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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  March 1, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PST

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traveling back and forth from the east coast to the west coast. clayton: let's keep talking about the president's speech. laying out optimism vision for unity. what do you think he needs to do next. #keep talking. heather: let us know what you think. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye. >> i am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength. and it is a message deeply delivered. from my heart. we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. applause america must put its own citizens first, because only then can we truly make america great again. you wil -- we will soon begin te construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.
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we are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical islamic terrorism. [applause] our veterans have delivered for this nation and now we must deliver for them. [app i'm also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obamacare. [applause] ryan died as he lived, a warrior and a hero, ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. thank you. [applause] steve: standing ovation. and unlike the conclusion of the speech, there were actually a number of democrats
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on their side of the aisle when he walked in a bunch of them left before he was to the back of the room. brian: i always remember the first time i can always remember clearly sitting on the couch bush 43 walked. in the first time seeing the president as president. when president obama walked n 2009 and to see president trump come in and after this marathon campaign that last add year and a half of every -- the daily intensity that brought us in oftentimes on weekends just to cover this and to see him walk in last night, i was wondering what he was thinking but he looked so composed. ainsley: really hit home. this is all over he is the president of the united states. ainsley: when we sat down two days ago he said his grade for messaging was a c or c minus. we asked him when are you going to make that an a? he said i'm going to start tonight with this speech. he really did. everyone last night on all of our shows after the speech most of our comments were
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consistent this was his best speech. brian: i never remember him doing anything so widely approved getting such broad acclaim. ainsley: who wrote that speech? did steve miller write it. brian: steve miller and bannon were the chief architects evidently he was rewriting and crossing out. steve: until 5:30 last night. bailey taught of tying it in with the declaration of independence. ainsley: what stood out to you. steve: how presidential it was. one of those speeches where if you like donald trump you really liked the speech. if you didn't like donald trump you still kind of liked the speech. there were a number of other networks did instant analysis one of them i saw said 70% of the people who watched it said they are now optimistic about the future of america with this guy in charge. brian: i think the market is going to respond today. in case you didn't hear of the whole thing and want to hear some highlights. here is what he did in terms of the elf in the room is obamacare. it's going to be addressed first. we don't noe how but we know when and that is next.
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here is the president looking at this. you will see the divide. >> tonight i am also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obamacare. [cheers and applause] action is not a choice. it is a necessity everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. every problem can be solved and every hurting family can find healing and hope. our citizens deserve this and so much more. so why not join forces and finally get the job done and get it done right? [applause] ainsley: he said join forces meaning republicans and democrats and then he says let's finally get it right answered looks over at the dems. steve: also pointing at the democrats when he said let's end the trivial fights and there was a murmur in there.
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great state of utah how he was horrified how some of the democrats treated the president of the united states. it kind of sounded like they were booing or murmuring. he said they were actually hissing. also, some of them were not clapping. we saw that some of them didn't stand. none the less you could really see people and people doing the thumbs down as you can see right there. ainsley: women in white. brian: with a big smile. steve: listen to this reaction when he unveiled a new program that had the acronym voice. watch. >> we must support the victims of crime. i have ordered the department of home land security to create an office to serve american victims, the office is called voice. victims of immigration crime engagement. [boos] >> we are providing a voice to those ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave
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americans whose government failed them. jamiel's 17-year-old son was injuriesly murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member who had just been released from prison. jamiel jr. was an incredible young man with unlimited potential who was getting ready to go to college where he would have excelled as a great college quarterback. but he never got the chance. his father, who is in the audience tonight, has become a very good friend of mine. jamiel, thank you. thank you. [applause] steve: as he stood up, he wiped away the tears. ainsley: he said he has become a very good friend of mine that struck a chord. as president of the united states he is talking to different people to figure out how we can heal as a country. to hear his story and something we will talk about
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in a minute is to hear ryan owens story and how close he is to his widow. brian: this real quick. there were issues that really where the rubber hits the road where democrats republicans. this should not be one of them. illegal immigrant criminal murderers. you hear that unrest on the left side of the aisle thinking what are you upset about? are you pro-illegal immigrant crime? you have an american that's murdered by illegal and you really there that's a low blow for the president to bring that up? and if you look at the priorities that each side obviously may have found important because you are allowed to bring a guest. a lot of these lawmakers allowed to bring a guest. let's think what the democrats thought should be the priorities the message they wanted to send americans when people start looking at who they brought. steve: keep in mind, frame that brian with the fact that the president of the united states last night disulsd let's do real immigration reform. i need both sides of the aisle
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on this and base it on merit and not on family status. ainsley: what brian is talking about if you look at the priority and republicans who they invited to be there last night and the democrats it's real telling. brian: like justice scalia's wife. police officers killed in action. people hurt by illegal aliens as we know. ainsley: angel moms. brian: helped by tax credits and able to push forward modern medicine and entrepreneurs like, for example, a woman suffering from rare disease and her dad took action. instead of her dying at the age of 5 she is a student at notre dame. ainsley: because her father developed a drug that saved her life. steve: meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, democrats were joined by dreamers. i know nancy pelosi had an actual guest who was in this country illegally. had refugees. minorities and citizens of distant countries targeted by president trump's temporary travel ban. and that's one of the reasons
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why you heard him talk about voice, which would go ahead and address issues faced by families in the united states, crime inflicted upon them by immigrants, that's why there was that murmur. and a little unrest. ainsley: the president has said we have got to work together on this. just because -- i think the democrats are thinking that he is using the worst case scenarios and talking about jamiel's story and painting a picture that immigration is so bad. that's why theist democrats are inviting the refugee he is there has got to be a way to work together. donald trump has said i'm not going to divide families. if you are here illegally, yes, have you broken the law. but if you are not a criminal i'm going to find a way for you to stay. i'm not going to rip families apart. brian: he said that. yet she still brought a dreamer to the gallery and i don't get why because he has already said we can negotiate on that. and some republicans aren't happy about that. mean while the genius way in which he started the speech. saluting black history month
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and pointing out the rise in anti-semitic crimes across the country. forced everyone to realize we are all on the same page with that the other thing that happened that surprised i know me and probably you guys but steve you knew ahead of time. but the wife of ryan owens who was slain in that separation in yemen is there. this 24 hours ago we asked about the father who is upset with president trump. we find out the widow is in the audience. steve: her name is carryn. there is ryan right there. he died heroically in yemen when things went wrong as an operator and a navy seal. the emotional highlight was a 2 minute standing ovation that those assembled gave his wife when the president of the united states talked about him, ryan, this way. >> we are blessed to be joined tonight by carryn widow of
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william ryan owens. the bible teaches us there is no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom and we will never forget ryan. [applause] [applause] [cheers] [applause]
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>> ryan is looking down right now, you know that, and he is very happy because i think he just broke a record. [laughter] [applause] steve: while the president kept to the prompter the entire time, that was trump flourish that i just added i think i just mispronounced her name he he. ainsley: using that scripture we are actually studying john in our bible study that was john 15. he said no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friend. that is what our military men and women are doing. that poor lady will never see her husband again at least until she gets to heaven. their lives are changed forever. so we're so grateful for the sacrifice that the military men and women make and are -- you know, i think we all had tears in our eyes when we were watching that. brian: president trump, if you didn't understand the gravity of the office, you did after you order that operation.
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and then you realize it was on your watch that he lost his life. steve: sure. absolutely. that was the emotional highlight. but what did you think of the whole speech in the "new york post" today grand slam, best speech. most remarkable from a president in that hall in decades. they say if he can keep this up the nation is in very good hands indeed. what do you think? email us at tweet us or facebook. brian: not just republicans saying good job it's a lot of democrats. meanwhile. steve: speaking of the military, president trump promising to protect our vets. >> my budget will also increase funding for our veterans. our veterans have delivered for this nation and now we must deliver for them. [applause] ainsley: how will that work? does he need to spend more money? congressman sean did you havey and rachel will be here next. brian: president trump shows us his most treasured item in his oval office. it's not what you think. steve: i bet it was that picture.
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>> heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. my budget will also increase funding for our veterans. our veterans have delivered for this nation and now we must deliver for them. [applause] brian: here to react wisconsin g.o.p. congressman always in the fight sean duffy and his wife rachel cam pose did you havey. welcome to both of you. first off, congressman, are you under the belief that the 54 billion that the president put out there is a number is not a enough like john mccain or are you under the -- are you like some that say we can't afford to even spend that? >> i think it's a good start. we have a president who is actually talking about building out our military and taking care our vets. we haven't seen that for 8 years. so i looked at john mccain and john says hey we need a little more money, i'm all about building out our military. as we know we have peace through strength. we save money in the long run
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with a larger military. we save lives with a larger, stronger military. brian: rachel i also hear and after speaking to him yesterday with steve and ainsley that he is going to go in on almost every one of these major contracts and is he going to make them come in under budget. he doesn't like the price figures on all of this. is it possible to negotiate -- for the reduction of prices for the navy, the air force and the marines? and the army? >> sure. why not? i mean, he has already brought down the prices of airplan this is what people like about him. he is the ultimate negotiator. this is the outside businessman skills that people wanted. and, boy, they are going to get it again, he said these are the costs of things but that's not necessarily what the american government is going to pay for them. is he going to negotiate better deals good for him. brian: congressman, what was it like last night? >> it was pretty awesome. i got to be on the aisleway as he came in and shook his hand and welcomed him to the chamber. what was interesting last
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night is there were so many former members of congress that wanted to come and hear donald trump speak. if you got to the chamber late, there were no seats late. there were behind the benches and actual chairs in the chamber they put in seats and on the back wall they put in seats even with that there were members of congress sitting in what's called the cloak room where there is tvs where they could watch the address. that's how popular this speech was. what i liked, brian, donald trump kept his promise to the american people. he said he is going to build out our military and take care of the vets and repeal obamacare and lower taxes. even jamiel shaw his son died by illegal immigrant he kept his promise to him as well. where a lot of people would say use you for the campaign and let's you go. last night he said no, i'm still fighting for you and fighting for your son. brian: right. i think it went over very well. i was struck about how people across the aisle were saluting the content of the speech and how it was delivered. okay duffys thank you so much for joining us today and now
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you can stop paying for the babysitter. [laughter] brian: straight ahead most emotional and most applauded line of the night. >> ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. thank you. [applause] you're either ready or you're not. what's wrong? i got ten new guys starting tomorrow. ten? paul, pauline... is pauline a guy? sorry. mike, mike, mike and mike. michelle. okay, you need uniforms, work gloves, goggles, hard hats, all the safety gear. i'm on it. well that's good, 'cuz i got 15 more new guys starting tuesday. i'm ready. you're ready? ♪ oh, i'm ready... am i ready? what? am i ready? you're ready. i'm ready! cintas. ready for the workday.
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ainsley: we have quick headlines for you and a fox news alert. at least two people are dead as more than 20 tornadoes carve a path of destruction through the midwest overnight. west of chicago, a home left just ripped apart. you can see the bedroom furniture surrounded by the collapsed walls. and then in missouri, a twister throwing carves from from a salvage yard right onto the interstate. the manhunt for apted cop shooter intensifying at this hour. police in houston came under
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attack responding to a burglary. two officers were actually hit. one is in critical condition. wow. look at that picture. the other is expected to be okay. one gunman was killed in the shootout but the second suspect is still on the run. steve: our lead story president donald trump last night laying out his agenda in inspirational first address to a joint session of congress. what did the american people think? well, the grades are in. brian: here to break it all down for us is president and partner of mis lee carter. >> he hit it out of the park last night. overall, democrats even gave it a c which is a big deal. i mean, that is as good as he was going to do with them. independence, republicans loved it a lot of -- one of the participants said when he came on the stage last night i still wasn't ready to say he is president trump. when he went off, i said that's the president of the united states. to me that sums up.
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ainsley: let's hear some of it let's talk about him getting the job done and then watch these dials. >> everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. every problem can be solved. and every hurting family can find healing and hope. our citizens deserve this and so much more. so why not join forces and finally get the job done and get it done right? brian: pointed right. pointed to the left with his right hand. >> you could see republicans, independence, off the charts they gave it an a. even democrats gave it a c. this was a speech filled with optimism. a lot of people said his inaugural address was dark. this was. make america great again but also believe in america. ainsley: no problem we can't solve. who wouldn't like that? >> that's right. steve: democrats don't like anybody touching obamacare because for them that is their
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alamo and reflective in this dial. watch the blue line. >> action is not a choice. it is a necessity. so i am calling on all democrats and republicans in congress to work with us to save americans from this imploding obamacare disaster. steve: okay. and it was a disaster for the democrats. they didn't like that. >> you can see that when he said let's work together, they were still there it's when he called it a disaster that they turned off. that was not surprising. only time the whole night though that i saw the democrats go below a c. that's really powerful. ainsley: did you ask any of the republicans because the line actually went down for republicans, too for the end. >> it was a little bit partisan. this was the only party where he wen really using partisan language and it reflected in the dials. brian: the world was watching but this address was to american lawmakers and to the american people. here is the president of the united states reaffirming his belief on why he got the job.
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>> free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people and america respects the right of all nations to chart their own path. my job is not to represent the world. my job is to represent the united states of america. >> you can see there off the charts. one of the highest moments for the republicans and independence a plus. democrats a c. this notion that he is the president for americans not the world was one that really resonated. that that's a left reason why he won. is he putting america first. ainsley: most emotional moment of the night is when he paid tribute to the fallen navy seal ryan owens. watch this. >> ryan's legacy is etched in to eternity. thank you. [applause] and ryan is looking down right now, you know that, and he is very happy because i think he just broke a record.
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[laughter] [applause] the bible teaches us there is no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country and for our freedom and we will never forget ryan. [applause] steve: okay. it's surprising to me that the democrats at no point during the mention of ryan owens never went above a c. >> they have a hard time, i think really getting their arms around anything giving him anything that's above neutral. steve: it wasn't about him, was it? wasn't it about the fallen navy seal and his wife there? >> it should have been about that what people felt and what i heard back and some of the commentary from. so democrats they felt this was a token gesture and they might have been using her a little bit to make a point. most everybody else felt this was such a powerful moment.
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ainsley: including his wife. >> it was heart felt. it was emotional. and i think this is one of the most poetic beautiful moments of the whole speech. ainsley: she could barely breathe. what their family represents for our country it should be be off the charts for democrats. brian: i don't know how ivanka held it together. ainsley: they sat down and she grabbed her hand. steve: thank you so much to bring us the dials and they were great. brian: lee carter thanks. straight ahead. president trump says something before congress we have not heard from a commander-in-chief in about 8 years. >> we're also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical, islamic terrorism. [applause] brian: does it mean we are finally ready to label our enemies? we will debate it with lisa booth and marie har hardship ma.
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abby is at the diner this morning. steve: look at that "fox & friends" menu board. ♪ with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. this is the story of green mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's take a trip to la plata, colombia. this is boris calvo. that's pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even better coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. that's blanca. yup, pepe and blanca got together.
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♪ ♪ >> our obligation is to serve, protect and defend the citizens of the united states. we are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical islamic terrorism. [applause] we will work with our allies including friends and allies and friends ialallies in the mu. >> we have not heard from the previous administration radical islamic terrorism. does this hard line stance
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against terror mean we are finally ready to take on isis by identifying it here? let's have a little debate. we have fox news contributor washington examiner and contributor lisa booth screen left and fox news contributor and former state department spokeswoman marie harf. marie, good morning to you. >> hi. >> lisa, same to you. your former boss barack obama when he was president of the united states in an occasion like that would never use the term radical islamic terror but the new president did. what did you think about that? >> there is nothing magic about those three words. and they are not a strategy. they are a talking point. i would also point out that president trump's new national security advisor had specifically said he doesn't like that terminology because it alienates a lot of people that we actually need to work with us in defeating isis. you know, in the obama, we had a strategy in place, it's the strategy they are still operating under by the way. we went really aggressively after isis.
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we have helped local forces retake a lot of territory including part of mosul. president obama took more terrorists off the battalion field than any other president in history. i know a lot of people were waiting for those three magic words but i don't think they really signify a shift in strategy, at least not one that was outlined last night. they are just words. they are not a strategy. steve: well, they are words, and when you don't use them somebody is being politically correct here, right, lisa. >> yeah. i think a lot of americans wanted president obama to differentiate between radical islamic extremist and the rest of, you know, the muslim population. but, you know, look, i think more importantly president obama words do matter because president obama had previously said that he has no plan to defeat isis. and that made a lot of americans feel very unsure in this fight against isis and this fight against terror. and i think one of the most important things that president trump has done is ask for a comprehensive plan
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from general mattis or secretary mattis. and i think that's really important. because here we have a guy who has been sort of uniformly praised for being this brilliant military strategist and someone who formally as recently as 2013 served as the head of centcom. this is a guy infinitely familiar with the middle east and concerns we faces a a country. steve: let's movie on. here is another sound bite from last night where donald trump, the new president of the united states, talks what exactly he has got to deal with. >> in the last 8 years the past administration has put on more new debt than nearly all of the other presidents combined.lost more than one fourth of our manufacturing jobs since nafta was approved. and we have lost 60,000 factories since china joined the world trade organization in 2001. our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was
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nearly $800 billion. and overseas we have inherited a series of tragic foreign policy disasters. steve: so marie, there you have got president donald trump having something in common with your former boss, barack obama, they both inherited a big mess. >> well, i think they both used that term but i would argue that the recession that we inherited was a much bigger mess for the country and for the world. steve: it was a big one. >> it was a big one. look, donald trump last night, he does what he does best, right? he draws a contrast with the previous administration. he is really good at giving speeches and sort of firing up the political language that he has used. but when you look at what he he wants to do, tax reform, healthcare reform, and infrastructure bill and increasing military spending by huge amounts that i don't think we actually need, you can't do that unless you deficit spend which i think we will get a lot of push back from republicans.
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you get a high level of growth that i don't think we are going to have. or you raise taxes. and so while a lot of what he said is popular, these are his campaign promises. steve: right. >> when the rubber meets the road, i leave last night's speech thinking i'm not sure how he is going to get any of it done. steve: okay. >> that's the real question i think this morning. steve: lisa you would admit as he takes the keys to air force one this last month and a half he did inherit a mess, right? >> president trump is in more particularly and precisely critical of president obama for leaving him a mess in the middle east. that's something that president obama has been criticized by his own former military leaders for failing to leave a status of forces agreement in iraq. giving rise to isis which we have seen in iraq and sierra and elsewhere in the world. we have seen at least 143 directed or inspired attacks by isis in at least 29 different countries. president trump did indeed inherit a mess. theastles in the words of president obama's own military
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advisors. steve: what grade would you give last knight's speech. >> i thought it was an a a home run for president trump and he needed this kind of speech last night. steve: and marie. >> i would agree. i think we are grading president trump on a big curve here. he managed to. steve: you just gave mitchell an a. hello. >> i'm giving mitchell a president trump a. and by that i mean he managed to stay on the teleprompter. he didn't manage to insult anyone or any large sweat of the american people and, look. steve: marie, i think your former boss had a teleprompter or two, too. >> he should take an a from marie. steve: we brought the two sides together. all right. >> donald trump had a good night. we will see if we are in trump 2.0 or not. >> all i heard was a. steve: we all heard that all right marie and lisa thank you very much. what did you think about that? email us at what happens when "fox & friends" goes into oval office
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♪ heather: welcome back. liberals serving up a scathing response to what many are calling president trump's best speech yet. deliver the message for the democrats former governor steve beshear. >> you picked a cabinet of billionaires and wall street insiders. in 2010 this country made a commitment that every american deserved healthcare they could afford and rely on. we democrats are going to do everything in our power to keep president trump and the republican congress from reneging on that commitment. president trump has all but declared war on refugees and immigrants.
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real leaders don't spread derision and division. real leaders strengthen. they unify. heather: he wasn't the only one. chicago mayor rahm emanuel also slamming the president for condemning his city's murder epidemic. emanuel not stopping there saying that the president should do more than talk and tweet about it. and breaking overnight so you know a major change expected in president trump's revised immigration order. according to new reports, iraq will be removed from the original list of seven terror prone countries placed under that temporary travel ban. the order was expected to be signed today but the white house tells fox news that it will actually happen later this week. steve? steve: thank you very much, heather. marshall, virginia is about an hour's drive from washington, d.c. out west. it's a small town in a red county in a swing state that backed donald trump for president by 225 percentage
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points. brian: i used my gold car so abby huntsman could get a rental car. she is on my account so she could find out what people think about the address. abby, are you okay? what are the people like. >> i'm okay, brian. you may not have car when i get back from this trip. it is beautiful out here. there is so much land. i'm sitting here with richard gary -- richard, mark, and gary. we are all becoming friends this morning. two of you came out because you saw us on this morning. i don't think you slept because you watched the sleep last night. you woke up at 3:00 this morning, what was your response to it. >> i thought it was wonderful. brilliant. best speech of his career. it was right on target. he is doing everything he said he was going to do. that's what people like me appreciate. >> what do you do. >> retired army helicopter pilot. i work for the federal government in d.c. right now. >> good for you. whether a did you think about the military? that was a big message last night military spending but also cracking down on radical
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islam. >> yes, exactly. military needs all the help we can get right now. terribly under funded. i think that we have the strongest military in the world. we just need a little bit of help right now from president trump. the talking he did on radical islam was right on target. i appreciate the words. i appreciate what he is doing. and i think most people out here in the county feel the same way. >> you say this is a working county. a lot of working people. a lot of patriotism is what you were saying. >> exactly. >> mark, we were talking earlier as well. what do you do. >> electrician. >> how do you think things are going now. >> they are turning around. >> what mean by that. >> he is turning the ship in the right direction. starting to focus on the things that need to be focused on. >> what matters to you? >> military, of course. he has got to take care of healthcare, of course. you can't have people falling off healthcare but we can't
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afford to pay for things we can't afford to pay for. >> do you think he will bring jobs back here. >> oh, yeah. is he definitely a jobs president. >> you have an interesting story because you voted for president trump twice. >> did i. >> you believe in his hope and change message you said this time around early on you went for donald trump. >> i had to. he made a lot of promises and like the other guy said i hope he can keep the promises he made. >> what do you do, gary. >> i'm a farmer. >> do you feel like he is getting the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the media and the way he is being covered. >> i think people are picking on him. they need to back off and do his presidency like he says he is going to do and stop the fighting and the violence and let him do what he is going to do. the man speaks with an open tongue. so that's one thing i like about him. >> that was attractive to you as a harley-davidson rider i love it? >> yes, ma'am. >> all right, guys. thank you so much. brian: i thought it was great too when he brought up harley david sony last night what is
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it like trying to sell your bikes overseas. thank you very much, abby. ainsley: he said he wasn't going to ride on one of them but they parked them right there at the white house. steve: what happens when "fox & friends" goes into the oval office with the president? you're about to find out. ♪ i'm your operator ♪ you can call any time ♪ i'll be your connection ♪ to the party line ♪ i'm my bladder wake me up from my sweet dreams? thanks to tena, not tonight! only tena overnight underwear ...with its secure barrier system gives you.... ...triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you why are you checking i want to see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much do they? really? i'll take it! sir, your credit... is great, right? when was the last time you checked? yeah, i better check my credit score.
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here, try credit karma. it's free. alright, no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit. z2a1gz zx9z y2a1gy yx9y
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ainsley: so when we went to the white house on monday and we sat down with the president, which was so awesome, we took a little tour and we showed you yesterday past the rose garden right up to the oval office. right now we are going to take you inside the oval office with the president of the united states. steve: open the door.
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ainsley: thank you. i feel awkward walking in before you. brian: just don't touch anything. ainsley: it's beautiful. >> this is a great and beautiful office. it's called the resolute. it's been the desk of many presidents. and it's a special desk that's andrew jackson who you know really well a dear friend of yours. brian: why did you put that on. >> they say his campaign was most like mine. that was interesting. that was 1828. they used to go back to ronald reagan now they are going back to andrew jackson. that's the great andrew jackson who actually was a great general and a great president but a controversial president. and this is thomas jefferson. very famous painting, actually. have you probably seen that. very, very famous painting. and this is a bust of abraham lincoln. ainsley: do you goat choose what paintings and what busts? >> yes, i do. some of them just sort of come
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with the office like the picture of george washington. ainsley: did you choose the colors, gold? >> i did. i chose colors the colors. those chairs have been there a long time. those are used for foreign leaders when the foreign leaders come in. it's a very open office. have you a lot of people around. but it works. and it is the oval office. i have had people come in with the most beautiful offices you have ever seen and one person came in and actually just broke down and started crying. there is something very special about this place. steve: absolutely. page one of the art of the deal it talks about how when you were running things in new york city you had a rather unstructured day. you didn't want too many meetings and your door was always open. and i have read that the door is always open to the oval office because you want to hear from your people. >> i also want people to see it and i have union leaders. i have heads of major companies. brian: the miners. >> the miners were incredible.
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they were from west virginia and kentucky. they came in. i had them behind me. a lot of miners. we took pictures. they were incredible. ainsley: they even wore their hard hats. some the patriots have said they don't want to come to the white house. what's your message to them. >> i don't want to think of it. they can do whatever they want as far as i'm concerned. i'm friends of a few of them and bob gratify is a terrific guy and what a great coach and quarterback. it was a great game. only the ones that would want to come should come. brian: what's interesting is there is one picture here of somebody not a bust of a person or a painting it's your dad. >> that's my father. i have others come in. but that was the first one i put up my father. brian: what do you think he would say right now when he would see his son as president. >> he gave mee confidence by having confidence. he was a tough guy but good guy. he had great heart. he would say that's am when you think of it. brian: would he be proud of you or we say i expected it.
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>> he loved the country. i can tell you he loved the country and he would be very proud. steve: because our time was so limited as you can see i was digging out of my pocket. brian: i did not know what you were doing. steve: on that paper were your questions because there was another event about to happen in the oval office. weave had to get out of there. we are going to present them to the president and you will hear them tomorrow on the show. brian: we were hearing it was so loud in the microphone it was like thunder. i didn't know what you were doing. ainsley: we had to get your questions. in and you are going to love his response. remember the one question who asked me that? thank you for that. steve: is he referring to the white house. find out tomorrow. president's address to the joint session of congress. vice president mike pence rallying behind him the whole time as can you see right there. what did he think about the speech? we will ask him live when he joins us from the white house coming up. ainsley: first, we are talking to senator marco rubio and
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former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski to find out what they thought in the next hour ♪ a little bit faster ♪ made my skin a little bit thicker ♪ make me that much smarter ♪ thanks for making me a fighter ♪ want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect.
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obamacare. [cheers] >> you must work with, not against the men and women of law enforcement. [ applause ] >> we all bleed the same blood. and we all are made by the same god. [cheers and applause] >> the bible teaches us there is no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country and for our freedom and we will never forget ryan. [applause] thank you, god bless you, and god bless the united states. [cheers and applause] ♪ i'll be taking care of business ♪ everyday ♪ taking care of business ♪ every way ♪ i've been taking care of business ♪ it's all right.
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brian: he gave the president of the united states told them what to do. it's up to the house and senate to start doing something in that building. ainsley: he spoke for an hour last night in that building in the house chambers because it's a larger chamber than the senate chamber and spoke to both sides of the aisle saying we need to work together. people said last night -- i was watching our commentary and everyone pretty much agreed it was the best speech given so far. brian: i flipped around and he was getting posits from everybody even david brinkley came out and said he became president tonight. david brinkley the esteemed its who ar historian. steve: five minutes in the "new york post" today lays it out time for small think something over dream bigly they say. they talk about infrastructure. imgray, best moment right there. it wasn't really a laundry list per se. but it was resuscitation of
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his core values when it comes to immigration, trade, taxes affordable care act. the military. what's interesting is apparently donald trump himself worked so hard on this and decided that the tone would be less aggressive because he feel he is, according to one of the stories out of d.c. this morning his message has been mischaracterized. and it's interesting because when we sat down with the president in the east room of the white house on monday, he said he give himself a c for messaging because he didn't like the way things were getting out message wise. that's one of the reasons he had his fingerprints all over this. he did not like the way that he has been mischaracterized so he is going to do it himself. ainsley: we asked him how are you going to change that then if you are not happy. steve: in the speech. ainsley: if you missed it he started out out of the gate. yesterday was the last day of black history month. talked about civil rights and inner cities and condemned all of the attacks on the jewish center. brian: genius got both sides
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standing up and critics saying wow he just addressed what we were wanting him to address a couple weeks ago. ainsley: he discussed about what he has done so far. he has only been in office 40 days. long list of companies he has created jobs for. talked about how the stock market is up and appointed a justifiable that he said he would do that would defend the constitution. brian: five democrats stood up and applauded the name neil gorsuch. steve: by the end of the festivities i only saw one senator on the democrat side still standing. ainsley: joe manchin. steve: joe manchin shook hands with the president of the united states. he made it very clear he wants to get things done but is he going to need people from both sides of the aisle. here he was last night talking about the importance of unity. >> for all americans, this is our vision. this is our mission. but we can only get there together. we are one people with one destiny. we all bleed the same blood.
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we all salute the same great american flag. and we all are made by the same god. [cheers and applause] i am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the american spirit. i am asking all members of congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things for our country. i am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment, believe in yourselves, believe in your future and believe once more in america. thank you, god bless you, and god bless the united states. [cheers and applause] brian: think about this. is he a politician for a year and a half. a year and a half. go out and address an audience probably 50 million worldwide. everyone is wondering after up and down 40 days at the very
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least unprecedented unorthodox. what was he going to deliver? actually mike allen's daily reader that comes out. his top ten points says that ivanka and steven miller worked on this along with the president to get out this messaging. steve, you brought this up the first hour, talking about telling a story, relatively complicated story but true, in nine years it's going to be 250th birth day of the declaration of independence which gave birth to this idea of america. so then you are talking about a guy with perspective, with vision, and with an agenda. and if you have -- if you are a -- if you are donald trump today and you flip around and you find people who want to rip this speech, they are un -- they are impossible to impress and they are not being logical in their analysis. because this is -- by the way i said it's douglass brinkley not david brinkley. eench historians. ainsley: whoever wrote it was wonderful. a plus for this speech.
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evidence mentioned god a lot. and then when he was talking about honoring the widow of the navy seal ryan owens. he mentioned scripture he said no greater act of love than to lay down our life for one's friends e he tweeted that dirch people wrote cried like a baby. heard the heart of god. god finally brought back into the government. steve: sure, there you are look at william ryan owens individual widow he died in navy seal operation last month. trump called him a hero. his wife was overcome. she was in the presidential box. there were two minutes of standing ovation. we are going to play you a lot of it. we have shortened the applause. you get the idea it was so powerful. >> we are blessed to be joined tonight by carryn owens widow of william ryan owens. the bible teaches us there is no greater act of love than to
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lay down one's life for one's friends. ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country and for our freedom and we will never forget ryan. [applause] [applause] [cheers] >> and ryan is looking down right now.
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you know that and he is very happy because i think he just broke a record. [laughter] [applause] brian: they said it was about two and a half minutes of standing ovation if you combine both times. ainsley: i don't think there was a dry eye in anyone's house if you were watching that last night. she was so emotional and she couldn't even breathe and she looked up to heaven and she said i love you, baby. steve: well, after the speech, as you would expect. there were a number of partisans who said, chuck schumer said the speech was detached from reality. the new dnc chief tom perez said the speech was steve bannon on steroids with a smile. we had marie harf who has been a loyal defender of barack obama during her years at the state department. she is now a fox news contributor. she was on with us about a half hour ago. we were curious what kind of grade she would give. watch this. what grade would you give last night's speech. >> actually i thought it was an a.
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it was a home run for president trump he needed this kind of speech last night. steve: and that rinchts i would actually agree i think we are grading president trump on a big dump curve here. steve: you just gave him an a, hello. >> i'm giving him a president trump a. by that i mean he managed to stay on the teleprompter. he didn't manage to insult anyone or any large swath of the american people. steve: that refresh his recollection i think your former boss had a teleprompter or two, too. >> he should take an a. steve: we brought the two sides together. all right. >> donald trump had a good night. ainsley: what's the difference between an a and donald trump a? steve: it's the small print. brian: absolutely. steve: what's a bigly a. ainsley: she said i like it but. brian: overall a lot of people liked it he was interrupted 4 times by applause in 60 minutes. had to leave out some passages because he wanted to keep it 60 minutes. one of which was nasa. he just didn't mention it last night. steve: what do you think?
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we'll include some of your commence coming up also in new york city. let's talk about this. the president targeted many issues in his speech last night none more polarizing oso-to-some than the topic of immigration reform. senator marco rubio who has tried comes up next on the show. ainsley: he played an early role in getting president trump to this point. corey lewandowski is here live. he is here live. ♪ let's get it started ♪ let's get it started in here ♪ let's get it started ♪ let's get it started in here. ♪ for 8 continuous months - for effective protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8-month seresto®. from bayer.
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in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. ainsley: in his address to congress last night president trump shined a light on americans that have been killed by illegal immigrants and their grieving families. listen. >> joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave americans whose government failed them. jamiel's 17-year-old son, who was viciously murdered by illegal immigrant gang member who had just been released from prison. jamiel jr. was an incredible young man with unlimited potential who was getting ready to go to college where he would have excelled as a great college quarterback. but he never got the chance.
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ainsley: jamiel shaw sr. was one of the president's special guests last night and he joins us now. good morning, mr. shaw, thank you for joining us. >> good morning. thank you for the invite. ainsley: you are welcome. what was your reaction to that to your son being highlighted last night. >> i remember when he was saying that i said to him we did it. we did it. that's all i could say we did it. who could expect me knowing the president of the united states and him speaking of my son, calling me his friend. i mean, that's awesome. ainsley: the president said you are all really good friends and have become really good friends. what do you mean by we have done it. >> meaning me, trump, we did it for him. trump, everybody that was involved in trying to get the illegal alien criminals out of here the gang bangers and stuff. no one is targeting the so-called average -- i don't know how you would say it but the regular illegal aliens. we are talking about the ones
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that everybody should support. and we did it. because he was murdered by one and i was letting him know that i'm doing all i can, you know. i'm doing all i can do. i'm sorry what happened to you. ainsley: have you been a voice in the president's ear trying to help other families that are going through the same thing that you are going through and to prevent other families from going through it down the road. >> yeah. ainsley: the president announced last night he is going to launch a new office under homeland security. listen to this and then i will get your reaction. >> okay. >> i have ordered the department of homeland security to create an office to serve american victims. the office is called voice. victims of immigration crime engagement. we are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave americans whose government failed them.
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ainsley: jamiel at one point during that of the democrats were booing. what was your reaction? >> oh my god. i was like man, you know, what do they want? i mean, they don't want nothing about division, you know. bickering. they don't want to solve no problems. they don't want to help kids or husbands and family members that's been murdered by illegals. just the way they did that was so disrespectful. it's bigger than them. so i just keep on moving. just ignore them like they do me. ainsley: your wife was fighting was fighting for our country overseas when your son was killed on american soil. no one was protecting him. who do you blame? >> i blame all the politicians that were against that. okay, the illegal alien lover politicians. the police chief in l.a., the mayors. city council. board of supervisors. sacramento. they are all in the tank. i mean, it's not fair.
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you know, we deserve more and they get these jobs. they promise us everything. they get in there and just eating good and drinking good. they don't care about us. ainsley: how has it affected your family? what has that illegal immigrant done to your family? >> destroyed it? you know. it's making us stronger. but who wants to get stronger because of death? i mean, you know. it broke us down, you know. it hurts every day we have to miss him. holidays, birthdays. just every day when we leave our house we see the spot he was murdered. every home you see that spot. it's like a brain tattoo. ainsley: what is your message to the president of the country? >> what would you do if your husband or your wife like that? what would you expect of the president to do if he heard these kind of things were happening to americans? what would you expect? you know, the same thing i do. ainsley: jamiel shaw, thank you for being with us. god bless you and your family.
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>> thank you for everything. ainsley: what did president trump's former opponent think of his speech? senator marco rubio joins us next with his reaction. ♪ baby hold tight ♪ she said any way you want it ♪ just the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare.
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steve: we're back with a fox news alert. at least two people are dead as more than 20 tornadoes have carved a path of destruction through the midwest overnight. look at those images. west of chicago a house ripped apart. you can see the bedroom furniture surrounded by a few standing walls that are left. and in missouri a twister threw cars from a junkyard on to an interstate it was that powerful. what a storm. meanwhile, the manhunt for a want wanted cop shooter intensifying at this hour.
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police in houston came under attack responding to a burglary. two officers were hit. one in critical condition. the other is expected to be okay. oh my goodness look at that one gunman killed in a shootout. the second suspect is still on the run. we will keep you posted. meanwhile, let's talk politics. ainsley: in his address to congress last night, the president vowing to rework immigration and to fix our broken system. listen. >> i believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible. if we are guided by the well being of american citizens then i believe republicans and democrats can work together to achieve an outcome that has alluded our country for decades. brian: wow, so will congress ever find enough common ground to pass something concrete when it comes to immigration? joining us now a man once in a gang, the gang of eight to help solve immigration and took a lot of heat for it through the republican primaries. senator marco rubio of florida.
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senator, thanks so much for joining us. >> good morning. good morning, guys. brian: senator, i heard when he was addressing the sunday show anchors and other news anchors in the preview of the speech he talked about, did the president, comprehensive immigration reform. he didn't say that so much last night. is it indeed possible? has anything changed? >> well, first of all, the presidency has changed. and i think that makes it easier, not easy but easier to do this the right way. let's back up for a second this term comprehensive makes it sound like we are going to do it all at once. i don't think that's the right approach. i have shared this with the president. number one have you to enforce your laws. if you are not enforcing your laws now why are people to believe you are going to enforce the laws in the future. that's number one, number two he talked about this last night modernize the immigration system. merit based system our economy has changed and the criteria we use for deciding who gets to come in and stay in the united states has to change. that's modernization. that would be step two. and then you can do something very reasonable with the people who have been here a
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long time who are not gang bangers, who are not criminals, who are not a threat to public safety. it has to happen in that order and those steps. i believe if democrats are willing to accept that direction we can get something done. as they continue to fight for of the unrealistic. let's give everybody blanket amnesty or citizenship or do it backwards or against any effort to enforce the law beyond symbolic things. i think we will continue to be stuck in the cycle we were in. i'm hopeful. it is possible. ainsley: how is it possible? they weren't even standing up when they are honoring the navy seal who fought for our country and booing any time he even talked about starting an office under homeland security to help the victims of people who have lost loved ones because of illegal immigrants. how are democrats and republicans going to work together to fix this? >> and i don't mean this by anybody. i'm sure there were a few clapping. it was a stunning moment. we were standing up in that minute and a half occasion for the widow of that navy seal i
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turn back over my shoulder and i see half the room sitting down. i was shocked by that i noticed as soon as the speech was done they got up and walked out. look, they have a right to do all of that, that's fine. at the end of the day, last night's speech was presidential. i don't think anyone can dispute that you don't have to agree with everything. i certainly have sat under six of those or 8 of those under president obama and didn't agree with every one of them. last night's speech was presidential. most important moment yet of this young president. steve: form for a former rival to say that. we know there are wobbly republicans up on capitol hill who until last night who were like i'm not so sure. last night probably gave them hope because that. address. owe he reverse party. at the diversity in his own cabinet in his own administration. that's fine. having differences of opinions on issues that's fine. that's different than saying
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want him successful. there are people want to nullify the election. notion is we lost the election let's make it impossible for him to be president. that's bad for america. that's wrong. that's not what we should be doing. when i believe the president is wrong i will encourage him to do the right thing. we have a difference. that's why we have this process with votes. to walk out and do those sorts of things i don't agree with it anyway, we're going to move forward. i'm excited that we'll have a good chance to get stuff done for america. brian: example of you baracking up your words. you said hurt the president too much not to have a secretary of state that he really want and you backed off and said let's see how it goes. let's move on and talk about obamacare. we have been fascinated and somewhat astounded by the diversity of thought with obamacare when it comes on the republican side when it comes to reform. jim jordan goes, yeah, i side with rand paul. i'm not with the paul ryan plan. and we have others only with paul ryan and john boehner comes out and says you guys can't even do it.
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in reality, senator, you tell it like it is. can this get done? are you guys going to get together and get something done? >> yes. i believe we can. i believe we will. this notion because there is five different ideas about it is a sign of weakness is ridiculous. should we all be marching like robots in lock step listening to whatever they mandate down our throat? should would he be voting for a law and find out what's in it and then we will pass it like the democrats did a few years ago. it's a good thing there are a lot of different ideas. that means people are thinking about it that's how you come up with good public policy. somehow nowadays having different ideas and trying to figure out the right way forward is a sign weakness. that's ridiculous. yes we are going to get there but do it the right way. brian: for the longest time the executive branch campaigning the president has too much power. hey legislative branch i'm going to give you power. draw it up. give me something i can sign. do you need the president to put you guys in a room and women in a room and get it done? do you need the leadership? >> yeah. and the answer is ultimately at the end, yes.
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but i also think the president understands that the legislative process needs to work a little bit and that's what's happening. we're not far apart by the way. the republican ideas are basically built around the ideas that thprinciples that tht talked about. buy health insurance as cheaply as possible. the kind of health insurance as they want. we will help people that need help whether through tax credit or qualify through medicaid through a program that's good for them. how we achieve that, there is some differences here or there. we will work through those. it is going to happen. but we're not going to do it the way the democrats did. which is you pass this law and spend five years cleaning up the mess. we are going to do it once, we're going to do it right. if it takes an extra week or two to get it right the american people deserve that i am confident we will repeal and replace obamacare. ainsley: senator rubio, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, guys. brian: always great to see you. meanwhile. ainsley: coming up corey lewandowski weighs in on former boss' performance last night. ♪ applause, applause applause
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>> in 2016, the earth shifted beneath our feet. the rebellion started as a quiet protest. spoken by families of all colors and creeds. families who just wanted a fair shot for their children. and a fair hearing for their concerns. but then the quiet voices became a loud chorus as thousands of citizens now spoke out together from cities small and large all across our country.
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finally, the chorus became an earthquake, and the people turned out by the tens of millions and they were all united by one very simple but crucial demand that america must put its own citizens first because only then can we truly make america great again. [applause] steve: you just heard that slogan make america great again. there was a guy there from the get-go former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you today? ainsley: good. steve: we were talking about the president's big speech last night. we have heard members of congress actually gave the president rave reviews to himself and the president himself is very pleased with how the speech went. is that accurate? >> look, i think he had a phenomenal speech last night when you look at all of the reviews whether it's "the washington post, the "new york times," the "wall street journal," they all said the
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same thing. this was a great speech. it was forward-thinking. it was a speech which united the american people. and i think if you had to grade it and your earlier guests have done this, they have given it as on both sides of the political spectrum so tri to agree with that. ainsley: what does he do differently last night compare that address to the inauguration speech? >> the inauguration speech in my opinion was one where he reminded the american people the trouble we face. he laid out his vision of how to fix that what we saw last night was virginia human side of donald trump whether it's jamiel shaw who we have known for a long time and integral part of the campaign brought the issue of illegal immigration directly to us and talked about and it emotional nature of recognizing the bride of the navy officer who was killed. you know, that's donald trump. that's bringing the empathy and the understanding of how difficult america's lives are sometimes to the american people. and you can be republican. you can be a democrat. but what you can't be is
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against protecting american lives. what trump has said and what he outlined is the military is going to have the resources that they need to be successful. we are going to have immigration system make sure it's merit based and people are coming here for the right reasons. in the future people like jamiel shaw's son won't be killed by illegals in this country. brian: that speech's speech first one gets the most viewers. however if he could say if i did fax reform, got rid and replaced obamacare and then, of course, the economy is on a roll. that speech will write itself. since he didn't walk in with big policy papers, a lot of the success, don't you agree, comes from will the republicans in the house and senate get together and put this stuff forward? will they be taking advantage of this opportunity? >> you are exactly right, brian, they have to take advantage of the opportunity. the american people sent wholesale change agent to
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washington in donald trump. what they said politics as usual for the last 30 years in washington are no more. we want someone who is going to come in and be the ceo of our country. looking at programs where the government spent too much money. shrink those preams to make sure we are getting best use of tax dollars. i want fundamental and wholesale change in the tax structure. put more money in the people's pockets. i want to make sure we repeal and replace obamacare. it's a broken system where premiums have increased overruled 100 percent in some places and no longer affordable. donald trump is empowering congress to work with him to get these things done because that's what the american people have asked for. ainsley: corey, we sad do you know with him on monday and asked him to grade himself a to f. he said a for achievement. i know how you are going to grade yourself probably an a. steve: hello. ainsley: you will be surprised i will give myself a c when it comes to my messaging. we said ohio are you going to change it? he said i'm going to change it
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tonight. we will play this and get your reaction. >> i think in terms of effort which means something but i give myself a plus, effort. but that's, you know, results are more important. in terms of messaging, i would give myself a c or a c plus. ainsley: why? >> in terms of achievement, i think i would give myself an a because i think i have done great things but i don't think i and my people i don't think we've explained it well enough to the american public. i think -- i think i get an a in terms of what i have actually done. but in terms of messaging i would give myself a c or c plus. ainsley: what was happening behind the scenes? you used to work with the campaign. were they all saying all right the left thinks i'm racist. the left thinks i'm going to break families apart. were they saying let's make it clear to them that that's not ohio am as a person. >> what the president is talking about there, look, of the immigration rollout and first executive order that he did as related to immigration
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was not done as well as it could have been. i think the administration recognizes that and while they agree that the executive order is wholly and i will accurate. i think the messaging component wasn't done well and they spent two or three days trying to decipher how to do that better. what you will see this week is new executive order on immigration. more people understands what that means and allowing for a better rollout. i any that's what he means by messaging. he has done more in the first 40 days for executive orders. putting coal miners back to work. reducing regulations. getting us out of tpp all of those things. his effort is 100 percent. no doubt about it messaging it to the american people is very different and his team has to do a better job doing that. steve: his message last night was clear. he wants to get stuff done and he needs congress' help. thank you very much. have great day. thanks for stopping by. >> thanks. steve: president trump making a play to the middle getting democrats on board fixing obamacare.
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our next guest is working to make the plan of the president a reality. house majority whip steve scalise reacts live next. brian: what did you think about last night's speech. abby huntsman having breakfast in virginia. if you want to talk to abby go there and she will talk to you and we will find out. [laughter] ♪ with a smile ♪ just take it. >> so we are here at the old salem cafe talking to this couple right here who actually told me something interesting they live 10 minutes from here. a town named hume named after brit hume's family. that's where he lives. you learn something everywhere you go. mrs. butter worth is on every table at this restaurant. we are in really good hands. come back after this. ♪
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>> tonight i am also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obamacare. [cheers] with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs and at the same time provide better healthcare. steve: at least a little more than half of the audience there last night liked that but will republicans be able to accomplish everything he laid out here to discuss is house majority whip and louisiana congressman steve scalise. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning, great to be with you all. steve: a part of last night's address to congress where he talked about what he has been able to do so far with executive orders. it was a long list and impressive. now he needs you guys and gals in congress to help him get big stuff done like the affordable care act, fixing that, replacing that how confident are you can do that? >> very confident. in fact, we have been working with the president for weeks now since he has been president.
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even before during the transition on how to repeal and replace obamacare. how to lower taxes. something else he talked about which will really jump start our economy and create more jobs. we have already had a few bills put on his desk that he signed. he referenced the stream buffer rule where we saved about 70,000 coal miner jobs. so he has really been very busy working with us in congress which has been very refreshing because we didn't have that kind of working relationship with president obama. so president trump has been very hands on already. making sure he is working with us so we can get bills on his desk to get this country back on track. brian: senator rubio was just on with us and said there is differences how to repeal and replace obamacare. we don't have a problem with the differences we have to work it out. said to the governors obamacare whoever knew replacing obamacare would be so complicated and it is complicated. even if you are want to have rose-colored glasses. even the rose-colored glasses see complication.
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if the freedom caucus wants no part of speaker ryan's plan, how are you going to whip them together? >> well, we are talking to them on a regular basis, you know. there is no one bill that anybody could write on their own that's going to get 218 votes to pass because you have got to have a lot of other people with different ideas. the good news is we are talking about those ideas. there are a lot of good ones out there. at the end of the day we have to come together with a bill that's going to pass the house and pass the senate and get to the president's desk for him to sign. we are doing that. and we will do it in the next few weeks. ainsley: what are the issues? what are the ideas that the republicans can't seem to agree on? >> you know, it's how to handle the transition. there are millions of people on obamacare. i hear from all the time in my own district in southeast louisiana we constantly hear from people who are on obamacare and don't like it. it doesn't work for them. it's too expensive. when you have a family that sent me a note the other day saying $11,000 deductible and so it really doesn't work for their family. and what president trump talked about last night is you shouldn't have to get
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permission from the federal government to buy a plan that works for you. you should be able to make that choice on your own. and that's what we're going to do in this bill. it's complicated because it deals with people's personal lives. that he was why we are meeting with not only members of congress. we are talking to families. we are talking to doctors. we are talking to hospitals. we want this to work well with a transition so that people can actually have a plan that they can buy that's lower at cost. focus on lowering the cost and increasing access. steve: sure, congressman, have you been to a number of these joint sessions of congress. have you ever in your life seen the kind of display of partisanship as we saw last night? for instance, here we see some of the democrats. brian: dressed in white. steve: giving thumbs down when the president was talking about the affordable care act. senator mike lee of utah said the democrats were hissing at different times. they didn't clap. they walked out before the president of the united states left the chamber. what did you think about their reaction? >> well, you know, that shows that they really don't get
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what the american people just went through over the last few months of a very contentious election. the american people made a loud and clear message that they want change. they want a different approach to running washington. they want washington actually listening to them. what you saw was a very unifying bipartisan speech but you saw democrats sitting down when president trump said we need to stop terrorists from coming into the united states. how can you sit down during that message? he said we want to bring jobs back to america. he mentioned harley-davidson specifically, great story. said they are not even asking for special help, but i am. what we saw was a leader for once. look, i have been here 8 and a half years. i have never seen an american president stand at that podium until last night standing up for americans. that's what's been missing for so long. not just here and domestically but all around the world saying we are are going to defeat isis. brian: can i argue nobody has more pressure on them than you because have you to whip everybody together for the speaker. thank you for joining us, congressman.
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>> thank you. great to be with you. brian: what does the president's right-hand man think about last night's speech? there he is, the vice president of the united states, mike pence straight ahead. ainsley: plus, we have heard from experts and lawmakers. now we. to hear from you. abby huntsman is live at a cafe, the old salem cafe in virginia. she is having breakfast with friends this morning. ♪ luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms ver 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. ♪ ♪ we need your password so we can lock down the system. my password?
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♪ steve: well, it's ash wednesday and for this ash wednesday breakfast, what are they having at the old salem cafe in marshall, virginia? let's go to abby huntsman who is there -- are you at the booth?
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no you are a table. abby: giving pan cakes. >> i'm at a table. brian gave me his credit card before i came down here. i told everyone here it's on brian kilmeade. be a. brian: i gave it to abby. abby: exactly. i'm here with a great group of people. what do you do. >> i'm a gunsmith. abby: gunsmith in this area. you watched the speech last night. what did you think? >> he spoke to everybody last night. he did very well. abby: what do you mean by that? >> clearly, as the executive leader of the united states, he looked at both houses of congress both parties within congress and told them to get their act together. they need to quit playing partisan games and actually do work for the people. abby: that's spot on. so you thought that was a message for republicans, democrats, independents, you name it. >> everybody. abby: everybody last night. >> yes. abby: what's the issue you are most passionate about? >> the economy. it really does fall back to the economy.
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and the only way the country is going to prosper is for the economy to grow. abby: that's what we have been talking about this morning with this couple over here working in real estate. you said it's a lot about regulation and a lot about the economy? >> i think the one thing if i could talk directly to president trump i would say please repeal the dodd frank act. it's putting such a stranglehold on our business and our economy. and the real estate in general. i think he did a great job last night with the speech, had his speech and i agree wholeheartedly with what kevin said. i don't think i could get it any better than that. abby: well-said. laura, you are a woman who has been behind trump since the beginning. >> since the very beginning. i am a very conservative woman. i'm with the women who are out marching but i disagree why they were there. i am a nonsupporter of planned parenthood. i want them defunded. abby: that's a big one for you? >> yes. abby: finally j.j. counter intelligence security is a big one for you.
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you say you are happy to hear him finally come down on radical extremism that you haven't heard that in a long time? >> and i believe the united states should assert its leadership position in the world that the way the rest of the world knows the pecking order. abby: you think we have been leading from behind the past 8 years. >> the problem is a lot of different state actors have been trying to overturn the world order. and it's making it more chaotic situation. so once the united states puts a categorical line. abby: and leads from the front. just real quickly because we have got to toss back to brian. j.j. is a big fan of yours and has read your book. he wanted me to give you a personal shoutout. >> thank you, brian. steve: buy him breakfast with brian's credit card. brian: and let him drive around your rent a car which i got you. abby: tell brian kilmeade what you want. brian: there goes my weekend budget. thanks, that was very nice of that man. meanwhile, four minutes to the
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top of the hour. coming up a huge show still ahead congressman duncan hunter and senator rand paul here live. ainsley: we are so honored to have vice president mike pence with us too. his reaction on the big speech last night. we will have him live from th fe white house next hour. i have asthma...
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trump: i am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. [applause] we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. [applause] america must put its own citizens first because only then can we truly make america great again. [applause] we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.
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[applause] we're also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical islamic terrorism. [applause] our veterans have delivered for this nation and now we must deliver for them. [applause] i'm also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obamacare. [applause] ryan died as he lived. a warrior and a hero. ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. thank you. [applause] thank you. god bless you. and god bless the united states. [applause] ♪ ♪
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steve: well, this was the theme song to one of the rocky movies and, you know, he's had a rocky first month if you've been watching the mainstream media. ainsley: now he's stepping into the ring, steve. steve: that's right. and last night he reset his presidency, many people say. let's start. we've got congressman hunter, rand paul, and mike pence. we're going to talk to you, the voters, after the congress address by our president. ainsley: let us know what you thought about that speech. send us your e-mails. everyone seems to agree. and even this morning that was the best speech that he has ever given. brian: right. i'm not saying the impact's the same but there were same times that when george w. bush hops on a fire truck there's not one person that said that didn't go over big after
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9/11. when barack obama goes down to a south carolina church and gives a eulogy for their lives. i don't know if anyone thought that was an okay aappearance. and you would have to be a flat out hater to listen to his 60-minute speech and not think that he didn't knock it out of the park. and steve and i aren't sure if he did it intentionally or not, but there is no longer goodbye release of the new executive order pausing immigration from those six nations today. i think it's because if communication is effective, they want people to focus on the speech, and they don't want to swamp -- steve: wouldn't want to step on the message. no doubt about it. donald trump wanted last night's address to be absolutely perfect. he's been working on it for over a month, according to one report out of washington. yesterday, while we were airing our interview with the president in the east room of the white house and the oval room, apparently he was in the
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map room on the downstairs floor at the white house with a sharpie in hand. he went through the address a number of times surrounded by his staff, including jarod and reince and everybody else. he wanted it to be absolutely perfect. he finished it at 5:00. by 6:15, they said it's ready, at 9:00 he gave it. and one of the overarching themes was how we're going to try to reset. a renewal. listen to this. >> a new national pride is sweeping across our nation and a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp. dying industries will come roaring back to life. heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. crumbling infrastructure will
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be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately stop. and our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity. above all else, we will keep our promises to the american people. ainsley: and he listed some of those promises. we had laura ingram on the show and she says steve bannon has a big poster on the wall with all the promises that they made during the campaign, and they're able to check things off one at a time. one of those promises, he created jobs, the stock market has gone up, and he appointed a justice to defend the constitution. brian: he's also going to be going on the road to a series of cities selling what he was selling last night for repealing obamacare. he might be our premier
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historian in the country, doug, it was the moment that trump went from being a partisan figure to being a united figure. for the first time, he seemed like a president. it was the high-water mark of his presidency. steve: great. twitter last night actually set a record. barack obama had held it for this kind of joint session of congress in 2015 he had 2.6 million tweets. last night donald trump had 3 million. the number one most tweeted and retweeted thing was about obamacare and repealing it. the number two item was the salute he gave to a fallen knav navy seal. this one. >> we are blessed to be joined tonight by karin owens, the wife of navy seal special operator ryan owens. there's no greater act of live
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than to lay down his life. ryan laid down his life for our country and for our freedom, and we will never forget ryan. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] >> and ryan is looking down right now, you know that, and he's very happy because i think he just broke a record.
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[laughter] [applause] brian: the sustained response. and that response wasn't in the prompt either, and he backed off twice. they said it was combined two and a half minute standing ovation. that's the record he was referring to. and keep in mind too. that happened. a plan was hatched in the fall. they're waiting for a moonless night, and it was january 20th, i believe, when they got the moonless night, and they went up to president trump and said we've got this plan to go into yemen and go after this al-qaeda hotbed, and he said do it. so that's on president trump and what that feeling is like, i could only imagine knowing that he didn't green light it, ryan owens would be here today. ainsley: but general mattis says that it was a successful mission. he speech. ainsley: exactly. but you see her getting so emotional, and you realize gosh. she just lost her husband a month ago and now the country is learning her story, if they didn't know it before. she's trying to breathe.
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she looks up to the heavens, and she says i love you, baby. and then the president said, well, he would be happy because he broke a record. steve: well, you know, and the respectful one soldier spoke to america's respect for our military. and there is ryan right there. if you were watching, you would notice there were a number of women dressed in white. it was all part of a salute to women's rights. there they are doing the thumbs down thing, which we saw throughout the night, particularly -- brian: are you embarrassed for them? i'm embarrassed for them. steve: they are partisans, and they were given the thumbs down regarding obamacare. but according to senator mike lee and his facebook page, he did a video last night. he said that they were members of congress on the democrat side who were hissing at the president, which is extraordinary, and he was not thrilled with it. did not clap. they left before the president actually left the chamber, which is unprecedented, i think. marco rubio who is a member, a
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senator from florida was with us earlier and talked about this. listen to this. >> i don't mean this about everybody. i'm sure there were a few standing and clapping, but it was a moment is i turned back around my shoulder, and i see half of the room, most of them sitting down. i was just shocked by that. i noticed as soon as the speech was done, they got up and walked out. so, look, they have a right to do all of that, and that's fine. but at the end of the day, last night's speech was presidential. brian: listen, donald trump is a fighter by nature. i don't know if you noticed. he did not fight at all. did not look at them. did not make them feel bad i notice you're over there sitting. he didn't do any of that mocking. when you asked him about ryan owens dad not wanting to meet you because i blames you for doing the mission, he said i can only understand the pain you must be going through. he probably knew that karin, the widow, ryan was going. and he could easily come back and say, well, that's one
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thing. but i have his widow. instead he said, listen, i could only understand the pain you're going through. what a difference than maybe the family who attacked him. ainsley: last night he honored his wife and his family. he also talked about the people who have lost their loved ones because of illegal immigrants. and one man in particular, there he is right there. he lost his son who was supposed to go to college to be a quarterback, this great football star. his son was killed by an illegal immigrant who was part of a gang who had just been released out of prison and was not deported. but was free and killed his son. we asked him what he thought about the people who were in the audience last night that were booing when president trump talked about immigration and protecting families like his. listen to his reaction. >> oh, my god i was, like, man, you know, just what do they want? there's nothing -- they don't want nothing but division, you know? bickering.
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they don't want to solve no problems. just the way they did that was so disrespectful. but i just keep on moving. just ignore them like they do me. ainsley: he turns the other cheek. but what is so ironic about that and sad is that his -- the mother of jamiell, his son was killed. protecting overseas when she got a call and learned that her son was not protected here in america. was killed while in prison. brian: the. it's totally insincere. whatever donald trump wants has got to be wrong. they already put money aside as back as 2006 to build this wall. instead of they want to say that's not really the problem. steve: so those are some of the people that president trump invited to his box, then
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nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house, she had -- in fact, she put up on twitter earlier an illegal alien in this country who is a prize-winning author and things like that, and she proudly said this is who i'm bringing. guess what? he's a dreamer. president trump is saying i made the tough decision to let the daca kids who aren't kids anymore to stay here. so it's even the wrong message. steve: but it's their message. and democrats are clear. bernie sanders said this morning we must continue the fight. brian: right. steve: and the fight is on. brian: socialists unity. ainsley: he should sit down with jamiell's dad then. president trump vowing to give the military the sources they need. trump: if they must, they have to fight, and they only have to win. [applause] ainsley: is that enough? california congressman and marine vet is going to respond next. brian: plus the hollywood carpet treatment. and it's hilarious.
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>> what are you wearing? [laughter] senator cruz, who are you wearing? >> huh? who am i wearing? ♪ ♪ what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil.
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brian: one of the first lawmakers to be on the trump train was congressman duncan hunter and when duncan hunter was sitting there in the audience, we thought what is he thinking now? what many people think was the best speech president trump has given today, from candidate to today. congressman, your thoughts. because defense played a big role when you were veteran, and this is a passion of yours. your thoughts on how it played in the chamber and what do you think about he's going to do for defense? >> well, number one, president trump finally articulated what i saw in him and what many saw in him last year and endorsed him and got behind him early. he articulated that. so i was just really proud of him. number two, his love for veterans and war fighters is palpable. i mean, you could feel his strong emotion and strong feeling for the people who put their lives on the line every day. and lastly, i think it's going to be developing what's known as the trump doctrine. i used to call it the hunter
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doctrine. and what it means is when you go into countries, you go in to win, then you get out. there's no reason to stay, there's no reason to try to build churches and mosques and schools anymore. you go kick tail, and then you leave, and you simply say to these countries if you do it again, we're going to crush you. and if they do something again, you go back in, and you crush them. and i think that's what he's developing. and lastly, you have to spend more on defense because you have to fight counterterrorism fights, and you also have to prepare for these big wars. so you have to do things like space satellites to the f35 to submarines. and at the same time, we're going to have an ongoing special forces fight in the middle east and asia probably forever, literally. brian: and we understand that he's got a plan coming to him from secretary of defense mattis shortly and how to annihilate isis, so i look forward to that. real quick. the national security adviser says, hey, mr. president, i don't want you to use islamic extremists. he did last night.
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where do you stand? who's right? >> i think trump is right on that one. you have to call the enemy for who they are. and they are islamic extremists, so why not say it? brian: and you personally, you feel 54 billion is enough? >> yeah. i think so. and as long as you use it the right way. let me give you one example. the coast guard has one ice breaker. russia has 40 ice breakers. we're going to have no play for 50 years unless the coast guard has ice breakers. so you have to spend the money wisely and i think when our main generals come in and say mr. trump, here's what we need the money for and lay it out in a strategy, that's where the money gets spent wisely as opposed to spent poorly. brian: thank you very much for coming on. you not only serve the country in camouflage, you put on a suit and serve the house. >> thank you. brian: coming up next vice president mike pence joins us from the white house perspective, he has the best seat on the house. he's going to give the performance on his boss.
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but what does senator rand paul think about the speech? we're going to ask him next. there's his picture. ♪ ♪ at old dominion, we ship everything you can imagine. and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs)
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ainsley: time for some quick headlines for you. breaking overnight, a major change expected in president trump's revised immigration order, which he has now expected to sign on friday. sources tell fox news that iraq is not being removed from the list of terror-prone countries on a temporary travel pause. but it is being moved to a different category. and the president first addressed congress gets the hollywood red carpet treatment, and it is hilarious. >> cory booker. who are you wearing? [laughter]
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senator cruz, who are you wearing? >> huh? >> who are you wearing? >> who am i wearing? [laughter] >> he didn't understand it. well, lawmakers crack up at benny johnson's unconventional question. got to have a little levity in all of this; right? back to you. ainsley: that is really funny. i didn't know. steve: what are you wearing? what do you mean? what are you asking? brian: i have to watch more e channel. ainsley: president trump is putting the pressure on congress to join forces in repealing obamacare. trump: action is not a choice, it is a necessity. so i am calling on all democrats and republicans in congress to work with us to save americans from this imploding obamacare disaster. we'll create a truly competitive national marketplace that will bring cost way down and provide far better care. steve: sounds great.
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so will congress give him the support he needs? here to weigh in is kentucky republican senator rand paul. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. steve: i know you haven't seen eye to eye with our new president through his career of being a candidate and whatnot. but last night, you know, it's bipartisan. people seem to like what they heard. what kind of grade would you give him? >> you know, i thought he did really well. i think he mentioned a lot of things that we've been advocating for a long time. regulatory relief, tax relief, repeal obamacare. there were a few sole on me faces on the other side when he said we're going to drain the swamp, i heard some audible sighs came from the swamp. ainsley: so when it comes to obamacare, repealing and replacing, i know that republicans have different ideas on what's best, and you have one plan, the speaker has a plan, what exactly can you not agree on? >> well, i think what we can agree on southwest all voted
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to repeal obamacare about a year ago. so there was a previous vote. everybody voted for it. to me, it would be simple just to vote on that again. people are trying to make it too elaborate now, and they're adding in some government programs that i object to. so, for example, if you give people back money that they did not pay in taxes, that is basically an entitlement program. so if you have a refundable tax credit, and you give everybody back money they did not pay in taxes, and you say we're going to help you with your health insurance, how is that different from obamacare subsidies? we just call them tax credits instead of subsidies, but they're the same thing. it's government money of which there's a shortage of, you know? we're borrowing about a million dollars a minute. so i think there is agreement on previous repeal. put that forward, and we're done in ten minutes, i promise you. put forward the repeal we had. we're done in ten minutes. the replacement can be done as a separate bill, and it's going to require more consensus and frankly it's going to require democrats to vote for. but many of the items we have
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disagreement on, put them on a separate package. we could be done in a week of repeal of obamacare if we put forward the repeal. brian: by the way, the freedom caucus, jim jordan says i'm with rand paul. not with paul ryan. so that's a little bit of a problem if republicans want to get on the same page. but that gap period is what gets the average american concern. oh, my goodness what's going to happen in the interim? i thought you were one of the people that called up the president and said i really think we have to have a replace ready to go? >> we do have a replacement bill, and i would put it forward on the exact same day. and this replacement bill that we have would lower insurance cost. that's what the president mentioned in his speech. we want less expensive insurance for everybody in the country. the other aspect of our plan that is fascinating is that we will not have anybody left in the individual market. everybody in the individual market will be able to join an association, which is group insurance, which is protected for preexisting conditions and also gets you a cheaper price. we will have people in
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associations that may be, you know, the farm bureau, for example. if the farm bureau did this nationally, they would have a couple hundred thousand people buying insurance but one person would negotiate a lower rate for everybody and there would be a group insurance policy. insurance companies would hate it. that's why they don't like insurances because we would empower the consumer. but we have a replacement plan. it's not a government plan. it's a free market plan. steve: well, stay tuned. we'll see what happens. senator, thank you very much for joining us. ainsley: thank you. so what is the president's right hand man think about last night's speech? we have the vice president mike pence. he's going to speak live next. steve: i have a feeling he liked it. plus we heard from expert lawmakers. we're going to hear from you. abby is live having breakfast with friends and that is coming up. ♪ when you have a digital notebook to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends...
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steve: we are honored this morning to have vice president mike pence join us from the white house. mr. pence, we have a lot of things to ask you. >> good morning. steve: at one point my wife and i were talking about mike pence and paul ryan along with the president are on television for over an hour. how important is it to know, you know, that everybody's watching you and how do you figure out when to start a standing ovation? >> well, nobody was watching me or paul ryan, i'll tell you. i just -- i just have to tell you what a privilege it was for me to be there. not just for a great speech but it was a great night for america. and what the american people saw last night for that one hour speech was the president
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of the united states stepping forward and laying out an agenda to rebuild our military, restore our economy, to repeal and replace obamacare, to have the kind of trade deals and the kind of tax reform that will really get this economy moving again, to end illegal immigration, and i think it's the reason why that speech is resonating all across the country and as i said, i couldn't be more had you heard to be there. brian: you know, it's not been the easiest to be the running mate with donald trump, one of the most unorthodox, and you're a traditional politician who grew up in this business. however, have you -- when you talk to him after that speech, did you get the impression that he knew that this was the best speech of his career? >> well, i think he was very pleased with the response in the congress. there were a number of moments of genuine bipartisanship. i thought particularly, brian, when he came out at the beginning, and he said we can
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be divided on policies, but we are united in this country in condemning acts of hatred and anti-semitism. and i think he was encouraged. i think he left the room and left the capitol with a sense that he had laid a foundation for really moving this country forward. but, you know, what was most meaningful to me was i think millions of americans with that unfiltered hour in that joint address to congress saw the president that i work with every day. broad shoulders, strength, determination, but a big heart. and i just -- i couldn't have been -- i couldn't have been more pleased with the response that it's receiving all over the country. ainsley: when we interviewed him in the white house on monday, he said he gave himself a grade of c or c minus when it came to messaging. so i was curious to find out behind the scenes when you two were talking, and he's prepping for the speech, what kind of messaging was he not
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happy about that he has given in the past that he wanted to change that he was successful at changing last night? >> i don't think it was about his messaging. i think it's about the totality of the administration and how we're communicating the vigorous efforts the president has put into effect. thousands of american jobs have been created since his election. companies that were planning to build factories outside the united states have canceled those and come here, and i think the president's challenging all of us to do a better job telling the story of what he's doing. but no one does it better than president trump. and last night, the american people heard straight from the president about the progress we've made, about the challenges we face, but they also heard what i see every day and that is that broad shouldered optimism that believes there is no challenge.
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there's no problem that can't solved, and i think that's why it's resonating with millions of americans this morning. steve: well, and the reaction across both party lines, sir, is that it was a great speech because he seemed presidential. i mean, even democrats are saying that was a very presidential address. i'm curious, though. i'm looking at real donald trump's twitter, and he has not tweeted in the last 11 hours, other than to say watch the joint session of congress. brian: you can exhale now. steve: is that going to be -- do you think we're going to see as much tweeting and whatnot? or is that part of the new better messaging going forward? >> well, i don't think it's part of any new messaging. i think the american people heard from president trump last night the exact same agenda that he ran on. steve: sure. >> he laid out this policies. we're going to repeal, and replace obamacare, we're going to deal with illegal immigration and build a wall, cut taxes, get the economy moving again, and rebuilding the military. you heard the president's
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passion for security. so i think you're going to continue to see the president fight for the american people. but i think what happened last night with the filter of the media taking office, the american people got to see president trump in full. they got to see those broad shoulders, that big heart and frankly that's the president i work with every day. brian: you are the liaison with congress, you have all the connections and now we understand he wants to do a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill. he wants to do repeal and replace and get tax reform done. this is a congress chance to be able to do things they've been unable to do for eight years, ten years. what can you do to make sure they took advantage of this opportunity? because for 40 days, we haven't seen much. >> well, you've seen a tremendous amount of action by this president. brian: but not from congress. >> well, but congress has passed legislation to roll back excessive regulations
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passed under president obama and president trump has signed those into law. but you're absolutely right, brian. with the joint session of congress, traditionally, this is when a president has his best opportunity to lay out an agenda, to give us, if you will, a to-do list to the congress, and i -- i tell you. i've sat through a number of the state of the union addresses with republican and democrat presidents. i've never seen a state of the union address in my lifetime where the president cast a more optimistic tone for the future. but a specific agenda. and now i think all of us as the team works with the president to advance his agenda on capitol hill, we all now have our marching orders, members of congress know where the president wants to go, what the principles of accomplishing that are, the priorities of security, prosperity, repealing and replacing obamacare, and now congress is going to get to work. brian: you know, i don't remember ever hearing a state of the union address or a president addressing congress
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for the first time. they all tell their stories, different people sitting in the audience. but i don't think i ever remember seeing one as emotional as last night when president trump was honoring the navy seal about a month ago, ryan owens, listen to this, and that's his wife right there. the president was remembering her last night. listen to this. trump: we're blessed to be joined tonight by karin owens, the wife of senator chief william ryan owens. the bible teaches us there is no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country and for our freedom, and we will never forget ryan. [applause] [applause]
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[applause] [applause] [cheers and applause] >> and ryan is looking down right now, you know that, and he is very happy because i think he just broke a record. [applause] ainsley: so mr. vice president, what was it like to be in the room and to witness that? >> well, first, i can tell you there wasn't a dry eye in the house when mrs. owens was
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looking up speaking words that only she could hear. my wife was up there near her. and i'll tell you the tribute that the president paid to her husband ryan, to their family, and through them to the families of all of those who serve in uniform was like nothing i had ever seen and afterwards, i was with the president when he was greeting her and her parents and reminding them that the congress represents the whole country. and i know it was a blessing to them, but i know the president hopes it was also a blessing to all the men and women who wear the uniform to know that whatever our differences in this country, we all stand behind and are grateful from our hearts from all of those who serve. steve: mr. vice president before you go, your reaction to some of the democrats who you said stand behind, some of them didn't stand up for the president, some of them didn't clap, some were hissing, some
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were giving the thumbs down. >> well, it's disappointing to see that. i'm someone who believes in the great tradition of state of the union addresses, that's a moment where we can all come together, recognize that president of the united states is president of all the people. but whatever the reaction in the congress, what you saw president trump do -- and, again, what people saw with the president i see every day. broad shoulders and a big heart with a clear vision for the future. he laid that out, and he reached out -- you saw him. he reached out to both sides of the aisle, and he said let's work together to move this country forward. and i'm excited. i'm excited to go to work on moving this agenda for the american people. brian: make sure they go to work and do that, mr. vice president because you and the president have been working extremely hard. thank you very much for joining us this morning. ainsley: thank you. >> thank you, all. steve: at the top, i said the president hadn't tweeted in 11 hours.
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he just tweeted two minutes ago thank you. that's all it says. thank you. brian: next the rundown the tour of the white house. in the oval office, we were just there 48 hours ago. steve: thank you for the tour. retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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steve: all right. time for breakfast with friends. you heard the official's reaction from the president's speech. ainsley: abby is in marshall, virginia. hey, abby. abby: a lot of marshall pride here and a lot of people pumped up about the speech last night. how are you guys feeling about last night? [cheers and applause] abby: everyone's feeling pretty good. i've been talking to jess here about the speech last night, but you're just passionate in general about the fact president trump says it like it is. you say he has conviction. >> he says what he means, and
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he does what he means. you can't say he's not convicted what he wants to get done. >> what do you do, jeff? >> i i work for homeland security. >> he came down pretty strongly last night on terrorism calling it, you know, radical islamic terrorism. something we hadn't heard very much. >> he has to keep doing what he's doing so far. putting the right people in the right jobs, and i think he's doing a fantastic job getting that done. >> yeah. and you brought your adorable little daughter here jenna. look this way so you can see the camera. did you watch the speech at all? >> yeah. with my dad. >> and he even took you to the inauguration this year for the first time. was that pretty cool? >> yeah. >> you want to give a shout out to some friends? say hi fox and friends? >> hi fox and friends. >> he didn't know what he got himself into this morning. he's a firefighter in this area. and i wanted to make sure that all of your buddies there make fun of you for being on television this morning. >> thank you for that. >> thanks for showing up. >> yeah. >> what are you passionate about? what do you care about? >> some of the things are in
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short have to say va reform for our vets. i'm also in the army national guard. >> good for you. >> just public safety all around the board. >> does he make you feel proud to be an american when he talks? >> he does. and that's something i think we've lack as a nation for some time now. as a whole nation, and i would like to see that he reinstill that in everybody. democrat, republican. you know, all across the board it would be great. >> love that. thanks for coming. i hope you get made fun of. >> hey, i'm going to have jenna throw it back in. will you say back to you guys? steve: very nicely done, jenna. ainsley: have a career in broadcasting. steve: live in virginia. meanwhile. ainsley: all right. coming up next what happens when fox and friends gets an exclusive tour inside the oval office from the president? you're about to find out. steve: first let's find out what happens on the channel here in ten minutes. >> good morning, guys. well,
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the president's speech getting rave reviews from support and critics but not all of them. the top democrat says there was virtually nothing in the speech for him to support. we're going to talk to the spotlight. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour when did mixing food, with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. i realize that ah, that $100k is notwell, a 103fortune. yeah, 103. well, let me ask you guys. how long did it take you two to save that? a long time.
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steve: all right. so after we interviewed the president in the east room within we then went down the colonnade, which we showed you yesterday into the oval office for a tour by the commander-in-chief. watch this. ainsley: i feel a little awkward walking in before you. >> just don't touch anything. it's a great and beautiful office. ainsley: this is ronald
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reagan's desk? >> it's called the resolute, and it has been the desk of many presidents. and it's a special desk. that's andrew jackson. a dear friend of yours. brian: why did you put that up? >> well, they say his campaign was most like mine. that was interesting. that was 1828. they used to go back to ronald reagan. now they're going back to andrew jackson who was actually a great general and a great president but a controversial president. and this is thomas jefferson, very famous painting, actually. you've probably seen that. very, very famous painting. and this is a bust of abraham lincoln. ainsley: now, do you get to choose what paintings and what bust. >> yes. i do. but some of them just sort of come with the office. like the picture of george washington. ainsley: did you choose the colors? gold? >> i did. but those chairs have been there for a long time. those are used for foreign leaders. when the foreign leaders come in.
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it's a very open office. when you have a lot of people around, but it works. and it is the oval office. i've had people coming with the most beautiful offices you've ever seen and -- one person came in and actually just broke down and started crying. you know, there's something very special about this place. steve: absolutely. page one of art of the deal it talks about how when you were running things in new york city, you had a rather unstructured day, you didn't want too many meetings, and your door was always open. and i have read that the door is always open to the oval office because you want to hear from your people. >> well, and i also want people to see it, and i have union leaders, i have heads of major companies. brian: the miners. >> the mine he's were incredible. they came in from west virginia and kentucky, and they came in, and i had them behind me, a lot of miners, they were incredible. ainsley: what about some of the patriots said they don't want to come to the white house.
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what's your message to them? >> i don't even think about it. they can do whatever they want, as far as i'm concerned. i'm friends with a few of them and bob kraft is a terrific guy and what a great coach and great quarterback. but they should only the ones who want to come should come. steve: it's interesting. there's one picture here it's not a bust of a person, it's a painting. it's your dad. >> that's my father. i have others coming in. but that was the first one i put up of my father. yes. brian: what do you think he would say right now when he says my son is president. >> he gave me confidence by having confidence. he had a great heart, but i think he would say that's amazing, you know, when you think of it. brian: wee be proud of you? >> well, he loved the country, i can tell you. he loved the country, and he would be very proud, yes. steve: now, that paper i dug out of my pocket on camera. those are your questions, and he will answer some of your questions tomorrow. ainsley: all right. more fox and friends straight ahead
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>> what a show. >> run to the radio if you have to run from the tv. kilmeade and >> he has another three hours. you like to talk. >> have a great ash wednesday. see you tomorrow. >> bill: we start with this fox news alert. good morning and shift in tone at president trump promises a new chapter of american greatness. his line from last night in his first address to congress. we've got a lot to get to today on the morning after the speech. i'm bill hemmer, good morning to you at home and live in "america's newsroom." here we go. >> shannon: good to see you. i'm shannon bream. president tumble talking about immigration, border security and obamacare. many are saying he struck a kinder, gentler tone that we are used to hearing. >> president trump: i'm here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength and a message deeply delivered from my heart. we


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