground sanctuary to hide illegals. is it unchristian to do otherwise? we will debate it next. abby: plus, we still got a huge show on tap for you. geraldo rivera, david webb, charles payne, they are all joining us live. stick with us ♪ she told me to walk this way ♪ talk this way ♪ walk this way ♪ talk this way ♪ she told me to
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♪ ♪ abby: welcome back. well donald trump touting immigration policies at cpac, take a listen. >> we are getting the bad ones out. these are bad dudes. we're getting the bad ones out. whether it's drugs or murder or other things, we are getting bad ones out. those are the ones that go first. and i said it from day one. basically, all i have done is keep my promise. abby: but some members of the religious community don't like that plan and are creating an underground sanctuary to hide them. so is it unchristian to do otherwise? here to debate is founder and president of stan bishop e.w. jackson and communications for the diocese father harrington. good morning to both of you. thank you for being here. >> thank you, abby. >> great to be here. abby: what is the answer because have you people that are saying i want to stay in this country.
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i'm afraid i might be deported. i'm going to go to a church. i feel like that is at least one place that i will be safe and people on the other side of this are saying well, if you take them out of a church, that's just unchristian of you. how do you respond to that? >> well, the bible makes it very clear, abby, that anyone who does not care for his own has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. i understand compassion because christians, of course, have it but our first moral and christian responsibility is to our own families, our own communities, our own country. and if we are endangering innocent people, then we are not doing the christian thing. we're doing the wrong thing. abby: we have got to protect ourselves first. >> absolutely. > abby: father harrington what is your response to that. >> jesus makes it clear if you love those who love you how does that differ from the pagans. as christians we are called toon our midst. the scriptures are throughout the scriptures whether the old or new testament very clear about the responsibilities of
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people in faith to the alien from their midst. listen, there is big difference between somebody who has moral turpitude somebody committed a crime somebody who has raped or killed somebody or violated the law driving without a license. different categories. that's what people of faith are concerned about. abby: that's what president trump is saying though, bishop. is he saying what i'm doing is getting out the bad people. i'm following through with many of the laws that have already been on the books. you compare that to presidents before and president obama also often called the deporter in chief. about 3 million people got out of this country about president bush 2 million. clinton nearly 900,000. yet, it seems like this is the first time many in the media are even reporting about this. >> abby, there are hundreds of americans, hundreds of families, maybe thousands across this nation who have lost loved ones because somebody was trying to protect an illegal immigrant. somebody was trying to defend bringing in refugees. they have not done anything wrong until somebody dies at
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the hands of a drunk driver, until somebody is murdered in the street. it's hard to know the difference. >> bishop. >> can i finish. >> let me finish. abby: let him finish. >> let me finish. it is very difficult to know the difference and one thing i would suggest to every christian out there obey the law. >> absolutely. >> and then you don't have to make the distinction. >> i absolutely agree with you obey the law. the fact is in our country there has been a lot of gun violence does that mean we stop selling any guns? of course we don't say that the fact is let's have a reasonable reaction. no one here is criticizing the requirements of the government. in facts the responsibility of the government to respect its citizens as a person of faith my responsibility is to respond so somebody that is in need. if somebody in need of a glass of water and clothing and shelter, that's my responsibility. that's yours as well. >> so if a murderer needs a glass of water, bring him into my home, among my wife and children. >> i didn't say that. >> monseigneur we have got to -- that's what you are suggesting. abby: i do want to get back.
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>> i didn't say that. abby: i do want to get back to the church being a safe place to be and just last word here, father. if somebody is here illegally and committed a crime, shouldn't there be no place that is safe in this country for them to be? do you agree with that. >> amen. >> abby one of my favorite plays is less miserable, jon comes to him. is he ex-con. he has broken the law. he 1r50eu89ded parole. what does the bishop do he welcomes into his house and treats him as a human being. as a result of treating him as a human being that man goes on to transform the world. that's the scriptural sense. i think that's responsibility as christians. >> don't put our families and communities and our country at risk. nobody has the right to do that. abby: yeah. have you got to draw the line somewhere. bishop jackson and father hearing tony thank you both for being with us this morning. the debate of course will continue. >> thank you. abby: president trump says the border wall is ahead of
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schedule and wants the border wall to start in april. geraldo rivera is here with more on that. the president says obamacare is a mess. >> also inherited a failed healthcare law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe. [cheers] abby: mainstream media though say it's all good. what's the real story here? dr. marc siegel diagnosis is up next. hey, doctor ♪ doctor, doctor ♪ can't you see i'm burning, burning ♪ oh, doctor, doctor ♪ when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue.
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me. we also inherited a failed healthcare law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe. [cheers] clayton: president trump promising to double down on. what's the truth of the state of the healthcare law. dr. marc siegel with the medical a team is here with the answer. great to see you. >> great to see you, clayton. clayton: speaker i have been in congress a long time. republicans have never once agreed on any universal healthcare measure and he said this is not going to be repealed or replaced. he said it's not going to happen. what is he talking about? >> let me get to that i think he is wrong. the big problem is in the doctor's office it's based on overuse. people are using obamacare for the common cold. premiums are skyrocketing. what you really need is #dr. siegel by the way. you don't need to go to the doctor's office for things you don't need.
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it's clunky and too many regulations in it. it's got to be scaled back. the debate that's going on in congress and what's going to resolve this your question is clayton, the congress is hell bent on getting rid of medicaid expansion. 20 republican senators from 31 states where it's expanded. i think to make a deal with the democrats they have got it try to keep the medicaid expansion, use verma once she is confirmed for medicaid, medicare services to make it more efficient model where patients pay in, there is a bridge to jobs. second thing is not get rid of the exchanges right away. if they try to dump everyone on the state exchanges right away, you will end up with 20 million people without health insurance and huge public relations problem in the mid terms. clayton: maybe not necessarily a repeal but an altering? that's what speaker boehner was saying that that would be more likely the scenario an altering. is that how you might see it? >> get rid of the bad guys. get rid of the essential benefits package that forces every policy to be overburdened.
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get rid of the individual mandate which is so unpopular, again you go to the state exchange only one insushier, you have to add catastrophic option right away. they can alter this, clayton, by adding catastrophic option. get rid of the subsidies slowly and deregulating things. so, again, you go to the doctor's office, you pay for things. you pay for some tests. clayton: organizations are paying attention to obamacare more popular with voters leaning on this poll. and speaker ryan this week is going to roll out this next phase. what do you expect to hear from him this week. >> i'm hoping is he not going to overdo it with getting rid of the whole thing. i hope is he going to transition and add the health savings accounts, tax credits and catastrophic option. that's what i'm hoping to hear. clayton: a lot of work ahead. dr. marc siegel thank you for your analysis. team trump tripling down on the war with the press. >> i want you all to know that we're fighting the fake news it's fake, phoney, fake. they are the enemy of the
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♪ >> good morning, happy saturday. we are up and running on february 25th and team trump tripping down in its war against the press. >> i want you to know we are fighting the fake news, fake, phony, fake, they are the enemy of the people. >> more on that and what the american people really think. >> the last head of the dnc went down for rigging the election, is the race for her replacement also rigged? do you feel a chill in the air? that was real.
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watch. >> donald j trump. >> is malignant works. >> these witches are planning to cast a spell on president trump. get your cauldrons out. our four of "fox and friends" starts now. a little electric light orchestra on saturday morning bringing magic. we want to bring in geraldo rivera. what do you see this morning? last night most people were going to sleep. you probably were watching twitter because president trump
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was tweeting about the press in the wake of everything that happened friday afternoon with a portion of the press corps being kept out of the gaggle, the private meeting with president terry sean spicer, he said fake news media knowingly doesn't tell the truth, great danger to our country, the failing new york times has become a joke, likewise cnn. what do you make of what unfolded yesterday? >> there was a pool in the office at the white house, certain reporters with a pool, select few reporters report, that was okay, there was a pool but sean spicer added the more conservative outlets, washington examiner, breitbart told them to come in and excluded the new york times, los angeles times, cnn and politico, the progressive or left-leaning political news. when you start messing around like that, picking winners and losers the press does have a
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tendency to coalesce, stand united like the cast of friends. >> later in the day sarah huckabee sanders said this was not an attempt to exclude anyone but simply a smaller pool. had a come out overtly -- >> that is total spin and preposterous. the worst thing about this, like the fake new york times, the front page story for the world is the news media. we should not be the news. so many things going on in syria, courier, china and the south china sea. abby: the white house can't control what the media is focused on. that is not their job is what president trump said at sea pack is i'm okay if it is based in fact but i have a problem with
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fake news, when you have places like the new york times that are full of sources that are false. that is dangerous to the american people. >> i do not know that to be a fact that the stories are based on false information but the president is leading the charge in terms of making the news the news. it is all fake news, these are my enemies, it is horrible and preposterous. the speech he gave was a campaign speech, the only difference is wherever he referenced hillary clinton in the past inserts the fake news media, same speech except instead of hillary he says fake news media. it got so comparable to the campaign speech that the crowd started chanting lock her up. we got to move past it. >> you said sean slater was bringing in conservative outlets and blocking some recording falsehoods but hasn't the press
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pool that existed for decades been picbeen the small lens thr which we see the world all of which are leftward leading and inclined toward the establishment, isn't sean spicer, president trump saying we are draining the cesspool of the pool but decides what you hear and bring in more voices because we are done hearing from the left in the new york times? >> i love your passion and don't disagree but i make this point as an elder statesman. if we in the media don't stand together, people who are in charge of the information can pick winners and losers and that is not the way the press should operate. we have to be united. >> that is what fox news did. we stood behind the free press because we have been through this. >> and they stood with us during
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the obama administration when we were shortchanged and said wait a second, nbc, cbs and abc says a fox doesn't go we don't go and that is the way it has to be. the president's complaints about accuracy and n and bias and all that all may be true but the forum, that can be debated but when you say you can come in, not you, no good. >> if you were on the east coast, connecticut, new york, new jersey we have amber alerts on your phone, nationwide system, phones exploded yesterday and it was because of what unfolded in connecticut. and illegal immigrant who had been to put before was now suspected of the murder of his girlfriend and kidnapping his 6-year-old daughter in a car, hitting the road, just a few days after the governor of connecticut told local leaders we are going to ignore federal immigration law. >> he was deported in 2013.
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it doesn't speak exactly to what president trump is trying to say. we need live in this country. >> going to your point about sanctuary in connecticut connecticut has through most of the cities in connecticut certainly hartford, newhaven, freeport, stanford, laws where they say we don't cooperate with federal immigration authorities on detainers unless the person is a violent convicted felon. the sanctuary laws in connecticut have no effect and are irrelevant to this case because this guy of the connecticut, state or local authorities got their hands on this, prior convicted violent felons, they would have detained him for us. debate over sanctuary cities does not apply in this case but i want to make a larger point if i may, this is a very emotional issue. and impassioned issue where
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people now, undocumented immigrants and their families have citizen children living in tremendous fear right now and lots of americans are viewing this population with tremendous trepidation and worry that they will be committing crimes and lower the standard of living, there are two impassioned -- >> the other side of that and we had a couple are these angel moms the pasta child because of illegal immigrant and you listen to them speaking the tears in their eyes and they are so frustrated, people in this country don't understand why it is important to get out illegal immigrants that are felons, when they lost someone so close to them that they loved more than anything in this world. >> i have no opposition to anything you just said. >> emotions on both side the real. >> 35, 40,000 americans killed every year. we can't just be emotionally
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engaged when the murderer is an undocumented immigrant. that is not what is fueling the homicide rate in this country. missed. this is an important issue. i have conceded the people who are proponents of the wall because i believe elections have consequences and a majority of people in a majority of states want to spend the $21 billion on the wall so do it if it makes you feel better but it is a complex issue, we have to be concerned about latin america and how those nations are faring, we don't want failed government on the other side of that wall. >> what bothers me is there was a standing ice order to have this guy deported, had been on the books since 2013. >> he would have been deported. he ends up -- >> my point is you have to be
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careful not to draw a false conclusion that he would have been detained by local authorities had they captured him prior to this homicide because there was the detainer and everybody agreed because he was a prior violent convicted felon that if a cop grabbed him he would have been taken to the station. connecticut state law requires -- >> we don't have enough. >> connecticut state law requires local or state cop who gets his hand on a prior convicted felon who is deported or deportable hold them for the feds. it is a sanctuary but modified. >> someone's life had to be taken away. always good to have you here. >> that was an issue of domestic violence, not immigration. >> thank you in february.
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greg hart brought in -- arriving in february. merry christmas to you. >> don't think it goes there. thank you so much. let's talk about headlines with the white house firing back, the wall street journal and associated press revealing and intelligence report from dhs downplaying security threats from 7 countries included in president trump's immigration halt. the trump administration calling that report incomplete and issuing a revised executive order, the associated press reported president trump intended to deploy 100,000 national guard troops to ramp up deportation based on an old memo. we are getting our first look at a possible plan by republicans to overhaul obamacare, proposal draft culture major changes to medicaid also providing tax credits for up to $4000 for people 60 years old and older.
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ensures boost rates for older americans, eight republican governors are expected to present that proposal and be seen later today and there is this. boil bubble bubble i smell trouble, up which is across the country gathering at the stroke of midnight to put a hex on president trump. did you see this? >> donald j trump. >> bind their wickedness. >> seems like this playing out as a collective spell was cast into the crescent moon and which is planned to do the same until president trump is out of office. what is going on here. >> that is why i couldn't sleep last night. i'm all for witchcraft. whatever turns you on. i am sure donald j trump has other things, not worried about it. next on the run down the last head of the dnc went down for rigging the presidential
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going head to head with sanders supporter keith ellison. >> radio talkshow host and fox news contributor david webb clearly there, thanks for joining us. >> michael reagan at the reagan dinner, i am ready, let's go. >> in atlanta across the country democrats will be convening to choose the next head of the dnc. there are two candidates, one supported more by the progressive side of the spectrum and another by the clinton obama establishment. how is it playing out? >> i see in reality it is going to be time perez because they are making a push behind him. the clintons and obamas are out-of-favor with their own party, the clintons out-of-favor and obamas of failed since president obama has been in office, democrats have lost thousands of seats, over 1000
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seats at the state and federal level and now the left wing of the party like the new york times says to dragon for the left and that doesn't reflect the voters they lost with donald trump, wisconsin, michigan, north carolina and even watching thing the road east of the mountains in california. >> to pull back and grab hillary clinton from the woods, bring her back is the right answer, she provided a video for the dnc, we will play this against your response. >> we as democrats must move forward with courage, confidence and optimism and stay focused on the elections we must win this year and next. let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country. so keep fighting and keep the faith and i will be right there with you every step of the way.
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>> hillary clinton back from the woods. i am trying -- listening to her statement -- resistance and persistence, that is going to lead to progress. we are going to persist, don't know what that means. that is progress. what about a message? try to win west virginia, michigan, pennsylvania. we lost them. our message wasn't resonating. >> hillary clinton uses the trigger words, resistance, you see all over the networks on the left, the signs they bring to the rallies to protest and the riots but i want to contrast something. she and nancy pelosi are the old part of the party as is bill clinton. i am walking around seeing hundreds and hundreds of young people would you are surprised i went after the reagan dinner, walked around and they were out there dancing, having a good
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time with their ties loose or jeans, young conservatives. this is what democrats know exist, young movement sweeping across the country of people who want a future, not a promise democrats continue to break and that is why the conservative movement is advancing and democrats, nancy pelosi, we should go along with them. they lost you, democrats across the country we are appealing to you to come -- reagan democrat, jfk democrat side and join us on the american side of the aisle. >> interesting to these angry protests all over the country and we have seen at cpac so many excited young people. >> the policy at the trump administration, i want -- thank you for joining us, appreciate it. what happens when we send george clooney to be our ambassador to
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france and speak on behalf of of our country? that is next. we take a trip to the original home of extreme vetting, ellis island and find out how tough the immigration process used to be, they almost didn't let him and when they went there this weekend. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels?
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home security. every situation is a little different. it could be about billing, simple questions like changing the phone number. sometimes, they want to upgrade, downgrade, but at the end of the day, you want to take care of the customer. one of the great things about comcast, there's always room to move up. of course, it depends on you, how hard you work. ♪ >> new york city mayor bill diblasio grilled by the feds for hours, exchanged favors for donations in the 2013 campaign. four assistant us attorneys questioning him for four hours. and bloomberg the latest media outlet to cancel its white house correspondence dinner after party saying you didn't get as much interest this year so they are focusing on the dinner.
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earlier this month vanity fair and the new yorker canceled plans for their parties as well. people can't stay up late anymore. abby: the trump administration outraging the left over at extreme vetting and tougher border control. >> we want to know how much harder it was for our ancestors to get here. to the historic ellis island in new york to find out how tough the immigration process used to be. >> we are here at ellis island, the primary immigration gateway for over 60 years. 1892 to 1954 over 12 million immigrants walked through those doors and were processed. we are here to learn about that process and how it compares to the immigration process today.
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. thanks for having us. where are we right now? >> you walked into the baggage room where immigrants come off of the barge is coming in and the ferry and come in here. they would check in their luggage right away. >> where do they go than? >> they begin with the health examination. there would be six doctors watching you as you come up stop at these landings and make certain turns at different angles. that would provide the doctor with a vantage point to make an assessment of you. >> looking for physical health and condition. >> it would indicate what is assumed to be a problem by chalk marks. >> they would come up with chalk. >> pattern some part of you. >> this is effectively where new
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immigrants meet the bureaucracy and immigration laws of the united states of america. >> an individual will be able to work in some fashion, earn money, that they are healthy and also determine they are not likely to become a public charge. those were the main three. public charge means that the government through taxes are somehow going to take care of these people. >> how many people were turned back? >> 20% were initially detained through legal issues or health issues but out of all that only about two% were actually excluded. there were several different types of methods. one of them, literally just -- not clear that i would have been admitted.
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not clear at all. >> standing at the podium where a final judgment was given. with you are an anarchist or polygamist or committed a crime. >> by 1901 president mckinley -- by 1903 the question has been added, part of the idea, to impress upon them the idea of patriotism to their new country and develop americanism. still change >> a lot of things changed in the way of behavior but one thing never changed, the presence of huge beautiful american flags that greeted every new element. you may have come from every corner of the earth but you are here in america to be an american and their expectations you work hard, have allegiance to this country and do everything you can to move your
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family forward and the country forward, the idea that made america a very special place. >> amazing to see and be reminded how stringent we were in making sure people were willing to work forward to bringing in illnesses and were not going to be in need of benefits overwhelmingly and ultimately assimilated to the idea of america. contrast that today, 75.9% of refugees are on food stamps and the distinction between refugees and immigrants was different but the expectation is you come here to become an american which is different than the multicultural ethos we have today which is do your own thing and it changed the fabric of the country. >> any ancestors came through? >> i don't think there were any vikings. they came on their own ships. >> burned their boats when they got here. >> a dog's bounty hunter always
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gets his man. >> they got him! they got him! >> the reality sign his wife want to put law and order back in congress. we found them, they are joining us next. >> what happens when we send george clooney to be our ambassador to france, to speak out on behalf of our country. >> as citizens of the world we have to work hard not to let aides when. >> as he gearing up for a race of his own in 2020? ...allst with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands.
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>> let's do our own track and forget there was a dog. >> they got him! >> that dog is a bounty hunter catching a man on the run and he is looking for someone to make a run from office and that is his friend and a friend of the show, sheriff david clark. joining us is duane dog chapman from cpac who want the sheriff
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to run for congress. what about sheriff clark's message resonates and why would it resonate in congress? >> sheriff clark is strong law and order and the president of the united states is making america great again, we are trying to help sheriff clark make it safe again and he is the guy for the job. >> what organization have you put together to help him do it. >> we want him to run for united states senate. >> we put together a draft, going very well, a lot of money, a lot of interest. the enthusiasm to have someone strong on law and order, very exciting possibility, very real possibility that he runs.
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>> the full amount of vetting that it requires, very enthusiastic about it. was very encouraged by the crowd, and when a candidate like that. and empowers them to run. and an amazing addition to the state house. >> one of the big topics was immigration, new executive order to come next week. and getting bad guys out of the country, what are your thoughts? >> every immigrant is not a bad
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guy but we can recognize the bad guy, and welcome with open arms. and you are out of here. >> if you find those here illegally and don't have a criminal record they are subject to deportation because they came here illegally. that is what we focus on. >> raping, murdering, selling drugs, trafficking drugs, sex trafficking, trafficking, our country has gone crazy, we are so soft on crime, we have an
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amazing campaign going on, and jeff sessions, not just for immigration but domestic terrorism. the crime is terroristic, things went hunt on during the inauguration, the protesting and damage and property damage across the country is out of control we have come to a place where the criminal is poor and misunderstood and they are really not. they need put in jail. >> george clooney, people pay attention to what hollywood celebrities have to's and george clooney was in france accepting an award, we love trump's hate and here is what he said. >> the world is going through momentous changes. as citizens of the world we have
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to work harder. love trump's hate. courage trump fear. those that cause alarm and dismay among our allies, giving considerable comfort to our enemies. >> you look for guidance for mister clooney but what do you think of those remarks? >> i never look for guidance. >> i'm being sarcastic. >> he is not in the streets every day. he doesn't have his finger on the pulse. i don't think he understands the amount of crime, the catch and release going on. we don't hate anybody but you can't break into my house, steal my car, give drugs to my children and for those reasons we stand staunchly behind trump because we need strong law and order. abby: you see a different world than george clooney does. if you have a message to hollywood on whether they are speaking on politics what would
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your message be? >> i am here to make america safe again. men cannot go out after dark and of course cannot women. that every state in america, a bunch of -- come on, let's live by and support our constitution. >> i like how they finish each other's sentences. >> a shout out to your scarf, the best looking patriotic scarf i have ever seen. >> it is made in hawaii and a recycled bottle. >> to dog shirt. >> this pool off in the show. >> thank you very much.
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>> much longer hair. mainstream media freaks out after president trump calls them out at cpac. >> this white house does not seem to value an independent press. there is a word for that line of thinking. the word is un-american. >> wasn't the news media, it was the fake news. was that critique warranted or complete overreaction? we ask one reporter who was just as cpac. the stock market soaring, what is up for the winning streak? charles payne is the answer here, he is riding in on a chariot of money. >> a look with neil cavuto i what is coming up on the cost of freedom. >> the tax-cut timeline slipping, is it up to the president to get congress
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>> we are back on "fox and friends" with quick headlines, hanging american flags outside a los angeles va facility. the obama administration charging robert rosebrock under a va regulation requiring permission to put up a flag. his lawyers, attorney general jeff sessions to drop the charges. officials in one florida town apologizing for this statue based on a christmas story, the statue based on the movie a christmas story is a handful of residents find it offensive.
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>> overcome by heart. >> the art aptly titled you will shoot your eye out, up way on the original lamp debuting to a course of grinches online calling it sexist. the artist saying she finds it odd that people are upset. we can't have fun in america anymore. you know who is having fun? the tao. extending a streak of record-setting games to 11 days and will it last. charles payne is the host of making money on the foxbusiness network. what is going on and will it last? >> i think it will last but we will have down days. there will be down days in the market but overall i think it will last and one of the reasons is the excitement we saw after the election, we get into manifest reality that is a
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critical thing. that is what we call earnings season, publicly traded companies have to share their financial progress. for the most part, the s&p 500 companies, 400 told us how they are doing, we are at the telling of that. 9 of 11 sectors saw growth accelerates since december 31st since the year began. 9 of 11 sectors. that excitement is turning into reality. we talk about political plans and economic policies. nothing works unless the american public buys into it. corporate america, starting to see people say we believe lower taxes come in and opportunities are coming but here is the iron he, become self-fulfilling. i want to share a couple things with you. in december homebuyer traffic,
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people taking -- first time it was positive since october 2005. a big time homebuilder reported the numbers, royal caribbean, ceo of royal caribbean which democratized leisure travel. middle-class families catchy cruz, numbers are through the roof. yesterday we had a company in florida been around for 80 years, infrastructure company, record-breaking numbers and infrastructure, 2017 even though it was february there will be a record-breaking -- abby: a lot of people hopeful about this future, tax reform is a huge one and when i say hopeful they expect their lives will be a lot better with what is implemented, now they have to follow through. >> there is a lot of debate over the border adjustment tax. i am not for the border adjustment tax. there are complicated economic
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matters that make it work on paper. i will say i don't think they need to take big corporations, take a big corporation statue to 15% but find an easy compromise for big corporations 22%, small businesses 15% and give the american public the tax cuts because we want them, keep what we earn and is the religious beginning? >> president trump incentivizes the more our. >> this is the trump rally period. now the excitement has become reality. >> when you tune into this -- >> make your portfolio great again. >> bare chest. >> where is the baby oil. good to have you here. >> president trump prosecuting
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the press at cpac. >> i want you to know we are fighting the fake news, it is fake, phony, fake, they are the enemy of the people. >> how did the mainstream media, more like the left 3 media response? we break down there hysterics, one reporter who was asked cpac next. if you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. and biotene also comes in a handy spray. so you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere.
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represent the people and we are going to do something about it. a lot of journalists to chill up there spine hearing the sentence. >> this white house is not seeing the value of an independent press. there is a word for that line of thinking. the word is un-american. >> jake tapper says it is un-american. the mainstream media losing it after president trump went after them at cpac. abby: should the president keep up his attacks on the press? deputy opinion editor for the washington times joining us, good to see you. you are seeing two things play out. one is the mainstream media reaction to the speech and if you were watching it and you were there a much different reaction. >> the speech was well-received. donald trump did call out the media in the first part of his speech but covered 20 other topics in it from repealing obamacare to tax reform to treating law enforcement with
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respect, drug trafficking and insurgence of drugs in this country, things everyday americans care about. >> you wouldn't know that. >> the news media's favorite beat is themselves. the american people don't care about stories by the media on the media, they want to hear about stories that affect them that affect their everyday lives and we are seeing a growing disconnect between the american people in the news media because all they want to do is cover themselves, make themselves the victim. >> in the coverage of themselves there's willful conflation, they say the media is under attack. president trump said it is the fake news, the false reporting and the media won't accept there could be a distinction, you can have a free and independent press the callout fake news. >> donald trump that i will use my first amendment right to defend myself against the press and they can use their first
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amendment rights to prince what they want but when that is fake news and not correct i will call them out on it and he went off against anonymous sourcing. the new yorker took a tweet saying donald trump proposes a constitutional ban against anonymous sourcing. that is not what donald trump said. he said he would prefer it if there wasn't anonymous sourcing because two things could be true about anonymous sourcing. one is they are needed to break powerful stories but 2, anonymous sources can be used to spin fake narratives from that source and a reporter trying to use that source without any accountability. abby: an important role for media but they have got to get it right. >> you ate your wheaties this morning and we appreciate it. more "fox and friends" coming up next. ♪
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contributor. >> rick will be live. >>'s favorite time of year. the daytona 500. >> it does not get more american than the daytona 500. see you tomorrow. >> this is bulls and bears. >> that is the welcome you should be hearing this morning. brenda wanted to say again and again she fought to return to us and her show.
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