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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 28, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> jon: will be back with more news coverage and one hour. >> jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: fox news alert, making his case. hours away from what could be his biggest speech yet. at this is the president telling fox news he will speak from the heart as he lays out his vision for the nation. this is it "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner, here today, meghan mccain, melissa francis, fox news legal and political analyst eboni williams, and today's one lucky guy, a host of the david webb show on sirius xm, david webb is outnumbered. >> david: i feel great today. let me share this with everyone. i wake up in america, i get to choose my profession, this is
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what i want for everybody. >> harris: you are wearing a sweater vest. >> david: blended wool, goodwill, never a sweater vest. >> harris: glad you're here. >> meghan: i certainly love the energy. >> david: it's a good day. >> meghan: it's going to be a great show! >> harris: will begin with setting the tone in washington with a speech. president trump says he will offer an optimistic position and to speak to all americans as he lays out as agenda to all americans. his speech will provide more issues on obamacare and tax reform. the president is dropping some hints on what he will say and he did that and in an exclusive
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interview with fox and friends. >> what i can do is speak from the heart and say what i want to do. we have a really terrific health care plan coming out. we have to understand that obamacare has been a disaster, its way out of control, doesn't work, doesn't cover very many people. people don't realize is, but i'll be talking about that, i'll be talking about the military, i'll be talking about the borde border. on the border and throughout our country, we are getting the bad ones outcome of the bad people, gang members, drug lords, in some cases, murderers. >> harris: that's optimism about america you heard david start with it. i heard you call for it also. >> meghan: this is his most important speech as president yet. i like the idea that this will be an optimistic speech. my perspective was quite dark for his inauguration speech. he talks about american carnage, to his supporters.
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i'm looking forward to a ronald reagan type speech. it >> harris: before we go on, i want to go to these facts, you're taking a look at the new polling and it shows a confidence in the presidency. there is not anything shocking in this, the democrats have a lot less confidence and the republicans have a lot more confidence. i want you to look at the independence they are and how that number has grown. david, your thoughts. >> david: that number has grown that shows the center have moved into trump. he is getting more positive ratings, they've gone significantly since the inauguration. i disagree that it was a dark speech, it was a very real speech that was a call to actio action. he spoke between the ten and 11:00 hour in the white house. you listen to president tremblay out and almost boardroom like discussion with america. how we are going to structurally
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replace parts of obamacare to help those who need health care access and at the same time, begin to peel out roughly 60% of it over time and then go after the big parts. he's now got his hhs secretary, a lot of power is given to the secretary of obamacare, that means his staff has to be in place and we have to pay attention to the details and to the process in d.c. >> harris: what do you think is the key to watch for this evening? >> eboni: i feel optimistic, i've felt optimistic since he won the election, this is simply the way it goes. sometimes a person gets in the office, sometimes they don't. hopefully, we have a space of prosperity and growth. that's what i'm most optimistic about. this is my issue, when i look and see those numbers on the independents that have increased, i state this is interesting. it tells us something about not necessarily donald trump, but about is messaging. it's resonating with independent
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voters in this country right now. i do think it's an economic message. it's more about economic prosperity, is about potential growth. we look at the markets. i think the issue of doing well in this moment right now in this country is more compelling than the traditional partisan policies. >> harris: i agree. if you look deep into the polling, you can look at the questions they ask and they deal with what you're talking about. there are a couple people that the president says they like. he talks about the affordable care act and replacing it or repairing it. his focus has been on getting it right. he met with the governor's and spoke after that yesterday. if they have their own plans. there are a lot of things that senator rand paul is taking into account. how important do you think this is? >> melissa: i think it's critical, because he still
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focused. they pay for it, necessarily that's how it's been designed. he's looking at the bottom line. when you go back to the inauguration speech, i was in the way back, standing with people who are they in baseball hats and boots and jeans and were listening to it from there. from there, it sounded optimistic, not dark. he said i am giving this white house back to you, back to the people, that's what they heard and what they were cheering. one of the things he said today on "fox & friends," was the idea that i'm getting criticized for that. it's a back to basics idea. >> harris: if you have access, you see where he's cutting. you see where he wants a $54 billion to go, not just a campaign promise, but he's
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listening to his generals about what the budgeting process has left him anemic. i'm putting a word there on top of, just kind of summarizing there. they want more money for military spending. at >> david: they want more proper application. i have spent the last four or five years working very closely with the former army acquisition who serve in the bush years and served in the obama years for 15 months. if dean has given me an education, along with others on how this really works. a lot of reporters write the story, but don't understand what's going on. i do want to go do something, melissa, that we talk about on the business channel. i brought up this point. when you see the infrastructure stocks and the centers that are taking out 2%, 3% or so, those represent real jobs for americans. they were betting on putting mainstream to work. the politicians have gotten rich, the 23rd year of dogs have
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gotten rich, what have you gotten? the american people got that, and that is optimism that somebody's going to be there warrior. the >> melissa: we have to see where that money is coming from, when will we see the infrastructure plans rolled out, when we see those tax cuts that unleash corporations to hire more people, when are we going to fix obamacare, what does that look like? >> david: you want to know where 54 billion -- by the way, how come democrats are suddenly concerned about spending 21 billion on the wall when they don't care about borrowing 4.6 billion a day? give me a break, you hypocrites! $24 billion to be found in the federal government quite easily. the democrats are concerned about 21 billion, they're making a money argument about the wall. let me ask a valuable proposition of everyone in
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america. what's the value of security? >> eboni: many democrats don't believe the wall -- >> harris: before we go on, let me make sure i have that right. the attorney general's meeting with the president today and they're talking specifically about how to pay with some of the stuff. i imagine the law will come up. the brief was filed in terms of supporting the president with the original executive order on immigration. >> meghan: one of the bullet points that was given this morning, was making the workplace better for working parents. i can only assume this is ivanka trumps policy, helping mothers, not traditionally something that republicans are always behind. i'm fascinated to see with the meat and potatoes of that will be going forward. >> david: by the way, it was the republican party that launched protections back in the
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'70 is '80s. republicans are taking a hold of what we've always stood for. >> harris: i heard a battle cry. >> eboni: and might have been spending. >> harris: all right. the only place to be for tonight's big speech is the fox news channel. fnc for the cool kids, coverage begins at six eastern with red bear. bill o'reilly ended the factor at 8:00 p.m. eastern and brent and martha begin special coverage all the way up to the president's address at 9:00 p.m. eastern. a special edition of hannity will air right after that, 11:00 p.m. eastern. your night is made pop, pop your corn, sit down with their fuzzy slippers, your site. president trump is pointing a finger at president obama. why he believes his predecessor
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is behind the town hall, targeting lawmakers and possibly some of the leaks as well. and the president is keeping up the drumbeat when it comes to his where with the media and what that has to do with his tweeting tendencies. right after the show on tv, you can see is online. fox it can watch us on facebook live, too. are handled there is outnumbered fnc. don't miss a second. we have a lot to talk about. we love when you tweet us during commercials all finished.
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umm... you wouldn't want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. you want this color over the whole house?
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>> meghan: president obama may no longer be in office, but president trump thinks he's still calling some of the shots behind the scenes. president trump says he believes the former president of irresponsible for recent protests. watch. >> i think he is behind it, i also think it's politics, that's the way it is. i think president obama's behind it, because as people are certainly behind it and some of the leaks, possibly come from
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that group. at some of the leaks are very serious, because they're very bad in terms of national security, but i also understand that politics. in terms of him being behind things, that's politics, and it will probably continue. >> meghan: melissa, what do you think of that that these leaks are on behalf of president obama? >> melissa: it's interesting how many times he said that's politics. it's like he's come to washington and he accepts that its reality. it's almost like he doesn't mind that much. i don't know that it's that simple, but it's like i expected this, it's the way it goes. i do think that's his approach to the whole thing and for many americans, that's so refreshing. in the past, people say the horror. no, you know better than anyone, he is saying this is the way it goes. i expected, i do think they are behind it and whatever. >> meghan: he didn't give any specific evidence, but david, i think it is logical to think people from the obama
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administration -- the >> eboni: let me make this statement. this is purely speculative on the part of president trump. he prosecuted very aggressively, i know the facts, and you can argue yourself flat. >> meghan: you have to concede that a lot of this seems overly political. >> eboni: yes, i agree with that. but when i see president obama right now, this dude just got back from the virgin islands, he's living his best life, i don't really think he's sitting around, conspiring on this specific issue on leaking of the trip administration. a >> david: there two things here. one is organizing for america, that is fact that they are behind organizing the protests. i've gotten the emails, i've talked to people. it there are two parts to this and that's what trump addressed.
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they are organizing the protest protests. that is fact. i can show you the emails. the >> eboni: that president obama, himself, is picking up the phone -- >> david: they're acting on behalf of his belief and agenda. on the national security leaks, i've spoken to my sources, i love the media, but i'd rather go talk to the actual people who are there. it you have roughly 11 deputy undersecretary is left over in doj that came out of the obama administration. those positions need to be replaced. a lot of them have specific responsibilities on the hill. it's important to look at who is releasing that information. >> harris: but the president has said, he's not talking about those jobs. what that also enables him to do is concentrate on those deputies more. >> david: right, but those jobs need to be dealt with. here's one of the reasons that
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the democrats have been successful, because the secretaries that are put in place are not able to build their teams and bring their people end, and that's read of the discord and that's where you get leaks. >> harris: see you believe that reporting? >> meghan: the problem is national security concerns everyone, and for those of us who actually want their identities to be kept secret for the national security information, only the president to be privy to, to remain only with him, it's quite concerning that there is a lack of trust. >> harris: you hit the nail on the head for me. i don't care about the petty political stuff, what i overheard, but i do care about, are things that are coming out that essentially anybody connected with the intelligence committee. as reporters, we have take a real good look at howie disseminate that information. we need to talk about the
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responsibility and accountability of repeating some of that leaked information. we can talk all day long about responsibility with regard to that. the other part of this, though, is the type of information that is leaked without any sort of thought by that person who might be leaking it about our national security. that is something that's serious enough that he needs to get to the bottom of it. it's the driving force, i think, that president obama went after those people. what was your reaction about earlier? >> melissa: you and i would not reveal the name of a rape victim, those days are gone. >> meghan: unfortunately, this is a story that will not go away one way or another. we do have to move on. the president has a big speech before congress tonight.
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you heard it here first, you guys. the area where mr. trump is giving himself a c+ and vowing to do better. plus, elizabeth warren and nancy pelosi, what they are planning tonight. you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. >> harris: president trump is taking responsibility for any me stomach communication miscues, especially -- >> i don't think it's been communicated effectively. or maybe it's my fault, when they show people that have been taking out, we're taking out the bad ones. i said that from day one, i said
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from the day i'm president, we're getting rid of the bad ones. >> harris: president trump is also talking straight when it comes to grading his messaging and overall effort. >> i think in terms of effort, which means something, i give myself an a+. results are more important. in terms of messaging, i give myself a cd or a c+. maybe i change it during the speech, because frankly i'm going to be discussing a lot of those things. >> harris: as members of the media, i can tell you that we've been on spin dry since he took office. i think he's right about that. >> david: he gets in there, he gets up in the morning, he goes to work. i like what he said it, results are what matter. it's time to deliver for the american people, and that's one thing trump has done. it whether it's markets or main
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street, or whatever. that optimism, people are beginning to feel that and rather than just sitting in studio, go out around america and talk to people. >> harris: he gets criticized when he does that. >> david: here's the other side, who cares about the critics sometimes? they are always be democrats criticizing donald trump. democrats say he created it so they can cure it. you play your game better. >> melissa: he's falling into the same trap. that says i'm great and the people who don't agree with me are not hearing me right. >> meghan: he is also blaming his staff. there was a moment where he was talking about sean spicer. he said he would have done it
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differently, he would have done it one-on-one. he is talking about sean spicer, making people hand over their phones for a week. >> david: first of all, their government phones, they own the them. >> meghan: i think it's important to be intellectually responsible in terms of donald trump. i've been in political messaging my entire life. i don't think it was done seamless. he is not conceding that it wasn't done seamlessly. he says he gave it a c+, if he thought it was amazing, he would have given himself in a. he does have communication problems. he is the best spokesperson for himself, he does have a problem with his staffing and he continues to. >> david: i know these staffers. i've known these people longer than anyone on this couch. >> eboni: when donald trump
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says it's just a messaging problem, i've got some pushback there. we heard him say on fox and friends this morning, this immigration policy is to get all the bad guys. there are a lot of people, on the left that can relate to that. when we talk about the woman from arizona who is deported, let me finish the point, she had a deportation report, she is not a rapist or a murderer. >> david: there is no contradiction in the law. >> eboni: the president, in himself, and his own messaging -- >> david: hang on, if you have a deportation order, you have a deportation order. >> eboni: the president said we are only getting rid of the rapists, murderers, and the bad guys. >> david: if you read the order, --
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i have no sympathy for her. >> harris: can we call this what it is? if you're in this country illegally, you are a criminal. what you're saying is, you are the president and his messaging only focus on the more violent crimes, but the big picture, if you look at the woman -- even as a layperson, if you look at the wording of the policy, you have already broken the law. technically the deportation order -- i want to move on. >> meghan: he's only six weeks in as president and there will be hiccups. there will be problems, this happens with any new presidency. it's okay to concede that he's had some problems. i think the people who are overt trump supporters, when the president is saying himself that they've had some problems, it's okay. >> harris: president obama
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said that one reason his policies didn't go the way he wanted, he threw his p.r. team under the bus. he said it was bad p.r. >> david: >> meghan: democrats g to send a message to president trump tonight, many of them are bringing immigrants and refugees other guests to his big speech on capitol hill. just a few examples, elizabeth warren will be joined by an iraqi refugee, new york congresswoman is bringing an iraqi immigrant who works for the u.s. military as an interpreter, he was detained at kennedy airport for 18 hours after president trump sand his travel order. she was able to return to united states weeks later. nancy pelosi plans to bring a few guests too. >> i, myself, will bring a guest who is a dreamer, i will bring a
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guest who lost her son to gun violence, and i will bring a guest who is a symbol of the freedom of the press, which the president and his authoritarian manner is attacking. >> meghan: rosie o'donnell plans to lead a protest outside the white house just before the speech. i know how you went over those on the fence people, invite rosie o'donnell down. make sure she gets her time. >> david: by the way, can we at least put parity on this? two sides are going to be out there. let's have a little parity in the recordings. >> meghan: i am always against political theater and being dramatic. i don't like when they're bringing people like this, just to prove a point. i would say theatrically, what
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do you make, melissa, of all these guests? >> melissa: i think it brings more attention to it. even if you look across the board, i do there to mac feel like americans are more engaged. in this kind of high-level engagement is good for america. i think they will try to control him and that's funny, because he's the the king of trolling. if he does, folks love it, if he doesn't, it doesn't work. >> harris: i know you've seen him behind the scenes of these type of events, megan, your point is it so interesting to me because it really does take away from the message of all your players. it's an interesting point that you make, it doesn't work in your eyes. >> meghan: i know, david, you're interesting to see democrats react.
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>> i respect the office of the president itself, and keep in mind, we will be polite. we will show very little, if any enthusiasm at all for what i anticipate his speech will be about. if the president wants a standing ovation from across the aisle, he should announce he will release his taxes. >> david: right now, i think they will go for polite, i don't think that will do it. i would like to see president trump asked all 16 members of the democrat side who didn't attend the inauguration to stand up so we can see that you're here for the address of joint congress. i'm with melissa, i mouth all of you. you bring your points, you bring your people, you bring our box, but don't jump the shark. if they do what they did to cassidy and louisiana, were they shouted down the prayer before a town hall meeting, which by the way, congress opens with a
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prayer every day, so democrats -- the hypocrisy is widespread. the over under, i'm leaning on polite, because i don't think they want the press. but i think we have joe wilson times ten. >> harris: the rules don't allow you to do much. you can be nonverbal, they physically can turn their backs. it would be rude, but quiet. >> eboni: there is in any way on god's green earth that the democrats would do themselves the deaf service of any type of nasty, visceral reactions. in this moment, and a prime time setting in front of the american people, that does them more harm than good. >> david: hillary clinton used
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words like resistance, they're using all the keywords. >> meghan: the only place to be for tonight's big speeches fnc, coverage it starts at six eastern with bret baier at seven, martha maccallum, bill o'reilly at eight. then brett and martha, although after the president's address at nine and a special edition of hannity heirs after that at 11 eastern. the white house is also dismissing calls for a special prosecutor to look into alleged contact between president trump's team and russia. it could democrats and some republicans force an independent investigation and what it become one of the top calls in history w york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route.
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probe. it press secretary sean spicer says there's nothing to investigate. >> i guess my question would be a special prosecutor for what? you had the intelligence community will get russia's involvement. you have the house and senate both do the same. what i'm trying to ascertain is at what point, how many people have to say that there's nothing there before you realize there's nothing there? >> melissa: this comes a day after isis >> this is a man who i trust, understands that government needs to run on truth. i want to make it clear, i want an investigation because i want this administration to be different from the last one that basically didn't want investigations of anything.
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>> later, he walked back a bit saying there have been no allegations of any crimes, that's important. meantime, the second ranking democrat joining his party calling for an independent probe. >> is that where it's going to get handled? >> i don't think it will be handled as well as it could be. that they may have had a hearing last week, we are not sure. they may have brought in fbi director call me. if we are to have -- we need a transparent progress. >> melissa: in order to have an independent prosecutor, doesn't there have to be a sitting grand jury? you need a lawyer, that's why i'm going to you first. >> eboni: there doesn't necessarily have to be a sitting grand jury, but there does have to be a showing of real conflic conflict. my feeling around this as i like the idea of an independent
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prosecutor, but the ethical attorney in me is against this idea. i think would be sending a very dangerous precedent, jeff sessions just being sworn in weeks ago, saying that at this point in america, we don't trust you. there has not been a demonstration as to why under this category that he's operating in. he's taken an oath to be objective, truthful, and honest. i think until we have a reason to distrust that, bringing someone independent and is premature. >> harris: that's an exact point. if you're going to miss trust somebody, or at least point a finger, look at people like jason chaffetz who were big advocates and going after obama's administration and following through on things. it behooves them to do their jobs. that's what i hear him saying.
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he's got a step up and do that and in order to do that, you have to go through the procedures of letting the community take a look at itself basically. >> melissa: right now, it says with a basic committee. here's the chairman of the committee talking about it. >> we are going through all the evidence. the idea of a special prosecutor to go on a witch hunt against the american people, that's something that the legislative branch of the government should be concerned about. >> david: devon nunez is right right. here's the other thing. i don't know where isis is coming from on this one, but he's completely wrong. an independent prosecutor will not have access to classified information at a level that is necessary that can happen behind closed doors in the intel community. at that prosecutor will not be cleared for that information. maybe to some level. i don't know what kind of game issa is playing here, but he really is to get his facts
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straight on how it works. >> melissa: people want to know if there is a there there. within the administration, there is a saying there is no there. >> meghan: the main question i want to know is what the general plan say that caused him to resign? what did he say to our vice president that he allegedly went on television and lied? i don't think that makes me a member of going on a witch hunt looking for information. that's always the problem with what the media has done with anything russia related. you saw me the day buzzfeed printed that dossier, i was emotional before i went on air. i was so upset. i think any real questions, if you care about national security that will be asked, unfortunately we have members of the media who have been so vastly irresponsible that automatically, you have your tinfoil hat on, your conspiracy theorist, i think it's somewhere
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in the middle. >> eboni: that's very emotionally touching, and very accurate. but only talk about this stuff, when you ask them to investigate themselves, i think everybody gets very nervous. you're right, david, the classified as she was a whirlwind, but when you ask people to investigate themselves, what are we doing? >> harris: you have to go through that to it to the point where you don't just call and that independent prosecutor until gone to the chain of command that's been set up. to issa's point, you have to take things off the table. >> melissa: as president trump keeps up his attacks on mainstream media, new fox news polls shows what they really think of his supporters
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>> harris: our guests are so shy today! >> jenna: i don't remember any of your guests being shy. we are going to get an update on this breaking story we've been watching the last hour or so, the mardi gras parade in gulf shores, alabama, was canceled after a driver plowed into a
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marching band injuring 11 people. also finding out what happened there. steve pays on what he thinks will will come from donald trump tonight. >> harris: we will be glued. thank you, jenna. >> eboni: president trump is continuing his attacks on mainstream media, saying in an interview on "fox & friends" that he turns to twitter to get his message out for a reason. >> it does allow me to to go ad dishonest media. i don't have to go around you folks, i don't have to go around a lot of the media, but i do have to go around some of the media. the following is a so large between twitter and facebook, there are so many millions of people, it allows me to give a message without necessarily having to go through people where i'm giving them a message and they're putting it down differently from what i mean. >> eboni: meantime, a fox news
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poll say they lack confidence in the media. 73% say they have a great deal or some confidence in the media, compare that you're only 18% of republicans who say the same. harris faulkner, you are a true, tried and true journalist. my question to you, is this a win-win anyway, because obviously trump is winning a big way. ratings are up, we know white house correspondent's names in a way we didn't know a year ago. >> harris: i think it's changing. melissa and i were talking during the commercial break, that it behooves us to be the very best at our jobs. we can't take anything for granted. we should in any way. we know the basics, we know how to do it. at the competition for all of us to do it right or try our very best to, we want to be liked. if that's not your goal, do your job better. when you talk about ratings, i
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agree. melissa has said, people tune into politics. it's not the individual journalist that's driving it necessarily. put your narcissism aside and do your job. >> melissa: i saw this ad in "the new york times" that said subscribe if you want the truth. if "the new york times" has to emphasize that they are not making it up, -- for them to say, if you want the truth, come here, don't you assume that it's the truth? >> meghan: they also put out a statement saying they don't understand religion in america and they're looking for people to help them understand. >> harris: they also point out, remember when they would rededicate themselves to journalism? what does that mean? >> david: when did you and dedicate yourself from journalism? you've got someone from michelle bernard who said under trump, slavery is coming back, i'm
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paraphrasing. she's a media figure. to me take you to my point. journalists and media have merged. one thing trump has done -- >> harris: not all of us. >> david: i will never include you, harris, come on. i've worked in both. i'm an opinion guy, i've also worked for a newspaper, i've had to write as a journalist and i still do occasionally. i know how to separate it. i choose to do that. one thing trump has done is he is gone past the media using twitter and he's gone past this to the american people. that is an effective strategy to the american people. reagan did it, clinton did it, when you go past the media to the american people, you're going to win. at the media better take note that technology has made it possible to cut them out of the
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picture. >> meghan: i think when you're so obsessed with being on late-night television that you want to make cameos, when you lie, any loose sight of who you are and what it means to be a journalist, that is how we've gotten to the place that we are right now. i'm so sick of seeing journalists on late-night shows, i'm so sick of knowing exactly where you stand, i'm sick of seeing you crying on election night when trump wins, there's a really big problem with journalism in this country. i'm a commentator, you're a journalist. >> harris: i'll tell you where the lines started to get muddied. remember the daily show with jon stewart? at one point, they took pulling across the spectrum of viewers across the country who said they saw that as a source for real news. i thought that was interesting, because he's talking about the very problems with where we are now, how problematic it is. >> david: he is also saying now stop your whining.
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>> eboni: he's saying take up journalism if you want something to do. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. enjoy the relief.
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9:59 am
>> there is only one place to be for tonight's big speech, on the fnc, coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern with bret baier, 7:00 p.m. at martha maccallum, bill o'reilly end effector at 8:00, then write that begins special coverage along with brit hume and tucker carlson. all up to the president's
10:00 am
address, a special edition of "hannity" airs afterward. i said it before, don't go anywhere. and david webb is going to stick around, we appreciate your being here for us on the web at, click on the overtime tab, "happening now" now. >> jon: fox news alert from gulf shores, alabama, where police say in suv accidentally plowed into a mardi gras parade, injuring at least 11 members of a high school marching band, three of them critically. >> jenna: news conference just wrapping up, we are monitoring those developing's from gulf shores, alabama, we will bring updates as we get them. in the meantime, we are covering all of the news "happening now." counting down to president trump's first formal address to congress in a primetime speech, the president will tell the nation vision for our country. plus... >> we are going to spend a lot more money on military, we really have to. we're going to upgrade our military substantially. we will be having the greatest military that we have ever had t


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